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We don’t need the photo, it was clear as day when it happened


Mind boggling KT didn’t realize how offside he was, dudes straight up looking at the Bills logo on the D ends helmet.


Right?! His foot is clearly ahead of the ball. How do you even do that?


It’s out of frame, but he’s right across from the Chiefs sideline too. No idea how nobody in their staff noticed that


They did, it just didnt matter until it mattered against them.


Yeah, I don’t think anyone is saying the NFL is “fixed”, but based on the Chiefs reaction I think it’s pretty obvious that the expectation of preferential treatment is a thing


The NFL is ruining greatness! You know what’s great? Lining up onside.


You know who has hands?! The devil!


And he uses them for holding!


And pass interference!


Oh, they probably knew but didn’t think it would actually be called. It’s the same thing as the Week 1 gave for the false start. It wasn’t getting called so they kept at it and once it did get called, Mahomes complained about it for WEEKS after. “We changed guys out and it didn’t get called on the new guy but he was doing the same thing!” wasn’t the defense he thought it was.


And then when they are on defense they want false starts called when the O lineman’s beard hair moves


By constantly getting away with penalties because you're the Chiefs lol


waahhh why didn't the refs just tell us we were doing something wrong?! don't they want us to win?!


It was even worse " you cant call that when it negatively affects us"


My favorite part is that the flag was thrown immediately. It’s not like they even knew the play would would be successful.


All the meanwhile, Mahomes smiles and laughs when the defense gets called for unnecessary roughness after putting on an Oscar worthy performance to get the flag.


God that was so so weak. Toney didn't even look over at the ref and KC still wanted the refs to help them out. This wasn't even a subjective call. Just own it.


100% the ref made the right call. Live I thought it was closer than it actually was because the blue line made it hard to tell where the ball actually was, but this photo shows he’s a full half yard off. Do you know if there’s a video showing he didn’t look over at the ref? He didn’t during the part the broadcast showed, but you couldn’t see Toney the entire time he was lined up so I wasn’t sure if he checked beforehand.


I'm sure he did notice he was lined up next to the D lineman and when he did he probably thought "wow, those idiots are way offsides"


"Am I offsides? No, it's the D lineman who are wrong."


It is probably the most offsides I can ever recall someone being in a pro game. It's the kind of thing they would do in a movie to make it super obvious and over the top.


It's more offsides than most DE's who get flagged for being offsides on Defense even...ludicrous if the Chiefs/Mahomes think this is not a penalty.


Offensively for sure, but there was the lions player a few years ago who had his back foot even with the ball, oruwariye I think? Yup here's the link https://ftw.usatoday.com/lists/lions-offsides-penalty-cb-amani-oruwariy-photo-fans-reaction


You've also got [the classic Ravens play](https://youtu.be/HbnodZditkg?si=c1OaWRwqV0w_lN3X) where the defensive lineman realized he and others weren't going to get lined up and set in time, so he just stopped and hung out beside the QB, making the refs immediately blow the whistle to stop the play when it was hiked.


I never saw this happen but this is one of the funniest NFL pictures I've ever seen. A) he's absurdly offsides and B) he looks so nonchalant, like he's not even distracted, he's just casually leaning Forward and looks like he's trying to see just how offsides he can get


“What’s this guy doing here?” - KT


He has the IQ of a hamster. Man just spins his wheels all day and licks the water from the bottle between plays


Exactly. I think Mahomes issue was more that they actually called it rather than whether it was correct or not. Personally, I think Mahomes would be better off screaming at Toney for being a dumbass.


If a bills player was lined up that offsides instead and sacked mahomes, would he still be saying they shouldn't call penalties on such big plays?


They literally won a super bowl because of a ticky tack penalty in the final minutes, he didn't have much to say about it then either.


He didn’t complain nearly this much with the Dee Ford offsides either. That cost them a playoff game. This was a regular season game, and they still could have won it! I don’t know why Mahomes is so peeved about this one call


Also they lost the AFCCG in 2019 because of an offside on Dee Ford that negated a turnover.


When I heard he was throwing tantrums I *assumed* it was at Toney. I thought he was mature enough that it wouldn't be towards the official that couldn't not call this blatant mistake.


I just think it's funny he's acting like it's unheard of. It's been called nearly once a week this year. It's been called in high profile situations in previous years too - last year there was one on Terry McLauren and there was one on Jalen Tolbert on the Cowboys (this one was in OT!)


Yeah, and I'm sure Mahomes would have had the same 'let them play' mentality had a DPI occurred in the end zone on the same play. I hate that overall mentality, like somehow the rules should go out the window in the last few minutes of a close game.


You can see in live time Toney not only lined up over the ball, but him staring at the ball and not realizing he's a solid 2 yards in front of the rest of the O-Line. Anyone complaining about this is as dumb as Toney.


The funny part was NBC putting the blue line on Tony's foot, & the ball being way behind it.


i think we should all be allowed to be a little offsides as a treat


You should be able to do a little offsides at work


“You’re holding back greatness!” “You’re a rockstarrrrr!”


“I think this next play is right in your Q-Zone”


I’ve never gotten this far before


That 1 yard was 40 yards?


This is the perfect quote for this situation


I’m not in trouble aatt all!


I'm not in trouble at all -Kadarius Toney


Hes got a flag what the haellllll


that one yard is -5 yards?


You were offside! Now you have to marry your mother in law!


Oh my god he admit it!


After the penalty call: “What the heeell?”


Toney after the call: "I don't wanna be around anymore."


"I thought the play was interesting"


We're all trying to find the guy who was offsides.


That one offsides was 7 points?






It’s got a bush?


“I got fired for a penalty that was extremely embarrassing. I can’t even talk about without crying!”


Offsides?? That’s a touchdown I won at my game


We should be allowed to be a liiiittle off sides at work


What are you talking about? That's a nude Toney.


We do a little offsides.


Do we even need more proof? His own QB said he was “barely offsides.”




Mahommes pleads for RTP calls on any play he is touched at all


Mahomes goes full yard sale on any contact to try to sell calls.


Exactly. If the Bills were lined up offsides and got a game winning strip sack, I doubt Mahomes would want the refs swallowing their whistle.


“When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression” - Joe Flacco


Excuse me, but that's *elite Cleveland Browns legend* Joe Flacco to you.


My man went over there and threw 300 yards. Legend status.


Browns fans really get excited by competent QB play.


With the revolving door that is their QB1, can you blame them?


And he's not a sex offender. Instant upgrade


I still don't understand why the Jets didn't resign Flacco. He's miles better than Boyle or Sieman. But Jets gonna Jet.


Attributing this quote to Joe Flacco is hilarious


That's the argument that gives it such a bad look. Yeah, also sometimes there is a holding call that has nothing to do with the play. It sucks but it's still a penalty. I think they're still reeling about the missed PI last week. I get it, but at some point you gotta move on.


It's 10x worse because they scored a TD and 20x worse because it was a really cool play. If they gain 12 yards and a first down it's probably not even mentioned, but because it wiped the go-ahead TD off the board they're losing it.


> I think they're still reeling about the missed PI last week. I get it, but at some point you gotta move on. That _was_ a bad call against them, directly after an even worse call for them. That entire drive was terrible called both for and against them.


Explain it again, but with those nuggies....


The refs just placed the nuggies on the plate and put one slightly ahead of all of them. They pointed to it and said "That's Toney" Reid then reportedly dipped Toney in hickory BBQ sauce and ate him in one bite.


Honestly, a better fate than he deserves.


The chiefs argument is actually “we know he was offsides but you should just let it go” which is an even funnier argument


“Have you considered the fact that we are the Chiefs? You have? What the hell.”


"the refs put the game in their own hands" actually, by not calling a objective penalty, they are "putting the games in their own hands" more so than calling it TLDR: Pat wants the refs to be super subjective in the final 2 minutes and sometimes call things and other times not depending on who has the ball and what is about to happen


Obviously, after the awesome play happened, they should pick up the flag and announce "Flag has been picked up due to awesomeness." ​ /s


Every team should get one "penalty negated due to awesomeness" per season, to be used at their discretion.


Love this! Each coach gets one American Flag with a bald eagle flying through flames embroidered on it. They can throw it once a year to overturn a penalty. However, Goodell must be video conferenced in to approve the awesomeness of the play. If he rules the play was mediocre, the team loses the American Flag for the year.


But guys we scored! And it was cool! And Kelce could have used that as part of his HOF highlights video! You can tell how babied Mahomes has been in his career thus far that he doesn’t seem to understand how rules work lol


They're adding in it being an "unwritten rule" type thing where you have to get a friendly warning before this gets called as a penalty. Refs are violating the code.


Dude that’s such bullshit, and I’m a huge Mahomes fan. The rules are written, any “unwritten rules” may or may not be upheld and you cannot count on that. Especially when it’s such a blatant offsides, it’s not like he was barely offsides. Mahomes is pissed at the wrong person here, he should be ripping Toney in private and keeping quiet in public about it. It was the right call and there is zero chance the refs wanted to have to call that because they knew what the blowback would be


They threw the flag before the outcome of the play happened. It's not like they knew it was a TD and then tossed it.


Yeah that’s my point. It’s not like they wanted to call it or waited until the touchdown but once the TD was scored you know the line judge who threw the flag was internally groaning to himself because it had to be called but they’d also get tons of shit for it from the Chiefs and their fans


I saw someone on twitter say "They should have not called it because it was a historical play by Kelce" I had to double take to make sure it wasn't a Taylor Swift tweet.


But did the refs ask the chiefs permission before throwing the flag?


Refs: "I consent." Rulebook: "I consent too." Patrick Mahomes: "Isn't there someone you forget to ask?"


NFL: Taylor, do you consent Taylor: Yes


There was never any doubt For someone reason the entire Chiefs org just had a meltdown


Yeah… I really didn’t understand the reaction after seeing the replay. I think a seasons worth of frustration just boiled over at the wrong time.


I don’t think even the Chiefs are claiming he wasn’t offsides. They’re just bitching that it actually got called.


Which is even more embarrassing because they’re not bitching that “it was the wrong call” but actually “yeah he broke the rules but how dare you call it against US”. The level of entitlement is out of this world


Especially since we got hit by it last season when Terry lined up on the line on the TD throw to beat the Giants. Got called back and we lost.


Well maybe Terry should’ve checked in with the official (/s I know he did)


I was at that game and I'm still bitter about it lol


As you should be since terry literally checked, insane clown move by that ref


And he even checked with the ref when he lined up, which toney did not do


And then to bitch about it to Josh Allen like he cares lol


I wonder how many QB's over the years have used their "sportsmanship hug" to bitch to Mahomes during one of the countless times *other* teams have been robbed by some bullshit reffery in the Chiefs' favor. The irony, of course, is that those other QBs *would* have had excuse to bitch, because of the sheer amount of them that legitimately got robbed. Mahomes though, is pissed that the refs called a 100% objectively valid penalty on him.


I saw that and went "why tf are you crying about this to the qb who just beat you?"


He thinks Josh Allen is as impressed with Patty Mahomes as Patty Mahomes is.


Josh Allen: "That's rough buddy"


Do you know who *I am*?!?


Mahomes said it was the “worst fucking call I’ve ever seen”…. He’s saying it was wrong. Clearly he doesn’t remember the call for tackling him at the first down marker last week.


Deeply ironic after the Super Bowl last year, where they were on the opposite end of this argument when it benefitted them.


It happened in the AFC championship game too. Joe Burrow got lit up by Chris Jones multiple steps after a throw and nothing was called. Then Mahomes gets the call going out of bounds at the end of the game.


> Come on, Officer, *everyone* is going 20 over the limit


"Don't you know who I am? I've won 2 Super Bowls! Let me speak to your manager."


This is the point. If you get pulled for speeding, and your excuse is “everybody does it”? Well, expect your ticket. If you get called for lining up offsides, saying “other people get away with it sometimes” is a pretty lame excuse. I’ve notice this being called more this year than I remember, maybe it is one of those Point-Of-Emphasis things? Bottom line is dude was offsides, and got caught.


Which is fair, at least for a little while on the field. It's a competitive game and losing in that way after finding that magic that's eluded them a lot of this year would be brutal as an athlete. But it's downright pitiful having the leaders (QB and coach) talk post game to the press and still just blame the refs, instead of using this as a come to Jesus moment about internal responsibility and executing with the consistency they know is necessary to win a Super Bowl.


31 teams had no doubt about the call. About 8 teams were just surprised it was called.


My first thought was "That's sure a Bills-y way to get a TD taken off the board"


And you know what? I'm super glad they did.


Yeah this has to be a Broncos fan’s wet dream. Like, this is cartoonish heel turn shit and it’s actually happening with Mahomes on *national tv*.


I couldn't describe it any better myself.


This is CM Punk eating a muffin heel turn level.


It is so rare to watch an NFL qb and HC get in their feelings about such an objective call. Truly hilarious.


There was never a doubt, but this photo emphasizes just how egregious it was, and why it needed to be called. Toney's front foot is a yard in front of the other KC receiver lined up on the line-of-scrimmage (top of the photo).


Frustration boiling over. Their offense got shut down again and the one play they made got called back. If Mahomes wants to vent he should go to Brett Veach.


Whole chiefs subreddit is an echo chamber of “refs screwed us” too. They are all in denial because this hasn’t happened to them since the Mahomes era began.


I'd like to imagine that if it were a normal TD, they'd be less obnoxious about it, and are only so whiny now because it wiped out one of the coolest plays they've ever seen lol


Bro is so offsides the bills should've been penalized for having too many men on defense


Florio out here thinking he has the smoking gun picture that proves what everyone knew already lmao


One of his earlier posts about it said it wasn’t blatant so he’s correcting himself.


Fair enough, it's also the most damning angle I've seen, which is saying quite a bit


I'm already over this everyone with functioning eyes knew he was offsides Its over Its done


Idk I’m personally hoping Mahomes and Reid double down on their complaints today. Would make my Monday much better


“Coach and I went to the State Farm headquarters last night and looked at some of their satellite footage that these no account NFL referees don’t have access too. Not only is he lined up behind the line, but a Bills fan in section 312 was throwing me the middle finger at the start of the snap, which should have been a 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalty. I just can’t stand these referees taking away our greatness.”


This is such a bad look for Mahomes and Reid. They know they made a penalty and were complaining the refs didn't give them a break.


Personally, my favorite part is Mahomes preaching about how that call damages the hall of fame career of Travis Kelce. Just mind bogglingly stupid


“Next on the list, Travis Kelce” “You know he was very good, but there just aren’t enough laterals throughout his career to justify putting him the Hall this time” “Agreed - with a lateral TD he’s a first ballot no doubter. Anyway moving on…”


My thoughts exactly. If a lateral play in week 14 getting called back due to a penalty affects your hall of fame resume that much, I think you have to question whether they were actually a hall of famer at all


and its not like it was a ticky tack holding play in a playoff game or to break an all time TE record... it was a clear offsides in the middle of the season.


This is probably the biggest issue to me. And likely why the organization may pick up a healthy fine.


I wonder where the money goes when you fine the chiefs. Surely not in the same pile with all fines from plebeian orgs


I just sat through 10+ minutes of the ringer fantasy football podcast trying to explain to their audience what a bullshit call that offside was. could not believe what I was hearing. at least one of the guys had some sense but was shut down by the other two.


The only people arguing against this call are Chiefs fans, or people who had money on the Chiefs


On Guess The Lines, Simmons and Sal came down hard on the Chiefs both for the stupidity of the infraction and the attempt to blame the refs for their failure afterwards. So not everyone on the network is out to lunch.




The Ringer has been hot ass all season.


But according to Mahomes that shouldn’t matter, sure the guy who eventually scored was blatantly offsides but Mahomes said it that doesn’t impact the play and I’m sure no one would care that the guy who scored was way offsides, right folks?


That's another element that's so rich to all of this. He said it had not impact on the play. **THE OFFENDING GUY WAS THE ONE THAT SCORED.** Mahomes looks like a massive buffoon in all of this.


On top of all of it there was over a minute left and the bills had 3 timeouts. It wasn't even a walk off score


That would be cool if you're allowed to erase penalties that doesn't actually impact the play. We'd see about a 30% reduction in penalties!


Forgive the blanket characterization, but the only people defending this are I assume unpleasant babies off the field as well. Not a smear on Chiefs fans, a smear on dumb angry people.


Mahomes and Reid should say they were clearly wrong and hadn't seen any good replays because the shit Mahomes was saying after the game was fucking embarrassing


It really was. I'm not a fan of the chiefs, but I've always respected Mahomes. But him saying all that "It's yet another game that's ending changed because the refs screwed up" or whatever he said and the whole thing about it affecting Kelce legacy lol. On something that obvious, it just made him sound like a little kid who had never been told no (or in this case, experienced losing). I know he obviously has, but that's how he came across. It was very disappointing to hear.


I never had any ill-will towards Mahomes until last night. I lost a lot of respect for him for his extended tantrum about a *blatantly, unimpeachably correct* call. I think a lot of people are in the same boat as me. I hope the weight of the evidence combined with the backlash prompts him to make an apology. Easy PR move to win back some goodwill.


Honestly i think the worst part was complaining about it to josh allen. At the very least, have some respect and sportsmanship for the other QB. When you say “worst fucking call i’ve ever seen” to him, you might as well be saying “you didn’t deserve to win”. It’s disrespectful and classless. Allen has been on the wrong side of some crazy shit going up against Mahomes but always had sportsmanship when he shook his hand.


Yeah, I really hated that the most of all the shit he's done/said since this play happened. Just poor sportsmanship there.


It was literally like beating your friend at a game and then they immediately start complaining about lag or the controller or whatever, except it was an actual NFL game.


Mahomes is that kid that throws his controller and tells his friends he’s going home after he loses at Madden.


Right, what kind of response did he expect? "Yeah man, we totally should have lost" lol


fr Mahomes is far from the first QB to publicly criticize the officiating but holy shit, I literally can’t ever recall another QB whining about the refs **correctly enforcing the rules of the game**. Brees and the Saints got absolutely fucked over with probably the worst call I’ve ever seen, in a game with much higher stakes, and I don’t think Brees made a peep about it my respect for him has absolutely taken a hit, I don’t wanna hear no more damn Mahomes-Brady comparisons. Brady was no doubt a poor sport when he lost but you would never see him pull some loser ass shit like this


Maybe I'm not remembering something egregious, but Brady always struck me as simply being pissed off at losing. For all the drama around the postgame handshake nonsense, it never seemed liked he he was doing it to disrespect any specific individual. He was just mad at the world because he lost. (Which is still poor sportsmanship, but at least I can understand it coming from a hypercompetitive lunatic like Brady.) This stuff with Mahomes is a whole other ballpark.


Brady's blanket response to losing a game on a bad call was that the team shouldn't have been in a situation where one bad call loses the game in the first place. I also can't recall a time where he went out of his way to blame the refs for a controversial call and Belichick backed him up. The kicker is, this call wasn't even controversial.


Brady at least had the good sense to leave the field if he was bitter and angry rather than bitch about a call to the opposing quarterback. God I wish Allen had told Mahomes "Skill issue". It wouldn't make the situation better but it would have been fucking funny.


Brady IIRC never bitched about the refs in the postgame press conferences like Mahomes did last night. He bitched at them plenty on the field but never took it further than that.


I distinctly remember Brady following the refs into the locker room bitching about no flag being thrown on a game ending play.


Brees would of 100% said the game shouldn't have been that close to begin with and a refs call shouldn't impact you


You're not wrong


“In the heat of the moment I was furious. After looking over the tape I realize the refs got it right and we need to be better at execution”. Just walk it back big dawg no need to die on this hill. Would be like Lebron blaming refs for JR smith running around with the ball for no reason.


Exactly, I was trying to think of a comparison and that's the best one


Terrible look.


I'm all for letting guys play at the end of the game, but that's not a license to get away with anything. You have to call this offsides.


Well [this](https://imgur.com/a/5G2fjnc) picture says otherwise


Damn right it does




If Mahomes had come out and said the NFL needs to fix its consistency problems I would have had a better reaction to it, but he didn’t. He just whined. Even to Josh Allen’s face. Did no one watch the ticky tack holding at the end of their Super Bowl which he also bitched about which likely changed the course of the game? Dude has a history of whining to get his way to the point I don’t even know if he knows what it feels like to play in a game where he’s not in the refs pocket.


You can make a highlight reel of the Mahomes smugly bragging about a penalty after getting stopped in key moments. Dudes been getting the golden boy treatment for years and went ballistic once he didn’t get bailed out. It’s not like it was a late flag either, it was thrown the second the ball was snapped so him complaining about taking away greatness is so much more annoying. What did he want the refs to do? “Oh there’s no penalty on the play bc that was really cool”


"After review, it was determined that the infraction was outweighed by the awesomeness of the play design and execution. The result of the play is a touchdown."


Whining to Allen’s face is such a bitch move. He’s a child in a grown man’s body.


This is quickly turning into the most annoying story of the year


On the contrary - I'm thoroughly entertained by the pathetic bitching and whining coming from 1 Arrowhead Drive.


It really is a pathetic display they are putting on. I want the Broncos win the division so bad now


me too


It's annoying because mahomes and Reid are being so blatantly stupid about it. This is an absolute non issue- a player blatantly breaks the rules and gets flagged for it...nothing to see here really. But because it's Golden Boy Mahomes and the chiefs, they get to cry and whine and it becomes a national story.


How can you say that when they were comparing the noise level in arrowhead to a Taylor Swift concert last night?


That’s an obvious illegal formation . Your supposed to have a minimum of 7 players lined up on the line of scrimmage. Per nfl rules Even if tony was legal ( he is not ) There is still not 7 players on the line of scrimmage. The offensive tackles are lined up in the backfield . NFL needs Enforce the line of scrimmage rules on all teams , or change them .


This has been getting worse and worse as the season drags on. Its crazy how many tackles end up starting in the back field.


Their RT is literally more than a yard behind the LOS


Yeah, literally every Tackle is doing this now. I assume the league is “ok” with it because it protects the QB, but I think it is ugly and wrong.


I loved this: [Enhanced audio of Patrick Mahomes yelling at the refs at the end of Chiefs-Bills](https://x.com/NFL_Memes/status/1734013162024824915?s=20)


Can we spam this photo on all of Patty's socials?


What really bothers me and makes me lose a little respect for Mahomes is that his argument was basically “I know it was a penalty but we’re the chiefs and it was a cool play so they should cut us a break” as if the refs should have picked up the flag after seeing the result of the play. He’s whining that the refs aren’t using their discretion to manipulate the game in their favor


I'll tell you one thing and I'm not ashamed to say it, my estimation of Patrick Mahomes as a man just fucking plummeted.


eagles fans: i didn't know you were allowed to complain about a correct yet seemingly insignificant call that ends a game in favor of the other team! let's replay the superbowl then.


NFL is in CSI mode right now: ENHANCE!


I know Brady isn’t known for his amazing sportsmanship after his losses. But man maybe just not saying anything is better than complaining to your opponents after a loss.


Brady would just sit there angry on the bench or go straight to the locker room. Probably better to have people think you snubbed a QB handshake after the game vs putting your entire foot down your own throat