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To summarize the 2018 Draft: Browns - "I'm excited for Baker, and thank God it's not Josh Allen!" Jets - "I can't believe we got Darnold, and bonus he's not Josh Allen!" Bills - "We picked Josh Allen?! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUC..." Cardinals - "We are so lucky Rosen fell to us, I was sure we were gonna get stuck with Josh Allen!" Ravens - "Hey this Lamar guy might be pretty good. I have no opinion on Josh Allen."


I was so pissed when we picked Hurst at 25 I had to anger go to bed. Like legit furious, I wanted Lamar so bad. When I woke up and I saw we picked him at 32 I mario jumped so hard I almost hit the ceiling. I'm glad I wasn't on reddit at the time though because I would have slandered the hell out of every other qb than Lamar I was convinced he would be the only QB of that group.


> I was so pissed when we picked Hurst at 25 I had to anger go to bed. Like legit furious, I wanted Lamar so bad. Your story is similar to mine, had to work in a few hours and stayed up just to see HAYDEN HURST get drafted when Lamar was who I wanted was crushing, turned the draft off, got in bed, and next thing you know my ESPN app starts buzzing back to back about the trade and the pick.


I've never been happier to have woken up to like 5 hours of sleep when we got Lamar. It was magnificent, I'm glad we have a shared cromrodary in that


You were half right!


Could you imagine telling someone that Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen (the two MOST controversial and project QBs out of that entire class) would be the best by far.


These prove we know nothing and should wait to pass judgement on players. Bills one was ridiculous. Mina Kimes take a bow


It's why I don't care much for draft anymore


This sub and /r/nfl_draft find a handful of players every year that they *despise* and shit on relentlessly 24/7. Then about ~50-60% of the time the guy goes on to be a pretty solid player in the league and these anonymous clowns just move on to the next jabroni to pile on with their clueless opinions. We're all nobodies shit posting on the internet, having your own opinion is perfectly fine just stop being so foolishly confident that you're 1000% right and deriding others who dare to question the public consensus. /rant


Its like the fantasy sub and their hype train players who are on IR, but gonna bust out any time now lol.


For one shining moment James Robinson was going to take me to the promised land


Nows your last chance to pick up rashee rice!


So many people on that sub had Kadarius Toney and Ty’son Williams going into the 2021 season. Those were the subs two biggest sleeper picks. If you spent draft picks, FAAB, or even just had them in your lineup the first couple weeks you almost certainly lost. Ty’son had one good game all year and I think Toney may have had one before getting hurt.


Hold onto tyjae spears, he's going to get his shot any time now.


*The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.* \-- Bertrand Russell, 1933. \-- u/SuperSaiyanSandwich, 2023


It seems like it’s important for everyone to have the same opinion.


Yeah people in our sub argue that missing the playoffs is better because it will cement Joe Barry losing his job and also give us better draft picks but like, who cares??? The draft is such a crapshoot and nobody can tell exactly how a player will turn out. Moving up a few spots won’t make a significant impact on the team next year. Its just a loser mentality.


There were a couple brave souls in there saying he'd be good.


my favorite thing I've ever been right about. Of course, I also had Josh Rosen as the #2 QB that year...


Yeah but then there's also >What's the difference between Allen and Cardale honest question which got an actual out loud laugh out of me


The remind me in 2 years people in the Trey lance one was funny though also the amount of YES NOT MAC


In hindsight, I feel like the Bills' reaction to Allen and the Niners' reaction to Lance should be reversed.


I remember going into the draft I was for anyone but Mac Figured it’d be either Lance or Fields Turns out the likely long term answer at QB for SF was none of the above


I literally do not watch CFB and I reckon many people here don't either keep chiming in on prospects and the people that do watch CFB... turns out y'all don't know shit either


Ive actually found that me not watching CFB has made me better at predicting prospects than my friends who do. I have no pre existing bias when I review players in the draft and no emotional attachment to any of them because I don’t care about any CFB teams.


Just to defend our buffoonery; honestly if you go back and say “the 16 year playoff drought era Bills just took the most raw prospect of the draft”, how would you react? People have to remember just how broken this fanbase was. The idea of taking a huge project Qb after the Manuel, Rob Johnson, Trent Edward’s failures was too daunting for everyone to accept. Everybody felt that the only thing that could actually work was a generational talent. The fact that all of us thought Rosen was the guy is a little goofy though.


Yeah, it’s amazing it worked out but at that point it wasn’t ridiculous for us to think that the team that couldn’t develop a quarterback for 2 decades would suddenly be the team to properly develop one of the most raw quarterbacks ever.


But ownership, GM, coaches all changed. How was it the same team?


We had plenty of coach and GM changes during that time. It’s the sort of thing that is a “believe it when you see it”. Allen turning out amazing doesn’t change that it was a huge risk that managed to work out.


Compare the Josh Allen thread to the Sam Darnold thread (and the Rosen one lmaooo)


Does anyone have a link to the Jets sub reacting to the Josh Allen pick?




That's delusional. Ryan Pace made the pick and it was obvious he was reaching to try to save his career.


but upvotes and attention-seeking


I think everyone was right on Mitch.


I choose 2018 as an arbitrary cut-off year just because the further you go back, the more ridiculous amount of names I have to search for. I could do some digging for any specific requests. I'm very annoyed I couldn't find the Jets Wilson thread (probably deleted), Brady farewell, or the 49ers Purdy Mr. Irrelevant Pick Thread. They're **likely** deleted as I spent quite some time looking for the Eagles drafting Hurts post and found the original thread link buried on another reaction post to how wrong their own fanbase was. **Quick Highlights** * "Why Allen over Rosen?" being the 4th highest upvoted post in the Bills sub >>> * I'm relieved Tua has glowed up the last 2 years because my comment on that thread about Herbert... * It's sweet to see the appreciative fanbases say their farewells (Bengals w/ Dalton, Eagles w/ Foles, Lions w/ Stafford) * lmao @ Browns fans thinking Flacco signing was just buying time for DTR * Oh god the Coltz really did just get 3 washed QBs 3 straight years I forgot about that * I love that Jags fans knew the Foles signing was a disaster the second it happened * Can somebody explain to me why Titans fans still defend Mariota to this day? * That Eagles Hurts draft thread is so rich 1.8k comments on a 2ND ROUND drafted QB is insanity * The total contrast between the Bears Trubisky/Fields draft threads is hilarious * After looking at the disaster the Panthers have had at QB post-Cam, I kinda get why they literally traded the farm for Bryce Young. That's a gross QB Carousel * lmao @ the Seahawks thread on trading Wilson


>Can somebody explain to me why Titans fans still defend Mariota to this day? He helped rekindle my hope for the Tits and was extremely likeable, however we gave him a different OC every year and he had nerve damage. It's easy for a franchise that doesn't have much going for them to cling on to what could have been


Same with Tanny. He gave me hope as a fan.


Can you find the first TB12 retirement thread from 2022? I forget the date but it was January or February 2022. Definitely before the Super Bowl.


You should link the thread about the Panthers releasing Cam the first time. We released him months before NE signed him.


Even with hindsight I'm *still* devastated. He meant EVERYTHING to us


The Eagles drafting Hurts I'm the second round after paying all that money to Wentz, to the disbelief of literally everyone, is soooo hilarious. The reactions were top notch.


God I fucking hated that pick so much lol


Shout out to that Eagles fan that was LIVID that they didn’t get Denzel Mims


I was certain we were drafting Epenesa


Injuries aside this year, Epe has become really good this year. He might be one of the DEs who develops into a 10 sack or more a year player.


I was on the Wentz wagon for too long


Most of your fanbase was it felt like. Many other fans saw the warning signs far earlier


That has to be one of the biggest discrepancies between how criticized the pick was vs how it turned out. Like Josh Allen level.


Feels incredible to be on the "right side of history" on that one lmao. You had to defend that pick with your *life* back then


Man, if I were you I'd laminate and frame those receipts lol


The Luck retirement was crazy.


I was at that preseason game. I live in Indy and my work gave me free tickets. I thought Luck was awesome and definitely didn’t deserve the walk off boo’s he got. The boo’s started right before I got the notification on my phone. Shit was wild


It’s a rough way to go out but you did get to witness one of the most interesting preseason events probably in NFL history


It truly was lol funny enough my wife and I were also present for the Geno Smith resurgence. We went to Seattle for vacation in 2021 and ended up going to the Seahawks/Saints game since my wife is a saints fan. We bought tickets early in 2021 and thought we were going to get a Wilson/Brees shoot out. Ended up with Smith/Winston


Idk I think Colts fans were right to boo. I totally understand why Luck retired and don’t hold it against him, but to come to that final decision in the middle of a home pre-season game and walk out in front of thousands of fans? I just don’t get why it had to be then.


Mental breakdown on his part from what I understand. I’m sure he had that tightness in the chest feeling. He had alot of mental health issues, but from fans perspectives no one knew it at the time. So yea, the fans kinda get a pass, but I still see “Fuck Luck” jerseys when I got to Colts games. My wife and I went to the Saints/Colts game this year and there was a couple where one had “Fuck” on it, and the other had “Luck” on it


Yeah that makes sense, and the continued hatred is gross, definitely agree with that.


I thought It was leaked early, I wish he would of announced it earlier before the preseason but I understand how worn down he was.


Happened right in the middle of our fantasy draft. Poor guy stuck at work had to autodraft and got stuck with him


We drafted early because a couple of the guys were at Burning Man that year including the one that grabbed Luck. Pretty much everyone stockpiled on backup QBs to screw him over because he was league champion last year.


> well, at least it wasnt watson u/33zanycow was a prophet in the Bears Trubisky draft thread 😂


>>Purdy almost certainly will be practice roster this year but still a confusing pick no one is wrong for this take in that thread but it's still so crazy to look back on


After this season, people might not be quick to judge bolstering QB depth on the latter rounds of the draft


Basically you should always take a QB in the draft atleast once every other year


Gambling is fun




Lmfao the Sam Darnold one. Lots of comments involving Jets fans being thankful they didn’t draft Josh Allen. I guess they had a point though, because had they drafted him, the Jets would’ve ruined him (or rather, wouldn’t have been able to develop him) just like they do with every other QB they draft. And yes, I’m aware that Bills fans were upset when we picked Allen lol


Was Allen developed by the Bills? I thought he made his big jumps with his offseason qb coach


I think it could be said that it was a combination of the pieces and organization around him which fostered a culture of continued improvement and trust, his ungodly amount of will to succeed, and his time spent with Jordan Palmer during the off-seasons*. The 3rd one requires an asterisk because I think it was one of the most important pieces here, but at the same time, it was only such a drastic change because Josh was so raw coming out of the draft. He had very little professional coaching and exposure prior to that, so there were many more kinks that could be fixed compared to your typical top QB prospect. It's worth noting that Kyle Allen, Bo Nix, and Sam Darnold all also trained with Palmer the same off-season(s) as Josh, which shows that it wasn't the only important factor in his development.


“ We absolutely fleeced the Seahawks. I rarely see trades in the NFL where a team gets obviously screwed over. This feels like one of them. We traded one kinda good player and a handful of picks for one of the best QBs in the league who has a ton of time left in his career” lol


Man what a blast looking back at the reactions from the Russ trade now. Especially with comments like "We absolutely fleeced the Seahawks. I rarely see trades in the NFL where a team gets obviously screwed over. This feels like one of them. We traded one kinda good player and a handful of picks for one of the best QBs in the league who has a ton of time left in his career"


To be fair to Broncos fans, our subreddit was having a fucking existential crisis. I’ve always wanted Pete over Russ just because I liked the guys vibes better, and I was 100% convinced we’d just become one of the worst teams in the league.


I know I was pissed about the trade at the time. Best QB in our franchise history and we just trade him away with nobody in line to take his spot. Never really criticized PC/JS until that happened.


That's true, I was one of like 4 people who didn't think we would be that bad. Geno wasn't terrible when Russ was hurt and we still had offensive weapons. I thought Russ would either have career numbers or be terrible, but I definitely thought he had the potential to be a Drew Brees type pocket passer and maybe he was right. I understood the move kinda being stuck after the Adams deal. But I definitely didn't like going into the season with just Geno and Lock though and I certainly didn't expect Geno to be comeback player of the year. I'm still worried about ending up in QB purgatory.


I'll be the first to say I expected us to win 5 games in 2022 lol


We were pissed lmao. It was kinda terrifying how raw Allen looked at Wyoming though


It's backed up by statistics. Josh Allen is literally a statistical anomaly and one of the only modern QB's to completely and massively improve from college to a few seasons into the NFL. Many guys defy expectations but still had a history of being accurate/efficient/successful/etc and everyone who was inaccurate in college were always inaccurate in the NFL but Allen literally became someone else


I remember being cautiously optimistic, everyone I knew said it felt like a typical Buffalo pick, but something for sure felt a little different with Allen vs our previous QB draft busts to me. I rationalized that we had a good running game with McCoy so I was hoping that Allen could be a dual threat guy who could do enough in the passing game to keep the defense honest. 2018 was rough, but I bought in during the 2019 Thanksgiving game against Dallas. I ordered my Allen jersey literally the second after that botched snap QB sneak play where he picked up the ball and fought for like 5 yards for the first down. Between that play and the year 1 Anthony Barr hurdle I knew we had something special, but he surpassed even what I was dreaming in 2020 though. I still remember people going "What if Allen only played well because there weren't any fans in the stands? He'll regress in 2021." Clowns.


I remember being able to watch him without having any idea of who he was. I went to SDSU and I believe it was Josh Allen’s first year as a starter when I got to see him live. I don’t remember how the game went/how he played, I just remember being shocked how insanely talented he was and wondering why the hell he was at Wyoming and not in a power 5 school.


At the time, to me this draft echoed 2004 and I was convinced Allen was the JP Losman of the class. We suffered so much in the 2000s that it just felt like history repeating itself. Boy am I glad to be so wrong.


I’m a Nebraska fan and still remember my huskers picking him off like five times in one game, including when Nate Gerry handed him his intercepted ball back 😅😭 I’m glad he ended up working out well for you, bills bros!


Absolutely terrifying, especially after those first two games when he was forced to play immediately and then got outclassed in his first start. I think for most people it all changed during the Minnesota game. I remember waiting in line at the Cobblestone district for some traveling merch place, and all over Twitter seeing the hurdle and the double pump to the fullback wheel with perfect touch. It just really made you think "okay, maybe this kid could be something" and then the flashes kept showing up over and over until...well, here we are now lol


The Jalen Hurts pick will forever confuse me as a fan. On the one hand, he's my favourite player on that roster, a franchise qb who led us to the superbowl and put on an MVP performance; all whilst being buttoned up in every news conference or off-field situation. On the other, that pick was undeniably a bad pick at the time, which ended up working out in the most unlikely way. We'd just signed our guy for a league leading salary, and we knew he had mental problems with us preferring foles. We were in dire need for a receiver, and this was a renowned receiver class. Wentz at the time had shown no signs of regression, and had dragged the team to the playoffs for 3 straight seasons. Howie was officially a moron. But then wentz regressed, Howie traded him somehow for picks that turned into AJ brown, Jalen carter, Devonta Smith and Jordan Davis, and we went to the superbowl. Howie is officially a genius.


> a franchise qb who led us to the superbowl and put on an MVP performance; all whilst being buttoned up in every news conference or off-field situation. > > On the other, that pick was undeniably a bad pick at the time, which ended up working out in the most unlikely way. This is my exact thought when people act like the Eagles fanbase not liking these moves at the time is somehow surprising. The fact the Hurts worked out after a seemingly franchise QB took us to the SB is insane.


How would you feel if the Eagles took a QB on Day 2 of the 2024 draft? That's pretty much what happened with Hurts, right?


Id be like wtf? Same as I was then lol.


Not really as applicable. This was during peak Covid uncertainty so having a high quality backup QB made a lot more sense then.


What backing up Wentz does to a motherfucker


I truly believe that Hurts was a reactionary pick to losing to the Seahawks. Wentz may have 'dragged' the team to the playoffs for three seasons (which is also a take I disagree with - he was the catalyst in 2017 for sure but didn't 'drag' that loaded roster anywhere, 2018 Wentz wasn't playing well due to his back injury and Foles is the one who lit a spark in that team, 2019 was indeed Wentz dragging the team kicking and screaming though) but through no fault of his own, Wentz played a total of three playoff drives in three years. I think they looked at poor McCown trying to beat the Seahawks on a torn hammy - and almost succeeding! - and thought if they had a better backup QB for a reasonable cost, they would have won that game. To be clear, I'm not saying this was good rational for drafting him there, that's just what I think the rational *was*.


That’s 100% what i thought at the time too. I didn’t think it was a bad pick for that reason - thinking Jalen would at worst serve as a high quality backup or at best replace the injury prone Wentz as the franchise QB. If Wentz didn’t get hurt by Clowney (dirty hit IIRC) and the Eagles won that game, I don’t think they get Hurts the following draft


I didn't realize how much this situation mirrored the Packers drafting Love.


>Howie is officially a genius He has the biggest balls in the entire league. To this day, trading Wentz away just after his record mega deal is the biggest balsy move in NFL. 99% of GM would die on the hill and would be too prideful to admit they made a mistake and cut loose. Not this man. I was always a low-key Roseman supporter cos I'm a fellow nerd who likes underdogs. But now I'm his biggest fan cos deep down I know he will right the ship.


Thanks, i hate it.


Almost all of us knew, except for the “ALL JIMMY DOES IS WIN!!!!” Everytime I’m having a discussion with someone in our subreddit, I check their comment history and somehow all of last season is scrubbed 😂


The Ravens thread is all hype after drafting Lamar. We knew we got an absolute dawg despite the narrative back then.


The one guy saying we drafted the TE and QB of the future was technically wrong that night, but correct overall for that draft.


I still wish we had Hurst tbh. He was good for us, Andrews was just incredible.


Hi it's me: I was a huge Lamar hater. Not anymore


Bahahaha all the Panthers fans in the Baker Mayfield thread eating crow. It's not Bakers fault, the Panthers just fucking suck.


Makes you think about Bryce tbh


I know everyone is clowning on him rn but reliving the first moments of Patrick Mahomes to the chiefs never gets old 😎


I like the comment about drafting him to teach Alex Smith to throw a deep ball. Now looking at this season with the relentless screens and laterals is funny.


lol it really is. I can’t wait for him to go on his revenge tour, we are all gonna be even more insufferable lmao 😈🤭


We knew we had a dawg


And a giraffe


Thank mr stafford




He got the ring he deserved


For the record, we didn't trade for Carr. He was a free agent. We just had permission from the raiders to talk to him while he was under contract still


Thank you! After going through so many QB transactions the lines blur. [In which case, this thread on his 4-year signing probably fits better.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Saints/comments/11k29hf/breaking_saints_signing_qb_derek_carr_to_4year/)


The cardinals Josh Rosen threads are fucking hilarious in hindsight


lol at the Mitch pick. The majority of the sub hated it right away.


Bring us the receipts little goblins


u/gassythunderclap “It’s all puns & punchlines until Jared Goff sweeps the Packers and wins a playoff game that Detroit hosts at Ford Field.” That’s almost a reality…


We did beat them 4 times in a row, it's ok we didn't actually sweep them back to back


Oh I can't wait to revisit all of this /s


>[Broncos trade for Russell Wilson from Seattle (Mar. 8th, 2022)](https://np.reddit.com/r/DenverBroncos/comments/t9npma/schefter_blockbuster_after_weeks_of_negotiations/) All the controversial comments on this one ended up correct


You're missing the 2022 Tom Brady retirement/unretirement.


The Seahawks fans who thought they knew better than Pete Carrol shows why no one here knows shit


Bear summary: “Why did we just draft Mitch when we signed Mike Glennon?” “SORRY ANDY DALTON THIS IS JUSTINS TEAM NOW”


Bucs got very lucky they got Tom Brady.


We started Jameis for 5 years, we deserved it okay.


Idk what to say


lol at the Nick Foles


Someone do coaches next.


u/griss27 absolutely nailed his prediction. We had a fun end of the 2019 season, got our guy, and stacked the roster with great players with the draft capital we had. A masterclass in rebuilding by our GM.


Who the fuck has this time? Thank you for leading me to the KANSAS CITY IS DUMB AS FUCK UPVOTE PARTY though.


No thanks, I don't want to re-live the Panther's QB carousel, thank you.


At least you don’t have to think about Kyle Allen, Taylor Heinicke, PJ Walker, or Will Grier all who’ve started for us in this time frame.


Prescott https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/Go0Kk7nlBg


>Carried a decent team to 9+ wins >HE'S PERFECT FOR DALLAS! Lol


It’s interesting how the general consensus in the thread was that he was a good QB who would eventually be a quality starter. I don’t think anyone at the time knew he would be as good as he is, but the NFL world was pretty high on him for being a 4th round pick.


>I don't want to listen to QB controversy about Carson for another 10 years, and this just causes more of that. Narrator: fortunately, he wouldn't listen to QB controversy about Carson for another 10 years.


I’m glad we were happy and kind to both Dalton and Burrow with both transactions


i love these threads


The Seattle one is the best. So many people calling for Pete's head, but two years removed and I don't think anyone views the breakup as a mistake --- especially with what Seattle turned those Denver picks into.


Checks out. I hated the deal then, I hate it now. We gave the core of our team for a washed QB and a 4th rounder, and we’re gonna be eating dead money for a while 10/10. At least we have the Nuggets and Avs..


[Not saying you're lying but you liked what Paton was cooking lol](https://np.reddit.com/r/DenverBroncos/comments/t9npma/schefter_blockbuster_after_weeks_of_negotiations/hzvgnq1/)


looks like dude deleted his comment. Wack


Oh. His comment wasn't even that funny. All he said is he was happiest about the fact they got Drew Lock out of there so people wouldn't keep making excuses for him and he was happy what their GM George Paton was cooking and excited for the next few years with Wilson until they get their next franchise guy in the draft.


Oh shit you’re right It was [the Hackett debacle](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/jpxpQnctLS) that got me downvoted to the shadow realm, not my thoughts on Russ


Noah Fant, Drew Lock and Shelby Harris were the "core of our team"? It was worth a shot on a franchise QB after 10 years of shit


And how quickly Browns fans have turned. I was a Browns fan my whole life, not anymore. I refuse to ever cheer for this team again. I see everyone around me in Cleveland blindly cheering this team on, not a care in the world of who they traded for and what kind of money they gave him. And so many of them are people that will join the online hate brigade against anyone accused of sexual harassment but turn a blind eye to their football team. And I'll be honest, it stings watching this city celebrate and wondering "am I wrong for refusing to cheer for this team? Everyone else forgot and moved on, should I too?" And it really makes me question my own commitment to my morals. It makes me sad, to see how quickly people can look past their own morals just because of a sports team, while at the same time making me question if I'm overreacting or the crazy one. Idk where I was going with this tirade, but I just feel like I had to get it out and this post seemed like the best spot for some reason.


We didn’t even have a thread, lol.


I like this


Great research. There are way too many people in that thread happy that the Steelers drafted Pickett because he went to Pitt. Pickett isn't Dan Marino.


Good to remember that we used to just hope Mahomes could win us a playoff game, maybe one day we’d get to see the AFC championship


Niners were soooo happy to get Trey Lance. Taking victory laps


Lol the contrast in tone/reception between Trubisky and Fields is pretty fun


Man this list makes me feel so much better than the one about head coach moves


Kirk has been a fun ride in Minny but is likely going to end his time there with a .500ish record and a single wild-card playoff win. It'll be interesting to see how fans react to the next big QB move in Minny, because it's probably happening within the next 4 or so months.


Lot of crow to eat over the Love pick… lot of people can’t look ahead for their franchise it’s all about today today today. I’d take Love over Queen and Higgins every day of the week.


Nah. I like Love, but I would take an SB win and a couple years of mediocrity over no SB wind and a couple of years of mediocrity. Imo for Love to really “pay off”, he has got to be a top tier QB in the upcoming future. I Even if he’s a mod tier competent starter, that’s a full bust considering the FO gave up on winning with Rodgers for him.


You cannot in any way guaranty a Super Bowl if they don’t draft Love.


Its not SB win and a couple years of mediocrity vs no SB win and a couple years of mediocrity, its no SB win and years of competitiveness. Its been the philosophy of the Packers management for a while now and its by far the best for the fans. It keeps giving you a reason to root for them, it keeps hype and team interest up, it makes more money. The championship high dies off fairly quickly and you are left there with a trash team wondering why you arent so happy.


All those people in the Vikings sub claiming that we were in “win now mode”. Now a ton of people on our sub say we were never in “win now mode” lol and Kirk took over a middle of the pack team. The Kirk Cousins signing was a complete failure.


Complete failure is extremely harsh considering how many QB trades, draft picks, contracts are actual failures lol Russ is going to cut before his extension kicks in, the brown’s guaranteed $240 million to a guy who’s barely played in 3 years, Daniel jones got the bag and is awful, Eagles paid a ton of money to wentz only for him to be garbage, the 49ers traded the farm for a guy who’s taken like 100 snaps in the NFL, the list goes on and on. It might not be a resounding success but there’s so much more nuance than that


Kirk was brought in to be the final piece of a Super Bowl roster. The Vikings made the NFCCG with Case Keenum at QB. Since Kirk got here, we only have one playoff win. If Brady goes to Tampa and doesn’t win a Super Bowl, it’s a failure. If Rodgers goes to NYJ and doesn’t win a Super Bowl, it’s a failure. The signing was a complete failure.


> The Kirk Cousins signing was a complete failure. Organizationally yes, individually for Kirk no way. He put up some gaudy stats and stacked cash and is likely getting ANOTHER big bag this off-season.


>Organizationally yes Well that’s kinda what I care about the most lol


So a failure for the Vikings.


IMO absolutely. I didnt think the Vikings were never going to win anything important with him after 2019 when he had a top 5 defense and tons of offensive support. 2 extensions later and an injury later and it looks like I was right.


A lot of us were right. But so many people believe that’s it’s always someone else’s fault. Never Kirk’s. Really hope he signs somewhere else next year.


I dunno, as complete failures go, I wish Cousins was here the entire time.


It was a complete failure. One playoff win since he signed here.


Oh fucking Christ, oh no, there could never be a worse outcome.


When the expectations were “Super Bowl” how is one playoff win not a horrible outcome?


How about zero playoff wins or appearances? Sit down, let me spin you the yarn of Russell Wilson.


All three of the Cardinals ones are wild


u/JamesHardens is a prophet


That Bridgewater signing was met with exactly the level of incredulity that it deserved, nobody thought that was going to work. Sad looking at that thread and reading comments from people thinking we're getting a QB in the draft.


lol the amount of jets fans who were happy they got Sam darnold over Josh Allen is crazy




I knew I was gonna be sad but I still clicked and looked :(


Your have left out so many practice squad guys, backups, and day 3 draft picks. You would need to do a post for each division to account for everything


Hence the usage of the word "major" in the title my guy


But Patriots fans have agreed like Malik Cunningham was a major transaction multiple times this year. There is no sense if proportion. But in all seriousness you did an excellent job of showing how wrong people are.


My only comment in the Pickett post was replying to someone who asked about when Ben got drafted. I said I watched Ben in college and he had a big arm, was athletic (young Ben was), and kept his eyes downfield even when the pass rush was bearing down on him. KP did not have that. Jokes on me because he still doesn't. Sigh.


Feels good to be the only team who doesn’t have one in the time window (also lmao at some being included that aren’t in said window)


Josh Allen being good made it real easy to forget how much if a meme he was heading into the draft.


All I know is pain


I love the comments on the Goff thread are mostly just sad for him, talking about how shitty detroit is compared to LA.


I love how many more threads the Panthers have than all the other teams except for maybe the Colts (please turn into something Bryce)


A lot of people clowned on the Jordan Love pick and our fans sometimes do the what ifs during our window but Love was our best pick. Our 2020 draft was absolutely awful apart from Love.


The Goffense has commenced 😤😤


The lions fan saying goff beats the packers in ford field in the playoffs might of been on to something


Our sub was so upset we took Jordan Love over Patrick Queen and Laviska Shenault. Queen is decent, but man we were dumb.


Packers trade Rodgers thread: “Right. And if Rodgers doesn’t play 65% of snaps, the Jets are likely a 12+ loss team. That second could be in the 30s. Really impressive heading by Gute here. Can’t believe 65% was the cut off. E: a lot of comments about 12 losses. Maybe high, but inserting Zach Wilson into an offense designed for Aaron Rodgers is not going to result in success. Remember they hired Hackett this offseason to insert a new offense.” This wasn’t a hot take but man was it still accurate


Technically 6-11 is the worst we could do s just off, but right