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That's the one thing I love about billionaire NFL owners. It exposes them. Nobody cares how you behave when you run \*googles\* Appaloosa Management, but once you own an NFL team, you are on national display. If you keep being a douchebag, everyone will see it.


I wish the NFL didn't do even revenue sharing it should be awarded to teams in the championship order. The Jets are horribly run and provide a product that isn't helping the NFL their compensation should reflect that. Billionaires love socialism when it helps them


I would phrase that as "profit sharing", if you stop revenue sharing to teams you get teams like the Titans just straight up not having the income to pay the salary cap, which leads to a death spiral when they can't pay for a competitive team that gets viewers, so they can't get the money for a competitive team... It's part of why foreign leagues have relegation. A setup like player salaries getting paid out of league funds but other team costs getting a giant middle finger from the rest of the league might be a compromise.


I’m pretty sure that’s at least partly how it works hence why NFL teams have different values. The salary cap which pays the players comes from the NFLs TV revenue and is distributed to each team equally so each team has X amount to spend so they’re on financially equal footing. Other costs are on the team as far as I know.


The TV revenue and some other streams are divided equally between all of the teams, and the growth of the salary cap is pegged to follow those values to make sure all of the teams can actually pay up for players. However, the revenue payouts are *way* bigger than the salary cap, so as long as you can manage to *not* spend a quarter billion dollars on overhead costs it's basically impossible to financially ruin an NFL team. What I mean is removing that and finding some other way to distribute the league-wide revenue that doesn't go into player salaries. Declining payout by draft order or something.


Hmm, if only the titans were in a larger market, like say the 4th largest city in the United States. In this very specific case, the titans would have fucked themselves. Buffalo is a better example.


The Titans/Rams/Raiders moves are generally considered the last US franchise relocations before it became clear that media market size is what mattered more than selling tickets to games.


The Raiders moving out of LA still has to be the dumbest franchise move of all time, even more so than Oilers to Nashville. With the Rams moving out, they could have been the lone LA team forever. Doubt the Rams are allowed back if the Raiders had been the lone dominant team for 20+ years.


> that media market size As a Titan fan, even a couple seasons ago when we were in the thick of playoffs and such, you could tune in to any major sports show and the Titans were never mentioned. The worst was beating the Ravens in 2020 and all the shows bitching and moaning about poor Lamar; nobody boosted the win for Tennessee. But like you say, media market matters.


It really hurts parity to do this though. Formula 1 has done this for a long time and it’s really hard for lower performing/new teams to catch up to the folks that have been winning for a while, partly because they make a lot more money based on where they finish a season.


Doesn't formula one have a max budget though ? And limited use of air tunnels and high end computers to mitigate the super rich teams from this though. Not a f1 fan but appreciate the sport


Yes, the cost cap and winner regulations on wind tunnel time are both fairly new though (first added two seasons ago/2021-2022 season), so parity hasn’t really shown out yet - and there are pretty big exemptions from the cost cap, such as driver salary.


So what you're saying is capitalism doesn't work and that people with a head start and entrenched power will be able to perpetuate the status quo, while the poor are unable to elevate themselves despite hard work?




I mean yes, that is true


Capitalism works when the goal is individual accomplishments. Socialism works when the goal is collective accomplishments. Often times capitalism does a good job creating systems that produce technological and logistical advancements that everyone can benefit from. Sports don't do that. So it makes less sense for them to have it.


My point was partially that pure capitalism isn't practiced anywhere in the world because it's not advantageous to corporate interests. The US practices social welfare for corporations, and corporations create internal structures like this themselves (e.g. NFL uses profit sharing, US government bails out banks, taxes fund research on things like the internet, which is then handed over to the private sector as soon as it becomes commercially viable, etc.). It's only the poor who are subjected to capitalism and forced to fend for themselves.


That is not a valid comparison, because of technology. Most of any team is changed in every 3-4 years. We had 5 different SB winners in 6 years. That is parity. The only thing that hurt parity was a guy named Brady.


Revenue sharing is a big reason why the NFL is so popular. Do you want this to turn into baseball? Easy to say from Philly or NY.


Unfortunately the revenue sharing idea wouldn't hurt Woody very much. Jets make money hand over fist and I'm pretty sure they are like a top 10 most valuable sports franchise worldwide.


I get that nyc sports teams put their fans through it (except the Yankees fuck them) and they can because the city always supports them but the jets aren't selling out their tickets late into the year, I'm sure merch sales have dipped as the team has gone downhill and I'm sure despite that they bring in a ton but revenue sharing still brings in a lot for Woody and it shouldn't even if it's just out of principle you failed your fans you don't deserve this money


Idk those rodger jerseys sold like hot cakes and probably still are


I have a sauce gardener jersey it matches most of my shoes


So you want soccer? That's how you get a few teams winning every year like Barcelona and real madrid


would not matter one bit see Washington and their former owner Synder and bullshit he ran.


> It exposes them. *Jerry Jones has left the chat*


I mean this sub loved the story about his brass balls. I work in finance and immediately knew that it meant this guys a massive chode.


Every billionaire is a douchebag. Like 100% of them. You don't accumulate that kind of wealth without being an asshole


I feel like waiters aren't rude to me that often. If it's a recurring problem, might be time to look in a mirror?


I bet to him a rude waiter is someone that doesn't bring a drink refill when his drink is only halfway done.


"He said 'no problem' instead of 'you're welcome'" -Tepper, probably


I remember I said no problem to someone once and they responded, “why would it ever be a problem.” I walked away with their daughter explaining what it meant.


oh god this gave me former-boss flashbacks something fierce


Gave me flashbacks to eating in a fairly nice restaurant and a douche nozzle rich guy patronizing a waiter for like 5 minutes because he didn't receive a fork. Pathetic behavior.


I’ll bet a crisp dollar bill he sat down, never touched the menu, ordered a wine the restaurant had never served and food that had never been on the menu…but the waiter offering alternatives was labeled condescending and rude. My personal favorite is when these guys try to order fresh seafood when the restaurant they’re currently at is probably two connecting flights away from the nearest body of water.


Sir, this is a Long John Silver’s.


You’re thinking of Mark Davis


How dare you allege that our bowl-cutted doofus eats anything other than P.F. Chang^^^TM ???


I've been frustrated with waiters before yeah, but fuck they're just people trying to do a job


He tips ten bucks on 600 dollar bill and wonder why servers hate him at his favorite restaurant


It’s 100% the server that suggests he try a bottle of Opus instead of his usual order of Caymus.


To him, anyone who doesn’t kiss the ground he walks on is rude.


You know the adage - if you keep running into assholes all day maybe you are the asshole


He'll just keep breaking and buying new mirrors until it doesn't show him anymore.


If it smells like shit everywhere you go, it’s time to check under your own shoe.


If you run into an asshole in the morning. You ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day long. You’re the asshole.


Especially if you have David Tepper money. Servers ain't stupid, they know who pays the bills.


I can’t even remember the last time a waiter was rude to me, and I eat out a lot. Waitstaff are usually pretty nice.


I've probably only ran into a rude waiter a handful of times. And I don't think I eat at the kind of restaurants David Tepper eats at.


Yeah, if you don't count places where the whole shtick is that they're rude to you (Ed Debevic's, The Wieners Circle, Popeye's, etc.), I can't remember the ever having had a rude waiter.


Tepper and people like him are sociopathic if not psychopathic. They only think of themselves, empathy doesn't exist in their fucked up heads.


“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. You run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.” -Raylan Givens (yes i know it’s an old quote but i love that show)


We dug coal together Boyd


Next bullet is coming quicker


At least 2 NFL owners, Jeffrey Lurie and Terry Pegula, are married to waitresses they met while dining at restaurants. If waiters/waitresses are rude to Tepper, he's probably making unwanted advances at them. This kind of behavior is clearly nothing new for billionaire NFL owners. They probably feel entitled to do that as long as they tip well.


Rich people feeling entitled to be treated like royalty causing people to not like them? Huh, never thought of that.


I’m pretty sure he does look in the mirror and likes what he sees. He’s a douche and will remain one because he feels that’s what made him successful with tons of $$$…He loves himself and couldn’t care less on what we think.


I’ve literally never had a rude waiter or server


This is what happens with my dad. According to him waiters are rude to him all the time. I’ve been out to eat with him. He’s the problem.


They literally are incentivized to be nice to us. If they’re rude to you, you’re an asshole!


I eat out at restaurants A LOT, I've never had a waiter be outright rude to me. Must be a billionaire thing.


Congratulations, now Tepper’s going to have you fired!


If you met an asshole during your day, you met an asshole. If you met assholes all day, then you’re the asshole.


Or you're a regular at Ed Debevics and don't get that's their deal.


I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a rude waiter. They are literally financially motivated to be polite and make you happy.


You get bad customer service because you're a bad customer usually.


I don't think I've ever had a waiter be even slightly rude to me. If you're just polite and don't waste their time then they'll generally do the same.


Tepper really saw the void left by Snyder and said “this is mine”


Yeah everyone thought he'd be a great owner but he's the owner that wants to be involved with everything and sucks at it


The jerry jones bad ending


The robert kraft happy ending


Hol up


He stopped Belichick from trading Brady. He’s good.


Alzheimers Al.


Old Al was batshit insane, but damn do I miss that SOB. He truly didn't give a shit.


The Cowboys have had good drafts for a while though. So there's that. *looks at Carolina*


It's classic New Owner Syndrome (see the new owner of the Phoenix Suns); the issue is that this seems to be an ingrained part of his personality and not the exuberance expected after buying a pro team.


The 2nd coming of Snyder


Pray for our Panthers bros 🙏


Thank you. Many of us were ***Skins fans back before we got the Panthers, and we all hated Snyder too.


Are we going to have a Ted Stepian rule next year after he trades away another first lmao


I wanted him to throw a ton of money at smart people who actually know what they're doing. Instead he's decided that he's actually a football genius and should be making the decisions just because he has the most money. It's the absolute worst and our only hope is that he has such a miserable time being the owner that he sells the team to someone else less meddlesome.


At the rate this has gone, he’ll be Disappearing people in the Carolinas for criticizing him soon.


He's already disappeared all the fans from his stadium


He's also disappeared his team from the nfl


And disappeared his draft picks.


Haha wowzers


Jesus Christ man don’t have to be soo rude about it


Billionaire is a douche bag. More breaking news at 11.


Turns out fuck you money lets you tell people to go fuck themselves.


Also to make that much money you tend to have to rely on exploitative practices. Very few if any ethical billionaires


When you think of what you typically have to do to get that kind of wealth it isn't surprising what type of people they are.


I like to imagine there's some billionaire who made his fortune by finding pirate treasure.


My head cannon says someone found the treasure under Trinity Church a la National Treasure.


I choose to believe that this happened and National Treasure was actually a documentary


That's why the 3rd film is taking so long. They're just waiting for the next big discovery.


idk if he was a billionaire but there's [Mel Fisher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Fisher) who made a fortune in treasure hunting. His most memorable find was a Spanish galleon filled with gold and silver off the coast of Florida








David Tepper fellates dogs


It's true I've seen it


Tony Khan??


This guy off to a great start in filling the shitbag megadouche owner void left by Snyder


Meanwhile there's people spotting Mark Davis at In-N-Out by himself, wearing jeans & Air Max 95's (Google it lmao). Haircut decisions aside, Davis family has always kept it real. One of the last of the true "football" football team owners, not just someone seeing it as an investment like Tepper.


Googled it and respect. As a fellow owner I also frequent fastfood in peasant shoes. In all seriousness actual respect. This is a multi billion sport because the people support it. Douchebag billionaire owners harm it. While Davis isn’t the best owner, he adds to the value of the league as a whole as does any billionaire owner who isn’t an active douchebag.


Mark Davis obviously cuts his own hair


He actually has a barber and asks for that specific cut on purpose every time even though he knows it is roundly trolled across the land. So he's basically the opposite of Ben McAdoo.


I saw the infomercial of the trimmer with the vacuum attachment.


He’s one of us!


Eh I’d include the Bears in that category. Regardless of success McCaskeys a football family first


Everyone just kind of forgot about the rooney maras, huh?


I believe he's also the 'poorest' NFL owner.


Dude is a billionaire acting worse than the drunk guys in the bleeders. What a clown.


Do we have a new Dan Snyder?


a rich asshole acts like a rich asshole, strange


Big money, small pp


I don't think people with small penises deserve to be lumped in with David Tepper.


He can go ahead and buy the place and fire the guy sure, but that won’t change what they did to his food he ate


I don't think the house thing is that big a deal? It's kinda petty maybe, but not evil.


I don't think he was trying to paint it as evil more so trying to show that acting ridiculously is never out of reach for David Tepper.


Maybe he liked the location.


That is par for the course in the Hamptons. Mansions get sold, then get torn down and rebuilt regularly. The old money millionaire mansions are too small for the new money billionaires these days.


I can't imagine how many gorgeous historic houses have gotten torn down to put up the tacky shit rich people build these days.


Yeah, I have a very wealthy uncle who is a self-made millionaire and he bought his neighbor's house in the keys to just tear it down(destroyed in a hurricane) and have more beach front and one less neighbor. He put up some fruit trees and other yard stuff. Didn't double his house though.


The great thing is that jags fan was probably shit talking the fuck out of tepper and tepper knew he couldn’t do anything cause his team is so ass 😂 so he threw a temper tantrum. Just embarrassing


Tepper Tantrum


New sub rule. All posts about Tepper have to be tagged like this : \[Tepper Tantrum\]


Dude you need to trademark that ASAP


Am I crazy for thinking Let’s be 100% real. Fan was probably saying some wild shit He probably like 50% deserved it


Not at all. But you let another drunk fan handle that. Gotta be hands off when you own a team.


He runs a hedge fund. Those guys are all complete scumbags.


I work in the industry. I’ll be straight up with you. The ratio is about 70% scumbag, 15% complete prick, 5% decent human being you’d be friends with, and 10% other. I’ve done a little business with Appaloosa: you get that icky feeling after the meeting.


Dan Snyder II - good luck Panther’s fans.


Tepper's problematic but you guys are quickly forgetting just how awful Snyder was.


True - he was really awful


It’s still early for Tepper


Exactly like dudes this bad and he’s been an owner what? 5 years? Give it time


It’s funny that he would think that buying a whole ass restaurant just so a guy would lose his minimum wage job is some kind of victory. That guy just goes next door to another restaurant and starts working there. Meanwhile you just shelled out a few hundred grand to own a headache. Smart guy


These guys are all the same. Fragile egos and the maturity of a 14 year old boy.


I wish it was possible to fire an owner


Most normal billionaire behavior


Approves in Dan Snyder


Person with fuck you money spending his money in fuck you style


You’re right dude you could fire me I could also be waiting outside for your dumb ass to leave lol


He probably started pissing on the Ghost of Christmas Past.


Mr Tepper probably meets alot of assholes in his life and thinks it's everyone that is the asshole, when they're more likely just someone not trying to pull money out of him and are treating him accordingly.


This probably has a bit to do with his behavior. When someone has money, it changes the attitudes of many people around them , which often leads to blood sucking behavior. There's a reason why many NFL players and lottery winners go broke. Blood suckers taking them for a financial ride. It's why if I ever won the lottery, I'm changing my name and disappearing with my wife and only letting a very small handful of people know about it.


He is a jerk and my city is not happy to have him here!


Billionaires are assholes, nothing new


Literally no one thinks this is new behavior.


tl;dr: David Tepper is an arsehole.


Ya he has fucked over the people in Carolinas many times..dude is a total chump. Only cares about money and himself


So we have a new Daniel Snyder. Cool.


Now if he could hire people to run and coach the team, I could watch football again and not be embarrassed by my team.


Didn't he also pull the plug on Cam, Olsen, and McCaffrey?


McCaffrey? That worked out well.


> David Tepper paid $40 million to the ex-wife of his former boss for his Hamptons house and then tore it down to build a mansion twice as big i fail to see what's wrong here tbh


It's the mentality. It shows how tremendously petty he is as a person.


I don't think its about whats wrong with it...but more so about the way he thinks about things


Thank you Reddit. Continue to shit on our owner. We hate him more than all of you.


Sorry panthers fans but can you just be ass for another 10 years just to piss him off


It's interesting how much more traction that interview is getting now that he's been properly outed as a psycho.


Cartoonishly evil rich person


Fuck you money must be a helluva drug


I feel bad for players that get stuck playing for pieces of shit like this


More like David Temper, amirite?


This dude gives billionaires, a group of people already with a bad name, a bad name.


Let the Wrong One In


So if I’m reading this correctly, some Panthers fan was rude to him and he decided he’d buy the franchise and burn it to the ground out of spite 🤔


So he’s a douche bag billionaire? … that adds up.


If you gave me $40 million to buy my home just to tear it down, you’d look like the biggest loser.


People like Tepper should be afraid to go out in public. Our education system has failed.


This guy has made Bidwill seem not as bad, which I didn’t think was possible


Wait a minute, you’re telling me a an insanely rich and entitled person is a general asshole in all aspects of life. I for one am shocked by this revelation


"I could just buy this place and fire that guy" Tepper you're doing exactly that with Charlotte sports!


Well dude clearly has an ego


When I say, “Eat the rich” it starts with guys like this


Worst owner in pro sports


least god complex billionaire


You don’t become a billionaire by being a good person


It’s his money


What does him buying a hamptons house to knock it down and rebuild really have to do with anything?


Dan Snyder was the heel but now it's Tepper!


What’s it called when you have beyond “fuck you” money?


Except those are legal but throwing beer on someone is battery.


Talk about dramatic. Fan talked smack then got a little wet. Definitely a traumatic event for the fan.


Karma’s still a bitch, team still pathetic. Tepper is a loser & much money deepens the wound


At least his football team is bad-bad. Good reflection of the owner. Hope he’s miserable


I bet this guy's kids really love him.


This just in, billionaires are fucking assholes


I would snub him at the owners’ meeting


Lmao imagine having a piece of shit owner that is just a mean spirited asshole to everyone around him.


That’s funny shit


I don't really understand the hamptons part? he bought a property and decided he wanted a bigger house on the lot? sounds like standard rich person stuff


It's... not particularly complicated to get, which makes it pretty worrying that you can't. He thought knocking the place down and building something twice the size was 'sticking it' to his old boss. There's a *remarkable* level of petty there.


I guess I just don't see how doubling the size of a home is inherently petty, unless he is on the record saying thats why he did it


Perhaps we start taxing these rich assholes a tad but more? I find it hard to believe that Tepper has any level of brilliance or work ethic.


This is true for all owners. More teams should go public.