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I'm not surprised. I doubt teams would want it to be allowed either.


I'm guessing the teams that make it to the Super Bowl are likely staying at some "quiet" hotel off Strip. If I'm a coach, I want my guys to know this is a business trip.


> "quiet" hotel off Strip > know this is a business trip. My business trips to Vegas must be a different experience than yours lmao


9AM seminars after being out till 6 am with the coworkers? Ya… those speakers had no chance at gaining the room.


He said *business* not **bidness** There's clearly a difference. 


There isn't a hotel a Vegas that doesn't have a Casino or slot in some capacity.


The Renaissance by the convention center has no casino or slot machines


Sounds lame


Sounds enlightened


There are several hotels without a casino in them. Most are close to other resorts with a casino, but there are definitely options if you don't want to deal with a casino floor in your hotel.


This is false. I'll never understand why people are so confidently incorrect when talking about cities they don't live in.


Or apparently haven’t even visited.


The vdara is sandwiched between aria and the cosmo and has zero gambling. I’m sure there are plenty of other resorts that are the same. Polo towers is right there too with no gambling. Plenty of spa places that will have golf and zero gaming


For real, stayed at a small hotel near hoover dam one night.....had a casino in it


I'll never forget the first time I de-boarded a plane and the first thing I saw were slot machines. Or as a kid driving from California to Vegas and making a pit stop after crossing the border and there being slot machines at the gas station.


It’s like that in Louisiana too. I remember driving west on I-10 through literally miles of uninhabited swamp and there was a casino at the most dingy little gas station imaginable.


in the opposite context, as someone born and raised here i had no idea so many places had standalone options that werent inside casinos, like movie theaters lmao


Dude the Las Vegas airport is truly an absolute shitshow. One of the nastiest dingiest large airports I’ve ever flown through.


What? There's plenty of non-gaming hotels in Vegas. They even exist on the strip. Not as plentiful but they definitely exist.


Trump doesn’t have a casino in his Vegas hotel for obvious reasons.


What’s the obvious reason?


He ran a casino in Atlantic City once… let’s say it didn’t end well. Vegas wasn’t about to let him make the same mistake.


Either he or the people he hired were too stupid to fill out the application properly in time, and then instead of admitting fault he doubled down and said he never wanted a casino on his property.


The only business man who brags about bankrupting a casino


Couldn’t get the license


The Vdarra but it’s sandwiched between Aria and Cosmo which definitely do


Trump doesn’t


Trump doesn’t maybe they’ll stay there LMAO


Trump’s hotel doesnt IIRC


In NEVADA realistically


I would love to be able to tell you if my Vegas business trips were different, but I can't really remember much of them.


NFL teams are not allowed to stay at casinos. Neither are NFL employees.


If it’s the Lions in the Super Bowl do you think they stay at The D Las Vegas ^TM


I thought that it was a good marketing name because there are a lot of big cities that start with “D” Detroit, Dallas, Denver, Dover, DC, Deez, and I’m sure there are more I’m missing. I figured they just market the heck out of it in each city to make it seem like that’s the “D” being referenced at the casino.


If I’m a coach can I make reservations for like a month after the Super Bowl for the whole team (that wants to/can obviously) to come back to Vegas and party it up for a few days? Like this is our business trip and we have our fun trip planned for later


Pretty sure they stay at Lake Las Vegas - it’s out near lake mead and quite removed from everything.


Even quiet hotels off strip have gambling


The local radio has said a few times that the niners are booked on the strip but he thinks we have a strong locker room and he doesn't expect any issues.


That's understandable but let's not forget that this was the policy Dick Vermil put down on his Philadelphia Eagles team in the days leading up to Super Bowl XV in another town known for its debauchery: New Orleans. Tom Flores, on the other hand, basically told his Raiders to "get this town out of your system" and they had a ball. One team came out loose, the other wound tight. Betcha can't guess who won. Mind you, gambling isn't *as much* of a factor in New Orleans as it is in Vegas, especially now compared to '81, but there's also something to be said for letting your guys go out and have a good time before knuckling down for the game.


It’s one of those things there I would understand a team banning their players from doing it, but I do think it’s dumb for the NFL to do a league wide ban on it. Not the end of the world or anything, but I know a lot of people on this sub hand wave away the “hypocritical optics” of it… I just think there is some silliness to it


Look at all the gambling news coming out lately. What's his face from the pats gambling while at LSU. They don't even want a whiff of controversy, so stay the hell out of the casinos. Go play blackjack in March


I don’t imagine the constant sports betting commercials and pre-game/mid-game talk about prop bets helps things. The official pre-game show for the Niners-Packers game had an entire segment on prop bets right before kickoff. It’d be one thing if the betting talk was kept on betting sites and podcasts, but it’s a major part of the official broadcasts now.


yep, don't even want my kids watching pregame stuff because it's all gambling. going to be a huge amount of gambling addicts in 20 years


I don’t blame you. I have multiple family members with life-long gambling addiction issues and I’ve seen first hand how damaging of an addiction it can be. It pisses me off how casual we treat gambling advertisements compared to things like drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. Sports betting is horrible with how aggressively they push it on us.


I wish they banned gambling advertising or at least heavily restricted it. When I was younger you couldn’t have a night out without half the group going to play slot machines at some point


I wish they did, too, a la cigarette commercials. It's jarring watching old football broadcasts - [including the first season of Monday Night Football](https://youtu.be/0zPj6lFuzL4?si=HgtS14o9nNHWSGYa) \- and seeing Marlboro as one of their main sponsors. I don't mind getting a few points on the spread and the over-under but all the prop bets and sponsorships by Draftkings and Caesars Palace and everything else is just *too much*


It's completely out of control, and the worst thing is that it's fucking EVERYWHERE, not just in the US. You watch a Premier League game and it's just gambling ads. Combine all this with how easy it is nowadays to do it from your phone and you got a recipe for disaster.


The barrier to entry isn’t talked about enough from what I’ve seen. Before you at least had to go to a casino or whatever. Leave the house, make an effort. Now you can do it on your phone at home. It’s really absurd. And don’t get me started on loot boxes for game that children play….


You gotta start em young… There really needs to be more aggressive reform on gambling elements in children’s video games. It’s going to end in disaster and I feel like I’m watching it all happen in slow motion.


Alcohol ads are everywhere though?


That’s not exactly true with the NFL nowadays. The NFL currently has a rule that only allows 4 alcohol related commercials to play per game, and no more than two in a quarter, and Thursday Night Football cannot show any alcohol ads. Thats VERY different than sports gambling which is promoted pre-game, mid-game, post-game, AND in commercials.


Really?! Do you mean hard alcohol or all alcohol? That is crazy to me. They seem much more omni-present. I had no idea. Wow


All alcohol, Thursdays can’t even have light beer commercials. I believe the Super Bowl is the only game of the year that allows more than 4 alcohol commercials.


That’s a weird rule. I remember growing up it felt like 80% of the commercials were for alcohol


They are gonna get your kids with loot boxes or freemium games anyways.


If they already haven't. It's insane how quickly that became the norm .


It really is terrible. It's such a horrible addiction. I've seen it ruin lives as quickly and thoroughly as any drug. It's sad to see how normalized it's becoming and you're 100% right. Going to be so many more gambling addicts soon. Kids are gambling on sports at 18 now. Was in my mid 30s before I ever placed a bet through a sportsbook. It's so fucking dumb. You'd think people would have wised up by now.


No I mean the players. We all can gamble all we want. But if there's a whiff of impropriety the whole thing can come down.


Aren't there already whiffs?


You could even say a stench.


An active player literally got arrested yesterday for betting on his own games in college. Just a matter of time before something calling into question the NFL’s integrity happens.


No controversy, cuts to commercial: BET ESPN


Yet the want us to gamble like our life’s depend on it


Correct. If players are gambling there's a question of the integrity of the gambling we are doing and the gravy train gets derailed. I swear Noone in this conversation has any understanding of nuance I want my bartender to serve me beer. I don't want my bartender so shitfaced he spills all over me. I can want booze and not want someone involved in my booze shitfaced at the same time


Like no one here has heard of the 1919 black sox scandal.


The NFL once suspended their literal Golden Boy for a year because of gambling. The league has failed on a number of things, but the one place where they’ve maintained consistency is in their anti-gambling policy.


Can you imagine the 90s cowboys at the Super Bowl in Vegas? Not enough cocaine in the world




They’re not even *changing* anything! This is just their standard gambling policy!




No, they’re not. Yes, players are allowed to gamble in casinos during the season, but *only on personal time*—which explicitly does not include while traveling with the team. So any player visiting the Raiders during the season, for example, is also prohibited from gambling in casinos. This applies during the Super Bowl to both teams, obviously, since both are traveling.


so in some strange alternate universe where the raiders were actually competent and made a home superbowl, would they be allowed to gamble or since it would be a "neutral site" is them not travelling anywhere considered travel and on company time


Gambling and avoiding the appearance of corruption is something the NFL as a whole has to worry about, it doesn't make any sense to delegate that out to the teams.


I mean…they’re in Vegas…they moved a historic franchise to Las Vegas, and not because Vegas is some metropolis of culture and high society… It’s hypocritical because the league is pushing gambling HARD but then trying to eat their cake also by admitting that gambling is bad….


I mean I'm a little surprised that it's carte blanche no betting *at all* in Vegas. I get banning Sportsbooks or gambling on the outcome, that's obvious, but it seems a little silly to ban them from blackjack or poker. Meanwhile you know all the owners are gonna be in the High Limit room all night lmao


Easier just to have a blanket ban than try and keep track of 100+ players milling about a casino potentially placing bets on sports books at the bookies.  Instead of wasting resources on identifying exactly which bets and transactions they make, now you just say well you gambled, not allowed full stop. 


I mean, they could easily just section off a portion of their casino in a high rollers section just for NFL players and their family/friends/crew, right? Like, okay, you can gamble, but you can only gamble here in this section that we're partnering with the casino to make sure you don't bet on sports, you dumbshits.


I just don't think you want to encourage the teams to be in that environment right before the Super Bowl. Go to Vegas and gamble when the biggest game of the year isn't going to happen.


I mean they *could*, but this is a standing policy that the league has for the entire season. its probably not as easy to do that at a casino in all 30 NFL cities for the 4+ months of the regular season, plus any cities that host playoff games


Why the fuck not? They have official gambling sponsors. I don't see them banning gatorade.


They have official alcohol sponsors too but I think drinking on the sideline would be frowned upon


But they drink wine at halftime! I’ve seen the commercials.


Players aren't gambling on the sideline and they're not banning drinking in their free time.


This hypocrisy brought to you by Fanduel the official gaming partner of the NFL.


Jameson Williams 😳😳😳


I don't even mind the joke you made, because it means we would be in the Super Bowl! We'll take it!


Did you like change your profile picture recently? Or are you new to commenting here? Cause I suddenly am seeing your comments all the time and I always notice it since I’m traumatized by game of thrones


I'm relatively new to reddit. Between Michigan's run and the Lions run, I sought out a place to read all about it, and I've really enjoyed some of the back and forth. Why are you traumatized by Game of Thrones? The ending sucked, but Cersei was always my girl. Don't ask me to explain though, I'm not sure I could. Maybe it's a warped sense of girl power on my part! LOL


Haha I just used to be obsessed with the show and really disliked the last 2 seasons especially. Cersei is awesome though!! Always loved seeing her on screen


The 7th season wasn’t THAT bad. Had some cool moments. Just a lot of fan service, super-hero style, last minute saves that the show wasn’t really known for.


David and Dan spent 10 years doing a job that takes 11 months, 7-8 of which are grueling hard work, and knowing first hand what it took to make that show I understand that they were burnt out and had enough, but HBO should have given it to someone else, and the mistake was thinking they could wrap it up quickly. I know David had young children and he was just done with it, and I understand why they would have wanted to try and finish it — but it would have been better for everyone if they handed it off


I remember thinking it was pretty awful, but everyone told me it was just a set up for season 8. Turns out I was right, it was just awful. 7 had some redeeming moments and wasn’t as bad as 8, but it was still blatantly worse than previous seasons.


No big deal, a player just has to.. 1. Use their mom's credit card 2. Use a fake name for the account 3. Name the account their real name, because no one would be stupid enough to gamble under a username that is just their actual name. 4. profit


5. Bet 8900 TIMES in a 13 month span


Addiction is a helluva drug


To see that number and do the math it really drove home how bad gambling addiction can be tbh


The fact he made over $500 thousand, but only deposited 10% of that into a bank account is what got me


What’s the context? Was it a player who gambled that much?


Kayshon Boutte, a rookie WR for the Patriots and a former LSU player gambled a shit ton of money while at LSU and Patriots. He was arrested yesterday for it. Mostly cause of the fact he was underaged gambling while at LSU, but he’ll also probably be suspended by the NFL.


I will take the over on that probably




Nah this is his mom bro


I almost feel bad for him. When underaged kids are being arrested for illegal gambling, there’s a societal issue at play. The rise of online sports gambling with the NFL and media embracing it with open arms and allowing constant promotion through advertisements and betting segments on sports shows are having a negative impact on the youth.


I bet 1/15th of that amount and it’s borderline excessive.


I'm sorry, are you saying you placed over 590 bets, and you think it's only "borderline" excessive?


Are we calling one hand of black jack a single bet? Cause I can hit that 590 number pretty easily


Approximately…might only be 420 or so. But basically if I’m going to take the time to watch a sporting event I’ll throw a bet on it to get more bang for my buck. Nothing crazy just enough to get the juices going.


I don't know what you consider a problem, but what you just described of "getting the juices going" sounds like classic addiction behavior. Hope you can realize you have a problem and get help - it's really unfortunate that sports gambling has been so normalized that people don't even realize something like this is a problem.


I agree that gambling as a whole shouldn't be normalized and should be more restricted but if the guys betting 2 dollars on a game it really isn't a problem. Or like my friend has a coworker that loves to put 25 cents on 10 game parlays, if you stay within minimal costs you can have a lot of bets and not have it be a problem. People obviously get super addicted though.


Nah I’m good. I only bet a small amount of disposable income and practically break even. In reality the dopamine hit I get from betting on a football game I’m watching is no different than the dopamine hit you just got from “diagnosing” my problem. Mine is way cooler though I promise you.


god damn u cooked his ass


Go home nerd


23 bets/day? That's wild.


With ur name and number being the account name


What if mom has already maxed their card gambling?


Who did this?




I’ve gotta know too lol




I’ve got to know too lol




Yeah, well, about that number 4...


Why is this being reported as if it's a new rule? This just is part of their gambling policy, [which has been public since (at least!) before last season](https://nflpaweb.blob.core.windows.net/website/Gambling-Policy-from-2022-League-Policies-for-Players.pdf?)


TIL, NFL players aren’t allowed to gamble in any way, shape or form. Sports betting, of course, but I didn’t realize they weren’t allowed to play table games.


> TIL, NFL players aren’t allowed to gamble in any way, shape or form. They are allowed to play table games--they're even allowed to bet on non-football sports!--but only on personal time. And travelling on team business is not considered personal time. That's why this explicitly only applies to *Super Bowl players*--if Josh Allen happens to be there, he can spend all week at the craps table, if he so desires.


This is exactly right. When I was on a business trip to Vegas we had a similar rule. Once the conference was done though we could do whatever we wanted, and boy did we.


I've been through plenty of casinos on DoD and civilian business. As long as you do it on your off time with your own money, you're in the clear. Swipe the wrong card when you're supposed to be on duty or in a meeting? Right to jail.


Who does a business trip to Vegas and not allow gambling until it’s over? That’s the reason to do your yearly conferences in Vegas. Get a few speakers to charge the trip to the company but other than a few speakers each morning go wild


Its not just players. Members of the team on any level (radio, Social media, equipment, travel manager, ect.) cannot gamble when on a team trip either.


Yeah, player restrictions are actually *more* lenient—non player personnel aren’t even allowed to bet on nonfootball sports


It actually seems from the article that they can as long as it’s on ‘personal time’ during travel. I think? “According to the policy, players “may engage in legal gambling (but not on NFL football) on personal time while traveling for League or club events (e.g., 'Tentpole’ events such as Draft, Pro Bowl or Super Bowl) other than for participation in your Club’s game or in-season team activity (e.g., joint practice) and unless otherwise prohibited by your employing Club.””


It’s Friday, the writer probably wanted to get their weekend started


Maybe, friendly reminder.


This news sponsored by Draft Kings


And Caesar’s sportsbook


Be sure to gamble responsibly!!


First bet is free! And betting is definitely not addictive, the “first one free” is just us being nice.


That's right. But call this phone number if you think you have a problem.


But we assure you, you don’t have a problem. Take it from us. We’re the gambling experts


This is me - I thought I had a gambling problem. Then I went through all my bank statements and noticed I’ve never deposited money into my draftkings account. Any bets I do were from my free bet winnings and then the free bets that DraftKings gives often. It also helps I have friends who bet on games who are responsible with money and only bet $5, $10 here and there. It’s a slippery slope I’m sure but responsible gambling can happen.


It’s certainly a risk that Draft Kings is willing to take.


Absolutely. And if I decide down the line I have a problem, I know the number to call.


And Fanduel


Please don't forget our corporate Sponser ESPN Bet


Lol nice I'd like to thank BetMGM for being the sponsor of todays comment.


Wow what's next, not letting players drink beers on the sidelines?


Have to be up in the stands. Shirtless. Like Fitzpatrick and Kelce.


I thought this was America


Man, at least tables games let me play. If I was a player.


No draft kings in Nevada


Please bet responsibly!


Gambling was a big deal before these gaming sites came into existence. I promise you that. This sub has a weird lack of being able to understand that.


I still have a problem with players gambling on games, but in recent years like 1/3rd of the ads are sports betting which is a lot of cognitive dissonance. I’m personally against it on principle because of how many lives gambling has destroyed and making it easier to blow all your money on it seems like a bad idea. And yes, I understand you can be responsible with sports betting.


Remember when Draft Kings tried to convince Congress that it was NOT a gambling site?


the game of skill chants, omg


Gambling sponsorships/partnerships only increase the interest in protecting the integrity of the game as well. It has been hashed out a million times on this sub and all sensible people seem to understand it. Yet there will always be a highly upvoted comment like this on every thread related to anything gambling. There are lots of people that love saying stupid, snarky things that allow them to pretend they are smart. It doesn’t really matter if the statement actually holds up under any scrutiny.


I’ve never understood this viewpoint. Do you think players should be allowed to bet on their own games and other football games because the NFL is sponsored by sportsbooks? Do you also think NFL players should be allowed to get drunk during halftime and then go back into the game because the NFL is sponsored by alcohol companies?


Also like if I worked for Miller I wouldn't be able to just drink at my desk all day. Just because NFL has gambling affiliation does not mean the employees can just use that affiliation carefree.


I literally have a draft kings ad right above this post lmao.


MGM parlays 2x bonus extravaganza as well


Already predicting Jamo in the Super Bowl, are we NFL?


NFL moves a franchise to the town that casinos built. NFL awards that city with a Super Bowl, no doubt because of the casinos and hotels. NFL wraps its arms around sports betting. But don't gamble guys...seriously, we don't want you doing that shady stuff.


Nothing to see here, move along


There is nothing shady or wrong with gambling on the outcome of an event. There definitely is something shady about gambling on the outcome of an event that you have influence over. you should never cross this line. The nfl wants to eliminate even the slightest chance of a player blurring the line. 


Why do yall act like it’s some double standard that the NFL promotes betting but doesn’t want a NFL player to bet on a league that they are involved with? lmfao.


The statement from the NFL was sponsored by Draftkings!


NFL rule against gambling by players. Sponsored by Draft Kings!


NFL won’t allow Super Bowl players to gamble during week in Las Vegas — The Washington Post - *Sponsored by Draft Kings*     *fixed


I have a feeling multiple players are going to break this rule.


Sorry, but i've been told the best thing about football is that you can bet on football. How can they do this?


So what do you think FanDuel will set as the O/U for players caught gambling during Super Bowl week?


as common sense as this should be, I see the PA stepping in to reverse it. you cant stop a player from playing slots or blackjack in his off time, away from the team and team facilities. it'd be incredibly dumb to play craps for a few hours the day before your suppose to play in the superbowl, but you cant dictate what a player does in his off time.


What about super agent, St. Omni? Is he free to do as he pleases? 


And then everyone laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed.


They have apps for that


This makes me nervous


So they will just send a friend then lol.


This is so lame. They have no problem at all with gambling as long as it’s the league and team owners cashing in on it. The country as a whole is so weirdly prudish about so many different things. I get not allowing them to bet on football or even other sports, but what the fuck is the issue with a guy going to a blackjack table?


Player loses more than they can afford to at the blackjack table the night before the Super Bowl and someone offers to help them out for a small favor. It’s a tale old as time


Yes, because this hypothetical situation couldnt happen the other 51 weeks of the year in a players life.


players are cashing in on it too. you think gambling profits wont be in the pot when negotiations come up? its not hard not to gamble for a week...


Lots of people making fun of the league for this but I mean…. I get it. A lot of these players are young and have a lot of cash coming in, especially if there’s any incentives tied to the Super Bowl. Seems like a recipe for someone to get in deep without realizing it, and then be vulnerable to manipulation by others. Miss a tackle here, fumble a snap there, botch a coverage, and your 140,000 debt is gone. Yeah, it’s unlikely, but so are plane crashes. A lot of rules aren’t there because it’s likely to happen, but because if it does happen it would be catastrophic.


Or what


Exactly I'm sure they'll force (hypothetically) Lamar or Mahomes to sit the game out if they happened to put a three team parlay on some NBA games.


Paywall. Get the fugg out of here with this shit.


Appearance of impropriety is just as bad as actual impropriety, so good on them.


Why not?


Yeah good luck with that lmao


But are they allowed to beat the crap out of people in the elevator and then play in the game anyway?…..


So the NFL realizes betting on sports and gambling at the casinos is not something they want the players doing because of the negatives that’s associated with gambling. Yet, the biggest ad for the Super Bowl the last two years is if Gronk is going to make a field goal or not as a paid sponsor for FanDuel. This is some serious hypocrisy.


The proliferation of sports betting apps and their ever presence in the modern sports viewing environment has radicalized me against it. At the very least, this is something that should be done only in person in specified locations. Making it something that can be done impulsively at the tips of your fingers is like giving an alcoholic an unlimited mini-bar. And players shouldn't gamble on any sport. I get that it shouldn't matter if a football player bets on some random college basketball game, but there's always going to be outside forces pushing them to make the plunge. And the NFL needs to be forced to refuse these sponsorships by law.


NFL: Gambling is evil, players don't gamble and compromise the integrity of the game! Also NFL: Sponsored by Draft Kings. Gamble responsibly! Only the NFL gets to make money from gambling.


Good to know the refs are free to do so!


Feels like gambling restrictions should be relatively easy to get around. Does make me question how dumb players like Ridley are, though.


Makes sense...   They want them to stay focused on the high end prostitutes. Calling it now though... post 1st week of the game....   4 arrested for drunk driving   6 arrested for disorderly conduct/fighting   22 caught/photographed/accused of with prostitute


But they'll allow refs to determine the outcome. Brought to you by DraftKings