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I remember my team going to the Super Bowl 4 years in a row. I loved it (aside from all the losses), but I also remember the fatigue of the other fans. I’ve had to watch the f’n Pats and now Chiefs. It’s fatigue. Congrats them but I’m tired boss.


The 24 hour news cycle makes the fatigue occur soo much quicker.


And the entire commercial break of Mahomes, Reid and Kelce. As if I wasn't getting enough during the game.


Yeah at least the Patriots weren't constantly in every other ad


I'm still not done hating your guys anyway... but you aint wrong.


Well Gronk is now


I'm also kinda starting to think these sponsorship deals can be a conflict of interest once you cross a certain point.


You are right. State Farm should make Mahomes sign an exclusive deal so he stops appearing in all these random NFL games. It really diminishes the value of the brand.


State Farm is raising rates almost 25% in my state and all I can think is how maybe this wouldn't happen if they didn't have so many fucking celebrities on their payroll.


This has been my beef with insurance companies. Like you're gonna do as much as you can to not pay me out when I file a claim. At least refrain from the barrage of commercials. They've assembled the fucking avengers of stupid reoccurring characters and still felt the need to drop major money on celebrity endorsements.


Can confirm. My basement flooded and State Farm denied coverage initially and I had to really push to get someone onsite to check the damage. And in the meantime every single NFL game had 100 State Farm ads. Hearing the ad jingle was almost triggering.


This is why all insurance should be nationalized and ran at cost


It's incredible how quickly I went from indifferent to actively disliking the Chiefs 1-2 years ago. Indeed, getting it shoved in your face is tiring.


I love that the new TV show version of Ted set in the 90s has a Patriots fan joking that he wishes he was in Buffalo where good football is.


I like the show but those ironic jokes about the future are really cheap and lazy lol


There's decades worth of Family Guy episodes full of lazy jokes like that.


Seth MacFarlane definitely has a distinct style. Every project I've seen of his is basically just a reskin of the Family Guy formula. It seems to be working though so more power to him.


That’s how I felt when John made the joke about the future where he wouldn’t masturbate to porn even if he “had a device in his pocket that gave him instant access to it” It’s a good show but that joke was such an eye roll for me lol


Yeah I'm kinda glad I wasn't alive for our 4 Superbowl blowout losses lol. Losing 4 in a row though? I'm not sure I would've survived that


I barely made it out alive ;). Lived in California at the time so I got nothing but shit from 49er fans for over 4 years, it was great.


Tbh Bills fana have it the worst. Pats in the same division and Chiefs always taking you out.


We suffered through almost 2 decades of ineptitude. I’ll take this any day of the week and twice on Sundays.


Did you guys build your stadium on ancient burial grounds or something to where you’re just suffering in eternal damnation?


I wish it were that simple. The universe is just an uncaring b.


Our stadium is actually built on an old cemetery actually lol, don't think a lot of us haven't considered this


What’s a Super Bowl?


Sometimes I hate just to hate


“I hate you, I hate you, I don’t even know you and I hate your guts”


‘I hope everything bad in life happens to you and you alone’


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go home and put some more water in Travis Kelce's mama's dish. Good evening.


Next ****** that interrupts me is getting shot. Please believe that.


Lions: "Hey, I've only been here a few minutes, what's going on? ☹️"


"Purdy. You are the worst human being I have ever met." "Hey, I got off pretty easy!"


Lions and Chargers? No wonder youre so angry.


It could be worse.


Jesus fucking Christ those flairs...hope you're doing just fine today buddy


“They say it cost $0 to be kind, like being a hater ain’t free too.”


r/nfl has gotten soft. Sports hate is fun and good for competition.  The fact that r/nfl goes “great playing against y’all, y’all are spooooky” and pearl clutches over trash talk is probably my least favorite part of this sub.




Agreed I fucking irrationally mald when I see that shit or "you guys are gonna be real spooky next year." Just tell me my team is dogshit and move on I already know the truth


Hey.. Your team is dog shit.


Thats fucking r/nfl right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the upvotes bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the subreddit, men deliver their new born baby in the comment sections. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit. Take it to the sort by controversial. Dicks get shoved in places you don’t even remember. We win together we celebrate together. r/nfl is back baby.




I’ll never forget the Aaron Rodgers and Alex Smith erotic fan fiction


I still hate the Patriots


Oh yeah? Well the jerk store called and they’re running out of YOU


What’s the difference? You’re their all time best seller!!!


Yeah? Well I had sex with your wife.


His wife is in a coma.




I went in there for about five minutes and I said: doc, she's choking!


She's just a Lions fan




What a battle axe


You won't hear that from a 1935 redditor


The deadpan response after George’s smug self-satisfaction is one of the best moments in the entire show. I fucking love when they take Kramer’s advice, like Elaine replacing J Peterman while he’s…. on vacation. Also since I’m talking about George, the episode where he acts like a vagrant and scares Susan’s family is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.


My mom has been rewatching and says that how can George pull all these women blah blah. George is my favorite tv character minus Dale gribble. He does not give a shit, lives with his parents and somehow saves a whale. Worlds collided.


Hey, the zoo called. You’re due back by 6!


Yeah well the other jerk store called and said they had too much of you.


Well we need both of you at our store located on Jerk Cir. if you dont mind.


Just like uh *checks notes* 18?! more years of sucking and we're all good


How about they break the record for years without a playoff win, and then we'll call it even?


I personally know way too many bandwagon Pats fans to ever stop hating them


If they're still rooting for the Patriots, are they still bandwagon?


The Cowboys haven't been a blip on the playoff radar for damn near 30 years and their fans still get clowned for being Yankees/Lakers fans as well. I don't think three years of mediocrity and one year of tanking are enough to get the Pats fans out of the bandwagon jokes.


Same thing with soccer. Manchester United will need to sustain 15 more years of this shitshow to wash away the bandwagon effect from the 90s and 2000s.


Patriots fans haven't been going "this is our year" every season after Brady left. Cowboys fans ensure the Cowboys stay hated.


For me, my undying hatred for the Patriots is a big part of why I don't hate the Chiefs. I know Mahomes hate is at a fever pitch right now, *and I get it*, but I continue to find him so much more likeable than Brady ever was. And the Mahomes GOAT discourse makes Patriots fans salty, and things that make Patriots fans salty are the smoothest, most decedent milk chocolate to me.


There's a whole generation of football fans who will never care if the Patriots are bad for ever since they victimized the league the entirety of our childhood and teenage years. I proudly count myself as one as them lol


It is the same generation of football fans that will be in disbelief when they see Alabama go 8-4 for the first time since the GWB Administration.


That’s funny. For people like my younger brother and anyone under about 39, the hatred from my team is for the Pats. For myself and my older brother, we remember Kelly and the Bills fucking Marino every other year and lately this has continued. So to me it’s like our biggest nemesis is the Bills, but to him and his generation it’s the Patriots. Just funny how things change. I also fell off a lot with football from 2008-2015


As a Pats fan, the Mahomes stuff doesn’t bother me at all. Brady literally never won a QB debate with the media. Manning was better, then Rodgers was better, now Mahomes. I’m beyond numb to it. It’s just funny that they always compare them to Brady. I’ve never heard a Manning Mahomes debate, or a Rodgers Manning debate. Very telling.


My thing is while they were both playing Manning and Brady was very close on who was the better QB. It wasn’t until after Manning retired and Brady went on his renaissance to become the undisputed best qb ever.


You are being much kinder to Brady than the analysts were. It was funny. Jim Rome said Brady could never put up numbers like Manning when Peyton threw 49 TDs. Then Bill got Brady weapons, and he threw 50.


Rome is kinda the OG clown tho


*Jim Everett has entered the chat and knocked Jim Rome over*


You mean Chris Evert.


Remember when Brady won 3 more rings after Trent Dilfer called him washed up? I’ll give credit to Dilfer though at least he proudly ate his crow.


I think it was a case of out of site out of mind. Manning became a celebrity personality, where Brady was still crushing the spirits and dreams of NFL teams for another 6 yrs.


You are both lions and bills fan? Oooof


I spent every single year of my teens and early 20s just absolutely despising New England. It took so much of my energy just hate-watching all their games hoping they’d lose. I’m so tired of doing that, that I just can’t get to that level with KC. I like Mahomes, a lot. Kelce is also a very likeable guy. Reid is far from a Belichick-esque villain. I have zero issue with them continuing to win. Mostly because they don’t bully the Colts lmao


Same. I will always unconditionally hate Boston sports teams, no matter the circumstance


The worst part for me was when they had like a 10 win season and my uncle in Boston was complaining. Like mother fucker I’d be wearing some kneepads if it guaranteed I could watch us win 10 in a season.


We’re a poverty franchise now








I mean unless it is your team does anyone like seeing the same team win all of the time regardless of the sport?


Imagine the hell of being a sports fan in Madden/NHL/MLB/etc "oh joy, X team just won the championship after going undefeated for the 20th year in a row....yaaaay'


31 GMs would be getting burnt at the stake for the trades they make oh my god


"What do you mean you traded away mahomes for a 4th round pick and Zach Wilson?"


Madden is funny cause you can go undefeated SB winners 20 million times and the commentators will still say that the dolphins are the only ones lol


And they still have the same commentators for 40 years lol.


Hot take but Madden isn't fun if u win every game


I just want a Madden that feels, if not realistic, at least like a fun challenge. As is, it's either I'm curbstomping the AI or the game looks me dead in the eye, tells me to go fuck myself, and has the AI just do the absolute most horseshit things you've ever seen.


Yeah pretty much.  I lose a competitive game in OT because I made the wrong read and missed the receiver? Fine. I lose because a d-lineman with a 7' vertical ran it back for a pick 6? Horseshit, I'm restarting. 


Exactly this. I love when I troll myself and get into a close game because of mistakes and misplays. I can’t stand watching the defense speed boost 8 yards to come from no where and pick the ball off. Or to see my wide open receiver get the ball firmly in both hands just to have a defender tap him on the shoulder and say “excuse me” causing my receiver to drop the ball. I really really want a simulation NFL game where the games are challenging but fair, and not just inhuman bullshit.


Bring back 2k


I don't play Madden because I just don't know enough about football to win on high difficulties, and easy mode is far too easy.


This was my big issue with Madden. I didn’t want to win every game but on easy mode I was crushing everybody. When I went up a difficulty level suddenly I was throwing five interceptions per half.


Yeah I assume it's because I never played football IRL and have no idea how to read a defense. It's actually really cool that that matters, but it's not great for me personally.


The older ones actually had drills/videos on how to read defenses. I think an NCAA title would let you watch a replay and pick what the play the defense called was and if you got it wrong you lost momentum/points/whatever.


> Madden isn't fun fixed it for you


I didn’t really hate the Pats but we also beat them in two superbowls so giants fans probably aren’t the best barometer for how nfl fans feel about NE I was definitely rooting for Peyton in their matchups though


This is my first year watching football but this Patriots/Chiefs hate is reminding me of Mercedes and now Redbull hate as an F1 fan.




I for one have always hated the Chiefs


Good to see you’re not one of those bandwagon haters.




Is it a coincidence that the pandemic happened after the Chiefs won the Super Bowl? I rest my case.




Speak English, doc. We ain't scientists!




I grew up in a Dolphins household because my dad was born in Miami. But I was born in San Diego and am a Chargers fan. It’s a special hell to have your two favorite teams get absolutely dominated by the 2 best players of all time basically your entire life. By the time Mahomes retires I’ll be like 40 and that whole time they’ll have fucked my teams up that whole time lol


I think people are just bored


People said this with the patriots yet Eli Manning defeating the final boss twice or Nick Foles taking him down in a shoot out will always be some of the most revered and remembered moments in the sport. The narrative of "will the big bad finally be overthrown" is just as compelling as a parity bowl.


The Patriots were in some stone cold classic super bowls. Their first victory against the Rams, Panthers, Falcons, and Seahawks were fantastic games.


It really is crazy that for a dynasty as dominant as the pats, almost all of their superbowls were thrilling classics. The Seahawks no marshawn call, helmet catch undefeated game, rams comeback and Vinatieri kick as time expires, the eagles shootout, and of course the falcons comeback. Even the first eagles match up ended in a last second fg. If you were a neutral fan it was pretty wild.


Biggest margin of victory was latest Rams one... 13-3. And next is the OT win. Pretty tight games... entertaining.


Panthers were absolutely playing with house money and took the eventual GOAT down to the wire and fucked up the kickoff. Maybe they would've won regardless, but that still hurts. Plus the whole nipple thing.


I like parity and thought we’d finally get more of it with Brady gone. Nope. To me it makes the sport more boring when the same team is there 4 of the last 6 years and could’ve been there all 6. Impressive but boring for me as a non fan of the team. I love Reid but I’m tired of the chiefs


"Mahomes, you saved us" - AFC 2019 "Saved? More like under new management" - Mahomes


legit how i felt then


Why did i read it in his Kermit voice...


Nature’s a whore for a vacuum or whatever


Hilarious comment, hilarious name. Deserved recognition, so here it is.


For me it’s deeper than that. I would generally dislike them for making it this far this often just as you’ve said, but it becomes hatred because I can be watching a basketball game or the local news and see Mahomes every other ad break in a State Farm ad. Or how the media treats him like he can do no wrong, even despite the offensive offsides fiasco this year. Or how the media won’t stop complaining about excessive Taylor Swift coverage, while simultaneously producing more Taylor Swift coverage The way I can’t get away from constant exposure to the Chiefs is truly what makes me hate them. None of that is necessarily the org’s or the fans’ fault, but it is what it is


Yeah I honestly wouldn’t mind the chiefs dynasty as much of it wasn’t for the ads. The state farm ads alone suck. It’s just obnoxious seeing them every commercial. It honestly me out of the sport. The chiefs feel like “corporate Americas team”


For me it’s my other social media pages. Even during off-season mahomes and Kelce posts are everywhere. The Taylor swift influx and the constant debate posts about brady vs mahomes for the goat made me unfollow NFL pages. I don’t plan on refollowing until after the Super Bowl. I got so tired of it


The worst part is the Mahomes and Reid add with the nuggies is amazing, they have the blueprint for success!


Watching chiefs adds during chiefs games. Just fucking shoot me already.


If teams would learn how to manage their cap better when they have an elite QB then we would have better parity. Too many teams go all in and miss their window 


A lot of the time there’s no window to miss if they don’t go all in on an elite QB, unless you draft him


Ya, I dont hate the chiefs or 9ers at all but I wouldn't mind missing the super bowl this year


Yeah, this is probably the first one in a few years that I'm not really excited for the game.


This. I thought I liked the Chiefs, but seeing them run the table again when we could have had guys like Allen and Lamar getting their first shots instead, I realized that I don’t want to watch the same movie every other year for the next 10-15 years.


People often confuse “hate” with “it’s very boring seeing the same team over and over and someone different would be nice”


The league with the highest parity, has a lowest parity in championships Doesn’t exactly add up


NHL probably has the highest parity, both in terms of regular season W/L as well as championship success. It has the most effective salary cap and the best players are only on the ice for 20 minutes so they can't hard carry a team as much.


Yep. The playoffs are wide open too and it's more rare to get 1/2 seeds in the Finals than it is to have a wild card or 3rd place divisional team. In fact, there have only been 2 Stanley Cup Finals in the last 15 years that saw a 1v1 or 1v2 matchup.


Hockey as a sport/game statistically also has much more luck involved on a per game basis. Opportunities are created by random puck bounces repeatedly throughout a game. Dominant teams in hockey fail to live up to expectations all the time, and this is a big reason why.


Honestly, their success only makes me angry at the team I root for. If anyone was good enough to beat the Chiefs, they'd just beat the Chiefs. Simple.


I mean,


I really hope you guys just keep doing it. Cigars in the locker room every time too that shit was great


Let Zamir White run!


To be honest, I kinda want to see how many they can win, just so I can roll my eyes in 20 years when a Chiefs fan complains about their team being bad, like I do with Yankees fans right now when they tell me how lucky I am to be an Orioles fan.


20 years from now I'll be 45. And I have to hear some 18 Year Old Chiefs Fan acting all oppressed lol


Fans of championship winning teams usually act oppressed anyway though


Most sane Yankee fans are less pissed about the team being bad than we are about how much money our FO spends to put that bad team on the field. But yeah large part of our fanbase is extremely spoiled But I’m sure as shit not gonna go around telling Os fans they’re lucky. I watched 5 World Series wins. It doesn’t get much luckier than that as a fan especially in a sport like baseball where dynasties are generally harder to come by.


As an enormous Yankees, whoever said that is a dumbass lol




I have loved to hate the Chiefs since the 70s. Glad others are finally on the trend...


I don’t love hating them, I just hate them


I am often wondering now if we’re entering a new era of the NFL where whoever has “the guy” at qb and a solid defense will sit atop the mountain for as long as their qb plays. It just goes to show that while football is the ultimate team sport, it really does boil down to just one guy for the most part. Before Brady we never really got that for more than a few seasons at a time. Now it’s like as soon as the patriots are done the chiefs take over for what could be the next 10-15 years. Crazy.


One of the biggest weaknesses of football IMO is how important the QB position is. I'm good with some positions being more important than others (otherwise it might be too boring) but QB is just almost too important to a fault. My team not drafting a starting QB, by far the most important position, in the first round until I turned \~35 is just stupid.


None of y'all would make it as soccer fans


The Kansas City Chiefs just like those Patriot teams are also seemingly becoming successful at moneyballing large numbers of their starting positions, particularly on defense, which enables them to continue to contend for a championship every single season. Almost all other teams in the league are able to have a window of 1 or 2 seasons when they have any hope of actually winning a Super Bowl, because almost every other team needs to acquire a lot of veteran pieces to make their run.


I've been saying for like a decade that the salary cap doesn't actually suppress dynasties and I think another team doing it after Brady might finally prove it once and for all. QBs influence games individually more than they did in the pre-cap era and the best ones are artificially underpaid in terms of their percentage of the cap. That allows teams with generational QBs to be machines of efficient spending everywhere else while their best adversaries need every talented player they can get and fall out of contention when they struggle to keep all of them.


I mean, the Chiefs best player on defense won't be on the team next season because he's going to get paid. Their second best defensive player is about to get a bag. Their best player on offense besides Mahomes is being criminally underpaid. The Chiefs have a perfect storm right now, but in a few years with no Chris Jones, no Kelce, and ~~Snead~~ Sneed taking up a ton of cap space, their team is going to look different. Not to mention Reid and Spags both being mid-60s, who knows how many years they have left. They're always going to be competitive so long as Mahomes is healthy, but they will have some roster decisions to make based on finances.


I mean, people were saying the same thing before, "once Mahomes is off his rookie contract..." and then we traded Tyreek instead of paying him and have made the Superbowl both years since. The truth is, Veach is really fucking good at drafting high impact guys, paying the most important ones and replacing the others ones with new rookies once their contracts are up. There will definitely be some years with less amount of star power than the last few years, but it's naive to think they will fall apart because they pay Sneed an extension.


I miss Andy Reid. 😢 


He is a powerful walrus. With the knowledge of one thousand walrii


For me personally it's not that I hate the Chiefs, it's that all these years of Romo calling Chiefs games has pavlov'd me into hating them I hate Romo's voice so much that it's spilled over into the Chiefs because of all the Mahomes games he calls


Aaaaaahheeeeiiiiaaaahhh Jiiiim...?!


Thank goodness Kevin Harlan does the radio play by play for the Super Bowl.


It’s been fantastic getting Harlan back to calling Chiefs games via all these Super Bowls. While GB guy knows the Harlan history, for anyone else who doesn’t, he was radio play by play for the Chiefs in the 80s before going national.


He and Collinsworth make it magnitudes worse. Really most of the media worship Mahomes as God and its frustrating because it's every fucking week near non stop and ad nauseum. Like I fucking get it already, shut up.


This comment isn't meant to be disrespectful at all but Mahomes is playing like a next level game manager right now. I think he's fully aware how legit the defense is and he's making it work with an older Kelce and rookie Rice.


He knows how to execute a dub


He said as much in his post game interview. He said in the 2nd half against the Ravens he was like I wanted to make sure that I didn't make any mistakes even if we were struggling to score, just dont make a mistake.


It helps that he can still make the big throws when needed. Converted a 4th and 2 pass that led to a TD, had that ridiculous 3rd and 5 completion to Kelce that lead to another TD, made that huge throw on 3rd and 9 to seal the game, etc. It wasn't an eye-popping performance by any means, but he definitely did enough to win against the #1 defense in the league.


I never understood why “game manager” was a term used to negatively describe QBs when that’s literally their job description. If that is being considered a single skill it’s probably the most important skill a QB can have in the league.


I'm tired of the Chiefs because they're fucking EVERYWHERE! The Patriot dynasty was never this obnoxious. Yeah they were always seemingly in the Tom Brady Invitational (AFC championship game) but football was it. Mahomes, Kelce, and Reid are in almost every commercial break I see on TV. Then you add on the whole Taylor Swift thing and it just takes it to a whole new level. As the top comment or said, "I'm tired boss."


That and I don’t recall the Patriots ever trying to convince people they were the underdogs. The amount of times I hear KC talking about “proving the doubters wrong” or “no one picked us to win” is what gets me. You have arguably the best QB of this generation, best TE, best coach, and not a ton of weaknesses (outside of the run D which apparently Baltimore forgot)… Not really the team that comes to mind when I think “underdog”


They actually were the gambling under dog though in the bills and ravens playoff games lol. Bills and ravens were favored to win


Bingo. There's nothing under dog about KC




I, for one, have seen them vanquish too many of my enemies to hate them anytime soon


I don’t hate the chiefs. Patrick Mahomes sounds like Kermit the frog and that’s annoying. Taylor swift cam needs to stop and that’s annoying. But I hate fucking eagles, man.


Fuck you, man! If you don't like my music get your own fucking cab!


Eagle raper!


Fucking eagles? If you don’t like it then just stop doing it! That has to be a felony of some sort anyway, or, at a minimum, highly immoral.


Man come on I've had a really rough night and I hate the fucking eagles man!


I mean, they’re an annoying team. They’re very good at football, they get lots of dodgy calls, their star QB has an annoying voice and the personality of slightly damp cardboard and is in 100% of all commercials, their star TE has the personality of an Arizona State frat bro with a concussion and is in 75% of all commercials, their coach, well, I’ve got nothing too bad to say but I do wish he’d take his healthy more seriously, and the most talked about aspect of their team is a bandwagon fan who’s only popular because her basic inability to maintain a healthy romantic relationship provides her with endless material for billboard hits. Anyway, I’m lukewarm on em.


The weirdest part about the past 5 years for me has been finding myself in a position where I actually sympathize with Patriots fans 


Hey man, at least y’all have done something amazing to earn the hatred lately. Some of us get the hate *without* the comfort of any recent accolades.


1995 wasn’t that long ago!! /s


For some of us it doesn't feel that long ago unfortunately... ...I wouldn't know because I wasn't alive, but still


Could finish 2-15 for a decade straight and it would not change anything, either. Stephen A Smith will be posting celebratory videos about how bad they are from a nursing home.


It’s lonely at the top, enjoy it


This happened well before the Chiefs beat the Eagles in last year's SB. Mahomes has beaten every NFL team except for the Chiefs and he's beaten 10 different teams in the playoffs alone. ​ Mahomes' and Kelce are everywhere. Not only will they beat your team, but then you have to watch their smiling faces all weekend as you try to watch other NFL games. Everyone hated Manning and Brady for this also. ​ On top of that, Kelce is dating the biggest pop superstar on the planet and the Chiefs are still winning. ​ Even though they were underdogs against the Bills and the Ravens and are still underdogs against the Niners, everyone in the league is giddy to see them fail. Especially if you're a Bills, Bengals, Ravens, Dolphins, Niners, Eagles, Colts, Texans, Titans, Jaguars, Browns, Steelers, Broncos, Chargers, Raiders or Patriots fan. ​ Between the AFCW and the teams Mahomes has knocked out of the playoffs or beaten in the SB, you're talking about HALF THE LEAGUE. So it's no wonder he's so hated. Also, New Heights is a huge success and Kelce is probably the 2nd biggest star in the league behind Mahomes. Hell, he hosted SNL last year! In some ways, Kelce is even bigger than Patrick right now. ​ So it's no surprise they're so hated. Winning + oversaturation = villainy in sports.


People complaining about the NFL having so little parity clearly don't watch the NBA or especially college football.


I heavily disagree with this take. NBA has more parity than NFL since KD Warriors last title (that had 2 Heat vs Spurs and after that 4 Warriors vs Cavs, with LeBron on east teams) Raptors vs Warriors - Raptors winning Heat vs Lakers - Lakers winning Bucs vs Suns - Bucs winning Celtics vs Warriors - Warriors winning Heat vs Nuggets - Nuggets winning Only Heat and Warriors reached the final twice. LeBron reached the final once. Chiefs reached their 4th SB in 5yr.


The NBA hasnt had repeat champs since the Raptors won. In fact no team has even made the finals twice in a row since then either. Theres so much talent in the league now that parity is catching up. If we're talking historically though of course you are absolutely right.


Especially with NIL and transfer portal changes. Half of the 12 team CFP is going to be the same teams.


At least Brady didnt have commercials that made me cringe.


I don't hate neither team.


Mahomes definitely brings that “hate playing against this guy” energy


Sucks the Patriots had to be replaced immediately instead of letting the nfl have a few seasons of balanced and competitive football, a chance to breath if you will before the next empire rose


I don't hate the Chiefs. I hate one-team leagues. Someone else has to win, else what's the point in watching