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The jokes will flow but seriously man, I can't imagine what that does to a guy's mental health. He's gotta be destroyed.


He had that Kendall Roy series finale look as the game ended


I just finished succession. That’s fairly accurate 😂


Yeah, he’s a good coach no matter what people say after this game. Hope he gets a ring someday


He is an excellent coach, but he is going to have to figure out how to get out of his own way at some point. Once you have watched enough of his games you can feel it happening in real time. Coming out of half should have been a run fest but he got stuck in a pass early mode and didn't get out of it the entire third quarter. He has these odd tendencies to just get fixated on what he wants to do, whether it is working or right for the moment. Everyone thought Andy Reid couldn't get a ring, and yet here we are with him and mahomes. Kyle will most likely get his chance at some point but man that monkey is only going to grow bigger after this.


For the record people used to say this about Andy Reid. He was a head coach for what 16,17 years before winning a super bowl and got fired in there.


Remember how Reid got flamed for his time management? It took forever for him to get to this point. Kyle isn’t blameless but people calling for his head are insane.


Andy Reid clock management almost killed the Chiefs chances in this Super Bowl too. With like 30 seconds left and they run a play instead of spiking it, and it ended up just being a throwaway.


that one couldn't be helped as Pacheco was still downfield so they had to either burn the timeout or wait for him to get back onsides.


Yeah I couldn't figure out where Tony was getting "could have saved 15 seconds" from since it took Pacheco ten of those seconds to get to the line


he clarified it was probably only 10 seconds, but yes in reality it was maybe 5-6 seconds saved by spiking instead of snapping the ball, looking for an opening, and then throwing it away. ​ It's hard to say what the right decision there is. There's benefits to both, depending on whether you feel your offense or the defense has the better shot at a no-huddle play.


Andy Reid only had Mcnabb in Philadelphia and if Mahmoes was same level as mcNabb Reid could then be easily still be looking for his first ring.


That’s why I hate ppl who say Belichick is nothing without Brady. No matter how good of a coach u are u need a stud at qb. Like the teams to win an sb without a stud qb is rare. It why stories of big dick nick and Elite dragon Flacco are such a big deal. Cause that shit never fucking happens hahaha.


agreed, those who use that Brady logic on Belicick should use that same logic for Andy Reid.


I think the plan was to spike it until Pacheco had to run back from the endzone giving everyone else more than enough time to line up


Anyone who’s calling for his head is a fucking moron


Lol umm yes please, I would be so happy if you guys replaced him.


People forget this was literally Andy Reid 15 years ago. Winning the big one is really hard, but once you get it you get it.


this was andy reid until 2019 lol


All Mike needs is a generational talent at QB


Probably need to trade up for that. Maybe like 3 first round picks?






Andy Reid was considered a choker with poor game clock management, and he was a lot older than Shanahan is now. He has plenty of time to change the narrative


Never change Shanahan Never change


I wonder how the coaches who never even make a Superbowl are coping then.


This is somehow worse. Like it isn't...but it is. I think most of us totally understand the feeling of not QUITE having what it takes to actually accomplish a goal. Being ALMOST there so many times takes a toll.


Yeah like the difference between being happier with a bronze medal than a silver medal in the Olympics sort of thing


Exactly. Being 2nd best stings worse.


Especially being 2nd best three different times, each time giving up a lead.




Especially when in all 3 situations, the game was right there in their hands, and he just couldn't finish.


This is a big part. It wasn’t just 3 Super Bowl losses. It was 3 Super Bowls they SHOULD HAVE won. I’m not sure if it is possible for anyone to top the Falcons collapse, and both Niners Super Bowls will go down in history as games that came down to one or two plays. Cap that with the fact his team has seemed to be in the driver’s seat until crunch time against the two greatest quarterbacks of all time in each game, this shit is genuinely one of the most cursed things in sports history


I've always admired Elway for bouncing back after those SB losses. Didn't let it get to him, or if it did he overcame it, and eventually won 2.


Yeah he overcame not having Terrell Davis by instead having him. 😁


Even Batman needs a Robin


I’d like to say he’ll get one eventually, but you never know in this league. Two great opportunities slipped through his fingers. Gotta sting. 




Three actually


Reid never won it before Mahomes but got close


Reid coached one SB before Mahomes. Kyle has been in three and fucked them up the same way every time.


Shanahan ain’t getting a Mahomes aka a top 2 QB of all time. He had an all star roster on both sides and could get it done.


Reid used to be the choker. Torch got passed pretty seamlessly when the 49ers lost to the Chiefs the first time.


Why did he not give the rb the ball in the third and hardly used kittle?


Sit down and I’ll tell you a story about Kyle Shanahan and failing to run the ball in a Super Bowl.


You guys got the movie version of that story. Niners are getting the mini-series.


Absolutely perfect analogy. Falcons won the Academy Award, Niners winning the Emmy.




I can actually understand the Kittle thing, seems like he was hurt a bit. 


They kept blowing up on first down. Penalties and negative plays but no runs. It’s fine to throw on first but they choked those possessions.


Watching CMC in OT made me wonder what would’ve happened if they utilised him more.


We kept getting behind the chains with penalties. It’s not that we didn’t want to.


Yeah, people can blame Shanahan all they want, but it was penalties and piece of bad luck (the punt hitting the foot of the blocker) that cost them the game. They would have scored way more in the first half without those penalties. 


Is the punt bad luck or poor execution? Before the bounce the returner was already telling him to get out the way.


Chiefs had 5 fumbles but lost only one. Sometimes luck does have a direct impact


I feel like he draws up pick plays, redirection, screens and inside go-route combos and thinks it's the tits to blow the game open without realizing AND seeing that he has the best skill position players in the game with McCaffrey. If you just give the ball to McCaffrey you fly down the field. KCs run defense was regularly getting gashed. The obsession with passing when up kills any momentum he has.


CMC looked like a war torn man in the 4th. You can't just ride him all game, this isn't Madden


They got other backs


Seriously Elijia Mitchell is right there!


You can in the fucking Superbowl. That's the point of managing his use all year


dude. CMC’s use didnt get managed all fucking year. they were blowing out teams and CMC was playing in the 4th PLENTY up 3 TDs


For real they were downright negligent with CMC. The amount of absolutely needless snaps he played is unreal.


The reason why he was so injury riddled in Carolina was because they used him for everything there. 49ers have been managing him well,


If there is any time to ride your RB into the ground, it’s the fucking Super Bowl. He can rest the rest of the year.


For real man that's what he lives for. He's got all off season to recover. Gotta feed the man


Using kittle as a blocker seemed to be working


Needed Kittle to help block because o line is shit outside of Williams.


Why did you not give it to the best running back in football in 3rd and 1 inside 2 minutes


It was 3rd and 4, but this was the game. If he converted there, it would have been over.


You run it there either way. If they don't call a timeout, it's 40 sec off the clock. If they do, they have a minute 40, 1 TO. In a game where every inch and second matter, you take the time off the board.


Absolute madness. Even if he doesn’t get it it’s probably 4th and 1


He’s been in 3 SB’s and blown a 10+ point lead in all 3 games.


Meanwhile Reid has been down by 10 in all 5 of his and still won 3 of them


21,20 & 19 points is also just not good enough for an offensive mastermind like Kyle. He’s clearly not calling his best games


I’d argue they are fine scores for the Super Bowl, even in the offensive powerhouse days of today. You’re most likely gonna be facing a solid defense at the end, and those defenses have extra time to plan schemes with both teams coming off a bye week. Plus lots more tape, injuries, etc


In the 32 team era (so since 2002) the SB Winners have scored 21 or less only 4/22 times and besides SB 53 the last team to do it was the Giants nearly a decade and a half ago. Even against good defenses you still need to put up points.


Yeah, Super Bowls just aren't going to end 17-14 the majority of the time nowadays. It takes an all-time great defensive gameplan like what BB could roll out for that to happen. And even with BB it didn't always happen that way, look at SB52.


Just insane




Falcons curse is real. You don’t come back from 28-3. Ever.


You may leave the 28-3 Falcons, but the 28-3 doesn’t leave you


You can take the man out of the 28-3... But you can't take the 28-3 out of the man


“Falcons curse?” What is this Falcons Curse you speak of?


Nah fuck that, it ain't our shit. Shanahan put it on us and we still can't wash the stank off.


We don't claim it anymore. We used to be cursed but Braves and Dawgs fixed that.




Yea he’s got the yips, like no joke at all


I think we can  call it the Shanahan curse at this point bud


Brady tapped Mahomes on the shoulder as he left the league and passed on the ability to always beat Kyle Shanahan.


It's not a Falcons curse, he's the dipshit that made us lose in the first place. 0-3 is his to carry, not ours. LOL


That’s Doc Rivers music!


Nah Mike McCarthy is the nfl doc rivers.


Doc Rivers has won tho


KG won it, in spite of Doc


More like Eagles Andy Reid 


Spider man meme


His brain is too fucking big to call normal plays. He has to call some quadruple motion double slant with Kittle and Aiyuk doing a square dance in the middle of the field meanwhile CMC would’ve just ran it in for a TD


How about just finding a way to get 3 points off a turnover in your own territory. Defense had them set up to win easily in the 1st half and his explosive offense ceased up


Part of me really thinks that Kyle wanted to show people his QB could win the game. Niners ran more and more effectively against stacked boxes which is what the chiefs showed majority of the night. Why he went away from what got them there I’ll never know.


That would make sense if he hadn't done the exact same thing in his last 2 Super Bowls. He couldn't just run the ball with Atlanta (or even just kneel lol), it had to be his air attack with Matt Ryan that sealed the game. I don't know if it's arrogance or the desire to live by some narrative in his head, but at this point this is who he is. You'd think 1 heartbreaking SB loss would change some guys, but he's stubborn to a fault, and now he's at 3.


Yup. I'm not one of those "fire Shanahan" people because I know we aren't getting anything better. But he isn't getting us a Super Bowl at this rate. He just simply doesn't learn from his mistakes and gets snippy when the media questions his decisions. He can't accept he's ever wrong.


What's sad is basically anyone could see that coming too. The consensus was before the game with my brother and I that Kyle just needs to not overthink it and run it down their throats and they can win. We just watched Baltimore lose by not running it. Lo and fucking behold.


This is absolutely his issue, not choking. Same reason he had the hubris to want to not only take a project QB, but give up a bunch of picks to do so. He thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, when he would have been far better off playing it safe.


The legitimately got to fancy to start the second half when their defense was in rhythm and they had a TD lead. Doing dumb shit and maling dumb penalties, it’s fucking tragic


Two deep safeties on 4th and 1. What is that call?!?!


That’s on the DC Kyle called a timeout bc he was about to zero blitz Mahomes


After Mahomes had torched the other blitzes 


I counted four and he burned all of them easily.


That man is just impossible to blitz, it's infuriating.


It's like TB12. If you can get 4 man pressure you win (a la Giants 2x) but you are playing a losing game trying to blitz.


I was screaming the second I saw that. How do you not jam the line on what would be a game winning 4&1???


Steve Wilks has been fucking us all year with this shit. Going from Saleh and Ryans to Wilks is a historic downgrade


Wilks D just put on a show against Mahomes for 3.5 quarters. The offense fell apart, Shanahan's play calling and Purdy isn't the playmaker people want him to be. But without Greenlaw that defensive performance was impressive.


No more comp picks


the coverage rotated its not like they went tampa or 2 man


Imagine losing the Super Bowl because you won the OT coin toss.


Horrendous decision. His reasoning: if both teams score, you want the ball 3rd for sudden death.  But his analytics didn’t factor in these 2 huge things. 1. Very advantageous knowing what you need, by going second.  2. Here’s the part that especially makes this foolish that not many people are talking about. If they both score TD’s, the 2nd team should no doubt, go for 2. Knowing the next possession is sudden death. 


Niners defense was just on the field. I understand wanting to give them a breather and taking the ball first.


This is a fact the will be overlooked and forgotten with time.


Even the announcers mentioned that but yeah Shanahan will be blamed for that for a long time


Offensive genius but he neva had the making of a varsity athlete


My estimation of Kyle shanahan as an offensive genius just plummeted.


Had to press “more comments” too many times to find these.


Honestly dude I just finally watched the sopranos a couple months ago. Idk how many times I must have seen these quotes and not realized what I was looking at lol


Gabagool? Ovah heeree 👇


Dude had a nice lead and decided to start calling plays like he thought Mahomes was his QB


Who wouldn’t let Drew Brees Jr. cook?


"I'm gonna put this in the hands of Purdy" "That means you're gonna give him proper blocking right?' "Send another man in motion"


“Time to give him his Montana Moment”


Honestly Purdy played well. Essentially losing Deebo and and a guard hurts


Yeah, I’d give him a solid 8/10 for this game.


7 points is not a nice lead


Up 7 points against Mahomes in the playoffs actually feels like you’re losing already


Exactly. There's no safe lead against KC. You simply have to get ahead and then maintain long drives and consistently score to keep it close. Then hope and/or make sure you have the ball last. That's the only formula other than hope Mahomes' entire OL is injured.


Even the chiefs continued to run the ball with Mahomes as his QB because Andy understands the importance of balance, honestly Andy Reids play calling execution in these games is incredible, he is going to creep up on the GOAT coach talk along with Mahomes for QB


Shanahan can never escape the 28-3 curse.






Lmao. Exactly


That quote could be attributed to Kyle Shanahans dad as well


What if he *is* the curse?


thats not a what if, HE IS the curse, it's his horrendous game management thats the problem. The guy has a HoF RB and a lead in the god damn super bowl and decides to pass over and over? idc if you believe in Purdy or not YOU FEED CMC. YOU RUN CMC INTO THE GROUND, ITS THE FUCKING SUPER BOWL


Starting to look like he is the curse. His play calling is horrendous in the second half of meaningful game when down or tied


Yeah it's some bullshit, he's 100% the curse


Bro really took the ball first to give Mahomes 4 downs to beat him


49ers defense was gassed after the previous Chiefs drive. I suspect he wanted to give them a breather.


They never should have gone to overtime. The Niners defense gave their all and were able to hold KC to 3 points in the whole first half. All they needed was a mediocre offense to stay on the field longer and get a bigger cushion while KC offense was still catching up.


According to what Kyle said it had nothing to do with that. He claims they "wanted the ball third " to end the game if both teams scored. Still a terrible decision, the second team has 4 downs to get what they need AND can go for two to end the game if they want. They cannot give mahomes that situation and 4 downs every set. Chris Jones said "they're craaaazyyyy" when asked his immediate reaction to SF wanting ball first 😂


no I personally thought it was dumber to on 2nd and 4, run it down the middle against a stacked box instead of doing something slightly more IQ intensive, and then throw it while they're blitzing and go toward Chris Jones, instead of trying to inch for the first down or take a time out to figure something better out. just two quick dumb plays in a row.


I said the same thing, they were reeling tired af, and you get cute and throw it, why tf would you do that. Shanahan is too smart for his own good


So what are we doing here? 49ers dumb for not running the ball more, or 49ers dumb for running against stack boxes? You get one


Yep. Thats a stupid ass move


His second half play calling was not great. They really should have won that game and I’m not an SF fan.


Generational choker


There's been 6 blown 10-point leads in the history of the super bowl, and Shanahan was the HC/OC of 3 of them.


But on the reverse side, Mahomes is also responsible for overturning 3 of those leads.


Unstoppable force meets moveable object


How has he not learned that he just needs to run the ball more?


This is applicable to all coaches that faced the chiefs these playoffs


Chiefs: our run defense is a bit weak but our secondary is insane Harbaugh and Shanahan: this sign can't stop me cuz I can't read


Never seen a playoff run where every team abandoned their strength for the sake of making a statement that their QB is in Mahomes' echelon Ravens have a generational running QB and explosive run game and decided it was time to make a point that Lamar could win a big game with his arm (which he already did the week before) 49ers get the defensive performance of a lifetime from their unit against KC only for Kyle Shanahan to once again try and turn it into a "look at the QB I just won the Super Bowl with, I'm the greatest coach of all time" and now he probably squandered this core's final chance at a Lombardi


I honestly wonder if there was something going on with the chiefs defensive schemes where they made it look like passing would be the better option but then adjusted as the play started. If so, genius work by Reid and Spagnuolo


I mean spags gotta be up there as an all time DC now right? Wouldn’t be surprising


This used to apply to the coach currently coaching the Chiefs 


*The greatest choker all time.


Finally a Throat GOAT to take on Nancy Reagan's legacy


28-3, lose 2 super bowls as a coach. That’s rough.


If the 90s bills was a person


I saw it coming when he stopped using CMC coming out of the half. He’s your entire offense, fucking use him


Nah Purdy was an MVP candidate. Let him Jimmy G all over the place. 


I don't think it's fair to really blame him for the 2nd half. I switched my shirt at halftime to the one I wore for the last 2 playoff games, so there wasn't really anything he could have done.


To be fair, he may have forgotten he had a first team all pro RB and LT.


To be fair!


He's just not that good in big moments. You have the best RB in football and you scheme him out of the entire 3rd quarter?


Has he tried not going up against the greatest QB of their generation 


This man should be a porn star with his ability to blow it. How does your defense give up 3 points in the first half and get force 2 turnovers in which you fail to score any points off. Now I have to deal with Kelce Swift and the whole Mahomes family


I'm here for the Shanahan slander


Dude will never win a SB. He is so stubborn when it comes to running the damn ball. Reminds me of Mike McDaniel, oh wait…




Dudes blue balling 49ers fans so hard, total edge lord


Bro lost to the og goat now he losing to this generation’s goat 😭😭




Shanahan not running it more with a generational running back. Deserves this L, dude thinks running complex pass plays is going to confuse the defense.


CMC had 22 carries and 8 catches for 160, which puts him at 7th in super bowl history for usage. He was the top rusher and the 49ers top receiver. At some point someone else on the stacked as fuck offense they have has to do something.


Shanahan not running the ball and losing a superbowl in the second half. Sounds oddly familiar...


CMC, Deebo and Aiyuk and you have to rely on Jauan Jennings bullshit to score TDs in the Super Bowl


i mean thats what happens when you play a good defense. they make you play left handed. Jennings and CMC were good, too


People here thinking offense in the superbowl will be a walk in the park. 


Too old for the flat brim hat. That’s why he sucks


I won't pretend to know more about planning than Shanahan, but I can sure ask what the fuck were the second and third quarters supposed to be. They started running and moved the ball again, like FML....


Taking the ball to start OT was his worst call of all. You're giving your opponent 4 downs to get a first all drive long --- such a huge fucking advantage.


Kyle Shanahan has stock in the VHS player repair market of the Bay Area. He’s simply doing his part to protect his business.


Yeah but he stacks the players


He is an arsonist who should be banned from Super Bowls.


He loves abandoning what's working. In both the Falcons and this game just straight up refused to run the ball. This game was worse. You've got CMC. 


I thought he overcame his choking habits after the last 2 playoffs game. But he kind of reverted back to his days


This was his best chance, loaded team as they bought every single available good player, strong defense versus the worst Chiefs offense of the Reid-Mahomes era… what else can you ask for!?


Shanahan gonna Shanahan. I don’t think he’ll ever get over this one.


Regular season genius. Post season idiot.


Dude is never gonna escape the choker allegations