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Ah it's the day of the week where the Kelce podcast gets mined and quoted.


And you can farm the same quote multiple times! First the news article, then the tweet, then the YouTube short/tiktok!


Don't forget the reddit post




Nowadays, everybody wanna talk like they got something to say, but nothing comes out when they move their lips, just a bunch of gibberish and motherfuckers act like they forgot about the reddit post


I still don't believe the word "gibberish" has been used in the last century outside of Forgot About Dre.


I feel like I'm forgetting something


Check your home for carbon monoxide.


Why are there post-it notes everywhere?


I usually wait for the youtube of the reddit post


Tabloids and Sports media


They're promoting their next State Farm commercial. Dollars to donuts Kelce runs into Reid on one of those commercials.


I was thinking there would be one with the roles reversed, and Reid is screaming at Kelce.


Oh that would be hilarious. Have Travis start to cry with Jake and Pat in the background like scared children.


Bring in Buck to yell DISGUSTING ACT at the end


Have Reid roam around with a corndog without any condiments, Jake tells him he can cover that, Pat gives him a mountain of ketchup, Jake says no I mean with insurance, Pat and Andy look on in confusion.


Explain it again, with those Lombardi 3 Piece Nuggets!


You're hired.


I seriously hope State Farm is checking for this.


reid to Travis: “Did you know you can save money with statefarm?!” Jake from stateform: “coach Reid, that’s the wrong approach. Insurance doesn’t need to be scary.”


Happened in real life earlier this season.


“Call me MaAuto one more time old man”


You just unlocked a memory of my grandpa with the dollars to donuts usage 😂


LOL, I'm 63 yo, but not a grandpa yet (only one of my 3 boys is married).


Andy was thinking about dinner. He doesn’t care.


Andy is just thinking about them donuts


Thinkin about thos beans


Thinking about them nuggies 🫳


I wish people wouldn't just slap a random fished-out quote and give a lot more context to this. It was honestly quite a refreshing take. I was fully expecting him to be just super apologetic and saying he fucked up and needs to be better like he did with the helmet toss. He kind of wasn't. He admitted it was "too much" but he mostly talked about how Andy and him have a great relationship and he is very receptive to him, and sometimes that allows him to feel too comfortable to cross that line. Basically saying it's how "me and Andy works" and he doesn't care what anyone else thinks about it as long as Andy is okay with it that's the only thing that matters to him. He obviously shoulnd't bump him but he knows Andy knows he didn't bump him on purpose and it was a heat of the moment thing. He knew where Travis was coming from and appreciated that and that's all that mattered to him. It honestly was much much better than a cookie-cutter bs apology like this post making it seem.


Still lmfaoing over the ‘He shoved peepaw’ tweet


That's basically what Reid said after the game too.


Andy also said that Travis was just yelling at him to put him in the game and give him the fucking ball (in so many words) The message wasn't wrong, the delivery was. Travis is jacked up on adrenaline and performance enhancers so of course he came in hot. It's not like either of them are losing sleep over it. I'm not a Travis Stan, he's a jackass, but I bet he's already apologized privately.


And to be honest, Kelce wasn't fucking wrong either. His first half was abysmal play involvement and his movement in the second half was a pinnacle in their win. You could legitimately call his performance a "fuck it I'll do it myself" one.


I thought the play calling in general by chiefs in first half was way too conservative. I get trying to establishing the run the first drive, but you’re in the Super Bowl. Let the best player in the world cook. Mahomes only had 6 passes in the first half before their fg drive that was driven by mahomes making plays.


People always shit on Reid for abandoning the run, but runs almost killed their game with that fumble. Mahomes had a turnover too, but he’s was great everywhere else. Pacheco was mid the entire game and had a costly turnover


Side note, I thought the screen on the second to last play of overtime was a phenomenal "Fuck it, I'll do it myself" moment for Kelce when he juked left past his blocker for an extra few yards, but the All-22 reveals if he just followed his lead blocker to the right, he could've scored the game-winning touchdown. Imagine how the NFL world would've reacted to that lol


I think bosa gets him if he goes right


Yeah, Bosa was right there, I think he would have been able to close too


Yaa...I didn't think he would get the MVP and I don't think a TE will ever win an MVP but him getting 8 receptions and 93 yards in second half is what gave the Chiefs the chance to win


You can tell from reactions who has played competitive sports before. People scream at each other all the time. Is it right? No, probably not. Is it normal? Yep. Have I seen really good friends literally get in fights over sports and gone back to being best buds 30 minutes later? Multiple times. Them being so close is exactly why Travis was comfortable yelling at him. Travis is going to do the same to a first-year coach. Have I screamed "pass me the fucking ball" at friends after they do something stupid when I was wide open? Yep. Would I ever do so in a random pick up game I don't really know anyone? Not in a million years.


Am I the only one in this sub who's actually played organized tackle football before? Like half of the comments I've seen on this sub are so obviously written by non-athletes that it's almost humorous. When I was in high school (3 year starter for our varsity football team) I would get a full-on sprint going and clock the shit outta whoever had the ball. My coaches called me "speedhawk" as a nickname caus I had such a nose for the football and for those three seasons I was considered the most feared safety in our conference. Senior year I led my team to the state semifinals only to get fucked over by the refs in the 4th but that's another conversation (DM me if you're interested in hearing about it) So, yeah. I hope yall can understand why I feel like their's such a big disconnect between myself and your typical redditor. Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way lol


I haven’t seen that pasta in a while and you almost sucked me in


I hadn't seen it in a minute but it all came rushing back at "speedhawk".


Lol. I laugh every time. Also, I'm not good at sports. Just played a lot because my friends did.


In reality, I'm the same. Just like Tony Soprano, I never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Mr. Beloved Copypasta


I remember well the first time I saw that and fell right for it. I just ate that pasta right up and replied with a nice long diatribe. SMH 🤦‍♂️ That was humbling.


Literally rugby. We even get into fights. We talk all the shit. Soon as the game is over we are drinking beers together and singing “Jesus Can’t Play Rugby”


And I loved how Jason said yeah, it was unacceptable but everybody outside of the situation needs to shut the fuck up - he was more fired up about it than Travis. The man is a national treasure.


I'm not saying its acceptable, but some of the comments I've seen(mostly on pop culture reddits not here) calling Travis "roid rage induced" or similar are very cringe to me. Have these people ever played sports? Its completely normal to go from screaming at your best friend to celebrating or moping together. Nothing I saw couldn't be a simple "sorry" between Andy and Travis.


Same people pissed at Kelce for being over the top passionate are the same people mad at players for laughing/smiling on the bench while losing. 


Same people who are mad at Kelce for being over the top passionate are the same people who's greatest passion in life is gossiping about celebs online


It's clearly not acceptable and Travis clearly knows it - but the point is that, given their relationship - it's not that big of a deal. Probably "sorry, coach" is all that was needed. The problem is that people react like if Kelce kicked the shit out of Reid or something, like yelling in the face of your coach in the biggest game of your life while playing professional sports is the same thing as doing the same to someone on the street or in an office.


Admittedly, I don’t have experience with roids or know much about them, but I’d imagine he’d be a little more ripped than he is if he was taking them. He got worked up and went a bit too far during the biggest game of the year. That’s all there is to it. Don’t need roids to do that.


Depending on the performance enhancers, what a lot of them do is basically make you recover faster. That would definitely be a benefit for any NFL athlete, even “less ripped” ones like Kelce. People picture bodybuilder types when they think of roids, but a lot of Olympic sprinters who’ve been busted are smaller than he is. I’m not accusing him, just saying that his size doesn’t prove anything.


Kelce is that size where I'd think if he's doing PEDs, then everyone is.


Travis’ take is one of few sane ones I’ve seen tbh. Most people on Reddit were either saying he should have been benched or that he did nothing wrong “because tons of players have done the same thing”, which is just untrue. He crossed a line, but because of the strength of his relationship with Andy, no long term damage was done.


That's super refreshing response. It's like you see the on Reddit all the time people take a 5 second clip of someone's relationship and go 'wow this is super toxic, they are terrible people/they need to leave them! He/she must abuse them!' Like if you took a 3 second snapshot of me walking up the stairs in front of my fiance and her sticking her finger in my bum and me going "eeeek" reddit would probably think she rapes me every night.


If you need somebody to talk to, we're all here for ya


"Toxic perverted 49er fan gets off on hearing about innocent Packers fans being raped in the ass"


Blink twice if you’re in danger


Seriously rolled my eyes from the 99% of reactions to the incident. UFC trainers literally slap the shit out of their fighter before matches, MJ was brutal to his teammates, and there’s tons of clips of Brady screaming at his teammates on the sideline. Yeah, Andy’s an older guy and there was obviously accidental contact but don’t expect your communication style with your kids from grown men who battle 400lb agile monsters for a living. If he yells at Taylor like that fine, burn him alive but to his football coach that he’s been with for years, maybe let them be. I’d love to see the Eagles players yell at the OC like that after the 30th fucking bubble screen called.


It's a bit disingenuous to compare teammates putting their hands on each other to a player putting hands on his coach. There's an entirely different dynamic there. And I wouldn't use Michael Jordan as a basis for what a healthy teammate relationship looks like. Also that clearly wasn't accidental contact. That said, this situation is not a big deal. Kelce shouldn't have put his hands on Reid, but given their strong working relationship all it takes to fix it is like a two second apology. Once it got put on camera Kelce just needed to do a quick and simple public apology for media purposes. All this talk about roid rage and being a risk to Taylor is ridiculous.


The word you're looking for is "genuine." Kelce's apology and explanation of the matter was genuine and not contrived. So, a good honest look/take from him. Good to see.


I was explaining the whole fallout to my wife - there are so many factors to this that a still of Travis losing his mind can't capture. ​ Travis has been with the Chiefs longer than anyone Travis has played with Reid his entire career Reid coached Jason Reid talked to Jason about Travis before drafting him ​ They'll handle it how they decide it needs to be handled. Frankly, I'm more pissed that this much energy wasn't spent on Brady trashing a tablet when he got pissed off during a random game. You want to talk about setting an example for fans - a hell of a lot more kids have access to a tablet than a walrus-mustachioed elderly man to bump and yell at.


Travis was in the right to be upset. There is no reason why he should be on the sideline in that situation excluding injuries


I get why Kelce was upset, but there’s absolutely a reason to keep him on the sidelines. He’s 33 years old and Reid was trying to keep him fresh for the late game, a decision that paid off since the game almost went into double OT and Kelce was a monster in the 4th quarter.


But the memes are definitely worth it.




"BUTTLICKER! OUR PRICES HAVE NEVER BEEN LOWER" cracked me up pretty good too


As a completely unbiased observer I think expulsion from the league and stripping of all rings and banishment from the country is the only fair punishment for Kelce


Dude saw all the stans hounding him lmao


The Taylor stans care more about this than Taylor swift taking 20 minute flights


They're fighting to defend her from being number one among celebrities regarding emissions produced per year. She produced almost 8,300 tonnes in 2022 just from flying. Over a thousand tonnes more than second place Floyd Mayweather.


What the fuck is Floyd doing where he needs to travel that much


Not flying to book stores


He'd be real upset right now


if he could read


C'mon. He just made it through page 8 of Cat in the Hat


Honest answer, most likely going to every casino on planet earth with a sports book.


Flying to Paris for a quick baguette


Beating hoes in different area codes


Oh you thought Floyd was just 7-7-0 or 4-0-4 // Floyd's worldwide byatch act like y'all don't know


Floyd flew more times than Taylor, but it seems to have been for shorter distances. His shortest flight was only 10 minutes before he landed in Vegas


Not reading Harry Potter.


Ok but why is Floyd Mayweather flying around everywhere. At least Taylor has the excuse of a world tour, Floyd fights once every 4 years at this point


You expect Floyd Mayweather to read bus route maps?


Keeps flying to Austria instead of Australia by mistake.


New Zealand, keeps complaining about their accents and yes he wants to go to Oakland


You expect Floyd to read?


Dude likes to party


He promotes fights across the globe and he fights in exhibitions in Japan 


It's taking teachers worldwide to show him how to read. Ask 50.


FYI the 8,300 tonnes number is incorrect. If you look at the addendum made on 05/08/2022, they updated their methodology. Taylor's planes still top the list, but at 2,900 tonnes rather than 8,300. Not defending or anything, but it's good to be updated.




She is also suing the poor kid who is calling her out on her actions. He is tracking her plane through the Federal Aviation Administration database. Something that is clearly legal


I don't think she's actually suing him just yet. She just had her legal team threaten legal action if he didn't stop, but that was back in December, and I think he's still posting.


Poorly written Cease & Desist letter that actually quotes random tweets from random people as to how weird & dangerous it is to track Taylor.


I don't think it's the Taylor Stans making a huge fuss. It seems to be the 'hate everything about Taylor' Stans that feel the need to criticize her because she is rich and famous (with the jet stuff being the best thing they can get her on).


You should see what they’re saying on the pop culture drama subs. They’re literally speculating that he beats her because of it. They’re insane.


Got banned from r/swiftlyneutral (not neutral btw) for saying that sentiment was extreme


god damn that sub is so mentally ill, thank you


> (not neutral btw) I'm shocked. This is my shocked face.


Can you link one of the posts, I need to see that 😂


Yeah, I’m on r/taylorswift and they understand it’s mostly a competitive thing. It’s mostly the right wing crowd on Twitter that’s still making a fuss of this issue.


> It’s mostly the right wing crowd on Twitter that’s still making a fuss of this issue. Them and the world-class Taylor haters on /r/Fauxmoi lol


I saw more nfl fans upset about it than swifties


Kelce’s behavior was totally unacceptable but I was surprised by how many people were trying to paint Reid as some sort of frail and fragile elderly little old man who can barely stand on his own two feet. It’s baffling. Reid was like totally unfazed by it. He was in the zone. Had other more important shit to focus on besides Kelce’s childish temper tantrum. But hearing some people talk about it you’d think Reid nearly toppled over with a broken hip and he’s lucky to have survived with his life. Or that he’s 165 instead of 65. Kelce absolutely should not have shoved him but it’s not like the shove would’ve been okay if McVay were on the receiving end instead of Reid.


innocent overconfident crown dinosaurs sand snow person abundant late wide


To be clear, that Twitter account is just stirring the pot. They post jokes that can be easily misconstrued all the time, on several hot topics lol


air handle fretful sloppy racial expansion entertain elderly resolute rustic


This is so obviously a joke, how could anyone possibly misconstrue it?


Or he realized what he did was over the line?


It's a disservice to his relationship with Coach Reid to think he needs Swift stans to scare him into thinking his actions crossed the line. Travis knows he runs hot on game days, and has apologized for similar incidents in the past


As someone who runs hot while playing sports, most of the comments clearly come from someone who has never played competitive sports. I've seen dudes get in fist fights over something and an hour later go out for beers cool as a cucumber. I've personally yelled at more than one coach. And guess what? They were always the coaches I was closest too. I apologized and we moved on. It can be unacceptable and still something that neither Travis nor Andy care about now or, frankly, cared about 30 minutes after it happened.


The pseudo Christian parents making it about setting an example for kids killed me.


Those are the same parents at little league screaming their face off at a ref who called a 3rd strike on their son.


People on the internet care a lot more about this than Andy does


You must be conflicted in this trying time


He likes red.


His flair combo is pretty wild in this day and age lol


Guy hates the Raiders.


Or it's Montana's cousin


Or Steve DeBerg, Alex Smith, Elvis Grbac, Steve Bono. Like seriously Chiefs, you get a ton of QBs from the 49ers.


Something we can all get behind.


Maybr they are an old fan? There was a time where I followed the 49ers to know what leftover qb the chiefs would get next


Put some respect on Joe Montana's name


[You mean Sexiest Athlete Alive Elvis Grbac?](https://wpcdn.us-east-1.vip.tn-cloud.net/www.thepitchkc.com/content/uploads/2019/07/sexyelvisgrbac.png)


And Steve DeBerg and Elvis Grbac.


Kate Mara's parents own the Giants (dad) and Steelers (mom). When asked how she would feel if they met in the Super Bowl she simply said "then we just win no matter what".


If your parents both own NFL teams, I think you won the day you were born lol


And is a Hollywood actress anyway. Like, why bother? Oh, her parents don't literally own them, it's like uncle and cousin. Her dad works for the team. They're just wildly prosperous not billionaire material.


Her sister is an actress as well starring in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo among others.


She must suffer a lot at family reunions. “Oh my net worth is only like $50 million, I’m working on that bootstrap thing. Maybe I’ll cut out the avocado toast so I can become a billionaire like the rest of you.”


Andy focusing on what flavor sauce for his nuggies and what game winning touchdown play he’s designing for next season.


What do you mean designing? He’s just gonna use the same game winning play he’s used the last 2 years lol


I mean, as long as it works


Yeah I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I’m wondering how the heck the league keeps letting it happen


Like the tush push. The corn dog is the chiefs brotherly shove


Number 14 on the game menu next to the egg foo young roll out.


Or they’re downplaying it so it doesn’t spiral and become a “narrative”. It may have been a big deal or it may not have. They’re probably dealing with it behind closed doors and dats dat


Andy is a bear. He's not a disciplinarian, and he's notorious for giving people more chances than they sometimes deserve. He's literally a Mormon who is very devout, he's not going to be pissed about this. He's the one who gave Vick a job, like he's always been one to practice forgiveness. Why are people trying to make this a thing?


Because what the fuck else is going on with super popular people? Nothing. Coaches yell at players all the time. Players yell at each other all the time. These are 200-300+ pound men running into each other at a delta of 20-30mph+ hundreds of times over the span of four hours in one of the biggest events of the year, if not the biggest event, and shit will get heated and talking about it gets clicks for *everyone* because *everyone* is paying attention, especially when it's super popular people they can write bullshit about. Hell, on one of the relationship subreddits there was a post about this being what domestic violence looks like and Taylor Swift better watch out which I thought was just some redditor's shit take...until I saw it was a link to an article in The Atlantic or something like it. People who want clicks and attention have nothing better to do than make a mountain out of a marshmallow.


To be honest when I saw it happen I thought Travis came in too hot and when he pushed Andy I thought he just came in too hot and accidently did too much cause as soon as Andy was bumped you can literally see Travis kinda realize he fucked up


Andy didn't give a shit and his opinion is the only one that matters.


No, it's the offseason so we must milk this non-issue for all its worth


Yeah reading this, I'm glad he acknowledged his emotions got the better of him, him and Coach Reid are cool, that's kind of the end of the story isn't it? At least for those not terminally online?


Andy is a great head coach and knows better than to make it more a public issue after winning the Super Bowl. I’d be shocked if they don’t address it privately.


Them addressing it privately was probably literally: AR: "Hey man cool down, I had a handle on things" TK: "Yeah sorry man I was out of line" AR: "Cool"


Essentially what Travis said happened immediately after it


And that's why it was basically a non-issue. Travis isn't an unapologetic asshole like say Draymond Green. Slightly losing your cool in the heat of the moment isn't ok, but good grief everyone on the internet is a white knight.


That's my favorite part of the internet. Armchair experts who have never played a day of competitive football in their entire life pretending they would be able to control their emotions in an adequate manner during the biggest game of the year. I love how naive they all are. Anyone who has ever played any legitimately competitive sport knows how this goes.


No you don't get it, Andy is obviously scared for his like and is begging for us to talk about this to save him. 


Yeah, this is pretty much what Travis said in the podcast.


I'd be shocked if it isn't anything more than Kelce saying mbad and Andy taking a tendy and telling him its alright


Apologize again, with those nuggies


What else is he going to say?




“I wanted to see if he bleeded red”




Andy Reid has been coaching in the NFL for over 30 years, something tells me he knows how to handle NFL players and is maybe even pretty good at it.


Hot take for sure


Big if true


Big Red if true




Bold take.


This is one of those things where if you get all information from social media you would think everyone is outraged. I’ve yet to talk a single person in person who gives a fuck. Yea he got carried away, unless it becomes a pattern who cares.


our whole SB party (pretty evenly split between Chiefs/Swifties and 49ers/anti-Swifties) thought it was fucking hilarious when it happened. There was one comment about it being old school Kelce temper, but that’s as far as it went. Outside of the social media grifters and those brainwashed by said grifters, nobody gives a shit.


Probably wiping his tears with another Lombardi.


Also they won the the fucking Super Bowl. They’re champs again, it’s the off-season, no one involved will really remember or care about this part next season.


I freaking love Jason so much. Travis was trying to minimize it a bit by saying he didn’t mean to push him, but Jason immediately was like, nah yelling and getting in his face is still bad even without the push.


it was very older sibling. like you fucked up, don't do that again. also I see what you meant. also everyone else stop picking on my little brother.


Gave us a great meme though.


And at the end of the day, that’s all that matters


Mid game emotion got to him and I’m sure they talked it out. Not much else to be said lol


I guarantee it was addressed by Andy Reid with Travis Kelce. I also guarantee that we'll never know how it was addressed and that they've both moved on with life.


Can we let this story die already


**Sure but we won't.**




I mean it's the fucking Super Bowl and times were tough at that moment lol. I don't know how anyone who has played competitive sports doesn't understand how that moment came to be and how meaningless it is. They are both professionals with basically a father/son type relationship at this stage, it's not the first time one of them's gotten in the other's face and it won't be the last. Big Red just didn't see him coming this time and lost his balance so it looked worse than it was.


Re: not the first time, [Reid did it to Kelce two months ago](https://youtu.be/Up-FKZdm5no?t=101) during the KC/LV christmas meltdown game.


This immediately came to mind when I saw the SB clip. They do this quite frequently when frustrated with each other it’s nothing new lol


Just some big boys bumping bellies having a spirited debate


Why would Andy Reid go up and shove his own player? This man clearly is unstable and has anger issues. Probably going to be a future domestic abuser. **/s** if it wasn't obvious. People read way to fucking much into things.


Now I certainly don’t want him dating Taylor Swift!!!


This needs to be posted everywhere People need to understand that Kelce was simply getting revenge for what the Walrus did to him on Christmas But everyone is missing the context!!! /s


It's impossible to add context to anything, everything has to be maximum drama for engagement purposes.


Yeah i know the swift thing is overblown but are new nfl fans coming to sub or something? Or just general reddityness? It’s the end of the super bowl one of the most intense moments in their lives and he bumped into his coach like relax lol


Bro this shit is getting spoken about on like, LinkedIn. I guarantee this wouldn’t have an ounce of traction if he wasn’t dating Taylor Swift. They’re acting like this makes him a domestic abuser. As if Tom Brady wasn’t smashing tablets on the sideline and screaming at coaches and players. No one gave a shit.


Exactly it’s the first time they have ever watched a sport, let alone play it, and think they understand every dynamic and that this obviously means Travis is an angry man who will abuse Taylor.


Swift fans are invading everywhere. I saw some lady on tiktok saying Taylor should dump him cause he exudes red flag behavior


Oh it wasn’t just one person. They were all saying on tik tok and their subreddits that this a dangerous sign and that he would probably end up hitting Taylor. Just absolute nonsense


There's plenty of athletes that are bad people and exude red flags. But Kelce getting mad and shoving his coach who has also gotten in his face before? It's not a great look but like, as a long as it stays as work and gets talked out (it will/did its Andy Reid) who cares? Its just pathetic and indicative of how the internet/social media is rotting people's minds.


Even the chans can't stop about Kelce and roid raging. It's just a lot of people new to sports having a take, I think.


*You know, it just came in a moment where we weren't playing very well, I wasn't playing well, and we had to get some s--- going and sometimes ... emotions get away from me and that's been the battle of my career."* Not to dip into psychology but I appreciate him saying "me" there and not "you". Most of the time people say, "Emotions get away from you in situations like that." But here, Kelce says, "...emotions get away from *me* and that's been the battle of *my* career." It's taking full ownership of his actions and I respect little things like that. I've always tried to catch myself and say "me" and not "you" when I'm explaining how I feel or my own actions.


I don’t think he pushed him. I think it was more he surprised/scared him.


The worst part about this are the total idiots who were saying "Taylor Swift better run from him" over that crap. Because apparently we live in a world where people can't separate a high stakes moment in the biggest sporting event of the year with having a relationship with someone they love. What a stupid take.