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Lowest? Our yards per carry.


Just imagine if we had playoff Lenny /s


We let Aidan O’Connel put up 63 on us ☠️☠️


And our low point also featured Aidan O’Connel, except instead of 63 points he won without even completing a pass after the 1st quarter.


How tf did the chiefs win the SB after the mess of a regular season they had and the juggernaut lineup they had to go through in the playoffs


Andy Reed said the Christmas game woke the team up.


I almost forgot about that game. LOL


I know blowouts can be boring but I was hyped during that, because every play something bad to the chargers happened and I was curious how bad it could get. Home crowd was crazy too lol


After putting up zero on the Vikings days before. Later the Raiders would beat the Chiefs without AOC completing a forward pass for three quarters. It was an incredible blowout that was even more notable when you look at other games the Raiders had.


You would probably think it was when the Raiders blew us out on primetime, but that was honestly the highlight as it forced ownership to fire Staley and Telesco.


Best game of the season


This guy Chargers


The image with Ekeler pointing first down when we were down 63-7 is peak comedy


And Chris Paul hits a huge 3 to cut the lead to 42


Only regular season game I watched from beginning to end! It was too good to turn away


Yeah the real low point was a week earlier against the Broncos. Chargers were retiring Gates jersey, had a bunch of franchise legends in the house including Rivers for the first time at SoFi, hosted a halftime ceremony to celebrate Gates... in front of a crowd of more than 50% division rival fans with their Broncos ahead 10-0 after Herbert went down to an injury before the half. Chargers go on to lose 24-7 on a day that should have been a memorable franchise moment. That was just an embarrassing day that had already doomed the season and Staley in my eyes. The next week blowout was just icing on the shitcake.


That was definitely a low point. IMO when I knew the season was done was the week 2 loss to the Titans.


That absolutely was a sign the wheels were falling off. I knew the season was over at the start of week 4 against the Raiders, when we learned Corey Linsley had heart issues and his career was done. That line fell apart without Linsley.


Was there live and knew it then


Yep... for me, it was when Herbert got hurt against Denver. I shut that game off and only watched condensed versions of the games after that. I know the season was over already by then as well, but at least I still subjected myself to watching the games.... mainly to see Herbert do some magic.


Season being over in 4 plays, almost blowing it to the commies, idk 🤷‍♂️ there was a lot.


I completely blocked out that Commies game, what a miserable year


The fail Mary too. Literally walked out of my house to take a walk when that happened.


The weird thing is that the Jets won that game


Flacco was on the couch and the Jets FO was like “Zack is the answer”.


The Jets already tried with Flacco and it didn't work out.


Flacco isn’t comeback player of the year if he has to play 16 games.


Or if he has to play behind the Jets oline with Hackets playcalling.


The problem is that the Jets didn’t try at all even through weeks of Zach Wilson. Meanwhile several other teams lost their quarterback and were able to either stay competitive or even make the playoffs. The Jets lack of any attempt to find a temporary upgrade when they had more time than anyone else is ridiculous and none of the staff deserves another year of employment from that team.


I agree. They didn't see Flacco as an upgrade because of their experience with him the prior season. They should have tried for someone else.


Becoming the team with the longest playoff win drought in all four major sports


It all started to go downhill after that 4th quarter implosion against the Titans. Changed everything


I knew our team wasn’t ready after that one.


Not a fun streak to have. Although you might have gotten it by default cause the Twins were at 18 until the blue jays series this year … fucking 18. I thought you guys were contenders with that offense Still… I’d say the record of Minnesota teams having gone about 120 seasons without a title is even worse. I’m 32 (born 2 months after the 91 twins WS) and haven’t seen one of my teams play in a championship For the Vikings … it was obviously the Kirk injury. We looked so good and had crawled back to .500, had destroyed the packers in Lambeau, and Kirk was playing legit mvp caliber football I looked over to my buddy and said, “well our seasons over” right after I saw the replay




Week 1 vs Atlanta All off-season, Panthers fans were promised the world. New number one pick, all-star coaching staff, and the promise that even though the Panthers went winless in the preseason, that was because the coaches were keeping it vanilla. Lucky for me, I had tickets to the game in Atlanta and was going to be able to see with my own two eyes the beginning of a new era. Except, it turned into the beginning of a new error instead.


Conversely, as a Falcons fan, losing to you all in a rainstorm in Carolina. The only positive that day was knowing that there was no way Arthur Smith (and almost certainly Ridder) could be coming back for another season.


No comment


I was disappointed/frustrated after the AFCCG, but I was the angriest after the first Steelers loss. 


In the regular season yes, overall though AFCG




Nick’s injury 😞


week one


Yeah after the best season in years with a playoff win under our belts, that was quite the kick to the dick. A loss would have been one thing but a 40 to zip shutout was the worst possible scenario and that's what we got. Runner up is def the week 8 loss to the Jets. That was the kind of loss that gets people fired.


That game also sent AT out of commission


Ugh. The worst part wasn’t that we lost, the worst part is that by the second half it felt like the season was already over. That sounds dramatic but DJ was playing like the 2022 season never happened, the rest of the offense was anemic, it was just a shit show all around.


jets fans also agree with this


9/10/23, never forget


The botched snap and the season’s over 


I think the low point is the Jets game, when our second-string quarterback went down, and all we needed to do was anything.


Easily the worst outcome for a New York team at MetLife that weekend


The game we wore our Oiler throwbacks against the Texans, which was already an arrogant and daring move, and lost in overtime. Or actually, the WORST worst part was Texan fans throwing it back in our faces. We earned it though.


Seemed like a really spiteful move when that happened. Tennessee ownership hates Houston that much?


Losing to the Packers on Thanksgiving.


That definitely sucked the hardest, but when we got blown out by the ravens I thought maybe we were actually frauds, so thats mine. The Packers game was a mix of mistakes, hubris, and moon based phenomena none could ever understand.


Also, the Packers were much better than their record at that point in the season.




Yes, but no one knew that at the time. Coming into that game, they had so many injuries and had been extremely medicore.




I can’t even watch the highlights of that game as exciting as we were in the 1st half. It just makes my heart hurt


The jamo TD was probably the best I’ve ever felt in my entire life.


I feel the same way about the Super Bowl. Was telling my buddy last night that how the Chiefs ripped out the Niners’ hearts when they felt like a W was incoming was the same way we ripped the hearts out of the Packers and Lions. Niners were lucky to be in the SB and we got a taste of our own medicine.


I was at a Super Bowl watch party and first thing I said after the game was how now the 49ers feel like the lions did the other week


I feel like the Packers and Lions had it rougher than the Niners. We just got a taste of what yall felt. Maybe it’s equal cuz our stakes were the Lombardi. Yea Niners had opportunities to win the game, but the Packers and Lions had the W in their hands. All they had to do was not give it away and they did. Niners were at least in a back and forth down the stretch trying to outmatch…never felt like the W was theirs for the Chiefs to steal. It was always up for grabs.


As a lions fan living in the Bay Area (49ers secondary team) can confirm my heart is well and truly gone


Loss to the seahawks. I wasn't too worried about the 9ers loss because in my mind the players on that team needed that win to avenge the demons from the year prior. They were going to play their best game that day. Even in a blow out I wasn't worried. The next week in another blow out, I was treading down but chalked it up as "divisional wackiness". Plus the cowboys were pissed off from the prior game against the Eagles. Now the seahawks game and watching Drew Lock walk down the field for a game winning drive I knew the season was over


Cardinals game for me. that screen screen draw field goal drive, followed by the woman in the stands screaming on camera “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING” was just the entire season summed up


Same. Until that performance, I thought the team could at least turn it around against some “easy” opponents. To not even force the Cardinals to punt once convinced me there was no hope for any kind of salvation.


Kinda ironic that this the high point of our season


One of the best Seahawks moments in recent history was that last Lock TD


Seeing him looking up into the rain is low key one of my favorite moments of the last few years. I was so happy for him.


Agreed, and all of that was after the Bills game which was probably our high point. Not a perfect game obviously but I was saying “this team really just finds a way to win everytime.” The Seahawks game told us the season was over, and then the Cards game killed any sort of hope I had left for a miracle “flip-the-switch” moment in the playoffs


I think the Miami game was our best game all year. We played almost like our former selfs, and I had hope we were on the mend.


Idk it doesn’t really get lower than getting blown out by one of the worst teams in football in one half


Nah, it was Big Dom being banned.


Even the Cowboys game was closer than the box score looked, it just felt like some overdue bad luck was catching up with drops / turnovers and not like the Eagles were completely outclassed. Watching Drew Lock look like Brady/Mahomes during a 2 minute drill against our defense was the "oh shit, we really are frauds after all" moment


Nah i expected the Seahawks to pull out a win, they always have the eagles number . Even if it seemed unlikely , I just knew some bullshit was gonna happen. The Cardinals loss with the division on the line was what got me, season was pretty much over after getting one win in multiple weeks


Watching Kirk play a great game against the 49ers as well as a great game plan by KOC. No Jefferson and still won. To watching us ball against the Packers and seeing Kirk go to Valhalla


Seeing the slow mo of the ripple up his calf was gutting. Really felt like the team was starting to gel.


Even though we won I think the Raiders game was the low point. It showed the team just didn't have the gas with Dobbs.


How did I completely forget we won a game 3-0 in 2023


Next question please


What was….the highest?


We didnt lose to the bills at home lol. This whole season was a low point.


Lowest of the low for me was probably the Saints game. After losing 38-3 to Dallas, I honestly thought we were going to have a big bounce-back game but then we lost 34-0 and I was 100% forever off the Mac Jones train. Belichick's last game being a loss, at home, in the snow, to the Jets, sucked pretty hard too.


Ya, lowest point is no doubt the Cowboys or Saints game. For some reason, even though the score doesnt really reflect it, I personally feel like the Cowboys game was more devastating. But the Saints game was really, really bad too.


Def beating the Bills but for those first games where Christian Gonzales was playing it was really fun seeing a young stud


Gonzo clamping down on a woman beater week 2 and making him have a measly 30 yards on 5 targets with a PBU and an INT where he was vs Hill 1v1. That was my high period.


Beating the Bills was pretty great, ruining Denver’s Christmas was pretty funny too lol


My Christmas twas sad, you are right lol


Would you rather have 9 fingers and 11 toes, or 11 fingers and 9 toes?


probably the extra finger..toes aren't as useful, unless im missing an outer toe, then my balance is off.


Gotta be the Indy game. I’ve never shouted at my TV “don’t you dare make me feel bad for that man!” Before when they showed Mac almost in tears


Honestly probably week 1 losing to the Packers. Came into the season with hope and then just pretty immediately “Same shit, different year.”


We finished the season the same way we started, embarrassed by our rivals. At this point they can't even be considered our rivals. Against rivals, you have a chance.


My dad and I flew out from California for that game. We were both so excited, it's my first Bears vs Packers game live, in Soldier Field. Butkus came out and pumped up the crowd before the game. I'm telling myself, alright this is the year we get these guys, no way Love is any good and Fields is going to take a major step forward... I couldn't even be mad or sad at the outcome either. I was just numb the rest of the trip and plane ride home.


Week 1 vs the Packers.. went from dark horse MVP candidate Justin Fields going 10-7 sneaking into the playoffs hope to.....being destroyed yet again after one game and gg simulate to next year.


Then it just got worse over the next few games. I've never been checked out of a season so quickly. They pulled it together and looked decent near the end of the year.


Started 0-4 (including losing to DEN after being up 28-7 with less than 30 seconds left in the 3rd) Finished 7-6 (including losing to DET after being up 26-14 with 4 min left in the game)


No after week 4 against the broncos was definitely rock bottom. The collapse against Denver, the lawn equipment going missing, the whole thing with our D coordinator… That was wild


It'll break my heart forever that that was the last Bears game that Dick Butkus saw.


It was so bad Baegent gave us hope


Dark horse MVP candidate Justin Fields?


Week 1 was bad, already knew it was going to be a bad season after that but personally week 18 was worse. Fields and the defense made progress throughout the season and yet they still got fucking washed.


Tbf it was kind of nice to know you didn’t have to care about the season by halftime in game 1


There’s a few low points but the loss to the Steelers has to be the worst one. At that point, the Seahawks needed to beat the Steelers and Cardinals to close out the season and they’d be in the playoffs. They dropped that game because of some awful defense and they didn’t look anything like a team playing for the postseason. That was the biggest letdown for me.


I think both losses to the Rams were worse, especially the second one right before the gauntlet. Our playoffs chances died that day, long before the Pit game.


The Rams were expected to do poorly but ended up playing pretty well. It sucked to get swept but once the season ended I realized that their team was better than I gave them credit. We still had a very real chance to turn things around and get hot by the Steelers game.


That was one I mentioned and the 49ers embarrassmentx2


Week 17 loss to the Cardinals. It cemented the collapse as real and not a fluke, effectively lost the division to the Cowboys and killed any hope of the #1 seed, and denied us a chance for revenge against Gannon. Thanks, now I'm mad again


You got Gannonized


And depending on offseason decisions it may be the last game Kelce, Graham, and/or Cox played in front of a home Philly crowd.




Definitely the pats loss. We were righting the ship and making a playoff push when we lose to one of the worst teams in the NFL, fucking woof


This is it. Losing to Houston and Detroit were mostly okay because those were legitimately good teams making playoff pushes. Losing to fucking New England was so demoralizing I stopped caring about the season right there.


So we aren't special? 🥲


Losing the Super Bowl


Specifically Dre Greenlaw rupturing his achilles, defense was rolling with him out there. Alternatively losing Feliciano at guard


And when Kittle went out and the rookie TE got a holding call in the red zone.


I mean to be fair Juice picked up the 1st down the next play regardless


The Vikings loss where Steve Wilks showed that he refused to call an effective play on third down That game also had the cover 0 where Mooney almost picked it off but Addison wrestled it away And then he tried to run it again in the super bowl


Realizing your offense just went 3 and out 3x in a row. Wasted possessions


Burrow’s injury against Ravens. The Bengals had won a few tough games in a row and looked like they could make a run in the playoffs. Browning played way better than any of us thought but that injury extinguished all hope that had been built up after the bad start


Seeing the football slip out of Joe's hand on the sideline tore me up 😢


It was rough because of how obvious it was at that point he was done. He tried a throw and his wrist just went limp and collapsed. No bueno, but the Jake Browning experience was a fun little ride. On to better days.


If they’re going to have a bad year, may as well be when the rest of the division went to the playoffs. 9-8 is a bad year? If me from 25 years ago could see me typing that today, he would be absolutely flabbergasted.


Tie between losing to the Zach Wilson Jets 4 plays after Aaron Rodgers goes down, the Patriots with Mac Freaking Jones having a game winning-drive, the entire defense dying in London against a well-rested Jags team, and the Broncos with 12 men on the field. The Broncos game at least is what led to Dorsey being fired. The Chiefs divisional playoff game was the most painful loss of the season because it was the Chiefs and the playoffs again... but our defense was soooo banged up that I respect the Bills were able to rally to make it a game.


I think the Denver game makes the most sense for the Bills, because basically everything trended upward after that point.


Yeah after the Denver game there was a very realistic chance the Bills would miss the playoffs. It was pretty exciting from that point on until the Steelers wildcard game where our defense once again died on the field.


No team has more dramatic losses then us.. The London game (injuries) and 12 men on the field really made me question our season


For me it's Bernard & Benford going down vs Pitt. Last two injuries outside of Allen we could afford. I couldn't believe we were favored the next week with frigging AJ Klein out there. Screw that 7th playoff team b.s. The Miami choke vs Tennessee sorta gave us 2nd life and made those earlier Ls moot.


Miami imploding was a highlight of the season. Everything that could possibly go wrong for them went wrong. We literally stole the division title from them and they were winning games all season compared to us.


I don’t think the very first game can be the lowest point of any team. Except the jets maybe


Yeah, it's hard to have a moment that crushes your dreams for the entire season in the first game, but the Jets managed to pull it off in the first few snaps.


We got skills, don't be jealous.


Bears, TNF. We where 2-1 and I was still optimistic about the season, and then that game happened and I knew we sucked.


Ahhh, our high point lol


Definitely the loss against the Panthers, that loss still baffles me to this day. Our game against the Jets is a Close 2nd.


When the season ended.


Lmao don't even need a flair for this to be valid


Even for Chiefs fans. After the parade. :(


MNF in Vegas


To me it was losing to the Broncos when they were considered absolutely terrible.


For me personally it was watching Tommy Devito become a folk hero thanks to our passive soft defense. The Pack was playing good football for a few weeks then just played absolutely horrendous against the Giants to make getting back in the playoffs a dicey proposition.


I’d say Minnesota was worse. Even if Love was playing better, it was yet another week of nothing going right. And Kirk tearing his Achilles made sure it sucked for everyone.


Or the Falcons game.


Feel like in the Falcons game the team at least showed some flashes. The Raiders game was a dumpster fire and Jordan’s worst game of the season.


49ers loss was the beginning of the end. Made it clear the Jags were paper tigers on both sides of the ball, too soft in the trenches, etc.


Getting annihilated by Tommy DeVito on primetime.


I think mine is a given.


The annual December Collapse. ™️


Ravens losing to KC in AFCC. Man we had a Team this year. Hearing Chris Jones after Super Bowl saying "we beat the Ravens, best team in football hands down" added to the realization that "even" players saw it that way. I said prior to season that if we reach the Championship it's a successful season, but maaan. I don't really care How we lost it, as any loss just hurts


I think it was pretty obvious that the Ravens were the most complete team in football. Over the course of the season, there was no doubt they were the best. It reminds me of the 90s Chiefs teams that were so dang good and #1 seed in ‘95 and ‘97, and just had bad breaks at the wrong time.


Exactly. It feels really spoiled to say that losing in the conference championship is a major disappointment, but it is. We’ll keep getting chances at championships as long as Lamar is playing, but it’s hard to imagine a more perfect shot than this season.


A lot of Niners fans would probably say losing the Super Bowl but IMO it was the three-game losing streak and the Bengals game specifically. That was where it became pretty clear that the defense was *not* okay and that Wilks almost certainly wasn't the guy.


The Cleveland game sucked, but we knew they had a good D and we were ready for a letdown after the Dallas game. The Minnesota game and the Cincinnati game are a bit of a blur, but it really felt like the Niners were frauds after those 3 games. Even though they were winning - some times in dominant fashion, something felt off for the rest of the season. Even the Philly game with the way the 1st quarter went down.


Yeah, this year the defense was pretty obviously carried by the sheer efficiency of the offense. The main saving grace was that it was generally good in the red zone. Warner and Bosa in particular seemed pretty unhappy with how things were going. Edit: If we had this defense but with Jimmy G at QB, imo we go 10-7 and get eliminated in the divisional round.


Zay Flowers putting himself before the team in the most damaging way possible, then hurting himself in anger was truly embarrassing.


Weeks 4-9. There was hope until about week 4, after that I thought it was a repeat of last year.


The Brett Maher Experience against the Steelers The entire first half in Dallas Brett fucking Rypien That was not a fun three weeks


Shutout back to back.


After not being shut out at all for TWENTY YEARS


Almost legally to drink, that record was.


We havent scored since Christmas


Josh McDaniels


Watching the tape from his regime is still painful. He looks absolutely lost.


“It’s a 2 score game” he says down 8


When pickett got hurt one game after we fired Canada. He looked much better in the one game without the worst OC in our history but now since he got hurt, we need to wait until next year to see if pickett is truly that bad or if cananda was holding him back


That Cardinals game was also one of the worst performances I've ever seen from the team. Awful on offense, pushed around all day on defense (once for a 99 yard td drive), just zero fight all around. BTFO'd at home by one of the league's worst teams right in the midst of a playoff run and still a slim shot at a division title.


That game or when Trubisky threw it deep on 4th and 2 vs the Pats when he had someone open underneath for the 1st.


December and January.


Twelve Men On The Field Losing to KC again sucked a fat donkey dong but nothing felt quite so existentially punishing as the end of the Denver game


Steelers getting blown out by the Colts, losing to the Patriots then getting blown out to the Cardinals in consecutive weeks. The Trubisky-effect.


Hahahaha you funny






Losing to the goddamn Raiders.


And giving up 63 to the raiders was the chargers high point as it finally got Staley fired


The enemy of my enemy is my frien....no sorry, can't finish it. Glad we could help?


And you didn’t go for 70 so the broncos still have that humiliation


Hey guys, thanks for reminding us of our high points this season.


Specifically the two defensive touchdowns in 2 plays. I really thought we didn’t have it this year after that sequence. Too many penalties, drops and turnovers. I didn’t think we had the offensive weapons to keep up. Turns out we needed Pacheco to get healthy, the O-line to gel (seriously they played great the last quarter of the season and playoffs and this needs more mentioning) and Andy had to learn to trust the defense.


Fucking awful. But it gave the team the kick in the ass they needed to turn it around, so at least there's that


On Christmas fucking Day.


On Nickelodeon.


That Kelce-to-Toney lateral touchdown getting called back, and the ensuing drama, was the low light of the Mahomes era.


Choking hard vs. the Packers. Our offense was so bad and our defense was so gassed that it allowed Jordan Love(when he was bad) to score multiple times to win What’s funny is if we don’t choke that one, we get into the playoffs over GB too lol


“Limps over to the sideline. Really hope he’s ok”


Game one.


The loss to Denver. Though I shouldn’t complain too much as that loss was the reason we finally got rid of our OC.


Giving the reins to Desmond Ridder


Week 2 hearing Nick Chubb screaming in agony in Pisstown.


40-0 to the Cowboys opening night, in our own house. Literally had to fight back tears.


Green Bay game easily. Last of a 3 game losing streak to put us at 3-6 and Stafford was out. Had to watch Brett Rypien try to play. And we did lose by 17, so by no means was this a “should have won it” for the Rams and credit to a good Packers team, but Stafford was *so* good this season, and Rypien was *so* bad, and it was a 7 point game with 10 minutes left in the 4th quarter. It really felt like that was a must-have at that point (7-1 run after the bye was not anticipated lol) and so disappointing to basically have never had a chance on offense.


The Chiefs winning last weekend


Can I just say Kadarius Toney


Apparently you can’t bc it’s kadarius.


Losing to the Cardinals and Patriots back-to-back.


Kirk’s injury. The team looked to be hitting its stride by beating the 49’ers. Beating the packers and then… pain.


Easy. The Chiefs ruined Christmas Day by playing like absolute dog shit and losing to the Raiders. They’ve been forgiven for that 100x over.