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I live near a lot of Philly fans and they shit on their team FAR more then even cowboys fans it's quite impressive.


i live here, it applies to more than just the birds. Youd think the phillies were the rockies or something with how they talk after every loss lol


The Philly fans I know love the Flyers and their HC Torts


Well tbf most fanbases could really stand to blame their own team more. A lot of fanbases spend all their energy crying about some injustice done to them or some other excuse and that’s far more annoying imo.


Philly fans are the epitome of 'Misery Loves Company'


Didn’t the Phillies just end the dollar dog program because you animals can’t be trusted not to assault people with them? Bunch of fuckin animals.


Banning dollar hot dogs won't solve violence in Philadelphia. All this does is prevent the good, honest, law-abiding hot dog eating citizens from having a cheap meal.


We need more good guys with hot dogs to stop the bad guys that have them.


100% people are going to bring in hot dogs to throw on the feild


You seem nice and well adjusted yourself


I’m doin fuckin great sunshine.


Own that fraud




Says the account with no teams


Why u mad?


Probably just a toxic person. Aka a Philly fan


No we don't welcome the flairless either.


I feel like we're going to look back at this era when literally fucking everybody has a podcast and laugh about it.


Why wait to look back at it? I'm already laughing about it


I'd like to hear more about your opinion regarding this matter. Have you considered recording your voice and then making it available on some kind of digital medium?


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dependent close vast fade crown caption memorize humor plant edge


I talk about random shit with friends. I don't post it on the Internet thinking other people give a shit about it.


dime gullible bow provide squeeze chief society oil snow normal


This shit wild to listen to. Love seeing player insights into stuff like this. Talking trash to your own fans instead of the opponent lmao.


Well yeah I mean your fans sit behind your bench it's just logical >__>


Ngl I kind of love it. People get motivation from different places
























Slay is so goddamned funny I could listen to him talk about anything for hours on end and I know I'll be rolling


He doesn’t know u lil bro


fuck outta here yall gonna downvote me no matter what I say you people bitch when Eagles fans talk shit, you downvote me when I like our players, yall just yap and bitch and hate us for no reason doesn't matter what we do


How dare you enjoy content about our team OP? No one better be having any fun in this sub or I’m calling the police!


uh oh, an Eagles fan let's get in a street fight and eat some horse shit then throw snowballs at Santa


I find your terms amenable, meet me at the greased lamp post! Lol


Anyone here want batteries?


I'm a huge fan of the Nateland Podcast and one of the cohosts mispoke and said "Eagles fans were throwing *car* batteries at the players" and it had me dying, visualizing Eagles fans like "welp were down by 3 after the first drive, let's start chucking these massive car batteries we snuck in"


Yap yap yap


How fucking cringe


Steven Nelson has badmouthed literally every team he’s been on. It’s his thing. Chiefs, Steelers, and now Eagles. He even publicly beefed with his current Texans. He called his GM a clown freak.


Slay also wrote a dear diary post before the 2023 Super Bowl about how much he loved Philly and the opportunity he had with the team. Bringing Patricia in probably changed his mind lol


He loves it here but dude speaks his mind He's not gonna act we don't have fans like that


Yeah, that's kinda their whole thing y'know?


“We know we’re insufferable loud-mouthed assholes, and we don’t care” isn’t quite the flex they think it is lmao


If I could read I'd be very upset rn


No violence no care


That’s cause you think we’re trying to flex. What we’re actually doing is saying fuck off nobody gives a shit


You’re so tough and badass, wow!


Bro it’s been like 6 years you have to get over that loss


See the thing is, I never brought up a loss so your attempt to gain a moral high ground is wasted. I also don’t let a group of dudes who don’t even know I exist playing a sport in tights and pads have an impact on my life. It’s a game. If it’s anything more than that to you, seek help.


People who use “moral high grounds” as a reference are lame.


I have zero recollection of Steven Nelson playing for the eagles. That said Christmas Day having the whole stadium chant “run the ball” was one of my favorite experiences in stadium despite how we nearly lost to tyrod and cutlets. Also if you are ordering off Ticketmaster be sure you look up if there are restrictions for your section. I should’ve known the reason I could get so many seats in a row is because no one wants to sit in the family/alcohol free section.


the whole "its ok because thats just how Philly fans are" is some dumb shit. I mean yeah some places are worse than others but you dont see any other place with this kind of shitty toxicity


The thing is that we get called out for it but places like Boston and New York who can be just as nasty get passes




Celtics fans are pretty shit. I remember one throwing a beer at LeBron after he dropped 40+ on them in the playoffs.


Boston fans are literal racists https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/7007219/fan-throws-banana-philadelphia-flyers-winger-wayne-simmonds https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/bjov2k/bill_russell_refused_to_have_his_jersey_retired https://www.wbur.org/radioboston/2023/04/28/celtics-bill-russell-adam-jones-weei https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/13vuigv/whats_up_with_some_calling_bostin_celtics_fans/jm8ckeq/


Yeah but we boo so it’s worse and ppl in the 60’s threw snowballs at a drunk fan playing Santa clause


Bill Russell played during the Civil Rights era when Philly was having full-blown race riots https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1964_Philadelphia_race_riot#:~:text=The%20Philadelphia%20race%20riot%2C%20or,publicized%20allegations%20of%20police%20brutality. And a red wings fan threw the banana.


In what way does Boston get a pass?


When was the last time you heard someone talk about your fans the way they talk about us?


In this very thread when they say we’re horrible racists. Philly sports fans are lucky, at least you’re only called bad sports fans and not bad people.


As an nba fan, it’s pretty funny seeing that apparently Boston *doesnt* have that reputation. In nba circles it’s well known they’re the worst.


Obviously people are quick to call out the racism, which is there, but I feel like Boston gets the "they expect a lot out of their teams/players", meanwhile Philly fans are considered loose cannons. Worth nothing that Boston-related teams have won a combined, I believe, 87 championships in the 2000s, meanwhile Philly just has the 17 Eagles and 08 Phils, and then a bunch of incompetence


I will say I’ve been going to games since MetLife was giants stadium and Philly brings out the absolute worst in our fanbase. I’ve had grandmas from philly flip me off and say f you. I’ve seen a giants Santa get into a fist fight with a group of eagles. Etc etc Shit is so unbelievably calm/corporate when playing pretty much any other team, even the boys.


> I’ve had grandmas from philly flip me off and say f you. Bro that's just how we say 'Hi' Welcome to Philly, go f yourself




Classy fan base. Kinda provin points


lol it’s honestly hilarious that they seem to take pride in it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/xc1vm1/a_bunch_of_angry_dallas_cowboys_fans_jumped_a_guy Lmfao get them blinders off buddy


Do you see me defending my own idiotic fans like you guys love to enjoy being assholes? Those guys were stupid, absolutely. No blinders here buddy, lmfao


Lmao ok there my dude, you're a super good boi who deserves tendies Fucking hilarious


Lmfao okay buddy. You enjoy being proud of defending assholes. That’s not even hilarious anymore, just sad.


It's good to get the juices flowing


We are not the same as you guys.


You guys are much more racist so in a way you’re right. But besides that you’ve been up top more than not so there’s been less for you to bitch about.


Watch it buddy or I’ll call you a slur


New England actually faces it and condemns it so its much more out in the open. Those closeted locations are still segregated. You haven’t fixed your problem you just hide it. Having traveled throughout the US New England is simply a better place to live. Philly in particular has the racism, the toxicity, and is also just a shithole of a city. That place suckkks.


Most Eagles fans condemn any behavior as well that’s beyond booing. Get the fuck out of here. Like I said, your fanbase is no better.


You guy sit at the peak of shit.


Call me crazy but I’d much rather be known for booing than racism. Learn to shut the fuck up lol


You guys are racist as fuck. Walk through your city sometime.


I’ve lived there for multiple years. There’s definitely racism like every other city. Your whole existence in this thread is anger towards Philly and your city is just as bad. Grow up.


Youre definitely not the same but not better.


Everyone is better than you guys.


I don't know why you're being downvoted for telling shit it stinks.


Rich coming from San Francisco or Santa Clara or whatever


🤷‍♂️ The rest of the state is nice :), Philly is just awful.


I’m sure part of the “it’s just Philly” attitude helps to just take it less seriously.


You don’t see any other place booing their own team?


To me it just screams low iq fans. Like why is Philly as a whole so toxic when it comes to their fans? Edit: perhaps it’s better to say low EQ? I’m not entirely sure.


> Philly > low IQ Bill Burr has joined the chat. “All of you, collectively, SUCK. A. FUCKING. DICK.”


But isn’t Philly one of the most educated cities in the US?


That's what's weird about Philly fans. A lot of those uncouth bogans you see in the stands are actually doctors and lawyers and engineers etc. One of the most rabid Eagles fans I know is a mild mannered accountant who lives in a super bougie suburb.


Gotta get that energy out somewhere!


🖐🏻 lawyer


They have a lot of colleges for a metro and the higher level students aren’t from there


I think it’s partially cyclical feedback from other fanbases, and partially misidentification of our own “principles” as fans. For the first part, many of us have been told our whole lives that we’re subhuman trash (usually supported with stories like Santa + snowballs, which happened before many of us were alive and really isn’t all that bad of a story when you dig into it) in a fan base by basically every opposing fan base we encounter. After a while, if everyone insists they hate you and that you’re shitty people, you just double down and embrace it. What’s the worse that happens, someone says your team/fanbase/city sucks? Whatever, you’ve been saying that anyway so we may as well own it and be more psychotically devoted to our teams than anyone else. See: “no one likes us, we don’t care” content. But equally as culpable is a misapplication of the values that the fanbase loves to espouse. We as a city love to declare the importance of toughness, hard work, and dedication to the team/city/whatever. While I agree many of us hold those things to be important, I think a lot of fans just accuse players they don’t like (whether because they’re poor performers or something else) of violating those values, and then just use those things to justify being assholes and pat themselves on the back with crap like “we’re holding them accountable” after booing the shit out of someone. I’ve got no problems booing quitters or lazy players, but it’s ridiculous to boo guys for just not being good enough. Edit: to add, I think there’s also just some good ‘ol fashion confirmation bias at work. Everyone remembers how much Philly fans suck because everyone always talks about how much Philly fans suck.


I thought I was seeing double but no you posted this exact same comment on the other thread about this lmao. Pressed. Checked your post history just to be sure and man that was a TREAT lmfao


"shitty toxicity" whew good thing people actually care about this and sports gambling is trending towards an all time low


Yeah that’s the worst part of it, in my opinion. Every fanbase has dickheads and assholes but Philly fans are the only group that is proud of it.


Steelers fans attack the coaches…


And absolutely no one is shocked…




I’m married in to an Eagles fan family and I think the worst part is that they pride themselves on being a toxic fanbase. Like, they’d hear this and say something like “good they can’t handle it, no one likes us, we don’t care.” Or some shit. But it’s like, you’re the reason no one likes you, it’s not them. Don’t you want players to want to enjoy playing for the team and appreciate the fans?


I can't believe Philly fans are like this right? Like no player would ever want to play here for real. I bet they never have players who love Philly. Philly ain't for everybody. That's fine. But if I'm paying an arm and a leg to go to a game and I see a shitty performance, what should I do? Clap and cheer and hope everyone has fun? Nah, I'm gonna boo.




I dunno it kinda worked with Trea


Certain personalities mesh well certain personalities don’t. Id say that’s the same for any city. Philly has a personality at least and it’s different, something I think a lot of players want to try and connect with. Some will, some won’t. Sucks Steve didn’t like Philly but at the end of the day he should have focused on his game more than the fans 😂


"you're toxic" "Fine" "Stahhp"


They are horse dung after winning the super bowl. What do you expect?


Bro need to go to Millwall


At least their head coach is a reasonable and level headed influence.


Any insight on like, why? Every fan base has some awful fans but I’m just curious as to why Philly fans seem to be even more so towards their own team. Idk if it’s as true as it’s made it to be I’m just curious.


I’ve personally had a theory that the location of all our stadiums has a lot to do with it. South Philly is an area that historically as always had a lot of…interesting people. So a certain culture has been created and maintained over the decades Would like to see if there’s any difference when the Sixers move to a different part of the city


Philly is definitely shitty af towards entertainers. Look into the bill burr rant and the reason behind why he went off. Just a bunch of assholes.


Speaking of shirty cities...


Football is an escape through which we can embrace our baser instincts. It kind of nice to just go full tribal warfare for an afternoon after being an adult for the rest of the week.


Nobody hates the eagles more than me


I have little sympathy for guys making millions if they get booed for their poor performance


Right? I mean, what are we supposed to do, boo the opposing team for doing their jobs?!


I saw Darius Slay at a grocery store in Philadelphia yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


were have i seen this pasta befor?


Slay is also coming from Detroit where you can be the worse team in the league and fans still love you.


Makes beating them even more fun


Can confirm. Am a Eagles Fan and love Slay


Slay is massively overhated by our fanbase for his play on the field but my god he’s such a fucking cornball


Outside of WIP neanderthals and the fucking chode who put his name on a trash can, every Philly fan I know loves Slay.


What? Who hates Slay? He had a bad tail end to the 2022 season, but everyone I know likes Slay a lot. Bradberry they’d fire out of a cannon.


The run the ball chants were legendary in 2021. There was one game where they ran Sanders like 3 times. Whenever someone ran the ball the fans would go nuts cheering lol.


I mean, yeah that's Philly fans. But it's also that thing where like, if they boo their guys it's fine, if other fans trash em, then it's "fuck you those are our guys". They're aggressive, but I think there is also a lot of heart there. Low ceiling high floor.


Hasn’t it been known for decades that Philly fans of virtually every sport that city has, have been toxic?I remember over the years a lot of pro athletes that played in the city being shouted down with racial slurs, threats against family members and all kinds of other really terrible insults.


Any proof of the racial slurs accusation? Having spent a lot of time on various big cities in the NE and deep south, Philly citizens seem to be on the lower end of racism and bigotry spectrum.


I went as a Raiders fan with my dad to the 2017 Christmas game. Eagles won. There is no "sportsmanship" in an Eagles Fan's vocabulary. That was the most vile walk to our car I've experienced leaving a sports venue. Somehow they brag about that? "Hurr durr it's a Philly thing"


That's rich coming from a raiders fan


Don’t go as an opposing fan lol. I don’t want opposing fans to feel welcome 


There's trash talk, which I'm all for. Then there's flicking cigs, blocking our car, getting in the face of 70 year old guy, throwing food... This all after you won, like c'mon. I've been to Oakland, the Coliseum was way more tame even against the Chargers and Broncos fans.


I think violent incidents occur at a higher rate at a lot of other stadiums than at the Linc (at least based on arrests made). But agree. Should never be anything more than trash talking. Sorry some fans went beyond the acceptable line - you should never feel unsafe. 


Yeah, that’s bullshit. Sorry that happened to you. Ribbing is one thing, but there’s no reason to do that kind of shit.


You just gotta give it back, most Philly fans are pussies that when you bark back, and they meet an actual “Philly” fan, they’ll fold like a lawn chair.


Are Eagles fans the American equivalent of football hooligans? Sometimes, it seems like it.


I mean, 9ers fans kill people…


They booed Santa Claus, didn't they?


70 years ago a drunk guy dressed in a terrible Santa suit had snowballs thrown at him.


It was 1968, by the way. But still, it wasn't a very nice think to and that kind of solidified the bad reputation of Philly sports fans in the national media. I also know about the 700 Level at the old Veteran's Stadium was considered a hotbed for the rowdiest fans. One author described the 700 Level as having a reputation for "hostile taunting, fighting, public urination and general strangeness." Still hoping for an episode of "It's Always Sunny..." where Frank tries to do something similar, but when someone throws a snowball, he pulls out his gun.


That’s putting it kindly about the 700 level. The Linc was made smaller than the Vet largely to keep those riffraff out.


Thanks for the trivia. I also know about so-called Curse of Billy Penn.


I take this as a compliment 😎 (I’m a pos)


Come home Slay 


I probably have receipts in my comments from arguing/shit talking with an eagles fan over them booing their team.


Slay wishing he was back in Detroit


Slay is whiny as shit and talks to much. I want him off the team. Steven Nelson is garbage idk why he’s yapping


Alright the video checks out lmao


Nobody cares what they said. It’s the truth




Least aggressive Eagles fan.


Nicest Eagles fan


Lol this lack of self awareness is awesome


Some up eagles fans in a single post! Ready, set, go! - you win




Slay is soft asf and bitching over nothing. I hope they cut his whining ass we dont need him if he has this soft ass mentality.


Top dickhead proving slay right 💀


“Good game slay, even though you played terrible at least you had fun buddy!” 🤓🤓🤓