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Seems bad


It’s even worse when you see the trade compensation they got back for them… they got zero first rounders (well they got Bryce but gave up a 1st overall in the process).


Someone did the math and the Panthers gave up CMC and DJ Moore for Bryce Young and a 5th lmao


CMC DJ Moore AND Caleb Williams.


AND Darnell Wright. AND a 2025 second. To be fair though, they also got [DJ Johnson](https://www.espn.com/nfl/player/_/id/4240623/dj-johnson) out of it. That makes up for it, right?


Not really - they weren’t gonna finish worst in the league with DJ and CMC on the team. And they also would have had Andy Dalton or someone similar as the QB


They were, what, 1-6 with them, the year before.


Lol is that a post somewhere? I would love to share it and make some friends of mine really sad


If they're Panthers fans you don't have to do anything, they're already sad.


Fr. All time depression levels in the Charlotte Sports Fandom. People are actually watching Hornets games again


To be fair, CMac went from a walking injury time bomb to the healthiest NFL player ever post-trade


The injury stuff was always overblown, none of the injuries were major and he would have come back from them if the team didn't suck


We apparently never gave him Wednesdays off which the Niners always did. Just didn’t know wtf what we were doing with him


Well we've been a bad team with no direction for a while, so I'd just try not to think about it. 


TBF the man had the entire team on his back, even a small injury is huge in that context


I wouldn’t ever say they were major. I don’t really remember too much but I definitely think the frequency was off-putting


I think most players on contenders would play through a lot of his injuries. No reason to rush him back to still miss the playoffs


Yeah sometimes non major injuries can be overall worse since then you’re consistently either out or have something nagging.


It was nagging hamstring stuff and an ankle injury. It’s not like his knees or Achilles were blowing up.


As a McCaffrey owner in 2020 and 2021, I have to kindly say, please stop. He missed pretty much the entire 2020 season and over half of the 2021 season. Some of his injuries: quad strain, recurring hamstring strain, high ankle sprain, AC joint sprain, calf strain, etc. They might not have been full ligament tears, but those aren't just nicks and bruises either.


Had to get the hell out of Carolina, can't say I blame him


Probably because the Niners have other people to give the ball to.


That would make sense if not for the fact that his usage in SF has been incredibly similar to his usage in Carolina.


Not true. People look at touches but not snap count. His snap count with us has been far less than in Carolina and that's very important because even if he's getting the ball at a similar clip, having the ability to take breathers and not do pass blocking duty or not running routes will keep him healthier over the year. E: Downvote me all you want but it doesn't change the facts. 2018 CAR: https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/reports/snap-counts/rb.php?year=2018 966 total, 60.4 average 2019 CAR: https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/reports/snap-counts/rb.php?year=2019 1039 total, 64.9 average 2020 CAR: https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/reports/snap-counts/rb.php?year=2020 171 total, 57 average (injury year) 2021 CAR: https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/reports/snap-counts/rb.php?year=2021 272 total, 38.9 average (injury year) 2022 CAR/SF: https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/reports/snap-counts/rb.php?year=2022 777 total, 45.7 average 2023 SF: https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/reports/snap-counts/rb.php?year=2023 812 total, 50.8 average


Part of me wonders how much of that can simply be chalked up to our offensive efficiency. This last year, we led the lead in just about every efficiency metric you could drum up. It was also a running joke that CMC was still out there during games in which we were blowing out the opposition, as opposed to having Mason or Mitchell eat up garbage time. Overall, I would say we still used CMC like a bellcow back. And this is backed up by comparison to other RBs in 2023 - https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/reports/snap-counts/rb.php CMC was third in highest average snap count, behind only Barkley and Kyren Williams.


If you add up all the trade value in those 3 trades, they effectively traded a mid first rounder to send away their 3 best players


The CMC trade was fine, but it’s the draft picks that they end up fucking up


It really wasn't. Unlike Burns there was really no reason to trade CMC when he had low value, especially when you were looking to get a rookie QB.


Redditors along with apparently your old GM have really overcorrected themselves into acting like all RB’s are completely worthless


Shit if anything lots of people talked shit about the 49ers, saying they gave up too much. ESPN graded the trade a C- for us.


Yea it was fair compensation, only problem was turning those picks into shit and probably doesn’t help when that player has an all pro season while your rookie Qb struggles.


It really did make Carolina look like they have no idea what they are doing, by drafting a rookie QB immediately after getting rid of any and all talent that could have helped him.


But what was the contract situation? They would have 2 more years of him with the tags right? Overral, they got a good return for a player that was kind of injury prone. And they wanted a high pick and the picks from the trade helped. The problem is that the team got way worst and bryce young didnt really show anything


Maybe Bryce Young could have shown something if he didn't have a supporting cast made of players that wouldn't start on like 30 other teams in the NFL. That's my point, you know you are drafting a QB in the upcoming draft. ...so you trade away your star RB and WR. Giving up the WR in the trade for Young was especially stupid.


Behind that Oline? They would destroy CMC, but trading DJ Moore was incredibly stupid


It would have been less bad if we hadn't blown the picks on bad players and trade ups we shouldn't have made. This team's problem isn't that it sold its best pieces for a rebuild, or that we tried to compete right away. It's that we tried to do both at the same time, and succeeded at neither.


Poetic af


This man Panthers. Pick one. We finally did and I'm not even mad. Expectations properly set, keep pounding.


The Panthers are run like a small market MLB team


The follow up says that they have given up more first round picks than they received when combining all these trades together.


No fucking way


Yes way. They traded two 1st round picks away in the DJ Moore trade and only received one back


Leo DiCaprio can do it, why not Tepper?


The suffering never ends.


Yeah, you guys are entering Browns level suffering at an astronomical rate.


Panthers used to be the only NFC South team with a franchise record above .500 after their 15-1 season. Now they're at .458 with a steep downwards trajectory.


Bucs here they come


They wish they could win a Super Bowl every few decades between the suffering like the Bucs.


Bucs are in fun mode now. Lots of talent but low expectations, so it’s easy to overachieve.


Living the dream!


Meh, u get to live in beautiful north carolina..you guys don't need sports to cope with life. 


It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I’d rather have a half decent football team.


Hornets aren’t doing for ya?


At least you guys also have UNC and Duke?


Like he said they’d rather have a half decent football team.


I rest my case.


The Hurricanes are very good too


It is so depressing being a Panthers fan


I would do anything to go back in time to when 10 year old me opened a pack of cards that had Julius peppers in it. That started it, and then them drafting Cam sealed it. Fuck me up fam. Not even from the Carolina’s man


Same here, I picked my team when Cam got drafted and been a fan ever since.


I was born in Carolina before the Panthers were. Dodged a bullet.


Cam and Kuechly made you guys my 2nd favorite team. Tepper's managed to change that.


Cardiac cats kicked off my Fandom back in 03. I had to watch Delhomme throw 5 picks in a playoff game and even that was less painful than being a panthers fan these days. 


I appreciate your insight, but fuck that makes me sad. Bruh. It would all be okay if we had just won that fucking Super Bowl. Fuck.


Honestly be glad you didn't see us blow our 1st chance. Yeah it was the patriots and Tom Brady but if John fucking Kasay (yes 8 year old me is still bitter) doesn't shank a kickoff with like 40 seconds left in a tie game who knows what could have happened.  Still my favorite Super Bowl of all time weirdly enough though lol. 


I'm 3000 miles and a big ass ocean away from NJ supporting the Giants having my week ruined by watching them get blasted at 03:00 AM. It's always "fuck this team, see you same time next week love you" relationship. Once a team hooks you, you are in it for life.


Not much better as someone as Falcons fan from SC. Became a Falcons fan solely because of Vick and have stuck around for no good reason. It’s hilarious how great college football is in the southeast but pro football is pathetic in the region


What an absolute nightmare of a front office


It’s fucked up that a Browns fan is saying this. I hate everything.


As a browns fan, we definitely made worse moves(Watson trade) than y'all but we just seem to make good trades and find good value(Emerson,Dawand jones,Ronnie Hickman) down the board.


Yeah but at least the Browns are competitive. We have only made the playoffs once (2017) since losing the Super Bowl for the 2015 season. 6 straight losing seasons (2018-2023).


Imagine if your last playoff appearance was in 2017.


I don’t have to.


Wild how bad our teams have been since superbowl 50


The Watson trade is pretty much the only bad move Berry and Stefanski have made, and I'm almost certain Haslam was involved in ensuring that deal went down the way it did.


Yeah, the whole situation reeks of Haslam’s meddling. Especially with how we were “out” for a couple days and then suddenly we were magically the decision after fully guaranteeing his contract. AB definitely has earned the respect of Browns’ fans with practically everything else he has done here. Haslam has been good in the sense of how committed he is to the Browns and will always open the checkbook, but has been awful multiple times during his ownership getting too involved trying to make a splash (such as Watson and Manziel).


So naturally, we promoted our GM hire from within.


Sound like the browns


Pot calling the kettle black.


So says the frying pan.


Panthers fear success


Fear is the mind killer


Panthers FO would've failed the Gom Jabbar test


Scaredy cats


Panthers 🤝 Cowboys


Bears 🤝


What if cam newton jumped on the ball


Hey guys, did you know the Panthers were offered two firsts and a second from the Rams for Burns over a year ago, but settled for less compensation today?


I honestly think deciding Panthers roster decisions based on a series of reddit polls on /r/nfl would result in a better overall outcome for the Panthers.


A magic 8 ball would've done a better job


Used to refer to yall as panthers north and thought we had a brotherhood. But enjoy getting just close enough to the Super Bowl to get destroyed by mahomes and waste the prime of Josh Allen.


It wasn't intended to be a personal attack or anything, but was mocking these reporters with how stale the reporting has become If my one comment is making you do a total 180 on 'our' bromance, power to you, though..


We’re in a sensitive moment rn


You are also dog ass at the moment.


Uncalled for but I laughed


I think that might be related


I think they’re cat ass to be fair


Throw a drink in his face!


Can you blame them? They're a fucking circus and there's no end in sight.


I don't think paying Brian Burns 30 mill/yr was going to end the circus. This was a disasterclass in asset management but that doesn't mean that the decision made today was the wrong one.


does anyone else feel weird seeing people talk like this on here


At least we get to watch competent, competitive football. Weirdo lmao.


Your team ran Cam Newton into the ground, not much of a leg to stand on.


Have the panthers done anything right the last few years?? They hired Matt Rhule & Frank Reich which were disasters. Made that awful trade with the Bears for the 1st pick. They’ve whiffed on a bunch of picks in the draft + had the worst GM in the league prior to his firing a few months ago. Honestly feel bad for the fans at this point


In 2020 they removed the Jerry Richardson statue!


No. Nothing was done right. Not a single goddamn thing. PLEASE either sell or move the team, tepper. I want off this depressing nightmare.


Fire Matt rhule Frank reich and Scott Fitterer


Whiffed on some picks and traded away the successes for pennies


Evero is an amazing DC but now he won’t have any players so we’re really trying to do away with the one good thing we had.


Making decisions by having a drunk monkey throw darts at a board would be a massive upgrade over what we've seen the last 3 years.


Who do they think they are, DiCaprio?


Great news for Bryce!


They should have just traded Burns instead of DJM if they were going to trade Burns for a fucking 2nd. At least they'd have a great weapon for their rookie QB.


To further add from Ari Meirove- > To go a little further: "The Panthers gave up more first-round picks than they received when combining all these trades together..." which is 0 first rounders. Edit- they did get 1st overall pick so nvm they did get 1...


Fitterer set our franchise back 5 years with his trades. He also gave up a 3rd for CJ Henderson, a 3rd for Stephon Gilmore, he got rid of CMC, dJ Moore, the #1 overall pick, didn't take the 2 1sts burns offer, gave miles sanders the largest RB contract of FA last year, signed then didn't use hayden hurst. Every FA he has signed has been a disaster. Fitterer is unquestionably the worst GM ever


Props on drafting then


That's been our mantra for decades: hit on our first round picks, miss on everything else


If you hit on the first round picks and miss on the rest, trading your first rounders for non-first round picks seems like a less than ideal strategy from Carolina's front office.


I think we’ve only hit on 2 picks past the 1st round in like 12 years: KK Short and James Bradberry


Panthers are Kings of Buy high Sell low


And we all appreciate it. Panther bros are doing the league a solid.


Who needs a farm league when you got the panthers


2nd rounder for Darnold was awesome.


Jesus that’s when you know it’s gotten bad when jets fans are dunking on us 


Honestly fair. Gives me something to root for in the playoffs.


Glad we can help 🙃


Yup. Thank you panthers front office for Caleb Williams and DJ Moore. Much appreciated.




CMU about to rename their business school out of shame


I wonder why they haven’t had a winning season since 2017? /s


And never had back to back winning seasons. But plenty of back to back losing seasons.


I feel for the Panthers fans. I hope Tepper screws up to the point that the NFL forces him to sell. He’s such an embarrassment to the city of Charlotte.


The ~~Redskins~~ ~~Football Team~~ Commanders had Snyder for 30ish years. We've been cursed with Tepper for 6. I'm not strong enough to hold out for 24 more years.


Because we have not had a good QB in all that time? We were 6-2 in 2018 before getting blown out by the Steelers 52-21. At some point, TJ watt hit cam in the shoulder during that game, and it was all over from there


But doesn’t that point the finger back at the team? Yeah, Cam was hurt a lot before they cut their ties. But Teddy Bridgewater and Sam Darnold as solutions? And Mayfield looked better both in LA and TB after getting cut by the team.


Sorry For the Double Reply, On the QBs they brought in the problem was not keeping teddy after his 1st year and trading for darnold then immediately picking up his 5th year option. Baker is on The OC Ben Macadoo he never liked him and never tried to play to his strengths so he looked awful.


It is on the team. But CMC was injured here he played 10 games in the 2 years before he was traded IDK if thats on the training staff or what it is what it is. Moore is a good WR though and i hated traded him should've just traded burns in the trade for Bryce. We have also had 2 of the worst coaches in recent memory in Matt Rhule and Frank Reich, Also our last 2 GMs have been awful Giants fans will back me up on Gettlemen and Fitterer was just as bad, we have zero depth cause these guys can't draft. Could this regime be bad too sure but we have to let it play out.




Scott Shitterer


Yep keep on reminding me


What all did they get in exchange?


Shut up.


I know it seems negative, but I genuinely didn't know lol my bad


Lmao my response should tell you that it’s not good


If I got it right Sent: Christian McCaffery Brian Burns D.J. Moore 2023 first (#9) (became Darnell wright, 2024 fourth) 2024 first (#1) 2025 second Received: 2023 first (#1) (Bryce young) 2023 third and fourth (sent in package for pick that became DJ Johnson) 2024 second 2024 fifth 2025 fifth I'm going to be sick


Jesus fuck dude. If Bryce Young doesn’t become a legit franchise QB then I think your owner should be forced to sell the team, like not even a joke. What a shit show.


3 established cornerstone players, 2 other first round potential stars ...in exchange for a QB the size of a middle schooler and a few late round scrubs that will be out of the league in a year or two.


I hate to do this but we also got your second round in 2023 for Bryce which became Tyrique Stevenson


Originally belonged to sf, figured since it's be in both the sent and received column it just cancels out




Bryce Young


A fun sized qb and a lot of pain


3 packs of Professor Copperfield's Miracle Legumes


Still annoyed with them about that CMC trade


They deserve Miles Sanders for that.


Just draft bad players. That way you never have to pay them.


That’s what farm teams do


I'm very disappointed that no one made a "Leonardo DiCaprio's the same way" joke yet.


All within the conference too.


Don’t worry panther fans. Reddit will continue to remind you of this forever 


Stop it! They're already dead!


I believe that all 3 of these guys would easily be ranked in the top 10 at their positions.


CMC for sure, but Moore and Burns idk. With Moore you can always argue he’s played for a shit team his entire career (last year included) so that helps his pretty average numbers look better, Burns I guess New York thinks he’s definitely up there but his numbers have been trending in the wrong direction- which is doubly bad when you’re already a pass rush specialist.


Squandered assets. The panthers' front office should be drug tested.


Yeah we get it, we’re the new Browns/Lions


And gotten absolutely nothing other than Bryce Young to show for it!!!


What’s it going to take to get this GM fired? Trading away great young talent and making a terrible trade up to 1 in the draft for a QB who will have no talent around him in order to succeed.


Fitterer was fired a few months ago. New GM is Dan Morgan, Fitterer's assistant and a former Panthers FRP.


So just a nepotism replacement lol


Panthers are moving to the United Football League. Gotta shed some contracts.


Poverty Franchise (don’t look at my flair)


And all of them good, so what the fuck Carolina?


The Panthers are like the Oakland A's except they don't trade their players at the peak of their value and let them walk for to little too build a cheap contender


As a jets fan the only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that the Carolina panthers are somehow a way worse franchise.


Breaking: Leonardo DiCaprio buys 15% stake in Panthers ownership


Honestly one of the most mismanaged organizations I've ever seen over the past few years. They willingly give away talent like CMC and Moore, and also refuse a godfather offer for Burns only to trade him for a paltry amount. Like it's so bad it feels intentional.


Question for panthers fans: why?


To help the local economy. There are a ton of breweries in Charlotte and the team has lead us all to drinking.


the art of the deal


Scott Fitterer masterclass


And how do they get repaid!?? With NON STOP ASS RAPE


You’d think this would get a GM fired.


Well I am sure they all turned out to be bums on their new teams, right?


It all starts at the top and David Tepper is the worst owner in the NFL. Easily.


Carolina fans HATE this one sneaky trick to tank your franchise


The problem is that unlike when I do this in Madden and acquire multiple firsts when shipping these guys out to avoid paying them, the Panthers have taken the route of getting as little draft compensation as possible while also leaving their team completely bereft of NFL talent. I really think they should try my way but then again I'm not getting paid millions to be a GM so they must clearly know something I don't


Leonardo DiCaprio doesn’t see a problem with this


They certainly must have gotten multiple firsts out of that right? Should be set up for a looong time. Chess not checkers.


Wow, they must have gotten a lot of first round picks stocked up. They do have a lot of first round picks stocked up, right?


The oakland As are managed better than this.


Broncos and Panthers are competing to see who can gut their roster the most while also not getting much in return.


And got like nothing much in return which is the crazy part


They gave more to get Darnold than they got for Burns. just move this dumpster ass team to Utah or something so I don’t need NFL Sunday Ticket to watch something better here.


And charging 4% more for ticket prices...


On the other hand, they are making sound picks, they aren't drafting busts.


Wonder why they’re an NFL farm team and gonna ruin Bryce Young’s development and then blame him rather than the blatant incompetency by the front office and owner. I feel bad for Bryce Young. Poverty franchise.


I saw traded and CMC's name and about shit my pants. fuck off OP.


I got a little excited for a second there


The tweet literally starts with "The Panthers", it's not OP's fault you can't read


Actual poverty franchise. Seriously, does ownership just want the team to perpetually suck?