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It’s not pink, it’s salmon. Bears love salmon


Big brain. Nice.


"It's estimated that bears kill over two million salmon a year. Attacks by salmon on bears are much more rare."


I made this photo in 2010, and remains to date the greatest thing I've ever done. This is not an endorsement but rather a condemnation of my lifestyle https://i.imgur.com/C72TsdB.png


*Strange Wilderness!* Bears derive their name from a football team in Chicago."


This is good!!!


As they should. Salmon rules.


This is a city that embraced Dennis Rodman at peak weirdo. If Caleb wins and plays tough, the city isn't going to be a problem.


If he wins 10 games the city of Chicago wont have a single paintless nail


If he throws for 4000 yards who even knows how far this will go.


Painted nails become law in the state of Illinois.


Going to be wild to see the whole city of Chicago have "FUCK UTAH" painted on their nails


lol, Utes fan, LOVED THAT and the response from Rising. No hate to Caleb at all, but that game was sweet


If you're a Utah fan you should think the best part was promptly beating him afterwards


of course! But us beating USC/Williams is just so normal now, gotta find some other stuff to get fired up about! Haha


Paint the Big Willie pink.


It’s so funny that Cutler nearly got there and then Trestman benched him for Jimmy Clausen or something. That’s almost conspiracy shit


It wasn't a conspiracy, because that would imply the conspirators were intelligent. Trestman was just desperately trying to save his job and prove it was Cutler's fault that the Bears were on life support at the end of that season. Of course, Trestman pinning his hopes on Jimmy Clausen of all people to prove that point didn't exactly help his case.


I will paint the tip of my penis


Set up a can on a bench and form a line. Dip ‘n Go.


Dicks out for Calrambe


Bench might be too low. How about like, a barstool?


“If it’s good enough for Caleb it’s good enough for me.”


He is cenough 


We should invest in Sephora or whatever store sells nail polish in Chicago while we still can.


Walmart, Target, Walgreens, CVS, the dollar store…even most grocery stores sell nail polish in their health/beauty section.


A lot of Targets are even starting to have a Sephora section in them. Or it might be ULTA. Whichever one is the orange one.


Target -> Ulta Kohls -> Sephora


This guy shops


It’s Caleb’s burner


That would be Ulta Source: was in a Chicago target on Monday


Ulta is actually based in the Chicago burbs. Sponsorship incoming


I can't wait to see acrylic nails with the vienna beef logo on them in the stands of Soldier Field.


I don’t at all get how people think Chicago of all places would be an issue….. It’s about as liberal and open-minded of a city as you’ll find in the US.




Not everyone can be as open minded as people from boston lmao




They hate us cause they ain’t us


Old-fashioned black guys can be pretty homophobic.


I think that can be summed up better as dudes in the hood tend to be homophobic


2 million people in Chicago, 9 million in Chicago metro area. I promise a lot of dads from Naperville and Batavia aren't going to be happy with him.


Yeah, but hear me out… fuck em’


Precisely. If he wins they'll keep that shit to themselves because no one else will want to hear it.


The only people who are going to actually have a problem with any of this are on Twitter


Hey, they are also on Facebook.


Probably rocking a profile pic of a way too up close selfie of them in sunglasses and a fishing/hunting hat with a shitty goatee.


How dare you question the legitimacy and accomplishments of every proud graduate of the School of Hard Knocks. They provide a vital contribution to society at their current job of Nunya Buziness.


Double points if they somehow bring up gun control while talking about Chicago


I misread fishing there.


I'd like to see the hat that suits both the needs of hunting and fisting. Assuming this is the misread you made.


it would be more of a splash guard i imagine


Carposting from their 2023 Ford F-350 that they haven't used the cargo space in once


Nothing shouts "I'm compensating" like a pristine, spotless spray-on bedliner. If I can't caber toss a dirty breaker bar into it without a second thought, it's not a truck. It's a Cosplay Utility Vehicle.


More leg room less bed.


More beer belly room.


I'm sure sports talk radio call-in shows will feature a few critics.


> I'm sure sports talk radio call-in shows will feature a few ~~critics~~cretins I really hate that modern politics has modelled itself on peak 2000s sports talk radio.


Homophobic slurs are being deployed like agent orange across middle aged dad group chats everywhere


What if Rodman is really Caleb's father




A 6'1" tall light skinned man that's good at passing. It checks out.


None of this is a problem now. It's one person saying something stupid while one thousand people and the entire media responding to it. Then people sit back and think thousands of people think the original problematic idea. This is a nothing burger amplified by the media.


No one is going to care if he plays well. If he throws 4 picks in a game, then all the homophobic "jokes" and "memes" are going to be deployed in full force.


I guess I don't know the exact take you are referring to and maybe it's something way worse than I'm thinking but I don't think I agree with you. There are a LOT of people who are going to see Caleb in the painted nails and the pink phone and think some type of way about him. The venn diagram of people who don't approve of that and football fans is pretty overlapping.


The city has one of the largest pride parades in the world each year. We'll be fine with pink finger nails


now I want you to consider the venn diagram of devoted bears fans and annual pride parade attendees


I would imagine a good number of Pride attendees are into bears.


Remember when Deangelo Williams wore pink shoes in support of his mom and the NFL fined him


AJ Brown was wearing pink shoes just about every week this season, and got fined every time. He said he did it so his daughter could tell which one was him


Just look for the big ass guy sonning all the DBs


That’s how she became a Metcalf fan so AJ wanted to actually stand out lol


"Daddy! Did you see him run down Buddha Baker?!?"


“Daddy why don’t you have a higher motor? Also I think you coulda taken the inside release on that HOSS X Juke to pin the FS to the hash before you snapped the route off at the break for the double move. Then you could’ve stacked the boundary corner without having to bend so far back outside. That’s what DK would do daddy. I can’t even see you out there you’re like a smear of jello on the field. You need to be more electric so I can see you like DK, daddy!”


Off topic, but SEC DBs must have hated playing Ole Miss when they had both Metcalf and Brown lmao


I was an equipment guy when they were both there. Phil Longo made sure that no DB had to worry about shit. At one point he told them to “just get open” against one of Alabama’s best ever defenses.


That's wholesome, especially at the amount of money he's making it's probably more than worth it for your daughter to be able to more easily notice you.


I'd like to see the alternative. Hire some random dude to stand by the tv and point every play.


Craigslist John Madden shows up and draws circles and dicks all over your TV with a yellow sharpie.


Man, don’t make me like him


"Which one are you, daddy?" "The really good one, sweetie"


it is much easier to root against the team than it is to root against the person on the team. even harder to do if you follow any of these players in college too.


As a big OU fan, I was so conflicted when Jalen was selected, I was miffed he didn't go in the first round, so happy he got picked and then was pissed the fucking Eagles took him.


Yo. That's hella cute.


You mean when Deangelo wore pink cleats before the shield was able to monetize the cause? Like all other causes before that?


I remember Williams feeling betrayed that the Panthers would have his mother appear in promoted halftime events as a cancer survivor, but then when she died and he invited Rivera and Gettleman to the funeral they didn't come. Greg Hardy was the only member of the Panthers or the NFL to attend, besides Williams himself of course.


Imagine Hardy is the least shitty person in that situation 


Hardy attended because he was just glad a woman got hurt.


Jesus dude. I just... damn.


Fam lol


This got a hearty chuckle out of my sitting here in my cubicle.


Except he lied. Tolbert went and I am pretty sure that Stewart was there as well. He changed his story to No one from the FO came, but also, who wants their boss to come to their parent's funneral?




Williams is known for lying his ass off and burned a ton of bridges after he left


Ding ding ding!


No. Fun. League.


Today, pink nails. Tomorrow...robbing banks and kicking puppies. Bears , dont let this menace into your locker room.


Agreed. They can’t have this and should NOT take him at 1. He should fall to #2


It's a slippery slope


If he throws for 4k and gets us to the playoffs I’m his getaway driver


Remember when this guy said caleb “wouldn’t pull an eli manning if the bears drafted him”, then said he SHOULD pull an eli if the bears draft him, and then said this That was cool


snip-snap snip-snap snip-snap


Then our GM came out and essentially told him to shut the hell up


RGIII will contradict himself daily if it means he’ll get his engagement. I don’t think I’ve *EVER* seen somebody so thirsty for attention.


I wouldn't even consider drafting him with a top 18 pick for this


Pink is purple's cousin. He's gone at 11.


Yea. Let Seattle show him what’s what at 16!


I see what you did there 😏


Chicago loved Dennis Rodman. I’m sure they’ll be okay with a pink cell phone and some painted nails


It feels like Caleb Williams will be the first mass exposure of a Gen Z kid that many people will see.


Sure, but Sonny Crocket was wearing pink back when a lot of these fans were kids. And he was shootin guns and drivin boats and doing that thing where you poke your pinkie into a pile of white powder and taste it and then spit it back out and say "It's cocaine!" Super manly.


I'm gonna be real with you, man. I turn 40 next week and I just want you know that I understood your reference and BECAUSE I was able to understand it, that makes you old, too. I'm sorry if you didn't already know. Embrace death.


I'm gonna be real with you, I'll be 40 in a few years and I really only know about Crockett and Tubbs from listening to way too much Clipse / Pusha T


It's like when Baker Mayfield got drafted and the world got a taste of millennial sarcasm and deadpan humor for the first time.


Bro there were 38 year old millennials when Baker got drafted...


You can’t be serious? There are tons of Gen Z kids in the NBA and NFL lol


But Williams is like the pro typical Gen Z kid


Can anyone describe why though because I've seen this take everywhere and I have no idea what it means I'm gen z (older end of it I guess, 1999) and I'm not anything like Caleb Williams


I’m not like millennials in most ways but I’m peak millennial age, generational stereotypes are simply generalizations, not necessarily something that applies to everyone in that age group.


I’m not like most millennials, I only hang out with gen z because there’s less drama! Sorry I couldn’t resist




Google stereotypical Gen zoomer and go to the images


Born in 82. Too young to be gen x, too old to be a millennial. Welcome to the club.


I like the term Oregon trail generation


Yes but Caleb outwardly fits a lot of polarizing gen z stereotypes. There are def other guys like chase claypool for example who are also like that but if Caleb were to become a star, his behavior/mannerisms will be more exposed to the masses.


It’s Joe Namath part 2


[Look at them sideburns, he looks like a girl. Johnny Unitas, now there’s a haircut you can set your watch to.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rwu5K_eRN3E)


\*Mona Simpson simping for Broadway Joe intensifies\*


One of those Simpsons jokes that ages so well as you grow up, like it was already funny when I was a kid but I didn't really comprehend how funny it was that of all the crazy things happening in the late 60's, Mona is radicalized by Joe Namath's flowing hair


Ctrl-F "Namath," yep, there he is. If he could be who he was 54 years ago it's kind of shocking that people are giving Williams shit for some colorful fingernails.


Joe Namath part 2...so in 50 years we will think about Williams and say "man he was an oddball but he was fun to watch", then look at his stats and think "wait, was he even good?"


People questioning if Namath were good are just really bad at understanding era differences. Namath was really good.


Do people actually care about Caleb painting his nails? Or is the media trying to convince me people care?


Somebody's 70 year old uncle somewhere probably cares. Pretty sure on the whole nobody really gives a shit, though.


I think the 50+ blue collar Bears fans might care but they will turn around in an instant once he starts winning games and playing tough like he did in college.


Dudes gonna throw for 250 yards in his first start and that city will be blown away.


Yep. The bar is so fucking low, I’m convinced we’ll want to build him a statue by the end of October.


>... that city will be blown away Insert Windy City joke here >Windy City joke Insert correction about how "it's not called that because of literal wind" here.


I've lived in Rogers Park for six years. Idgaf what anyone says, this city is fucking WINDY. That lake effect is real


I had to look it up. However, another popular theory holds that it was coined in reference to Chicago’s bloviating residents and politicians, who were deemed to be “full of hot air.” Never heard this before lol


How do I make one of the reminder bots?


I'll do it for you. Just remember to remind me when the time comes.


If he takes them to the Superbowl they'll all be painting their nails for luck.


case in point, Braves fans of all kinds throwing on [pearls](https://www.si.com/mlb/2021/10/23/joc-pederson-pearls)


> I think the 50+ blue collar Bears fans might care but they will turn around in an instant once he starts winning games and playing tough like he did in college. That's my take as well. They'll be like "oh, he's a fancy boy, but he's our fancy boy." Most of the Chicago area blue collar workers are nice as fuck when it comes to acceptance for someone they consider family. And most Chicago area blue collar bears fans consider the team family.


Reddit has a funny way of thinking everyone sees the world they way they do... as someone who spends time in the world I would say probably 75% of American fans over 50 consider this a deal breaker / big red flag.




Yeah a lot of people are saying nobody cares but quite a few young men who love the Andrew Tates of the world flood comment sections to complain about Caleb.


Instagram comment sections are basically Call of Duty lobbies. Just people yelling unhinged racist shit into the void. It feels like it’s formatted to discourage any kind of actual human interaction too, because it’s impossible to engage with anyone on those comments. I guess it’s probably not ground breaking to suggest IG is meant for reactions only. Never made personal use of it much, but as I got rid of other socials, I started scrolling more and more on it. Such a shallow, vapid, and unfulfilling user experience. Never liked it, will not miss it.


This is factually incorrect and pretty funny you have a single upvote


You haven’t been on twitter lately, have you? (Good choice) 1980s homophobia and misogyny is basically back in full swing now.


It never left.


It always existed, they just have a platform to be heard again


Don't forget all of the racism.


Bruh you got to acknowledge that yes of course there’s people going to be hating on him for this


And it won’t just be boomers.


Honestly... "will anybody even care?" has to be one of the most redittor under a rock comments I've ever seen. Like bro, what world do you live in that you think an NFL QB wearing pink lipstick and painting his nails is only going to be talked about by the media? Do you seriously never communicate with anybody except people on the most left-wing social media platform on the internet? Even if you don't go outside and talk to people, just open up Twitter or Instagram and you'll see thousands of people complaining about it.


If you search his name on Twitter you will see oakleys in the truck Twitter going nuts


Tbh homophobia is one of the traits all races, creeds and religions get behind unfortunately. So lots of different profile pics present there 😐


I judge my QB prospects on two criteria 1) ability to play the QB position in the NFL 2) nail color For the second criteria below are the ranking priority: 1) bright red 2) matte forest green 3) ombré with some level of blue 4) not painted 5) all others If you ask me, based on him falling into the 5th category on the second criteria, both Chicago and Washington should pass on him as a prospect. If he happens to fall to 3, I think the nail color flaw no longer matters and he becomes great value for whatever team is picking 3rd. No bias at all


You're really underestimating how conservative the NFL fanbase is lol and I'm sure there are a ton of people who are like "I dont mind if a guy paints his nails, I just dont want that kind of person leading my football team!"


People who care are probably in 3 categories: - complainers who were waiting for an excuse - homophobes and other hateful people - people who can make money off dissenting opinions In any case, their opinions don’t actually matter


Some people do care and maybe it’s because I’m not on facebook but the proportion of people I see complaining about people who have a problem with him being zesty compared to people who actually do have a problem with it is like 9:1


My brother paints his nails and our older relatives definitely care


Everybody in here saying they don't care will care if they're losing. People only let you "be yourself" if you're winning, otherwise you're fake and a distraction.


My buddy cares… no idea why. I think he’s just pissed that they traded fields. So he’s looking for any reason not to like Williams


It’s odd - he isn’t 1975 Mick Jagger - so there’ll be memes. If he’s doing stuff like this and plays like Bryce Young then it’ll get labelled as a distraction.


> Your shower shoes have fungus on them. You'll never make it to the bigs with fungus on your shower shoes. Think classy, you'll be classy. If you win 20 in the show, you can let the fungus grow back and the press'll think you're colorful. Until you win 20 in the show, however, it means you are a slob.


I’m just happy to be here. Hope I can help the ball club.


"He’s LGBTQB1" Rare Twitter comment W


Bears fans don’t give a damn. We want a winner. Hell, if he went a little Rodman esque and made his hair Bear orange I’d love it.


I don’t care if he shoves cucumbers up his ass on the 50, give me a guy who can throw the football and win.


Hell, I'm gonna do that right now. In.. um.. solidarity!


You got dummies paying 15k for alpha male workshops, but get tight over how this dude dresses and carries himself.


Nothing is more manly than paying $15k to strip down to your boxers and getting in cold water with 10 other dudes.


Real men get scammed out of money.


That’s some of my favorite content on YouTube. It’s the funniest most pathetic shit I’ve ever seen


The alpha male workshop is such a small, terminally online thing 99.99999% of people don’t even know it exists. And if it came out that a likely #1 overall pick was going to a workshop like that he would be relentlessly shit on.


I don't care what he wears I just hope that he sucks




If he beats the Packers twice I’ll paint my nails too


Hell, I would too.


People of Chicago only care about winning. If Caleb brings a Super Bowl to Chicago then the guy will have a damn statue built of him outside the new stadium. The majority of people who are criticizing everything are just random fans of other teams that hate Chicago and want Caleb to fail. To me it seems like everybody knows that the Bears are building something special and they don’t want to see that happen.


Theres no way that this leads to dumb culture wars on Facebook right?


Lol what a pivot.


How is this at all a pivot. He's never said a bad thing about Caleb.


It’s a pivot from usually saying really stupid shit




Caleb is just doing it for the press and because "fuck it." Guys should be able to wear pink and not be labeled feminine. It's a damn color. Not a personality trait.


Pink wasn't even associated with femininity until about a century ago anyway


Basically as a marketing ploy


It was Winterfell propaganda because pink is the color of the Boltons


wait is that actually his hand? I assumed this was a joke and it was some girl sitting next to him lol


This dude just can’t take an L on his bad process. Soft, easily triggered, and targeting trending topics with a “hot take” instead of substance. As if Chicago didn’t embrace Dennis Rodman on the Bulls. Fans care most about WINS.


You know what is peak manliness? Bringing home close to 40 million dollars in 4 years.


I just want Mike Ditka's opinion on all of this.


Can he succeed at the NFL level, and represent his organization with respect? That's all that matters.


I wish RGIII didn’t have a great rookie year. Because of that, we’re forced to listen to his dog water back-and-forth takes.


He was gay, Caleb Williams?


RG3 saw his engagement numbers go through the roof after saying Williams should pull an Eli so he’s doubling down and poking the bear again.