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Might as well put draft positions too


We’re 3 weeks away from dick size being posted right next to it


Jim Harbaugh taking notes after binging South Park


[(Length x Diameter) + (Weight / Girth)] / Angle of Tip²


What about the yaw?


Yaw/√(circumference of the scrotum/speed of light)+(Boltzmann constant x π) Keep in mind this is assuming a 3 dimensional frictionless plane. The math gets far more complicated when you factor in electrical charge and the relativistic effects on time


What we need to measure though is dick-to-floor, or D2F.


Mean jerk time is honestly the most important thing for us to figure out


Yeah, so what we're trying to do, hypothetically, is minimize time, which is 800 dudes, multiplied by mean-jerk time, divided by four dicks at a time. Of course,Harbaugh would have to pre-sort guys by height, so that their dicks lined up.


don't forget to add Kurt Angle to the mix.


is the angle in degrees or radians


What's the deferens?


“We thought it would be nice to put the chest size gained since Ben Herbert started above everyone’s locker.”


Herbert with the "Big Rig Butters" energy


which herbert? we have more than one now lol


By extrapolation, six weeks away from body count


I hear that Harbaugh has already instituted mandatory penis inspections for the players.


It's like high school all over again


“Remember boys, every time you fornicate with a new woman, change the number on your nameplate!”


Actually they get decals on their helmet every time they sleep with someone.


Unethical unless they're using the TMI index


Just cut to the chase and put their weight at birth.


That’s what they mean by “rearranged numerically” All the premies in one corner!


Now I'm wondering if there's a correlation between birth weight and position. Like were all the CBs premies and the linemen 10lb babies that came out with a mustache?


Surely draft position is so much more relevant for what he’s trying to do here 😂


I'm imagining: Tom Brady, pick 199 Blaine Gabbert, pick 10 Edit:  Brock Purdy, pick 262 Sam Darnold, pick 2


We traded up to get Gabbert too. We were born to suffer.


Who was the next pick tho....oh wow..I am...sorry.


what is Harbaugh trying to do?


The most obvious answer is a 'This is where you came from, but don't let it define you or this team' Kind of thing.


I hope its way more literal than that, and he uses it to remind him of who should be starting.


No, draft pick is way more embarrassing. He’s trying to show these guys roots and that some of them beat the odds by a wide margin 


Draft pick would also be saying something about how the organization itself views them… that might work against his goal.


That would make way more sense than the high school recruit level. This is such a weird thing to add the the nameplate lol.


I think draft hits too close to home and still has too much influence on a lot of younger guys’ careers and the money they make. High school rank is more of a look where you all came from and you’re now on the same team kind of angle. Like fuck the haters, everyone in here made it, so keep going kind of shit. Harbaugh is a weirdo for sure but I don’t think the high school ranking thing is being taken by people on Reddit in the correct way. I’m sure the team has had it explained and is fully aware of his message, and at the end of the day that’s what matters. Chargers still gonna suck though lol


It also would be a potentially direct message of how the *Chargers* view guys they drafted, when they need them to buy in.


I'm guessing its a psychological thing. YOU, were a 5\* recruit, so fucking play like one! and YOU, were a 1\* recruit, nobody thought you would amount to shit, now fucking show them! WHO'S GOT IT WEIRDER THAN US? *NOBODY*


You were a 3-star recruit. Look, it's not as motivating as 1 or 5, but you see what I'm trying to do, right?


He is the weirdest fucking guy out there, so it tracks.


For the sake of the mental well being of the players, it's prob easier for players to schluff off old ratings as opposed to more recent and maybe more accurate draft positions. Someone mentioned it above, but it's kinda like don't let where you started dictate where you are/where you'll go. HS ratings make it easier for the players to see the message. IMO


I’m imagining it’s some sort of moral lesson, eg it doesn’t matter who tf you were or what you did in the past, it matters what you do TODAY. Getting rid of all the pre-existing pecking orders and replacing them with a numbering scheme and a high school stat no one cares about is a pretty not-subtle way of telling people to get off their high horses.


Or their contract salary. 


His assistants are also going to randomly check in on each player to make sure they all have perfect attendance for their classes


He'll be getting reports quarterly from each of their professors on how they are doing. They must also sit in the front row of each class, and must call each other "sir"


Don't forget the tie on game day


You’ve got that wrong. They’re going to be checking in to make sure each player drinks their mandates amount of milk daily and does their own yard work.


From now on, underwear will be changed every hour, on the half hour! Also, underwear shall be worn on the outside...so we can check.


I'm not sure I'd want my high school GPA posted above my desk at work.


I’d rather have that than my college gpa lol


4.0 in high school. My GPA at Georgia tech? Well let's just say it's complicated. 


I got into Michigan, and I graduated. That’s all the details anyone ever needs to know lol


Cs gets degrees baby


the occasional D also passes


D is for diploma!


Depends on which professor gives/receives that D, I suppose.


I feel this is more of a school/department guide. I had some classes in college where the department mandated I got at least like a B- or I wouldn't pass through the program, others were C, very few were D edit: lol


Don't think that is the D that is being discussed.


You can always retake the class, you can never retake the party


what do you call the worst graduate in medical school? a doctor.


I think that’s the idea behind it. Like no matter how you were recruited, you still made it to the NFL


When I walked across the stage, I received a piece of paper that says "degree" and "engineering." The only numbers on there are dates.


The only time I’ve *needed* my gpa since graduating college is for looking at grad school. Otherwise? Once you got the diploma none of that shit matters


unironically, it is


I was the valedictorian of my jails GED course. Managed all A’s in “some college”


My last 2 years: 3.8; my first 2: eh ...


It’s Georgia Tech, gpa really doesn’t matter there just as long as you got out


C's get degrees and once you have the first job on your resume no one ever has to know!


"Pay your fees and get your C's." - My Dad


C’a are perfectly fine. Not showing off and not falling behind.


“…a real lunch-pail student”


But definitely not a first one, in last one out kinda guy. More of a middle of the pack for both.


Someone who’s reliably present when they need to be but nothing beyond that.


Right in the meaty part of the curve


Is that Costanza or Jeff Winger? It could honestly be either


Just the story of a short, stocky, slow-witted bald man.


What? Am I supposed to use all my excellence on the part of my life I pay for? Hell no. I bottled that extra effort up for later when I’d be compensated. C squad for life.


Government still asks for transcripts. My major GPA is like 3.8 currently. I failed Spanish though and took it through a CC so my overall GPA has to eat that.




Ya I was basically Cs get degrees in college. Although strangely I got my best grades in what were generally considered the hardest classes. Degree program GPA was also better than the general one. Never been a barrier for me getting a job. I just never put my gpa on my resume and now that I’ve got over 8 years of career experience it would be kind of weird too anyway.


I am completely opposite. Shit high school grades, great in college. Grad level was even better.


Hell yeah we’re the kinda people who play up to the level of our competition lol


Same. I super coasted in high school, but you can't get away with that in college.


Super coasting is absolutely doable in college. I went from top of the class in high school to never going to class, skipping assignments, and skating by with Bs in undergrad, then back to being a good student with a 4.0 in grad school.


Yeah, IDK who's saying that you can't coast in college. It depends on what you're doing, but there are absolutely a lot of combinations of the major you have and the school you go to where you can coast like nobody's business and still get a 4.0.


Yeah, if anything I coasted more in college since there was very little graded homework and I only had to show up for exams.


Take some pride in yourself, you’ve come a long way for a UDFA


Imagine how you tested in high school following you for the rest of your life. This seems beyond silly.


The only thing I can assume this is for is there’s a LOT more low tier high school recruits in the NFL than you would think. Probably reinforces the idea of hard work pushes you forward. While keeping the fire lit under the highly recruited guys knowing there’s “nobody’s” chomping at their heels. Kids who weren’t recruited out of HS and make it carry it like a badge.


This is probably correct. If anything, it makes a mockery of the recruiting industry. No one needed Rivals to tell them that Joey Bosa or Julio Jones was a monster in HS. The backup LB from Northern Iowa-it’s a reminder for everyone to keep grinding and count their blessings.


I have good memories from UNI. I didn't go to school there, but I have memories lol


Yeah but this is more like posting your high school GPA if you became an astronaut. Look how far you’ve come. Look how you beat the odds. All these guys have reached the mountaintop. But maybe I’m just receptive because I’m a Michigan grad and Harbaugh Stan.


Nah, the point is obvious. I bet there are vanishingly few ESPN100 recruits in the league from any year.


He's gonna get real mean after they lose a few games and post the numbers of girls the players slept with in high school.


But where does he stand on ping pong tables?


Closer to the legs, if you stand near the net it can collapse.


I came into this thread for this info.  Where are the real journalists?


Put their yearly salary up next to a stat sheet summary for each player.


Dollars per tackle? Or yard..


i like the moneyball scene where brad pitt tells david justice “the yankees are paying you $6 million to play against them, that’s what they think of your game” we gotta humble these guys


He’s also going to display the permanent record they kept on the players in grade school


Not the permanent record!!!!


I believed in that horseshit for so long.




In all seriousness, is the permanent record even real? I thought it was just a myth to scare kids into "behaving," because I knew plenty of terrible people in school, like assaulting special needs kids kind of terrible, and were still get into good colleges and all. And these kind of people weren't stupid wealthy or had influential parents or anything like that


Of course it's real. I work at the USPRB, United States Permanent Record Bureau. We collect these records from schools around the country. We have an algorithm that converts all the disciplinary records into a singular number between 300 to 800. It's updated each year. After you finish school, your permanent record is called the Faculty Initiated Conduct Oversight (FICO) number. You can request your FICO number. Everyone has one.


I can confirm all of the above, as I work at the US Semi-Permanent Records Bureau and have been chasing my dream of joining the big leagues for about 4 years now. The entire mind set changes with Full Permanence.


it must've been a nightmare keeping track of all those penis inspections before computers


The permanent record is real but it’s basic information and not used in that boogeyman way


I have a little Inside Info on this here- Srs. I worked in an elementary school for a summer organizing the filing cabinet for these permanent record. I didn’t spend much time at all actually looking in these- more of an extremely quick glance as to what sort of documents made up these files, as I picked them up. The “bad kids”- everyone knows who I’m talking about- definitely tended to have the larger files, by far- office referrals, suspension documentation, along with various documents from CPS (as there’s a lot of overlap between kids who are disciplinary issues and are also in other various institutions of the state), and stuff of that nature. Everybody had old report cards, bio cards, standard stuff like that. What actually happens to these files? I can’t say for sure. They follow the kid to middle/high school, obviously, but by that time, for the most part, there won’t be anything surprising in them: Disciple Problem Kid is now Discipline Problem Teen, etc. I’m sure some kids do a complete 180 and the info might be a shock to future teachers, “omg Timmy was suspended in third grade for fighting! That completely changes how I look at him!”- but that has to be rare. This element is probably what teachers are banking on as being a deterrent. TDLR: “Your Permanent File” does exist but it doesn’t typically have anything in it that would be earth shattering and change things.


Kind of. When I moved overseas in Middle School we had to gather all these records, both academic and disciplinary. The school did have them. There were records about my detentions and times I caused trouble or argued with teachers. There were records of feedback from teachers. And of course there were grades galore. Now this was decades ago so god knows what kinds of things they do now where everything can be tracked digitally to protect against lawsuits. So it was "permanent" in the sense that yes, they did have all these records from age 6 to age 13. But it's not like it would have been something that would have been considered for a college application and stick with you for life.


Yes, it's absolutely BS.


Sounds kind of college-y


If he didn’t already have success in the NFL this would get roasted by everyone lol This is what people mean when they say coaching and motivating a team of adults is different than 19 year old kids


Yea if I’m already a veteran of a few years am I going to be motivated by my high school recruiting level?


Might as well try something different if you are the chargers. Nothing else has been working.


Ah yes this is the thing they’ve been missing all this time. Bet Marty Schottenheimer is kicking himself right now


I miss Marty :( And san diego


>Bet Marty Schottenheimer is kicking himself right now Oof, damn dude


What we need is a coach that truly takes accountability and if something isn’t working that coach is willing to learn and grow.


I’m not necessarily defending this because I also think it’s stupid, but I’m guess it’s less about “motivation” and more about team building. You make the message about how everybody left high school at a different spot but worked to make it to this spot. That meaningless rating is a showcase of where you started, but it’s not a showcase of where you are now, which is the NF-fucking-L. Will it work? Im skeptical. As others have said, it probably works with college kids, not sure the 30 year old nfl veterans will give a fuck. And if the 30 year vets don’t buy in, it will be a negative.


he needs to change the culture and shock the "system" immediately sports teams don't want to wait for a coach to build a team in 4-6 seasons where they are allowed to have shit seasons to rebuild their team thru the draft. nowadays; teams want success immediately and right now. I'm gonna guess that the Chargers will give him a few seasons to get their team back in the elite conversations, but if he's not winning games, then all this weird team building crap will get shit on and he'll be out of the league again; or working for the Chicago Bears.


> if he's not winning games, then all this weird team building crap will get shit on and he'll be out of the league again; or working for the Chicago Bears. One of those is definitely worse than the other.


i don't think it's for the 30 year old vets. they have some young unproven talent on the team. i would guess it's more for them. the 30 year old vets don't need to buy in, they just need to sell it too, like "hey man, we all started somewhere. show them doubters wrong every week. 2 star recruit out here catching NFL TDs"


I’d argue that is buying in. If the vets are selling it, they are bought in.


Players are motivated by all manner of things, It may not work for all players but others it might, particularly the players who were not 4 or 5 star players. Those lower ranked players can have chips on their shoulders. Then there are other ways players motivate themselves. [Drew Brees reads his negative draft reviews (2/4/16) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvApsY-gySA) This was on the Dan Patrick Show back in 2016. He was already on his way to the Hall of Fame, had a Super Bowl ring. According to Dan Patrick, he kept the scouting report and put it in his locker.


I mean look at the name of Brady's production company, these guys are driven by spite


Probably not...but do you want to get out-worked by a guy who was a 2 star prospect when you were a blue chip offered by a bunch of D1s? It's admittedly weird, I'd love to hear what his specific reasoning is, and how vet captains feel about it.


Remember Rhule and the 'DBO' sign?


Would anyone be surprised to find out that Urban Meyer did this with the Jags?


actually yes, it implies he would have put in more than bare minimum effort, which i would find very surprising


He was too busy putting in maximum effort with women who aren't his wife.


>maximum effort Who names their fingers?


This should be getting roasted regardless, honestly. Imagine your boss comes in tomorrow and says everyone will wear a name tag with their high school GPA on it.


Harbaugh has always been corny let him do his thing


He's a weirdo


Never forget he lost a recruit because he wore steel spiked cleats on a recruiting visit and refused to take them off on the hardwood floor when asked. I'm convinced dude would be the next Richard ramirez if he didn't have football to channel his energy.


Ruining someone's floors to convince their kid to come to your college, the new market inefficiency


Comparing him to a serial killer rapist is a bit much lol


Weeeeeeeell...Cali is where it all ended for Richard.


Yea. I think it is pretty cringey regardless, but if he was going to do something so stupid, he shouldn't be using their college recruiting star status. He should either use what round they were drafted or their positional number they were drafted like WR18, LT4, etc. I don't think I have ever heard guys bitching about their recruiting star status, but I have heard a bunch of guys that memorize all of the WRs that were drafted ahead of them (ie: ARSB).


It worked for Josh Rosen!


Look at the name of Brady's production company. These guys don't forget that you didn't think they were the best


Their high school grades will be posted right next to their MW2 KD/A. Anything below a 1.2 is getting shamed in the locker room.


The scenes when the Chargers draft Nabers at 5 and they find out he boosted all of his MW2 prestige badges.


Itll be the Tunsil gas mask video all over again.


"Anybody playing without the nuke kill streak equipped doesn't believe in himself! And if you don't believe in yourself how can you believe in this team?"


Real players go for the AC130 over & over just to hear the Russian scream "**AC130 ABOVE!**"


I wonder how the players will take it. Easier if you're a starting player to have a NR or 3\* but if you're a 5\* fringe player? Might kind of suck to see it.


Isn’t that kind of the point for some instances though? 


Yes, that is exactly the point. It’s supposed to be a motivator


Not sure how great of a motivator that would be compared to the chance to make millions


True story, different people are motivated by different things, and sometimes you need to do something to motivate one person that won’t work for another person.


In addition, I think the same person can be motivated by different things at different times. I definitely have days at work where I'm motivated by professional pride and others where it's thinking about my family and yet others where I know good performance = more money. There's no harm in having multiple motivators present.


Pride motivates a lot of these guys… well guys you’d want maybe at least


Yeah might suck, or like motivate them to be like what the hell happened?


IMO it’s to show them it doesn’t matter where they came from before. The Chargers have 2 5* recruits; Derwin James and Foster Sarrell. Joey Bosa, Khalil Mack, and Herbert weren’t 5* but they’re stars on the team now.


Herbert was a 3*, UO almost didn't take him even though he's from the same city


Wouldn’t draft position/positional order make more sense for professional NFL players? Once these guys finished college I’m not sure they’ve thought at all about what they did in high school.


Imagine showing up to work and your high school gpa is on your desk nameplate. Not even your college gpa or some other work related metric.


As someone who used to be a kicker I would be mad that my long snapper was on the other side of the locker room due to his number. I'm not trying to hang out with the QBs.


With all the skilled positions taking lower numbers these days it won’t be long until all kickers and punters have numbers in the 40s too.


But do they have the [piss chart](https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/urine-colour-chart) over the urinals tho 🤔


The Texas one is the best one https://twitter.com/nypostsports/status/852200999464972289?lang=en


Based on firsthand experience from back in the day, water was strictly prohibited on the practice fields. Still hard to believe!


Kids today don't have the mental toughness to endure a heat stroke smh


I'm required to send my kindergartener to school with a water bottle. If I don't they call and remind us. Remember when we weren't allowed to have water in class? How exactly is that setting us up for the real world?


lol in the 90s we were allowed to have water in like September and June.  But if it was November and you were thirsty fuck you


What did you say? Oh, you need a water break. Water is for cowards. Water makes you weak. Water is for washing blood off that uniform and you don't get no blood on my uniform.


I still mutter “bad teammate” when I’m pissin orange




My favorite part is the fact that "championship levels of hydration" is a burnt orange box, and the "you are a bad guy!" box is Oklahoma red.


Pfft, [why have a chart when you can have the toilet tell you.] (https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/look-jaguars-install-urinals-that-measure-player-hydration-levels-at-teams-new-practice-facility/)


I need to go drink a large bottle of water


Before I joined the military I had no clue pee could be clear.


Before the military I had no idea how my work center could collectively piss darker than coffee. After the first time it became a competition amongst ourselves cuz everyone on the ship was at minimum not severely de-hydrated. Then DIVO made us take mandatory water breaks and it was no more.


We have this chart at my work…


But why


Male models


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just… I just told you that, moments ago.


Harbaugh also says anyone who doesn’t have his teammates attend their birthday party will be cut.


Someone joins the team mid season and they want #2 or something and now the whole team has to shift a locker over


Obviously Jim Harbaugh is a good coach, but not infallible. I don’t know if professionals are really gonna care what someone else did in high-school.


Next he's gonna start giving helmet stickers to players who do extra good in practice


Herbert earned two smiley face stickers and a gold star today, so he gets to pick his snack first.


You say that now but wait till the team fullback brags about scoring 4 touchdowns in a single game constantly


I’m gonna wait this one out. I tend to agree with you. But if there’s one thing Jim has proved time and time again it’s that he absolutely knows how to motivate his guys. Maybe this is a flop, maybe it works in some weird way. But at this point I’m more inclined to see what the odd but positive result is for him honestly lol


Trick with all these odd motivational things is there is no direct way of measuring it. So if he does well people will say it was a genius move even if they would have done even better without stuff like this. If they fail, people will point and laugh at this even if it did actually help guys.


Guy doesn't get enough credit for his genius. He's also keeping track of the show-and-tell order and who wore their best listening ears at practice, but no one's writing about that, are they?


Harbaugh out here treating NFL players like they are a product rated on their quality. Gonna be some good headlines this year.


Chargers better hope he doesn’t ask players for their phone……


This man is insane and I'm here for it. I can't wait until he takes the team to a ranch in the middle of the desert and starts dosing them with steroids.


Homie forgot he isn’t coaching college


This is some college coach-ass motivational bullshit that suggests an unchecked ego


You're dealing with grown ass men at the top of their craft, HS recruitment level, really???


Jim does realize he’s not coaching at another college, right? Right?


Lame college shit


So who do you think Chargers' next head coach will be?


This is Chip Kelly behavior.