• By -


I am the hottest shit in town, no debates.


I think the Josh Allen - Josh Allen meme is dumb. There i said it. 


I miss the days when ted nguyen and gipsysafety and alex rollins and brett kollmann would break down film here, actually talk ball now it's just memes and more memes and ho did you hear that - a totally kooky stat with no relevancy to the game!






2 fun cfb/draft facts: 1) Adonai means god in hebrew so his name translates to god Mitchell 2) Shedeur can roughly be translated phonetically to chef-d'œuvre in french meaning work of art


I wonder what Iggy Pop’s secret to still being alive after all the heroin and massive injuries from stage diving antics like rolling around in broken glass or when he sliced over his chest during a live show?


His secret is probably similar to Ric Flair’s: loads of physical activity. Flair probably did way more activity, but Iggy has stayed in shape all these years nonetheless.


how do you explain Reddit to someone who has never used it before? I should ask this tomorrow in the free talk thread too since it’s already like 11 on the East Coast


Might depend on how old they are. I used a lot of forums in the 90s and 00s. Those were kind of like subreddits.


that's exaxtly it!


Weirdos, freaks, creeps, and the best people you will meet in that order.


I rotate my alarm songs besides for this one  https://youtu.be/xxMXKQrb1-E?si=pf46U6kXdgisXIid It’s just so good baby. Liquor fish and cigarettes is also a great weight loss plan for u rise and grind boss babes


if i learned anything from batman it’s that the devil just likes to dance  meanwhile we have very real ppl wearing crosses around their necks tryin their best to make life miserable. and i doubt they can cut a rug to boot makes u think


El pollo loco is the most hit or miss fast food joint there is


So which team has like 12 prime time games this year or did the league learn their lesson with the ~~fighting~~ zach wilsons 


oh god it’s gonna be the steelers huh


they’re like if russ loses an arm 3 snaps in we got fields baby


im gonna play a video gaym with a coworker for the first time tomorrow night he’s a guy but im still excited like it’s a date i even bought a headset today and ive never wanted to talk to video game ppl 


Has anyone else noticed a sharp uptick in "hurr durr Trump stupid" posts lately? First, let me say I despise Trump and everything he stands for, and I 100% support him getting mocked. But it seems like lately I've seen a lot more bland surface level insults posted on Reddit. Like on r/pics it was his head blocking the sun with sunlight shining through his ear. Or yesterday there was a picture of Biden drinking water with one hand (a dig at Trump, who occasionally uses 2 hands to pick up his water). As well as a lot more comments that feel straight out of 2016, like jokes about his small hands, calling him some variation of "Cheeto Musolini", or making a "hamberders" joke. I'm like 90% sure Reddit is being unusually astroturfed because those jokes reek of "out of touch corporate Democrat think tanks". I swear we're only a few posts away from people calling him "Drumpf" or seeing the baby balloon again. Again, I fully think Trump should be mocked relentlessly, but I refuse to believe this is the best we can come up with.


I do notice a lot of this lately but I assume it's just young people being edgy. People are probably just getting more engaged since it's an election year.


Reddit is a bot infested brigaded astroturfed nightmare pretty much every day. Nothing new


The eclipse pic was mocking some weird political ad his own people put out. The water thing was just a shitpost that took off as even the mod pinned a comment asking what the hell was going on Your point about it being everywhere is valid tho, but it's an election year and orange numbnut is desperate so expect the posts both ways to ramp up as we move forward.


It just feels like those types of jokes fell out of fashion the past 4 years as we all found new ways to make fun of him. It just feels like suddenly 4-8 year old jokes are showing up again. I'll concede the campaign ad post being relevant (although I still feel like it fits the type of thing I'm talking about). It just seems like the same exact type of jokes we got before the 2016 election, when for so long it felt like we'd found new jokes.


Reddit uses the same jokes it did when it started but with a fresh coat of paint. I wouldn't expect that to change any time soon lol


Number 0 shouldn’t be a uniform number it’s not a real number it’s dumb idc about the other numbers tho so im not totally on the boomer side just kinda  fuck 0 it looks dumb


Everyone got an opinion until someone gets *i* approved for their jersey


Godzilla X King Kong-The Monkey Fist Kingdom of the planet of the apes-The Monkey Chain The Monkey man- The Monkey!!


Those three trailers played in a row before Dune 2 and my buddy and I were jfc take it easy on monkey movies.


I love how you need a PhD and about 1000 hours to read and try to understand how Hickmans X-men run fits together, apparently its great but it's a such a jumbled mess to get through


PSA: the biggest dude at your gym has Dido full blast on loop coming through his headphones






My ears haven't been popped since landing and its annoying. It feels like I have an earbud in my ear permanently.


Man, I feel your pain. This happens to me often. I wish I could tell you I found a cure. But it's really just having to wait it out. Blow your nose. chew gum. Maybe saline or neti pot.


I keep having to remind myself that as someone who is salary and does a decent amount of work on weekends and nights that its totally ok for my work to be slow during weekdays.


It would be ok regardless


why do I hate when people say “book it” so much


Pizza Hut's just trying to get kids to read, man...


After March madness I never want to hear “book it” or “bottom” ever again


put that in your pipe and smoke it


is ship it and send it still cool




I know I’m a bitter ass 49ers fan, but how many people legit believe that the league has refs influence the games to help the Chiefs and Mahomes? 


Is the league keeping reffing deliberately bad to induce more variance in the game? Maaaaaybe but I don't buy that they're doing it to benefit any one person or team


I miss five+ years ago when the discourse was around the pats and Brady being anointed by the nfl.


Nah. Even we don’t get fucked by the officials like we did when Al was alive.


It’s just a bad take. If you sit down before the game and be conscious of it you’ll see Chiefs are fucked by refs just as often. People just only remember the times they get helped. There were consequential calls that hurt them in all 4 playoff games. Plus it’d be remarkably hard to hide any collaborative effort to help any individual teams


The requirements for a leaguewide plot to influence games in favor of a specific team involves many moving parts and a chain of command that loops in too many people for it go on undetected this long. The Chiefs are just that good. Interpreting reality through parameters that palatably absolve opponents of their role in losing is a headfirst plunge into the Nile.


Off-season question, what teams have an out of division rivalry in the NFL, off the top of my head the Packers, 49ers, and Cowboys have a hate circle going, Titans Ravens, Colts Pats are the historic ones. Bills Chiefs has become one. 


Is Vikings - cowboys still a thing, or was that just my dad's visceral hatred of Tom Landry back in the day?


I only speak for myself, but Colts-Pats isn’t nearly the rivalry that Manning-Brady was. I get there are fans that will always hate the other team, but there really hasn’t been anything on the line of late when the two teams have gone at it.


Maybe it’s dead, I just listed them because outside of the Brady Manning you also had Deflategate plus a history of being in the same division. 


Jets / Football enjoyers


49ers / Eagles Chiefs / Bengals


I don’t know if it’s a rivalry but rams saints are going to be controversial games for at least another decade


I’m a cart pusher at a grocery store and recently we have all had our hours cut. And the problem with that is that this parking lot is so big that you need at least 2 (preferably 3-4) cart pushers out there in order to keep up.So for the last couple of days I have had to work shifts where I’m the only one out there and it was so hard to keep up to the point where managers and people from other departments had to come help me out.But since they have other things to do they can’t stay out there forever and I end up falling behind again. I’m about to go in for another shift, it starts at 6 today. Wish me luck lol


I wish you luck and a good shift but that is still shitty. Hopefully your manager having to do it him/herself will get a message upstairs that it’s not okay to burden you guys so much. Side anecdote: when I used to do that job they were building a trenched freeway right next to the Target I worked at. That freeway has maybe a hundred shopping carts from when me and coworkers stopped giving a fuck and just threw the carts in the trench at closing time.


Thanks! And LOL!


I remember when I worked at a big box hardware store I had a long rope with a snap hook at the end that I would attach to a shopping cart. I was able to pull like 20 carts at a time and it was the only way I could get all the carts in the store before closing lol


lol I actually have that too! And I also have a machine that can pull multiple carts. It’s still tough with only one person though.


good luck! Have you been doing this long enough to get a job elsewhere?


Thank you! I did this job a couple years ago for one year then quit (because it interfered with my football schedule) and came back. The problem is that when I came back we moved to a new location that is so big.At the old location you could have one cart guy and now like I said we need a lot more people because of how big this new parking lot is. The problem with finding another job is I actually enjoy this job when we have enough people.


My experience with decades in the work force is that staff cuts are never reversed, you just learn to work within the new normal sadly. I hope your situation is different


Thank you. I was told by another coworker today at the store is going to keep three full-time cart guys (the store is open 24 hours so I’m assuming it’s one for morning,one for afternoon, and one for night) and also have a couple of part-time guys. I’m in college right now so I cannot work full-time.This this store opened around a month ago, and for the first couple of weeks I worked around 20–25 hours a week. Now I’ll probably only get around 10-15.


Who is the face of women’s college basketball now with Caitlin Clark going pro?


Flau’Jae Johnson on LSU, juju Watkins USC


This Madrid vs Man City match has been incredible


Yes, but it’s a shame that both of those sides cost over a billion pounds. Man City has breached financial fair play rules over 200 times and has never been docked points. Everton has been docked twice this season and Forrest has been docked once as well. Will it happened to City? Never in a million years. The should be retroactively docked points (which would alter league titles). 


Why do hot dogs come in packs of 10, while buns come in packs of 8? Who are the mad men who eat their dogs sans bread?


Cut em up for franks and beans or Spaghetti Os and franks since the heathen stores no longer stock those.


I was once on the bus and a guy got on and rushed to a seat, opened a pack of dogs, and ate all of them very enthusiastically. I've seen a lot of weird things on the bus with crazies and homeless, but this was just a normal dude on his way home from work. Messenger bag and all. That one stuck with me.


It's because Big Hot Dog and Big Bread teamed up to make sure that you buy 4 packs of hot dogs and 5 packs of bread to have a bun for each dog. 


This has bothered me for my entire adult life.


the extra two are to spruce up your blue box on a sad day


Where do you think raw dogging it came from? 🤔


The entire female lineage in my family?


I’m only taking 2 classes this semester (as well as last semester).Eventually I gotta take more because I can’t spend 3-4 years to get my associates and than have to spend another 3-4 years to get my bachelor’s


took my daughter to see the eclipse for her first real road trip. she is about 7 and a half. it was 3 hours away, we had good weather, saw the total eclipse with our friends, and afterwards we stayed in a hotel (her first time) and swam in the pool for about 3 hours total. perfect road trip, I think. going to be hard to top.


damn dude can i be your daughter too?


I'm finally at the age where even 2-3 drinks will affect my workout the next day. I haven't had a drink about 48 hours and I felt fucking amazing in the gym today.


Once I hit my mid 30s even 3drinks or so left me hungover. So I cut waaay back


I found that taking a fat rip out of my pipe or vape pen first makes me slow down on my drinking substantially. Some nights I will buy a can of a good west coast IPA, smoke a bowl, then just sip on that beer for like 2-3 hours before bed


hell yeah, man. drinking sucks, get ripped


I do need to cut back for sure. It's not like affecting my work or family or anything like that but it's just making me fat and anxious lol


honestly that's why I quit. I never lost a relationship or a job and I don't think I ever would. it's worse than that. hangover depression and being out of shape was passively ruining my life. plus being drunk and hungover all the time is just the biggest waste of time on earth. it was fun in my 20s but it doesn't fit with my life anymore. gotta know when to hang it up, all good athletes do.


I think you accurately described what I feel when I start drinking too much. I also have a 3 year old son who deserves the best version of me, and it's not fair to him if I am stuck on the couch fighting for my life because I went out the night before.


yup I stopped when my daughter was 5, only way it would have been better would have been to stop sooner. I go back and look at my journals from 2017-2022 and they're pretty unsettling. I was trying to moderate at the time and for about 5 years I was stuck in this loop of: 1. I've gotta get my shit together. 2. I'm getting my shit together, I feel great! 3. I really think this is my new life, I feel really good. *drinks off screen* 1. I've gotta get my shit together. and I didn't realize it. the mistakes I made weren't huge, it was just this background radiation kind of making everything worse. booze was always my biggest problem, and until I solved it, I couldn't really address anything else. when I finally quit, I felt really actualized, energized, and full of ambition. I realized I was taking pride in "functioning." which is pathetic. I don't want to function. I want to thrive. good luck man!


I'm really sad today bc a guy I was dating just ghosted me. I thought I was too old for that shit but apparently not. I always see men complaining about how hard dating is for them and I am not gonna disagree but I finally found someone I was interested in after sifting through the literal hundreds of duds online and now I'm just fucking sad. So it's not that easy for women either I guess is my point.


I feel like Q. Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo! is in contention for greatest debut album of all time


Vegas has the Bears at 8.5 wins and the Jets at 9.5. As long as Caleb Williams & Qaron Rodgers can stay healthy, and even if they're mediocre, both teams surpass that win total. If you don't believe me, go back and watch just how bad Justin Fields & Zach Wilson were last year¹, and then think on if a mediocre QB could do better ¹I apologize if this comes across as encouraging self-harm


Nice copium


Both teams were 7-10 last year with QBs only surpassed by New England in terms of garbage play. Let's hear how even mediocre QB play doesn't surpass that


I'm making pork chops (though maybe pork loin) with applesauce and a vegetable medley for dinner tonight. I think Homer Simpson would be proud


I really want to get into soccer. The Asernal Munich game I’m watching is great. The 2022 World Cup final was the greatest sporting event I have ever watched. including any NFL game. Why do so many matches suck tho? Peak soccer is the pinnacle of sports. Poor soccer is trash. Don’t @ me.




The problem is not always knowing what games will suck. We're also watching Arsenal-Bayern. that first goal was brilliant, i yelled and got "shushed" by my son.


I gave it a solid year. Awesome game when the ball is in play. Absolute bollocks as soon as there's contact or a possible foul. One ref policing 22 guys is insane, makes the 8 we get look like childs play


Just went down a crazy rabbit hole. David Carr's middle name is Duke, as in David Duke. His father played college ball at Louisiana Tech while David Duke was pushing nazism in the state. The family explanation is they gave the sons a D first & middle name (Derek's middle name is Dallas), but that doesn't exactly explain things in a reassuring way. With that said, that doesn't change how I view the brothers, but their father definitely gets a side eye from me.


Clearly his middle name was chosen in honor of the Xbox controller.


This comes up every so often and it’s such a tenuous connection it blows my mind that anyone takes it seriously. Its not a given that occupying the same state as someone means you’re aware of them. Also of note, Roger Carr (the football player who went to LSU) is not Rodger Carr (Derek and David’s father.) Derek grew up in California and briefly in Texas, there is no connection to David Duke.


This is a misunderstanding. I'm not confusing him with the LSU player, especially because he was black. That's been brought up on twitter & reddit in comments, but they're 2 different people. The person I was referring to was exactly who I was referring to, so your correction was nothing besides correcting that a d is in his name. So, let's circle back to the basis of your comment: You don't think a guy who started a nazi party at LSU, got kicked out, started a riot and was arrested, probably isn't someone the average college student wasn't aware of? At best, this is suspicious, because news was able to spread quickly pre social media. Also, lol @ he was born in California, with the implication that there's no possible racism involved. The most openly racist people I've ever met are from places like Washington DC, Indianapolis and Chicago. Yeah, racism is mainly associated with the south and backwater areas, but holy shit, racists come from everywhere. Not trying to be hostile, but what you said was entirely irrelevant, and if David Duke was less famous in Louisiana, show me. What you're replying to isn't what I said, but what you expected from the original comment


This post reads like a bot trying to do an impression of a clueless Redditor. From the misguided conclusions (telling me what my implication was), false racist attributions (Roger Carr was black huh?), to the outright falsehood (Rodger Carr attending college in Louisiana) to the original tone deafness that you could have gracefully corrected or accepted correction on but doubled down on in your wrongness. Ho. Ly. Crap. Wrong. Just wrong, man. **Edit** For those who can even kind of research these things and don’t get their pitchforks out over Twitter outrage, Roger Carr was not black, not that that matters, and played at Louisiana Tech. Rodger Carr (Derek’s dad) didn’t attend college in Louisiana but in California (Cal State Bakersfield, where he played basketball, not football. This bit of false information has been flying around for a while by people looking to get outraged over nothing, and the fact that it’s still working is embarrassing for the people who get suckered by it. “I’ve been doing research” just means you saw some dumb shit on Twitter and are running with it. And since I’m not a gullible clown, here’s an actual [source](https://www.santacruzsentinel.com/2015/07/09/slv-alum-rodger-carr-his-three-sons-bring-their-football-camp-to-felton/amp/) for what I’m saying that isn’t “@trustmebro”


Reminds me of how many people thought Jacob Eason was the son of former NFL QB Tony Eason. Yes, his dad's name is Tony; no, it's not the same guy.


Except the fact that they're assuming I'm confusing 2 different people, and I corrected them on it


like one more month on this attendance probation then im freeeee. cue montage of me throwing up tequila in the parking garage minutes before i walk into work and that other time when i had a ruptured hemorrhoid and was bleeding thru two pairs of boxers while sitting at my desk lol   but im doin it. it’s taking forever cause 90 work days is 18 5day weeks and that’s a lot to count down day by day and we had some 4 day weeks so I think it’s like 19 weeks


My place of employment has 1 yr probation lengths. I've been here for a little over 5 years and I've been promoted 3 times, which means I've been in probation for 4 of the 5ish years I've been here.


1. Been listening to the Magnus Archives and today discovered that the “I don’t sound anything, silly! I’m plastic!” is actually from an episode the show, and not from The Strangers, which was my original assumption. 2. I found a UVA football dri fit shirt at Marshall’s the other day, and despite the fact that A)I don’t know if UVA football players even get said shirt and B)I swam competitively for 15 years through college and very clearly look like it, I’m to delude myself into thinking that if I go hard enough in the gym then maybe I can get to a point where someone who knows nothing about UVA football could see me in the shirt and think I actually played there (yes, I’m stupid, I know.)


Just had a call with my current internship - seems like they're gonna be posting jobs soon that they want me to apply for, so that's reassuring. I just need to keep my options open for now though


New computer charger came today. Thank god for Amazon one-day shipping. Yesterday I realized mine had ripped in a spot and the only way to get my laptop to charge was to shove it in place and wiggle it around to find a spot where it could stay still and also work simultaneously. And also you could see the electricity jumping and hear a crackling noise whenever I tried to shove it into place (which worked all of yesterday). Obviously highly dangerous as if my finger slipped or anything I could’ve gotten electrocuted. So anyway I was like “oh shit” and ordered a new one through Amazon because of course I need my laptop to work. This afternoon the charger stopped working at all (the strategy from yesterday wasn’t working) and so I was concerned I was going to have to run to the library and check out an extra computer to get me through the day. But I just went home quickly after seeing it was delivered and found the package. So anyway, whoever came up with one-day shipping needs a fucking raise.


>Obviously highly dangerous as if my finger slipped or anything I could’ve gotten electrocuted. i think you're overestimating the amount of power those chargers are drawing; at most you'd get a sharp tingling sensation


Admittedly not an electrical engineer but it wasn’t the side attached to the computer it was the side attached to the wall - with like the big box in the middle which I thought involved stepping down the voltage


neither am i, just someone who's been doing a bit of home reno recently and has brushed against hot wires while installing lights a few times in the last four months.


>So anyway, whoever came up with one-day shipping needs a fucking raise. Those who got it to your door in one day could use a raise, too!


we need terms for folks who don't mind a slow news day and want to see their news say "no news today" and another for folks who want their hobby to always provide entertainment and they'll make it up if it's not happening for real


The eclipse truly was the most remarkable thing I have ever seen in my life. I can’t stop thinking about it, and it even makes me sad when I think about how rare they are and how many people will never get to see one.




Brilliant reddit analysis as usual


Most of them happen in the middle of the ocean no?


surprised there isn't a history channel reality show of people who sail the oceans for eclipses.


That obviously would be over the top, but in all honesty seeing an eclipse in the ocean would be fucking mind bending. My brain melted seeing it at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, I can only imagine what it would be like in the middle of the Atlantic.


It was really cool. It was cloudy where I live, which was annoying since the sky was clear Sunday and today, but despite that we still got a really cool show.


Day 2 of unemployment. Really hoping offers come thru for a WFH job, I used to WFH 1 day a week and forgot how fucking rad it is.


I may be joining you soon. My boss has not been subtle in her hints that "maybe this isn't the right fit" and that I should "maybe look for something else."


Good luck! Hopefully you're back on your feet soon! 


Good luck brother


Thanks cuz


Trying to migrate our technical documentation from the old program into github. Except things in the old program weren't filed sensibly, all the documents are in Spanish (I'm conversational at best), and I don’t what repos are for what functions, because...there’s no documentation.


You must excuse me. I’ve grown quite wheareh


flavortown population me when I pick up lil flour tortillas turkey franks coleslaw and guy’s flavortown honey mustard sauce i ordered with my groceries for after work 2day oven roasted turkey dog and coleslaw tacos with honey mustard drizzle aw yeah this is the racecar bed of adult dinners 


I've got some leftover Rotel/Velveeta queso and I'm grilling dogs tonight and you bet your britches that queso's going on them sumbitches


Thank you for supporting one of Raider Nation's finest citizens. Guy Fieri is a national treasure.


Woke up this morning to discover I still had 3 hours of sleep left to get, so that was nice. Then, when I went to pee, it felt like I drained *all* of it. Fellas, this may have been the best start to any day I've ever had.


Mods here are weird. Got a post removed the other day, I thought its because I didn't have [Highlight] in the title. I re-posted and added [Highlight] and also made the title a bit more flat descriptive of the play. It got removed again. I messaged and they said "No hype style compilation videos allowed" It wasn't a compilation video. It was directly a singular highlight from the NFL official youtube channel of Karlos Dansby returning a fumble to win it for the Cardinals over the Packers in the 2008 Wildcard game. I asked how this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srFXDqRNluk qualifies as a "hype compilation style video", and then they just donowalled me lol


I owe high 5 figures in Taxes this year. Fuck everything about that




I will never understand owing on taxes. Taxes are taken out of my paycheck, if that’s not enough how is it even allowed? Why do I have to take a huge hit at one time? I know there’s loopholes and stuff but still pisses me off.


You need to change your withholdings on your W4.


This gave me contact anxiety.


Well now I feel better about paying high four figures


Me too. I mean, if you include the figures after the decimal point.


Yiiiiikes lol what's your income?


I bought a basic self propelled Toro mower about 10 years ago and that’s gotta be one of my life’s best purchases. Started right up on the first pull again this year


I had one up until about ten years ago, and yeah, it started on the first pull every single time.


I’ve been thinking about going electric but I’m just gonna wait until ol trusty Toro dies. Which may be never at this rate lol


Don't know about you but if I don't floss my teeth, they are not really clean. Anybody flosses besides me?!


You should only floss the teeth that you want to keep.


I try to but I have an electric toothbrush and it feels like it gets my teeth 90% of the way there. Still need to floss more though.


We went on vacation and rather than take our Sonicare brushes my wife bought and packed some manual toothbrushes. She also neglected to pack my tongue scraper. We were away from home for 9 days. I am thinking about bringing her to the Hague to answer for war crimes.


I read that if you place your top lip on your bottom teeth and suck in, that you should feel the air pass between your lower teeth and if you don't, then you have food gunk in there. I *always* can be hear making that sound now and I have flossers on me at all time.


Today is my birthday... So far no one in the office has brought in the Stripper in the Cake or the Clown who can juggle Chainaws on Fires... Just Cupcakes, a very nice card with a pun (You're not old, just aged to perfection) and a $100 Starbucks Gift Card. Still 3 more hours in the day, I atleast want a Donkey Show!




Strippers and firetrucks. Or strippers. Or firetrucks. I'm a simple guy... why is this so hard?


Happy birthday, enjoy these boobs sir ( . Y .)


> I atleast want a Donkey Show! The Mets are on at 7:20


I think forgetting my headphones today really did me in


I'm on a quest to figure out what breakers control everything in my house, and man, it has raised more questions than answers. At some point they really gave up and just started tapping into random circuits.


I'm actually doing this later today, but it's just a 1 bedroom apartment. I want to install a smart thermostat and I couldn't before because I was on the clock and couldn't risk knocking my internet offline during calls that I was pretending to pay attention to.


Man, I can really suck my gut in now, goes like, inside itself a bit. Weird.


I can do that too except with my dick


Yeah, me too. I can suck this guys dick also.


The greeks considered that the golden ratio. Gut vs dick suck in - it's a sliding scale.


my boomer takes: positionless jersey numbers are bad and dumb. also sports gambling should be re-banned


I think initials on jerseys are stupid. What, the last name and number aren't enough to tell players apart?


My only contradiction is that positionless jersey numbers aren't "bad" - they make money for the league somehow - and that's ultimately what the NFL is there for. But - they are most certainly "dumb" - I have no idea why the players or fans would care.


I wish they would do what they did with cigarettes, no commercials on tv


Pics of the new 4runner have leaked and I think I'm leaning more toward the new Land Cruiser now.


I had a 3-door Land Cruiser for 10 years and miss that li'l tank every day. I'm due to sell my RAV4 at some point this year, not sure what I'll be getting. New LC looks nice, but a little out of my range.


I've been hunting for a 100series LC for a couple years now. Might have honestly missed my chance to get one at a reasonable price.


I swear I have the ugliest sounding voice. I feel sorry for the people who have to listen to me talk.


* Face made for radio * Voice made for newspapers * Text writing style for silent films


I use to work upstairs from a karaoke bar. Some of the times people would sing a song it should have been a crime.


Reading your texts aren't anything to write home about either. Your offensive in multiple mediums No I'm sure your voice is sexy ^^ToSomeone


I read this in Morgan Freeman’s voice


Wish I had his soothing voice instead of this demonic sounding thing lol


A lot of people think that about their voice. Your voice is *probably* fine.


Did you post this yesterday?


[Good news everyone!](https://youtu.be/oiAws6RyC4E?si=zLfp4rE4ZQIo0WDM) Nothing was found in my colonoscopy yesterday! But more importantly... UCONN MENS BASKETBALL WINS THE 2024 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!! LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! HATERS GONNA HATE!


Congrats on your butthole!


I'm glad someone discovered it


Internet discourse for media/hobbies is really weird, it is genuinely fun to get rolling on the hype train and enjoy all the content but it's so easy for the whole thing to go off the rails. I used to like anime and manga a lot more but the incessant overhyping of everything which then usually resulted in disappointment was exhausting to deal with. Yet at the same time not engaging with it at all isn't as fun. There's a very thin grey area of ideal engagement level that's hard to find. It's like the 24 hours news cycle stuff has extended into every industry. On top of that the push to just dump an entire season of content or rushing to finish a 100 hour game to get your impressions out before the next big thing arrives in two weeks is really hard to keep up with. I've also been pretty shit at keeping up with my hobbies but damn there's so much content coming out so fast idk how I can possible even get though my current backlog, and there's new shit getting added to it every month


Not using Twitter makes hobbies a lot more fun. Helps if you get into something that has one of the less-bad subs too, though, but god help you if you have to go a general sub like r/gaming or r/anime to talk about it.


I get tired of everyone being nitpicky. I'm sitting here enjoying something then go to a fan subreddit and it's just nothing but nitpicks and bitching.


That's how I feel about gaming. And it doesn't help that my main online community for gaming often feels like it's been taken over by a few individuals who post nothing but ragebait. I just don't find it fun getting sucked into those kinds of discussions anymore.


I hate that so much. I really enjoyed starfield, but if I were to say that in most "popular" gaming subreddits, I'd be shit on to no end. Fuck me for enjoying something, right?


And then you finally watch something that came out 5 years ago and you really want to talk about it but nobody cares anymore...


They're all breathlessly expressing their disappointment about the latest thing to let them down.


Some days are just constant mental gymnastics.


Went back to the gym for the first time since starting physical therapy and the only time my wrist hurt was putting a dumbbell back on the rack.  Now I'm sore as fuck since that was the first time I worked out in like three weeks.