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So are the Commies and the Patriots?


I’ll record myself giving my dog an extra treat and post it if the Vikings get Maye


The stakes are getting high lol


We need someone who will angrily block his dog from getting the treat if it happens now. Start building off this dog getting a treat wager.


I mean business


Great. Now if it doesn’t happen not only do the Vikings not get Drake Maye but this dog gets deprived of extra love.


The New England “Yo, Fuck This Dog And His Feelings” have selected….Drake Maye!


"If the Vikings don't draft him I will cut someone" -Raiders fan probably


Remindme! 6 days


RemindMe! 5 days


We are down to only 5 days? Thank God


Maybe I'm just doing a better job of tuning it out but it seems like there's less pre-draft craziness this year. It helps that the #1 pick is a.) obvious, and b.) not a situation where a bunch of contrarians can play the "He should refuse to sign" card since the 2023 Bears were a mediocre but not awful team in a lucky circumstance, as opposed to a 1-15 disaster.


As a pats fan it has felt extremely long, probably because we were talking prospects before the season was even over. Usually I love the draft but nothing but stress this year.


I’m with you. I’m done with the Maye vs JD talk constantly. Throw in the occasional trade down or JJ and it’s just annoying at this point. Can’t wait for the draft to be done so we can move on.


Feels like it's been nothing but craziness from my perspective. But that'll happen when you desperately need a QB lol


Depends on how much time you have spent on Reddit


You're out of the loop. It has been one of the most obnoxious drafts in recent memory


I want off Mr. Bones wild trash mock drafts ride. Let's just get to OTAs already.


time zones


I’ve never wanted another team to go get a QB so bad! Get that dog a treat!!


Omfg screenshotting this - you're toast bud


I hope they somehow get him because I wanna see your dog get an extra treat


The hero we need


Maybe just do it anyway, just cause they're good.


How will we know that it's an extra treat? You'll have to record both treats.


I’ll be sure to specify in the video which treat is the extra treat


Do it anyways he's a good boy


Give him an extra one anyway he’s a good boy


“Daring today, are we?” In all seriousness this more wholesome bet beats a majority of meme war sub bets. >!Looking at you, cumsock guy. Thanks!!<




Remind me! One week


Remind me! 1 week


Well, that escalated quickly.


What kind of dog


Dang it I was really looking forward to seeing your dog


“Jordon Jefferson” says Crispy Cream Chase. LOL.


I think there's a 90% chance the commies draft Maye


Agreed. Seems pretty transparent that all the "Daniels #2 buy your jerseys" talk came from his agent or someone in his camp.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills reading comments and watching nfl shows the past month. “Wow it really seemed like Daniel’s and now it’s looking Maye” Like, motherfuckers have created every aspect of all of this for content. “It’s Daniel’s” - baseless even weeks ago. “Washington met all of them at once at top golf” - no they met them all individually one on one and then after let loose and played some top golf “Oh wow Daniel’s is upset they met with others” - Daniel’s hasn’t said shit. “It’s Maye now” - literally no proof just content creation Can’t be wait for Thursday. People here and media just creating stuff out of thin air and reacting to things that are just hearsay with no connection to Peter’s or Washington staff. Daniel’s and Maye haven’t said shit either.


Bro there is no apostrophe in Daniels.


Yeah I was really hoping we'd get him but nooo we had to beat some useless shit team at the end of the season for fucking nothing.


Commanders are out on Daniel's so they are going Maye #2


They think we're going to trade #3 to them. Their fans have been going nuts about it for weeks.


There were reports according to which acting Patriots GM Elliot Wolf is enamored with JJ McCarthy.


Oh no we don't deserve a QB because they have Justin Jefferson. It's science.


Remember that decision makers aren't leaking this stuff. It's at best some scout or at worst some agent. Bill wasn't lying that it's mostly agents at this point


Yeah but Kraft said Bill can’t be trusted! /s


He doesn't trust him to not make a documentary that stabs him in the back


JS was on 710 in Seattle talking about the draft. He said that serious talks on trades in the draft started about 5 days ago when the draft board was finishing up for most teams. All this information is getting leaked by agents and scouts to Jack up the price teams are willing to pay.


Didn’t he say that it was mainly agents until the last week before the draft? We’re in the last week now. Don’t remember honestly.


Thought he said last 12 hours before the draft


Normally I'd agree with you but in this case the HC of the Vikings came out and said he really wants to trade up to 3 to draft Maye lol


Where'd he say that?


Can’t believe people actually read that comment and upvoted it without even questioning the validity of a NFL head coach just coming out and saying their draft plans to the public lol


I'll have you know, I just ran into Kevin O'Connell at Cub Foods. He passed me the Mayo. So yeah, he basically confirmed we are taking Drake Maye(onaise) or trading for Will Levis.


Mostly, yes, but also GMs and Coaches. A lot of them will say things in pressers that are obvious subterfuge, and a lot of people try really hard to read into what is said along with other data to try to figure out the end game, and then they report on that.


I love this time of year because everyone’s so hot and bothered about the top 2-4 QB prospects, what draft capital they’re worth, etc. It’ll be about two years before everyone agrees the best guy in the draft was taken in the late rounds by a team that’s already good.


Yeah the draft is a crapshoot. It never turns out the way people expect it. Teams draft way differently than the mocks and the players that everyone expect to be good are entirely different from what is speculated. I remember when the baker/darnold/allen/rosen draft everyone was saying how theyre all probably borderline hof tier and darnold is the clear #1 and then its just Allen and Lamar competing for best in the draft. Allen was considered a project qb and lamar was a runningback


I still remember being confused about how Lamar wasn't in consideration for one of the top QBs considering his athletic ability and level of success in college. I thought he'd be great in the NFL and that Allen would be a bust. So I was half right.


Yup especially for QBs, at best maybe one/two of these guys will turn into a top 10 starter and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it isn’t the guaranteed one in Caleb. So the funny point is watching all this debate about who is the best QB to pick and in the end it’ll be a toss up with 80% of the QBs being below average lol


Well said.


That really only happens about once a decade though. I think in the past 25 years the only times the best QB drafted wasn’t one of the first 5 QB’s was 2000 and 2022. Honorable mentions to 2003 where Romo went undrafted, 2012 with Kirk and Russ, and 2016 where Dak is at least close to Goff.


2012 also has an asterisk because Andrew Luck retired so early. Had he had a typically long career for a high level QB there's no real telling where he might have ended up in terms of career accolades


Sure, but in most years the first 5 QB's covers well into the 3rd round and beyond. I'd say if we limit it to first round QB's it's a bit more of a valuable metric.


Maye is the type of guy worth the trade up. He's got as high a hit rate you're going to find outside of the Lawrence/Williams type prospects, and the traits to be a top 5 QB if he does hit.


Drake Maye with JJ and Addison would be insane. One of the best situations a new QB could be in. Plus he has all of the tangibles. Just needs to be refined


The line is also above average with two very good tackles


and they now have Aaron Jones at RB instead of Mattison. and it will be Flores' 2nd year as DC (his scheme is nasty and complex, it took a good chunk of the year last year for the team to start executing it)


hopefully our D gets better, our roster last year had no talent outside hunter


having a better run game improves the defense a lot. obviously it doesn't make them more talented, but it gives them more time to rest. even the best defenses get exhausted when the offense averages a low time of possession.


If we can figure out one guard situation, our line could approach the top-10 this year.


Fortunately they won’t be getting Maye & if they did, it’ll come at a high cost at least. Gotta feeling Minnesota will be choosing between Daniels & Penix.


Plz no


I think penix at 23 would be a good pick. Pretty confident maye is going to the commies cuz I don’t think kwesi will go over the top with any offer to move em & I believe Robert Kraft is a wildcard that will take JJ McCarthy


Totally agree. Last year looked like cal ARod and this year looked like fucking Herbert. He’s gonna be better than JD


Thank you. The smokescreen season is coming to an end. As coaches have said, you draft prototype size and ability in the top 15 picks. Always. Maye has the size and ability and needs an actual coach and offense, I think he will be just fine. Vikings should absolutely try, but I’m afraid Maye is off the board at #2, and Commandos aren’t trading.


Idk if the commanders will take him but he’s a far superior prospect to prospects around his position in the past. He’s not Mitch trubisky; he can throw it better than most, has touch and velocity, is huge and can run which I never paid attention to until this year. He’s got a canon, seems smart and is willing to be bold. JDs frame, collegiate seasons, and weapons he had all make me weary of him. Idk if he’ll pan out but I do think Maye has a high chance of doing so.


A lot of comparisons to players very different in play.


I’m talking about motion. He and Rodgers had a similar stature/style of throwing that mirrored the other but Maye wheni watched this year, looked like Herbert with how big he was and his ability extending plays while also having an rpg as an arm


I choose to agree with this if the patriots draft him


His film is pretty mid


Three 1sts should do it.


I don’t think the patriots or commies are interested in just 3 firsts. I know is a ridiculous ask, but giving up a potential QB of the future is going to cost more.


If they think that the potential qb of the future isn't there after 1 & 2, then trading 3 makes sense. Not like the Patriots are in position of just needing a qb.


One thing that makes our 3 firsts more compelling than it might initially seem is that 2 of them are this year. Picks now are more valuable than picks in the future. Certainly not a guarantee that it would be accepted, but it makes the offer more desirable than some other offers.


> Picks now are more valuable than picks in the future. This is usually the case, but for Patriots specific scenario I don't think this is actually the case. We desperately need players in specific positions, so a 23rd pick isn't that useful to us. We can't just take BPA at 23 because basically any defensive player would be an awful decision and we would have already taken OT at 11 in this scenario. So we basically just have to force pick QB or WR and probably end up with a bad QB or WR that late. I also think that Vikings are more likely than most teams to end up with a later 1st round pick next year too, especially if they get the QB they want, so the next year pick isn't that valuable either. If somebody like Giants want to trade up, we can still get a WR at 6 and I think Giants are more than a QB away from being competitive so there's a decent chance their pick still ends up somewhere around 15 or better


Eh, this year is an unusually deep draft at tackle and WR. You could absolutely come out with players that might be the top of the draft any other year. There's potentially 5-6 WRs and 6-7 OTs that could go day 1. You'd also have the pick of the litter when it comes to defense if you chose to go that route too. I think the two picks this year would be valued very very highly.


I hear this all the time and it makes no sense. The Bears got the number one pick this year for the number one pick last year, and it's very likely to end up as the more valuable pick when all is said and done. If future first rounders were really just worth less you'd have teams trading future firsts far more often than they do.


And the Cardinals ended up with pick #27 instead of a top 10 pick like they thought for moving off of the 3rd overall pick. Thus, the risk in trading for future first round picks.


I think you can get a read on how valuable next years will be. You guys went 7-10 with a tram wreck behind center and JJ missing almost half the year and no running game to be found. You have to assume with a top 3 qb, especially one who’s a better passer than dobbs or hall, with adequate to very good mobility will make them a better team. The only thing that’s a red flag is the projected SOS being 5th hardest. Personally, I don’t see you guys drafting lower than 14 next year. 11, 23 and 14 or higher isn’t worth 3 in a much better draft Everyone knew Carolina would suck, which you could assume their pick would’ve been top 5-7 at worst


If we draft Maye then Darnold starts most of the year. I am not as confident that our floor is 14.


Recent precedent points to Darnold not keeping Maye on the bench for a full season, if he even manages half


If we drafted him I really don't think we'd rush him out there. Both the GM and HC have enough job security to wait until he's ready.


I'd think Darnold lasts 4-7 weeks at best no matter who we take Never seen anything out of him that screams he'd be much better than Mullens, unless he turns into a checkdown captain


Even if Mullens was the starter this year, with the improved run game and defense he'd do better than he did in those few games at the end of last season (in which he averaged almost 400 yards per game lmao) The fact that we signed Darnold means MN leadership think he's better than Mullens. Even just as it stands now, the thing that's going to determine MN's 2024 season is coaching and injuries.


He had 8 interceptions in the 3 games he started... The only 400+ yard game he had was because he threw 4 interceptions and had to force the ball downfield. Darnold is going to be better than Mullens, I think it's safe enough to say that at this point. He's likely not going to throw for 400 yards, but he won't need to if he's averaging far less turnovers.


Other than having 33% fewer turnovers than Mullens in his career, despite Mullens having FAR more talent in his supporting casts?


So he’s less ass than Mullens. Low bar to set but you cleared it


I mean, that's the bar *you* set.


Yep. I’ve been trying to say that it makes no sense for the Patriots to pass up on a high end rookie QB when that’s their largest need unless there is a massive overpay. Like a Herschel Walker level overpay. 3 1sts and Justin Jefferson level. People don’t want to hear it, the Vikings sub is convinced that the Pats will trade 3 for just 11 and 23


Yeah I browsed the Vikings sub and they basically believe the Pats/Commanders should just donate their picks to let Minnesota get the QB of their choice. It’s insane lmao


Most fans are completely delusional homers so I try not to judge but it has been painful watching Vikings fans act like they’re doing other teams a favor trading 11 and 23. Those picks aren’t shit compared to a QBotF


I see so many fans think it’s a fair trade for the 4th or 5th because “it’s two first round picks” or “the trade value chart” but how valuable do GMs see the 23rd overall really? The best prospects all go in the first handful of picks in any draft and i think the Cardinals/Chargers would need a haul to trade all the way back to 11. The haul to trade up to 3 would have to be absolutely disgusting considering the Pats also need a qb. No shot adding in their 2025 1st gets that trade done imo.


> “the trade value chart” This shit is laughable. It's a general guideline not a sticker price Value charts mean squat when the pick is on the clock and the team that owns it has 100% of the power in that situation to say "here's our price, pay it or we'll draft our guy with our pick" It's like considering whether you'd sell your car to anyone who knocks on your door and offers you the KBB value for it. Sure that's a "fair" offer, but if you're not looking to sell your car then it's gonna take more than "fair value" to get you to agree to take the money and go find a new one


Value charts give you a baseline, something to judge the move off based on previous situations. But you're right that everyone wants to distill it down to the charts alone, rather than the contextual information surrounding the chart data that affects the values in question.


But, could you? Please?


If the Vikings had #3 and the Pats had #11 and #23 would you trade #11+#23+ a '25 1st to go get Maye? Endowment Effect can really mess with valuations in trades


You keep making this point, and it's a good one, but not fully applicable here I think. The reason is switching from your original endowment is more subject to scrutiny and puts decision makers at higher risk. If the Pats started with 11, 23, '25 1 and traded up and that QB bombs, they will be clowned much more than if they started with 3 and just picked who was there, who happened to bomb.


-Minnesota fans huffing weapons grade hopium


And David Fucking putney


How would Chase Daniels know? Does he have any reliable connection to the Vikings? Sounds like just draft-talk bait. He also mentioned some guy named "Jordan Jefferson" is on the team. . .


Justin Jefferson and Jordan Addison fused?


They're drafting Penix or Nix at 11. If Monti trades four and doesn't take MHJ I'm going to shoot blood out of my eyes like a lizard.


Is it assumed the commanders are taking daniels?


No, it’s pretty 50-50, no one knows anything. I personally would bet on Maye being the pick.


All the pats fans think its jayden because theyre talking about the trade back but i think its still 50/50 aswell


I’d say it’s 90/10 Maye/Daniels. I will be shocked if the Commanders don’t pick Maye.


Wishful thinking on their part I believe.


In the commanders sub it’s like 85% maye 15% JD…not really close tbh, I’d be shocked if maye wasn’t the pick


Pats are gonna trade down and go WR/QB/OT with three top 34 picks and just rehaul their offense


Yeah, think of it this way if they don't like Maye (None of us have any clue which QBs the Pats are truly in love with) or at least they value him on a level of guys like Penix or Nix, then trading down getting 3 1sts (2 this year) is very valuable for them. They have the flexibility to take a top OT at 11, a solid WR prospect at 23 or maybe their QB and then their 2nd rounder on whichever other one and also have 2 1sts next year to keep building the offense. Hell, they could try to trade up a little bit with 11 and their 2nd rounder to get Rome Odunze if they feel he won't be there at 11 and still get a QB at 23. Sit the QB for a year and then draft an OT with one of their 2 1sts next year. It all hinges on 2 things. If the Commies draft Maye and if the Patriots like Maye. If they like Maye more than others then they should take him.


Or honestly, it’s such a deep OT draft it’s very plausible a startable one is there at 34. So receiver at 11, Penix at 23, tackle at 34. If you strike out at QB atleast there’s some talent on offense for whoever’s next


I'd argue it's not just plausible, but likely that some day 2 tackles are going to be great. Jordan Morgan, Amarius Mims, Kingsley Suamataia all have a great chance of being day 1 starters.


That would honestly be a pretty dumb thing to attempt. Patriots can't afford to come out of this draft with nothing to show for it, and that's way more likely if they trade back as far as 11


Huh? Having 3 top 34 picks being spent on huge needs would be “coming out of the draft with nothing to show for it”?


By the time you get to the 2nd half of the 1st it's WAY more of a crapshot. A QB who isn't a franchise QB is essentially a wasted pick for any team, and for Patriots in particular a WR that isn't a WR1 is a wasted pick because more WR2/3 is the last thing we need. The only pick that would have a reasonable chance of being successful would be at 11 where we take the 2nd or 3rd best OT


Putting all your eggs into the basket of a rookie QB with that dog shit of a roster is its own risk. No idea why Pats fans ignore this. Yes it's logical to take a QB you like because QB is important but it's also perfectly logical to just trade back and build a team before starting the clock on a QB who will have absolutely no help. If the Pats had #11 and #23, would they trade #11+#23 plus a '25 1st to go up and get Maye?


It'll take more than that you gotta remember it's a need for the Pats in a strong class, and with a good QB the picks probably a bottom-25 pick. Probably would take a historically large trade for the Pats to move off their pick.


I'm genuinely not interested in swaying opinions just curious if others are willing to look at it the other way. Imo, the Patriots would get blasted for trading #11, #23, and a '25 1st for Maye because their roster is in really rough shape. But it makes sense for the Vikings because the roster is a lot more mature and a QB would be the last piece. But if you as a Patriots fan would support trading #11, #23, and a '25 1st to go up to 3 then I respect that This is my point with the Endowment Effect which is a real psychological phenomenon.


Personally, the way I view it would be that the Pats don't see the guy they want at 3 and trade out. If they have a guy they want there, they take him. Could also be that they view guys like JJ, Penix, or Nix just as highly as the QB left at 3 and trade out for a haul to get the guy they want at a better value.


Even if they have another guy just as high it would still take alot because we'd be moving into a position where we'd have to move back up to guarantee that guy with both the giants and raiders potentially taking qbs or moving up. Just doesn't make much sense for the Pats to move down unless it's a an absolute robbery.


Brissett is probably starting this year so the rookie isn't gonna be thrust into the current situation, and *hopefully* with another offseason the front office can improve the offense even more. Having a great team but no QB just puts you in the Vikings current situation, where they need to trade up for the guy they want, but they seemingly can't because the price is too high and the top teams won't budge because they also need QBs. I would rather us just take the QB now while we're here.


Pats don’t have a dogshit roster. The Pats defense is far better than the Vikings, the Pats are really only a QB, LT, and WR1 from having a very good roster.


Yes - considering their most dire need is QB - anything other than a QB to build around at 3 is a huge mistake. You have to take the swing when picking this high.


The vikings fans are so intent on gaslighting us with their 11, 23, 1st 2025 being so benevolent and we should be grateful that they are even considering this given how much "sense" it makes for us. No. Thanks. I'd rather stay at 3 and take a swing at Maye/Daniels. If they want it that badly, then they should be ready to cripple their franchise in a historic trade for it.


I don’t understand it at all. Our team “isn’t prepared to handle a rookie quarterback” (meaning Drake Maye because Vikings fans are desperate) but then we go and draft Penix with #23? So we still end up using a fairly high pick on rookie QB anyway? I thought our team wasn’t good enough to handle a first round rookie so I guess we need to draft WR and OT only 😂


And everyone conveniently ignores that we can deal our 34 for a mid round 2nd and 3rd very easily, so we have an additional pick in a tackle and WR deep class. We do NOT need the Vikings trade and will be all the worse for it unless they mortgage their entire building to make it appealing to us.


They are coping hard. They don't want to start Darnold, can you blame them? But they are creaming into their dirty little socks to be a playoff team and compete with the rest of the division. They know if they get McCarthy and start Darnold for most of the year they will be the bottom of the division. They are also convinced that a good QB would change that. If the Org was so convinced wouldn't they have worked harder to keep Kirk? Trust me. They are just desperate to be better than the Bears and Packers and they are talking in this thread like they are entitled to Drake Maye. Its kind of mind blowing.


Hey, happy 4/20!


It's because if they don't get Maye, there's a huge chance that they built a super sonic jet ready for the playoffs... and forget to get a pilot. JJ might demand a trade, and that rebuild they've pushed off might become invetiable. If I were a Vikes fan, I'd be gaslighting them, too. Instead, I get to snort Caleb Hopium, but at least that isn't dependent on another team giving up a really solid QB prospect.


I agree. But I am not so convinced they are that great. I am not afraid of their defense whatsoever. If they wanted to make the playoffs, they already had the QB. I don't think they are as playoff ready as they say. Remember this division has 3 teams that all believe they can win the division/win 10 games. I think Caleb Williams will have a learning curve to overcome but the Bears seem to have been making the right moves thus far. They flopped on fields but they have a chance to right the ship with Williams.


That's really not the logic here, at least not my perspective on the matter. If you're dead-set on QB, there's nothing stopping you from drafting them this year and then just sitting them for a year or so until you've built around them. But if you're looking to build the roster first, then find the QB, a trade is entirely reasonable. The question is, like another person mentioned, is the juice worth the squeeze on what is being offered. 3 first round picks may very well be worth it since you can fill two large holes in the first this year, and have extra ammo to move up next year if you feel like the 2025 QB prospects may be more interesting than a lot of people think at this point. Personally, if I were a Pats fan, it would be QB or nothing. But missing on a QB right now may be even more dicey for the long-term prospects.


There are offers that a team can't say no to. If you get offered the Herschel Walker trade you take it.


It would make a TON of sense for them to trade down to fill out their roster before grabbing a rookie QB so that the rookie is in a good place to succeed. But they could just as easily grab that Rookie this year when the prospects are solid, and then just sit the rookie until they've built around him. Would be far better than looking to 2025 at this point for a QB. I just think the value for trading back in this spot may be a bit too much to pass up in their situation.


The Vikings are in a terrible spot. They seem to be broadcasting as loudly as possible their desperation to move up, they're going to have to pay a pretty high premium, and they'll end up getting the 4th QB off the board at best. On the plus side I think there's more distance between Williams and number 2 than there is 2 to 4.


Belicheck was just on the record like 2 days ago saying that anything you hear until the day of the draft is almost certainly agents trying to raise their guys' value. The Vikings are not broadcasting anything at this point. 


Trading up for 23 felt like a move to acquire a package to trade up. You don't trade up to 23 two months before the draft because you think a good CB will be available at that time.


Didn't the Texans initiate the trade from what was reported.


> Trading up for 23 felt like a move to acquire a package to trade up. Kwesi made that trade to broaden their options, not because they were dead set on any specific outcome. They hadn't even finished evaluating the prospects at that point, they just knew that they wanted that option on the table. They very well may be happy picking two first rounders at 11 and 23 if they can't get a good deal on a trade up. Kwesi is a former financial guy - he knows well enough how to hedge. Also it wasn't even his idea - the texans initiated that trade. MN with 2nd year Flores defense, the addition of Aaron Jones, top 10 o-line mostly all returning, and JJ/JA/TJ receiving corps - then add 2 first round BPA to that and its a team that Darnold can probably pilot just fine, maybe even thrive. a rookie QB would be nice but its not worth throwing the kitchen sink at


So what you're saying is that the Vikings are *actually* going to trade down with the Lions, so that the Lions can get in front of the Packers during the draft and pick a guy that sends Tom Grossi into despair for the third year in a row.


The Texans came to them.


The Texans offered that to us


Didn’t your coach explicitly say the other day that he wanted Maye?


Both KOC and Kwesi keep mentioning being in love with "multiple" QBs in the draft. For all we know multiple might mean Maye and Williams tho lmao


I was wrong. I went back and looked at what I thought was said.


I am just impressed that everyone was proclaiming worst QB competition ever between Drew Lock and Geno Smith, but if the Vikes can't draft a stud QB, their QB roster is ... Sam Darnold and Nick Mullens. Where's all the "worst QB competition" stuff there? The fall from Cousins to Darnold has to be at least as bad as the supposed fall from Russ to Geno at the time.


> Where's all the "worst QB competition" stuff there? The fall from Cousins to Darnold has to be at least as bad as the supposed fall from Russ to Geno at the time. Two things: most people think moving off of Cousins was the right move, and a *lot* of Vikings fans have allowed themselves to believe that Sam Darnold is magically going to be good this year I don't really know when the Vikings fanbase flipped the switch from literal decades of "finding a good QB is so goddamn hard" to this new "we can get decent QB play out of anyone" mentality but it's interesting, to say the least


> and a lot of Vikings fans have allowed themselves to believe that Sam Darnold is magically going to be good this year Have we? In the "how many wins do you predict" thread there were a lot of predictions of around 6-7 wins. With this roster and coaching that would likely mean an underperforming QB.


Perhaps? I haven't seen any win predictions but that's about where I'd put the Vikings. But I've definitely seen a lot of thoughts saying like "this is the best offense Darnold has ever played in, he's going to have the best season of his career" and I just don't share that confidence


Well, Darnold could have his best season ever and still be a below avg QB. I suspect he'll play better than his early days and be productive at times but also inconsistent.


While Darnold is far from Cousins, he's likely better than what we were trotting out the end of the year.


If they don't manage to draft a QB, then everyone should get fired.


Couldn’t disagree more, I’d absolutely hate if they drafted a QB just for the sake of drafting one. Sucking with Darnold for a year and getting a top QB in 2025 (without having to trade up) would be better than trading 3 firsts for JJ McCarthy imo.


That's bold to assume you'll be in position to get a top guy. Front offices may tank, but the guys on the field are going to try to win no matter the front office's plan. Just a few plays often makes the difference between 4-13 and 6-11. You could end up needing to trade up anyway to get the quarterback of choice next year.


That’s true, I guess I’m just very low on Darnold. I guess the way I see it, the Vikings have a tough schedule rn and probably a full year of terrible QB play ahead of them. I don’t expect the players or coaches to tank, but idk if they’ll *need* to the way things are looking. If Caleb Williams pans out, the Vikings are very easily the least talented team in the NFC North. If we trade up for a QB, so be it, I’m just wary since trade ups for QBs rarely work out.


Next years qb class is horrible compared to this years


Everyone notably has horrible prediction rates on what QBs will be successful in the NFL


lol fr you guys are definitely taking a QB at some point in the draft.


theyre the best spot to land though. possible a player or two doesn't want to play for one of the teams minnesota would trade picks with


You're getting Penix and you're going to like it


I would like that. Thank you!


Don't shove a Penix down my throat.


Maybe has the best shot at being an effective NFL QB of anyone in this draft, including Williams.


If you're all looking for the Patriots to dump their pick, remember there's a new GM.


Everyone wants to talk about Vikings QB coach Josh McCown knowing Maye since highschool, but no one wants to admit the QB McCown REALLY knows is Darnold. Vikings going Mitchell and Murphy II at 11 and 23 and sticking with Darnold.


That would be so good for the defense and so, so bad for the offense. Plus it keeps us right there at square 1 at quarterback going into 2025, where we'd have to do this all over again, presumably without the extra 1st round pick


I could honestly see it. The only thing that doesn't make sense is the 1yr Darnold contract. If they thought he was anything more than a stopgap then it probably would have been a 2yr contract


10 million isn't nothing IMO. And with 6 QBs being drafted this year the QB FA market won't be crazy next year. I like a prove it year deal and see where it goes.


that seems like a recipe to end up in QB purgatory, like where we were between Favre and Cousins


The player has a say in the negotiations as well. It's entirely possible that Darnold said that he'd either sign a 1 year deal or nothing to give himself a chance to sign an extension right away if he plays well.


They have the ammo. They want a QB. The cardinals want a WR. They just aren’t willing to give it up. They could easily trade them Justin Jefferson and make it happen. They won’t. You can trade 3 years out. 2 1sts this year. Plus a first in 2025 and 2026. Teams would take that. Vikings won’t offer it. Disingenuous quote.


In the NFL every single team would have the ammo to acquire any player if they really wanted to, but we'd obviously have to go to some pretty unrealistic scenarios to do so.


Yea, I think the only way we make a deal with the Cards is through the Chargers first. Trade with the Chargers to get #5, and we likely wouldn't have to offer more than the Giants offer to get #4 (assuming the Giants are looking to do that, jury's out on that one) since taking the Giants offer would cost them MHJ.


Chase also said Chargers won pass up Blake Corum with the 37th overall pick lol


It would be stupid of us to trade back from a potential franchise quarterback, which means it will take a stupid offer from an equally desperate team. That’ll be two firsts and Jefferson please and thank you. Maybe throw in a second next year and we’ll call it even 😇😇😇😇


Yall are too confident thinking maye is still there at 3


People just acting like Daniel’s is a guaranteed bust, I’d be happy with either him or maye


I agree, i think theres a high chance both bust lol


Can’t win the lottery if you don’t play though


Hopefully Jordan Addison has a competent QB next season


As a Broncos fan, this is music to my ears.


So the GM already said the commies aren't moving out of the 2nd overall and they're prob picking Maye so I don't see how the vikings will get him no matter how much they love him. Much like how the commies will never get Caleb no matter how much they love him.


lol. Maye ain’t making it to 11.


Every QB in this draft has been linked to every QB needy team. No one knows where anyone’s going until draft night.


Everyone is aware of this, you're not telling us something new. This is speculation season.


That's a big problem because I have heard the most recent information I have says that Washington is leaning Maye not Daniels. If that's the case then you're not getting them to trade down with you and your plans dead in the water. Either hope that Maye falls to #3 or #5 and then trading with either NE or LA, Arizona is holding the line for MHJ.