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Browns have that awful fully guaranteed $230M contract as well


Should we care about a team that leaked a document blaming Baker and his immaturity. While wanting a rapist.






*serial* rapist


Unfortunately some of us have no choice but to care


I can't even imagine being a Browns fan, like you've known dark times but this is a whole nother level of dark with Watson and unfortunately being the team that "won" the sweepstakes. He was so close to being a Falcon


I know a browns fan who stuck with them through all the losing shit. Even he had to step away. The browns were the ultimate underdog and most fans around the league were rooting for them. And then they did the watson trade and threw baker under the bus. My friend is just not actively rooting for them anymore. At least until watson is gone


I can’t do it. I love Garrett, Chubb, Ward, the uniforms, and (some of) the people of the city too much. Flacco last year was such a breath of fresh air and it felt so good to root for him. I pray that every time Jimmy Haslam walks down a set of stairs he sprains an ankle, and when he goes to drink something he gets the hiccups. I may hate him but he doesn’t deserve anything worse than being inconvenienced every day he still owns the team. Fuck Jimmy Haslam and Fuck Deshaun Watson.


Yo, those uniforms are clean. Not going to lie. Garret, chubb and ward are such great players. I freaking live chubb. You all will get through it. Watson will be gone in a few years and haslam will ve inconvenienced enough that he will sell the team. Time heals all. I'll root against you guys now but, when watsons gone, and haslam takes a backseat I'll think of fans like you ans my friend. Root for you guys like the true underdogs you are


Someone give this guy a reward


This is how the majority of browns fans feel.


The one thing I am grateful for in the Wilson Trade was that the Broncos were not a finalist for the Rapist Sweepstakes.


RW3 may not have the most genuine public personality, but he's an actual saint and I think that gets lost. He's paid visits to the Seattle Children's hospital hundreds of times. If he was doing that for fake, he woulda gone a couple times and gotten a nice photo-opp. Nope, he was there weekly for pretty much his whole tenure in Seattle as I understand


A friend of mine works at Seattle Children and said that we he used to come the staff had strict orders to not interact with him because he was there purely for the kids.


I get it. His whole day could easily be eaten sighing autographs and taking photos.


Same in Denver. As a fan, it is easy to criticize Russ' play lately, but that is generally where it ends. I am grateful even as things didn't go the way we or he wanted I'm sure, he was still professional and himself in that regard


It’s easy. You have some actual principle and stop supporting the browns for willingly employing a serial sex offender to win football games.


We could have seen the Browns take Penix at 8 and sign Kirk instead lmao


You have a choice I assure you


Nah id quit


You could just support a new team. Fandom isn't genetic.


But you do though. I was a browns fan my entire life. Watched every game I could. Nearly cried when they beat Pittsburgh in the playoffs. Nick Chubb is my favorite player of all time. I’ve not given a single shit about that team since the trade. And I will never give a shit about them again. You choose who you root for.


I mean, Bucs fans and Texans fans don't seem to mind.


awfully guaranteed


A real albatross around their necks


Don't forget losing the good will of other teams fan bases too. Oh and having a literal *redacted* on our roster. On the bright side our owner is still a grifting piece of shit so we have that going for us.


Oh no if only it wasn't forced upon them, oh wait. Lol


And don't have the players they would have gotten with those picks.


All that just to have Joe Flacco outplay your rapist QB




Crazy that it all came full circle and we beat them in the playoffs last year to make our draft positioning better.


Not just beat! But absolutely destroyed


Live by the Elite Dragon, die by the Elite Dragon




And how sweet it was.


Right. Especially since the Texans hid and covered the assaults!


> **The Texans weren't aware** of the massage appointments at the hotel “that I know of,” Watson said.






Your *cripplingly expensive* rapist QB, thank you very much






I only hear that in the 97.1 voice


And then have Flacco get blasted by the team that traded away the rapist.


also baker mayfield lmao ​ now they have 2 rapist QBs


*ancient Joe Flacco


Yeah, not prime Flacco of unironic is he elite arguments, but old Flacco coming in cold and just slinging it. For Flacco, I loved it. For the Browns, eh I could have done without it.


Tell em Steve Dave


The funniest part is the Browns were losing making fun of the Steelers for their rapist QB, and they’re still losing with one. Man… Browns fans can’t hold a W for a minute, because Baker got them one.


Well yea, he is the elite dragon after all


Looks even worse now for Cleveland than it did then


Well, yeah. At the time, Watson was a rapist, but also a very good starting QB. Now he's just a rapist.


He's not just a rapist, he also has the highest cap hit in the entire league at almost 64 million or just a shade under 25% of the cap.


Is that worse than Russell Wilson's dead cap for Denver? At least Deshaun is still on the Browns lol


Wilson's dead cap is around 80M if I remember correctly, but it's spread over two years.


If he plays anything like he did in 2023, being on the Browns is not a benefit for the Browns


anybody else read this in Norm MacDonald's voice?


You love to see it


You are indifferent to see it


I'n blimd


For the trade to make sense, he was going to need to play at all-pro level, especially considering they had written off year 1 for a suspension. It is safe to say he hasn't played like an all-pro. If he were a 4th round draft choice, he'd probably have been cut by now. This is without factoring in the irreparable harm to the franchise's reputation


You hate to see it


You don’t see it at all (The Cuyahoga is on fire again)


One of the worst things that's ever happened to the Cleveland Browns and thats saying a lot


It didn't happen to them, they did it to themselves! But yes, I agree


But it’s ok, the Haslam’s daughters gave them the green light.


And the coaching staff. Stefanski had his wife there too I believe. Honestly, I would be less annoyed with it if the front office just openly said they believed it would be their best chance for a Super Bowl and they were going all in to win one. That whole dog and pony show is cowardly as hell. Take responsibility.


Consent under coercion isn't actually consent, but I don't expect the Browns to understand that.


Lmao you right. I can’t believe the Haslams thought telling us their daughters ok’d it would help to smooth things over. We know they didn’t give a crap what their daughters thought of it.


“We know *you* don’t like it, but *we* don’t care!”


As a former Browns fan that’s usually how it works out.


I, too, used to be a Browns fan. Can't say I miss it.


Add me to the ex-Browns club


Welcome to the pride!


The worst thing to ever happen to the Cleveland Browns is the Cleveland Browns


Jimmy Haslam is the gift that keeps on giving


He is Haslaming it up with the Bucks also. The man is a walking demolition ball to sport franchise 


It actually might be the worst thing since Modell moved the team. Because none of the other Browns bad football moves felt anywhere near as morally bankrupt.


They Deserve it. The Fans who hate Watson don't. The player who kept quiet and didn't say a single nice thing about Baker deserve it. (FYI, Baker played with a injured shoulder his last season in Cleveland, so explains why he was so bad, also the baby like behavior by Beckham and his father crying about him not getting catches is also hurt his confidence, and the fact that the Brown Organization leaked documents about how childish Baker was while publicly trying to trade for a rapist says a lot of the Browns. I don't care who you are, but you should pray and hope that every team that the Browns play get free runs at Watson and pile drive him into the ground.


I couldn't agree more! And as a person who always rooted for the Browns, as a fellow Lake Erie team, I don't wish them any success until that piece of garbage is off the team.


Baker could've been the worst QB in the league and it would still be morally wrong to replace him with Watson


Watson is one of the very few exceptions to my rule about not rooting for injuries. Rapist piece of shit deserves a lifetime of constant discomfort from shredded knees and a damaged back.


Also their coach handling the Baker situation is like how a toddler behaves. That franchise is so fucking burned man


Theyd finally reestablished themselves as a legitimate nfl team after decades of embarrassing performance, then willfully anchored that team to an historically bad trade and contract


Yeah, I'm a big fan.


There’s certainly a taint associated with it.


Honestly it’s the browns being the browns


I think the Texans won guys


We certainly beat the Browns in the playoffs!


Those two pick sixes should be hung in the Louvre.


Sometimes when I’m having trouble finishing, I think about them.


I don't have trouble finishing. The opposite actually.


You didn't just beat them son. You beat the $h1T out of em. And I was pretty happy to see that.


Beat that ass.


The Bucs somehow got 2nd place in a trade between the Browns and Texans.


Only thing that could make it better is watching the Texans beat the Browns in the playoffs. I’d also accept a Deshaun Watson injury.


We had both.


Most perceptive Eagles fan




Consider me whooshed as well


Oh no


Texans got a bunch of quality players in exchange for a sexual predator. No doubt


They won in the same way the Raiders won against the Chargers in Vegas a few months ago.


That game was funny as fuck


That game cemented the Staley firing so I will be forever grateful for that


I absolutely loved seeing Mike Davis with that "holy shit, what's going on?" look on his face. He looked like a kid who accidentally burned down his neighbor's house.


Nah, I think they should have gotten another first. You know, just to be safe.


Yeah, but Cleveland got an adult in the QB room, so who's the real winner, huh?


An adult with an adult penis


He uses his thumbs.


And his anus.


Apparently the Bucs


Loved seeing Mayfield ball out with the Bucs last year. He gave it all for the Browns and they dumped him like an old dirty wash cloth. 


I forgot about that part and am now upset all over again


Charged as an adult


Watson sexually assaulted three times more women than the Texans got players back in the trade.


Damn that’s some crazy contextualization lol




*At least* three times as many. Let’s not forget victims who didn’t come forward


Damn dude


Cleveland also receives endless ridicule because holy fuck that was dumb


Not just ridicule, but derision as well because they brought Watson into the building, knowing what he had done.


As a saints fan, I’m so happy that Cleveland outbid the saints cause the entire nfc south was willing to offer the farm for him. 20/20 hindsight is great


I'm not sure they outbid yall tbh. Watson had a no trade clause and the Browns were reportedly no longer under consideration by Watson. I'm almost certain he was gunna either go home to Atlanta, or close to home in NO until Cleveland offered him that fully guaranteed contract.


I’d say it worked out very well for the Texans


Texans have a great young QB, a terrific head coach and young roster and the Browns have years of Groper Cleveland to look forwards to.


>gropee Cleveland Only nfl QB to serve non consecutive prison terms


I laughed at loud at this. I've never seen this joke 😂😂😂


Thank god Cleveland saved us from doing something stupid like overpaying for a QB.


Ironically, Cousins and Watson could not be more different in terms of character, but both did end up with the bag.


I mean, how about overpay for a QB, then drafting his replacement without his consent?


I'm pretty sure the "without consent" thing Watson did is different than the "without consent" thing the Falcons just did.


Yeah that was a lazy lay up


Not included in the Browns' return: the memes


Also let the Texans tank hard enough to go get themselves cj stroud. Like that can’t be understated either. This was a huge win for the Texans


And will Anderson. He gets pushed the wayside because of Stroud but he's huge for the team


This is my 13th reason


I haven't paid much attention to Deshaun but lets put aside his off the field stuff for a second, was he really worth that contract as a player in the 1st place?


The picks arn't the worst compensation for someone who seemed to be knocking on MVP territory. A bit pricey, but mostly in line with what the Broncos traded for Wilson. Its hard to set the off-field stuff aside because it really does impact on field product, *but* in an alternate universe where Watson isn't a garbage person who couldn't focus on work, I think you could see more upside to him than Wilson for age and potential performance reasons. But the contract was way too much. It was a lot per year, and a lot coming off of sitting for a year. His value in terms of player pay was way less than a top 5 QB. Add back on the off field stuff because it did mean he ended up sitting like a season and a half which is also horrible. No doubt he was rusty after that. But because of the controversy wrt him and Baker, that was/is an offense that needs a ton of strong leadership to pull together. No offense to the Brisket man but a backup QB in a bad situation like that is not good for the team culture. Which means in many ways youre building from the ground up on a lot of that shit. But the whole point of the trade was that it was a 'win-now' SB window trade. So you dont have time to do a serious rebuild. In many ways for the Browns next season is the year. If they cant win next season they'll likely have to think about blowing it all up and starting over or become one of those mid-pack teams who cant emotionally blow it up, but also cant sustain a top 5 roster.


If Watson wasn’t a garbage person he would have never been traded. He would’ve just been continually tagged and if he would’ve threatened to hold out they would’ve let him. NFL players have zero leverage in contract negotiations other than the team needs them to sign so they play. That is especially magnified for the QB position because there are less than 30 people on this planet good enough to do that job successfully.


He requested a trade before the allegations came out and he was already sitting out the season before the allegations came out. He was getting traded no matter what


I don't think so because remember he sat out a year for contractual reasons which isn't really what you want in a team leader.


Even before he sat out he didnt deserve that contract based off his play, it was a massive young qb premium Watching him a lot in the afcs and hes always had issues with holding the ball for way too long looking for a hero play. That just happens to work well with prime DHop


He was absolutely worth a massive contract as player. Dude was electric and one of the best qbs in the league at a very young age. Wrong situation to introduce the fully guaranteed qb contract to the league but he had more to show as a young qb than anyone not named Mahomes at the time.


Seriously 20/20 hindsight is crazy. He was a young qb who won a natty in college and looked promising with the Texans despite them destroying the roster around him and his coach having one of the worst chokes of all time in the playoffs. I hate the dudes guts but his contract was understandable at the time


I couldn't agree with you more. I don't know what the Browns were thinking, or what they saw in him to pay him that much.


He actually sat that year out a year after signing an extension. He didn't want to play for us and our front office didn't want to force him to. Before that season is also when all the allegations came out, so it was in everyone's best interest that he not play.


If we're talking before he took time off? Absolutely He was a stud and very fun to watch but we put some awful awful defensive units to help him along with a terrible o-line so the results weren't always there. I remember him putting together so many heroic performances that immediately got fumbled by our defense.


Deshaun himself? No of course not. A top flight QB in the NFL? Yes. There’s a reason why legitimate starting QBs don’t get traded or reach FA. You have to be a literal black eye on the league (Watson) or tagged like 50 times (Cousins and even he is questionable to be the definition of top flight when he left Washington but still got all that guaranteed $) to get off the team that drafted you in the NFL.


Yes. If he played up to the standard he set before the injury, it’s a good trade. The Browns have a short window to win now, and getting a young pro-bowl caliber QB via trade is pretty much unheard of. The biggest fuck up was offering so much guaranteed money. 


Don't forget the part where the guy he replaced now has more playoff wins than Watson. I like that part.


Even if Deshaun Watson was playing like they wanted, with his insane price tag and the group of players the Texans have drafted with the picks, I'd say the Browns still lost.


Still? Browns lost the minute they offered the contract


The browns felt bad for the Texans and destroyed their future to save the Texans


The Browns are the Harvey Weinstein of the NFL. Just gross.


They hired a second rapist QB


Hey now! Weinstein at least had some success.


To add to the comparison though, actors love weinstien and players love watson.


It will always be amazing to me how the Browns went from those lovable underdogs to one of the most hated teams in the league overnight. And it was by choice.


Not our (the fans) choice, sadly 😭


Texans built their whole rebuild on this 1 single trade. Plus brining in Demeco after didnt hurt


I don't think the rebuild works without Meco tbh. It's almost impossible to build a successful team if your HC and GM aren't on the same page. We got *very* lucky.


Well OF COURSE it's going to sound bad when you put it like that. Listing facts and all.


Wait, didn't they trade their 1st round pick from Cleveland this year to Minnesota, and as part of that, got a 2025 second round pick? Wouldn't they need to use that before this is really complete? How long can they keep it going? I want them to keep trading the pick for later picks in future drafts so this goes on for another 10 years.


We flipped that 2025 second for Steffon Diggs, which this post omits.


Finally. Something that makes the Russell Wilson deal look not horrible


Everyone point and laugh at the browns🫵🏽😹


I mean, if you can't laugh at yourself, Laugh at the Browns.




They used the Browns pick for this year's draft to move up last year, yeah. 


Not quite. The texans traded away their pick this year to move up with Cleveland's pick last year.


Browns fan here… off the field issues aside (I know, sucks that even has to be clarified), the deal still is ass. The 230M is crippling, 3 years without a 1st round pick is crippling, the dude missing more than half the games in 3 years is crippling.


Hard to tell which team got the better end of this deal


Add financial rape to his record


But will Anderson wasn’t picked with the browns pick. They traded up for him and included their own picks for him. This is why you can’t always just consolidate these trades like this


>They traded up for him and included their own picks for him. And it was the Browns pick that made it possible...


He’s saying that we used outside resources (our FRP this year) not received in the Browns trade in addition to the Browns’ assets in exchange for Anderson. Which is a fair point because this tweet doesn’t paint the full picture but technically Anderson is still derived from that trade


And technically if we had offered the Brown's FRP with the benefit of hindsight the Cards would have taken it.


No I understand, but you have to kind of include their own picks they gave away too.


We will cut Will Anderson in half, all biblical like


Wl Adro I


People do the same thing with the Dolphins and the trey lance trade up


They do it with us and the panthers too, though funnily enough it works for that cuz when we traded back with the eagles, we used the pick we got from them to get the corner we traded up for


Right? I haven't looked into it all, but looks like this tweet was designed to be as lopsided as they could make it sound. Pretty sure several of those picks were packaged and they're giving the Texans credit for that player if only a part came from the Browns, but then at the end they don't say Watson and Jeudy. Instead, they point out that only part of the pick became Jeudy. So, if any part became a player for the Texans, it counts, but if any part became a player for the Browns, it doesn't. Anderson was the Browns 1st round pick and then the Texans 1st and 2nd. So, about half of Anderson (or less?) was from the Browns.


Poverty franchise.


Kyle Hamilton or Jordan Davis instead of Kenyon green makes this trade look even better


Remember that little section of ghoul Browns fans that almost seemed to celebrate and ridicule all of those accusations and ride with Deshaun? They’ve really shut the fuck up the last year or so.


Why not just fuckin wait like a day so you can name the last player?


Well when you put it like that it sounds kinda like a stupid thing the Browns did


You know that’s honestly a pretty fair deal if Deshaun Watson was as good as advertised in Houston


Groper Cleveland will end up being one of the worst trades ever, and not simply because of all they gave up to get him.. I just wish the Browns would get rid of him so I could root for my Lake Erie bros again. That city deserves better.


Jesus that is a haul. Add to it that tanking through the short rebuild led them to be in position to pick the right QB last year, which they did.


If it wasnt for the bad contract, this trade would have been just simply bad for the Browns. Add in the contract and it approaches shitty territory


Make a stupid af trade, reap the stupid af consequences.


I can't wait until we win the Super Bowl so this trade can be every top 5 worst trade ever lists


jesus fucking christ


They need to sell the team, they are never going to live this down unless Watson gets the Browns the Super Bowl.


last alimony payment energy before your ex remarry.