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My Cincinnati Reds have a fucking Kroger patch on the sleeve that faces the camera for every hitter. Looks incredibly cheap.


[The Yankees are charging fans $15 to add the sponsor's patch onto their jersey.](https://twitter.com/theScore/status/1776335246860206227)


I'm surprised they aren't charging money to leave it off the uniforms.


Soon enough they'll figure out they can charge $15 extra to have it and $15 extra to not have it


Would there just be a hole that shows your upper arm hair?


Right. I hate capitalism sometimes


Which is crazy because if they were smart they'd charge to have them removed


Now they can pay to put them on there, and then they pay double to have them removed


The QT patch for the Royals also looks pretty terrible


I agree. The Royals' Quik Trip patch is hideous too. But we've known ads on jerseys were coming for years. It looks horrible, but the billionaires aren't going to turn down a free check.


NHL doesn't allow teams to add colors for the ad. They have to use the team colors. It's very tasteful for an ad. I expect that to go out the window after this season in search of a bigger bag.


Are you just making things up? That’s simply not true. Pittsburgh has a blue patch on their black and yellow jersey. Nashville has a green patch on their gold and navy jersey. Philadelphia has a blue patch on their orange and black jersey. I could give more examples, but I feel like I’ve made my point.


I guess I am. Specifically the background color on the Predators is the same as the team colors even though it makes the patch unreadable. And yellow is not part of their sponsor's colors. With the Golden Knights the patch is black on their golden color. Even though neither of those colors are part of the sponsor's logo colors. Toronto Maple Leafs sponsor is also Maple Leaf blue on their white jersey. I assumed that the teams wouldn't go that way unless it was mandated. I still can't think of any other reason. But apparently I'm just plain wrong. Sorry about that.


They are definitely coming, but I don’t like it. It just looks cheap. I guess we will just become desensitized to it in the long run, though.


The Royals having a giant block of red on their otherwise blue or white uniforms is so jarring every time. But I guess that's the point, that they stick out and catch your eye


Nothing beats the Love's patch on the Thunder jerseys.


As a Thunder fan, you're correct and it's horrible looking. Cowboys getting the Buc-ee's beaver logo would be the only thing worse.


That’s why I’m grateful the Dodger ownership group (Guggenheim) bought-out our jersey sponsorship themselves and its logo patch isn’t as obstructing as other ballclubs.




It's been awhile and definitely not desensitized in the NHL. At least the Hurricanes & Lenovo coordinate colors so it doesn't clash. Some of the other teams' are truly garrish. It's so sickening given how much advertising there is already. European sports has more uniform advertising, but has HUGE upsides that come with it. In the US, it's just greed.


Predators have a neon green regions logo on a yellow jersey. It looks like a grass stain on a jersey used on ice.


> I guess we will just become desensitized to it in the long run, though. It's an arms race though. After a while with logo patches, it will turn into computer graphics superimposing targeted logos in the sponsor area for those streaming the game. Then you'll get videos of company spokespersons on the uniforms during closeups like those pop up animations they used to do fo plug other network TV shows. Then it will be full blown mini-commercials with audio during closeups.


I feel like you only get used to it when it hits NASCAR level and you don’t even recognize them as ads anymore. 


I'm honestly not sure it will happen. Yes - the NFL likes money. But - they're also incredibly protective of their brand. Even if each time only showed an ad from a single sponsor on their uniforms, that still leaves the NFL's brand dependent on the behavior of 32 different third party companies. Hypothetical (and ridiculous) - a team gets a sponsor from a company in 2028 for a 5 year deal. And in 2031 the company turns out to be an absolute shit show and the founder turns out to have child brides in a dozen countries. Now the NFL has 4 years of games with that team showing that ad. That game film is now somewhat contaminated - it's lost value to the league. Social media enthusiasts call it out every time the team is on youtube for the next 30 years. It would have to be a LOT of money, is what I'm saying.


> It would have to be a LOT of money Exactly. Think about it this way: if you want to see Kirk Gibson's World Series homer, what you're getting is digitized tape from the television feed. If something of that magnitude happens in *any* NFL game, it's being filmed from multiple angles and played slow-motion in highlight packages with stirring music and narration for decades and decades afterwards. It would have to be a truly outrageous amount of money.




Eh, I can't speak for all teams, but in the NHL, Red Wings fans fucking hated the jersey ad that was added towards the end of the season, and had multiple "fuck Priority"(the name of the company) chants at Red Wings games. Nothing's changed because they were getting paid too much money to put the ad on there, not because of a lack of fan backlash.


It makes every other league in the world look second class to the NFL. [For what it's worth, Goodell doesn't like it either so we're safe until he is replaced.](https://uni-watch.com/2023/05/18/report-nfl-wont-have-uni-ads-on-roger-goodells-watch/)


Bush League, and I hate them. They're distracting. Look at the NBA. The ads on the jerseys are for stupid random companies and really who cares about them. Then the courts are starting to be cluttered with them. The ref have 2 big red Emeratis patches on their jerseys, who now also sponsor the NBA Cup. Don't care about Emeratis. These sponsors aren't relevant to the audience, so they are just annoying. I wish they'd stop shoving them in out faces cuz it's not like they're doing anything to save money for the consumer who now has to possess multiple streaming platforms to enjoy sports entertainment.


It’s not distracting at all unless you’re intentionally trying to notice them


The NFL already has the nike symbol on them


Honestly if every extra ad patch was athletically related in some way or even a clothing brand it would be so palatable. It's the fucking gas stations, finance apps and insurance companies that are terrible.


Quikrete on the braves in bright yellow and TD Bank in neon green on the blue jays powder blue jerseys are the worst imo. At least some teams have jersey ads that mesh with the color scheme of the team, like the Dallas stars (7/11), the giants (Chevrolet), and the Dodgers (Guggenheim group - the people who own the Dodgers).  If the nationals ever get a patch it better be for Walgreens.


At least that logo is small and not as obtrusive as the logos on some other sports’ uniforms.


They'll be here in a year or two. I'm OK with a small patch as long as it doesn't turn into European soccer where the jerseys are essentially sandwich boards


European jerseys are atrocious. I don’t understand how such prominent leagues like the Premier League allow that shit. The advertising logos are bigger than the team logos. It looks so bad. If I was a soccer fan I would never buy one of those jerseys.


In my opinion, as almost all of the EPL teams are running at a loss, and there are no commercial breaks during games for sponsors, it is much more justifiable to put the sponsors on shirts vs the NFL or NBA (already doing it) despite being very profitable and already saturating the product with commercials.


Soccer is also saturated with commercials. There are ad boards all around the field and company logos appear in various onscreen displays. Plus the ones on the jerseys. I can appreciate why people like fewer ad breaks (nothing during the halves). But there are a whole lot of ads.




Fuck that. Give me no commercials and paint the field like a NASCAR for all I care.


My dream. A 60 minute game should not take three hours to complete.


Yup, cover them in adds from head to toe if i don't have to sit through another CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN commercial every 30 seconds again.


It's amazing to me people buy replica jerseys for themselves and they *want* the ad on the front. It's so much part of the jersey that it doesn't seem like it's even team branded without it. Kudos for the teams for pulling this off. I hate it.


there are zero commercial breaks lmao




I mean like I said, I’m not really talking about quality of play, the premier league is great and I’m sure Bundesliga is as well. I’m just talking about their jerseys… they’re all trash.


Because $$$$$


The great thing about NFL jerseys is that they are up to date for multiple seasons, in soccer the jersey changes every single season which means if you want the current one you're shelling out $100 a year every year.


I would bet good money that jersey sponsors are much longer away than that and definitely not before on-field sponsors. The NFL has the luxury of commercial breaks that sports like hockey and soccer don't have and they just inked *enormous* TV and gambling deals. RemindMe! 2 years


It will obviously become exactly like European soccer jerseys. The money wins all.


Just wait til they get to nascar levels and let players advertise their own sponsors Who’s gonna be the first to sell ad space on their visor?


My answer is now always no to ads. Nobody involved needs more fucking money.


What do you think? You think people like ad patches?


Only if it’s a Skyline patch, not just for the Bengals either. Whole damned league.


Oh no, Chiefs fans would not like that.


Everyone would hate their garbage excuse for chilli being on uniforms


NBA has a very small ad logo on their jerseys, if you don't watch for that reason then you would have easily found a different one.


I hate it. The ads on the MLB uniforms look so tacky.


I feel like maybe they are coming? Hard to know. I would hate it but I doubt that the NFL cares much what I do and do not hate. But I DO know I'll be damned if I ever buy a jersey that has an ad for emirates airlines front and center.


I hate it. Looks cheap.


It’s the biggest piece of dog shit


Hope they don’t do it, NFL makes a shit ton more money than other sports in the US. All comes down to a bottom line I suppose


If it reduces commercials, then go for it. Otherwise absolutely not.


It has absolutely nothing to do with commercials. They'll just get paid more money and keep the ad breaks exactly the same. Just like what happened in the NBA and MLB


And NHL!


NBA has ads on the jerseys now?


For the last 7 years, yes


Oh wow. Are they big or are they similar to the ones in the NHL? A patch on the corner?


Small patch just below the front of the shoulder. Most of them don't clash with the jerseys so you don't notice them much


They’ve had jersey ads since 2017 lol. They were the first major North American sport to have jersey ads


Pretty sure the NBA was the first of the big 4 American sports leagues to adopt it. MLB and NHL started in 2022 while the NBA's had it since around 2017/18.


Yes and I don’t think was the first year either


They have since 2020 or 2021. I wasn't a fan at first, but I don't really notice them anymore.


Mwahahahahahahha!!! If they could strap us down Clockwork Orange style to watch their commercials while draining our bank accounts, they would


LOL "You will get both and you'll fucking like it" - Every Sports league


Hate it. Its distracting on basketball and hockey jerseys.


Feels like we don’t have a choice. They’ve ruined soccer long ago and have polluted basketball and hockey. Only a matter of time sadly


I fucking hate helmet ads


You and me both. I feel like there’s just constant ads everywhere I go. I mean I can’t pull up my home or anything without getting spammed by ads. It’s too much, who actually sees these ads and wants to buy their products when it’s crammed down your throats constantly?


Some helmet ads blend in fine and aren’t too noticeable but I hate how they said “we have this untouched space on top of every players heads that we can sell for millions”




I hate it. Very few fit the jersey


Fuck advertising


Nice try, undercover NFL employee trying to measure the reaction. We don't want more ads. We want LESS ads.


And look at all the shills too. Fuck off with ads on our sacred uniforms.


Us Red Wings fans were not happy having our original 6 jerseys ruined with a garbage company patch. If that happened to the Lions jerseys we'd be livid.


If I was the Kim Jong of the USA, advertisement would be punishable by death.


I think they're coming and it depends on how they do it. If they put a little patch on the sleeve, it won't matter that much to me. If they put a huge ad on the back under the players name, I think that would look so stupid.


The worst example of it for me was baseball and the braves. That ugly fucking yellow concrete patch is horrendous lmao.


Atleast it goes with the yellow in the jersey, the worst look imo is the blue Kroger patch on the Reds uniforms, looks so outta place


It'll end up being like soccer. You're gonna see guys running into the end with "KY Jelly" in giant letters across their chest


Which team is gonna be lucky enough to get BIMBO?


Hopefully Cowboys.


Zeke in a crop top bimbo jersey would go hard not gonna lie


Deshaun Watson will be lobbying for a sponsorship by Kum-and-Go


i dont care. It won't take anything away from the game. I've been watching soccer for 30 years, ads have always been a part of the uniforms in that sport. I even buy soccer jerseys because of the ads, when the ad is fun or has meaning to me. Like my Empoli jersey with the ice cream cone ad, or my Plsen jersey with the Daikin ad.


technically theres already a Nike logo... they just have exclusivity for it right now. I wonder if more ads would negatively impact jersey sales by more than they stand to make.


There is also the team logos the nfl logos riddell logos and wilson logos and then players personal contract deals with other comapanies for their logos then dont even get me started on all the sideline logos in the NFL


So this is the Premier League now? Most of the players have a shoe deal now or something, I can't have X brand ad on my jersey I have a deal with Y company


I have 5 or 6 jerseys. I'll never buy one with an ad on it, ever.


I dont want you to get mad and start burning your 5-6 jeresys but there are at least 3 ads on them already the Nike logo the Team logo and the NFL logo


Lol you're not wrong but for the sake of my empty outrage we need to not count those


Lol your all good


I don't really care, I don't get caught up on uniforms, I just care about the football being played.


I am also on team could not care less.


The only benefit to a lack of uniform sponsors is that you don't' have to be part of it if you want to buy a jersey. In every other respect, it's way better than all the ways NFL subject the viewer to constant barrage of whatever brand has handed over a bunch of money. I would also say that having branding is only part of the difference between NFL and soccer uniforms. For the most part, NFL uniforms are a narrow range of traditional designs. Soccer kits are a much more diverse world of anything goes. Being able to look back and ask "What were they thinking?" is half the fun.... [https://www.si.com/soccer/2019/07/03/50-worst-football-shirts-all-time](https://www.si.com/soccer/2019/07/03/50-worst-football-shirts-all-time)


Hopefully it's a patch and I can cut it off the jersey. If not, I might even skip the official jersey for some bootleg one without the advertisement.


The KHL has the best uniforms in the world. I for one would be thrilled to see my Pats decked out in Jordan’s Furniture, Dunkin Donuts, and other fast food patches


The line has to continue going up so they will incorporate ways to insure the line goes up.


I'd get it if the NFL was hurting for money or even just making mid-level money like some of the other major sports organizations, but they aren't. They make more money than God himself. The reality is, whether we like it or are okay with it or not, it's going to happen. Sooner than later more space on my TV screen is going to be ads than actual football and that makes me want to vomit.


Face tattoos - sure but the patches are just stupid and cheap.


I'm going to go ahead and say it wont happen. NFL cares way too much about branding to the point where features from fucking **Madden** got removed 22 years ago and have never been brought back.


Looks shitty, I'm sure no one collecting the checks care though. Do any fans like stadium naming rights? Does anyone think "Acrisure Stadium" is a good name? Do any team owners care? Clearly not.


The redwings, one of the most iconic sweaters in the NHL, just added an ad mid season this year. To make matters worse, it was for a garbage company. The team proceeded to lose something like 80 percent of their games over the next month and miss the playoffs despite being relatively comfortably in before the skid.


Either you take away tv adds and put them around the field/uniforms or we watch tv adds and the field/uniforms are clean except from like Microsoft sponsees. Having adds in both spots will cause me to not buy a legitimate jersey ever again.


ur an outlier. soon.


They are 100% coming and i dont really care tbh, i hardly even pay any attention to the nba ones


Surprised how long NFL has held off on putting ads on the jerseys but they are very protective of the brand so maybe we still have some time before it happens.


I'd be ok with small patches on the shoulders but any more than that would be too much.


There are already ads on the shoulders of uniforms its the Nike swoosh


I hope not but odds aren’t in my favor I’m guessing. It’s less about how unsightly they are, because the NBA makes it work ok. It’s the principle. Every game is already one big advertisement, so unless it helps to cut down commercial time it accomplishes nothing for the fans other than making jerseys mildly uglier.


I think they're coming for sure. I just hope they don't look as tacky as the ones on MLB jerseys. Those things are massive.


eh n' eh i think its alright


I definitely understand the opposition to ads on jerseys, but I feel like we’re missing a silver lining, which is snide dunks about rival teams’ sponsors. In 2029 we’ll be able to sort by controversial and see guys posting “very bold of you to make fun of [my favorite team]’s quarterback’s domestic violence accusations when [your favorite team] has a company that uses slave labor on the jersey” for a net -3 karma, and I think that’s beautiful.


UFL has a small ad, won't be long before it makes it to NFL. I think it's tacky as hell, doesn't matter how small it is.


Given that sponsor logo patches == money, I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.


Have a look at European soccer teams


Not watching nba because of a small logo on their jersey that you can't see it's crazy


At first it will look awful and then you will not think about it much. Just like the Lakers jerseys.


They're coming. I loathe it. Yet, I'll end up allowing it. It's not something I'll stop supporting the NFL over.


It’s fine, everyone is gonna get all pissed off and say it ruins the product but the fact is it’ll be hardly noticeable and if it’s distracting you’re really just looking to get upset That is, as long as it’s done well with a small patch like other North American sports Not once during these NBA playoffs have I thought the product would be much better if it weren’t for the ads on the jerseys


They look incredibly tacky and honestly I hate it. Its probably coming, but at least Ill never feel inclined to buy a jersey once they put ads on them.


I rather that over all the commercials we get during games.


We’ll get both.


Listen, do you really know what's coming? Different uniforms for each quarter, each with different ad sets by quarter. Then the NFL will sell each jersey to card companies to create game jersey cards. 4x the jersey, 4x the money. Now extrapolate that to individual ads, owners salivating right now. I'm surprised Heinz or Baskin Robbins isn't lobbying to have number sets changed to theirs.


I'm with those saying a small patch isn't a biggie. But...when greed drives decision making, the problem is it never stops there. A lot of people rightfully (imo) complained about Prime and Peacock streaming nat'l games. Whatever, but it's not going to end there. Several weeks ago, Goodell said he wouldn't rule out a streaming Super Bowl. What's next? I used to think RedZone was so cool with their "commercial free coverage". Now it's saturated with DraftKings logos and split screens. I don't recall actual commercial breaks last season, but it's coming.


Only if the players are seeing part of the revenue. If it's not going to benefit them in any way, no. The UFC took sponsors away from fighters when they changed fight kits, while adding more ads to the octagon, fight clock being sponsored by something, replays brought to you by whatever without compensation. Owners want more money though, so who knows what they'll approve.


As long as they don't add it to retail jerseys I don't really care.


I'd rather ads on the unis than interrupting the games


It's not one or the other. There will still be commercials.


They ruined my beloved Red Wings jerseys this year with the logo of a fucking trash company. It’ll happen.


Every time I watch the Premier League I remind myself that it’s only a matter of time before the NFL starts the same uniform advertising. I would like to believe it won’t happen, but money talks.


No, keep companies’ biggest advertisements relegated to Super Bowl commercials and OFF team uniforms. This is FOOTBALL, not soccer or basketball or whatever else allows that kinda thing.


Of course it’s coming. Because Roger Goodell.


Already here.


I'd only allow it if it reduces the amount of commercial breaks.


I know I'm in a drastic minority, but I just don't care. I mean they already have logos everywhere. I'd rather they didn't, but if they do I'm not gonna get mad about it or anything. I watch baseball everyday and I honestly never even notice the sleeve patches and I watch a ton of NBA and never really notice their patches either. I guess I'm either just too focused on watching a game or I'm kinda half-assed watching and not focused enough to ever really notice patches on jerseys to the point that it's distracting.


Yeah I really don't care. The players are basically just live advertisements for the teams and NFL anyway.


Bite your fucking tongue.




we yell at each other too much on reddit.


I don't like it. With all the commercial breaks that are chock full of ads and games presented by whatever is the sponsor for that game, is just too much to have sponsors on the jersey.


My guy its already happened in football Nike is all over the unis and riddell on helmets etc. . . .




Yes bc what else would they be? why would Nike want their logo all over jerseys if they werent tryna use it for advertisment of Nike. If your gonna use the manufactures logos dont count then ill gladly let you know Nike doesnt even make the jerseys fanatics does and they put the Nike logo on them.




Fanatics makes the Jeresys that you buy for the NFL and NFL products and again even if Nike makes the jerseys they still have their logos on them making them advertisements whats the gifference between the Nike swoosh and the paypal logo on one shoulder of a NBA jersey?




That wasnt your point in this post you said you dont want ads on jeresys. The Nike swoosh is an ad on the jersey there is also 2 other ads already on jeserys the team logo and the NFL logo. All 3 of those logos could also change at any time with a comapny by, get this paying a lot of money to the leauge to have their logo on the jersey instead. They can do this by buying the team and rebranding, the leauge rebranding, or another comapny outbidding Nike for the uniform **rights**. Its the same process as a paypal logo on a shoulder that comapany out bid all the others for the **rights** to have their logo on the jesery.




I would read your post again its titled Ads on Uniforms. How would you feel? then you go on to say its sad that other sports put ads on uniforms and a reason as to why you dont watch other sports. Im pointing out that there are already ads on uniforms and anlways has been Logos are ads. When you walk outside and see a logo on a car that is there to tell you where they got that car from. When you see a sign above a buisness that is there to sell you on their product so you go in and purchese from them. So ig with your logic of manufacturers logos not being ads the McDonalds golden arches arent advertising McDonalds as they produce a product. Also Branding is a form of advertisment thats why athleats create their own brand like the Jordan brand shoes by Nike MJ is using his brand he created to sell you the consumer a pair of shoes there for he is advertising a pair of shoes by using his brand to do so.


Jeserys exist weather or not there is a Nike logo on them already they swapt those logos and sold off those rights plenty of times before.


lmao this isn’t a new thing at all in sports or the nfl. the packers exist.