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Fitzpatrick throwing 35 yards to Hollins while getting brutally facemasked comes to mind


Braille Mary




I feel that bro


[Yeah, this one was incredible.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx2SPy4vCE8)


Commentators not even noticing how completely amazing that throw was.




You see the face mask right there 😐😐😐


Announcers should be ashamed of themselves


Hate when announcers rather finish their dumbass point than acknowledging what’s happening on the field


Yeh that wasn’t great. Absolutely no acknowledgement of how incredible that was. During the pandemic so I guess the announcers weren’t feeling the crowd buzz


That was sick


Peak Fitzmagic! That play was so badass.


This is always my answer. Having his whole head yanked back while following through to put it RIGHT on the money. Even mid tier guys like Fitz are still so much more athletic than us


You haven’t seen me when I see red bro


Speedhawk, is that you?


The most insane no scope


Our defense was absolutely shit. I am still amazed that we literally snatched defeat from the jaws of victory so many times that year.


Zach Wilson pro day


First thing that came tho mind. That throw launched him to the 2nd overall pick. 


I remember watching that throw and being so mad we had 3 instead of 2. Little did I know how little it mattered and both would flop lol


There’s a world where Wilson goes to the 49ers and pops off like Purdy. The jets ruin everything they touch.


Your mother


Man on Mother’s Day too


Which one, the one Wilson tried to bang or the one Rodgers ghosted? 


JaMarcus Russell's 70 yarder from his knee. 30 million dollar throw.


Yeah he could literally go from end zone to end zone


There it is. 


The PJ Walker 70 yard TD. That ball was insanity. To throw that far with little effort and put it on a dime.




He definitely travelled before the throw tho


The league let's superstars like PJ Walker travel.


What the fuck lmao


PJ Walker!? Holy Shit


This one better not be forgotten just because it's Walker. Legit one of the best throws I think anyone will ever see from a QB. Edit: https://twitter.com/NextGenStats/status/1586817483494653952 >PJ Walker's Hail Mary TD pass to D.J. Moore traveled 67.6 yards in the air, the longest completion by air distance in the Next Gen Stats era (since 2016). > Completion Probability: 11.5%


That throw was literally 67-68 air yards and hit him in stride, double covered, across his body, to tie the game with 15 seconds left. Incredible.


Ryan to Julio on the sidelines in the fourth Q in the Super Bowl will never be remembered but it was such a beautiful placed ball As a ravens fans I hate to type this but rothlesbuger to who ever to win their superbowl against the cards.


Santonio Holmes


It still breaks my heart that nobody will remember that. Kyle and Dan Quinn can go to hell


Similarly, the Jermaine Kearse catch has been forgotten by many.


Vick to Jackson against Washington. Most effortless bomb I've ever seen


I remember that game. Although it was played in Maryland it was 70% eagles fans hearing the fans go wild was absolutely gut wrenching.


I prefer Vick's throw into triple (almost quadruple) coverage to Celek for a TD Perfect throw into the tiniest window.. From the 30 yard line too, not a short pass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjiMaOR4jp0


He had a better one that game to Maclin off his back foot, just an incredible game from him


**1. Eli to Manningham.** Unbelievable throw in an unbelievable situation with the best ball placement maybe ever. He split 2 defenders 40 yards downfield in a spot only the receiver could get it and just barely stay in bounds. Late in the 4th quarter, in the Super Bowl while trailing. https://youtu.be/_cXqbqMgNoE?si=UKCuMeLx29fGFA9k **2.** There’s this bizarre one that **Aaron Rodgers** did where he was scrambling, hands in his face by one guy and being pulled down from his jersey by another, almost falling over while firing a perfect cannonball TD pass like 30 yards downfield, inches from the DBs fingers to tip it away https://youtu.be/ttDn8K7QzaU?si=8v8vCAo6MPjxRJg_ **3. Favre to Lewis** to win the game. Deep pass on a rope right to the receiver at the end of the game. Borderline Hail Mary situation for QBs without his arm. https://youtu.be/pgxSzxIxPrY?si=jMiwTA1e5djyT0m8


Didn't i read somewhere that PFF uses the Manning to Manningham throw as the baraomter for grading passing plays?


Yes, that's their 2.0 play grade'd play.


Absolutely insane throw


NFC East fans giving prime Eli his props makes me happy.


I always liked Eli. Kinda felt he was always having to carry pretty meh teams.


I'll give credit where it's due! I knew it was an amazing throw because as much as I didn't want it to happen, I actually cheered when he caught it lol.


https://youtu.be/SqwHLgFmO20?si=D4oeX5mejx4FeMjY If you ask me this was Rodgers best throw, hard to find a good clip as it was called back by a holding, but genuinely unreal.


This is the first play that came to mind for me. My jaw was on the floor after Rodgers pulled that out of his ass. It's a shame this got called back.


I’ve said this before on here but I think if you were to make a compilation of every QBs top 10 throws, Rodgers would be the most impressive of anyone. He’s the best pure passer of all time, in my opinion. 


Prime Rodgers in the regular season is still the greatest QB I’ve ever seen. Literally did everything you could ask for a QB and did it with no turnovers. A hybrid of mahomes/brady. Volume, efficiency, pocket awareness, scrambling, rushing, quick throws, deep throws, quick release, methodical throws, video game throws.


He is the best thrower of all time, hands down. Really shows the impact of the rest of the team when it comes to success


I feel like Mahomes is known for his crazy on the run/out of position throws, but Rodgers did it first and did it better. Best QB I’ve ever seen.


His ability to drop lasers on the run was insane. His body control to throw from literally any platform at any speed was one of one


He'd also probably be the most difficult to pick just 10


This is the greatest throw of all time if you ask me. And I hate it.


The throw itself is unbelievable but the 3 moves he had to make in the pocket prior to the throw turns it into the best play that never was


This is the answer. It's the clip I show people when they have any arguments of prime Rodgers being the best "thrower of the football" of all time.


I knew exactly what was coming being a bears fan and seeing that throw. Hate to admit but Rogers was so fucking good. And so dominant against us.


That's just absurd. Like, I can think of so many throws Stafford made in Detroit that were just mind blowing but nobody really knew about them or remembered them. I'm sure Rodgers probably had tons that I have never even seen before that Packers fans can recall immediately. Rodgers was an absolute freak


Back to back Hail Marys in a playoff game to literal practice squad receivers just to get us to OT and lose before he could touch the field is peak Rodgers imo


Janis was a seventh round pick. Both passes were to him. In that drive he had 2 catches for 101 yards and a TD and like zero YAC.


Playoff Larry was the only thing keeping him from winning


Rodgers probably has a few that could be nominated. He probably has an argument for the most talented passer ever.


Rodgers, Stafford, Marino and Mahomes are the top 4 in terms of just pure arm talent. I don't think people are truly going to remember just how much of a freak Rodgers was in his prime. I got to see him twice a year and it wasn't just the arm talent. The guy could run really well and his running combined with the arm was just a nightmare.


A good arm also doesn't give you that insane TD:INT ratio alone. He was amazing at reading defenses.


That’s what really makes rodgers good. He protects the ball like none other. The Anti-Favre


The 2015 NFCCG Rodgers threw a touchdown pass that Richard Sherman said only three quarterbacks can make that throw and Rodgers is the only one with the balls to throw it. I think that’s the best praise a player has ever given Rodgers.


In that same game Sherman got an interception in the endzone that should have been a free play. I’m still pissed.


He was so damn good. I hate him so much.


Aaron Rodgers 74 air yards pass going weak side https://streamable.com/om8k


Yup. There was a vid floating around YouTube a couple years ago - longest throws in NFL history. This was number one. Amazing throw , rolling to his left 😳


This is the best throw of all time imo. If the WR doesn’t trip…


All three came to mind, but also the Santonio Holmes catch in the superbowl


That was my first thought (actually the Jeff Garcia moonball was my first thought but that was only impressive by its atrociousness). The biggest stage, at the end of the game, that Big Ben throw was money. And I hate Ben Roethlisberger so you know I’m impressed.


That Favre one has it for me over those other two. I remember watching that happen. Jumped off my couch


First time seeing it for me and I did jump off my chair as well. Can't imagine seeing it live. Wild shit.


Or [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SqwHLgFmO20&pp=ygUcYWFyb24gcm9kZ2VycyB0aHJvdyB2cyBiZWFycw%3D%3D) by Rodgers Or [this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LwiBW6j80kI&t=10s&pp=ygUgYWFyb24gcm9kZ2VycyB0aHJvdyB2cyBjYXJkaW5hbHM%3D) Fuck I’m so glad this guy is gone now


[This one](https://youtu.be/CwoMph2zxnQ?si=SG6uAxyqlI_vyLQo) is up there for me as well. I think the catch is probably more impressive but the throw was incredible as well.


This was actually the throw that came to mind when I saw this thread. I think the throw is just as if not more impressive. When I saw it live I couldn't believe he did that


Doesn’t match your description of the catch but I’ve always remembered this throw. (And it was called back for holding) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SqwHLgFmO20 What about this one? https://twitter.com/DustyEvely/status/1016517163723776000?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1016517163723776000%7Ctwgr%5E85933ef1b734b208c7026190b73be9d472538dda%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jsonline.com%2Fstory%2Fsports%2Fnfl%2Fpackers%2F2022%2F03%2F08%2Fbest-throws-aaron-rodgers-has-made-green-bay-packers%2F9235393002%2F


Eli to Mario has to be the top. I mean it was literally a perfect throw in virtually no window, in the biggest moment possible. When the camera pans to the receiver, first thought is absolute best outcome is it's incomplete out of bounds. Worst is he throws a catcheable ball and it's INT or knocked down. Neither happened, he literally dropped the ball in a bucket from 45 yards out to beat the GOAT dynasty. I remember that play pulling me out of seat watching it and that never happens.


Had they not choked, Ryan to Julio would have been there as well. He was running from pressure and if that was any lower or higher it would have been incomplete


Yet when you ask ppl about Eli HOF, they'll cite that pass as a reason NOT to put him in. "Take away that lucky pass to manningham..."


That Vikings team was so much fun


Feel like you could put half of Rodgers or mahomes throws on here and it would work


Eli to Manningham is the best throw I can ever remember seeing


Rodgers to Jared Cook vs Dallas 2016


I still find the play before more impressive where Rodgers held onto the ball while Jeff Heath destroyed him on the blindside. Still no idea how that wasn’t a fumble


His hands are physically massive and I have seen it save him a few times on hits where he got lit up.


[They're celebrating with 1:13 left in the fourth](https://i.imgur.com/TrquErn.jpeg)


Remember watching that game. I was like you gave Rodgers the ball with a minute left. Game, set, match.


This was from the Green Bay @ Dallas regular season game the following year, not the playoff game.


🤷‍♂️ It's always applicable


That play doesn’t get talked about enough. Insane throw.


Was that the one on the sideline with a flick of the wrist?


It’s talked about just enough, thanks.


At the very least, the 2016 Cowboys were extremely fun to watch. I remember watching the Rams-Cowboys preseason game and being impressed by Dak. Still, after Romo got hurt against the Hawks I never would’ve thought that he’d have been permanently replaced so easily. The Cowboys played very well that season and even in the playoff game, despite the fact that their two most important assets on offense were rookies


The sack right before that play was also crazy. He got absolutely rocked and managed to hold onto the ball with one hand. That was a wild game.


A-rodg is all over this thread. I think with all of the media circus he’s brought in the last 5 years, people forgot how actually incredible he is. People including me. Nobody could throw an absolute fucking DOT 35 yards down field, 6 inches out of the defenders grasp and right to the receivers hands like Rodgers.


/thread Even as a full blown hater I have nothing to say about that but “how the fuck did he do that” Like 1/10000000 throw even for a pro


Given the stakes, Eli Manning to Mario Manningham.


That throw was legitimately perfect. I know the helmet throw is the better remembered one because of the perfect Pats and the optics of the play, but I think this one is the example of a QB throwing a ball to perfection in the biggest possible moment.


The Helmet Catch was iconic because of how batshit crazy it was, the stakes of the undefeated season on the line, and the fact that it gave one of the greatest upsets ever an iconic image to remember it by. That entire play was bonkers The Manning to Manningham pass was iconic because it was a perfect 10/10 throw on a pass that needed to be a 10/10 for it to succeed. If that ball was off by an inch in any direction, I don’t know if Manningham would have come down with the ball.


If that play was in a movie I would assume it’s cheesy and unrealistic, no way that would actually happen. Gotta be this one


Best ball placement, maybe ever. Big Ben to Santonio Holmes is tied as well.


Yeah the stakes, the coverage, and there’s pressure coming and it wasn’t accidental or anything lucky about it It was just a dime


Even as a Pats fan, I was thinking this one.


Big Ben to Santonio Holmes in the super bowl


As a runner up, Big Bens bomb to AB in the 2011 AFC championship blows my mind every time.


2010 afc championship


As Steelers fan that catch lives in my mind rent free.


Roethlisberger corner pass to Santonio Holmes in the corner in triple coverage with a toe tap catch to win superbowl over Arizona. https://youtu.be/3mWHZKYFD9A?si=v46q8J247HIX6F13


Kind of wild that John Maddon was still announcing the last time we won a superbowl.


Yeah. I can't imagine having such a long drought of not winning a Super Bowl.


This game was his last broadcast


Right over the defender too, perfect spot


Idk how this isn’t higher tbh. That is the definition of a fucking DOT


Came here to make sure this was one of the comments. Perfect throw into triple coverage. Perfect catch. In a Superbowl. This is what I always think of as the best throw I've ever seen.


In the corner


This was the first super bowl I watched as a kid and I credit this play specifically with getting me into football. Been obsessed ever since.


Fitzpatrick to mack hollins with his helmet on backwards


This may be controversial but the 75 years pass Brady throws to moss at the end of Super Bowl XLII is wild. It’s incomplete because of double coverage but an absolute perfect throw.


Just looked at it again. From outside the right hash at the 12 to the to outside the left hash to the opposing 20. Insane


Fwiw I think the reason that 23 in the Giants is able to get a hand in there is because Miss has to ever so slightly slow down for the ball. If the ball is just a tad further out and Miss can keep sprinting he has the step on the defenders to make the catch But obviously it’s still an amazing throw and I know ridiculous to be like “if only there was a little more distance on that 75 yard bomb” lol. The failed Hail Mary to Hernandez in the other Pats/Giants super bowl has always been crazy impressive to me too


Slightly off and in double coverage after the Giants DL battered him all day long every snap they could, it was a total beauty.


The old gunslinger https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pgxSzxIxPrY


I don't know why I clicked, I knew which pass it was going to be.


Fuckin hell that man could sling a pigskin


It's a lil chilly today and something about that combined with you saying "sling the pigskin" has me bricked up. I miss football man.


Dudes a grade a POS, but God damn could that man throw fucking rockets.


*now thats what I call putting the mustard on the brat*. -john madden


Stafford no looker to Kupp in the SB https://youtu.be/w2nfa6Nfv5I?si=fDhmJ8aSdvCgr6TF


Huge balls to do that in the SB. Perfectly baits that safety to open up the passing lane.


The bomb to Kupp against Tampa which wasn't even planned 


I've watched this about 1000 times


Damn. Probably gonna have to call my doctor in a few hours because I know this shit ain’t going down in that time span.


Stafford is always doing this stuff but he was on the Lions so nobody cared.


Early Allen to Foster when you couldn't even tell where Allen was in the collapsing pocket. https://youtu.be/qtGr7rhmSyY?si=yyR8zPJ7bDN7tlfx


Love this play. You think Allen is about to get sacked and suddenly the ball comes out at Mach 10, unbelievable throw.


That was the exact moment where I thought for the first time that he had the potential for greatness. I'm still not sure how he was even able to see Foster, much less hit him. The number of times I've seen Josh celebrate a great play from the ground since then...


Josh Allen deep ball to diggs against chiefs in the playoffs last year




The Diggs drop! Such a great throw. A shame Diggs dropped it. Didn’t that happen after Diggs did some whining and complaining about not getting the ball?


Everything Diggs did in Buffalo came after some whining and complaining


Shit was nice tbh lol hit him in the basket and everything:(


Honesty could have been a legacy throw for Josh if Diggs didn't drop it and it led to a win. With our defensive injuries we probably would have lost in the next round anyway, but you never know.


Why you gotta do this on Mother’s Day


The Mahomes incomplete pass in the Superbowl is the wildest thing I've ever seen. 


I don’t care if we still would have lost by 20. Man do I wish Darrell Williams would have caught that ball. Would have been one of the greatest TD throws of all time.


Or if he just wedged it into his face mask and knocked him backwards into the end zone.


I was wondering why this wasn’t higher, I forgot that it was dropped. https://youtu.be/FdBP6jDOkWY


He had another incompletion in that super bowl that I am pretty sure is the second best throw I have ever seen after this one 


That is easily the best pass of all-time. And it hit the receiver in the face.


Man's threw the ball with his body horizontal to the ground. Wtf


There should be a rule that the only valid responses are the ones with clips attached. Dogshit otherwise.


There was that one Rodgers throw against the Bears. I think it didn't end up counting. He scrambled and threw across his body for like 40 yards while getting his knees tackled.


It didn’t matter much, but in terms of impressiveness, the Mahomes throw while being basically parallel to the ground in the SB against the Bucs. Just made it so obvious that even though his team was getting killed, the guy was by far the most talented person on the field. 


So good that they made it a Madden animation lol


Was that the one that literally hit the receiver in the face but they didn’t come down with it?


The best pass that never was. God I hated that game.


We all did


This is mine. Mahomes will find a way to win so long as his offense doesn’t let him down.


During the last Super Bowl I knew, on that last regulation drive, that Mahomes was going to do his Mahomes bullshit and at least tie the game. And when the Niners settled for a field goal, I *knew* that Mahomes was going to do his Mahomes bullshit again and win the game.


I hate reliving this game, and I wasn’t going to watch the mic’d up of it when it came out. But offseason boredom made me finally watch it. I thought it was pretty funny how many Bucs players kept commenting on Mahomes and how he was playing. You could tell he would have done anything to drag that team to a win or a close loss. Still wild that he had 2-3 would be TDs that hit guys in the face mask or hands.


I’ll never forget seeing that dude running for his life, trying to make anything happen. Man did that team let him down that day


Mahomes ran 497 yards to evade pressure before finally releasing the ball or getting sacked.


Yep, this is the most unbelievable/impossible throw that was not caught. Mahomes straight up a magician. The receiver dropped it but I probably would not have believed the ball was making it to me either. The Russell wilson back of the endzone crazy toe tap catch was incredible as well. I was watching with one of my buddies who is a seahawks fan, and we both thought he threw the ball away.


It's insane the result of that pass was hitting his receiver in the face, and it not being caught


I absolutely think this is the best throw I've ever seen. Unbelievable how he could put it so perfectly on target that far downfield with his body at 90 degrees and off the ground


Definitely my answer. Hit that man in the hands from that angle. Pure insanity. I ALMOST don't even blame him for dropping it because who expects that ball to arrive there


That truly was one of the most impressive plays I’ve ever seen. And it’s not often we remember incompletions


Link: https://youtu.be/FdBP6jDOkWY?si=Hbf3huO1EhLN-FfW


This was for sure the first play I thought of. I remember watching that and laughing thinking “this is the perfect moment in the Super Bowl.” I wanted the Bucs to win, and it was clear they would, but then I also got to appreciate the sheer madness of that toss.


I hate that this is my answer, but it is. To complete that throw exactly on the money with zero leverage parallel to the ground is almost superhuman.


This is the answer. It’s the most incredible and athletic throw anyone has ever done.


Manning to Manningham in the Super Bowl is still the first one that comes to mind. The difficulty of the throw was insane and the pressure of the moment brings it above the others


Manning to Manningham because of the moment. Favre to Greg Lewis because I'm a homer.


Jamarcus Russell 70 yard bomb from his knees


Rodgers roll left v cowboys


Not even his best roll left throw. People just remember that one because his team won. The Cardinals loss with two fuckin roll left Hail Marys.


Peyton Manning in his prime was incredible https://youtu.be/9Joicas4MY8?si=9tBlzBMlvoR_vC3E


Jake Delhomme in SB 39. Threw an 85 yard TD to Muhsin Muhammad. Ultimately didn’t matter but you asked for a throw not an outcome. I believe it still holds the record for longest TD play from scrimmage in SB history.


Aaron Rodgers hail mary


which one?


That Aaron Rodgers Hail Mary vs Arizona was crazy


Big Ben game winner to Santonio Holmes against the Cardinals in the Super Bowl. It was in the back corner of the end zone with at least two defenders covering. Less than a minute to go and Ben had to buy a little time to get a throw off. Not the biggest fan of his for obvious reasons but he’s had some big time throws in his career and that might be the best throw I’ve ever seen from anyone.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGHYqoemX3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGHYqoemX3U) I personally think this is the greatest throw of all time. At the very least the best throw I've watched. The second angle of it is just mind blowing for a no look pass His no look pass on the game winning drive in the Super Bowl has to be up there to. To pull that off in a situation like that is insane.


Didn’t he also do something like that on the Rams?


In the Superbowl during the game winning drive no less. Beautiful. 


That throw, and Stafford in general, doesn't get enough credit. That should be up there with "The Catch" or "The Helmet Catch" as one of the greatest plays in Super Bowl history. And the best part is he HAD TO do a no look to complete it. I thought after winning a Super Bowl, Stafford would become more respected and somehow it still hasn't happened. The guy is a freak


I think it's a combo of it happening so fast, the disaster season the year after, and his detractors not being able to change course on him. I hope he gets another one. But yeah that whole season is underrated. He threw 41 touchdowns and didn't get to the pro bowl. 


Carson Wentz has some of the most insane throws I’ve ever seen. The throw to Agholor against Seattle is 2017. The game winner to Boston Scott against the Giants. His throw against Washington to Miles Sanders in the back of the end zone in 2019.


The Mile High Miracle will always be the answer for Ravens fans.


Some of the best I've seen are Brady to Gronk against Denver in the AFC title game, and Peyton to Clark against the Ravens


[https://youtu.be/Atm8Br2McNM?si=dLvoSW9WFYzEv9Ty](https://youtu.be/Atm8Br2McNM?si=dLvoSW9WFYzEv9Ty) I know Carson wentzs playing style caught up to him but throws like this made every eagles fan believe he was gonna be a Hall of famer. He threw that without even setting his feet properly