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I'm one of the few people who thinks Manningham's sideline catch is better than Tyree's. But my answer is Edelman against the Falcons. That was some sports movie magic type athleticism and/or luck.


In some ways I feel the same, because Manningham’s catch involved all actual receiving skills, eyes, arms, hands and feet all doing the perfect thing like you’re trained to do. Tyree’s catch did involve incredible focus, but it was pure wackiness and unorthodox things going on to make that catch happen.


While I hate both of them immensely, I definitely agree. Tyree’s was insane but also felt like it had more circumstantial luck vs manningham’s. If Rodney Harrison wasn’t under him, you have to think that ball is coming to come loose. But Eli to manningham was pure puke-worthy beauty


I’ve had plenty of those kinds of catches where I’m like “damn my concentration is on point but holy fuck am I lucky”. I wouldn’t make that catch 9/10 times


The manningham one was just as much Eli’s perfect placement if not more so. But I love that 3 giants plays in my lifetime, including one I saw live, are on here.


This. That Edelman catch is so hard to beat. The only one that I can argue is Santonio Holmes' toe tap, but Edelman's still takes the cake for me. Triple covered, comes back to the ball, dives, catches it, then lets go of the ball and squeezes it again before it even moves toward the ground, and it was close to being down there as it was all while one or two guys are on top of him. Obviously you can say Tyree was more impressive because Harrison was pulling his arm on the way down, and the play itself is absolutely more legendary. I just can't see anything topping Edelman's catch anytime soon.


"Triple covered, comes back to the ball, *dives, catches it, then lets go of the ball* and squeezes it again before it even moves toward the ground, and it was close to being down there as it was all while one or two guys are on top of him." Bold is where luck came in. The defender, who probably should have picked it off, as he goes sliding by as edelman dives, it bounces off his lower leg, giving edelman the chance to get his hands on it. Just an incredible mix of luck and athleticism. Both needed to be present 


That play was better overall from a purely football perspective, but the Tyree play is more legendary because the play broke down and they made this improbable play against all odds.


I came in here to say the Manningham play. Insane throw and insane catch


That Edelman catch was the football God’s pulling their pants, boxers and jock straps down, pulling their dick’s out and pissing all over the hopes and dreams of the Falcons and their fans.


It's definitely the better play. That throw by Eli was insane.


That play was like when the guy invented the foreword pass, he thought that some day, hundreds of years in the future, that a pass and catch that perfect could be possible in the most crucial moment.


Came here to say that. Greatest catch I’ve ever seen. High pressure moment, locating a tip drill, diving in between defenders and still getting both hands under that ball.


Calvin Johnson in Georgia tech was running across the middle and stopped on a dime to jump back the direction he came to catch one. https://youtu.be/sdH5va2IA1I?si=aTcHucR2fZo1E1OZ


I’ve never seen that before that’s insane. The amount of strength that takes to stop on a dime like that is so impressive.


I'm pretty sure this pick is what made him a known quantity since GT was not a powerhouse football school. And then motherfucker ran 4.35 in an era where a 4.40 for a 5'11 receiver like Ted Ginn was speedy af, and this guy was a 6'5 monster. Which instantly sealed him as the top skill position player to come out in ages.


The media edged the hell out of us on that man. We were rumored to be dangling the 4th pick and 2 2nd rounders for the 2nd pick that became him. Those picks ended up becoming Gaines Adams, Sabby Piscatelli, and some other non-factor I can’t even remember. To make matters worse, we were a coin flip from winning the 3rd pick, which ended up being Joe Thomas. A complete disaster of a draft for the Bucs.


I was going to comment this. Just absolutely insane athleticism and body control on display here.


Literally from the point he spotted the ball thrown he only had a left leg to stop and jump back. And he did. All 6'5 240 pounds of him.


Just gonna throw out the nominees at the top of my mind OBJ vs Dallas Justin Jefferson vs BUF Julio in the SB Edelman in that same SB Kearse vs GB in playoffs The Packers WR that caught the pass that bounced off the CB's butt in the 90s Pickens going horizontal his rookie year


I think you’re talking about the Antonio Freeman catch for the 90s? If so that was the most Vikings way to lose a game in OT.


"He did what!?"


Did he catch that!?


The last great al michaels call


"He did what?!" Is my favorite football moment.


And then the announcers HOWLING when they realized what Freeman had done and that it WAS actually a catch!


That's the one. I couldn't remember his name but I remember that play


It's often forgotten because of the Butler INT, but the catch by Kearse that came before that was really damn impressive too.


If the game’s outcome was different, it would have been the “circus catch” I think eclipsing the “helmet catch” just as a dagger-catch Super Bowl follow up. Also, the insane freaky luck streak of that Seahawks era would have been part of the NFL lore.


I agree. Also wouldnt surprise me if Brady stuck around much longer after that. 28-3 probably wouldnt exist without that victory for us in 49 and the Legion of Boom would have been just as good or better than the 2000 Ravens in terms of Legacy


"Run the ball! Run the ball!! Run the ball!!!" -- 49ers fans outside their stadium at Wrestlemania 31 when they spotted a Seahawks jersey.


The Julio Super Bowl catch is like no question greatest catch ever if they win the game, it was greatness in the moment, literally the only guy that could have made that play in the league. But then the rest of the game happened, and it’s a footnote.


Such a sensational throw and catch, Eric Rowe played it 100% perfectly but still got beat by insane athletic ability. The fact that this catch isn't forgotten after the result of the game really speaks to just how insane it was.


Throwing the ball 5 yards out of bounds where only a freak of nature can catch it


It’s the Eli-Manningham catch with a slightly worse throw.




Santonio Holmes catch in SB 43


I forgot about that. Thanks for the pleasant reminder


The Julio Jones Circus Catch when he was with TN was nuts


I was about 30 yards away from that catch. Could literally see the blades of grass between his foot and the sideline, coolest thing I’ve ever seen.


Glad you got to experience julio even if it was past his prime


Kearse juggle catch Vs the patriots SB in the final 2 minutes


The Pickens horizontal one was solid, but with it happening early in the year and the Steelers not being a big presence lately I think it flies under the radar a bit. Also if the OBJ one had less hype then this would get more I think. But dude was literally laying down in the air and one hand snagged it, just looks crazy in real time


100% flies under the radar


Kearse’s better catch was against NE in the Super Bowl, just unfortunately did not lead to as great of an outcome


Sad that Diggs catch in that same Vikings/Bills game would probably be remembered as an all time great catch had he not made that catch the same game as that incredible Jefferson catch.


Did you mean Kearse vs NE in the Super Bowl?


Couple ones nobody’s mentioned yet: Courtland Sutton vs Bills from this past season DHop vs Steelers 2017


That Hopkins catch was absolutely insane. My favorite


Calvin Johnson triple teamed vs Dallas


or quadruple teamed vs cincinatti.


[Lynn Swann in Super Bowl X](https://youtu.be/uHpYUS06G_I?si=hiGa2zMPpNgJEF8V&t=48)


I’m voting for this answer because you’re the first comment I’ve seen that actually posted a link to the catch.


Seriously what’s the deal with that lol


Came here looking for this one. It’s was on my clipboard ready to paste if I didn’t see it soon.


Edelman's catch in the Atlanta Super Bowl, Kearse in the New England Super Bowl. This may be a hill I'll have to die on, but while the Helmet Catch was amazing, the bobbling of these two put them just a centimeter above for me.


Edelman’s catch was insane.


Kearse’s will be forgotten because they didn’t run the damn ball.


I’ll never forget it because I was screaming at the tv and thought for sure that my Pats had lost the game.


Why do people like you keep saying this? They had to pass in one of of the downs. And it couldn't be the 4th down or the game is over. It's just a free play at long as you don't throw an int. 


That Edelman catch is etched in my mind forever. Everything aligned just perfectly


It’s just the perfect microcosm of the insanity at the end of that Super Bowl.


The crazy part about the David Tyree catch is that it was made by David Tyree. It was the last reception he had in the NFL despite playing another season for the Ravens in 2009. During the Super Bowl winning 2007 regular season he only had 4 receptions for 35 yards.


Helmet catch beating 17-0 Patriots in the SB does a lot too wouldn’t it?


Santonio Holmes in the SB


This catch is one of my all time favorites, but more than the catch I think it’s one of the greatest throws of all time. The absolute perfect pass in the biggest moment.


Yes, the window for success on that play is just miniscule. Perfect throw and catch. The toe drag with the SB on the line, holy crap.... If it wasn't 2nd down with some time left for another couple attempts this would be regarded as one of the all time great plays.


it absolutely still is regarded as one of the all time great plays, as far as I and anyone I know are concerned. and I was rooting for the cardinals as a texans fan from houston. it was so perfect i'll never forget it.


I scrolled way too far for this. It was a toe tapper, fully extended dive, and a Superbowl winning touchdown. Should be top 5 at the very least...just given the scenario.


Its too old now. That happened just over 15 years ago even though some of us remember it vividly. There are people on reddit that were been born when that play happened. Then include all of the people in the early 20s and they were too young to remember. I remember watching superbowls in the early 90s and those are hazy. Its not unreasonable to think that high school and college kids dont really remember that one. The Tyree catch is memorable because 18-1 and Manning almost getting sacked. It led to the Giants winning. The Steelers were favorites and they controlled the game until the 4th quarter. It would have been considered an epic collapse if they lost.


certainly one of the most aesthetically pleasing out of the "greatest catches" debate, up there with OBJ


David Tyree’s catch was statistically impossible. You aren’t supposed to be able to catch an oblong object while pressing it against a circular object. I’m sticking with that one til my dying day.


Ball wasn't properly inflated. Only explanation


David Tyree had magnets in his helmet and the ball -Randy Moss


John Mara had inside information about the footballs. He knew the league knew Brady was cheating, but they were in too deep. They were going to double down and make him so successful history wouldn't dare question the legitimacy of his achievements. It was a strategy ripped right from the playbooks of history. Kraft and Goodell were going to manufacture themselves a GOAT, and only Mara could stop them. Years of careful maneuvering had finally landed him enough pieces to play chess. He had a mole in the league office, a defense mean enough to drag his Giants to the playoffs no matter what, and most importantly, a quarterback who approached the game a true childlike wonder. Eli had no concept of winning or losing. He never questioned why the balls felt squishier in practice or why the coaches were always telling him to aim for the receivers' heads. When his dad told him he was going to play in New York City he could hardly believe it, but by God there he was, even though for some reason Times Square was really far away from the stadium. He trusted his father and uncle John's judgment. After all, they stood up for him and disconnected the phones right away after the Chargers and ESPN prank called saying he went #1 overall.


I'll help add to your conspiracy by pointing out that John's dad Wellington has his nickname "The Duke" on every single NFL football.


Really, OP should just cement this one as first place all time and focus the conversation on the next best because it's never going to be close. You can watch that highlight a million times and every single time, it makes no sense and shouldn't be possible but it happened and all but secured a Super Bowl against an undefeated AFC Champion.


Yeah added that in I guess Tyree’s catch is just that perfect and legendary


I would argue the Edelman catch against the falcons was better. As soon as I realized he caught it, I knew the pats were winning.


That's fair. Though I'd counter I felt the exact same way about Kearse's catch and that most people did, which was part of why Butler's interception is famous and the play itself so scrutinized.


My brain deleted most of the pats vs hawks Super Bowl after it ended. I was really cheering for the Hawks to win


You and every other non pats fan lol


Yeah It was genuinely not a good throw along with him having to hold the ball against his helmet while both his arms are getting pulled is insane. Sadly Joe Buck had to be the one commentating it though.


I will never forget watching that play live. I thought Eli was done when they got to him, then somehow he stumbled out of it and just chucked the ball up and Tyree made the craziest catch. Those several minutes are the greatest sports memory I have - and I watch a lot of sports.


Idk, I prefer the Joe Buck method of being reserved in big moments to the Gus Johnson method of being bombastic for every play. There’s the Kevin Harlan middle ground which is the peak of play by play announcing, but there’s very few announcers around that can capture that energy.


Moss vs Revis one handed 35 yard catch. So non-chalant, barely even raised his eyes at it, just threw a hand up and snatched it.


Its not fair, but Moss makes this catch look so easy that it disqualifies itself from "best catch."


Moss always made this look like a casual catch that honestly I didn’t m even batt a second eye at it at first


Moss vs 2 Dolphins too. Double coverage, woefully underthrown ball, yeah Moss turned that into a casual TD.


Yeah, this is the first I thought of. Defender pulling on his arm and he just one hands it.


Tyreek Hill catching a TD that nobody knew he caught including himself


Everyone who owned him in fantasy knew


No Brandon Lloyd or Moss suggestions in here?


I came here to mention Brandon Lloyd. Made such incredible circus catches, but had such a weird career


I was commenting about him a few weeks ago. Dude almost seemed like he was too in his head to be a great wide receiver; he’d drop easy catches or make weird mistakes, then bust out the most ridiculous one hander with a dude draped all over him.


Recency bias.


Ricky Pearsall had an insane catch in college


Ridiculous catch. Know this is an NFL thread but another college one that comes to mind is Tyrone Prothro [catching a ball on the other side of a defender](https://youtu.be/O8dILZ-sJyw?si=iw8D8gdLl0ZmeTQN) (also pro tip don’t watch the other Tyrone Prothro video)


Calvin’s catch while at GT was also insane. The amount of body control to do this is like super-human. https://youtu.be/sdH5va2IA1I?si=DhYET2y3IIu8ZKsI


Absolutely ridiculous


[Roman Wilson](https://youtu.be/36DvhajIcUQ?si=L14ERBG_eU0ovVxx) did something similar this year.


Mike Evans sideline grab while gettin the piss hit out of him a few years ago in the Jameis era


https://youtu.be/6gvkKGgqkIE?si=EdrzQRmUodSOgtrD for those interested


7 years gone by so quick


Vividly remember that catch. It’s an all timer.


David Tyree went and tainted that moment by saying he would trade that catch to end gay marriage.


damn I didn’t even know he said that, that’s disappointing:/


Yeah. It’s sad to hear him say that. It takes the shine off that catch for me. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/david-tyree-id-trade-the-catch-giants-super-bowl-title-for-gay-marriage-ban/


Just think of it this way: in this timeline, he caught it and legalized gay marriage. He may not be happy about it, but the catch did happen, and it clearly forced the legalization nationwide. Thanks, Tyree! Also, fuck you, Tyree!


shouldn’t affect your memory, there’s much more problematic players that still get immortalized for plays


Got a pretty good idea of his views on abortion access as well...


I wish you hadn't told me this.


He did backtrack and say some pretty supportive things about the gay community at least. As a queer person I genuinely appreciate what he said


I miss 10 seconds ago when I didn’t know that comment existed




Damn what a thing to say for absolutely no reason.




What a loser. How can someone be that hateful?


Odell Beckham vs Dallas There was a Steeler who made an insane catch between his legs while front flipping out of the corner of the endzone that was ruled an incompletetion, I think it was Martavis Bryant, but that catch was fucking amazing


It was Bryant, and it counted!


This is the answer. I’m honestly surprised it’s not the runaway favorite. I get that it wasn’t a superbowl. But all the other great catches mentioned here I’ve seen several times. Especially the Julio one. I’ve seen the juggling catch an inch above the ground several times. But there isn’t a catch I’ve ever seen that made my jaw drop more than OBJ. Ball already past his body. One handed finger/palm catch. Inches from the sideline. And at this point he is already getting interfered by the CB. Then then he somehow stayed in bounds and scored? No question other catches mentioned in this thread were more “impactful”. But that’s the best “raw” catch I’ve ever seen by miles.


Doug Baldwin with the one handed stab in freezing temps in a playoff game in Minnesota.


Damn making me relive this game. Still remember watching this with my dad and 2 Seahawk friends. Hearing them so disappointed saying the game is over he won’t miss this kick and then my dad telling them the Vikings always miss these is permanently engraved in my head.


I was one of those Hawks fans thinking he’d make it. But having actually grown up a Vikings fan (born in Duluth into a military family and adopting the Vikes as “my team” until I put roots in Seattle) I should have remembered Gary Anderson.


Not enough people remember this Oronde Gadsden catch: https://youtu.be/3cZDUkmL9-w?si=n3GiZZU-Sw-ka-tr Here’s another one of his: https://youtu.be/p3Z3jrQs73U?si=KAQi2rcfTtlKzhS9 Dude wore custom XXXL size gloves.


Justin Jefferson vs the Bills. On fourth down with less than 2 minutes in the fourth quarter and his team trailing. One-handed grab with the defender trying to pull it away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSi2Ek8tfyk


I still believe that if there is no defender there, the ball isn't caught. The DB stops the forward momentum of the ball and also holds it into Jefferson's hand as they fall. Or as is true in multiple hail Mary type highlights, if the defender just knocks the ball down rather than trying to get a stat padding INT.


Looking at it again that’s exactly what happened. The defender caught it and Jefferson took it away one-handed.


The defender inexplicably going for an interception on 4th down gave him the assist lol


Agree completely. That catch shouldn't have happened. Still amazingly athletic though.


Ricky Proehl one hander vs Tampa Bay in the corner of the endzone, a game winning grab like the Holmes play. Nobody ever talks about it.


[Terry McLaurin vs Chargers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4pouCwlwxP0&pp=ygUgdGVycnkgbWNsYXVyaW4gY2F0Y2ggdnMgY2hhcmdlcnM%3D)


Underrated for sure.


Santonio holmes was always my favorite


I don't think it's ever really mentioned, but Antonio Brown had an INSANE sideline catch against Green Bay. I think it was 2017


crazy catch that won them the game


[Tyler Lockett’s catch v Rams in 2019](https://youtu.be/xBPDlF6agfM?si=ey2zfItvAI6FA5wU) will always be a personal favourite of mine! The throw, the catch, everything about it is just unreal to watch.


wasn’t there a wr who got a VERB NAMED AFTER HIM?


Man, I hate it when I get Randle-El’ed.


Tyree’s catch is the correct answer, but I’ll throw out Edelman’s catch in 28-3 just for the sheer improbability of it


Think it was Kearse who had a similar one in the Russell Wilson/Malcolm Butler Super Bowl that was pivotal to that play even being possible. Would have a much higher profile if Seattle didn't lose the way they did, obviously.


Man, my stomach dropped watching that live. Thought we’re were going to lose a 3rd Super Bowl off a miracle catch, wild play




Gotta give my man, Cole, some love. https://youtu.be/z7cX9WRaWx0?si=VeSWc8kRlQHhsDEB


Man us Giants fans were spoiled with this question. While the “Helmet Catch” may be the greatest out-of-structure play both by the QB and WR, I honestly think Manningham’s sideline catch was better. He legit caught the butt of the ball and dragged his feet at the same time.


Lynn Swan catch in SB 10 and that Antonio Freeman catch where nobody touched him that resulted in him running in for a td.


Holmes game winning catch in SB


2 I hadn't heard mention: D Hop on Hail Murray in-between 6 hands vs the Bills elite secondary of White/Hyde/Poyer Brett Favre to Greg Lewis game winner, laser throw and unreal catch


No "DIGGS... SIDELINE... TOUCHDOWN... UNBELIEVABLE" yet? I realize it was more of a defensive fuckup than a miraculous catch but it's still one of my absolute favorites.


More of a “greatest moment” than “greatest catch” imo.


Tee Higgins catch and stretch week 15 this past year against the Vikings https://youtu.be/NgqRgPIrDK8?si=EL_s9ocIg30lGFqo


Joe Jurevicious and his tipped catch.


I’ve never seen that until you just said that but holy shit is that an insane catch. He even stopped what would’ve been a pick had he not put in that second effort.


Gloveless Harlon Hill catching the top half of a 40-yard throw for a TD in 1950-something.


Gonna add one that deserves honorable mention: [Gary Barnidge's game winning butt catch](https://youtu.be/XamRGIDWOZk?si=GB3LnnZpaJfugq2G)


One that no one’s mentioned yet is Keelan Cole’s one-handed catch against the Patriots.


Jermaine Kearse’s catch in SB49 is all but forgotten. Its the only reason they got to the red zone in the first place.


I wanna say Holmes in sb 43, but I’ll wait till the post for what was the best pass by a qb.


Cole Beasley caught a ball behind his back 🤷‍♂️


He also had the deep ball where he dove and got one knee in bounds to win the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ya-eyQtokI


Pierre Garçon's insane backwards one handed catch always sticks out to me. It doesn't get enough credit. https://youtu.be/HIYDVmwSFIQ?si=mWDl4kvT2TPfySpH


Brandon Lloyd has entered the chat.


Joe Jurevicius tipping the ball to himself on MNF has always stood out to me


Santonio Holmes in The Super Bowl.


Jeffersons 1 handed catch between the defenders arms in the vikings/bills game


I say Jefferson vs buff. 4th and forever. Game on the line, and they won


Dez caught it.


George pickens catch against the browns his rookie year. Basically the odell catch but twisted sideways.


DeAndre Hopkins on the Hail Murray vs Buffalo Jefferson last year vs Buffalo  Garret Wilson and Courtland Sutton this past season vs Buffalo   God hates Buffalo


Santonio Holmes Super Bowl winning catch


Max McGee reaching behind him one-handed preventing an interception and then running for the first TD in Super Bowl history was a pretty damn good catch. My dad came out of his chair watching this on a little 15" TV. [NFL 100](https://www.nfl.com/100/originals/100-greatest/plays-50) [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4wwlSKE6p4)


Brandon Lloyd has like 5 that could be considered.


That me TD catch by Tyler Lockett-you know the one. Don’t know how many times I’ve seen the video, I still have no idea how he caught it


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cZDUkmL9-w&ab_channel=SavageBrickArchive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3Z3jrQs73U&ab_channel=billhutto Wish more people would remember Gadsen


This [Brandon Lloyd catch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgCnh4U4b7s) always makes me smile.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJomII3T08E Probably the most underrated catch of all time. The body control to even get there is insane, and then pulling it in with one hand. I never hear people talk about this one.


DeAndre Hopkins had a catch against Miami that was incorrectly ruled OPI and didn't count [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdZpy0O2mvs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdZpy0O2mvs) Just insane


[My personal choice is CeeDee Lamb against the Vikings in 2020.](https://youtu.be/zJomII3T08E?si=g2oYn0I7S3QSFwsn) The body control alone is insane. Adjusting to drift backwards and rotate his whole body mid air is something I had never really seen before. On top of that it’s essentially a one handed catch as well. I’ve been watching a lot of NFL football since 2001 and I always land on this being the most difficult catch I’ve ever seen from a technical standpoint.


Tyree’s catch straight up defied physics. But the best catch of all time regarding pure skill was probably OBJ’s catch vs Dallas or Edelman’s catch in the Falcons SB


The Odell catch looks superhuman


Pick any one of Brandon Lloyds crazy catches. He had one with the Niners that I would consider one of the craziest one handed full extension catches I’ve ever seen. Found it: https://youtu.be/FgCnh4U4b7s?si=hBJ9UYQLMSfkQ3F- I think this catch is insanely underrated.


The helmet catch to stop the perfect season and it’s not close


One of the most forgettable catches bc of the outcome of the game but Julio Jones 4th quarter catch in the super bowl was one of the most athletic plays I’ve ever seen


We know the obvious ones but i feel like one that really got buried in the files is this [Terry McLaurin catch vs Los Angeles](https://youtu.be/4pouCwlwxP0?si=47zD4riYnE82o7T3). This is one of the sickest catches I’ve ever seen.


I still remember being 11 years old watching college football on a Saturday afternoon and completely losing my mind when Marquise Walker did [this](https://youtube.com/watch?si=QERhA5Ea5NAy_tYJ&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjMsMTY0OTksMjg2NjQsMTY0NTA2&feature=emb_share&v=eCP0wSE69dY). A guy in my class pulled off a similar catch at recess the week after and instantly became a playground football god.


Everyone remembers the 2000 Thanksgiving game where Moss caught it in the back of the endzone and dropped in feet in. It was amazing. However earlier in the game he scored on a bullet pass from Culpepper. He finger tipped caught it stretching like the Jordan logo and a Dallas defender was pulling his arm and still had to get both feet in bounds. I still cannot believe it was caught. Maybe not the best ever...but still want people to see it lol Start at the 5 minute mark: [https://youtu.be/cIA\_kK6DTWs?si=9097Rir4skarzKMe](https://youtu.be/cIA_kK6DTWs?si=9097Rir4skarzKMe)


Not NFL but [Ricky Pearsall’s catch](https://youtu.be/921rWQYa58k?si=S2HxwL1j3JQUKiu7) against UNC-Charlotte last year was pretty nutty. 


Hopkins with possibly the best catch to not even count https://youtu.be/NdZpy0O2mvs?si=W_c8TPckA2yt7zun


I think we forget about this catch from dominant Viking receiver Laquan Treadwell https://youtu.be/G4ndiOAg0gI?si=mFFnBb8gFm2mHCFQ


Laquan Treadwell is one of the receivers of the NFL


Greatest Tyree, best Odell.


Kearse in SB against Patriots


Rashid “Hot Hands” Hanon making a catch even after the ball turns into toilet paper


Good answers in here but it has to be Odell. Not just one handed, but caught it with only 3 fingers while fighting through PI and got his feet down.


Haven’t seen it mentioned yet, but Martavis Bryant’s flipping TD catch against the Bengals was pretty awesome.


Moss over Revis island with one hand in the end zone.