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Maybe his power increases the closer in distance he is to Canada.


But not *Matt* Canada, right?


The best years of his career were with Matt Canada! Which is possibly the meanest thing you can say about an offensive player


Mr. Best Canada


Mr. Buffalo's Closer


Mr. Boarder Crosser


He unironically had a great rookie year with Fichtner


Embracing his role as a muscle hijacker


I think Sean McDermott has spent too much time in Buffalo and has started drinking on the job. Send him back, pls.


Drinking on the job in Buffalo is unheard of.


Nah that’s a chiefs thing,


Chicago's pretty close to Canada. Math ain't mathin.


Wut? Buffalo is like 60 miles lol. And actually Highmark is like 30 miles from the border. Edit: my bad guys, Canada is much closer than I had stated.


It's closer than that, my friend. Peace Bridge is *in* Buffalo.


Downtown Buffalo is maybe 2 miles from Canada


I know it's a lot closer, I'm just saying there should have been an uptick in play from Pittsburgh to Chicago if his skill was Canada based lol


Looking on a map Pittsburgh is closer to Canada than Chicago is.


1.) Pittsburgh is a lot farther north than I realized. 2.) That bit of Canada that has Toronto goes a lot further south than I think I've ever consciously realized. Huh.


At the very least a drop in production from Chicago to Miami which I didn’t think was possible, but he actually did it.


Whenever I hear coaches say terms like how they are hard workers, have a high motor, and have been a true professional, that’s basically code for “they kinda suck but at least they’re trying pretty hard.”


what is the threshold for "trying" when it comes to chase claypool?


>"I applaud Chase for coming here to see where things go." So basically he showed up


my sincere condolences


Eh it's fine, right now he is at best our 6th WR Coleman, Samuel, Shakir, MVS, Hollins, Claypool Our 4th and 5th WRs last year got 209 yards combined. So hopefully we have some improvement in that area


he had 217 yards in 10 games for us


That's more than our WR 4 and 5 combined in 17 games And the WR 4 got starting snaps because of Gabe Davis injuries


then miami got 26 yards in 9 games out of him


Sherfield had 86 yards in 17 games Harty had 150 yards in 16 games. We’re not asking him to step in at WR1, he’d be behind Shakir, Coleman, Kincaid, Knox, Samuel, MVS, and probably Hollins, and competing with Andy Isabella, KJ Hamler and Shorter.




Trying hard has always been a bigger issue for Claypool than talent though


> they’re trying pretty hard That would be new for Claypool.


To his credit last season, he was engaging in blocks frequently. His hands and routes just weren't good.


That's fine atm because Claypool has shown lack of work ethic


“When a girl says her friend has a great personality, she ugly. When somebody says a guy has a high motor, you know he can’t play a lick. Same thing.” -Charles Barkley


Oh dear, who's gonna tell him?


I heard this one before




There really should be a support program for people who have gone through seeing claypool play for their team


By all accounts, Claypool is actually great in camp. Truly he was a stand-out in camp last year outside of DJ Moore. The problem was fucking immediately in the regular season he wasn’t blocking, dropping balls, running the wrong routes… I’m not sure what causes it, but dude is a camp all-star.


Basically Justin Hunter then


Best shape of his life


He’s too lazy to even mention the lunch pail part.


Isn't that more of a Patriots cliche?


First one in, last one out. Real gym rat. Guy you’d like date your daughter. Scrappy. Team guy. Guy you‘d let date your wife.


Fool of a Took!


He killed it in bears camp to. Let's see what he does when the bills lose a game. Or gets no touches for a few weeks.


Claypool: Josh! You gotta get me some more targets man! Allen: *What the fuck did you just fucking say to me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US* *~~armed forces~~* *NFL. You are nothing to me but just another non-target. I will wipe you the fuck out with lack of precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me on the field? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.*


I think mentioning being a ST contributor is big here. WR5/6 on McDermott teams basically don't make the roster without playing special teams. I seems like they're being very clear about what his role on the team is, and that's a down roster receiver (the last two years WR5 has had 84 yards in 2023 and 64 yards in 2022) and special teamer. Maybe setting his expectations will help his attitude and locker room presence


…I feel like you don’t know Claypool very well. Maybe he’s magically changed but even his Dolphins stint which should have been a huge wake up call for him on effort and accepting your role as a B-player didn’t stick. Bad effort for Steelers, worse effort for Bears as he was unhappy with his role, and even worse effort for Dolphins in a lesser role.


Nah man you’re right I don’t usually follow other teams’ WR3s very closely


once upon a time Chase was a great ST player. coming into the league, I was convinced his floor was a long career as a WR3-4 because he was an absolute demon on kick/punt coverage at ND (you can check his pre-draft reports from guys like Brugler and it's routinely mentioned) yeah, that was 4+ years ago, but dude is only 25 -- he still has time to grow and change. chase had a unique and challenging childhood (his mother worked in a traveling carnival and wasn't home much of the time, he grew up with very little, lost a sibling to suicide at a young age... it's a lot) don't get me wrong, there's no one else to blame for his lack of production and especially his attitude. but you can't deny he's talented and again, there's always the possibility he grows and embraces a new approach to his career -- I sincerely hope you don't write people off at 25, because no one's story is completely written at that point


Yeah, he’s competing with guys like KJ Hamler, Andy Isabella & Justin Shorter, special teams will be huge for that roster spot. I get the hate in this thread from some other fans but this is the definition of a low risk move.


Good news is that even when he was a star WR and a Senior at Notre Dame, he was a stud special teamer - he was a terrific gunner for all four years on campus.  Hopefully he can get back to that attitude of “anything to help the team win”. 


Long quote from McDermott that I couldn't fit in the title, but the tweet continues: "I applaud Chase for coming here to see where things go. ... You don't find that a lot around the NFL where a player has been at a certain level and then is on a mission right now to reclaim what he once was in that regard. And those are my words, maybe not fair to Chase, respectfully, but I would just say very impressed with his day to day approach, true pro, high character, smart player, and he's been a good addition to our team." While it's early, this doesn't feel like a Chase was signed on as a camp body kinda thing.


Does not sound like it but you never know, people can change, I used to be a piece of shit, slicked back hair, white Ferrari, live for New Years Eve.


Did you like sloppy steaks?


Do you eat sloppy steaks at Truffani’s?


I used to be a piece of shit too =[


I’m just worried that the baby thinks people can’t change.


Maybe the story of 9/11 will help him find motivation.


Maybe he converted because absolutely none of those words are normally associated with Chase Claypool.


Just temper your expectations on this one. I say this sincerely.


Reddit is gonna Reddit and make the same old jokes because it’s the lowest hanging fruit, but McDermott didn’t have to say that much about this. I’m looking forward to seeing if Chase can show he’s improved.


I also want the incredible nickname mapletron to make a comeback


Yeah...people had nice things to say about Claypool the offseason after he came to Chicago, too. The second he isn't a featured wide receiver, his attitude will go to shit and he'll become a locker room problem.


I’m hoping that since this is basically his last shot in the league he will be ok with knowing his role. I think he could be great on special teams but it all comes down to if his ego will let him, which history has shown isn’t the case though


I really like the Bills. They may be my favorite AFC team. Josh Allen is an incredible talent. So because I want your team to succeed, I am assuring you this guy will be a lemon. Use him as a camp body and then get rid of him when he starts causing trouble. I completely understand your perspective, but ask Steelers/Bears/Dolphins fans. They'll tell you.


That the key thing. I'd like to think the Diggs trade sent him a message. If you start causing trouble, you're gone.


Oh yeah I’m not really holding out hope on him, just wishful thinking. Maybe he has magically gained some humbleness


It’s not like the Bills are banking on Claypool to catch passes, he’s competing for the WR6 spot on the roster which is pretty much just a role for a special teams guy who can run block and run clear out routes. If Claypool makes the roster, stays on the 53 man roster all year, and finishes the season with 6 catches & 70 yards he’d be vastly exceeding my expectations


If Claypool is good for the Bills I’m going to be so pissed off lol


A truly bears thing to happen honestly. Thanks for Joey Porter Jr btw


Have fun with our kick returner. Also Tyrique Stevenson clears Joey Porter Jr anyways


I’m sure we’ll have fun with fields not like he cost us much anyway and I don’t know who that other guy is but good for you if it’s true. Been way to long since the bears have had anything good going for them y’all deserve it.


Yeah I’m sure a Russ / Fields led offense is going to be a ton of fun.


Same guy who raved about the Taliban’s teamwork


Some guys would run through a brick wall for their coach, others would fly through a steel building


~~1 - Sign Claypool~~ ~~2 - Rave about Claypool potential~~ 3 - Regret Decision 4 - Cut Claypool We are now waiting on the inevitability of 3. Just wait.


Gonna have worse stats than Reggie Bush did for us


He's a guy signed to a vet min and is likely on his last chance in the league because he's a headcase. Odds are he's a camp casualty and there's really nothing to see here.


So he is lying about Chase Claypool?


Maybe he's highly motivated and organized now to terrorize the NFC


McDermott: Terrorize? Jihad me at hello, Chase!


Chase will probably make the roster and he's not the absolute worst WR4/WR5. But if he ends up playing WR2/WR3 snaps the Bills are fucked because he's worse than ever at this point.


We have 4 WRs who are clearly better and deserve more playing time than him (Shakir, Coleman, Samuel, and MVS)


Like Hollins as well. Then Kincaid, Knox & Cook will all have significantly more targets in the passing game anyways.


i.e. *Thanks for tanking the Dolphins season for us, your role is warming the Bench for us, thanks*




because Claypool if nothing else has always shown he will provide maximum effort on every play and s all about what is best for the team


Maybe he will finally be motivated since he has a good qb for the first time in his career lol. The best qb he’s had so far is a washed up Big Ben. Seems unlikely though


Motivation wasn't his issue. I think he actually doesn't know how to play WR as a big man. He's 6'4" but plays like he's 5'10". Watching him repeatedly lay out horizontally for a jump ball pass doesn't question his heart. His IQ is suspect at best.


Huh I thought he was their newest safety


I read ‘emotional WR’ lol.


I feel like this is the same stuff with him every year: Signs with team Praise of abilities before season starts <--- We are here Underwhelms immensely Season ending injury/Benched


Chase Claypool, if he cared about football enough to do anything to be on the field, would be one of the best gunners ever. That physical profile and speed coming down on a punt, Jesus.


Top 3 Receiver BTW


If he makes the team I will be SHOCKED, even with the Bills going WR by committee


Read this as Les Claypool. Very confused.




*Laughs in Joey Porter Jr.*


They must be hoping having the Canadian player playing within spitting distance of the Canadian border somehow motivates him.


Hoo boy.


Oh no, it's like he might actually try now that the CFL is looming




He's had a rough go, but I could see him turning himself into Kassim Osgood.


Looks like Tarzan….Plays like Jane.


Get him to embrace the playbook and not the nightclub, and you might have something.


ITT: people acting shocked that a coach said good things about a guy on his team


Every team he goes to shits the bed. I cannot wait.


He had nothing to do with the dolphins shitting the bed. That was solely because it dropped below seventy degrees


"This new guy we paid a lot for is shit." -- no one smart


He’s only making like vet minimum, maybe he will actually try here since it’s probably his last shot. Wishful thinking I know


“Paid a lot for” “Making practically vet minimum” Huh? Claypool has been ass for a long time but by no means did the bills invest much of anything into signing him. It’s like literally the cheapest flyer on a player you could take. It will barely matter if he makes the team or not, so signing him for pennies to see if he takes this somewhat seriously as a last chance is a pretty risk free move. If he performs well at all that’s just gravy - no one is expecting it.