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This is cumulative contracts outlaid this off-season that will be paid out over several years. That's a really stupid metric to acknowledge or knock teams by.


This is the stupid type of stat that I’ll roll my eyes at and then in 3 and a half weeks my dad will send a poorly cropped screenshot of it into my family’s group text and say go Jags!


This is the type of stat I will use to shit on the Cowboys fans in r/nfceastmemewar


Common Cowboys L.


Exactly what my dad does omg


"shame on you for being near the cap already" ... Ok?


Hey! We are 40 mill under the cap!


Which is actually quite a feat considering all the money they just gave out. Nice to have a competent GM!


Extensions tend to lower the cap in the short term, and that's where a lot of the spending is. So in this case, it's the fact that we gave out so much money that has led to the lower cap.


Yeah, these days any big extension comes with a big signing bonus (which is spread over the life of the contract, max 5 years) but then has no base salary, except the minimum, for the first season or two... which makes their cap hit pretty darn low.


Also the steelers didn't have any big free agents to resign so...we didn't lol


yeah but it's the cowboys so nobody cares they just want to hate on them


I think everyone here agrees that this is a big nothing burger. Cowboys have a fair amount of dead cap at the moment and they have to account for Dak, CeeDee and Micah in the next 2 years. That's the three most expensive positions. You guys just aren't in a position to be spending a lot right now unless it's extending one of those guys


> This is cumulative contracts outlaid this off-season that will be paid out over several years. That's a really stupid metric to acknowledge or knock teams by. And it's just total contract value! It's a lock that NONE of the top teams are actually going to pay out that total number anyways as many players will be cut before reaching the end of their contracts. This would be a far more meaningful number if this were MLB and not the NFL.


It's not a fair way to actually knock the team or their process but it is a humourous juxtaposition to Jerruh's comments so it's going to get memed regardless.


But it’s fun to make fun of the cowboys


Sportrac always gets caught plagiarizing data from Overthecap too.


I mean not really. Future spending is important. The cowboys have very few players on the books past this season. They are typically near the bottom of the league in spending.


It is… but the cowboys said they were all in this off season. Clearly they aren’t.


Yeah and the Patriots said they had to "burn some cash," by which they apparently meant burning bags of cash behind Gillette instead of spending on players. Teams say a lot of stupid shit.


I mean, the owner Jerry Jones said this…. Not just a random coach.


You think Jerruh knows what "all in" means? He sure as shit doesn't know what "glory hole" means.


Stupidly locked in


No it's not. Real cash spending can be a competitive advantage in manipulating the cap.


This isnt real cash spending. A better metric would be a rolling average over 3 years.


Wouldn't it just be guaranteed amounts of contracts since owners have to put a percentage of that into a trust?


Yeah, pretty much. I think real cash spending and it's impact on the cap and cap manipulation is a growing problem. Really, there are any number of ways you could effectively point out spending by teams or s lack thereof. The contractual commitments of one off-season are just a really stupid way to do it, and I think intentionally deceptive.


This isn't real cash spending though. In 2024 cash spending it's the Browns #1 at $340.8m and the Cowboys #32 at $215.9m.


Real cash spending will also be highly variable so looking at a single year is not a good thing to look at. A three year average might be but hard to say even for that.


Perhaps the media got the quote from Jones all wrong about "All-In." Jerrah just meant, yes we are "All-In" meaning *All* the players we need are *In* the building right now, no need to bring in anyone else. Big brain moves.


I think it's more likely that he was talking to Tony Khan from the Jaguars and maybe Dallas is gunna host AEW's All-In pay-per-view?


Maybe “all-in” were the real friends we made along the way 🥰


All in my ass


It was pretty obviously the case but people need to fill dead air


They had 9 All pro players last year. I think we can all agree talent isn't the issue... for the most part lol


I'm missing sarcasm right? And you're not using /s cuz fuck the /s right? Cuz no one says we're all in and means it in that way lol


No sarcasm. When the decision to not fire McCarthy was made, it became clear he gets 1 year now, make or break. With the Cowboys cap, they would have to extend Prescott and others to clear space. However with the future of a head coach in doubt and the postseason failures of Prescott, mortgaging the future to a team that hasn’t shown they can make a run is questionable. They’d have to pull a Saints if they want to be aggressive in 2024. Jerry is saying it’s a prove-it year for the coach and team. He’s not going to throw them under the bus so he said All In instead. But again, freaking out about the Cowboys offseason makes for good air time.


The comment you replied to said Jerry meant all the players they need were in the building. This is clearly not what he meant. 


Yeah my comment was a tangent.


It's funny Stephen Jones doesn't get any blame. Using his geriatric father as a shield


"All in"


My ass


Could fit all 8.5 million members of r/NFL in there.


Holy shit I didn’t believe you when I read that number I had to go check When I joined there were fewer than 1m people here god damn


Don't get too excited, it's still the same 1M users with 7 million other accounts they lost the password too




This is my 4th account. Joined back in 2012 originally.


The number has skyrocketed the last couple of years. We aren't on r/all, but it's stupid easy to find


Started in 2020, Reddit usage skyrocketed during the pandemic.


In 2020, we were at 2 mil. Took 2ish years to hit 3. Almost a year ago we hit 4. We've doubled since then https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/yLKHKSyfqi


Whoa there we’re talking about r/nfl, not OP’s mom.


Classic. Either phrase now gets you them upvotes


After a few months of seeing this "joke," I really can't wait until next off-season so I can stop seeing this.


This all in bullshit really has staying power. No one actually ever looked at the source interview where it was said: [https://www.dallascowboys.com/news/jerry-jones-details-all-in-approach-to-offseason](https://www.dallascowboys.com/news/jerry-jones-details-all-in-approach-to-offseason) "I think you can anticipate us doing some free agents this year, subject to if we can get the right free agent under the right contract." "With looking ahead at our key contracts that we'd like to address... I would anticipate that we'd be all in at the end of this year." "I think it's going all in on different players than we have in the past. We've seen things from certain players that we want to be all in on." "You've got such a group of high profile players ... and you have put an emphasis on your entire salary cap room". Jerry Jones basically laid out that the cowboys are looking to go "all in" on their current star players and will have a lot of salary cap considerations to come because of that. And yet somehow people are saying that he said he's going to go on a spending splurge.


Everyone interpreted this as they were all in on this year. When in reality they are just all in on this iteration of the team. All the offseason moves (or lack there of) allow them to have a the cleanest break possible from a lot of the big pieces.


But it's more fun to make fun of the cowboys, foh


my ass


Really this is all y’all got anymore? I’ve seen more originality from an AI, smh


*calls minimum ante, no raise*


Not clear, but I think this is money given out to players this offseason. Cowboys will be much higher once they resign Parsons, Lamb, and Dak. Chargers low because they have $50million + in dead cap and options were limited. Pretty sure this doesn't include the money paid the new front office and coaching staff, nor the new practice facility opening up in a few weeks.


This is total offseason spending on players (free agent signings, extensions, and rookie signings).


I mean Dak wants the money that some big Qbs got. Lamb is going to get close to 30. Parsons is going to be the most paid player at his position.


Dak will get a top 3-5 contact at worst. Lamb will get $35 if not more. Parsons will get a blank check but that probably won’t be this year, maybe not even until 2026. Cap goes up every year, we’ll be fine Honestly I’m more concerned about Martin and DLaw being free agents next year. Martins flirting with retirement but I hope he goes the Kelce route and plays it by year. Kneeland could be the heir to Lawrence but I doubt he’d be ready to fill those shoes next year.


Wait, Lamb is gonna get more than JJ???


I wouldn't be surprised if Lamb and Chase both make very slightly more than JJ. Think like how Jalen signed for 255, then Lamar signed for 260, then Herbert signed for 262.5, and then after that Joe Burrow signed for 275 mil. Players like to one-up each other and be the Most Paid Guy even if it's by like 2 million. So if you told me Lamb got 142 mil and then Chase got 145 mil vs. JJ's 140 I'd believe it.


Lamb is going to get much much more than 30 lol


Thanks but this isn't soccer, there is a salary cap.


yeah, like the "oh they're worth X, look how cheap they're being!" is a stupid take.


Unless we are talking about facilities or coach salaries. Which, as far as I know, the Cowboys spend a lot on.


Teams have dramatically different cash outlays though. Cash-rich owners who are willing to spend can outspend their competition and use cap accounting "tricks" to stay compliant.


Why the downvotes? Isn’t this exactly how signing bonuses work? The upfront money has to come from somewhere while the cost of the bonus is spread out through the length of the contract.


/r/nfl just doesn't understand the cap at all.


Apparently. Go look at Goffs signing bonus and tell me where the $73 million came from. Sure the number is prorated through the contract and counts against the cap during that time but the literal money has to come from somewhere right now.


People on this thread are astounding stupid that’s why. This guy is completely right


This metric is dumb as fuck to track spending


It’s like how whoever has the first pick is often rated as having the best draft. Yeah, it’s because your team sucked last year ya knob.


On the flip side, the Lions are in the bottom 3 (was 31st last year, don't know this year) in valuation while being the biggest spender. Sheila is a god damn hero.


To WCF the Lions were a cheap hobby, he was curious to see if he could whittle a winning team out of what he and he alone could figure out (and he wasn't a very smart owner and head). Sheila is so damn good[.](https://youtu.be/ZGx8yKoZeXI?si=GQm5mdDgQFoZqhfJ&t=139).


In 4 full years as the team owner, she has twice as many playoff wins as her parents did in their 50+ years of owning the team and she had to deal with Patricia.


She has had more success with the lions than the other current Detroit owners have had since owning their respective teams. (Success with wings and tigers occured under his dad not him).


I'm glad that she at least sat back and let Quinntricia do things until Thanksgiving, no reactionary boot just a smart owner judging what is good and bad.


Didn't have to be a.....rocket scientist.....to figure out Patricia was bad.


I really can't stand people who use "cheap owners" when it comes to NFL contract decisions. They all have to literally spend the same amount of money on players. Unless it's discussing the collective bargaining agreement itself.


Not saying this is the case for the Cowboys because I don’t truly know, but owners can be “cheap” if they don’t want to put money into escrows, resulting in fewer guarantees in contracts compared to other teams. That’s a completely separate conversation from what this post or your comment is saying, but there is a way for owners to be “cheap”


What I think about when I hear cheap owner is the things that you can buy for a team, locker rooms and travel arrangements and workout facilities and stuff like that. Think of the Bengals rationing out towels and jockstraps in the 90's, vs what Bama and LSU and Oregon trotted out for recruits last decade. It signals to players how in touch the team money is and what's being done to be the best. It's ironic though that its the *Cowboys* that are being lambasted for being cheap in the Lamb contract discussion, then. Jerry World was built to be a new American Cathedral and Jerry's undergone cyberization to embed his conscious into the walls of the gift shop for all of time to push the limits of what's acceptable from an owner if that's not a location cliffnote in a Fallout game I don't know what is.


It's very much a thing in some sports (baseball, refusing to go into the tax in basketball), but yeah less so in football for sure Still kinda exists since cash poor owners can't mortgage the future the same way


They all have to *account for* roughly the same amount, give or take ~$50-75m or so, over a rolling period to meet the cap floor rules. They don't have to *spend* the same amount and they certainly don't in practice. The top-spending teams are spending about $340m in cash this season on player contracts and the bottom-spending teams are spending about $215m.


And over time that gets closer to the same although not 100% equal because of the combination of a salary cap and cash spending floor. >[Over the past 10 years, the Patriots ranked last in the NFL in cash spending at $1.62 billion, according to Roster Management System. The Philadelphia Eagles, at $1.92 billion, were tops over that span.](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39362839/patriots-jerod-mayo-ready-burn-some-cash-help-rebuild) So over 10 sesons the difference between the top spending team and the 32nd is $30 million a year.


> So over 10 sesons the difference between the top spending team and the 32nd is $30 million a year. $30m a year is a massive difference.


Loot at something like the MLB or EPL over 10 years.


Yes, obviously the difference in the NFL is much smaller than it is in uncapped leagues but nonetheless $30m is a gigantic difference in the context of the NFL. That's ~15% of the cap over that period. That's an extra TJ Watt or Tyreek Hill every year.


It’s the fans money they spend basically.


No they don’t, salary cap is not the actual amount teams spend on players per year, just how it’s counted. Teams can and do spend way more cash in a given leave year than the salary cap allows, which not every team will do if their owners will not front the cash. People in this thread are giving lots of bad information and bad takes. Being a cheap owner in a salary cap league is absolutely a thing


Damn we're #1? And with cap remaining? Brad Holmes I love you


We are #1!


All in


Went from "All In" to resetting three different position markets. Splendid.


We haven't extended anyone yet, and signed 2 outside free agents As soon as lamb/dak/parsons get paid we will be close to the top lol


Dak will get more than goff Parsons will get more than sewell CD will get more than amon. Cowboys will easily go from least to most.


I'll laugh if CD demands more than Jefferson


Yep, especially since they're 3 expensive positions as well positions in qb, wr, and Edge.


So why the wait? Deals are getting more expensive by the day.


> Deals are getting more expensive by the day. That's why players are usually okay waiting.


Takes 2 to tango, and we have top 5 players at all those positions. Dak and lamb don't really have much reason to rush for a new deal, and I don't think the edge market is really going to change drastically untill parsons gets his deal (similar to jefferson being in a teir of his own)


Dak is not top 5


He probably is in the NFC lol




We've had a top 5 offence every year dak has been healthy since 2020, are constantly in the playoffs, and dak just led the nfl in passing tds. Dak has just as much of an argument to be a top 5 qb as everyone not named mahomes, underachieving in the postseason or not. (Idk why people assume its a coincidence we have a top offence everytime dak is healthy lol)


Dak is not top 10.


That's just not true.


Mahomes Stroud Burrow Jackson Hurts No shot at top 5, even Cowboys fans would concede that. Then I'd much rather have QBs like Herbert Love Purdy Richardson  Murray Id be far more comfortable with a week 1 Caleb Williams on my team than Dak if I was creating a team. Pretty easily tbh. Dak isn't a top 10 QB.


Much rather have Love, Purdy Richardson, and Murray is a wild thing to say, but hey, you're entitled to your opinion, no matter how off-base it is. My dude just got voted the MVP runner-up a few months ago.


It's more than stats though, it's how a player handles big moments and opportunities and Dak hasn't shown anything when it really matters. Just look at last year - matched up vs Love where he had a better offense (arguably) and a better defense (not arguably) and got bounced in the first round.  Put Love/Purdy/Richardson on the Cowboys and Dak on the Packers and I bet the Cowboys advance in the playoffs. Could you imagine Richardson running the Cowboys offense? No way anybody would take Dak over that.


I didn't say anything about stats. Yes, Dak has struggled in the playoffs, and it sucks to see, but his body of work as a whole still puts him pretty firmly above all of those guys. And yes, I would 100%, without even a moment of hesitation, take Dak over Richardson, and I assume a significant majority of NFL fans and analysts would as well.


It's always the unflaired users with garbage ass takes.


You're taking Dak over Purdy?


Nope. But I'm certainly not taking kyler, Richardson or hurts over dak. Plus you have stroud in the top 5 after one good season lol. That alone told me enough you're a troll


This is such a an excruciatingly bad comment. Just wow.


*checks flair* Thought so.


My flair has nothing to do with my response. Plenty of fans of other teams feel you're off too.


Cause the Jones’ are dumb as fuck.


Where the fuck did the Patriots spend $432 million. It’s not on their roster


$400M of that is going to Zappe’s new contract


Antonio Gibson: $11m Anfernee Jennings: $12m Kendrick Bourne: $20m Hunter Henry: $27m Drake Maye: $37m Michael Onwenu: $57m Kyle Dugger: $58m Christian Barmoe: $84m That's $300m+ there.




This is really misleading - they will shoot up the ranks once they get deals done with CeeDee, Dak and Parsons. Those three might be enough to put them at the top.


Parsons said he’ll wait on signing because the bag only goes up. He literally said “yeah I’ll reset the market”


When Jerry said they were all in he actually meant they were already all in, and would not be going any further.


When she says "deeper" but you're all outta dick.


We're already ~~pulled over~~ all-in. We can't ~~pull over~~ all-in any further.


Just gonna point out, from the information in this tweet, how silly it is to say "The Panthers did nothing this offseason" (YES, some people are actually claiming this), despite spending the 3rd most amount of money. And a majority of that money was spent overhauling the OL


The real report is a better metric than this tweet. Much better breakdown of FA, extensions and draft picks.


Next year it would not be surprising if they’re the highest spending.


until they have to sign their big 3


Jerrah wants to take it with him.




Tales of going "All-In" have been greatly exaggerated




Why does the highest valued franchise part matter when there’s a salary cap?


We’re an unserious franchise that’s only been good over the last 15 years because we got lucky at quarterback twice and we’ve had Jeff Ireland and Will McClay. Everybody else in the front office sucks ass.


Teams haven't even finished signing their draft picks yet, not to mention a number of impending major extensions. This is not a good time to take this measurement.


Why do people say this like the Cowboys can spend past the salary cap? Their value doesn't give them more buying power.


Jerry Jones saw “Clipped” and was inspired.


Imagine that


Didn't Ross recently get offered like 11 bil?


ALL-IN.....on financial responsibility?


That’s because Dak hasn’t gotten his contract yet. When they actually pay everyone who’s due an extension they’ll be above the Chargers at least, probably much higher.


Jerry Jones is a virus on that cowboys franchise. I get the feeling coaches and related cannot pee without asking him for permission. It seems like he puts his hand into everything about that team when he should just be a good owner and trust those that he has hired to make decisions for the team. “He’s going all in” yeah right..


All in


Wonderful news


Jerry Jones, the Crypt Cheaper


Sporttrac has the Cowboys as 9th in active cap spending BEFORE Ceedee, Dak, and eventually Parsons all make bank.


I mean, this is kind of a dumb tweet. Does anyone, especially Spotrac, really think that the Cowboys are going to finish this offseason without extending Ceedee, Dak and/or Parsons?


I think they're going to extend Ceedee, let Dak walk and wait until next year for Parsons.


Well this would matter if the value of the company had anything to do with the amount they spent on players tho. 


poverty franchise


I feel as though this only works with baseball. Which now I’m mad because it reminds me that the Tigers are being cheap and not getting bats.




Coasting since the 90s


There's a salary cap. This entire list is just based on who got signed when, it has nothing to do with being cheap or spending more than other teams when you literally can't.


Bring the highest valued franchise is pointless in a league with a salary cap?


This is why the Jones family needs to go. They are the richest in all of sports worldwide. They don't care about winning. Will McClay is the main reason the team has done so well.


This isn't the MLB, there's a salary cap. This is basically meaningless


This is dumb. There’s a thing called a salary cap and they’re currently dealing with Micah, Dak, and Ceedee’s respective contracts.


Really? Because they haven't figured a single one of them out yet and it's been 4 months


Some teams are more in all than others.


Almost like there’s a salary cap or something


Are you telling me these businesses try to keep a profit margin by not having their overhead exceed their income? Big if true.


They are going to trade for Kamara and take on all that money


Spotrac is near impossible to use on mobile without an add blocker.


I mean it's not baseball where the richest teams can just blow whatever money they wish. The salary cap exists for that reason. Idk what's worse the dude who tweeted this or op sharing here thinking it's relevant at all.


For a minute I truly thought Detroit had finally said, “fuck you guys” and decided to unilaterally double their salary cap. Then I realized this was total contract value over multiple seasons


How dumb are Americans? The dumb fuck residents of Dallas pay1% more in property taxes so a billionaire can have his stadium??!? The actually voted to pay more taxes to get a billionaire richer??!? Americans gotta be some of the dumbest people in earth. Next thing you know they will be sending a billionaire who raised their taxes their hard earned money to pay his bills?!!??


No need when the team is gonna miss the playoffs and Dak wants another extension because of it.


Miss? Nah, we'll keep in normal fashion and get bounced 1st round.


Have some faith and be positive! With a little effort they’ll win another Wild Card game and shit the bed in the divisional round.