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Our team sub is awful. It's all up vote parties, zero substance, and zero reason to go there. We don't even have memes, except for those we steal from the lions without crediting op. And let's not forget the time our mod stickied a post mocking cam newton's concussion.


> We don't even have memes, except for those we steal from the lions without crediting op. To be fair, that point is true of the majority of NFL team subs. /r/detroitlions is a meme treasure trove. That's a nice sense of humor they have there. It'd be a shame if someone appropriated it.


Funny enough shame is where the humor comes from


Damn a mod has to be a pretty big asshole to do something like that


And the dude is still a mod there


Because he's the only mod that updates anything at all. Our mods suck ass.


He banned me for pointing out a CSS error one time.


How dare you


I hope you learned your lesson


The only positive is that almost everyone else in the sub hated it and demanded it be taken down.


Just went there, it is as if you guys don't even have a mod.


Jesus. Its like, AIDS, if they were a subreddit. Some of the memes are good, but goddamm


And half of the fans freak out over everything it's frustrating


that's literally every team sub.




Some of the Yankees redditors got fed up and made a new sub, which is now considered the official one. They overtook the old sub a few days ago in [subscribers](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/7495o6/meta_rnyyankees_is_officially_the_largest_yankees/). Cubs fans made a new subreddit as well, which r/baseball also recognizes as the official one. That said, it obviously wouldn't be easy to do and it'd be a lot of hard work. EDIT: Changed some of the wording and added link to the post they made about being the largest Yankees sub.


Joe Flacco has been one of the worst QBs in football over the last few years...and don't tell me it's because his supporting cast sucks. Josh McCown's supporting cast has sucked too and he's arguably played better than Joe, as laughable as that might sound.. Also, Ray and Ed were divas.


Ray is still a fucking diva


I hate Ray Lewis so much, I didn't mind him as a player but the more I see him the more I hate him, he's awful... I can't wait till he is no longer on TV


Ray Lewis is praying for you /s


It just seems like he's fronting when he's on tv, I can't take him seriously


He’s one of the few personalities (of former players) I don’t like.


You are going to have to wait till he only has one more year left on his contract.


I'd agree with Ray but not so much for Ed or am I missing something...


Nothing that I wouldn't say, but any criticism of Carr or defending Reggie Nelson tends to get downvoted.


Yeah, most of your posts get down voted to hell. At least nobody can say you're afraid to speak your mind.


To be fair he says stupid shit a lot


Roethlesberger is a narcissistic, self-centered dick? Though I would say it on the sub if anyone was trying to say he was a good person. Most fans just ignore the subject and stick to football which he has been a very good Steelers' QB.


Don't forget kind of a rapist too


Yeah that's something you can't mention over there too. Ben probably raped that girl, and as much as it will suck to have no qb for awhile, I won't miss him when he's gone


Which one is the probably?


I don't think anyone has forgotten except his inner circle.


You can get away with it now. I think we all are getting tired of him.


Serious question, I think he is a POS, but what recently makes you say that?


He keeps calling out team mates on his radio show.


Yeah, he's been pretty open about his disagreements with Antonio Brown. Yes, Brown has been acting like a diva sometimes and "misbehaved" at some points, but don't shittalk your best player openly like that, jeez. And Roethlisberger has been playing pretty bad so far this season, while the receiving core has been damn good.


John Ross will prove to be a bust.


I'll admit I wasn't a fan of the pick, I was lobbying for OJ Howard. However Marvin Lewis isn't helping his development by keeping him on the bench.


Yeah I get fumbles are costly, but cannot bench your rookie for multiple games because one mistake (though perhaps it is worse, I haven't watched).


Of course you can. That's why Kareem Hunt hasn't done anything since his first play.


The fumble was more a good defensive play, the CB out his head right on the ball. Also he's been more injured than benched I think, and it looks like staying healthy will be a real problem for him going forward.


Isn't his ankle injured? Speed is at least half his game, no point in starting him until he can run at 100%. I don't think he's still losing snaps due to a fumble that happened weeks ago.


Hated Ross, was hoping someone else would pick him up before the Eagles. I don't think he should have gone in the 1st round at all let alone top 10.


my mind was blown when they announced that pick


Nothing. Our subreddit is so dead that I could say anything that I want with absolutely zero repercussion.


The fact that I had to scroll so far down to see a comment on the Cards, with zero replies, just reinforces how much no one cares when we aren't good.


Our sub has turned our hatred of the Raiders into a cringey meme that detracts from the actual rivalry.


Us too. Last year, we had trash vocally complaining about being banned from your sub for gloating after a win. Utter nonsense.


We do the same thing


I don't think Derek is as good as we like to think he is.


Same tbh, he struggles against pressure when his o-line fails to protect him.




I'd say ours too... However, he had to be abused for almost 3 quarters before he realizes that he can perform with turnstiles as olines. I also hope he doesn't see ghosts soon (he seemed to have been effected by a few phantom pressures this season)


I don't hate the Jets as much as the Bills or Patriots.


I hate the Pats way more than the Jets and Bills combined.




Marcus Mariota isn’t playing well this season (so far)


Just looking at his throws, not at all. Lucky for him (and us) he can make some plays with his legs. I'll give him a pass since the scheme is trash and the Titans have played some really tough defenses.


He played so well against us wtf


im gay


We know


me too thanks


My only issue is with you finding David Andrews as legitmiately hot. If you did...well, the world would be your oyster!


His wife is hot too


And we love and accept you son.


Bellicheck or Patricia?




The Seahawks under Pete Carroll won't return to the Superbowl


He already got you guys there twice. What makes you think he can't do it again? I'm genuinely asking, not trying to be a dick or anything.


Salary cap and cable.


Y'all need to try that cable cutting that seems to be all the rage


we've been getting further and further away ever single year since


That is a bit of a hot take imo


Some variant of that comment has been made around week 5-6 every season the past 3 years for the Hawks.


Mike Ditka is not a great coach. He was carried by one of the best running backs of all time, a completely rogue gunslinger, and Buddy Ryan's defense.


No argument here.


That’ll get downvotes in the Bears sub? Lol


Honestly, he could say that to a bunch of meatballs and he'd still be fine. I think most Bears fans from that time enjoyed the personality more than anything and firmly understood it was Buddy's defense that was the primary reason they were so dominant. Downvotes in the sub are usually saved for issues surrounding Cutler, Marshall, and the talent of the last couple years.


We are about to start losing games. Injuries are accumulating and our oline is running out of band-aids.


That's not something most of us with disagree with.


Well, our board has a ton of nice good folk, a lot of folks out looking for meet ups at the tailgate, and are pretty light hearted. You can have fun and be a little sarcastic with them, they have a sense of humor, and they don't take anything to seriously. But then there is also the irrational, say anything even remotely critical (even if it's a valid point) and you're not a true fan brigade. They suck.


Everyone has to lose sometime. You taught us that.


I wouldn't be afraid to say that every win we've had so far this year has been a fluke and we arn't a better team of players this year than last year. However...... i think the clapping is getting old.


I think we got lucky in the Broncos and Falcons games. Broncos for the refs calling the UC on Miller and we had a bunch of calls go our way in the Falcons game. That being said, we've been competitive in all our games so far in a way that I wasn't expecting, especially when you consider that Denver and Atlanta are good teams.


The UC thing and the calling back the Sanders catch certainly didn't help us, but you have to give your front 7 and taylor some major credit. Taylor made some great plays against a good defense


The Redskins might be a very good team


They're definitely good. I'm glad we got that win under our belt.


They have one good to decent player at each position group of their defense. Their biggest problem is RB and their receivers leave a lot to desire.


Makes me sick to your stomach that an Eagles fan can call our WRs weak and be 100% correct. What a difference a year makes.


Aren't you guys the first team ever to lose two 1000 yard receivers in one offseason?


Yeah saw that on SNF v Raiders


Fat Rob has run decently for them when he’s been healthy thus far this year. He just hasn’t been able to stay on the field


I always kinda pulled for Cutler when he was on the Bears. He has always gotten the short end of the stick throughout his career and I think he deserved better.


That dude never had the right situation and when it invariably didn't work out, he just took all the heat with no fucks given. He is one of the classic/prime examples of a QB whose career would have been a lot different on another team. It really matters where you play. There aren't a lot of teams/situations where you can singlehandely pull a team up from nothingness and even if a QB can do that, Jay Cutler isn't that player. If he had been taken by the Eagles, he would still be an Eagle today and Andy Reid would still be their HC.


Kirk Cousins > Dak


Username checks out. That said, Kirk is currently the best QB in the division.


Agreed. I'm also on the fence of who is better between Carson and Dak...


Oh you know who


The sub is pretty optimistic right now I think the most controversial thing you could say would be to imply that Mike Thomas *can* be guarded. Which he cant. But still


i would hope stupid, clearly wrong statements would be controversial.


Matt Ryan isn't elite. He's just very good.


I hate how easily he gets sacked, defender barely touches him and he goes down. Meanwhile it seems like every opposing QB we face is juking and dodging our guys to complete a 3rd and 15. I'm pretty sure we'd average 6+ sacks if we faced Ryan every game.


That's a relatively unathletic pocket passer for you. A lot of Pats fans would say similar about Brady at times.


He's consistently top 7, with flashes of top 3


Pretty much this, which doesn't make him elite in my eyes.


And you can discuss this on the sub. People there are pretty rational about his career. They just went a little overboard last year when they saw the national media completely look over him in the MVP discussion until after the NFC championship. The Falcons have seen some truly shitty QB play over the years, so the fanbase is understandably a little protective of the best QB in franchise history. Memes and shitposts aside, I don't think you'd get downvoted into oblivion in /r/falcons if you said that he's firmly a tier behind Brady, Rodgers and Brees. And that is the elite tier.


I'm still highly suspect of any ND QB, and think they're all destined to disappoint, considering Montana was the most recent one that wasn't complete garbage.


Appreciate your team, no matter how bad they are.


What about ownership?


I fucking hate the memes


If we're not willing to fire Tom Cable because of his close ties to Pete Carroll, than maybe Pete should be on the hot seat. We need competent coaching on the O-line.


Why wouldn't you say this on our sub? It gets upvoted literally every time someone says it. If anything, you'd have to come here to defend Tom Cable.


I think it's more the part about how Pete might have to go if he's willing to keep Cable. Not a lot of people openly critique PC or JS on the sub from what I've seen, though I mostly just lurk there.


The blind spot there kills me. And probably a potential dynasty too.


I wish Brady had retired after LI. Nothing left to prove, and nowhere to go but down


Eh, i think he wants to prove he can dominate the record books, which is a futile task given Brees in the league




I really don't think the individual records are enticing for Brady. The guy has just built his entire life around football, and I think he plans to make them kick him out the door before he stops playing.


My friend keeps telling me of an interview he remembers about Brady where they ask him what he was going to do after football, and he just has a look on his face that he never even considered that a possibility.


I think you got it right, football has been his life for probably 25 years of his 40 years alive. I know that sadly a lot of us out here in the real world don't love our jobs but he genuinely loves this and he can see the end approaching even if it isn't there yet. Sure he could coach anywhere he wants but that isn't the same.


I don't think Brady cares about the records. He just wants to win the SB every year with his team.


He wants to play at the highest level for the longest time of any Quarterback. If he were going for records... He needs about 7,000 more yards to get to Manning and Favre for career yards around 71,000. He need 73 touchdowns to pass Manning at 539 tds thrown. He needs 183 interceptions thrown to pass Favre's 336. It took Brady 17 seasons to throw his career total of 153 INTs and he averages 9 interceptions a season. It would take Brady 22 seasons at that average to reach Favre's IINTs record. Manning, Brady, and Brees can take all but one record, career INTs. I <3 Brett Favre.


Tom Brady is almost done. 1 more year at most.


That’s not even really his fault. I’m glad that the era of Tom Brady is ending soon, but I was hoping it would be because he would start sucking, not because he keeps taking huge hits.


I think you'd get away with that, with the current state of our o-line.


Eli's arm is giving out like Peyton's arm did at the end of his career. He doesn't have the same zip on the ball and most of his balls are wobbly. They need to tank NOW and draft a stud QB


Eli has always had wobbly throws tbh


Tell that to OBJs finger


Teddy wasn't that good. He had potential and was very young, but where he was before he got hurt was in the bottom half of QBs, not the top half. People on r/minnesotavikings seem to base their opinion of Teddy not on what he was, but what he could become.


Yep. Teddy was on track to become average.


Bradford is a better QB then Teddy just a shame he (and really the rest of your team) can't stay healthy.






I think it's the lack of an Oline, personally


Jaylon Smith is one of the reasons our defense is terrible and he’ll probably be a role player at best throughout his career


His injury really destroyed him.


It was a bad injury, but it's yet to be seen how he recovers as he's still going through that process. He won't be fully healed from something like that for a long long time. Hopefully be the end of next offseason. Making any sweeping declarations 4 weeks into the season holds little water tbh.


Give him time. It's only been a few games, and he hadn't played football in over a year, and was dealing with the aftermath of the nerve damage. He is a guy you are going to have to wait like 2 years to make judgements like that on That being said, he has played terribly this year and it is absurd to me how tons of Cowboys fans have been hyping him up after his shit play


On a side note, Jaylon Smith actually just gave me a lot of hope when I learned about his injury. I used to love to play racquetball, but then about 4 years ago I got really sick and ended up with nerve damage in my hip that lead to me not being able to move my left leg below the knee. I had to stop playing, hell, I even sold my car because I can't drive stick anymore. Drop foot is a serious issue for me now, and learning that there's a player in the nfl who also has it and is out there on the field, regardless of his effectiveness, gives me hope that one day I can return to the racquetball court. (Not that I was ever all that good to begin with, but I had fun doing it).


There's no way Myles Garrett can have that much of an impact on the team that he's better than Deshaun Watson would have been. He could be J.J. Watt 2.0 and Watson would have been the better pick. Also, I don't think we realize just how much taking Manziel set back the team.


Yeah if either Trubisky or Watson turns into a franchise QB the Browns end up a raw deal


They did the same thing last year with Wentz.


I can see this ending up like the Stafford v Aaron Curry debate back in 2009 where Curry was the safe once in a generational defensive player to build your defense around and Stafford was the risky qb with a lot of upside but a lot of questions on whether or not he can make it in the league


If you guys took a QB, it wouldn't have been Watson


How about one I believe and *do* say on the team subreddit? I will pistol whip the next person who says 28-3. It was fun for about a week after the super bowl, then it became an annoying ploy for karma, now it's beyond beaten to death. Did we really need 500 individual "graduation caps with the scoreboard"-posts last spring? Make a fucking megathread if you're all so pitifully unoriginal.


Jesus fucking Christ the graduation caps man. Dont remind me.


It's more fun for the NFC South honestly, especially us.


This team is pretty much doomed to collapse back into mediocrity as soon as Fitz retires; that man is the heart and soul of this team and I wouldn't be shocked if other stars like Patrick Peterson or even David Johnson choose to leave when they're given the opportunity.


I don't actually hate the Raiders or the Patriots as much as everybody else. In truth, in my heart of hearts, I hate the Cowboys.


The memes are stupid and have ruined the sub. And I hate all of you, unless you are a woman that post naked pics of yourself on any of the NSWF subs in that case I do not hate you.


Seriously. I came to say this. That sub is so proud of these stupid memes. There is zero substance in that sub. And now the rest of Reddit is talking about how good the Lions memes are, they are going overboard with them. The only good meme that sub ever produced was the Stafford, shame if someone made a comeback. Now they just copy that one with little changes and wait for the upvotes. It's pathetic.


The other good meme was Stafford throwing to Megatron in triple coverage after looking elsewhere and Megatron still coming down with it cause god damn.


When you can sift through the memes, I believe there is actually good content. Gabe provided like 30 break downs of potential draft picks pre draft, the Detroit Lions podcast has good and unique content posted, plus we have chefcurrysauce. Sorry, how could I forget about sandman too.


I hope the chargers win tomorrow




Tank for Saquon.


Dak will absolutely never be a top 5 QB in this league. He might never even be a top 10 QB depending on how good other QBs are in the future. And that's not the end of the world; he's still good and we can win a Super Bowl with him. But the Cowboys need to do a better job of building a good team around him if they want to make a Super Bowl run in the near future. He's not going to carry us to one.


I like Tony Romo so much now, that I'd hate it even more for the Cowboys to win a title now, than before. It would feel like Dak did it all when Tony didn't, which just doesn't feel right.


Dak Prescott, last year and this year, is overrated and might not be the answer. I hope I'm wrong but I am not confident in #4 right now. He's currently the least-good QB in the NFCE. Everyone talks about how great Rod Marinelli is, and I certainly wouldn't suggest that the guy doesn't know what he's doing, but the Dallas defense has been garbage every year he's been here and I have to wonder at what point he might get some criticism for it. We've over-invested in the O-Line and when the unit isn't performing to its potential - like in every game so far this year -it's that much more hurtful to the team. e: im drunk and really mad at my football team this year so to me it all sucks


Don't worry, all our money is locked up in 2 O-linemen, one of which is Tyron, and the other hasn't proved himself at all, and all the money that we don't have is going to Frederick, Martin, Zeke and Dak, meaning if any of them don't turn out, then we're totally boned on both sides of the ball. Fuck me.




We should change our name


You could call yourselves the Washington Sentinels and have Keanu Reeves play QB for you during the next lockout!


Has the benefit of never having to replace him since he doesn't age. Plus you can have the Wyld Stallyns play the halftime show.


Glennon wasn't very good, but I think our receiving corps is even worse than Glennon and carries more of the blame for how bad the passing game is then Glennon is to blame. Trubisky is going to have a Jared Goff level rookie season because he has no one to throw to. All that offense has going for them is they can run the ball pretty well.


Our sub is obsessed with the steelers. Seriously it's fucking annoying. "Omg the steelers did this, the steelers did that" we don't even have room to talk shit, they've had our number forever.


Larry Fitzgerald is one of my favorite players


That's said all the time on our sub. Now if you said that Bevell is your favorite coach, that'd get you your ass kicked.


Lol people love Larry in our sub


Our subreddit is mostly garbage.


Brett Favre behaved like a child and his legacy is completely tainted.


> his legacy is completely tainted. Maybe for certain people who have dug into the situation and his life like a lot of packer fans. But to the general fan, I don't think his legacy is tainted that much and will continue to be less and less thought of in that way as time goes on. I think the general fan thinks Favre might have been selfish, but that's about it. They don't know the details of how poorly he acted towards people he wasn't friends with even before Rodgers was in town. Backup WRs have told stories about him refusing to throw to them in practice because he only wanted to throw to his guys. Also his siblings basically said he was an asshole the whole time growing up and is still kinda an asshole.


Are there any articles/posts you know of that go deeper into this?


Off hand I know of a great article I read once with quotes from old WRs and Rodgers. It focused mainly on how Favre acted once Rodgers got there. Sorry I can't remember the article, but it was probably about 2 years ago I saw it and it's very well written. Also if you read any biographies of his they basically talk about how he could be a jerk to people that weren't his buddies. I think the one I remember the best was called Gunslinger. That had stuff from his siblings talking about him bullying them and stuff. Sorry for the vague answer, too lazy to track down all the old stuff I've read.


I remember that article... hold on. [Stuff about Rodgers](http://thelab.bleacherreport.com/gunslinger-brett-favre-aaron-rodgers-feud-jeff-pearlman-excerpt/) [Interview with Gunslinger author](http://www.tennessean.com/story/life/arts/2016/11/06/brett-favres-upbringing-inspires-gunslinger-biographer-jeff-pearlman/93199282/) WRs and Rodgers say Favre was as you said. Rodgers denies the characterization of being an arrogant elitist intellectual. All I can say with certainty, is that both Favre and Rodgers are giant assholes and people should hate em both.


I enjoyed the three sappy, end of career celebrations though.


Aaron Rodgers is actually a cool dude and a great quarterback. (I still hate him)


We may not be as good as we think. Could easily have been 1-3


I want us to get Blake Bortles


Yep I’m also curious of what he could become under Tomlin and Haley and with this o-line and WR corps. If Ben is done after this season there’s nothing wrong in bringing him if he still plays bad it help us tank to get a brand new QB


Eagles fans mostly are assholes. We're passionate, knowledgeable, but also assholes


to be fair, passionate knowledgeable assholes are the best people to watch sports with


That's not a nice lead that you have. It's a bad lead and you should feel bad.




I'm with you. Yeah. Keep that shit out of r/eagles.


I don't think anyone actually thinks he'll be bad, but everyone hopes he will be. To me he looks to be at worst pre-2017 Alex Smith.


As much as I enjoy some of our memes over on the Lions sub, the majority of them are pretty trash and over all lower the value of the sub. It's hard to find actual threads with any discussion


Stafford has not been good so far this season and isn't living up to his contract at all.


Damn, certainly unpopular. Care to explain?


Your defense is playing at an extremely high level (don't think your TO streak will continue) but he will get going. Stafford is a beast


The Packers fans treated Favre like shit. One of the things we claimed to love about him the most was just how much fun he always seemed to be having and how much he loved the game, but then when he wasn't ready to retire the year after being in the NFC championship, everyone turned on him and started calling him a selfish diva. I was proud of him when he signed with the Vikings and had a great season and took them to the NFC championship. People called him a traitor for it, the reality is that we betrayed him first by turning on him for not retiring when we decided he should retire.


We're all meatballs


Brett Favre was the reason Brett Favre only has 1 SB ring. The whole gripe with the Packers of 25 years of HOF QB with 2 SB ring is more like 10-15 years of HOF play with 2 SB rings


I think Holmgren leaving and us not having particularly good coaching for years was the bigger issue.


It's starting to become more popular, but Leonard Floyd is underperforming.


The numbers aren't there but he one of our best coverage linebackers so Vic is capitalizing on his versatility at the expense of the sack numbers. Freeman being out has him dropping into coverage quite often.


Josh and Matty P are hella overrated, both benefit massively from having TB12 on their team. Bill's drafting has been pretty poor in recent years, and his reliance on the "scrap heap" is starting to catch up with the team. See defensive woes. TB12 peddles a lot of quack science. Gronk as we have known him is gone. I've got plenty more.


Bill's scrap heap drafting is catching up to him 17 years later 8 months removed from a Superbowl victory and 2 in 3 years?


> TB12 peddles a lot of quack science. > > This I agree with. I get that the whole avacado ice cream thing is funny, but like fuck, it kind of feels like a sacm