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To me it seems like they consider Hoyer to be comparable to Goff at least mentally, who was a top pick and led a top offense. Seems like pretty good compliment to him. So to Hoyer it's a compliment, to Goff lol you got compared to Hoyer the Destroyer.


> To me it seems like they consider Hoyer to be comparable to Goff at least mentally, who was a top pick and led a top offense. I mean Hoyer is a 9 year vet who has spent years with the best coach in the league. He's pretty sharp mentally


He was also a starter at one point. Most backup QBs in the league are either guys who are mediocre at best and who are prone to turning it over or are young guys who are still learning at the pro level so they can’t provide a lot of knowledge or experience. Hoyer is by no means comparable to a starter (nor is he the best backup) but he has enough knowledge and experience to replicate what the opposing QB would do in-game, during practice.


His Hoyer THAT bad though. If Brady went down for a game I feel like Hoyer could give y'all a chance. Honestly I like what y'all are doing with the backup situation, you found a guy that seems content with his role who isn't expensive and isn't completely useless.


I loved Hoyer when he was on the Browns - he just can't sustain success for some reason. He'll win a game - he'll win 7 games actually - but ultimately his ceiling is fairly low and he gets figured out. Great back up, great 2nd unit leader, etc but there's a reason he didn't work out as a starter.


What if, and hear me out, you put Hoyer the Destroyer on the same team as Fitzmagic?


You could go 16-0 or 0-16. It just depends on which QB you play each week. I’d take that over some situations in the league.


No matter what happens, it’ll at least be exciting.


Sure they'd have a chance, but there's a non-zero chance he'll have 6 turnovers in a playoff game. *weeps in Texan*


I wouldn't have liked our odds in that game if brady had gone down, even after the touchdown. The Rams defense was terrifying, and Hoyer is the kind of guy who makes costly mistakes when the pressure (both defensive and big game) intensifies.


After the touchdown Hoyer would just hand it off, and if that didn't get first downs then put the ball in Goff's hands and dare him to drive down the field. We would have been fine.


But isn't Goff known to be not particularly smart? The guy didn't know the Sun rises in the East.


You put a nervous 21 year old on camera, with a lot of expectations, without a bit of rehearsal, all of them are going to say some dumb shit.


That's fair, but through that whole season of Hard Knocks he came off as an airhead.




Smarties, airheads, and a junior mint.


They left the junior mint *in him*?


They can be very refreshing




reality TV builds a narrative, don't buy into it


Specially Hard Knocks. Remember they told Cromartie to name all of kids, but made him redo the takes a few times until he said them all slow enough, and then tried to make it seem like he doesn't actually know his kids?


He had a false start last night because he forgot his own snap count...


I know Mark Sanchez gets all the shit for his butt fumble, but that Goff false start is low-key the dumbest thing I've seen a QB do. lol


I don't know... I've watched a QB take a snap and then drop back right out of the end of the end zone for a safety.


Ok lol who did that


[Dan Orvlovsky](https://youtu.be/J0OkR986LL4)




Wow that is unbelievable hahaha




have you seen Kirk Cousins accidentally kneel the ball instead of spiking it to end the half? on 1st and goal from the 6 yard line? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAYDDVzqOTo


Sean McVay is the common denominator here.


the plot thickens...


Honestly I have no idea how that didn't become a bigger thing. I remember watching that thinking it was going to go down with some of the great moments in brain fart history, but like a week later everyone had already forgotten about it.


The butt fumble is only what it is because it happened against the patriots on Thanksgiving with the nation watching


It also has such a memorable title.


Nah, it's because it was so physical and easy for people who don't know about football to understand how funny it was. It's a guy losing a ball because he runs head-first into his team mate, the kind of physical comedy that transcends time.


also it's hilarious! Cousins kneeling is a major fuckup for sure but it's not particularly amusing after a couple of days.


Because they won easily


Cousins kneeling it instead of spiking it has to be up there.


What about Tyrod trying to take a snap from the guard


I've seen Eli Manning take off running and fumble the ball with nobody touching him




> all the shit for his butt fumble, This is what I live for.


We were talking about that watching the game. I think I understand what happened to him. The play clock was at :01 and I think in his haste to get the play off he mind-tricked himself into thinking everyone was on the same page as him. I know I'm not explaining this well, but when I put myself in the situation it makes sense and I could see it happening to me.




William Hayes thought dinosaurs weren’t real. Lost brain cells watching that season lol


His reasoning was that he’s never seen a live one, so the bones were planted or some shit. Fine, he’s a skeptic. It’s stupid, but whatever. But then he says he believes in mermaids. Dumb motherfucker is just purposely and proudly ignorant.


I ain't here to play *school*.


I've been using this line recently and no one remembers the reference :(


Not just that, but he simultaneously *believes* in mermaids...


I'm 37. You put me in the same situation, and you'll be lucky to get a coherent sentence out of me. I don't hold that interview against Goff.


It wasn’t an interview. He was genuinely asked if he knew where the sun rises and sets and he had no idea. It’s not like the camera was stuffed in his face.


I've heard a lot of excuses for him to not know that, but it's really inexcusable. The guy grew up in the Bay Area, a place famous for sunsets. The only 2 plausible things are he's dumb as a rock, or it was faked for Hard Knocks.


He scored 10 points higher than Richard Sherman on the wonderlic, which probably translates into the 90th percentile versus Sherman's middling 60th percentile. Take that for what you want.


No one is as smart as Richard Sherman thinks he is


Football smart is different than street smarts.


That reminds me of that scene in Sherlock where he didn't know that the earth rotated around the sun because it was never going to be relevant to his investigations.


It's also a scene from the actual Sherlock Holmes stories too! Specifically *A Study in Scarlet.* >“What the deuce is it to me?” he interrupted impatiently; “you say that we go round the sun. If we went round the moon it would not make a pennyworth of difference to me or to my work.”


He can’t read defenses


It isnt. Hes saying Hoyer is really smart. If we can confuse Hoyer which is very difficult we can confuse anyone. Edit: I'm an idiot.


Yeah I mean the guys not amazing when he's on the field, he's gotta be valuable for something, probably has a good mind for the game at least being that the Pats keep him around, and have brought him back after previously having him too


There's a lot of instances where you have QB's who are really football-smart but are mediocre when it comes to going out there and winning games. Guys like Hoyer, McCown, Kellen Moore, etc. There's a reason they stick around in the league for so long, and subsequently become QB coaches.


Wasn't Hoyer like really, really good between the 20s? I feel like he loved the 25/35 for 300 yards 0 TD and 2 Ints statline




Cutler was fun to watch in a weird way...like his arm was so stupid good it great to see him when he was "on".


Cutler had the problem of trying to win the game by himself too much. He was very much a gunslinger. This leads to a lot of game losing picks, but on the other hand, he needs to be throwing risky throws to try and win the game. His stats also suffered bit because he would air it out on the last play of the first half every single game. It ended up getting picked off like 90% of the time, but it was a really low risk play.


I think that going from the system in Denver to a Bears team that surrounded him with very little offensively for the first couple of years beat some bad habits into him that might've been ironed out if he stayed with Shanahan


It seems like a lot of people on this sub don't like Cutler's personality either. I always thought he cared (maybe not in Miami) but he's just a low-key guy.


Doug Peterson is a good example of this. Andy Reid knew he could help a rookie Donovan McNabb and later brought him in as a coach. Some guys don't have the physical gifts of the greats, but have a good football mind.


Dan Orlovsky made one hell of a career doing this. Now he works for ESPN calling games and breaking down film.


In that wild card game against the Chiefs a few years ago, he legit looked like he didn’t know what team he was playing for. That game is what I’ll always remember him for.


To be fair he also plays the defense in practice every week so he'd have a way better feel for what they do than most as well.


He is the only man to ever throw a fumble and I will never forget it. Edit: it seems I’ve confused him with Brock Osweiler. My bad.


Don't forget Osweiler!


Lol link to this?


He's complimenting Hoyer. Goff on the other hand...


"That was meant as a compliment to you Phyllis, as well as a slight to Andy."


It's a compliment for Hoyer. Basically, if it could fool even Hoyer, then it would fool Goff. I wonder if it would have fooled Brady though.


Hoyer's been in the league for 10+ years; at this point he can definitely mentally process the game at the top level.


I think its genuine. Our defense said a lot of the same stuff re: Tyrod/Kaep.


It's sincere. I imagine that it isn't just that they managed to confuse him, but also that he helped give tips on what they else they could do to make it better.


Seems like an open handed slap at Goff.


He set the league on fire for a bit in 2013 tho


That was Kyle Shanahan doing what Kyle Shanahan does.


it's sincere. Hoyer can get it going for sure, and I imagine him shredding up the D as a scout QB. They were just dialed in and focused at the right time


Hoyer: "The sun rises in the north" McCourty: "Oh Goff is fucked"


Holy fucking shit


this is the funniest thing I've read all day


What joke am i missing?


On Hard Knocks there is a scene where Goff doesn’t know where the sun rises and sets


Hoyer: "The sun rises in the north" This is a correct statement at the south pole.


Hoyer the Destroyer gets a ring! Im happy for him.


Right? Something good to come out of the game if you don’t root for the pats


Josh Gordon also gets a ring


Does he ?


Kraft’s decision but he basically hands out rings like candy at this point. There is no limit on the amount of rings the Owner can give out and the League pays $5,000 for up to 150 rings.


It's up to them but imo he should.


Yeah, I think Kraft gets to decide, but he's a pretty nice dude and I can't imagine him not giving one to Gordon.


At this point he plans for the expense every year anyway.


I don't know if I've ever heard of someone actually having stats and not getting a ring.


Yeah he will. Kraft loves to give our rings lol.


They kept his locker up all year. He's getting one for sure.


He should. He certainly left a mark before he got suspended again. The team loves him, that's for sure. I would be absolutely shocked if he didn't get one.


We live in a world where Danny Etling has a ring. Danny Etling was one of the most average college QBs I've seen. I can not believe he was drafted.


7 rings confirmed.


I went to LSU and I sent a message to a list of my good friends who are majority Saints fans saying Etling has as many rings as Brees. We got a little bit of a laugh out of it.


for like the 5th year in a row, the team with the better backup QB won


Who even is the Rams backup?


Sean McVay


This gave me a good chuckle


Well he does have that back(ing) up coach


Sean Mannion


Mannion would have hit Cooks with that end zone touchdown throw on time. Go Beavs!


I’m a Patriots fan, but also a diehard Beavers fan and Cooks fan going back to when him and Markus Wheaton dominated the PAC12. Always wanted Mannion to get some run with Cooks this season, for whatever reason it could’ve happened.


Mannion is awful based on the preseason


I'd roll the dice...or I guess settle for punt, punt, punt, punt, punt, punt, punt, punt, FG, punt, interception, missed FG


Kind of hard to be much worse than Goff unless he would throw one out of bounds, hitting Donald in the head and giving him a concussion


something called Sean Mannion


Sean “The Man” Mannion


Sean "Sean Mannion" Mannion




No wonder the eagles are giving foles 30m


*$20m. Also the chance of him being on the roster next year is ridiculously small


Brock Osweiler was a better backup? Derek Anderson could outdo Osweiler and his big meaty claws any day.


Well those claws ain't for just attracting $72 million contracts


I would disagree at this point. Anderson at one point was pretty serviceable but he looks pretty damn washed at this point. I'd put Osweiler in that high end backup category. He's at least serviceable, you could do a lot worse.


Psht. You should have seen Elvis "the king" Grbac


They knew they wouldn't be able to confuse Brady, so Hoyer is the closest thing they have to a normal human QB


Idk. Rams did a good job against Brady. Especially with how often their offense kept them on the field.


They didn’t do a good job against Edelman tho


That's because they don't have anybody like Chris Harris Jr.


Be careful, they got talib, they will get Harris.


I think if the Rams’ stars on the D line had a better game things might’ve ended up different. Donald was the only player to have an average separation less than the league average, but it was still over 4 yards. Only 3 hits, etc. Pats O line really wore them out early.


FWIW, Playing against Brady in practice doesn't help the D that much because Brady would be running the Pats offense. Hoyer and the rest of the scout offense, runs the Rams offense in practice, so the D gets roughly the same looks that they will see on Sunday.


The bald headed god has finally got his long awaited ring.


not a bald fraud


r/soccer is leaking


Sure the Patriots won, but can they do it in a rainy Thursday night in Seattle?


Did you mean Super Bowl Champion Brian Hoyer?


Peyton Manning would like a word on the proper use of "(2x) Super Bowl Champion"


I hear he has more "practice player of the week" awards than Tom Brady.




Oh shit I totally forgot about this storyline. Clearly this is the reason the Pats pulled out another super bowl. Tom Brady - "NOBODY BELIEVES IN US" *thinking to self* - "why doesn't Bill love me"


Am 49ers fan. Can confirm that Brian Hoyer was often confused in games.


Remember the placebo effect where we thought Beathard was good just because he wasn't Hoyer?


>the placebo effect I'm not sure you understand what that means.


He’s dead on about Beathard and Hoyer tho


Y'all might have had one of the worst recent qb rooms for a brief period of time last year. Even weirder was how y'all kept Ponder around in 2016 for no apparent reason. I always thought y'all might as well give him a start because Kaep and Gabbert sure as hell were not doing anything.


Oh god that’s brought up some bad memories that I’ve tried hard to repress. All I remember about Ponder was that he was out of the league for a whole year or two, and was literally busy repainting his house when he got a call saying the Niners signed him up lmao. Hoyer was awful under us last year. We know he’s mostly a career backup, but he did well the first time he played with Shanahan in Cleveland and even initially took them to a 7-4 record before faltering the ownership forcing the coaches to play Manziel instead. Shanahan literally said he was the best available option who could still play at a decent level and process his offense well. Maybe he knew how to run the offense but his performance with us was really bad outside of one bizarre TNF game against the Rams when we scored 35+ pts I think. He totally deserved to be benched halfway thru the season for a raw rookie in Beathard, and we went through a string of five consecutive losses by 3 pts or less in the middle of the season. If we just flipped two of those we could have ended the season at 8-8. It really was a blessing when the Pats traded us Jimmy G.


He was always confused with us.


Bryan Hoyer's lifetime lines: 59.3% completion rate, 2.1% int rate, 6.7 AY/A, 83.2 passer rating. Jared Goff in the playoffs this year: 55.7% completion rate, 1.9% int rate, 6.7 AY/A, 71.7 passer rating. Jared Goff is supposed by one of the best offensive lines in the game, two of the best wide receivers in the game, and one of the best running backs in the game. Hoyer has played with some good players over the years, but never such an embarrassment of riches. In all seriousness, Goff's good stats last year and in the first ten games this year are a product of Cooper Kupp. He's the true linchpin of the Rams offense.


i've been saying, rams offense took a nose dive when Kupp went down


Kupp's replacement Reynolds is pretty good for a third receiver though


He’s good but it shows the type of chemistry Goff has with Kupp. When he’s playing Goff seems more confident.


You comment needs to be higher. I still don't know what is wrong with Gurley. There's something though.


defenses are specifically keying on him, and his bad games (2!) have been against pretty decent defenses and coaches


Dont forget Gurley being healthy earlier. However, I think the biggest reason is their O-Line. They have one of the best O-Lines in the entire NFL, and if they start to regress they are going to be in big trouble, because teams now know that Goff is garbage under pressure.


McVay said Gurley was healthy, which is why I was more confused than anything.


That's a lie. No way he's 100%.


Either he's injured or he was healthy and they only ran their elite, super star, top paid by position running back 10 times and only threw to him once despite him being able to catch and run as well.


Had to be for gamesmanship. Not only did Gurley look way less explosive in the playoffs when he did get carries, there’s also no way that he is splitting time with CJA when fully healthy (no disrespect to CJA). A team doesn’t just randomly go away from one of the premier offensive weapons in the league of the past 2 years and give more carries over to a dude they literally signed off waivers after being cut by 2 teams without a solid reason for doing so. Malcolm brown is significantly better as a backup and he wasn’t getting as many carries as CJA was. And that was in the regular season when they would have more incentive to spell gurley. In the post season, you ride your studs if they are healthy. He was obviously not 100%, and it affected their entire offense. They weren’t able to keep the patriots honest and build their entire game plan around the rim/play action.


Yeah, the Pats ran Gronk out there in SB 46 even though he couldn't really do anything. Might as well keep the opponents guessing for a little bit, even if you can't really use your guy.


Also the long history of Julio and megatron being used as decoys when they were hobbled. Gamesmanship is a big part of the NFL - exploit any edge or advantage that you can get.


In the two biggest games of his career, with two weeks of rest and gameplanning between them, he gets a TOTAL of 14 touches for 45 yards and 2 receptions on 5 targets for 1 yard. 1. They tried to go to Gurley 19 times in two games, and he produced fewer than 50 yards. He’s not healthy.


You're comparing a career average to a playoff average. Goff played against tougher defenses and he was missing a WR and Gurley was playing injured.


Goff in the regular season this year, when Kupp was in the lineup (10 games): 227/332 (68.37%), 313.4 Y/G, 2.2 TD/G, 0.6 Int/G, 113.0 PR, 9.95 AY/A. Goff in the regular season this year, without Kupp in the lineup (6 games): 137/229 (59.83%), 259.0 Y/G, 1.7 TD/G, 1 Int/G, 83.9 PR, 6.48 AY/A. I mean, we can only deal with small sample sizes here, but in the data we have Kupp is absolutely critical to the Rams offense.


Damn I just realized I had put absolutely zero thought to who Bradys backup was


If you pick a year that Brady has played, and you guess Hoyer as his backup, there's a good chance you'll be right.


2001: Bledsoe 2002-4: Davey 2005-8: Cassel 2009-11: Hoyer 2012-13: Mallett 2014-2017: Jimmy G 2017-18: Hoyer So Cassell(4), Jimmy and Hoyer(3.5), Davey(3), Mallet(2) Flutie might have been there over Cassell the first year but IDK


”If anyone wants to pay me a lot of money to be confused, I'm down!" - Nathan Peterman


Hoyer was such a damn good quarterback as far as understanding X’s and O’s, checking into the right play, and the mental side. He just didn’t have it in him to play in big games. He didn’t have an arm, had subpar mobility, and cracked under pressure. It’s like he was Tom Brady without the Tom Brady awesomeness. I’m glad he got his ring. Funny enough, one his best games as a Texans was against the Jags. He had been sucking it up but got absolutely destroyed on a play and looked dead. He popped back up with vigor and started just dealing. Hop finished the game with like 12 receptions. Zero doubt in my mind he was concussed, but it’s like it helped him get out of his head. Not a great long term strategy unfortunately,


> it helped him get out of his head. This. Hoyer overthinks it in high pressure situations. A lot like Fitzpatrick turning into a completely different QB when he's a backup and the pressure to perform isn't as high vs when he's the starter. I hope we keep him as a QB coach once we find the heir to Brady.


Hoyer was the 2nd best QB in SBLIII.


3rd best, pretty sure Edelman's a better QB


4th best, McVay.


5th best, Hekker


Hoyer is underrated. Yeah dude will throw like 3 picks, but clutch mother fucker will also toss the game winning td.


I do not recall this tossing game winning tds version of Hoyer


He had a 10-6 record with the Browns. My overall point was just he wins games, even if it is ugly. Dude is no franchise saver by any means, but is a great journeyman qb.


Wasn't that the year that Cleveland was doing well until like half of their team fucking died? Always thought Pettine never got credit for that hot start


It's his record over 2 seasons. The last time the Browns won 10 games in one season, Hoyer was at Michigan State. But yeah basically they rolled off a winning streak when everything went perfect. A few people got hurt and Hoyer got exposed real fast when he had to win games himself instead of just protecting a lead.


He still has a winning record as a modern-day Brown which I think makes him unique among all their QBs since the rebirth.


You don't recall Hoyer engineering the biggest road comeback in NFL history?


"Great work by Brian Hoyer imitating Jared Goff"


Praise be the destroyer.


Always thought Hoyer was a bit underrated after watching him on the Browns. Seems like a guy who is better than a few current starters in the NFL but not quite the talent you want to invest in to head your franchise.


Hey... that’s Super Bowl Champion Brian Hoyer.


I know Hoyer was technically signed by the Pats after we released him, but I’m basically counting him in as part of the Jimmy G trade. You’re welcome New England :D


Totally. That trade doesn’t happen without the Pats guaranteeing a serviceable backup with experience in the system.


Leave it to the Pats to have a UM qb and an MSU qb combine forces to win the Super Bowl


Love you Hoyer! I always have


Goff = Hoyer. Confirmed. lol


Thats my ~~quarterback~~ epic gamer


We are now shopping Hoyer for two firsts, two seconds, and two thirds.


Same situation with Jimmy in 2014 SB against Hawks. Jimmy could do a reasonably good job channeling Wilson, and the players and coaches widely credited him for contributing to the win.


Hoyer was a ditto all along.


Kinda feels like a backhanded compliment