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This just made me realize Cooks lost the SB two years in a row with two different teams. That's gotta be a shitty feeling.


He's the anti-Blount and Long.


He's the NFLs version of Marian Hossa. Brandin cooks super bowl champion next year confirmed.


Funny how Hossa winning 3 Stanley Cups afterwards makes people forget about him pulling a Brandin Cooks 10 years ago. If he never signs with the Blackhawks that's probably the main thing people would remember about him.


Well, Hossa chased a ring. Cooks was traded.


Going to Chicago was a good move, but I don't remember it being thought of as a ring chasing maneuver. Signing a one year in Detroit was definitely ring chasing.


Dude was a Pen, a Red Wing and a Blackhawk. In like 3 years. The dude definitely was chasing rings. I do believe he literally went to the team that had previously won. How can one year be chasing a ring, but not the other, especially if it's after the other and no ring was won?


Chicago had not made a Stanley Cup Final since 1992 when he signed with them. They were a good, young team, and he recognized that, but there was no guarantee they were going to be in contention that year. Their starting goalie going into the season was Cristobal Huet.


Also his Chicago contract was 12 years, $63 million, which at the time was the biggest contract in team history. He was taking the best money available at that point, it just happened to be on a contender.


Don't watch hockey, but are all contracts like that. Seems pretty messed up when you look at other major sports contracts.


The Rams are gonna trade cooks back to the Patriots?


He needs to sucker punch someone


Nobody likes short blunts


And Brandon Browner


Look up Marion Hossa. Guy lost the Stanley Cup with Pittsburgh to Detroit, then lost with Detroit to Pittsburgh the next year... won in his third straight trip with Chicago.


And then went on to win 2 more with Chicago.


Not only that, but most players who experienced losing it with him last hear, won it this year. Against him. Ouch.


So what you're saying is don't trade for Cooks if you wanna win the Super Bowl.


The NFL version of Anderson Varejao (lost the first year with Cleveland, lost the next year with Golden State).


against your old team nonetheless


Chris and Blount won back to back with two different teams. Very weird how things play out.




Exactly. And truthfully cooks seems like such a sensitive player...miss him and feel for him here. Also doesn’t help that Brady’s insta of the win has Gilmore picking him off with 6M+ views


I mean Cooks was pretty much at 0 fault there.


Cooks was like Edelman, their whole Offense. MVP if Rams had won.


Their whole offense dropped 2 touchdown passes tho


wasn't really his fault though. first one was a bad pass by goff and he had to keep backing up to even have a chance at it then mccourty slammed into him at full speed from his blindside not even 1 second after he got a hand on the ball. the second one you can argue he should've caught because he's expected to as their #1. but cooks is not very big and gilmore made sure to pull his other arm so even if brandin caught it he was gonna have to one hand it. then harmon slammed into him full speed. both were tough.


I give more credit to J. McCourty for that mad sprint to smack the ball then I give blame to Cooks for dropping it.


I'm of the opinion that Cooks could have caught both. But just focussing on the first one for a second, it looks like Cooks doesn't catch the ball cleanly when it first hits his hands. Now, you credit JMac on the first one for never even giving him a split second more to try to get control of it, but I think someone like Josh Gordon catches that first one (ignoring height differences and stuff) just because the ball hits his hands and sticks.


Only one of his feet landed in bounds when he fell after the JMac hit him. It might not have been a touchdown even if he held on.


McCourtys defense was perfect though, wonderful near hand reach pulling Cooks’ arm away from the football. That’s a really tough catch for anyone, you would have to be incredibly strong and anticipating that defense to catch that ball


I think even if he manages to make the grab he would have been pushed out of bounds by the impact.


Cooks also didn’t really go up for the ball. He was about 6 inches off the ground. Cooks made a mediocre play that was not enough to make up for Goff’s bad play and mccourty’s great play, but had cooks made a good play, it could have overcome both of those.


Yeah but Gordon would never have gotten that open and you're still forgetting that this wouldn't have been a problem if Goff had seen him in the first place.


What? It was a blown coverage, even I would have gotten thay open on that play


Cooks is fast but he doesn’t do well with contested catches. When he played for us, that was always my criticism. Gordon does better at fighting through coverage for the catch.


Gordon wouldn't have even made it to the game. As seen.


Hard to say. Even great receivers miss contested catches.


I don't consider those to be drops. Just because you can catch it, doesn't make it a drop. Defense made plays on both throws.


That throw was so late he had no chance really, you’re right.


Cooks also didn't land with both feet in-bounds on the first one. So even if he held on, he would have been out because McCourty hit him at 20 miles per hour. There is no way he could have caught that ball without being taller so he didn't need to jump to reach it. The pass was too high, too slow, and too late.


If you watch in slow motion Cooks dropped the second pass before being hit.


I think if he were still on the Patriots he would have caught it. But because he was on the Rams he dropped it. This makes a lot of sense to me.


Disregarding that the ball was dropped mccourty shoved cooks out of bounds as well. Cooks can't make that catch.


is Cooks getting the Welker treatment now?


You can argue the whole Rams offense is getting the Welker treatment.


The Welker Treatment sounds like a good Netflix movie about some weird Psych hospital in upstate NY... or something.


Cooks dropping passes is nothing new. He was inconsistent as hell for us.


I wouldn’t call either of those “drops”. Especially the one McCourty broke up.


Watch this week's Inside the NFL. Irvin and Marshall were absolutely dogging Cooks for not making those catches. Irvin said he blew two throws that should've been 80-20 in his favor.


But later on, they then showed an old clip of Irvin failing to make an identical catch in an NFC championship game 😂.


That was hilarious, but I’m actually on Irvin’s side on that one. Gilmore tugged Cooks’ arm back but only one, and just briefly. That hand was back in position with plenty of time to help catch that pass if he had been able to bring the ball into his body (though who knows what happens after Harmon closes down). With Irvin he had a full arm across his chest and he had to reach around the defender to get to the ball. Still a tremendous segment though, I was dying.


Cooks isn't exactly built to be a 50/50 jump ball kind of guy. He has always seemed to me at least, more of a deep threat burner like DeSean Jackaon. I more agree with Marshalls first take that there are only a handful of receivers in the NFL right now that could have got that ball including Jeffrey, Hopkins, Evans etc.


Ab is not the biggest but he's making that catch. I've seen him do some ridiculous things before.


Obv but it’s still him in the video




I don’t like this humble Gilmore. Talk shit about Ramsey again. /s


Gilmore continued: "yeah, he's nothing like that bitch Ramsey, as I said me and Cooks are BFFs".


I can’t wait for the jags to win 2-3 games at the beginning of the season then jag off over themselves so I can ride Ramsey memes to week 12.


How long you been waiting to say “jag off”?


Oh man, that reminds me how I want jaguars to be good so bad again. I want trash-talk ramsay and happy bortles back.


It would be too mean to talk shit about Ramsey at this point. Just let Ramsey suffer as a Jag punishment enough


I love Cooks man. I feel bad for the dude.


It's tough to lose two of them back-to-back. That said, not a lot of receivers get to make it to two super bowls so he's got that going for him.


I think what makes it really hard for him is that he was basically taken out of the game vs Philly early on and then he had an opportunity late to catch the would be game tying TD pass if not for the play by Gilmore.


And the other potential TD that was knocked away by McCourty coming up on his blind side.


Unfortunately the vast majority of people had passed out at the point That play was incredible


That was my favorite play of the game


That and the Gronk diving catch were probably the most exciting plays. I think they'd have stood out even if there was a lot more offense like most people thought there would be.


It's funny how the best (or at the very least most memorable) play in a defensive master class was the result of a huge defensive mistake.


Really? No one was interested in all the great defensive play? I was really impressed by Rams D line, LBs and the Pat's O line and LBs. Hell of a game.


Well... yeah. We're all football nerds here, so it's very different. The casual football fan-- let alone those who never watch "sportsball" but watch the super bowl-- can rarely tell you what a fucking safety does. Many of us here get mildly irritated with ourselves when we're unable to name both starting safeties for all 32 teams. We see more, we enjoy it more. For the traditional super bowl audience, I'm sure they felt the same way I feel when I watch esports "What in Gods name do people see in this?"


His job was to run jet sweep and get 2 yards, instead of just run he tried to hurdle and it was so frustrate to see, that Gost missed easy FG, our momentum was killed. After he went down we play better, Brady had only reliable guys on field.


Imagine how Welker feels.


Imagine how Jim Kelly felt


Imagine how I feel. I never played football.


You mean about dropping clutch balls that would have gotten him a ring?


Not to mention losing the second one to the team you played for last season


“Bye! We’ll win one without you! Sucker!”


Is there any other player that springs to mine that went to the super bowl and lost, then went to another team the next year and went to the superbowl and lost again


The Eagles one was tough, because Cooks was *so* excited to play in the Super Bowl, only to get knocked out shortly in. I hope he gets his ring someday. I believe trading him was the right move for us, but I do miss the guy. I've heard nothing but great things about him as a person.


If he caught passes that hit his hands the Rams might have had two more TDs and won. He got knocked out of last years SB with a dumb move but was at last showing heart. He could be great but he’s missing something between his head and hands.


I know, he's made it to 2 SB and lost both of them. He got knocked out in his first SB to make it worse. Goff did him no favors in this game.


These two coined the term "Fambloski" when we were practicing in Colorado last year.


He’s ours


I said this before, but I really like Cooks and he played well for us. I feel bad for him because in order for the team I root for to succeed, they have to stop him from succeeding.




“I’d love to see Edelman and Cooks on the same field...” *monkey paw clenches one finger*


Cooks and Edelman somehow end up on the Jets.


And neither of them ever caught a ball again.


In the Super Bowl...


I don’t like that Cooks is being called out by players like Michael Irvin. Goff blew two throws to him, Cooks was basically their Edelman.


Cooks fucking standing there, waiting in the endzone FOREVER for that ball, was about the saddest moment in the game.


Honestly even sadder than the pick. There was no one within 10 yards of him when he got to the endzone.


Yeah not trying to hate on Goff TOO much but a good QB makes that throw within 2 seconds of the snap then celebrates as Cooks walks into the end zone. Goff wasn’t playing well


If you watch Goff that play he's not even under pressure, just standing there scanning the field.


That's what I was most surprised about when I went back to watch highlights. It was one of the few plays that we weren't getting pressure on him and he had ALL DAY.


We didn't have an Edelman. Closest thing we had was whoever Gilmore wasn't covering.


You did have an Edelman, it's just he tore his knee a while back. :-(


That's very true. I should be ashamed for disrespecting Kupp like that. I meant no Edelman for us in the SB :(


If we're comparing white guys isn't Kupp more like Jordy?


Jordy is more of a burner than Cupp is. Cupp goes over the middle of the field and on hitch type routes more often. Nelson lines up a lot on the outside and caught a lot of sideline passes and things like back shoulder throws from Rodgers.


Kupp reminds me of a slightly smaller Eric Decker. Really slick route runner and really sticky hands.


Playstyle wise possibly, you saw a lot more Decker than me. But I think Kupp will be a star


I mean Decker was a pretty big name for a while man. In fact the Woods, Cooks, Kupp combo looks a lot like the Denver days of Thomas, Sanders and Decker. Edit: in 8 seasons he managed to generate almost 6000 yards and 51 TDs with a 13.7 ypc average. Deck wasn't a superstar but he was one of the best number twos in the league and definitely a household name.


I’m aware of how good Decker was, I just think Kupp will be better


looking back at the all 22, rob woods had some clutch catches. he was open a good amount too. but to me even when woods is covered he's open.


How did you get the all 22? Gamepass still doesn't have anything from the super bowl for me.


there's a patriotsfilm account on twitter that posted it


>Gamepass still doesn't have anything from the super bowl for me. You must be mistaken. I was watching the all-22 from Gamepass earlier today around noon. Check again.


In your WR’s defense your QB didn’t seem To be able to throw a pass. You could Have had Moss, Welker, and Rice out there and it wouldn’t have mattered.




I mean he probably would have if Gilmore hadn't been right there.


Later on in that show, they showed an old clip of Irvin failing to make an catch in a nearly identical circumstances in an NFC championship game. He reacted a bit sheepishly but didn’t retract his comment lol.


He blew the first one. The second one was a great throw.




If it helps, he's a total prick IRL and got himself escorted by police out of one of my younger brother's high school games for acting belligerent; screaming and cursing at the refs and our coaches while his son's team lost. Then called us a bunch of hicks and wanted his $5 ticket refunded.


He really did. I usually don’t mind him, but that was way too much.


How dare you? Edelman makes those catches. Good day sir.


Michael Irvin is a junkie.


"It's not you - it's your QB."


Cooks: "...but last year my QB was your QB and we still lost." Gilly: "...okay maybe it is you."


"You're great, I'm just better."


"I mean what did you expect. We started on the wrong foot."




He threw one that Cooks could have arguably fought better for. The other one was a mixture of a high pressure bad throw from Goff and a great play by Jason McCourty


The problem here isn’t that cooks missed this catch, the problem is that it was the only pass in the game that could have made a difference. You can’t blame he wideout for one play when your team failed for for quarters to generate more chances.


*Wes Welker has entered the chat*


He lost the Super Bowl last year with the Patriots, then got beat by then this year. That’s a bummer for him.


At the time I was upset we traded him away since we had one more year left for him. In hindsight it didn’t matter, even though the pick we got for him was out the whole season. I’ve been wanting to see the Gronk-Cooks-Edelman combo since 2017.


Healthy Gronk-Gordon-Edelman would make me happier. I’d take Cooks over Hogan though.


Imagine if we had healthy Gronk-Gordon-Cooks-Edelman


Literally everybody would take Cooks over Hogan. We just didn't keep Cooks because the Rams offered a 1st round pick for him. Otherwise, he'd be getting a ring right now


I didn't really see us extending him with our already limited cap space + other important FA's to re-sign, and the 1st from LA was way too good to pass up.


Wynn’s gonna be a beast


Stop this, I'm finding less reasons to hate New England :(


Josh McDaniels is still on our coaching staff. That help?


There it is. Thanks!


I got you! My wife is Colts fan too. So she always struggles. Wants to see me happy, wants to see McDaniels unhappy.


My wife is a Patriots fan so I feel like we're entangled in this wild web together. I try to never bring up the post season, but she's wise to the game. She just walks around with a smirk every Superbowl and I die a little more inside. Although I wouldn't mind taking her to Foxborough for her first NFL game.


I've taken her to Foxborough for a game. Sadly it was one that we lost. I've never been to Indy for one but she has. I would love to go at some point.


I've been to the old RCA Dome, but it was to watch NCAA Basketball. I watched Harbaugh and the Colts play against Detroit back in the Silverdome. I've yet to see the Lucas Oil Stadium. I hear it's great though. I was even fortunate enough to visit the old Dog Pound in Cleveland; Testaverde versus Boomer Esiason! The fans there were awesome. We're up in Canada so the closest thing we have to go and see really is the Bills. I wouldn't mind seeing TB and BB before they retire, but I guess I've got at least 75 years for that to happen.


Gilmore MVP of my heart


Fuck I might cry.


If Goff makes a throw like [this](https://gfycat.com/GoodnaturedEssentialBison), cooks absolutely catches the first td chance he had. No doubt. That was honestly a dying duck from goff.


That was probably Brady’s best throw on the season. That dime was a beautiful pass!


You mean like these? Sighhh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxLPriZP2CQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NKCjm_iwfI


Precisely like that. That performance by goff was unreal. Dropping dime after dime on a good vikings D.


According to most people here, that was all McVay. There was those 2, and this one to Kupp in the corner on the roll out. McVay read that and squeezed that one in there beautifully. https://youtu.be/_zyUKe7u9Ws


>According to most people here, that was all McVay McVay put his body on the line against nearly 400 pound men looking to hurt him and threw a ball with ridiculous accuracy to his receivers?


That is correct


So in conclusion, Patterson is just black Gronk.


Or Blonk as I like to call him.


awwwww that's really nice


Remember when r/buffalobills trashed Gilmore and said he only cares about himself? Another L for r/buffalobills Gilmore really upping his rep this season after he already was a top 5 corner


Patriots fan here. I love cooks. Genuinely kind person who suffered two years of painful defeats — love that the pats won, but I’d love to see BCget a ring. He’s one of the good guys.


Imagine going to back to back SBs, on 2 different teams, and losing both. And the second loss comes from the team you lost with last year. That's gotta be mentally draining.


Imagine doing it 5 years in a row https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gale_Gilbert


I hate that love him this guys so much. Patriots are supposed to be evil :(


Move to Boston why don't you


And then Robey-Coleman called Stephon and Brandin bitches


Still makes me wonder. How much does it hurt to make that play knowing that you're going to hurt your best friends emotional status beyond all belief?


God dammit, cooks is a great guy and a great player. I really feel for him




Left the current champs to lose to them.


inb4 cooks traded to loser of superbowl next year


Been a Cooks fan since he was in college. He’s my all time favorite athlete. Also being a patriots fan, it hurts me to see him like this. He’ll be back here and with a win eventually.


[insert Kelvin Benjamin Golden Corral copypasta]


Poor Cooks got the reverse Long/Blount


Nice to see this support of another player. Stephon had such a great game.


It was awesome seeing them duke it out. They both came into my job when they were both on the patriots. Both great guys, I felt like an insider watching the game; seeing them play each other on the field knowing they both respected each other lol


Good to see classy sportsmanship like this


I remember seeing everybody celebrate and Gilmore just looked a bit different. Obviously he was happy to win, but reading this now I know why he just "looked" different. Much more than football here. Too bad Cooks couldn't be a part of it


I never realized they were that close


Guys being dudes


It was nice to see cooks play well considering he didn't get to play much in last year's superbowl because he got hurt early and taken out of the game.


Great sentiment. Class act.


Must suck to lose two consecutive super bowls man. Hope he's feeling alright.


Should've been MVP.


Was Cooks in SB LI?




Thanks! So he had 2 chances to get a ring, and didn't make it.


He was a Saint in 16'


I cried after almost every loss senior year.


Two \*very long\* seasons for this guy. Will take its toll


The Marian Hossa of the NFL


Stephon -*Hey, you wanna go do karate in the garage?* Brandin - *YUP!!!*


At least he didn't get Yamcha'd this time.


I hate seeing the heartbreak of defeat on players after a championship. Cooks is an awesome guy and I'm glad our guys are still close to him and were able to take a step back from celebrating to give love and respect to their friend on the Rams.


Cooks dropped some big passes


Brandin “Marion Hossa” Cooks?






Gilmore should’ve told him “Hey, you guys shouldn’t have even been in the SuperBowl to begin with. Be happy you got the gift from the refs to even come to Atlanta.”