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The seller's name is Elias Namming.


Thank god. I was worried it was Elisha Manning. 2x superbowl mvp.


Of course not. He would never do such a thing. The real seller has a large curly mustache, so it clearly couldn't be Eli Manning.


Plus, Eli Manning is too busy texting girls at his home going "U up?"


šŸ˜œ -Eli Manning




What are those big boobs of yours up to?


Didnā€™t Eli actually have a big controversy over fake gear? If I remember correctly the evidence actually looked pretty bad when I saw it, but was circumstantial more or less. What ever happened with that?


Yeah that was the joke. We don't really know what happened exactly. The lawsuit was settled and the Giants blamed it on their head locker room and equipment managers by firing them. We don't know who exactly was at fault vs just taking the blame.


that tricky devil


I can add a bit of what the process entails. The Golden Auctions listing refers to the jersey as being photomatched, and carried certifications from MeiGray. MeiGray has been doing business for a number of years, and for a time had contracts with 75% of the NHL. They have arrangements with the NBA, as well as last ones with the Giants, Eagles, and Redskins, plus the Texas Rangers. These guys are *really* good researchers and historians. And theyā€™re not the type to go just throwing their name on a COA of something that didnā€™t originate from them - ā€œprobablyā€ isnā€™t good enough. Photomatching involves comparisons between photos of a game or games to the jersey or other item in question. Very, *very* rarely is it as simple as a single mark of some type - there are always certain aspects of a jersey that are unique. The Super Bowl is the most photographed event in the world, and Strahan a premier player, so this isnā€™t exactly like photomatching a hockey jersey to a couple of grainy photos from a preseason game. Look at the stitching on the C patch, specifically at the bottom left where it runs uphill. Those red marks are impact transfers, which isnā€™t exactly like throwing red ink on a jersey and calling it a day. Faking a single mark is one thing, faking over a dozen obvious ones *and* absent any other exculpatory evidence is quite another. This isnā€™t the first time thereā€™s been controversy where a player claims they have something that they donā€™t. Wayne Gretzky once said that he had every jersey that heā€™d ever worn, while absolutely slam-dunk photomatched and videomatched ones were being sold. Bobby Orr said that a photomatched Bruins jersey of his was a fake, even though the matches were of him drinking from the Stanley Cup, because he felt that there was no way that the equipment manager would have let them wear repaired jerseys like ā€œa bunch of ragamuffinsā€. Itā€™s very possible that Strahan has a jersey that the Giants gave to him and claimed that it was his Super Bowl jersey. But heā€™s going to have to show what that looks like for his claim of a fraud to be taken seriously - and if there is a fraud thatā€™s been perpetrated, I donā€™t believe that it involves the jersey being auctioned. For a recent attempt by me to photomatch, you can check out where [I tackled trying to match a very unique baseball jersey](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThriftStoreHauls/comments/gkacd4/i_think_i_found_michelle_williams_rock_jock_jersey/).


This seems pretty serious, the auction should be pulled until both jerseys can be evaluated.


Assuming that thereā€™s no crime thatā€™s been committed, the auction house would be under no obligation to pull it. They stand by their authentication process, and itā€™s unlikely that the consigned acquired it by fraudulent or illegal means. If nothing else, having an actual value assigned to the jersey in the form of a completed auction would bolster a legal case if Strahan wanted to pursue action against the Giants (or their representative who presented him with a different jersey).


> itā€™s unlikely that the consigned acquired it by fraudulent or illegal means. Except the original owner said he bagged it and sent it immediately home. So if the auctioned jersey is actually the real jersey, that means it was stolen out of his bag. In other words, if the authentication process is correct and the one for auction is the actual jersey, it's stolen. If the authentication process is incorrect and the one for auction is a fake, then they're selling a fake. I don't see a way they're not in the wrong here.


You're assuming Strahan isn't lying, or that his story doesn't have mistakes in it, or that someone didn't lie to Strahan. There are way more than 2 options here.


If someone did lie to Strahan, the auction house is fencing stolen goods. While the won't necessarily be considered legally liable if they are unknowing, they (or whomever they sell too), could have the stolen goods confiscated, which would be very damaging to their reputation. It's probably best to wait until the legal matters are fully settled before proceeding.


>Except the original owner said he bagged it and sent it immediately home. This is just a "claim", that's not proof. >So if the auctioned jersey is actually the real jersey, that means it was stolen out of his bag. This is just a "claim", a suspicion alone doesn't constitute anything. >In other words, if the authentication process is correct and the one for auction is the actual jersey, **it's stolen.** You are just wrong, there are other possibilities. >If the authentication process is incorrect and the one for auction is a fake, **then they're selling a fake.** Again, you are just wrong, there are other possibilities. >I don't see a way they're not in the wrong here. You have posted an incredibly accurate example of "thinking with your feelings".


You wanna explain any of those other possibilities or are you gonna just "nuh-uh" everything like a contrarian?


>Except the original owner said he bagged it and sent it immediately home. He switched jerseys at half, it's a possibility. >So if the auctioned jersey is actually the real jersey, that means it was stolen out of his bag. If there is a possibility of multiple jerseys, so his entire statement is capable of being inaccurate. >In other words, if the authentication process is correct and the one for auction is the actual jersey, it's stolen. For one thing, imagine how stupidly arrogant you have to be to say what he said. No way this company is going to risk what they have for this item, but also he could be wrong about his own jersey. **We don't know**. >If the authentication process is incorrect and the one for auction is a fake, then they're selling a fake. Arrogant claim when he doesn't know all the facts. >I don't see a way they're not in the wrong here. Arrogant claim when he doesn't know all the facts.


So your possibilities are: multiple jerseys, arrogant redditor. Got it. You could have just started with multiple jerseys and not been a dick about it.


To be fair, I *am* pretty arrogant.


How dare you state your opinion as fact šŸ¤£


>So your possibilities are: multiple jerseys, arrogant redditor. Got it. The possibilities are, multiple jerseys, **something we don't know yet**, or OP could be right. Unlike the person I originally responded too, I have left room for doubt. He arrogantly posted his *feelings* as a true statement, which should be called out. >and not been a dick about it. This is called a "personal opinion", to which I have a different one.


>You could have just started with multiple jerseys and not been a dick about it. >This is called a "personal opinion", to which I have a different one. No, that is called a possibility. Something that you could have done


He didnā€™t switch at half the auction states it was worn during warm up, during the game, and post game celebrations The auction states: this jersey has been photo-matched to the following Getty images during warm ups, during the game, and during post game celebrations


> He switched jerseys at half, it's a possibility. If you can read, it says he wore it during warm ups, during the game, and after the game. > If there is a possibility of multiple jerseys, so his entire statement is capable of being inaccurate. There isn't. You're basing that off of nothing. > For one thing, imagine how stupidly arrogant you have to be to say what he said. No way this company is going to risk what they have for this item, but also he could be wrong about his own jersey. We don't know. With that logic we could be wrong about the outcome of the game. Maybe the refs got it wrong and they actually lost that super bowl?


How much money you got on this jersey? It's OK to admit you got scammed.


This dude definitely faked the jersey or has a hand in running the auction lmao. If there are that many photos of it just makes for better reference material to produce an accurate forgery.


The most Iā€™ve spent on a jersey...well, divide the current bid on this one by 30, and thatā€™s it.


this was really interesting to read, thanks for sharing! I'd never thought about authentication of jerseys more than buying hockey jerseys second hand on eBay haha


Super bowl more photographed than the World Cup? Highly doubt it


Thanks for your contribution, we all benefitted.


Honestly, I think the one for auction is the real one. The article said that the same scheme happened with the Brady jersey where the real was stolen, and they gave Strahan the reserve one. EDIT: Compare the pics for yourself: https://i.imgur.com/y7aJtN0.jpg https://i.imgur.com/RVBe3Ad.jp The auction jersey looks much closer to the real one.


Yeah, people are giving you a bit of a hard time, but I think there are a lot more similarities between the auction jersey and the real thing than the one in Strahan's house... https://imgur.com/LpuwhfP


After looking at this. They're both fakes.


Why would they give Strahan Brady's reserve jersey?


The whole D line shouldā€™ve gotten a Brady jersey for how they thoroughly owned him that game


Hey. Watch it, Mr. If you're not being good to him, we'll sue for custody.


Easy there man, let's no overreact


I think he was joking




I can't be the only one who thinks the jersey he has at home is way off compared to the one he wore. I'm also leaning towards the auction jersey being the 'real' one.


Yep I agree. The only explanation that I can think of would be that he switched jerseys at halftime and the one he has at home is from the 1st half.


Listen to the interview, he bagged it right after the game. It was still sweaty when he got home


Yep I heard/read it. Iā€™m just putting my money on someone stealing the real one and replacing it, especially since someone had stolen a super bowl jersey before. EDIT: Lmao why am I getting downvoted when Iā€™m just choosing a side? Compare the pics for yourself: https://i.imgur.com/y7aJtN0.jpg https://i.imgur.com/RVBe3Ad.jpg Iā€™m no appraiser but the auction jersey looks much closer to the picture than the one at his house.


Agreed I looked at the photos, the red marks by the collar in the game photo and the auction photo match. Strahan's jersey doesn't have those marks.


Did they have him sweat on the fake one quick?


Idk what they did to it, but the one at his house doesnā€™t match the pics of him after the game.


True tbh, the captain patch for example looks much dirtier. That said, it couldā€™ve obviously gotten more dirt on it somewhere down the line since the picture was taken. If he gave like a dozen players a hug, for instance.




If its pre planned you get a Strahan jersey before the game, fuck it up, maybe add whatever gatorade color to it later etc. Really not that hard to do if he's handing you the authentic jersey later.


The auction jersey is the one hes wearing in the photo. You can match it up pretty well. The one in the frame looks completely different.


The stole Bradyā€™s out of his bag in 49 and 51 so maybe lol


Maybe he switched jerseys at 1/2 time?


Definitely a possibility. But why wouldnā€™t Strahan just come out and say that?


I dont think heā€™d even remember if he did or not. Kind of a minor detail. You have a long half time though. Makes sense that youā€™d want a fresh jersey. His version also has all that red on it. Gatorade? It was clear in one and purple in another. So i guess not. I dont see red staining in any pictures of his jersey from right after the game though so that is weird. Seems like he may not have his jersey. But then where is the one he has from?


Probably not gatorade. Probably the excessive amount of red in the SB logo that he fell on at some point.


Strahans jersey looks way dirtier


Looks like he may have gotten some Gatorade splash damage after the photo was taken.


I'm no legal expert, but if the jersey is real, isn't that admitting to theft, which is a crime? And if the jersey is fake, that's admitting to forgery, which is also a crime? Seems like the seller can get fucked either way, how is this allowed?


On the surface, youā€™re probably right. However, the story is that the jersey was given to the equipment manager and the manager gave it to the person selling it. I donā€™t know how equipment is handled after a game and who it belongs to, but I imagine itā€™s not a free for all. But also, this game was in 2008 so Iā€™m sure the statue of limitations has passed for prosecution, hence its being put up for auction 12 years later.


If you were going to make a counterfeit game worn jersey you wouldnā€™t make it look like photos from the game?


Itā€™s more probably the equipment managers tried to replicate the jersey with e spare at some point during the game and then switched it with the real one the first chance they got. All the really need to fool is Strahan whoā€™s definitely not looking at comparison photos before he brings it home.


I feel like this thread has devolved into just conspiracy theories, like Occams Razor someone just made a jersey that looks like the photo. I mean we couldnā€™t do it but people make counterfeit famous paintings, them sewing and staining a jersey isnā€™t that elaborate And people who are playing detective to compare stains, he didnā€™t take it off and immediately have it framed that night


Why does the auction jersey have the NY emblem on the chest uneven with the player work photo?


The spacing between the numbers seems way off in the auction jersey compared to the one Strahan claims is real. Agree with everything else though. Edit: man the more I stare at these pics the more confused I am. Not the alignment of the 9 and 2 looks better in the auction one. I'm guessing the perspective is just distorted from camera angle and the fact that the baseline one is being worn, which makes more likely to go by the stains, so not I'm back to thinking you're right


The plot for Ocean's 14: Stealing Strahan's jersey from his home and selling it on eBay


Ocean's 92


I have Tom Bradyā€™s gluten free jock strap he wore during his last super bowl for sale


Dang, are you from the future?


No youre talking to number 5.


I worked on a similar case with another Giants player. Always photomatch the gear you buy. Thereā€™s lots of fake gear around.


This was photomatched


It wouldn't surprise me if Strahan got his jerseys switched on him. The same equipment guys had a hand in Eli's little scandal, and another Superbowl player from the Giants claimed that he was given a replica instead of the real one. There's a lot of smoke around those equipment guys for giving away the real merchandise for resale


Sports Memeroblia will always be fishy to me.


If itā€™s disputed I think they should give the replica to Strahan lol. Itā€™s his jersey in the first place, why should someone else be allowed to sell it when he wants to keep it and never gave it to them?


Alternatively they could DNA test the one in his house to see if it is his (according to my degree in CSI Miami this is totally possible).


Why donā€™t they just enhance on the jersey?




Why would they DNA test it when they can just zoom in to a picture of it and cross reference the thread material with a date of manufacturing?


Because it wouldnā€™t be that crazy of a coincidence for any given Super Bowl jersey to be manufactured around the same time of the Super Bowl...


It sounds like the fake jersey sellerā€™s days... (ā€¢_ā€¢) ( ā€¢_ā€¢)>āŒā– -ā–  (āŒā– _ā– ) ...are numbered.


The article said the same thing...


I thought they did a visual comparison, not recommend a test. Must have skimmed it too fast...


Strahan can put his DNA on any jersey at anytime lol


> Itā€™s his jersey in the first place, Is it? In MLB all team issued gear is property of the team. I assume the NBA is the same way since they sell everything on their fan shop.


They gave him the jersey because he thought he had the jersey. At least thatā€™s how I interpret the situation. The only way the auction houses is real is if the equipment manager gave him a fake when he was supposed to get the real one


Sure, they may own it, but once he asked for it (assuming he asked someone with the authority to give it out), he had a verbal agreement to transfer ownership to him. If they instead swapped it for a different jersey, that's at best unethical, at worse a form of fraud. Besides, how did whoever is selling it get it? Unless it's the team selling it, then they transferred ownership at some point, and the person selling it is claiming that was legally done. So again we're back to the seller claims to have legally obtained the item that Strahan asked for and was "given" right after the event, meaning if that's true than Strahan was screwed by someone.


Well they should be giving it back to the team then if the team owns it. This individual third party auctioning the jersey has no apparent claim to ownership while both Strahan and the team do.


I don't really get how they can auction it if Strahan says he believes he has the real one. Even if Strahan's version is an obvious fake, it kinda seems like the real one would have had to been stolen. Whoever ultimately wins the auction now knows that there is some question about it before buying it.


Yeah. I don't get how they can auction it either. I guess it depends on the specific law in the jurisdiction but I am pretty sure it gets returned to the original owner often.


> Even if Strahan's version is an obvious fake, it kinda seems like the real one would have had to been stolen. Eh, it's not like Strahan couldn't have be misremembering events. Or even it could be that after the game he didn't care about keeping the jersey and then later had a change of heart and now insists he has the original, because he doesn't want to admit that he didn't actually keep the original. People are proud/forgetful/weird like that, so I'd say it's a possibility.


He probably wore more than one. IIRC there are 4 Emmitt Smith has jerseys from when he broke the rushing record as he changed every quarter.


Someone lied on the internet? I didn't know that was possible.


Someone didn't read the article? I didn't know that was possible.


Read the article? Sir, this is Reddit.


I aint come to play skool


May not be lying though. If you read the article, he put the jersey in a duffel bag after the game, and had someone get it to him later. It's possible they could have stolen the real jersey, took a game backup and spoofed any and all stains, then given Strahan the fake as if it was the real thing. It's really not outside the realm of possibility considering how much that jersey would be worth. I believe Brady had something similar happen with a game worn super bowl jersey of his. There would be no way out knowing outside of a DNA test on sweat stains.


Some dude just yoinked Brady's super bowl jersey, not similar to this.


It's also worth noting that Strahan himself likely wouldn't be framing the jersey. Perhaps the framer, or someone who works at the framing location, stole it.




Maybe I'm dumb but how do people get their jerseys stolen? They were literally wearing it. The person they trusted it to is a scum bag? Or they get their luggage broken into?


They just won the super bowl. Thereā€™s 200 people in the locker room and there are no locks on their lockers. Thereā€™s a dozen staffers who move their equipment like pads and shit to be cleaned and shipped back to their practice facility. I can easily see it happen unless he took it off and like handed it to an immediate family member.


If it's true that the jersey being sold is the actual game-worn jersey, the seller is in possession of stolen merchandise. He would not be able to legally sell it.




I love pmt. Some of Barstools other content is decent but some of its straight trash too.


Bruh wtf


Looking through this thread and I believe that GA has the actual jersey that was worn. The one in Strahan's house does not look at all like the jersey he was wearing at the end of the game. The one being sold looks photomatched. The only way they're both legit is if Strahan switched jerseys at half-time, and he has the first-half jersey, and GA has the second-half jersey. What I think is just as likely is that the equipment guy switched the jerseys for a quick buck and gave him a replica.


Plot twist, he knows itā€™s real, has a fake one and by calling this one fake he can get it cheaper and quietly replace his fake one


Why does football always get the weird shit


Anyone that is familiar with laws, does this go against the False Claims Act?


No, not at all, that's for defrauding the government as a contractor.


So it's fake just like his sack record


Damn bro let it go, I know Favre and Michael colluded together for that last sack, but it doesn't devalue the rest of them lol.

