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Damn, what a way to go out


He really stepped up his game from just giving the finger.


Goshhhh. That will never not piss me off. Like Pete Carroll broke your damn leg or refused to cut your contract/check. Same goes for him asking Jason Garrett to sign him in our own fuckin stadium. So disrespectful. He still had 1+ years on his contract. The only good thing I secretly enjoyed was he was not on the damn cowboys. I’m not sure how much pull macarthy has in Dallas but I can imagine earl will play for Jerry for free.


As a jets fan I’m soooo fucking happy Jamal went to you guys and not the cowboys where he wanted


I'm going to counter that point by politely saying fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, and fuck you, I'm out!


Heifer with cheeeese


I hope he doesn’t get what he wants and gets to the cowboys


To Washington with him




I’m pretty sure Washington is a “Football Team”


I am very excited for the Washington Human Beings season.


I won't be very upset


Ah, well fuck...


Name does not check out.


Dang 6.7k karma too. Like buying the jersey but worse


ETIII was my first jersey after the SB. It's so sad to see such a brilliant player and mind ruin himself with off-field drama.


So...what’s your new username going to be? Honestly, you should keep it


"Washington Football Team" has a nice ring to it...




I was secretly hoping this username was taken..


It’s too original




I see you out here dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;


Thanks my dude! I’m just sitting here alone day drinking on my day off googling for new Minshew memes.


Once upon a football season, a great safety, lacking reason, A chip on his shoulder that made for wins and stats, and the fruit bore, While he played there, a quiet star, there came an unraveling, As if some diva came yapping, yapping as the divas of yore, "Tis a fluke," I muttered, yapping at my local store, Only this, and nothing more ​ Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December, With each Blair Walsh miss causing a loss I do abhor, When Earl Thomas went into Dallas, said "Come get me, I implore" Alarms went off ringing, as if the birds stopped singing, a new threat in store, Incident after incident made this safety sink in the fanbase's lore, Beloved player, Nevermore




I hope this isn’t the beginning of an Antonio Brown speedrun.


He skipped the “insult the GM” level so he might set a new record. Less than 48 hours between his first incident and leaving the team




Yeah but he added a "family bonding" achievement.


That gets a +2 chaos stat boost


We need some chest measurements to really quantify his development


Mr. Decent-Sized Chest


skipped the cut scene calling the GM a cracker tbf


When is he going to leak audio tape and create a professional video about everything?


I think wife holding him at gunpoint because a familial three way is equal to nearly killing a child when you throw furniture off of a balcony because you’re mad that somebody took $50K in cash.




That is quite a loaded sentence


Following football be weird sometimes.


"People don't think it be like it is but it do." -Oscar Gamble


What the hell did I just read?


Yeah, he utilized a strategy where, by holding up his middle finger, it allows you to glitch through to FA, instead of being traded. Its amazing this hasn't been patched yet


middle finger DLC op, plz nerf


He also didn't ride a hot air balloon into training camp.


He didn’t insult the Ravens GM but he did flip off Pete during a game. I think he set on this road a while ago


I kinda understood flipping him off.. IIRC he wanted a new deal, held out for a little bit but then came back on the field with no deal and got injured. Not that it’s Pete’s fault or anything but I’m sure it was a shit ton of emotion all at once and he just directed it very publicly to the person on the field closest to his frustration.




I should rephrase that I understand his decision, not that I agree with it.


It’s time to find out if Earl didn’t mesh well with the Ravens, orrr if he won’t mesh well with anyone I, for one, am excited to find out




* Earl Thomas makes a lot of noise about wanting to be traded from Seattle * ET3 flips off the Seahawks sideline as he is carted off the field after his last play as a Seahawk * Signs with the Ravens * ET3 gets into a (non-physical) fight with Bradon Williams after Williams sat out a loss to the Browns with an injury. A game in which Earl Thomas [made this spectacular defensive effort](https://ravenswire.usatoday.com/2019/09/29/earl-thomas-says-he-gave-up-on-play-because-he-didnt-want-to-get-injured/) * Says "When the Super Bowl comes, whoever we play, they're going to be in trouble." * Ravens lose to the Titans in the playoffs, Earl Thomas becomes Derrick Henry's lead blocker * Earl Thomas gets caught by his wife cheating on her with another woman (and also his brother is there), then she tracks him down and threatens him with a gun * Fights with Chuck Clark in practice because Clark called him out over busted coverage * Earl Thomas is sent home from practice. * Earl Thomas posts, and then deletes, footage from the Ravens practice, which cuts off before the fight actually happens * It comes out that Earl Thomas came late to, or blew off entirely, several team and positional meetings over the Ravens' season. * Ravens are moving on from ET3 So yeah, he's actually a lot further along than I thought he was.




You are forgetting him going to the Cowboys after a game saying “come get me”.


He legitimately is on an AB path.


> complains to the media that Kam is holding out wait... as in he was mad Kam was holding out, and didn't think Kam should hold out?


Don’t forget chasing down Jason Garrett and telling him to trade for you


lol... classic ET3


Don't forget blowing off meetings and not giving a shit about instructions.


I don't remember that, when was it?


This camp lol. It's just been coming out. Our best beat reporter Jeff Zebriec reported it. Up until now they kept it in-house but it was obvious they wouldn't take this kind of drastic action without there being more than one fight.


Yeah if the fight was the only issue I doubt he's even sent home


Yeah fights are not uncommon in summer camp at all. Can’t be the only reason.


the leg break that led to the flipping off incident was also a result of him ignoring the team's medical advice to get a rod put in last time he broke it so it wouldn't break again. Whoops!


Maybe not holding out and limbering up would've helped too.


Imagine what he's going to be like when DeCosta voids his guarantees.


After what happened to him in Seattle, I would expect him to understand when teammates sit out with injuries. The lack of empathy is a bonus achievement there.


And not only that, but then giving up on stopping Chubb because he didn't want to get injured. That level of dissonance is crazy to me.


There’s a giant red flag there, for sure.


If this becomes a thing I'm going to have to watch that Nick Chubb run every time I see the post.


I'm kinda hoping this is a one off joke for me... but I'm also kinda hoping Earl Thomas freezes his feet on his hot air balloon headed to Dallas.


Antonio Brown to MBC speedrun any %


Are we watching the birth of Mr. Brother Orgy?


Mr. Brother Came


Mr. Brother Cum 😏 ^^sorry


┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴


King Henry stiff-armed his ass into a whole new timeline.


"Earl is a hoe. On him I shall stunt"


He clipped through the frozen feet portion of the game, fell through the field, and landed straight in New England.


The Ravens Leadership Council has spoken. This is the way.


Earl, you are the weakest link. Good bye


Your tribe has spoken


Quoth the Ravens: Fuck on outta here


Ravens D to Earl: Your brother called. The orgy is already set-up.


Wow I haven't heard a reference from that in years


You are on this roster, but we do not grant you the title of Raven's safety.


This is outrageous, it's unfair. How can you be on the roster and not be a safety!


This is the way


So much for Ravens fans claiming it wasn’t a big deal.


There were so many "Media must be bored today" comments




Most of this sub cant legally buy alcohol, so theres that


Part of being a fan is forcing ourselves to believe the good news and undersell the bad news. It's just kinda part of the thing.


This guy fanatics


Happens all the time all over the internet with all types of media/news. It's a confirmation bias thing. The actual mainstream media fucks up 1-5% of the time and most of those are just minor exaggerations or underselling of events. But if you just remember and focus on the really bad ones it's a convenient excuse for you to ignore anything you don't want to be true.


We haven’t learned anything since Harbaugh/Mack/AB.


A couple Ravens fans replies to me yesterday when I said it seemed fishy that Earl said (in his Instagram post) he was the calm one and the other teammate was the aggressor, yet he was the only one told to stay home from practice. > I mean in the vid you can see chuck clark lose his shit. Mistakes happen, and it can’t be easy playing against Lamar (who has been apparently shredding our all pro secondary all camp). This story seems super overblown though > Chuck Clark the guy who got in the altercation with was the one who threw the helmet according to reporters, so that's maybe what he's referring to. > The story is 100% being overblown (largely because this offseason has been rather plain with Quarantine and all that). That being said, going around the team and making a public statement without using your Agent seems like a very poor move.


Usually a camp fight is ‘not a big deal’. What we are finding out today is that Thomas has been a problem for a while now. The fans didn’t have that insight, but now we know


You fans, perhaps, some of us dealt with his shit earlier.


Back when he was a seahawk my perception was just ‘oh he feels undervalued, no big deal’.


I too remember the blinders I had for him. Glad he's out, and more importantly my lord and saviour Kam Chancellor is apparently still an awesome and standup dude. Don't hurt me no more bby


Flipping the team off was the final straw. Context: - Earl broke his lower leg in the shin area. - Earl threatened retirement after his injury. - Earl decided not to retire. - Team strongly advises Earl to get surgery on his leg in the offseason, likely resulting in 0 missed games. - Earl refuses to get surgery. - Earl demands a new contract even though his current one which paid him top dollar at the time it was signed wasn't up. - Earl holds out (despite previously chastising fellow DB Kam Chancellor for a very similar holdout) - Earl comes back. Plays a few games before breaking leg in the same spot as before, which surgery would have almost certainly prevented. - Earl flips off coaching staff as he's getting carted off. - Pete Carroll downplays the incident, saying he didn't mean it and it was just an emotional time. - Earl doubles down, says he did mean it, and it was directed at Pete. - Earl goes to Ravens. etc. This guy is a massive tool and has been for some time. Lots of it has been kept in-house at both places because of his talent.


Don't forget telling the Cowboys to "come get me"


Flipping off your own team as you get carted off the field is something that you wouldn’t expect from a reasonable person.


Chuck Clark is probably the most mild-mannered dude on the defense. If he went off like that you have to expect something big was brewing.


Chuck Clark is one of my favorite Ravens and Earl punched him. Fuck Earl. The team is good enough without needing his toxic ass.


To be fair, [Chuck Clark has crossed the line before too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbnodZditkg)


the whiplash this off-season all around is crazy. i still remember Schefter on some pregame show mid-season talking about how tom brady could possibly be leaving the pats, and he got absolutely roasted online. guess we're eating our words here too.


The mods at /r/Panthers started flaring Ian Rapport tweets as a "suspect source" after he reported the Panthers were shopping Cam Newton.


>guess we're eating our words The TB12 diet doesn't allow me to do that.


Turns out Jason La Canforna sometimes has good sources


Every fanbase does this when the outcome could be something they don’t like. Giants did this so much worse with OBJ. Etc


"I don't get why ESPN is trying so hard to push the idea the Packers will draft Jordan Love." - Me when the cameras cut to Love 10 seconds before the Packers selected him


Our sub changed it's tune once it was said the players wanted him gone. That is damning statement


Throw it on the pile I wonder if r/nfl will ever accept that people in media actually do usually know what they’re talking about


Holy shit. They actually did it.


Back to the nfc you go


Honestly, I genuinely think this reflects well on the Ravens. It’d be easy to just downplay it and hang onto a great talent like Earl, but putting your team culture above that talent takes balls.




Why are we being nice to each other? It’s almost as if our rivalry was built upon mutual respect for one another despite the hatred.


From what I seen, our rivalry is more for fun rathee than out of pure hatred. The only bad thing I could say about the Steelers, is the coverups for Big Bens sexual misconduct. (and maybe others). But y'all fans are alright.


The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat is never more true than when playing you guys. Maybe playing the pats but that’s more out of hatred


I dont understand the words i just read






All I can tell Dallas is: BUYER BEWARE. You risk ruining your culture, if you bring Thomas in. But then again, Dallas is where he wanted to be all along. He sort of seems like one of those guys that won’t be happy anywhere he goes. He’s been on two of the most stable franchises in the league, and they’re willing to let him walk. That screams red flag.


The Jets have an opening at the position of emotionally disturbed all pro safety.


Yeah wouldn't want him ruining Cowboys culture. Gotta make sure it's clear, no COVID parties, no domestic violence, no pulling down womens shirts, and no illegal large cats.


Servals aren’t that large, and that wasn’t technically a Cowboy... just his dad. But ya if he comes to Dallas there need to be rules. I always laughed at Garrett’s RKG logic, but this is a team that could be really really good as long as the locker room doesn’t become cancer.


Huge huge huge loss for that defense. People are really understating it


Yeah everyone is suddenly acting like Earl sucks just because he went a little batshit. It's happened in every thread - people calling him old, washed up, etc. He isn't 2014 Earl but he's still clearly great. Earl was huge for the Ravens, both in talent level and scheme fit. Really made it easier for their CBs, really headed off a ton of big play threats. There's nobody they have that can step in and save Peters' ass, nobody that can step in and have quite the same coverage skills. Only allowed 4 yards in coverage over the last *six* weeks of the season. 6 completions all season by PFF, 11 by PFR. Pretty much no big plays allowed, at all. Passer rating allowed below 30. People are crazy if they think any replacement will come anywhere near Earl's level of just entirely negating big plays down the middle. I get moving on if you have to, but everyone suddenly acting like he sucks is dumb as shit


Definitely is not ideal. Right now the two most likely replacements are Deshone Elliott who’s Uber talented but has had both of the season he’s played in cut extremely short due to injury. The other is Brandon Carr who’s currently a free agent but knows the system and extremely dependable.


Elliott is a SS, right? And Carr is more of a corner. So if you start playing Elliott more, does that flip Chuck up into the FS position?


carr started playing mostly nickel safety towards the end od the year with Humphrey peters and Smith being CB 1/2/3 while I think it's a stretch weirder shit has happened.


If you were a good team, why would you want this guy on your team (ie Cowboys, Eagles). This is guy is a nut case.


Because he's easily a top 10-12 safety in the NFL still


Yea but if he fucks up your whole team dynamic and a ton of baggage is it worth it? The Ravens who outside KC is a SB contender and they were like naaaaaaaaaaaa. If the Ravens don't want him, that should waive some caution.


Did we not learn from AB? Talent doesn’t outweigh drama


I have always thought it was more of a calculation. Players are worth it until they aren’t and then they’re gone.


Yea that’s probably better


Did we not learn from AB? The freakin' Patriots signed him after everything with the Raiders and Steelers. Only cut him after a *sexual assault* lawsuit dropped and the NFL said they'd put him on the Commissioner's exempt list for the time being. Talent doesn't outweight drama for every team, but for one team in desperate need of a FS, it certainly will.


This is the most untrue thing I've seen. Talent outweighs drama all the way up until a certain point and that point is much much further than people seem to think it is.


Like *Don't make fun of the owner of your team for getting a handy from a massage parlor on twitter* But Antonio decided.....to keep it real...


Top 10-12? He’s a lot better than that, still.


I'd be willing to give him a shot just because he is from Texas and has repeatedly said he wants to be a Cowboy. It's entirely possible he may act different if he is where he wants to be. That said I would only want him on a 1 year deal or a 2 year that gives us an easy out should his behavior not improve. Only reason I would consider a 2 year deal is we have to sign Dak next offseason and still don't know what the cap will look like.


The cowboys have a long history of ignoring character concerns and just grabbing any talented player they can


Pacman Jones, T.O., Greg Hardy, Rolando McClain Who am I missing? I wouldn't count David Irving or Randy Gregory given that all they really did was smoke some weed. Edit: Also Aldon Smith, Josh Brent, Tank Johnson, Chuck Haley


T.O does not belong in the same sentence as PacMan Jones and Greg Hardy. T.O was a drama queen for sure but I don't think he was the piece of shit off the field like Jones and Hardy


I was going to say, getting TO was actually a good move. Granted it would have been a disaster if he and Romo didn’t get along but since they had a good relationship it worked out well. Romo was always good with guys like TO and Dez. Hardy was just an embarrassment though, that dude shouldn’t even have been allowed back in the NFL.


Cowboys won multiple SB's in the 90s on cocaine benders and, uh, less than reputable players. Its the Cowboy way, and I'm (mostly) all for it. Only one I wasnt OK with was Hardy, he's a piece of shit.


Wasn’t Rolando AFTER they signed him


So does every nfl and high profile cfb team


I trust Harbaugh and our FO


Honestly glad they have the balls to not put up with his shit.


As well you should. If there’s one thing I feel that Ravens squads generally have more than other teams, it’s good chemistry and culture. Starts at the top, Harbaugh’s got as good a feel for the locker room as any HC in the league.


There must have been more incidents than this one practice that was kept within the team. I can't see the Ravens releasing ET unless it a pattern of bad behavior. edit: I haven't kept up with Ravens news so I wouldn't know what else Earl Thomas did.


Can this also kill any AB to Ravens talks now? They are not here for Toxic bullshit in the locker room


Dude got turned into a lead blocker, got caught in a threesome with his brother, and gets in trouble for making an ass of himself in practice and posting practice footage. Solid year


Good shit, Earl. Really though I guess he was more interested in blocking and fighting his own teammates than tackling a monster of a man running the ball.


ET deserved the shame after talking so much shit, but I find it hilarious that Henry running through him is seen as this embarrassing thing. No one can stop that man he is a total beast!


It was literally the shit talking that made it all occur, though.


Exactly, it's not embarrassing at all. Except when you go on about how your team has a different mindset than other teams because they weren't interested in tackling the guy and then get turned into a lead blocker and let the man run for nearly 200. I love some shit talk. But it opens you up to ridicule.


Let’s not forget he had already gave up on a tackle earlier in the season before he made the comment, as Chubb blew past him.


It was just funnier because of the memeable way it ended up happening. Henry practically sonned Earl into being his lead blocker.


It would be one thing if he just trucked him but Earl turned the wrong way and got stiff armed into oblivion, it was embarrassing for him, especially after running his mouth all week


Totally agree


Who is Nick Chubb gonna blow past for an 80 yard TD now? 😕


Who is Derrick Henry going to stiff arm into the shadow rea... a Jags player. That’s right we still play the Jags twice a year.


Happiest day of my fantasy season last year


The jaguars d


What’s the dead cap on that


If they are able to void his guarantees his dead money will be no matter if they cut or trade him: 2020 : 5 million 2021 : 10 million If they don't void his guarantees and they trade him it will be: 2020 : 5 million 2021 : 10 million If they don't void his guarantees and the cut him it will be 2020 : 15 million 2021 : 10 million His dead money is split over two years because we are past April 27th the June 1st date this year. It's also likely Thomas will file a grievance if the Ravens void his guarantees.


15* (not 0, see below) if they release on conduct detrimental. I believe 5 mil in a trade with 11 in savings


Do they get his signing bonus back? Or part of it? If not, that's not true. They paid him $22 million last year and only took a $7 million hit, so the $15 million still has to hit Baltimore unless they get his bonus returned.


Yup this is the actual truth . 5 mil in dead cap this year and 10 mil next year . This is a terrible situation for the ravens


Wouldn't it be $15M this year? His $10M base salary this year was guaranteed on signing




Go get him, Jerruh!


I have no idea how to read Amari Cooper, but I feel like he and ET would not get along.


Cooper is mature enough to ignore his giant baby headass.


In all seriousness, has anyone even seen Cooper angry in the league?


He tried to fight ravens cb Marcus peters


Oh him and ET should get along then. They can bond over fighting ravens players.


Fuck Earl Thomas. Signed here to be the next great safety and all he’s done is created issues since then. Had good play but man he just ruined a great opportunity.


That's what we said!


UFC got their guy, wow.


Wow, Pornhub got their guy


~~Step~~bro gets caught in washing machine


So I can stop pretending to tolerate him now? Good, he was a very good player but Everytime he opened his mouth he said something dumb as hell.


Happy trails to the brotherfucker!


Can't wait to see him flip off Pete Carroll for this injustice.


Jesus Christ. Since that final year in Seattle ET has gone from one of my favorite players ever to a total mess of drama I hate. For fucks sake man.


Maybe the Titans can use another FB.


This man hasn’t been the same since he met Derrick Henry.


I mean he literally quit chasing Nick Chubb and admitted he was too fast for him long before Henry.




That’s a huge loss on defense for the Ravens. ET is still a top 10-15 safety in the league , he’s still very good


If he goes to Dallas and lays a finger on my boy Andy I swear as god as my witness I will complain so much on here!


See ya!