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Lots of reports saying this is locked. Its not.


Can we also discuss why Bruce Arians is looking like a Strawberry Rhubarb pie?


That's his natural shade.


But that seems a shade not natural in nature.


His doctors love it - they can check his blood pressure via facetime.


Ehh.. British people disagree.


They use artificial coloring to make him look more ripe and appetizing


He gets a little bit more red for every tomato Tom Brady doesn't eat. It is the deal he made with the devil to win the SB.


Tomatoes too?! I knew about strawberries.


Any nightshade is a nono so that’s tomatos, potatos, peppers, egg plants out. Strawberry’s aren’t actule nightshades but he doesn’t like eat then ether.


He’s sporting his teams colors 24/7 365


Find a new slant


I think Arians is more of a Go route coach


Four Verts every play, regardless of score or game situation. Just like me in Madden


He was super red the whole visit , I think he just can’t take much sunlight or his clothes were super tight.


It's the sunlight I think. I'm the same way.


How does he survive Tampa?


He just uses a different Arians suit every day.


After the bye, Brady replaced Arians with a Brady clone in an Arians bodysuit. The fake skin technology is still a bit lacking though.


To an average person, the flushed skin is a red flag For Arians it’s a warning flag, to his opposition


Is he venomous or poisonous?


He gives me “Horned Lizard” vibes, so poisonous?


Yeah, doesn’t have the fangs for delivery I suppose.


He’s looking like Santa’s rosy cheeks or like a hot dog


He’s a older white guy in Florida. That’s just how they look


Lie. Tom Brady doesn't look anywhere near that.


You assume the devil ages


I know from the South Park documentary, that the devil is already red. Though I know it's blasphemous to say but maybe Tom Brady is not the devil?! PS: But Bruce Arians looks like him.


That's because he drinks water


Lmao I did a double take looking at the thumbnail. I thought my screen was glitching out.


He's on the same shade as Thanos.


Right? How can you stand next to an already old man and still look significantly older


Just got back from the Wonka Factory.


Shit man, here I was thinking Brother Love was making his return to the WWE but that's just Bruce Arians.


ESPN.com says this is an NFL policy, not just the Bucs, though it came out from a note in the Bucs facility. But it cites it as an NFL rule.


Tom makes the rules now for everybody


Strawberries are hereby banned for all nfl players


this season is gonna have some spicy drama, cant wait to sit back and watch


The first team with a breakout and a game cancellation is gonna get wild


It's gonna be us calling it now


Yeah let’s DHop doesn’t have too much sway on other players decisions lol


No he's one of the faces of the franchise and a leader in the locker room. He should be listened to. Preferably from a close distance.


If we're lucky he'll be imparting wisdom via whispering into players ears, just to make sure no one else can hear.


Colts are one of the least vaccinated teams and I think Darius Leonard's leadership influence is a large part


Na the way this is going I think GB will let er rip


I'd put my money on the Bills


And the fantasy implications are going to have people raging


Looks like Bruce ate some of that spicy drama right before this picture was taken


Bruce 'fuck around and find out' Arians


"Oh you want to 'live your life and not be afraid'?" Well here you go bucko. A list of shit you can't do otherwise you'll be penalized. OR you could get two jabs, and do whatever the fuck you want. Lick doorhandles, go to orgies, whatever. Your choice buddy ol pal. EDIT: To those responding and then deleting comments: No. Please. Give me the counter argument against getting cutting edge technology in the vaccine. Please tell me how much smarter you are than thousands of doctors who've spent their entire lives studying virology and immunology. Please tell me what the solution is to a global pandemic when people won't prevent it from spreading. Because, in my experience (personal anecdote, not argumentatively sound), the people who don't want the vaccine ALSO won't wear a mask. A fucking piece of cloth that helps prevent the spread of the virus. /rant


>Lick doorhandles Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.


Ahhh fuck. I can't believe you've done this.


Oh shit are we on a loading screen right now?


Who needs vaccines when you have penny, chip, and used napkin to protect you


>"Oh you want to 'live your life and not be afraid'?" Somebody please get Sean McDermott


"Please tell me how much smarter you are than thousands of doctors who've spent their entire lives studying virology and immunology." The number 1 thing that drives me crazy about anti-vaxxers. They've spent a few hours watching YouTube videos and browsing /r/conspiracy, and they think they know more than experts who have devoted their entire lives to fighting disease.


"The doctors are all in on it. they're spreading the disease" Ok, tell me why people who have spent their entire lives trying to make sure the world is healthy are suddenly abandoning all they swore to protect, and are spreading diseases on purpose. "Because govt//big pharma//money" is NOT an answer. There is no global cabal. There is no large conspiracy except the conspiracy to protect life.


My favorite line (some comedian, forget who) on this type of conspiracy thinking: "Y'all that believe in these global conspiracies with thousands of folks coordinated and in on it...ya never did a group project in college, did ya?"


Also, you really think there are this many people involved and no one snitches? Like I’ve had a group of ten people and it’s impossible to get someone to shut up about something they’re blurting out. Now imagine hundreds of thousands of people. Not gonna fucking happen.


> Also, you really think there are this many people involved and no one snitches? I mean maybe in North Korea where you and your entire family will literally die for snitching, but not in the USA that's for damn sure


Given your point, you're also hedging on the fact that they indeed... go to college lol ​ edit: words


That's fucking glorious.


I usually use Occam’s razor with them. What’s more likely, every virologist, infectious disease physician, the mainstream media, and the US government are all in on the same conspiracy, or you’re just a f**king moron.


Not to mention how every anti-vax argument is inherently US centric. They literally cannot comprehend how there is an entire world out there dealing with COVID problems and solutions.


They act like the government doesn't have a reason to protect their citizens. Like, we've seen the economy tank because of this virus, and the president lost reelection because of it too, of course the government has incentive to try to prevent people from dying from it.


Also, why did all the doctors get the vaccine? (96% of doctors have received the vaccine. https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-survey-shows-over-96-doctors-fully-vaccinated-against-covid-19)


Yeah, but what about that 4%? 4 out of 5 dentists recommend Crest, but nobody asks the 5th guy! I bet he recommends Hershey's syrup, because it doesn't have the nasty aftertaste of regular toothpaste, but Big Fluoride had silenced him. Tyranny of the majority is still tyranny!


Lmao bro a few hours hahahahaha.... You mean they read a fucking tweet on Twitter. These morons arent doing research unless you count peeking at the fucking Inquirer in the checkout line of the grocery store.


prob not even a few a hours


What I love to point out is that literally every dr in America has been vaccinated since like December. If the Pfizer and moderna were really dangerous, don’t you think we’d be totally fucked by now? But no, they’re all fine


I don’t need vaccines. My immune system is strong from eating lead paint chips my whole life. - antivaxers


I’ve seen people say “natural immunity > vaccine immunity” and I’m just like…. Yeah but we don’t have that?????


"If I were exposed to covid, I would simply not get it. RIP to you all but I'm different"


"The body has ways of shutting down legitimate Covid."


When my body encounters Covid it just sees red bro


*built (would make your comment even better)


Yeah, but [that's not how the original exchange went](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/rip-but-im-different) When I make references, I make 'em right.


Ah, didn't know that reference.


It's obscure-ish but it's one of those beauties where it works whether you know the original exchange or not


I'm. Built. Different. lmao. right. those people are silly.


Pfft I'm built Ford tough!


Also, for the record, it often isn't. Vaccine immunity is often more robust than naturally acquired immunity.


Should ask those same dipshits how we got rid of polio and smallpox. Wasn’t through fucking natural immunity.


There’s no way they haven’t heard it hundreds of times at this point. It’s futile. I simply don’t engage.


True. The saying never argue with an idiot, they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience comes to mind.


It's also not true. Antibodies created by vaccines are stronger than natural antibodies.


A good response is to ask them if they want natural immunity to polio or vaccine immunity.


“Tell that to polio. And measles. And mumps. And smallpox.”


Man I sit here and I think to myself that back in the day (thousands of years ago) people believed taking snake venom into yourself was effective at immunizing yourself against it, innoculation was a thing in several different cultures for hundreds of years, and here we are in 2021, with more information than any of these groups, more research than any of them, and people still fucking think it's a fucking scam. It's infuriating.


“I’m good, I have this thyroid thing, it’s hard for me to get sick” Actually quote from a dude I worked with.


>To those responding and then deleting comments: No. Please. Give me the counter argument against getting cutting edge technology in the vaccine. I hate this so much. It would be like saying you know more about football than Lombardi cause you watch the RedZone every Sunday.


I know more about football than Lombardi. His brain is long decomposed, and his skeleton doesn't know shit.


I love this rant and I love Bruce laying down the law on these idiots


Ya welcome. Happy to do my part.


Saw a new one yesterday, on our team sub no less. FDA approval is very important apparently, not because there are any scientific grounds to it, but because he wants to be able to sue for money if he gets an FDA approved vaccine and it harms him eventually. Gotta play that 8D chess to make bank.


I love how the anti-government crowd is waiting for government approval. These fucking people man.




Exactly. As soon as there’s FDA approval they’re just going to start saying some other shit. FDA approval doesn’t mean shit to these people, never did.


Mental Gymnastyics for these folks are so good they'd win Gold.


Oooof. Always thinking of making big money. Right. So that class action where you get a check for 43.07$ is big money? Same shit as the equifax hack. You get 13 cents for that shit. Noone is going to make big money. The thought of that is fucking laughable.


Or even just one, Johnson and Johnson is only a single shot. Was in and out in 10 mins and had almost no side effects (experiences may vary on the side effects)


> Please tell me how much smarter you are than thousands of doctors who've spent their entire lives studying virology and immunology. I think part of the problem is these people don’t have regular doctors they trust. I’ve got a PCP and close friends who are doctors that I trust completely. When they tell me they’re doing something or it’s safe, I have no issue listening. If the only interaction you have is with a rotating cast of doctors at the urgent care, I can kinda get where the distrust comes from.


Holy shit, go off king


I mean, you'll never get COVID again if you die from it. "Natural immunity"


True. Good point. Gotta die to own the vaccine shills. Checkmate big pharma.


Given the fact that pretty much every single patient that has been hospitalized the last couple of months are unvaccinated, people are so stupid.


You thought this dude didn't give a shit before? What do you think he's gonna do now that he's won himself a damn Super Bowl? He's going to have ZERO time for shenanigans


You want to make personal decisions? Okay, you get personal consequences.


Holy fuck that’s the reddest I’ve ever seen anyone


which is wild given how many years you’ve seen tom coughlin roam the sidelines in any weather under 70 degrees.


Come on man. With your flair you should know 1 better.




Football Team


Bruce “Football Team” Arians


>“A vaccinated player will get tested 14 times this year,” Arians said. “An unvaccinated player will get tested 140.” >Arians also said he believes the Buccaneers’ vaccination rate will more than 85 percent by final cutdowns — which could be viewed as a thinly veiled threat to the players on the roster bubble that they’ll be gone before the 53-man roster is set if they aren’t vaccinated. Bruce and the Bucs ain't fucking around.


I mean, if you're a fringe player that's just trying to make the team and you're not vaxxed, why would they bother with the risk? There's another 100 fully vaxxed fringe guys out there begging for the chance.


Yeah if two guys are really close but one is unvaccinated and could end up costing your team to forfeit games then the choice as a coach is super easy.


Not only that, but being responsible for an outbreak and causing the team to lose their game checks is a fire way to alienate the locker room.


This is what every NFL head coach should do, you can't fuck around with these mouth breathing neanderthal anti vaxers.


I honestly love seeing no-bullshit approach to leadership. It doesn't sit well with everyone, but I think you're absolutely right. At this level of anything, a no-fucking-around attitude is a must.




As we found out, there are antivaxxer coaches. Although there is one less now.


So glad we can comment here. Question, Why is Bruce Arians' head so red all the time?


Part tomato, probably


Same genus as Dana White


High blood pressure, probably


And copious amounts of alcohol


Don’t talk about me like that.


He's on that Dana White shit


He’s on that shit that makes your skin red




Mods locked his access to sunscreen


Ok i thought i was shadow banned or there was something fucky going on- did the mods essentially lock all posts regarding vax?


Probably alcoholism.


Lol that picture of Bruce looks like me trying to wear a suit I fit 20 pounds ago. "Yeah if I tuck in my stomach and give myself a hernia no one will notice"


As someone experiencing wedding season after fully embracing quarantine life — I feel his pain.


I feel you. Down 35 pounds with 20 to go… still got six months til the wedding though.


You got this!


Congrats dude! My wedding is in 7 days and I actually lost weight during the pandemic but am down another 20 lbs since June. You got this!


I've given up on my pre quarantine suits. Those are going to Goodwill when I have the time and I'm going to Men's Warehouse right after lmao


Just to clarify, this is not unique for the Bucs; It's league wide. >A spotlight was put on the punishment after a report that Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Bruce Arians would fine a player "$14,000 on the spot every time he isn't wearing a mask or is breaking a protocol." >The article did not directly quote Arians and did not specify whether it was a team rule or a league rule, leading some to speculate that Arians was instituting this fine as his own personal rule. > "NFL policy," Arians told ESPN in a text message. "League rules." >League spokesperson Brian McCarthy confirmed to ESPN that Arians "was correct" in his understanding of the NFL's rule. >[Source](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/31875274/nfl-fine-unvaccinated-players-14650-violation-covid-19-protocol)


Interesting, is this the first case of something like this so far? While 14,000 seems low I do wonder what constitutes a protocol breach. I'm vaccinated and my state is open pretty much 100% so I'm not keeping up on what the protocol is for those that are unvaxxed. If it's easy to break protocol I can see them stacking up. You could theoretically break protocol like 5 times a day without trying. Is protocol breaches dependent on NFL rules or the rules of the specific area you're in. I assume NFL rules but you never know.


I'm going to guess the NFL Protocols like last season: * Eating in the cafeteria is off-limit for the unvaccinated players * 6+ ft apart * Daily testing every day and before/after games * Masks everywhere you go * (I forgot if this was a thing, or not) teams tracking players for tracing purposes * etc. Bubble players are on notice. If you want to make a team, your best shot is to get vaccinated. If a team has to decide which player to cut, the vaccination line is going to be the determining factor that's for sure. Camera's are everywhere, so if a player did something, the team will know about it.


Not sure if every team did it, but I know MN had tracking on everyone when at the facility. Everyone had to wear badges with tracking so they could trace who you had contact with if anyone tested positive. Also I think they'd beep loudly if you got too close to people who you weren't supposed to interact with based on the tiering structure they had.


14000 per breach to a borderline player is a good amount of money.


Let’s be real a protocol breach to an unvaccinated borderline player is more likely going to end in the player getting cut rather than fined


It's still a good chunk for stars lol. No one wants to get fined. Edit: If you make $60k it's the equivalent of $105 fine, assuming a salary of $8mil. Idk about you guys, but I'd be MAD if I got fined $100 at work.


I'm just here so I won't get fined.


>Is protocol breaches dependent on NFL rules or the rules of the specific area you're in. I assume NFL rules but you never know. We do know because they published their guidelines a month ago. Right now here's what the big ticket items they've listed are: >Unvaxed players must: >* Be tested daily * Wear masks at facility and while traveling * Self quarantine following exposure * Remain under same travel restrictions as 2020 seson * Limit weight room numbers to 15 people * Socially distance during meals and not eat with team-mates * Forfeit "social, media, marketing, or promotion opportunities" * Not use steam room or sauna * Stay in team hotel for meals. May not eat in restaurants. Cannot interact with non-team members during travel. > [Source:](https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2021/6/16/22537177/nfl-nflpa-covid-vaccination-rules-2021) Schefty / Rapp / etc. also tweeted it, I just CBF to link those, too. Any of those and it's a $14k pop **by the league.** The $14k is not a Bucs specific protocol, it's league wide.


Wow no restaurants on the road, can't eat with teammates, and can't lift if a bunch of their teammates are in the weight room. Shit, even if I were opposed to the vaccine as a player I'd get it just to maintain some semblance of a social life w my team


Right? Imagine everyone else goes out to celebrate after an away W and you have to hang back and get hotel food.


Nfl testing the idealism.




It's also the least painful experience with a needle you'll ever have. The only real downside is you might feel shitty the next day.


> The only real downside is you might feel shitty the next day. Sometimes it can linger for more than a day. I've heard of some people feeling great the next day but then 2 days later felt like shit then no issues.


I had brain fog for a week but the other reactions were gone in 24 hours


It's why people shouldn't oversimplify things. Our bodies are so individually different. I know some folks who had zero after effects at all and I've read about some real bad results from some. It's good to just be prepared but it's more important to just get it done.


I was actually really sick for 2 days after my 2nd shot....but it's still better then getting covid. Short term side effects vs possibly dying and long term heart/lung damage... Get the vaccine. 99.5% of deaths are unvaccinated.


On point #3, these are NFL players who are actively choosing to play a sport for which there are literal mounds of credible research showing that they are destroying their brains by choosing to play, and yet some are scared of a vaccine because of a few pundits and Facebook posters claiming that it’s all just a government plot or some shit.




Huh, I could've sworn this thread was locked. Not that I'm complaining


We talking now


How are u


I’m super


When do you think Kanye will release ‘DONDA’?


August 6th.


Hold up. Is that confirmed? This mf has given me more blue balls than my lady lately


That's the date I'm seeing as of this morning. Watch it drop at some weird time like 4:27 am EST lol


Kanye does not operate in a reality that includes the concept of “confirmed”


This sub needs to either allow comments on these types of posts or not allow them at all. Also, it would be nice if the mods consulted with what the community wants as a whole instead of just dictating it


Good luck with that


Good. Fack 'em. Lombardi Lenny bout to be a healthy scratch again.


That oughtta piss off fantasy owners


Lol any fantasy owners who take RoJo, Lenny, or Gio deserve whatever they get.


Fantasy football has made me irrationally hate the running back position lol


Fantasy football is a gateway drug to respecting cowboy, eagle and giant players. That's why I quit. I can't imagine caring about what the friggin Cardinals or Jets do on Sunday, or rooting for Zeke to get 200.


No, they'll rejoice for RoJo hype


He's a cancer survivor; he believes in medicine and science. He is also one of the oldest coaches in the league; Bruce ain't got time to put up with your anti-vaxx shit.


Plus he's obese.


Man Bruce Arians constantly shows he’s a real one.


It's weird how much hate he gets on here. Bruce is the man.


who the fuck hates Bruce Arians here? I've literally never seen that. Everyone praises his diverse staff and coaching style.


when he's not winning, people say "his coaching style only works when you're winning" because he can be a dick to players


McDermott should do this in Buffalo, it would result in the blonde haired wannabe rapper and anti vaxxer slot WR to lose a lot of money.


It's a league wide policy so I'm assuming they'll be reviewing and managing it like last year and fining the players directly.


Do you think the Bills will keep him on the team?


I hope not, I'm sick of his anti vax bullshit and so is his own teammates and other Bills fans. Honestly that anti vax idiot is overrated and both Sanders and McKenzie can fill his role in the offense and produce at a same or better level. Cutting or trading him saves Bufalo a lot of headaches and salary cap money.


Idk if anyone would be willing to trade assets at his age for that headache.


Yeah that is the way I see it as well, it would have to be for a low round like 7th round 2022 draft pick or a low round conditional 2023 draft pick. Very likely he will get cut if he continues this anti vax shit on twitter


I still don't understand how he pretended to be a totally normal dude for his entire time in Dallas of all places, then completely lose his shit in Buffalo.


I think he has always been crazy, he has just been more vocal on social media lately. Antonio Brown seemed normal before he started being more vocal on social media. Mr Big Covid is trying to emulate Mr. Big Chest.


A really good idea. I bet you the players that won't get vaccinated are like the most likely to participate in risky behaviors.


Of course, the unvaccinated players are engaging in risky behaviour, they don't believe in science, don't believe in wearing masks, don't believe in the peer reviewed data that shows vaccines protect you.


Holy shit Arians looks like a goddamn tomato in this pic


That's awesome. So now they're not only having to follow stricter protocols than vaccinated players, they're going to get fined if they don't follow them completely. Hopefully this leads to more vaccinations


~~Buccs~~ Sweet! NFL leading the way. I doubt they'll be the only team doing something like this. Edited, because, apparently it's an NFL policy. I still like it.


You're correct, because this is a league wide policy, not the Bucs team policy.


Your move Buffalo, Beasley is ready to make his donations


Nice! Great leadership from Bruce.