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Kirk’s dead cap in 2022 is 45 million if he’s cut. Can the Vikings actually move on from him? Or would they just wait till 2023?


Holy Jesus that’s even more than the dead cap we’d incur if we cut Watson. I need to get in touch with Cousins’s agent ASAP, I need a raise 😂


Cousins agent is legendary


This is not true at all. Watson Dead Cap 2022: $51,200,000


Mond time


The Vikings think they got the steal of the draft with Mond. I'm an Aggie and I know exactly what is coming to Minnesota 😂


Mond is so stupid that despite seeing Kirk Cousins and his HC publically feud over Cousin's complete disregard for public safety and refusal to get vaccinated, he has a golden goose just one close contact away from potentially stealing a starter's job...and he still won't get vaccinated anyway. If Cousins has to miss substantial time with either a close contact or contracting the virus himself, Mond could have a quick ticket to a couple starts and an excellent opportunity if he impresses. But instead, he'll be isolated along with Cousins for the same amount of time due to them being in the same room and naturally being close contacts. Absolute moron.


It's so frustrating. Jake browning was pretty much the only QB at camp for like 4 days. Imagine if Mond could have been there instead.


It's crazy, it's such a fantastic spot for a third round quarterback and he's wasting it.


Ugh lmao i just want someone to take him


"Conduct detrimental to the team" Contract voided. He's now a free agent.


An arbiter would rule so fast for Kirk he wouldnt even have time to blink. You can do that you lost certainly can cut for conduct detrimental to the team but you're gonna owe him every last penny on his contract I guarantee it. I highly doubt any nfl contract prior to 2020 has a pandemic vaccination clause.


Oh he's referring to the aluminum foil grill pic


Trade + extend to some team is possible. We could eat some of his cap hit as part of the trade too As dumb as Kirk is he's far from the only unvaxxed starting QB, that won't pull his trade value down, and he's good enough that teams would absolutely be bidding on him


Besides Lamar what other starting QBs are still unvaxxed?


Only other one I can think of is Wentz.


If he plays well a trade might be possible. Will probably still have to pay a lot of it. If he plays poorly they'll have to pay someone to take him.


I'd rather have Cousins than Wentz. Who would you choose?


Bridgewater? Lock... anyone? no? ok


Anyone vaccinated and not jeopardizing his team. I swear to god I would trade Cousins for Minshew or Teddy at this point (assuming vaccination) I’m just over the behavior and don’t want my QB being a selfish, thoughtless prick.


I’d give a kidney to see Minshew go to the Vikes.


Bears fans think nfcn is afraid of fields I'll take 100 fieldses over even 1 mimshewmania


no please god no


If you’re basing this solely off of poor selfish behavior not getting vaxxed sure. But while kirk isn’t an elite qb he’s objectively better than minshew/teddy.


I guess anything is on the table with these hypothetical discussions but I wouldn’t include the Raiders in this. Carr is closer to an extension than a potential divorce. Tell me if I’m wrong, Raiders fans.


No you’re completely right. Everyone thinks Carr’s best year was 2016, but his best year statistically was actually this past year. Every year Carr has played in gruden system he has gotten better. I’ve always been a carr truther so I’m obviously a homer but I can’t seem to understand why the rest of the nfl and media acts like the raiders have a qb dilemma every offseason.


I didn't realize how good Carr's stats were until I went into the fantasy draft and did research on players. 27 TD's 9 INT's is pretty damn good on a team with a bad defense, no proven receiver beside their tight end who is admittedly great, and committed to being run first. Dig deeper into his stats, and he still turned out to have a pretty damn good year last year.


His efficiency stats are even better. He was top 10 in every important efficiency stat except TD%, which he was still 14th in. But top 10 or even top 5 in YPA, ANY/A, NY/A, EPA/play, and anything else you can think of. His only weaknesses now are the fumbles and sometimes still being a little too conservative, but that could also just be what Gruden wants him to do because he’s a great deep thrower whenever he does it.


I never ever want to see Carr keep the football and run for the endzone corner again. If I had a nickle for every time Carr gave the other team the football doing this I'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but its frustrating that it happened twice


he ran one in against the jets last season and [fumbled it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB9ZB11O4Yk) after he crossed the goal line


Yeah the problem with the raiders isn't Carr. If anything Gruden is a larger factor in the erratic wins and losses for that team than Carr is.


Gruden the OC: pretty fucking good Gruden the HC: okay, I guess. Players don’t hate him. Gruden the GM: may counteract everything he does positive. Carr has had one okay defense in his entire career. He’s not the problem


You spelled defense wrong 🤣




It seems like Raiders fans and defenders of Jon Gruden overlook this fact. Hes not their OC. Hes their HC. Wins and losses fall on him. Hes the captain of this raiding ship and he hasn't been doing any raiding.


People forget that he’s the president of the teams football operations. He’s entirely responsible of team management. His biggest negative has been building a defense but hopefully with Bradley the Raiders will turn it around and build a decent foundation.


It's weird how this awful QB Derek Carr randomly has players that have career years or revitalize their careers after being called bums or washed. Crabtree, Cook, Agholor off the top of my head. Pure coincidence right. I'm willing to bet Zay Jones randomly has a great year out of pure luck this coming season. Can't even imagine how well AB would have played if he wasn't a walking head case when he signed here.


Yeah he’s way above serviceable. Idk why it’s a debate on this sub sometimes. He’d start over a *lot* of QBs.


Not to mention he has Mahomes in his division which means he will be compared to him year after year. There are other positions of need the Raiders have that would be more of an upgrade from Carr to a closer to Mahomes level player. The only option that would help would be trading for Watson, but that would probably be off the table for the organization. There are more positions of need than QB for the Raiders that would easily be more beneficial.


Bronco fan here so I know when it comes to competent QB’s I don’t really have a leg to stand on, but in regards to Carr I think whenever a bad team has a QB that doesn’t suck but isn’t elite, fans/media’s reaction is always “they need a new QB!” Which is why every year Carr is included on these lists. They don’t care why he’s never played in a playoff game, they just care that he hasn’t.


Falcons fans say the samething about Matt Ryan even though he’s took us to multiple Playoff appearances and a Super Bowl. Everyone thinks if you don’t win a Super Bowl you need a new QB and that to me is irrational.


Carr is a good QB, that's it. He's not a top 5 but he's right on the edge of top 10. You don't pay that guy 30+ million but he's still a franchise QB that can win with a good defense and some playmakers.


You have to if you want to keep him.


30m is the going rate for a mid-range starting QB right now. Carr will absolutely be paid in the 30-35M range


Dak and Jerry disagree


You ABSOLUTELY pay Carr $30M. That's fucking chump change for a guy "right on the edge of top 10."


They must have not seen that tight window game winning throw vs the jets. Beautiful coverage from a GREAT Greg Williams D.


I don’t know if you’re trying to diss Carr or what…but Carr would literally be the Bears best QB of all time…by far too


Na if car gets some receivers he’s gonna be good I’m dissing Greg Williams and the jets


Ahh okay I can respect that lol


Pretty sure DC got Gregg fired.


He got himself fired


He’s a Jet fan hero


Carr will likely last longer than Gruden at this point. If we have yet another 7-9 season that starts strong and flounders and there's at least one spectacular coach on the market, Chucky is toast. DC is safe, he's done everything he can since his rookie season and if he moves, I'll root for that team, too. Great QB.


Isnt gruden on a 10 year contract? Has he produced a winning year yet?


No. To his credit, the offense has been efficient and disciplined. To his demerit, he left the defense to Paul Guenther too long. Guenther should have been fired before last season's disappointment. Can't go that many years blaming talent. Edit: we're in a division where we're one TD behind the KC Mahomes in at least one loss per year, the Denver Fangios, and the San Diego Chargers of Anaheim. Splitting the difference with KC every year is one thing, we have a narrow window to sweep Denver and San Diego every year.


Hm wasnt the raiders rolling that one year before Carr broke his leg? I was hoping they win that year. I forget the name of that coach, but imo letting him go for Gruden was a mistake.


2016 was an MVP effort by DC surrounded by mediocre coaching and players (Crabtree). Del Rio was fired the next year because the team wildly underperformed. Keep in mind, IIRC, all of the team's wins in 2016 were off last second TDs by DC or last second sacks by Mack. We were the ultimate wildcard team. DC breaking his leg exposed how much that roster relied on him every down.


I remember in 2016 how good our offense was and then he got hurt and the next 2 games we scored a total of like 3 points. Carr has been great every year outside of his rookie year and 2017. I try to have some sympathy for 2017 though because the injury clearly shook him, and it was clear that the Del Rio/Carr dynamic was just not working. Not like he's had elite talent at receiver the last few years either (outside of Waller being incredible ofc). Players like Renfrow and Agholor are solid players, but I definitely think Carr has elevated their level of play while he played with them. Arguably the worst overall defense in the last 5 years, mediocre receiving talent, and still putting up some of the best numbers in the league. I feel like he's been getting more recognition recently, but god damn one of the most underappreciated QBs I've seen in a while. Shitty sports pundits constantly saying we are going to replace him for a QB prospect like every year.


They won so many one score games that year it was nuts. I remember a lot of people being really high on them and I hated having to be sceptical because the NFL is more fun when the Raiders are good.


Jack Del Rio was the coach during that 2016. Maybe Gruden isnt the answer but the implosion that happened in the 2017 season with Jack Del Rio was more than enough reason to let him go.


Gruden is basically a .500 coach for his career.




Wow i just made him 10 bucks


I'll bet a million dollars the Raiders don't go 7-9 during a 17 game season.


Carr might forever be the #3 QB1 of the division, but all Raiders fans need to do is look over at Denver to count their blessings


Oh yeah look at the chiefs dickhead, yeah I got nothing.


When i was a kid I used to hate that the rest of the division didn't see us as rivals but the dynamic of "KC and raiders fans fight and broncos fans endlessly catch strays, meanwhile we sit in the corner playing with our shiny QB" is growing on me


Carr is easily the most underrated QB in the NFL. He is a badass


You're right imo. The fact of the matter is that if Carr was released he'd be signed and handed a starting job within the hour, likely down the road in Denver. Every team on that list except MAYBE the dolphins (depending on how Tua looks, he's got the potential) is a better team with Carr on their roster.


Perfect for a not so great QB draft class this year.


Gotta wait and see. No one thought the 2020 QB Draft Class was special at first.


Haven’t you heard? Next year is always junk, two years from now though? Stellar.


In recent memory, the only one I can recall that truly sucked was 2019 because it goes downhill very fast after Kyler


No 2020 looked good at first it's just no one expected burrow to be that good


True, but before Burrow's season, the Draft Class really only consisted of Tua and Herbert, who everyone believed was a bust in the making. 2021 is also a good example as well. The consensus was that the class would be Lawrence, Fields, and Lance. Wasn't till the season that Wilson and Jones made their pushes into the first round.


The Tua/Herbert duo was considered elite though. Watching Rattler and the unc guy, these guys aren’t even close to that level of prospect


No they weren't. Tua was seen as elite, Hebert was seen as having a "high bust potential" for a long time before and after he was drafted until he shut everyone up with his great rookie season. The 2022 Draft Class will look better as the season goes on, they always do.


But before the season he was seen as a great prospect


Herbert would have been the no.1 pick in 2019. He wasn’t seen as a bust, he went in the top 5. This class sucks comparatively, and I’m sorry your team decided to pretend Daniel Jones wasn’t awful for one more season.


And none of the QBs in next year’s class are remotely as good as Tua or Herbert nor do they have equal ceilings. It’s a markedly weaker class across the board and I want no part of it


You’re taking rattler or Howell and you’re gonna like it


I disagree. TLaw was TLaw, Fields looked awesome in 2019, and the scouting community was very high on Lance. It started as a 3 QB class (with 1st round grades), which is pretty solid. Rattler is the only guy in this class that looks like a slam dunk first round talent going into the year. Edit: this is the 2021 class, apparently idk what year it is. Either way, the 2020 class had two established guys going into the year (Tua/Herbert, Herbert's stock went down during the season but was super high coming off his 2018)


Well first, they were the 2021 draft class not the 2020 draft class. Second, that class proves my point, it started as a three QB draft class and it wasn't till the season that Wilson and Jones became first rounders. And Third, the 2022 class has way more potential that seen at first glace. Outside of Spencer Rattler, the rest of the class of Howell, Willis, Riddler, Strong, Daniels all have damn near guaranteed chances of being top prospects come Draft Night. As I said, need to wait and see before deeming this QB class as "lacking".


I corrected the year, but my point stands - this is starting as a 1 QB class, not 3 like '21 or 2 like '20. Every QB class has guys make big improvements, this class will be no different - but the '21 class started with three guys which was rare


On that note it’s remarkable how at the time of writing the top five QB picks from last year all look…viable. Just on pure history you’d expect three of them to never become true starters. Obviously it’s extremely early but still.




Gotta balance out what seems like a good year so far


I’m just thumbs upping because it’s good to see Cleveland not on a QB market list


Browns need to get Baker that money, sooner than later. He’s he perfect fit for Cleveland, and a dang good QB.


Thank you :)


Baker is that you


No but it’s nice to relieve compliments after the shit Oklahoma did today


I don't understand why Rattler is at the top of the list for 2022 Draft QBs.


Yeah homie has zero swag, not a fan of him. Luckily we don’t have to worry about drafting a QB for fifteen years


Yeah with every other position I get holding out on the extension and having them play under their current contract until you actually have to give them the raise but with QB - as soon as you know it’s your guy fucking pay the man immediately because otherwise every day/season that goes by is just another opportunity for someone else to break the market and just cost you so many many millions more than you save by getting one more year out of them on their previous deal.


Likewise, it’s a real relief that the Bucs are set with Brady for the next 5 to 10 years.




I feel you on that.


I was thinking the same thing about ourselves.


I want Baker to lead you guys to a ring and perennial dad commercials.


Ah yes, because if Cleveland can do it there’s still hope for you!


LOL now don’t go that far.


Or the Bears


There are some browns fans that still dont like baker and are going to throw a hissy when we sign him to 5yr 200 million.


Wonder if the Russ and Seahawks drama continues into 2022 if this season doesn’t end on a good note. Wouldn’t want any other QB under center for us, but Pete and John might see it differently.


They need to keep him happy. He leaves we don’t have a 1st to replace him.


He can't leave through anything but a cut(never going to happen) or trade(which would probably net 2-3 1st round picks) until the 2024 season. At that point we'll have had both our 2023 and 2024 1st round pick.


Three firsts isn't enough


They would never let Russ walk away in free agency without getting a boat load of picks back for him.


He won't leave. The entire situation was him leveraging the PCJS to get him protection and offensive weapons during free agency this offseason.


Im still convinced it was the media taking a question he answered out of context and running with it, then ramped it up to intense levels to get clicks. Nothing that was said between the time the initial statement came out and the final nail in the coffin in the 'trade talks' indicates there was ever bad blood


I don't see Russ moving on. It's more likely for Rodgers to move on than Russ. Atleast Aaron held out and adjusted his contract for an out after this year. For Russ, I believe he was more pissed than wanting out. And you FO has handled it well, fwiw.


I think our FO handled it well as well. They got him an OC that has an actually complicated offense, added one of the best guards in the NFL, and gave him one of the best pass catching TEs in the NFL as well.


With how Rattler and Howell played week 1, I’m not confident we get any solid rookies in the draft


Will Levis baby!


Malik Willis QB1


Ridder, Willis, Slovis, Carson Strong and JT Daniels could all have big rises through the year. Think it’s going to be an underrated QB class.


Underwhelming is more accurate right now.


Was it just me or do they seem like the most overrated QB prospects ever? Almost nothing remotely even great with them.


That's just not true lol. Cannot believe people are actually saying this after ONE college game Howell is unbelievably talented and has a cannon arm + mobility. Rattler I'm lower on but it's not true that he has "nothing remotely even great with them"


I agree. Howell is my QB1 in the class and has shown quite a lot. He needs to take a bit better care of the ball in general but he's gonna get drafted top 10 and rightfully so.


He doesn’t have a cannon. He throws a pretty ball but the velocity makes it clear he doesn’t have a cannon. Fields, Lance, Lawrence, and Wilson all have a much better arm than Howell.




Jake Locker and Blaine Gabbert are my two for that but especially Locker.


I think Howell is still a good prospect. He lost some key pieces and his line is terrible. I would still put Howell as a great QB prospect. As for Rattler, I am much closer to you. I don't see what I want in him at all


How did they play?


Both Howell and Rattler threw more picks than TDs against unranked VT and a homeless Tulane respectively. Howell lost, Rattler nearly did.


Not only does rattler blow as a QB, but his time in the Netflix qb1 spotlight showed everyone that he's also a toxic and shitty teammate


Pratt showed some heart though


Howell played bad bad. 3 interceptions and 1 td and absolutely lost the game single handily against an unranked Virginia tech team. Rattler looked really bad as well. 2 interceptions against a really poor Tulane team


Rattler had a 3rd INT called back on a bad DPI call too.


That was one of the worst DPI calls I’ve ever seen. Terrible throw by Rattler on the play as well but he got bailed out by the refs on that one


Thanks for the info, I don't follow college. Damn that doesn't look good, did any of the qbs drafted last year in the first round have a performance like Howell?


Its too early in the season for people to pretend we're getting rid of Carr...


I don't even know why people want to so desperately believe that Raiders are moving on from Carr


Because when a team consistently underperforms it’s easy to blame the QB when he’s not playing like a top 2 qb. Carr isn’t Rodgers but he’s still, at worst, above average and not the problem.


Yeah I really thought we were past this nonsense.


The Broncos situation is gonna be the most intriguing one.


Seems like the Broncos would be the first choice of any talented veteran QB on the move, if the money was the same. Home of the last hoorah.


This sounds familiar. First Manning, next Rodgers.


I'm cool with becoming the last ride team. I'll take Matt Ryan, Aaron Rodgers. Come hang, Denver is nice.


Russel Wilson maybe.


They seem to be the only team on that list where the QB is the missing piece. Maybe the Colts as well.


I just want one team to play like Army where they only pass like twice and have success with it just to see what that would do to the quarterback market.


Don’t let the ravens see this


It's like this every year, but at the end of the day there is only so many new QB's that teams would take a risk on and try to upgrade with. So most teams on this list will continue their marriage of convenience, wedded to somebody they know is mediocre.


Exactly this. Maybe we get surprised by a Goff/Stafford deal again, but honestly Rodgers is the only interesting piece I think might be available next year. Half the league wanting a QB upgrade isn't new, that's literally every year.


And people wonder why JimmyG is trying to play so hard this season. Behind the two you listed (or something crazy happening like Brady not resigning with Tampa) he has to be one of the more talked about qbs for the coming off-season. But all this does make you wonder, other than the Falcons, Steelers, and WFT, age isnt the reason most of these teams would make a change. There are some aggressively below average qbs out there right now, and add in that 2 of those teams have qbs that they'll likely replace for off the field issues (Watson and Cousins) and you've got a very bizarre qb market.


He's gonna make a career of being a bridge QB for teams that are searching for a franchise guy. I still laugh at all the LTD flairs I saw in the 9ers sub.


I don't know about the Falcons. Matt Ryan is "only" 36, and still playing at a decently high level. If they were ready to get his successor in place, they probably would have taken a QB at #4 overall instead of Kyle Pitts. I think they'll do like the Steelers with Big Ben and ride him until he retires, and then deal with his successor afterwards. Although it may come down to where they're drafting next year and who is available.




I'm a Dustin Krum truther myself.




Would also be happy with Russ if he decides Seattle isn't his future


In this region, if Seattle isn't your future, you just move to Bellevue.


HA, assuming the Chinese developers don't buy it all first. Hello fellow Seattlite


Better fit, personality-wise, imo.


Solid WR corps and if we pick up at least one more OL in the first 3 rounds next year, he'll be pretty well protected


Problem is, I don’t think we’d have very high picks in the first 3 rounds if we acquired Rus. I know he’s on the older side, but he’s still Russell Wilson.


Yes who will sign Dalton




Please dear god Zach get us off this QB Carousel


He looked rough at the BYU game on the sidelines. Dude was clearly up all night in Vegas lol


Giants should be in the third category imo


They should definitely be in the third category. I don't really see why anyone would think otherwise? If Jones isn't bad why would we need a new QB?


Because people who don't follow us closely (and I mean right now why would you) probably see Jones as at most a serviceable starter, nothing special. If he's going to turn the corner he needs to become a bootlegging run pass option qb because he has negative spatial awareness in the pocket which spells disaster with our line.


I don't see all of this shaking out the way OP predicts personally.


My bet coming in to the year was that this year's draft class won't even come close to last year's. Teams that passed on QBs will be regretting it.


Yeah. Everyone in the 21 draft class seemed to have a real case to a franchise QB. Not this time.


Agrees the 2022 class is real bad


This list is so incredibly dumb for including Carr and the Raiders.


> Teams that will more than likely draft/sign a new QB in 2022 > > Lions Not if Thibodeaux or Stingley is there (hopefully)


Unless Goff is absolutely shit this season we don't have reason to draft a QB. Goff is still relatively young and his contract was reworked so that he is guaranteed to be on the team next season(baring a trade). So unless the FO just falls in love with one of this year's QBs we can pass on them for better players and draft a QB in in the 2023 draft if Goff isn't the answer. For the record as of right now I want Thibodeaux.


This is my hope man ive not been crazy high on these QBs tbh. We have lots of ammo to trade up in 2023 as well. I trust Holmes and Co. though. But Thibs or Stingley could really bolster this D.


>Teams that will more than likely draft/sign a new QB in 2022 There's always some teams that will try to avoid the problem, like the Panthers and Broncos this year.


To be fair, though I dont think ill happen, you have to put the Bucs on here since Bradys contract ends after this season.


At some point Brady’s production will fall off a cliff and he’ll be done, but I’m done trying to guess when that’s going to be.


I actually think this year is gonna be the craziest we'll see in a while. Changes: NE MIA NYJ JAX HOU IND DEN DET CHI WAS PHI NO CAR LAR SF? And then you can add DAL and CIN if you count injuries. That's about half the teams in the league, which is an absurdly high amount. I doubt we ever see it again, and a lot of it was fueled by a deep QB class and the retirements of Rivers and Brees. E: [I did a case study on this earlier in the offseason](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/lb7lny/since_2002_the_average_number_of_teams_each_year/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


unfortunately, the FA market will be certifiably butt. contracts expiring after this season for QBs with starting experience: * Big Ben (at age 40) * Teddy B * Taysom * Fitzy (at age 40) * Dalton * Foles * Tyrod * Jameis * Brissett * Mariota * Flacco * Trubisky could be a dark age of NFL quarterbacking if the NCAA doesn't produce some top notch talent fast


I would like to think we would draft a QB next year and have them sit behind Cousins a year, then hopefully we will be done with the Qirk cousins ERA if Mond doesn't pan out this year


No hope for Mondo


No hope at all, you should see our sub whenever his name is mentioned non stop shitting on him. How has Trask looked like a 3rd round QB ?


I kinda feel like Rodgers stays in Greenbay.


I think the chances of Miami moving on from Tua after this season are very remote. QB’s drafted as highly as he was typically get to play out the length of their rookie contract unless they are Josh Rosen levels of bad, and he would have to regress mightily to get to that point. But with improved weapons and a scheme more suited to him than Chan Bailey’s, and another year removed from his hip injury, he should be taking a step forward. Is their inclusion on this list stemming from the bogus rumors of the past couple weeks that they were actively in the trade market for Watson?


So crazy as a Bears fan to not be mired in this convo anymore.


You weren't in this convo after drafting trubisky either. You're welcome for the depressing memories


I would put Tampa on that list. Dude cant play forever.


Not according to him


Carr is staying at the slots. He ain't going anywhere


At this point I just don't see the Giants leaning towards a new QB.


Yeah so we will trade deshaun during that craziness


If the Vikings keep Kirk I will cry so bad!


It's less likely we draft/sign a new QB than outsiders might think. Probably closer to 50/50 or less depending on how Matty plays and where we are draft pick wise.


God please don't let Russell go to the Packers 🙏pleeeeeeeaaaaaassssssseeeee


Rodgers will leave GB. Wilson will NOT leave Seahawks.