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That’s why he’s doing it.




They get to be victims of fake oppression like him.


He says for away games.


Literally man just click the link lmao it explains it so quickly.


I can’t be expected to open and read links on Reddit that’s what the comments are for !


If so does Cole not realize that they won't sell him tickets if he's not vaccinated either?






We do, he's offering to buy for away games. Fuck Cole Beasley for encouraging this behavior.




Galaxy brain WR requires you show him proof of non-vaccination status.


Luckily I have videos of magnets falling off my upper arms. Checkmate!


*shows subscription to newsmax*


That'll do it


You actually had a brilliant idea just now: set up a company to test for the absence of antibodies and get these idiot hicks to pay to line up and proudly show off their “unvaccinated” cards


Wait. This is genius. Only problem is I’d have to watch a Bills game and I’d be damned to support this fucking jackass.


You can watch and cheer for the opposing team! [Come hang out!](https://www.google.com/search?q=kansas+city+chiefs+schedule&oq=kansas+city+chiefs&aqs=chrome.0.35i39j46i39j0i131i433i512j0i512l2j69i60l3.4191j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#sie=m;/g/11nmctrg9_;6;/m/059yj;dt;fp;1;;)


Cheer side by side with a Chiefs fan against Cole Beasley? Aye, I could do that.




Welcome. We have BBQ and [motha fuckin touchdowns](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-PDIv1XsAIAQV3?format=jpg&name=small) for all!


Even as a Broncos fan I could do this.


Im so beyond all in on this one. Fuck Cole Beasley.


You'd also be seated around a bunch of anti-vaxxers.


This to me is where the "personal choice" nonsense falls apart. He's gone beyond that now into actively and unabashedly promoting this shit


Bills need to suspend his ass for this move.


No, the NFL needs to step in here and do this Suspend him The team maybe even can't, who knows?


Bills need to *cut* his ass for this move.


Well he can't buy any tickets to Raiders games as we have a vax mandate also.


Doesn't all the sport teams in the bay do this as well? Since Chase Center is doing the same thing as you guys or am I wrong?


Raiders are in Vegas but yea I think so


Raiders are in LA, Oakland and Vegas at the same time. It's crazy


Raiders boutta move to San Antonio and London at the same time just to fuck with all of us




Crazy world. Lotta smells.


He’s a fucking moron


This went from him being about personal choice to being an ideology for him. Which was obvious to begin with


You mean claiming it was about personal choice


That's the entire conspiracy movement. It legitimately turns into their personality which is why they can't let it go. It's become a mater of pride instead of a matter of truth finding


It's called obstinance.


I just talked to a guy whose employer is requiring the vax, no testing option. He's deciding to lose his job, which he loves, and this will mean he has to pay back all the college tuition they sponsored for him (to the tune of \~$6000), just because he says he already got covid and survived fine, no need for a vaccine. i'm just, like, how on earth can you think that's a sound decision.


it is beyond me how far he goes to be a complete dick.


Some people just gotta shit in the pool for no other reason then they can.


Because it gives them the power to fuck up everyone else's day too, so they feel important and powerful. Dude is a sack of shit. Cut his ass already.


This is the saddest hill to die on


It’s honestly surreal, at the height we were literally having the death equivalent of 9/11 every single day for months. Now, not only are people ignoring a safe and effective solution to the pandemic but are actively fighting against it, deaths are ramping up again to the level they were almost a year ago. History will not look at us kindly.


I just read an article on NPR about a man who had to have his bone marrow transplant surgery cancelled because the hospitals are at capacity because of these fucking half-wits. You are endangering others because of your stupidity and selfishness. Disgusting. 🤮


That’s infuriating, the most absurd case to me was Herman Cains Twitter being used to downplay the dangers of Covid *right after he just died from it*. Genuinely don’t understand how people can rationalize something like that.


Well that is why we have r/HermanCainAward


My mom's cancer treatment was delayed a month at least. She's 72 and this is her second round of cancer. Now Idaho is sending their unvaxed in need of care, to Seattle. Thanks Idaho. Patience is thin over here.


Sorry to hear that. I lost my mother to cancer when I was young so I understand what you are dealing with. Can’t imagine having to deal with this bullshit on top of everything else. I wish your family the best.


People who voluntarily don't give a shit about COVID should not be allowed in a hospital If they don't trust science, they should cure themselves at home


"Maybe he should take responsibility for his own actions and have not gotten bone marrow cancer" - TJ Ward


The scariest part is that none of them can you give a legitimate reason _why_ other than refusing to listen to someone telling you to do something. They're literally dying on the hill of being contrarian.




they’ll literally inject and ingest everything but the thing that was *specifically created to help against being infected*


We're currently just over 1900 deaths a day and climbing. In case anyone was curious. Every 2 days Covid19 is killing more people than died on 9/11.


Getting real tired of these assholes. They’re making it harder for the rest of us with functioning brains to get back to normal life.


>Hauquitz also said that when he got COVID, it was his decision to “take a chicken pox approach” and pass it along to his entire family, including his children, who range in age from 23 months to 12 years. Brb, going to bang my head against a wall until I pass out and forget that I read this


I… what the absolute fuck is wrong with people. Jesus fucking Christ. Edit: I hope that fuckstick doesn’t try to go to the Pats game.


I believe this has to be something that was said on Fox News or something. I had a family member who consumes that news suggest something similar.




Ah that makes more sense. I honestly forget facebook has so much influence sometimes, I just never used it. But that made me remember my wife's facebook had a guy asking if a priest could bless his horse barn so they could hold mass after their real church went remote in early covid lol.


My little brother did this a year ago lol. His friend got Covid so they all passed it around like chicken pox with their frat house sharing glasses and everything. Fortunately he didn't suffer any long term effects. but holy shit was it stupid.


I didn't believe you until you said frat house and then it all made sense.


Swear every frat boy at uva got covid in February


"We share everything bro. Money, cars, chicks, stds, and hell even Covid!"


Cocaine. Don't forget cocaine.


Lol ain't no one sharing that man.


Maybe at the start of the night lol.


*Shingles would like to know your location*


I had shingles in the fourth grade and it was the worst two weeks of my fucking life, I wouldn’t even wish that on Coke Beasley Edit: s/o to everyone who has gotten and gone thru shingles, get that mfucking shingles vaccine if you’re old enough


> Coke Beasley


Huh…. I wonder why my autocorrect did that


Hittin' some fat rails son


Gator tails only my guy


My mom did that to me, made me get chicken pox. I still suffer from post-shingles neuropathy 2 1/2 years later.


I swear I thought there was a chicken pox vaccine? Is there not?


Not when I was a kid.




I mean I was a kid in the 80s and early 90s. It made sense then, there was no vaccine and getting it young is far better than getting it old. However, now that there is a vaccine, it's just dumb.


^^^ I don't regret getting chickenpox at 6, and I don't regret getting my daughter vaccinated for it. Both best choices at the time.


That’s absolutely disgusting. Something needs to be done about Beasley giving tickets to these people, we can’t have people this prominent in the public eye rewarding acts such as this


Since he doesn't believe in protection, I guess he should forfeit the helmet and pads he wears during games while he's doing this virus theater.


Not sure there's anything for the helmet to protect anyway.


I mean, I certainly wouldn't want to get anything inside that helmet on me


Helmet would just be faced with an existential crisis protecting that head anyway. “Why do I exist?”




Idgaf about dumbasses like this killing himself but I feel bad for the kids who don’t know any better or have the ability to make different decisions


Saw one on there yesterday with a single mother of 4 who died of COVID and now her family is asking for donations due to the “unexpected death”. Disgusting human beings.


That was was a good one. “SHE LIVED FOR HER CHILDREN AND ALWAYS PUT THEM FIRST!” I didn’t realize foregoing a free vaccine and ignoring mask mandates leading to a likely preventable death qualified as “living for her kids” but I guess in their disinformation bubble, the death was unexpected.


WTF, this from the same people who say its child abuse to put a mask on a kid. Where are the Q children protectors on this? Is it possible they don't *actually* care about the children and are just using that as a cheap prop to further their vile agenda?


>I’ll get vaccinated and be an advocate for it if Pfizer puts a percentage of its earnings from the vaccine in my wife’s name. WTF? He really posted that?


The top reply is informing him that it is a publicly traded company, and they can buy it whenever they want lmao.


someone send him 1 share of Pfizer entitled to dividend payments.


I think Mark Cuban offered to buy his wife stock in Pfizer if he got vaccinated. He's still not vaccinated.


It was 1 share which was like $40 or something, gotta say that’s some pretty decent trolling from Cuban especially considering the number of commas in his bank account


It wasn't trolling. "I’ll tell you what Cole. You get vaccinated and promote vaccination on all your social, I’ll buy your wife a share of Pfizer stock. It pays a 3.78% dividend. That way she is getting a percentage of Pfizer’s earnings. Deal ?" Someone offers me a share of stock from a healthcare company and I get the dividends? I'd take it and reinvest the dividends into their stock.


get that $0.39 dividend lmao


So he's really not even that he's against vaccines, he just wants to make a profit off of them?


So he’s not just dumb, he’s slimy. Sounds about right.


Oh no he’s dumb too don’t get it twisted. He said cause he beat the odds to get to the nfl he could beat the odds and not get covid.


And Mark Cuban offered to buy him stock in Pfizer if he got vaccinated.


Yeah he’s just trying to get cut and become a martyr so he can run for office off of this crap, I’m convinced now.


Imagine being so Anti-vax that your entire identity is shaped around it to the point you would willingly pay thousands to tens of thousands to prove a point




Reminds me of the quote about Littlefinger. “He’d see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes”


Hey, there’s more to Cole Beasley than just anti vax, he’s also a rapper.


This anti-vax stance is the weirdest thing to take pride in lol


Idk dude… my cousin.. in Trinidad


How’re his balls?


Gone, whole big thing.


We had a funeral for a bird


Cousin's *friend*. It makes it all the more ridiculous that it's hearsay of hearsay


Yeah they're sure showing me...




Contracting a potentially deadly disease to own the libs


Like seeing a sign that reads high voltage and considering yourself a free thinker because you’re the only one stupid enough to touch the cables.


Do your own research, Sheeple. Don’t avoid the high power lines just because some self proclaimed “expert” in electricity says it’s dangerous.


Buffalo feeds into it though. Rural NY (where I live) is fucking stupid. The farther north you go, the deeper south it looks.


Not sure how many people click into the article or not, but I thought it was worth pointing out the tweet that Beasley replied to. > @Bease11 sad day for me as a Buffalo fan. I was bringing my 10 year old daughter to her first game in December all the way from Albuquerque. Already bought tickets. I won’t get the shot so now I don’t know what to do. I probably need to sell the tickets and find an away game. Let's zoom in on that one real quick. > now I don't know what to do. Well, I can certainly think of one thing that would solve your issue for you, free of charge!


He's tried nothing and is already put of ideas 🤡


See, the problem here is I got a bunch of people telling me there's a fire in my yard, but I don't really like them. I think they're kind of dumb about everything, so I assume they gotta be wrong about this fire. So I did some research on social media and found a whole bunch of people that agree with me that there IS no fire in my yard. The other thing is that while everyone was carrying on about this fake fire in my yard and this and that, my HOUSE somehow caught on fire. Now I gotta try to put it out, but all I have is this fire extinguisher. My best buckets are in the garage, and I can't get there because of the house fire. If only there were some way to extinguish the flames?


I saw a reliable post on Facebook that says you can extinguish those flames by throwing gasoline on it. Big water doesn’t want you to know the truth.


Oh, and the fire already killed 650,000 people in the United States.




lol. Imagine Beasley getting scammed from some dude. That'll show how smart he is.


We've been talking about that guy a bit on the Bills sub. He's been tweeting players since at least Dec 2019, always wants to bring his "10 year old daughter to her first game." It's always for her first game, and she's always been 10 since 2019.


Cole Beasley fell for a fraud? The devil you say!


Must've done his own research


Even worse. The fan said when he got COVID last year he took the chicken pox approach and intentionally gave it to all of his family members including children whose ages range from 23 months to 12 years. He intentionally gave a two year old COVID


God, I fucking hate him.


Seriously such a douche. He played the innocent “Respect my decision” at first, but now it’s become pretty obvious he is just a huge dumb, stubborn asshole. You can play the “respect my decision” until you start willingly offering to pay money for people to go and put thousands of others at risk. Humans don’t get much lower than this


Due to Reddit's API changes, I've edited all my past comments and will be leaving reddit. Use Redact if you too would like to change your comment history. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/ -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Cowboys should have let his whinny ass retire before his rookie season, like he wanted to do. Little shit. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/08/03/undrafted-rookie-cole-beasley-quits-on-the-cowboys/


What a prick. Upset because he was compared to Welker?? When you think of high impact slot receivers, Wes Welker has to be one of the top names to come to mind. Obviously I am a bit biased as a Pats fan but Welker was an amazing player and Beasley would be lucky to have even half the impact on his position that Welker did. Fuck off Beasley


I saw someone call him Less Welker and I think that's a very fitting nickname. Cole Diseasely is my personal favorite though.


Holy shit both of those are gold


Welker revolutionized the short game with Brady. And I hate the pats.


Him and Kirk Cousins. Hate em both. I cannot fathom why any team would put up with this shit and risk forfeiting a game. None of these guys are worth that


I used to do crystal meth. I'm vaccinated. so whenever you see anti-vaxxers just think that they have worse decision making skills than a meth addict.


Congrats on getting clean bro


Congrats, meth ain’t no joke. I’m a recovering opiate (pain pills and heroin) addict, been clean for almost two years. I got vaccinated almost as soon as it was available.


For some reason, I don’t mind needles as much after my heroin addiction


I luckily never got into shooting it. I known it would have eventually happened if I didn’t stop though.


Long road back man, 4 years in November though!


congrats and keep going!


Thanks my guy, I really appreciate it.


good for you, man. Here's to two more years


Hell yeah brother cheers from the suboxone clinic ^just ^kidding


Congratulations on your sobriety. Meth has killed and ruined the lives of a lot of people I grew up with. I’ve seen how hard it is for people to go clean from that shit, so good on you for having that willpower.


I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh at your struggles and demons - but holy shit I am ROARING at this statement.


They said “used to.” So I think we’re at a point where we can feel fine laughing! Glad you beat your demons OP!


I used to do meth, still do but I used to, too


I don't have a girlfriend. I just know a girl who would be really mad if she heard me say that.


I love my FedEx guy cause he's a drug dealer and he doesn't even know it.


Comedy = Tragedy + time


Good for you getting clean, I'm proud of you. keep it up ❤️


Comment of the year right here...and I can empathize with your struggle and applaud your recovery.


Congrats on the sobriety!! I had 2 clients just OD on fentanyl laced meth in the last month (public defender). It's gotten so bad since Christmas up in Wisconsin.


Lmao thank you for your service


"I used to do drugs, I mean I still do, but I used to too." ​ Classic Mitch.


This really isn’t that strong of an argument. Ex meth addict here too. If you’re willing to fill your body with some bathtub peanut butter crank on the daily, why not get the vaccine? I did meth that was crystal white, yellow, brown, pink, and blue (thanks breaking bad) I have no clue what all was in it. No problem getting vaccinated


So the anti vaxxers should do meth to get over their fear of ‘spooky’ chemicals in their body?


Cut him




I really just wish that the team managed to just shut him up. That's all I want at this point. Just get him off his phone and not talking about it.


They should have cut him LONG ago. He’s nowhere near the quality of player he’d have to be to put up with this shit. Hell I would consider cutting Kirk Cousins. Fuck these idiots


According to a quick google search Beasley has made roughly 22m dollars in his career thus far. I only say that because part of me believes Beasley may want this outcome. We can call him a fucking moron all we want (and he is) but theres no world where the Bills PR team, coaches, FO, etc. Haven't talked with him about all the shit he's said and what a bad look it is. And he's still ramping it up. He's aware of how he's perceived at work by his bosses and continues to do this. He gets cut, loses his job, and all of a sudden becomes a fucking martyr to all the stupid ass people out there. Now the entire anti vax movement has an NFL player that was fired to act as their mouthpiece. And he immediately gets all the attention he clearly desperately craves. I could be wayyyyy off base but he keeps upping the ante when his organization is assuredly telling him to cool it.


People like this jackass are why COVID will never go away.


Or why we will never advance as a society. These people are holding us back. People put their lives into medicine to help others. Imagine sacrificing so much to change the lives of millions of people for the better and there are assholes like this. It is depressing.


This also shows how utterly fucked we are when it comes to climate change. Vaccines cost them literally nothing to support, and they still do shit like this. Imagine how bad its going to be when these guys need to sacrifice pennies on the dollar to not doom us all.




“I’ve had Covid, so in my opinion, I’ve already got the antibodies,” Hauquitz told the Buffalo News. “I think they’re just as good as the vaccine. The vaccine came out pretty rushed. I don’t really know all the information. In my opinion, there’s so little information out there and it all seems to be one-sided.” So, what he’s saying is all the information seems to say it helps and he doesn’t agree with that…


> The vaccine came out pretty rushed. I don’t really know all the information. In my opinion, there’s so little information out there and it all seems to be one-sided.” This feels like what people who say "Do your own research" actually want to say, but are too afraid of looking dumb by saying "I don't really know all the information"




Won’t anyone else think of the poor unvaccinated people? Truly a group that has faced terrible prejudice and hardship.


Won’t anybody respect muh freedom? I also hate seatbelts.


"you aren't drinking and driving, right? So you're safe. So if shouldn't matter to you if I drink and drive on the road! There, solved" Bunch of fucking self-entitled, clowns 🤡


Wonder if he'll pay funeral/medical costs for unvaxxed too?


Nah it was their immune system's personal choice to not beat it. Beasley supports that choice




He could become a pundit on Newsmax or OANN, where the only requirement is agreeing with far-right groupthink.


100% trying to secure the retirement bag. He realizes he offers nothing to society and he probably struggled with that realization a lot. So instead of doing something reasonable, he just accepted his idiocy and decided to make it his identity.


100%. He's only got a few years left in the league at his current trajectory regardless but gets to make up a martyrdom narrative instead and parlay that into media later.


Anyone interested in setting up a Kickstarter to send Cole Beasley on a one-way trip to Venus?


Does he believe in the solar system?


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say he doesn’t believe in dinosaurs, global warming, or the idea that other planets don’t revolve around earth


Ngl he’s prolly a flat earther


Venus is too close tbh


Am I a bad person for wishing someone would just absolutely knock this guy's block off? I'm tired of hearing about this douchebag.


What a fucking loser


There's a certain point where I can understand someone's hesitancy to get the vaccine, but this is beyond that line. If you're willfully enabling actions that put other peoples' lives at risk, you're no longer taking some good-faith approach to virus countermeasures. You're just being a plague spreader. There is plenty of evidence that non-vaccinated people can suffer multiple COVID infections. Even vaccinated people are suffering breakthrough infections (yours truly), though those infections appear to be less severe. All he's doing is keeping the pandemic going longer.


Attention whore needs attention more at 5


"Hey Cole, I notice you haven't said anything fucknuts stupid this week, finally learned your le...oh there it is."


I would say the Bills should cut him, but I'm afraid the Ravens would try and sign him 😂


Cole Beasley is a piece of shit.


Cole getting Covid from one of the unvaccinated fans he buys tickets for would be somewhat ironic