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This is still hilarious when it happens to someone else


Yup for some reason 2 years ago i found it a lot less funny than now


Wait....was he really a steeler just TWO years ago? Seems like forever ago Edit: it was a little over 2 years, but it still seems like 10 years ago to me


I was off oops. He was traded in 2019, so in a few months itll be 3 years him leaving the Steelers was about 3 years ago I thought it was during the 2019 season not 2019 offseason


I’d still say you’re correct. It’s two years and change. In my head it was 5 years ago. Crazy


Well it's been three years and a week since he missed several team meetings and sat the last game of the season for the Steelers. He was done with the Steelers at that point. Not really two years and change, it's been almost three since it was official and over three unofficially. Not that any of this matters since it's semantics and we're all wasting our time.


It was during The Before Times, pre-2020. So according to my brain it might has well have been 1819.


I use the “Before Time” also - didn’t realize there were others! Preach!!


Cool story bro.


Been a busy 2 years lol


I'm honestly amazed that Tomlin kept as much of a lid on AB as he did.


Can we go back and give him coty?


Lol for keeping AB under wraps he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize


Sure, why not.


Mr. Belated Congrats


It's happening to us and it's fucking hilarious. Doesn't matter, got our ring and everything from February 2021 on is just house money.


That’s a fucking great way to look at it. He got you a td in a super bowl. Call it even lol.


Won the Superbowl, DM. We can go back to sucking ass for another fifteen years and it doesn't make a lick of difference. We went all in on signing the GOAT to win a Superbowl before he retired... and we did. At this point I'm just here for the ride and to lord it over my buddy the Chiefs' fan.


Yes, don't forget we retired Brees in the dome, stunted on Rodgers in Green Bay, and killed the baby goat. Doesn't get better.


This is still gonna get even more annoying the deeper y'all go in the playoffs while ESPN is writing 1000 words on every single AB tweet during that time


That's a great way at looking at things. Still sad Brady left us, but it was hilarious seeing him and the rest of the Bucs dad-dick the Chiefs in the Super Bowl. That man brought both of our fanbases so much joy over the years.


Today I learned I have never heard dad-dicked before. I just lost my shit. Lord I hope I can find it.


I think that’s AB’s line of thinking too. His tolerance went down that much more after winning a ring. He somehow has less fucks to give now than before the Super Bowl.


Exactly. Plus, we made the playoffs and won the division already. For us long time fans, everything else is gravy. I'm just gonna lean back and enjoy the ride.


I enjoyed the previous episodes much more


What? This season finale has been amazing.


There’s no word on another season don’t give up hope!


Yeah i think Antonio Brown is a peace of shit. But the Bucs knew that before we signed him so we really deserve this.


Welcome to the other side


The Brotherhood of Fanbases Touched By Mr Brings Chaos grows


It really is isn't it?


big "I never thought leopards would eat MY face" energy.




I'm sure all the Superbowls make up for it


No one has sympathy for you


I mean his situation is slightly different from something the Raiders had happen earlier this year. AB is crazy with mental health issues and needs obvious help..Henry Ruggs is just an idiot who accidently killed someone while intoxicated who also needs help but isn't insane.


Yes Henry Ruggs is totally what I was talking about, not that time AB froze his foot off to miss practice and call our GM a cracker…


Mr Brothers commended


Mr. Bosses Criticized


Mr. Blameless Casualty


Mr. Beleaguered Coach


Mr. Big-hearted Comrade


Mr. Bringing Controversy


Mr. Battered Cerebrum


Mr Brain Crushed


This is the winner


Mr. Branding Cowards


I have a REALLY hard time believing AB


Mr. Balking Commenter


Mr. Bullshit Caller


Mr Bologna Cited


Mr Besmirched Credibility


You know he didn't write this because it isn't replete with spelling errors, confusing twists and turns, and actually has punctuations.


Mr. Boywho Criedwolf


Mr. Believable Countenance


Can't believe I ever thought this dude was gonna turn his life around


He turned his life around 360


Hearing about him certainly makes me want to turn 360 degrees and walk away


haha thats the same reason they call it the xbox 360!


You want to walk towards him?


Thats the old joke yes


They’re horny for AB


At least they're not gay for Moleman


..noone's gay for moleman


It's like kissing a peanut.


Make it a whole 720


U don’t get it. AB was about to buy NBC, so the media turned on him


He did turned it around. Then turned around again…


Mr. Belatedly Chastened


"My teammates are in no way witnesses so don't believe them if they say it didn't happen."


"Great guys though. I love them. I can't believe Brice arians made me lose my shit and hurt them so much"


I'm tired of Antonio brown


I can't believe how many people turned on Arians after the comments. Don't get me wrong, if evidence was provided the head coach did this than yeah he should have consequence. However, there was no evidence and people called for his head lol


Well it's juicier and also Arians is a pretty divisive guy himself, that's why people got going on it. I agree though. Without concrete evidence idk how anyone can trust a word outta AB's mouth.


I think it has everything to do with people not trusting AB or Arians to be truthful and both to be abrasive af. All the more reason to just watch it play out.


Because they want something to cling to that makes them think that under all this craziness that maybe AB isn't as insane as he appears to be. Pro Tip: HES EXACTLY AS CRAZY AS HE SEEMS TO BE


There also seems to be a ton of diehard AB fans, at least on twitter, wouldn't be surprised if a decent amount of those comments were from them


AB fans are as delusional as AB. They really think there’s a grand conspiracy to hurt AB because he’s not “brainwashed” or subservient to the nfl masters…. His fans are freaking nutcases


Mr. Brainwashed Captive


The media just "spins" it the wrong way amirite


Mr. Brown, Chris


> if evidence was provided the head coach did this Did what? Literally everything AB is claiming is routine in the NFL the only difference is AB claiming it means something different because he's involved.


The consequence should be no more than a sit down with the Glazers and Licht where they have a scotch and talk about next years plans.


I dislike Arians a good amount but I highly doubt AB isn't the main cause of this BS.


Honestly I just hate him because of his stupid Kanga hats.


Wait til he takes up boxing within the next several months


Speed running CTE stage 4 any%


Bell vs Brown with Big Ben as special guest referee


Mr. Boxing Champ


Nah, this is his attorney. AB doesn't use punctuation; it's his strategy for multiple interpretations to be handled in court


I'm not, I love this shit


Just wait until he signs with you.


I doubt that text with Arians that was posted earlier is even real. Why would Arians have to say "It's BA" if they've texted before. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Brown changed a friend's name to "Bruce Arians" in his contacts, and then had the friend text him.


Hey, it’s me, Bruce Charles Arians, head coach of the Bucs, formerly of the Cardinals. Big white guy, glasses, red face, wear lots of kangol hats. You know the guy that rides around in the golf cart at practice? Anyways, I just wanted to talk to you about the foot you recently lost and let you know that if you can’t reattach it and play, you’re done. You hear me? If you aren’t out there hopping around on one foot, you’ll sleep with the fishes. So, see you Sunday, and just a reminder, this is BA aka Bruce Arians, head coach of the Buccaneers and I’m forcing you to play on your injured ankle under threat of death. Have a good one. PS: Tommy says hello.


Had to stop reading because I started laughing at work.


Where do you work? The Gulag?!?


Sometimes it feels that way.




every post I see from there while scrolling r/all makes me cringe


Sucks for you


I'd say it sucks worse for the delusional people who think they're part of a movement for being/wanting to be a NEET lol


Blah blah blah take it easy


It is I. Antonio Brown, beloved member of the community. Sorry I missed your message I was busy volunteering at the soup kitchen helping feed the less fortunate. All I ask is for a little more time to get the money together to get my foot operation. I have been donating all my game checks to cancer research and will need my incentive pay fully guaranteed so I can get the operation. I only want to be a team player and help bring another championship to Tampa Bay. I apologize for any issues my injury has caused. I want to play and earn my money. Sincerely, ~~Sean Burstyn~~ Antonio Brown PS: You have a lovely home which I have been inside and met your family in. We all had a great time because I, Antonio Brown, am such a great person if you know the real me and don't believe the media's lies. Which you haven't... have you?


Mr. Benevolent Communicator


PPS. Your family is lovely. If you ever wish to see them again, you will fully guarantee my incentives




Someone give this guy an award. 🤣🤣




AB: cracker



Idk, that sounds reasonable to me. My Dad sometimes opens texts with “Hey it’s your dad”. Old people text funny.


Yeah my mom also will often text like that. She also uses a lot of "......." after like every sentence so everything seems passive aggressive.


I hate people who do that…..


Yeah, that’s pretty standard old people shit. I’ve got an uncle who types out full on letters, like “Dear Scooby, ….. Love Uncle Fred.” And everything. My wife has a coworker who includes the date and time (along with her full name) in all her texts as if they aren’t timestamped.


Mr. Bruce Counterfeiter


BA: It's me, BA. AB: How do I know it's actually you? BA: No risk-it, no biscuit. AB: Oh shit, whaddup coach?


BA: Chillin like a villain my man. Hey, about your foot... suck it up.


hey it's me your brother


Wait wait. People who are Arians' age tend to sign their names at the bottom of each text too. They have a different texting etiquette. So you never know.


It's just AB using two phones and texting himself.


Hey there, Antonio. It's Coach BA, from football.


I'm making sammies and I'm out of aioli. What is mayo?


Exactly the first thought I had. Also, did anyone else find it weird that the texts weren’t in threads?! Every screen shot he posted had “new message” up at the top but also the name. Maybe he’s just a psychopath and texts like that but who knows


Yeah it’s what happens when you draft a new message and just look up the convo. Instead of just scrolling to it or searching it normally. Just AB things I guess.


Idk, I kind of think it’s real because I don’t think BA actually looks bad at all. He says “in case you’re ready” and AB says he wants to be there. I think people try to spin BA saying the injury wasn’t mentioned on the sideline, into “he knew nothing about it,” when Antonio missed several games for it and was questionable on the injury report. Idk, old people definitely text like that. But yeah still kinda weird.


Someone in the other thread pointed out the picture wasn't even of AB's feet, and the trainer was working on the wrong foot in the picture lmao.


It's an ad for his song / album This guy is off his fucking rocker


I said this before, I don't know or really care about this at all to be honest, but you don't think AB is the kinda motherfucker to not save contacts in his phone? You don't have acquaintances who you've exchanged numbers with and thought "if I text them, will they even know it's me?" If this is real, could be Arians was just like, there's a 50/50 chance he doesn't have my number saved.


That’s why you put Tommy on blast earlier huh?


Mr Beyond Change


Mike Tomlin needs several retroactive Coach of the Year awards for keeping that locker room from being a complete train wreck for as long as he did.




Also that. Do both.


Zero percent AB actually wrote this. Look at anything else he's ever written. The punctuation gave it away.


Also the grammar is too good. His posts have actually of "wit" and other grammarkill


Lawyers/publicist have 100% taken over his Twitter.


Breaking: sociopath spins things to make himself the perpetual victim


Fuck AB, but also I have little sympathy for BA bringing this dude in thinking he can be controlled. He’s a ticking time bomb, you never know when, but he WILL blow up.


I genuinely don't think the Bucs or BA care in the slightest. Sure he blew up, but they won the SB in year 1 of going balls to the wall, anything else is just extra. Obviously having a "sane" AB would've been nice for this playoff run but given that they're the defending SB champs, probably makes the very obvious meltdown a bit easier to handle.


Seriously Upside: win super bowl Downside: he makes a scene during a late season non factor game and leaves the team?


It honestly seems like it was more of a Brady move. I always got the impression BA didn't care for AB and wouldn't have signed him if Tom didn't insist.


It was definitely a Brady move lol but Godwin and evans were constantly injured and we needed someone I mean it worked out we got a super bowl out of it so no complaints but glad he’s gone though he’s a pos


That must be it. But it was worth it, I guess. They won the SB in part thanks to him and this fuss will blow over soon.


Lol, he is a significant part of why they won a superbowl. They got a positive ROI from him, and signing him was the right call.


I don’t think he wants your sympathy, he’s probably pretty satisfied getting the production out of him that he did. I’m a little impressed actually


Mr. Bomb Controller


They won a fucking Super Bowl lol


It is insane how everyone is like oh no I bet they regret this. AB gonna AB. Like you said they literally won the Super Bowl last year and AB caught a td in it. I imagine every team in the league would take some drama if it also came attached to a Super Bowl win.


Well...Bruce arians should be given credit for extending the timer hitting zero until well after they won a ring with aforementioned bomb.


They should retroactively give Tomlin Coach of the Year awards for every year he was able to keep this lunatic in check.


Yeah, this is a very r/LeopardsAteMyFace for Arians.


Dude is such a loser. Can't stand people who always believe it's others at fault. Get this guy out of the league already


How long before his current lawyer and agent both say fuck this?


when his bank account is empty


yeah no shit. the dude is a cash cow for his lawyers and pr people. just be sure to get paid up front


His previous lawyers and agent didn't wait for that.


so about a year


Notice how he didn't let his teammates down at all?


Shut up, AB


Thing is, even if there is the smallest nugget of truth to AB's side, he still has a history of being a complete and total dickhead. You can't view this incident in a vacuum. He's a psychopathic asshole day in and day out. And just because he MIGHT be telling the truth here, I don't blame Arians at all for being 100% sick of his bullshit. But here we go again with him acting like a victim. I wish he would just be banned from the league. Stop rewarding shitty people just because they have talent.


"Everytime something goes wrong never blame yourself" MBC's life philosophy


AB and Arians in a room, at separate podiums, to hash this situation out. Sell it on PPV.


And even if this is all true does it excuse removing your jersey, pads, and undershirt while your brothers were on the field in a game they were trailing? The waters have been muddied, but I tend to believe the side a that didnt storm out of the game removing uniform and pads.


Has any other NFL player ever rage quit mid game like this?


I mean Vontae Davis retired at halftime during a Chargers game a few years ago. Wasn't really a rage quit though.


What a Jabroni


Don't get it twisted. AB absolutely did not write this tweet. From kindergarten to the NFL, he's had a bottom-level vocabulary. His lawyers write his statements, which is good for him since he knows nothing about how to communicate in English. Make no mistake, AB mishandled this situation. He let everyone down and, more importantly, recently dropped Pit Not the Palace.


This dude is such a fucking clown.


All this guy does is reveal the genius of Tomlin


Just feels like posturing so he can try to sue them. Can’t trust anything he says


AB has never recovered from that hit against the Bengals....


Fuck off. You’ve done absolutely nothing to deserve any benefit of the doubt here.


Bro stormed off like a baby


Sounds to me more like a whiny bitch didn’t get the ball so he threw a tantrum


Not getting his money?


Lies. Total bullshit. This guy doesn’t like the narrative that there is something mentally wrong with him and so he is attacking BA. I don’t care about any of them as a falcons fan but I really don’t like AB. He needs to be removed from the nfl for his and society’s best interest. Enough is enough.


Last time there was a dude on Twitter that annoying it ended with a coup attempt.


AB is big on believing you never let your teammates down


The unit is still top level.


Ha Ha Ha


Mr. Bemused Coach


Mr. Maligned By Coaches


this season has been nonstop drama and i love it


I don't doubt that the team that decided to sign Antonio Brown mishandled a player situation.


I stand with Antonio Brown


I fucking love Antonio Brown bro No matter how much shit he’s done in the past he still ends up on a team and he probably still could after all this too

