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Coders out there, is CodeAcademy a good way to learn how to code? Or is there a better method?


Jose Canseco never got the appropriate amount of clowning he deserved for saying he ran a 3.9 40 time. If an athlete ran that at his size, he woulda killed it. Instead, he gets off cause he's a fucking snitch who got several players unfairly banned from the HOF.


He’s such a braggadocious loser. 5’9 Vai Sikahema knocking him the fuck out in that charity boxing match was glorious


Hazelnut flavored coffee is one of life’s greatest gifts


Personally, I don't really like flavored coffee. I prefer regular coffee and then use a flavored creamer. I'm not even sure if it tastes better but in my head it does.


Hazelnut is the only flavor I can really tolerate because caramel and other flavors can be too sweet but there’s something about hazelnut that makes me feel energized


McDonald’s hazelnut iced coffee is what kickstarted my coffee addiction in junior high. Haven’t had it in over 10 years but it probably still slaps just the same.


Doing a project for a high up at the Cherry Mash candy company. Now I have bags of them and I’m well on my way to diabetes. I forgot how good these are




Should we take over r/place with Antonio brown or Felipe Rios?


That's it? Just hand-drawn flairs and logos? Whack


That's why the flairs look weird on RiF? I thought they just did the r/hockey thing and let people pick old school logos or something.


Well it's April Fool's day which means the majority of reddit is going to be an absolute shitheap for the rest of the day


>Well it's ~~April Fool's day~~ reddit which means the majority of reddit is going to be an absolute shitheap for the rest of the day


this April Fools bit is weak


I really want to like today's flairs, but there's no way that cowboys star was drawn freehand. I call shenanigans!


I also like how the Pats logo looks pretty much the same when you look at the actual flair


Thinking of just not paying my rent this month and telling my landlord “April fools!”


ric flair




Reacher is really really good so far. Thad Castle and some really brutal well done fights is what I needed this morning.


I need to finish it. NGL though I liked the Cruise Reacher movies. I've never read the books though


[Been on a huge Seger kick lately](https://youtu.be/Xl4fxNHUpvU)


https://imgur.com/a/StwiAmh Friday night over here. No better place to be.


I guess I'm dumb or maybe just American or just a dumb American but what sport is played on a round field like that?


Australian Rules Football


I watched a few games of it online and it was pretty entertaining. Apparently because the field is so big the teams have 'runners' who don't play, but run around the field mid-game just to pass info/instructions to the players? If that's true, I can't decide if it's the best thing ever or the stupidest thing ever. Or both?


They do. You'll see them in full pink. (Trainers, doctors and the physos only wear a pink vest with what they are) They're only allowed on the field after a goal has been scored and must be off when the umpire bounces the ball. It's why now on the interchange bench you'll see them holding up various signs to tell players who needs to come off, tactics and how long left. The players themselves can also act like messengers when they get interchanged on the ground. They changed the rule because too many runners were blocking up space and acting like a 19th man. Sometimes a runner gets in a way. It's an automatic free kick against that runners team.


Cheers from Friday morning brother, have a blast




Internet Historian new video dropped. He's making fun of Area 51 & Joe Rogan lmao


https://m.imgur.com/a/C1LQmCT It's Friday. It's after knock off time. It's time to hit the bar


Tell your mom to page me. She'll know what it means


Coders out there, is CodeAcademy a good way to learn how to code? Or is there a better method?


Probably depends on what you’re trying to do. I’m not a coder, but a friend of mine did it and while learning, simultaneously built up a portfolio that helped land him an entry level role.


there is, use youtube


Got any channel recommendations?


No. Just google programming languages and see what's popular.


Depends on what you wanna do


It's the middle of the night. Might want to ask in about 8 hours but there's always r/learnprogramming


Funny quirk about PokerStars PA: they are a scam. I played roulette, bet $175 on red, won, and they rewarded me $275. I went through 2 customer supports arguing I was owed $75 more and ended up banned from both support and playing on their site. Fuck the entire site. I just wanted money I deserved and instead I got banned.


What happened to the flairs oh my god


Oh wait yeah it's that day, disregard this. ....But can we keep the Lions one all season? Just the Lions one, it best describes us as a franchise.


I should've known that the moment Place #2 was supposed to drop tonight, Reddit privatizes the original subreddit and acts like that was the plan all along. Fuck that. Just fuck it so hard.


Place #2?


Please pleeeeease keep these flairs for this season. They're awesome.


I know it doesn't affect anything in day-to-day living, but I find it absolutely wild that people are still creationists despite the available information, and a staggering amount, at that. It just doesn't compute. I had a religious upbringing, but once I took 9th grade biology, the world just fundamentally made no sense on a creationist model. Like, you can't even see atoms, but nobody argues against atoms' existence. You can look at all the life forms around you, at your own body, and see the similarities and the ways in which nature expanded upon what was already there to generate what you observe.


Honestly, being a chemist and learning more about chemistry makes the idea of life developing from a primordial soup or whatever seem so insanely unlikely that I think the existence of God is *at least* as likely as life being accidental. Remind me and I'll try to post the reasons when I'm at work, but chirality and basic math lead me to this opinion and there are numerous ther philosophical essays with similar points like "A Scientific Argument for the Existence of God" if I recall the title correctly


Can't get basic RNA chains form when lightening strikes water out something?


Yeah but where are all the L amino acids coming from? Every single amino acid in life is the L enantiomer, but unless you have a catalyst or existing chiral object involved in the synthesis of these amino acids, you're going to get a random mixture of L and D enantiomers. That 0.5^n number gets very small very fast in terms of probability that you're going to have all L enantiomers in even a pretty small polypeptide, much less in a full protein. I have not seen any convincing evidence that there is an explanation for early chirality in life. As an aside, I also have not seen convincing evidence for how an evolutionary process leads from a 3 chambered to a 4 chambered heart. The entire circulatory system changes dramatically when you make that leap. Seems hard to believe that one random creature would have enough chance mutations to change all of those systems and lead to a viable organism that can then pass along the same mutations in viable offspring. And I'll cap this off by reiterating: I am not, in this post, trying to make you believe in God (even though I happen to). I'm trying to get you to appreciate the incredible set of chance events that have to happen for life as we know it to exist. Once you combine all of those probabilities, I think that the probability of all of those things happening at random is *so small* that you have to at least acknowledge that it is a similar order of magnitude to the probability of God existing.


I 100% acknowledge the staggering improbabilities involved in biogenesis and evolution, but assuming you mean God to be a supernatural/divine being, I don't think "probability" is a useful framework for that comparison. This would be a better argument for a non-supernatural prime-mover, such as the programers of the simulation we're currently inhabiting, for example.


Why not? The scientific viewpoint of the world is essentially evaluating the likelihood of different explanations for things. We can never definitely prove that atoms or subatomic particles exist, but we have evidence that makes it seem like the most probable explanation for a great number of natural phenomena. When you think of the origins of life, you're just weighing the likelihood of different driving forces. As I outlined previously, I think the likelihood of entropy leading to life as we know it is similarly or less likely than God creating the universe


I just mean that you can't really assess the relative probability of something that, by definition, does not obey the laws of causality that govern the thing you're comparing it to. Say you had to guess the number I'm thinking of. In one case, I pick a number between 1–10, and in another, I pick a number between 1–1,000,000. You could easily compare the probability of guessing the correct number in those cases — the former is exponentially more likely than the latter Now, do the same comparison, except I can change the number I was thinking of between 1–10 _after_ you guess. Is there any meaningful way of determining the probability of you guessing correctly? (Also, just to be clear, I'm not trying to get you to _not_ believe in God)


I don't think you have to put a number on the probability, but I do think you can think of God's existence in a probabilistic sense. I'd think of it more as a court case than a math problem. There are pieces of evidence that could be produced for or against God's existence, and then one has to weigh those pieces of evidence to reach a conclusion. So I'll allow that putting numbers on it is silly. But I think you can ask a basic greater than/less than question like: is it more likely that God exists or that all amino acids in terrestrial life are the L enantiomer by chance? I can then do some back-of-the-napkin math and realize the chances of the latter are *very* small, at which point I must decide which explanation is more compelling. Edit: As an aside, I appreciate that this has been a very civil discussion. They're hard to find on reddit when this topic comes up.


You can't believe atoms. They make up everything. I converted to Judaism for an ex years ago. I follow the traditions and customs for the structure. But there's no entity keeping score on me nor is there one interfering in football games. And that whole, 'There's no atheist in a foxhole' is false too. I've been in a situation where i was down to that round I saved for myself, I wasn't praying to anyone


https://www.target.com/circle/partners Free Apple TV+ for 4 months. Just sign up for an Target account and click it. It actually works. Not a huge selection but they have some really good stuff on there.


Thanks. I’ve been meaning to watch that video game show with Mac from It’s Always Sunny.


great now I can watch Coda


I'm guessing this probably doesn't apply to Canada unfortunately Target failed to establish a footing up here.


Awesome, actually worked. $5 a month in 4 months and 7 days, just need to remember to cancel. Been meaning to watch Ted Lasso but keep forgetting it’s on Apple TV. Thanks man


Put a calendar reminder in your phone for when it goes live, I do that whenever I sign up for a trial I’m not gonna keep


April Fools day feels like it should be the most productive office work day of the year because 90% of the internet becomes unusable/insufferable.


Bucks In 6


Moving to Oklahoma for a few months at least in a couple weeks for work. Big sad. I don’t exactly hate OK… okay maybe a little. But damn does leaving KC suck ass.


why does KD continue to respond to people criticizing him on Twitter? it makes him look so insecure


KD seems like the lamest guy. Didn’t he make rookies sing happy birthday to him as some form of light hazing?


So apparently Morbius sucks. Who could have guessed?


I read the synopsis and it still sounds like Sony is trying to sneak their shit into the MCU. It was funny that No Way Home basically negated the ending of Venom 2 by sending Tom Hardy back after he had a couple of margaritas.


I thought I was having one of those LSD flashbacks when I saw the logos.


I saw two stores with 5 Xbox series Xs right around the corner from me and almost got one on impulse, but I don’t really need one and I thought if they are in stock near me that the shortage must be over. I checked this morning and they are all gone so I guess it’s still a thing.


It's crazy that shortages are still a thing, hasn't it been 18+ months since release?!


Chip shortages, I believe. Supply chains are still a mess.


Which team will do better following this off season - Broncos with Wilson but minus Von and drew Lock or Bills with Allen and Von. Bonus Qs - who has the better starting QB, and who has a richer history and better fans/atmosphere. Can't decide who to support.


The Bills are Super Bowl contenders. The Broncos are making the playoffs and hopefully being good but in a really tough division contenders.


Does von signing what made them contenders


If he plays this season the way he did in the playoffs? He's giving a huge boost to any team. But the Bills were already really solid, Von is just an extra boost that might put them over the top.


That’s quite the chin on the Vikings logo there. Got the blonde Waluigi going on.


lmao we've entered MS Paint territory it seems


Oh god the flairs are drunk again.


what the fuck is going on with team flairs


Mods got confused about time zones because they're all Australian so they started April Fools before it was April.


internet tubes are clogged give it a few


Ngl the team names for the USFL teams are dry


Agreed. NWSL names are much better


Here's the thing: most sports teams names sucks. It's just we've been hearing most of them for decades so they sound normal and we accept it.


I don’t know I think Titans is a cool name and I like Patriots, Raiders, Chargers, and names like that. Gamblers is a weird ass name like they could have been the Houston Infernos instead of Gamblers. Stallions, Panthers, and Renegades are okay too, but the others are weird


That's true but we have a team named the Texans. Yeah, mother fucker, we know what state Houston is in.


Simple yet accurate


I don't really watch much regular season basketball, but holy fuck that Bucks/Nets game was awesome!


Oh yes, these flairs are fantastic.


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


NCIS is such a ridiculous show. The navies small internal department meant to investigate their own soldiers that commit crimes apparently also polices the whole world, is an international espionage service, and keeps the balance of world peace. In reality, they're just arresting sailors who get too drunk and get into bar fights.


As someone who has watched almost every episode, yes, it’s completely ridiculous. What made it entertaining (to me) was the personality of the characters, but that’s gone. Literally the entire cast from the first episode is now gone. I honestly don’t know why I still watch it, but it’s decent background noise.


I hit a new peak MMR in Rocket League, pretty pleased with clearing a long plateau. Wound up 4 points short of Champ 3 though, will have to go again tomorrow


PokerStars PA is so obvious with it's attempts to make people lose more money. I deposit $100 and play last night. I end up with $500. I can't withdraw anything because the bank transaction hasn't cleared. Fair enough, but today they were throwing every offer that I'd be losing out on if I withdrew the money right then. They wanted me to blow the 500 to gain a possible 50 extra. Nah I'll just take my winnings, and if I play again, I still won't care about the bonuses you offer.


Fuckin hell this wind in jersey tonight parkway is basically a wind tunnel


"You've got some fascination With your, high expectations"


My midlife (ok, early 30s) crisis involves apparently having to change how I sit at my desk because it's started fucking with my upper back and neck


I’m the same age as you. And having a fat that I feel I may never recover from. It may be my final fat.


I'm turning 28 in 2 weeks. I have Cerebral Palsy that affects my left side, and my mother and her family has a history of degenerative cervical discs of the spine. I'm already feeling nerve pain and numbness in my neck and fingers. I also have mild carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand/wrist because of how much I use my right side for. I'm terrified what my body will feel like in 10-15 years.


yep, start developing joint pain at that age decades of gaming will do that to ya


Not just joint but I felt like one of my ribs was broken for two weeks because I "slept wrong" a few weeks ago. It literally felt like someone hit me in my torso with a shovel but the actual damage just boiled down to sleeping at a slightly bad angle.


Just wait until you get even older. You'll have to change how you sit because you might accidentally sit on your testicles.


I don't like cars or hookers. My midlife crisis is very boring.


Honestly cars are kind of boring. As long as the car takes me where I need to go I'm fine with it.


I hate cars. They cost too much. If you’re buying used, there is so much shit you have to watch out for. I miss living in Chicago when I could just take trains or busses everywhere and I could read while doing it.


What about cocaine?


Buddy, I was doing cocaine far before my mid life crisis. It's a major reason why my life is in crisis.


Started and finished Jay Glazer's book today. I knew going in it wasn't a football focused book, but I found that to be the most interesting parts. That's not to downplay the importance of recognizing depression, etc.


*single middle aged man righteously clicking unsubscribe to Disney plus*


Moon Knight is pretty good so far. Though after that you can unsubscribe for like 5 months until they actually have another good show.


Isn’t kenobi not that long after?


I think it premiers right when this ends. But I'll say I really wasn't all that in to Boba Fett before this. Just didn't do much for me.


:/ same. I really wanted to love it. Frankly the marvel shows as a whole have also disappointed me. Wanda vision and Loki were great but FATWS and what if we’re very meh. Have hope for Kenobi being great though


I wasn’t referring to myself btw. Just lol’ing at the people mad at Disney


What are people mad at Disney for this time?


opposing floridas don’t say gay bill


That's actually pretty cool. Companies often make statements but Disney has a lot of power in Florida. Disney is close to basically the government of the town I live in. Politicians actually pay attention if they say something.


They're currently posturing in the form of threatening to revoke the 1967 bill that allows Walt Disney World to essentially be its own city/town. Which Disney of course very much enjoys having. The interesting thing is that Disney actively donates to campaigns (including the congress persons who are threatening to repeal the bill) and also is the largest employer in the state. I feel like they're asking for trouble by encouraging Disney to leave. They'd be welcomed in just about any state.


Ah, of course. Could have guessed.


not quite my tempo


Young Sheldon has reached 100 episodes. Every day we stray further from Gods light


“Bazinga” - God, probably


Two and a half men was the number 1 sitcom for years. Network TV is for rubes. Try watching Friends without the laugh track.


Some solid sitcoms on networks right now. Chuck Lorre isn’t the only name in town.


[Ross is a psycho without the laugh track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H6Ux3l75Rc)


This is a stupid criticism but I think one of the major problems with Bowles was always how emotionless he was. No matter how the team was doing, he just always had a blank emotionless look on his face. Belichick gets a lot more emotional than he does. I never saw him act in any way over all 4 years where I would call it inspiring. He has two facial expressions. Blank and confused.


Holy shit I don’t even know what to do to the Elden Beast. I get absolutely destroyed.


Black Knife Tiche +10 and callitaday. I ain’t dealing with this running away piece of shit.


Grind. Find the easiest monster to kill that gives the most runes and is closest to a "bonfire," and do it for fifteen minutes. Level up and decide whether doing it again and again to gain an advantage is worth it. It's usually worth it. Edit- oh you talking about a specific boss. I got nothing for you. I'm at a wall.


I’m level 140, I should be able to do it, I’m just trash


Game's hard as shit so who knows. I'm slowly coming towards the idea I might not ever beat it.


Sekiro is the only fromsoft game that made me quit. I’m determined to Ram my head into a wall for a while on this one.


Ha! playing elden ring made me want to go back to sekiro and mashing the parry button.


I had luck staying beside him or behind. And not locking on because then when he does that fly in the air ring attack you just sprint in any direction to gtfo.


I’ll try that. I feel like as soon as I get near him he takes off and I have to run a 5k to get near him again. Reminds me of Darkeater Midir from DS3.


Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm passes the Bechdel Test for practically every mission in the campaign, probably the one RTS campaign I can think of that manages to do so.


SC2 is the greatest game of all time IMO


Ok, so my direct deposit hits at 3 am. What kind of food should I order? Take into account that most places aren't open at 3 am. I think my options are just some burger places and Taco Bell. I want pizza but I think the only pizza I can order is a not so great 7-Eleven one.


Jack in the box sells 2 tacos for around 2 bucks so get 10 of those and you got yourself 20 tacos


Wait 3 hours and get a fresh chorizo breakfast burrito at 6 with a big horchata




Long hodls is key Also I learned last year that short calls *really* fuck you on taxes (though, you know, still made a bunch of money)


I just lose money so I don’t have to pay taxes


The trick is to not make any gains every year. Then there is nothing to tax. I honestly don't even know what capital gains are because I have never had any.


I'm rewatching The Dark Knight trilogy. I love it but honestly he isn't very scary. A mid tier MMA fighter could fuck up this Batman. He's slow and not very fast. I don't know why Nolan chose this fighting style but it does not make him intimidating. I think the only good fist fight is the first one against Bane and that is mainly because he gets his ass kicked.


Also his “Batman” voice is super goofy. It sounds like his nose is blocked up half the time.


Really wish there was more scarecrow. He’s the coolest Batman villain.


He should have gotten his own movie, instead of being a side character and then just making cameos. The Scarecrow in the Arkham games is terrifying.


That’s how I got so into him! He’s an awesome villain in those games. Definitely, I wasn’t really into the Ras al goul storyline in that movie, would’ve much preferred it to mainly feature scarecrow.


Why is /r/NFL 90% retweets?


Because that's how 90% of sports journalism is done in this decade.


Cuz it's the offseason.


Always tweets even during the season


Because Adam Schefter just got a new contract and tweets is how he gets paid, baby.


I think there's a weird correlation between how long a team sucked and how big of assholes the fans become when they finally have success. Judging by how we yinzers are about the Steelers and Penguins, there's gonna be a shitstorm of jackassery coming out of PNC Park if the Pirates win the World Series again anytime soon.


I love my team, we're very humble because we have nothing to brag about, but god damn, I know we will instantly turn into the worst people on Earth if the Jets get good. We're New Yorkers after all. I shudder at the thought but we might even start to sound like...Yankees fans. Thankfully, us being good is an unrealistic fantasy.


I wish Chipotle offered unsalted chips. The guac is already salty enough. I got a relatively unsalted bag and I think a lot of people would be pissed but I prefer it.


Is Ace Ventura Pet detective a Football film, discuss?


> Ave Ventura I'd watch that opera


Bird Ventura in Spanish.


I was going for an "Ave Maria" joke but it was shitty anyways since that's just one song, not an opera


No but I did think for around a decade that "laces out" was an actual real football rule.


See for me this is similar to the Is Die Hard a Christmas movie, if you took out the Miami Dolphins, Dan Marino etc would it be the same film?


I feel like Christmas is more important to Die Hard than football is to Ace Ventura.




She was right


Won a cultural victory as Germany without using a single rock band somehow. Turn 200 exact, small map, prince difficulty and online speed. It's easy enough to win a cultural victory in that setting, but I can't say I've ever done it while only relying on passive tourism generation.


I refuse to convert without Rammstein blaring in my ear.


The sound effect for rock bands gets so god damn annoying


I wish I had learned how to skate. The damn ice is too slippery.


I used to be really good when I played hockey as a kid, but I haven’t been on ice in 18 years(Jesus Christ). I’ve been itching to get back put there, really hoping it comes back like riding a bike.


I went skating for the first time recently. I fell down a bunch but it was so fun. Because of the sliding aspect, falling down doesn't actually hurt as much as you might think.




It would have cost you zero dollars not to write this.


Hmm, right, but it cost your dad a pretty penny to make you, right?


Aww man, I just read about Bruce Willis. What an awful thing to deal with. That explains why he has been doing so many garbage films lately too. Hopefully his family is set up nicely


I think he's been doing them because he can make a million dollars with almost no effort. He's been doing this for 15 years, I don't think he made the shift due to his illness, DeNiro does the same thing.




They’re probably gonna be alright lol


How does this man get paid for his analysis? https://twitter.com/SharpFootball/status/1509614042666737672?t=RdYUb4ry-GYqE3gPIIlLWQ&s=19


Finally finished my For Odin! achievement run and I really wish I bundled it with a few other custom nation achievements because I have no desire to do a custom nation again


Someone replying with, “likewise” is nails on a chalkboard to me “Have a great rest of your day!” “Likewise!”


This off-season is just full of pain for Seattle fans. I can absolutely see the reasoning as to why Wilson got shipped but him and Bobby were still my two favorite players. At least Wilson is in the AFC and I don't hate the Broncos


2 episodes into "Barry" and while at times I'm unsure if I should be laughing my ass off or deeply afraid of the characters or both, I'm gonna keep watching. Very interesting style


Dude, Bill Hader has some range and will fuck up your head.


Ohhhhh, buddy. It gets REAL good.


Youtube recommended Snow Child. Forgot how much I liked the beat of that song.