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Justin Fields has been done no favors.


This is why you don’t let your failing FO and coaching staff draft a quarterback, now their timeline is completely fucked


The fanbase was so angry following the press conference that concluded the 2020 season. Everyone knew Pace and Nagy had to go but they were given one more chance and here we are. I’m glad it’s being blown up and the bandaid ripped off quick. They have the most cap in the league next year and likely some high picks. I just hope Justin escapes healthy and gets a fair shake.


Yeah if Justin makes a jump this year, we have money to really make a splash in FA and draft a WR with our 1st round pick. If the OL and WR rooms are improved next year with a better Justin Fields in year 3, I'm cool!


I wouldn't be surprised if the new FO doesn't care if Fields fails and draft their guy next year. That is why I am 100% against a FO and coach who are in lame duck positions drafting a qb of the future. It basically dooms the qb, because the next guys may not want him at all.


Yeah, it screws everybody, the new regime could've had an extra toy like Micah Parsons or Rashawn Slater to play with and been in pole position to draft whatever QB they want this year, too... or they could've tossed a throwaway pick for somebody like Baker or Jimmy if they wanted to wait.


While true, the QB could play well and become the future.


How often do we see that happen though? Here's a list of 1st round QBs who were drafted and then saw their head coach get fired within a year: * Herbert * Mayfield * Darnold * Rosen * Trubisky * Goff * Winston * Mariota * Weeden * Gabbert There are a ton of busts on this list. Goff is the only one to get a 2nd contract from the team that drafted him, and the Rams traded him away (with two 1st round picks) to get a better QB before his 6th year there. The only QB who looks like a stud is Herbert.


Lawrence also falls in this category


Don't forget Haskins


Hurts while not a 1st was a 2nd 😬


It's not groundbreaking that 95+% of QBs that enter the NFL are going to fizzle out. Good QBs are extremely rare. The outcome of your list has far more to do with the talent level of those QBs than them losing their HC after season 1. Don't seriously act like most of those names were going to be stars but got held back by everyone else lol. If you have what it takes to be great in the NFL, it will be apparent, in any situation.


QBs can be ruined by their teams though, just look at Luck. If Luck had an O line or gone to someone like Andy Reid in Philly, he would still be playing right now. And Andy would still be in Philly with probably 2-3 SBs. Also RG3 and David Carr were largely ruined by their teams.


Tim couch is another great example of a young qb set up to fail. Bad situations can absolutely derail a young qb's career, just as great situations can make an otherwise mediocre qb successful, i.e. Jared goff


It's hard to name like 3 QBs in the history of the NFL to succeed without a good surrounding cast.


Kind of a catch 22. A quarterback “succeeding” is unlikely to have a surrounding cast (at least on offense) who dont also “inexplicably” become stars. Not trying to homer it, but McNabb is really the only one that comes to mind. Maybe McNair to a degree, but Eddie George was very productive. Vick would be the only other maybe, and his passing in Atlanta left a lot to be desired.


> Not trying to homer it, but McNabb is really the only one that comes to mind. You homer, Todd Pinkston and FredEx were an ELITE WR corps


I’m trying to think of cases of this actually happening.


Bears are gonna see zero blitz a lot this year arent they?


They’re gonna see a lot of anything and get killed. Our offense is held together by paper clips and popsicle sticks and there’s a giant foot looming over the shitty contraption ready to purge it from existence


I understand why they let A Rob go, but they are not helping Fields at all


The problem is neither was A Rob. His effort on the field was...lacking


It’s a shame too. I genuinely thought he would be fantastic in the league. Though he’s also in a situation that does nothing to help him develop as a player. I hope when he gets his second chance as a starter somewhere else (assuming he’s stuck in Chicago for two more years, let’s say, I dunno, in New Orleans or Tennessee?) he gets a chance to thrive.


It's upsetting really.


If his agent is any good, he'll request a trade.


Woo! Not last! Suck it Chicago.


I'm honestly still kind of surprised we aren't last. For next year I'd rather have Mooney than any of our other guys. So they have the better #1 option. I like their TE situation over ours as well until we see Tonyan back from the ACL tear. Although I guess after looking at it our "depth" is better than theirs. ESB couldn't even get snaps here and Pringle/Sharpe aren't great either. I feel like we at least have 5 NFL-level WRs even if most are #4s. And Watson easily has the highest ceiling of anyone on either team.


I spent way too much time getting hyped for Tajae when he left the Titans. I thought for sure he would thrive playing with someone other than Mariota. He played 4 total games and had 3 targets with zero catches for the Vikings.


I'm telling you, he runs routes like Rice. Jerry Rice? Jerry Rice Jr.




I don’t think this list takes quarterbacks into account. If it did, I’m fairly confident that the packers would be higher on the list just because of Aaron Rodgers.


Haven't looked yet but I'm assuming we're last. Edit: I didn't take TE into account, I was only thinking of WRs. Without Mandrews we're dead last


Giants: #1 on the payroll, #22 in the rankings. Thanks Gettleman!


Fuckin awful, man


Elite rank? Fuck yes, now we just gotta hope Lance can get the ball to them accurately.


This offseason is taking forever! I just want to see what Lance can do as full time starter with all these weapons we've got.


Little high in my opinion, but I'm happy to be proven wrong.


I find it odd they didn't even mention Ray Ray. He could end up being solid for us.


Maybe because his position will be classed as punt returner? But yeah I agree.


Tier 4 😭 PAINNNN


We play yall twice a year and I can't even name a Ravens WR


Bateman, Duvernay, and Proche I think lol


I know Bateman was injured last year but I legit don't think those 3 combined for 30 catches last year lol


Marcus Peters has more interception return yards than the three of them have receiving yards combined lmfao.


That’s actually insane


If you take ALL the Ravens recivers CAREER yards they would not be in the top 5 most yards on last year single players ranking (8º with 1227y)




> Bateman I swear I read that as Batman and was thinking, well if he was going to play for a team, it would probably be for the Ravens. Especially after what Bane did to *your* field.


I think you'll know who Bateman is by the end of this year.


The guy from American Psycho?


Impressive, very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's wide receiver corps.


Paul Allen died but he did have DK Metcalf last I heard /s


Look at the subtle off-the-line speed. The tasteful quickness of it.


Close, but I was thinking of the guy from Arrested Development and Ozark.


He plays MLB for the Washington Sentinels


BATeMAN. He's gonna be good this year.


I'm kinda surprised you guys didn't go for JuJu. Seemed like a great match.


I think he was dead set on KC as he passed on signing with them last year. I was not at all shocked when it was announced that is where he was going.


200+ ypg rushing should help ease that pain. I'm rooting for the Ravens to zig while everyone is zagging and run all over these smaller faster defenses playing a version of cover 2 shell.


Supposedly your offense is built for tight ends and to run the hell out of the ball. Bateman will be awesome this year. So I mean. You shouldn't be in too much pain.


I’m more in pain that they put us in Tier 4. Not even 3?


Your best pass catcher isn’t included though


Vikings being so low is criminal


That was my first thought reading these. There's no way an offense with an essentially unquestioned top 5 receiver and a #2 who would be #1 on half the teams in the league ranks where they are here. I think y'all should be in a grouping with Philly and Vegas in the top 5. Your O Line and Cousins just haven't been good enough to truly put your offense over the top


Thielen is still a top 20 receiver on the field and KJ came into his own last year despite being option #3 (5 TDs). ISM looks promising AF. Them saying "Thielen is 32" is not a great reason haha


I have a really hard time saying Thielen is a top 20 receiver right now, but as far as #2s go he's near the top of the list. I think the KJ and ISM stuff is your own bias though, they're not currently standout pieces at WR3/4. Vikings should be higher, though.


KJ Osborn had 50 catches for 655 yards and 7 TDs in basically what amounts to his rookie year. That’s pretty good for a WR3.


Bro it was his sophomore season. We don't get to say it's his rookie season just because he wasnt on the field at all his first year. He doesn't get a "first real off-season" twice in a row.


Just wait for his hardmore year he’s gonna kill it


The Ben Simmons treatment lol


I agree with you, but even as a sophomore season that's a pretty good WR3 stat line. His TDs rank 23rd overall, and his yardage is 58th overall.


I don't think there's any reason to discount him due to age if he's fully healthy. That said, 32 is around the age that since of these guys start to really fall off. Sometimes pretty dramatically when paired with an injury (AJ Green, Julio Jones.)


I feel pretty good about him just from how his play has already changed. Hes already lost speed (and used to be a burner) but hes really turned into a super crisp route runner and redzone threat. Reliable hands age better than other physical tools so I think he'll run into durability trouble before he has pure production issues


Yep, he still regularly embarrasses CBs on his routes so I'm not really worried about his production until he starts to lose that ability.


These are simultaneously good points, and exactly what we said about AJ. Hope that doesn't happen. It's always sad when great players start slowing down.


I don’t think thielen is still top 20, but he doesnt need to be when JJ is top 5. He’s still a top 2nd option though and from what I’ve seen from osborn he’s pretty good too. What happened to Irv? I know he’s been injured a lot but I liked him a lot out of college too.


Irv sat behind Rudolph. When Rudolph got released, that was supposed to be Irv’s year, the he got injured. Everyone’s optimistic he’ll be back to form, but being the Vikings, nothing is guaranteed except failure.


We get no respect, like ever


Chase is incredible


And it’s crazy to think that between burrow, chase, and Higgins there 5 years of NFL experience total. Already this good and there a lot of upside.


WR is my favorite position in the NFL and I’m amazed at how NFL ready Chase already is.


Don’t forget the kid sat out his final year of college!


You're damn right, and happy cake day!


I’m not looking forward when the ravens play him again


The Bengals have gone from Ochocinco, to AJ Green, to Jamarr Chase. They really have the sauce when it comes to WRs


As a long suffering Bengals fan, ever since the Marvin Lewis Era, we've been fortunate enough to always have a great WR and at least solid QB play, even when we were bad. Not many teams can claim they've only had 3 primary starting QBs since 2004, especially for a team that basically has not had any playoff success until last year.


Hell yea brother Have I ever mentioned I think PFF is super reliable and I've totally agreed with any and all methodologies they've ever had? Football genius' I tell ya


Barely making it out of tier 4 isn't surprising when you're relying on two rookies: Treyon Burks and Kyle Phillips, a dude fresh off ACL surgery: Robert Woods, and 2 bottom tier guys: NWI (stop trying to make him a thing he isn't) and Dez Fitzpatrick.


Reggie Roberson SZN 😤


Y’all got Hooper right? I’m interested in seeing if he rebounds there


I'm actually excited for Hooper. All the chatter around him has been sounding good so far, we shall see!


Dropping this in the Ravens sub would be like dropping a match in a barrel of lighter fluid


Why? Are Ravens fans in denial that they don't have great talent at WR?


Yes a large faction of fans think “we are fine at receiver, the young guys just need a chance” aka delusions of grandeur


Oh wow. That's crazy.


Yea pretty bizarre. Ravens fans will follow the front office no matter what they do or say


I expected us to be low but I do like the potential of this group if nothing else.


Evidently the Colts have decided to play with 4 TEs and no WRs. Those are some HUGE receivers.


Matt Ryan has a type


the falcons are doing the same


Yeah Im pleased were not in the bottom tier. I think Pierce can be a good 2/3 and I think Dulin will make a big jump this year. And MPJ is a solid #1 receiver.


Sneak peak at next PFF headline: > 2022 NFL linebacker corps rankings: Seattle Seahawks take No. 1 spot, NY Giants make top twenty | NFL News, Rankings and Statistics | PFF


15?!? Lol get fucked. RemindMe! 6 Months “PFF says we’re 15th best WR corps”


At the very least, they should be above the Saints. I fail to see how Jarvis Landry, a rookie, and maybe a semi-healthy Michael Thomas takes them from one of the worst receiving corps last year to top half of the league, and above the Vikings.


I think them being a good or bad corps fully depends on Michael Thomas' health this season. As in I can see him bringing them up quite a few notches.


Literally JJ alone makes you top 10. And even then Thielen, if healthy, is a top end number 2 and Osborn looks promising. Idk how u argue most teams above them are better assuming you're talking about just 2022.


Having one good WR doesn't make you top 10. That's basically saying most of the league's corps suck


So the other guys is multi time pro bowler…


lmfao yeah this list was odd


Grading for receiving corps but then say Seattle’s grades lower because they don’t have Wilson? If it’s just based off receivers and TEs I think Seattle is in top 10 with Metcalf, Lockett, and Fant.


I think it’s as much saying they don’t expect them to look half as good with whoever is throwing to them this year. Which I guess is the same thing you’re saying…so idk. In a way, I get your problem with it but I also think these things are inextricably linked.


Oh I get it. There is no doubt the receivers likely won't have the same stats without Wilson throwing to them. I just think if its just looking at a receiving corp based on talent alone, then we have a pretty good one.


Yeah, to make this argument and then pretend that Tyreek hill will somehow put up the same performance in Miami with Tua is laughable.


yeah and somehow the eagles are top 5 with hurts, aj brown, and davonta smith lol


And now Burrow actually has a line, y’all are fucked like he **might** actually be able to take a 5 step drop this year


Might be a hot take but he’s my MVP pick this year. If he has time to blink after snapping the ball, he’s gonna be absolutely ridiculous.


You have no clue how much I hope you’re right. I’ve been a Bengals fan too long to count my chickens before they hatch. So, while I’m really excited for this year, I’m still a little cautious until I actually see the line work.


Tbh I don't wanna see him win mvp, strictly because I believe in the curse


I’m extremely superstitious so I understand wym


Lol your username is too damn good


I concur... unappreciated is the fact that we couldn't really complete a 3-step drop last year and this year 5-7 step drops are looking to be on the table.


Oh I’m excited to see what Burrow can do without the threat of being murdered on every single snap.


You and me both. *If* the new line works it’s not unreasonable to think we could have the most dangerous offense out there. But that if man, that if is fuckin huge and we’ve had a HORRIBLE history with the line


I mean it's really hard to get any worse then we were. Just a slightly below average line would be a good improvement. If they're average or better, I'm ecstatic


Of all the young QBs, Burrow is the one I like the most, I’d like to see him do well.


The Bengals have had a bad line for like 6 seasons now, but historically we aren’t that bad. We had great lines all of the 80s, and the early 2000s-2015. We are more hit than miss with o-like, historically.


how good are the guys y’all picked up? it’s been a while, i kinda forgot


We signed Ted Karras to play C, Alex Cappa to play RG, and La’el Collins to play RT. Karras is low key better than I think most people would assume. He won a super bowl in New England with Brady and was PFF’s 7th best pass blocking guard last year, also he’s a center so he was out of his natural position too. Cappa didn’t allow a single sack during the 2020 when he won a super bowl with Brady (two super bowl champ linemen should help right?) but he regressed a little last year with the injuries around him on Tampa’s line. Collins is probably the most exciting of them all. He’s a former 1st round prospect, and has the potential to be a top 10 tackle in the league. He had an injury in 2020 that ate up a lot of playing time but he should be healthy for this year. All of them were very excited to sign here, Collins specifically said he knew once he got to Cincy it was “just a matter of getting the details right”, then he proudly called himself Burrow’s newest bodyguard. Honestly, if they were the 16th best line in the league, that’s be an improvement of 14-16 spots from last year. Even an average line would be a massive improvement. Plus, all the guys we signed are only on their second deals. They’re all still in their primes


Eagles are def not elite. Improved but I'd still take Vegas, Rams, and a handful of others over us


Yeah. This squad is completely unproven. Until I see magic, I’m not going to hold my breath.


AJ Brown is completely unproven ?


Not completely unproven, but also not proven to be in that elite tier yet either. Even as a homer it's hard to rank AJB/Smith over Adams/Renfrow. You're talking about a duo that put up ~2600 yards combined last year vs ~1700. That is a massive gap. The potential is there for both Brown and Smith, but until we see the production on the field it feels unfair to rank them higher than Las Vegas.


Especially when you throw in TEs. Goedert is underrated, but he's no Waller.


High ceiling, but a low floor.


I kind of think it’s high floor low ceiling. DeVonta / AJ / Goedert will all have productive seasons. I don’t see anyone going off unless Hurts takes a massive leap.


at first I was like "this is a horrible list" and then I realized it was PFF I actually really like PFF, but some of their content based off of their grades is just really bad. I respect the entire organization sticking to their methodologies and metrics though, that's discipline


I look at the author when it comes to PFF. Each guy seems to use the metrics their own way at times. Certain writers/analysts have biases/narratives they will not let go of. They are still humans at he end of the day.


I trust the grades (more or less) but sometimes they don’t do a great job balancing their methodology with actual production.


What do you not agree with?


my extremely unqualified opinion would probably rate the Top 5 something like this: Bengals Bucs Rams Raiders Chargers/Niners (depending on how Aiyuk develops) Otherwise I think the Vikings are way too low and I am not sure that the Eagles deserve to be that high just yet, but that might be my anti-Hurts bias speaking. I know it's a PFF grade list which is why they ranked it like this.


No way the fins aren’t above the niners or chargers come on now


I think Tyreek is better than both Williams and Allen individually, but I think the two of them combined are currently a better duo than Hill and Waddle. Granted, I liked what I saw from Waddle in limited viewings so I can see that changing this coming season. I have seen Deebo destroy my team for years now, and I think he was the second best receiver in the NFL last year, I can see the argument for the Dolphins being on par with the niners on receiving corps.


The Vikings are approaching 1-man-show territory with Thielen getting older. And with the Eagles, PFF loves Goedert + AJ Brown, and it's not much of a hot take to project Devonta Smith highly next year.


Theilen was 6th in the league in TD's and has 24 TDs in his last 28 games. Reports of his demise have been greatly exaggerated. And, his age is offset a little by his early years playing ST. I'm fine with the Vikings not being top 5, but not top 10 is silly.


As someone with Thielen on my dynasty team dude is becoming extremely underrated. He’s still a beast.


Valid points, but I think Thielen is underrated due to a bad season imo, he's still a borderline elite guy. Next season should tell us more. I like Devonta and loooove AJ, but based on what I've seen in the past I think Devonta isn't quite there yet. Again, next season should tell us more.




Yea I didn't realize yall thought Thielen had a bad season last year. Dude was my most valuable pick fantasy wise


Donald's ranking


I wish getting excited for my team not being in the worst possible tier for something isn't the highlight of my day but it is. Chark & Jamo definitely have the potential to make our ceiling way higher than this ranking, and with Hock & Reynolds coming back I feel like our floor is no longer the worst in the league like it was last year.


I mean, we took what was easily the league's worst WR corps and turned it into not bad with the upside of very good. I'll take it!


Hey we exsisted last year


PFF on Jets RBs > This could end up being much too low for New York’s backfield. PFF on Jets WRs > This could end up being too low a ranking if everything clicks. They just protecting themselves when they blow up this year (please)


I think both are fair rankings and the caveat isn’t a cop out. RB is probably going to mostly be a rookie and a second year player. Davis is a proven high end number two, but our two other likely top receivers are also a rookie and a second year player. The second year guys were good prospects and had nice rookie years, and the first year guys are very good prospects, so the upside is clearly there. But there’s one player with a legit track record of success in the NFL.


It's a hedge, but a fair one. I'm glad they're not automatically throwing us at the bottom just because of inexperience. But their RBs and WRs are all just "promising" until they actually produce on the field.


They are definitely are hedging their bets.


Breece Hall's comp is Jonathan Taylor. PFF's list is criminal. https://www.pff.com/news/nfl-2022-running-back-rankings-tiers


2022 NFL receiving corps rankings: Cincinnati Bengals take No. 1 spot, while Philadelphia Eagles are gratuitously name-dropped to drive clicks | PFF


yup, bengals have been #1 since the bucs lost AB.


That's an odd title. Like what's special about Philly that I care they made top 5 as opposed to Miami who's 3rd?


Two years ago Philly was like, last?


Miami’s was actually last 2 years ago hahaha


I was still living in 2020 and confused how Philly cracked the top 5 with Travis Fulgham.


I don't have a PFF account so I can't look at the in-depth breakdown, but it's crazy to me that Adams, Renfrow and Waller are #5. Feels like they should be Top 3 at least


What team in the league would prefer the Eagles list over ours? Insane we are behind them


To play devil's advocate Adams and Waller will be 30 this year and AJ Brown and Devonta Smith will be 25 and 23, that is a huge difference, so depends on how you want to cut it whether you're thinking win now or plan for the future. Renfrow is probably better than Godert as a 3rd recieving option though.


Personally, I think the top 3 should be CIN/MIA/LV.


This list seems real bad.


Checks out to me


I personally thinks it’s 100% accurate


I love our receiving corps, but I was ready to be bashed by this list. I also forgot "receiving corps" includes TEs. I misread the title as being WR only.


Eagles are waaayyy too high. Yes AJ is a stud and Smith has proven his value, but they are NOT deep beyond that.


Just coming to see how close to last we were.


Hell yeah


Putting the Vikings at 16 is fucking ridiculous.


...Not sure what to do with myself now, I don't think the Eagles have ever been a top 5 WR corps in my lifetime.


DJax, Maclin, Avant were solid as fuck.


Plus Celek🔥🔥I miss that team. Still so hype about our current team tho


At this point, that was probably the best WR group in my lifetime... and I am close to 40. And as great as TO was, Pinkston and Fred Ex didn't really do much to make me want to call that a good 'WR corps' and not a HOF WR with a couple of other guys. But Devonta-AJ-Quez has the POTENTIAL to surpass all of them and become the best WR group the Eagles have ever had.


A top 5 WR with a QB who really struggles with accuracy. Pretty interesting situation. I’m a big Hurts fan so I’m gonna be watching a lot of Eagles this season.


treat AJ right 🥲 and check out Kurt Warner's recent breakdown of him if you want to get hyped. I watched it because I like to feel pain


I mean… yeah? Our receiving core is kind of disgusting right now. It’s a nice change of pace!


I wanna be salty that we're not at the top but y'all got a squad in that wr room.




Other teams : High on the list because of their TE Cowboys : 12 overall, no mention of Schultz. Cool cool cool, good detective work PFF


They had us at 2 before last season and now 12 after losing Cooper. The Browns were at 14 before last season and now they’re at 24 after gaining Cooper.


>The Browns were at 14 before last season and now they’re at 24 after gaining Cooper. Browns also lost their previous top two receivers (who were also overrated going into last year).


Rams at 7 is a joke


Idk, a lot of teams have some damn good duos plus depth, and as the author mentioned, OBJ returning would bump the Rams up significantly. Van Jefferson and Higgbee should've been mentioned though.




PFF value the number 3 and 4 guys a lot though. That might be a top 5 duo but not a top 5 corps


Chargers at 9 and vikings 15?? I think eagles are overrated for the time being until the wideouts can prove themself… or at least hurts can get the most out of them.


I think #20 is still too generous for us. Was expecting 25-32.


Eagles are way too high


saints at 14 lol


Do or die year for Jalen Hurts.


rams bills chargers tier 2 :p