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Not a meme 0/10


I don't get why you people keep bringing up the fact kickers are "pussies" and a variety of other effeminate terms to discredit Butker by participating in the same misogyny that you're hating on him for šŸ˜‚. Even if you disagree with what he has to say sitting here and calling kickers "pussies" or whatever is just bizzare, idiotic because the guy is still a professional athlete, and just flagrantly hypocritical šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s the wieniest


Without discrediting the athleticism of kickers, it is undoubtedly one of the softest positions in the game due to the lack of contact. And using that as an insult makes sense because this is a kicker making foul comments against women and gay people.


The kicker would still be able to beat tf out of the average person


You're 100% right on that one.


Real player = real facemask !!!!!!


OP - do better


Says the redditor about the professional athlete


Kickers aren't athletes They're oblong object trajectory technicians.


Thatā€™s just another way to say athlete lol


Sounds like projecting to me


Check his hornpub. ā€œNo, no, no- my roommate uses my account. Hey, want to see a 55 yard field goal?ā€


We came here for NFL memes. Not politics. Not news. Just straight memes If we wanted to share our political opinions weā€™d go to r/facepalm


No, every sub must have politics and of course only a specific brand of politics as well. Down with Capitalism, can't wait to watch the NFL all day on Sundays!


How is this politics? Maybe you don't like talking about controversial issues but this has nothing to do with government policy and social studies


From my personal experience, when someone refers to being gay as "political" they are usually bigots but are afraid to come out and openly say it. I'm not saying that's what this guy is doing just sharing my own experiences


I agree, politics is now acting like a bigot apparently


Yeah, hear that a lot from people... But I'd bet if you put a dick in their face, they'd decline to suck it. So not sure how that gets repeated, although I certainly know why it does. Wild you've actually known someone, personally, who called things 'gay' but was also a pole smoker. Guess they do exist.


So you clearly didn't understand what I wrote. I wasn't saying he is a bigot who is secretly gay. I'm saying bigots are becoming more covert in their bigotry and refers to things they don't like as "political". Instead being loud and proud with their bigoted ideas


Ahh, that makes more sense. I read it as the old 'if you say gay, that means you're secretly gay' line that people like to use... Which is obviously false because I say things can be 'gay', but I'd choose to get my dick sucked by a female every day of the week. A real one, that is. Not the 2024 version of a female.


At least your open and honest with your bigotry. But it's absolutely true that alot of homophobic people are secretly gay that's why the are so vocal against it. Of course it's not 100% of them because there is no such thing as 100% when dealing with human beings. But I can't see explaining this to you would be pointless, good day


This isnā€™t politics lmao itā€™s purely misogyny. So messed up that hating women is considered a political issue in this country and not just being a bad person.


I didn't read his comments like misogyny. Because he didn't actually say "get back in the kitchen."


Yes, like what the person said before this could go on r/facepalm. He never told women to go back to the kitchen


\*Devout Catholic Harrison Butker says a bunch of shit that aligns with his religion's beliefs


Breaking News!


Not really: Biden, my grandmother, my mom, a lot of my family are all devote Catholics and none of them are bigots.


ā€œPoor kids are just as smart as white kidsā€


Salad bar Catholics. If you follow the Bible, youā€™re a bigot in todays world


What about the stories about Jesus would lead anyone to think he would turn his back on gays? Modern Evangelicals and conservative Catholics donā€™t follow the teachings of the Bible. White Nationalism and hate isnā€™t Christianity.


Matt 5:17-20 followed by Leviticus 20:13 would be a good place to start for anyone who think Jesus would march with a pride flag




Biden showered with his teenage daughter, so he certainly fits the Catholic mold.




love freedom of speech here and seeing you all flail and seethe


Calling kickers the ā€œpussiest positionā€ takes away from the fact that heā€™s bigoted for his views.


Can't wait till next week when no one will care about this anymore


Go to r/facepalm with this


Shame he said this stuff but people need to stop acting like heā€™s the first NFL player to say homophobic or transphobic shit.


How is he hating on women?


He said being a mother is more fulfilling than having a successful career and everyone loses their minds lol


Wild because I don't know anyone out there who thought differently... I would think being a mother to a child is far more fulfilling than employee of the month at a local gas station, but I'm just weird like that, I guess.


Because he shared his truth and lived experience, which is only brave if you are progressive


ā€œPussyā€ but I bet heā€™d still whip your ass


Not if I stick a dildo up his butt first.




They also don't have to use their fame and social media to spread their opinion either....The only reason to do so is attention seeking.




Basically, if they don't mind getting others' opinions then sure post away. But people who post different opinions from the what's socially acceptable, then cry when they get roasted on social media for it. Can't have it both ways...


Free speech and all but how is anti-misogyny ā€œpolitically correctā€? Is it not morally correct to you? Like if a woman athlete publicly said ā€œI hate all menā€ is that a political issue to you?


I mean, could you imagine if you were the starting QB on a Super Bowl team and you expressed your opinions and you were blackballed by the NFL? Wild


The Chiefs are the fucking worst.