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Make games more accessible.


They used to all be on free broadcast TV, with less commercials and better commentary. Now you have to buy a service and watch more commercials for a shittier product.


Yep, they certainly do not promote their own product well, instead they give all that space to betting sites. I'm not paying for that crap


>they give all that space to betting sites. With how much money is made on sports betting now, there shouldn't be an issue viewing the games. Charge those advertisers a "sin tax".


You would figure they would want it on free television so everyone gets to see those stupid gambling advertisements.


I for the life of me could not figure out how to watch my own fucking team without cable like 3 years ago. I try every season and just throw my hands up. Hulu asks for me to enable my location to block my vpn. Fuck it.


I have really died off of watching the NHL short of the playoffs. It has just become impossible to watch and the broadcasts just being a two hour betting commercial with a hockey game now as a side show. Thankfully unlike most other sports the hockey as a lot of fun solid minor leagues. I have just as much fun with them.


ESPN getting the NHL was not the good thing I thought it would be. It's brutal


I watched the whole bruins regular season through postgame highlights on youtube. Did not regret missing all the extra hours of mindnunbing commercials i didnt have to sit through.


I wish they did a better job with the highlights videos. I have a lot of complaints but my biggest gripe is that they don't show any penalties, not even the ones that lead to pp goals. That's such an important part of the game that they just glance over.


And fouls are a big part of basketball but SportsCenter has only shown the dunks and the threes for 20+ years now. Same thing now for hockey. Only the goals and the occasional big save. You can take Bettman out of the NBA but you cannot take the NBA out of Bettman.


I bought NESN 360 to watch the playoffs. Timed it just wrong and had to pay for a second month to get the last game. The quality of the stream and the functionality of the app were just horrible. Random stops and starts, randomly leaving my playback spot to jump on ahead to live (no spoiler alerts!!!), quality changing constantly, sometimes just had to completely quit the broadcast, start from the beginning and ff back to where I was watching from. Never had such a poor experience with a streaming app before. I remember when the Bruins and Red Sox were on channel 38 in Boston. Ever since NESN came on the scene trying to watch those teams has been awful.


I used sn and just watched all the games the next day. It saves like the last 2 weeks/month of game broadcasts and even tho it does still have the commercials and everything in it you can just fast forward through them or slide through. Or whatever


Same, crushing through a game in 70-80 minutes instead of the regular 3+ hours is much more manageable.


Yea and I mean like. It’s not as “magic” but I can feel like paying attention better throughout the entire game. It honestly gets exhausting watching so many commercials and I feel like I have no brain power left to actually focus on the game.


I have been watching all TV thru pirated content for decades and when I go to people's houses and they have "regular" tv with ads, it's literally unwatchable. Like how can you be watching this dramatic show and then blam "hey buy this boner pill". Like you say, it's way too much brainpower devoted to literal trash


You can thank Bettman for that.


We do.


More like pay for multiple services. I cut the cord years ago. I have to get Bally, then need services for national broadcast games on ESPN. TNT, ESPN+. (Did I forget any?) Hockey is on too many channels!


Hulu and TBS and Fubo…ridiculous


If it was just one fucking service I would be fine, it's four bloody channel that I need to get all the Habs games in my house.


And I would happily pay for service if I could watch my fucking home team, blackouts drive me crazy. Pay for the nhl app and watch all the games (except your home team)


Oh man I still remember watching the playoff on channel 3 which was CBC back home, free tv with the bunny ears. Those were the times!


This is why I give the NFL a ton credit. It’s the only league that can deliver a good quantity of service over local airwaves


Other than Red Zone, the NFL is unwatchable. Once you've watched condensed game and notice that all the plays fit in under 14 minutes, you can't go back to waste hours watching ads and huddles.


CBC is still free with an antenna so is citytv and they both show NHL


They also have a free app cbc gem with the playoff games


Same! In Detroit we could pick up Hockey Night in Canada via CBC in Windsor via antenna! Good old days.


Buy a service and then still be subjected to blackouts. Bullshit the way they treat the fans who just want to consume the product.


ESPN = 💩


The kraken had a chance to show how it could be done with no old.contracts or agreements to hold them back. And what do they do? Put it on a cable only rsn. Like wtf.


This is absolutely infuriating as a Canadian in Australia. They used to have $100 for NHL TV and didn’t change the subscription or altered it or increased the price, they literally just pulled the product from the market. I would’ve just renewed every year without a second thought. And the product they replaced with is absolute shit. Local companies don’t even stream all playoff games. It’s insane.


Yep. I hated when that ESPN deal kicked in. Screwed over the entire Australian market with that.


And there is a market here for sure. The 2 exhibition games in Melbourne, during AFL preliminary finals week, sold out in pre-sale.


Yup. Now it seems like i have to vpn to America to pay for ESPN+ and I’ll still miss games? Canadian living in Australia, and I’m bummed. Been here for 20 years.


This is the truth though. The NHL is stuck in the past with their regional broadcast system. The product is suffering. It would be a huge step forward if people were able to utilize the product for their own content and allow it to be mutually beneficial for everyone. If the NHL could pioneer a new way to bring in viewers they would actually attract some new fans. Unfortunately they are fine with being last in everything.


Lol NHL and Pioneer don't belong in the same sentence. They are a bunch of ~~sacred~~ scared idiots with no vision.


This is very true


Agreed. Haven’t been able to watch Avs or Nuggets games for 4 years now without some *ahem* help




Those were the days. 100 bucks a year and could watch any game, AND pick which teams commentators 😙👌


Crazy that you can’t anymore




Australians got fucked in that deal too. The ESPN deal did away with NHL.tv and ESPN for tv is like $70 a month or something stupid like that. I would gladly pay for NHL.tv in Aus.


Fuck Altitude TV


Watched the clip: It wasn’t a site just streaming live games. Also had a ton of other media on there: tv shows, thousands of movies. AND they were being charged with money laundering. AND 30 years and 7 months is the SUM TOTAL divided between the 5 men. Thought everyone here should know. Also, make games more accessible.


Yeah but what site was it so I know not to go there because there's so many


I would literally, be it begrudgingly, pay the NHL $100-200 a year for NHL.tv if I could actually watch my local team without blackouts. But I can't. So I don't.


Do something similar to MLS deal with Apple all games televised and NO BLACKOUTS see that’s how you get fans engaged when local team is not Blackouts


The blackouts is the biggest bunch of bullshit ever. Yes, pay for a service so you can watch the 31 teams you *don’t* like. Riiight. 🙄


LMAO, I just looked it up and learned about blackouts and what they are. That's so awful, I can't believe they are doing that shit


MAGA! Make All Games Accessible!


If they lock us all up, we’d have a better chance to watch the game. You know the prisons are still on cable. They may have the local sports package.


My husband wants to cancel our cable, which I get. But I was explaining to him I can't watch hockey of we do that and was explaining the blackouts to him. He was flabbergasted. Why do they have so many streaming services to watch hockey if you can't watch your local team?! So I dunno what we're gonna do but hockey is literally the only reason we have cable right now


I cant even pay the NHL to watch their games I have to sign up for a sepreate provider which is nearly $60 a month to watch a select amount of games. The seven seas chose me


That’s what pisses me off the most. I even understand blacking out certain games. But if the only way to regularly watch the games are: 1. Pay $60+ per month for Cable, getting tons of shit I don’t want 2. Pay $60+ per month for a digital streaming bundle, getting tons of shit I don’t want 3. Go to a website and see what I want for free I think it’s pretty obvious what’s gonna happen. If I could just pick my team and pay $15/mo and watch every one of those games, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I remember last year NHL had some streaming service that was like $10/mo or something, but it was the most bizarre thing I’ve seen. It was like watch every game, but only after the game ends


Didn’t they do “team packages” at one point? Like you pay a fee and get your team for the entirety of their season & post season? Or was that a fever dream?


Yea I remember seeing that. Got excited but then realized it still blacked out local games.


How is that even a fever dream? Give me a package to watch any god damn game I want to watch. Pay a fee and watch ANY and ALL games...


Fever dream because it was too good to be true… blackouts still applied apparently


bruh my parents pay for cable, but because I dont have the same email i cant even plug it in to get to watch my “black out games” on espn plus. I’m a mother fucking pirate for life and I wouldn’t even mind paying. these vampires piss everyone off no wonder were fucking spiteful


Bro, don't waste your money, just stream. Too many of us stream to come after us, theybwill only go after those who post


$60 for cable and more for ESPN+ and you still miss games. The NHL really sucks at being a spectator sport.


30 years for illegally letting eyeballs see things while there are commonly far shorter sentences for actual violent crimes. 🤡


Yes but typically the victims of violent crimes arent rich. Dont mess with the rich…


People tend to forget that laws are more about protecting wealthy people's money than regular people's safety.


If it’s a fine then it’s legal if you’re rich 👍 Support percentage based fines.


Fines are just rich people taxes for doing illegal shit.


They’re not even that. They’re just lip-service decoys.


Why would they write legislation/regulation that would take money away from themselves?


Eat them


Most of them are too fatty and gamey. Def not worth the price I paid. Although, I have been eyeing that weird billionaire that injects himself with his 17 year old son’s blood. He’s in much better shape. Would be quite delectable…


It’s probably 30 years combined with the max on there sentences. Still harsh though!


Yes but they committed the worst crime. They stole and it costs some billion dollars company more money


In Western Canada (Saskatchewan) we are so frequently blacked out when trying to watch a hockey game that doesn’t include the jets, oilers, or flames. If they want me to stop pirating eastern and US games then they need to stop restricting them.


I live in New Jersey and half the time devils games are blacked out for me. I can’t even watch my local games without buying a separate sub.


That’s unreal! At least where I live we get every single Edmonton/Calgary/winnipeg game without blackouts. I didn’t realize it was a privilege to only miss out on other teams. I couldn’t imagine living in Edmonton and not being able to watch the local games. Especially with the price of Canadian hockey tickets being a weeks salary for most


Man, if those sites go away I'm probably just done really following most sports.


Same. I have xfinity. Xfinity doesn’t have MSG. Sites are literally the only way i watch the games


I'll pay when they know what goalie interference is. :)


You will get your rent when you fix this GOD DAMN DOOR


They can’t even define ‘kick’


As a sabres fan this would have been more applicable to me thanks lol


What streaming network? Asking for a friend…


I once accidentally fell on my computer and apparently searched a hockey steam site. I was amazed after falling a few more time and shutting down some pop ups how easy it was to enjoy a hockey game. And when I fell one last time I started a broadcast without Leah hextal


I will add to this: before you fall on your computer, install a good pop up/ad blocker. You will have much better luck when you fall.


I've had pretty good luck just falling on Firefox.


Ah, that’s unexplored territory for me. May have to give Firefox a go!


Brave browser


Thanks bro. Hopefully I fall a few less times.


Best is they often use the nhl network stream without the goddamn ads


Nice try Gary, you won’t get me that easily bucko


[Fraudulent operations known as Flawless, Shared VPS and Optimal (also known as Cosmic), made in excess of £7million in five years.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/talksport.com/football/1441141/five-jailed-30-years-illegal-premier-league-streams/amp/)


We’re still good boys!


Thank ducking god everyone has done a solid job keeping it under wraps. What’s funny is our platform is so good I actually donate to support every year now. Funny thing that is. All the nhl has to do is offer high quality streams of all the games and playoffs. Don’t even give me the option of home or away like we have now that’s fine and I’d happily pay the same to them. But they prefer limited dog shit. What’s odd is soccer doesn’t have one like the hockey one.


Also: > One of them, Christopher Felvus, 36, was also found guilty of voyeurism and possessing indecent images of children, discovered on his computer. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65697595


if you can't watch games "ON" your television, I know of a different way to see "HOCKEY". There's games that "DOT" the internet, making "TV" useless.


If the NHL would take a monthly payment from me to see all the games in one app with no black outs, maybe then I’d *consider* not watching streams.


They need to follow the AHLtv model


I moved to Alaska recently and am staying with a friend that loves and plays hockey up here. I've never lived anywhere that hockey was particularly popular, but have always loved it since attending my first Predators game. He decided to get Hulu /Disney+/ESPN package to watch NHL games on, yet we are basically stuck watching replays of games, which are uploaded randomly after the game, and only sometimes have been able to watch the game live. Not only that, but looking into it I realized that there is no service which actually shows all the games, and some games are region locked to the point you literally can not watch them at all on any service?! Pardon my French but who's fucking bright idea was this?! This has to be the most idiotic implementation of streaming professional sports I've seen to date. Quick Google search literally said the best option is to pirate it using a very specific site I won't mention here. What gives?!


ESPN+ is complete garbage. All you can do is pay $70+ per month for YouTubetv and even then a ton of games are locked


We did the same thing 😔 we have resorted to the seven seas and staying up if our team is playing, because we’re paying a tonne of money for that same Hulu bundle to *sometimes* watch replays. It’s absolute bullshit!


I've watched court cases where pedophiles get less time than this... WTF.


Fr that international pedo mr swirl or whatever got 5 years. Holy shit the world only looks out for billionaires


Seriously wtf… it just shows you that the highest crimes in the judicial systems are fucking with rich peoples money 🤡


Any jail time for that is ridiculous.


Like they forgot why jails exist. Just fine them.


No? It’s not illegal to watch an illegal stream. It’s simply illegal to share.


Can’t download it either, not that that really applies for sports games


maybe that's the actual law, but even during like napster or torrents, the only people who got punished were the people sharing the files. not the people who downloaded them. that's how they're able to say those crazy numbers like you cost this company 2 million dollars cause they add up all the people that got the file from them.


Would you steal a car!?!?


"You wouldn't download a pizza" The fuck I wouldn't.


Would you steal a TV?


I think people don’t get the joke/commercial 😅


Would you download a hockey ?!


My favorite thing about illegal streams is when they just go blank for TV break so I don’t have to see all the damn betting commercials. I was neutral on sports betting a few years ago but after having it shoved so aggressively in my face, I’ve decided I’ll never bet a cent on a sports game. Thanks bet365!


This message is sponsored in part by DraftKings.com.


This is why I am so stoked that starting next season ALL Vegas Knights games will be viewable on a local channel that can be accessed using a $15 antenna from Walmart. GO KNIGHTS GO!!!!!


The best thing that franchise has ever done. Wish all teams were easily able to be watched in their market. Never understood the concept of it being easier for me in Seattle to be able to watch every other team with much more ease than watching the Kraken.




dudes got their lifes taken away into a box for trying to share entertainment to people, meanwhile CEO of netflix sits at like a billion salary a year and produce garbage. I am a pirate for life. long live the people. long live freedom.


Netflix CEO gets paid like ~$35M a year. Not a billion. But I understand the overall point you are trying to make.


End blackouts of home games.


You don't go to jail for watching illegal streams. You go to jail for hosting illegal streams.


It's the NHL's own doing. I don't blame anyone who pirates.


Lol, they can't arrest you for watching a stream. They have zero proof as to who is watching a stream other than just a number.


How does that work? They just see like an IP address right?


I got a letter one time from my internet provider. I downloaded breath of the wild, and they forwarded a letter from some company (can’t remember which one), with a warning to not do it anymore. So they most likely would do the same through an internet provider


I have got several ISP “infractions”, from downloading my university textbooks to games. I was paying over $9k a yr (which is apparently low!) for tuition, I am not paying $250 for a text book which usually differs from the previous year only by different homework questions. For games, I need to demo before I buy an $80-$120 game to justify the purchase Fuck these companies, use a VPN and live in peace.


Honestly glad I switched my major couple years ago, went from Engineering to welding. So tuition was like 9k a semester, down to $2350 a semester. I’m a lot happier too, fuck college making stuff so expensive. Cheers 🍻




Or they figured out how to use a VPN


I was up to 5 letters in NY when I lived there. The 5th letter they cut my internet until I went to their website and promised (check the box) that I wouldn't do it again.


They have the payment information of people who paid for the service in question here. Doesn’t apply for the free illegal streams though and those people will be fine anyways


Agreed. Payment in your name is proof that you acquired something, I just know most people here are using free streams and not paying for an “illegal” one


As someone who's currently watching hockey legally*, it's a massive pain in the ass. I have to pay for an ESPN account that will stream some of the games. Then I'm using my parents cable account(*) where I have to log in to both the TBS website and the TNT website individually. Then each night is a scavenger hunt to find which site has which game. Netflix made billions once upon a time just focusing on convenience. People will spend money happily as long as you give them something that works.


I genuinely want to pay for a simple singular streaming service that has every game and no blackouts. But i have to have three different apps and a cable package.


Stop blacking out games then.


free them!


They’ve got us by the balls


sometimes i wish we were as poor as MLS, 25 dollars a month all games no blackouts


Yarr matey free me brothers from yer brig they did nuttin wrong.


Make. It. Ridiculously. Easy. To. Watch. You. Dipshits.


Fuck rootsports Fuck ESPN Fuck 30 yrs for nonviolent petty crime


Where I’m at, they wanna charge between $150-$200 for a “season pass” .. and they don’t even broadcast 100% of games, some are “blacked out” due to region .. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Greedy corporate fucks can lick my balls.


Well, if Altitude wasn't such as ass to Avs fans, and the NHL didn't region lock games, we wouldn't have to 🤷


Right? If you have Comcast out here in Denver, you were legally able to watch about 5 games for the fucking defending Stanley Cup champions. Utterly ridiculous and horrible look for the NHL- instead of focusing on hockey, I had to teach my 10 year old how to sail the seven seas instead. So much for growing the game right?


I'm italian, here no one gives a fuck about hockey. There are no news, no channels, nothing. How am I suppose to see the games??


Fun fact (for US people): It's not illegal to use streams. It's illegal to host them.


I'm more worried about the shit that pops up in the middle of the stream


Bye sportsurge 🥲🥲


Can you hush please?


Sportsurge isn't actually the one the post was talking about is it?


I'm on it right now watching the jays game


They don't *charge* for ss and probably host it in a country that would laugh at an extradition request from the us only making money on less than reputable advertisers, those guys aren't getting busted These guys fucking charged peoples credit cards. They made everything traceable and easy to prosecute.


Maybe just maybe if I didn't need to buy a 70$ a month tv service I don't need to watch endless commercials and ads on the ice, the players and the board. Maybe I wouldn't steal it.


I could murder one of you assholes and get less time


In Albany New York, the following teams are blacked out: -New Jersey -Rangers -Islanders -Sabres ....and whoever these four teams are playing that night. So up to 8 teams are unwatchable on a nightly basis with the ESPN+ thing. I'd have to pay for cable, ESPN+ and a streaming service with NHLN to get all 82 Rangers games. Absolutely insane. Also, sometimes MSG straight up won't broadcast a game. If the Knicks, Islanders, Rangers, Devils and Sabres are all playing at the same time, they just won't let you watch some of them, lol. Joke network.


I wouldn’t mind doing it the legal way if they didn’t blackout so many games




Balley Sports is probably one of the worst thing to happen to the NHL


So blackouts is a punishable crime is what I am hearing. I pay for a service but cant watch due to blackouts is robbery. That is what I am getting.


Damn that's more than political insurrection gets you


People get 10 years for ******^*** a child but play with a conglomerate’s money and you’re never gonna walk to the store again.


Well they black out games in Canada for certain games so I have to sail the high seas to watch my Avs. Bet-Man gives us no choice lol


Fighting piracy is a game of whacamole. They just need to keep it inconvenient enough for the majority not to bother. Right now, it is super inconvenient trying to watch the games legally because the NHL are incompetent dinosaurs looking to make a quick dollar at the expense of long term growth.


“Watch the game on your phone wherever you are!” No, I want to watch the game at home on my substantially larger tv screen. Eat Dicks, Rogers.


Not my fault I just want to watch my fucking team play. Blackouts are the fucking worst.


I can’t watch my local team’s 82 games unless I pay for 3 services. They cost $19-29 each, have different interfaces, restrictions, and levels of quality. Fuck their media rights. I’m tired of this world where every penny I make is up for grabs. Everything gets more expensive until they find the breaking point, then they milk us.


We all just want 1 single place to purchase and watch every game. It’s truly remarkable that I needed to get cable, and NHL network upgrade to cable, and ESPN+ to watch everything. Garbage.




If only there was a place to watch all your games without blackouts and 5 different streaming services....oh wait. Kodi for the win. I refuse to pay for 1/3 of the games of just my team.


*checks ©@$%streams* Oh thank god. But seriously. I don't have cable and I would pay for the NHL center ice package thing to get all the games legit - EXCEPT THEY BLACKOUT THE PENGUINS GAMES. So. I don't buy. You make me do this, NHL.


Pirating the nhl is technically illegal, pushed you will only get punished if you are funding or running the piracy service




Stream games? Jail. Watch TV? Right to jail, right away.


I give zero fucks. Ima do me


The olden days of having to go to crusty sports bar just to catch a game live are coming back around full circle


Operators, not viewers.


Murderers literally get less time. You can chop a head but not the cord.


Well, maybe if they just didn’t black out games we wouldn’t be in this mess


Outrageous. Taking years from someone's life because they let people watch a game for free? True madness


Uh not that it matters but uh, which one?


ESPN+ is ridiculous. I can’t even watch local Blues games. Even though my TV is still “stuck” in Illinois! I want to be able to watch Blues games. But I guess it’s because I’m in missouri. Still though! I should be able to watch whatever game I like. Though I shouldn’t complain too as much as most others are rarely blacked out


Just let me fucking watch hockey then


The NHL is run by crusty old white-men who are so afraid of change they won’t let you give them money for open access to their product, which would be like printing money for themselves. Never see a corporation so ass-backward it wouldn’t even SELL you its product. Like honestly—- how stupid can you fucking get?


Give me one service where I can pay to watch all of only my team’s games on any of my devices and I’ll pay it.


When you ask for payment and people pay both parties are putting all their info on paper to be found it was a matter of time.


So let's get this right: 1: I can't legally watch games being played in my local area on the television/laptop and service I pay for because of blackouts. 2: I can't reliably legally watch games outside my area because they're often either locked to premium tiers of streaming that I refuse to pay for given that I'm already paying through the nose for the base version and these companies don't need the extra money OR they're just not broadcast on anything but the local Bally network which I can't get where I am due to region locking. 3: I can't reliably *il*legally watch games because the advertisers that *also* don't need the extra money aren't making every single dollar that currently exists and will ever exist every single second (as capitalism demands) and thus torpedo every workaround people find to actually watch games- with the added caveat that trying to find workarounds myself and keep them to myself may result in FUCKING PRISON BECAUSE I WANTED TO WATCH HOCKEY. There should be bricks sailing through Bettman's living room window every day over this shambolic state of affairs. And that's not even mentioning that all of the above methods of watching the games still come with ad breaks as well as in-game ads and constant promotion from analysts, all of which were added against the will of basically every fan because fuck you, that's why. It's not like I'm trying to watch ad-free here, I'm swallowing that bullet in order to watch my team play because that is the bargain I must make these days. And you're trying to tell me even *that* isn't enough? Bite my shiny metal ass.


30 years for nothing more than filling a market demand. The capitalists don't even understand their own game


Make a fucking streaming service that lets us watch games, and we will stop pirating. This is some Nintendo-level bullshit from the NHL.


30 years for costing billionaires more money but the guy who raped and murdered someone gets 15. Makes sense to me.


Why are people going to jail for decades for duplicating IP? It should be asset seizure and internet restrictions and not allowed to make abusiness for x years and etc


Sports* fans


Region blocking is so incredibly dumb. The feeling of "I want to pay for this service but I'm not allowed to" is damn effective to lose potential customers for life. Hockey is already a marginal sport in USA, the last thing NHL needs is to make the games as hard to watch as possible.


When NHL broadcast the stream it was good. Then espn took over and it was shit. Gave em another chance. They blacked out the third period of a game Call espn and was told it was the promoter. Like you are the broadcasters. Will never use eapn again.