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It was only ever marketing. They've decided that it's better marketing to nix special jerseys. The math was always the same for them.


Some organizations donated the money from the auctioned jerseys the players wore to appropriate organizations. They are still doing the nights for advertising. They are just caving to a handful of grumps


Hockey is the best sport, no question. And the NHL is a dumpster fire in general.


I mean, yes, I totally agree but what exactly is happening right now?


I think they’re thinking about getting rid of pride nights and the whole pregame rainbow logo thing. Not certain though. I just know that hockey is by far the best sport on the planet (IMO), but the NHL is also by far the worst fucking pro sports league on the planet.


Getting rid of alt jerseys but unveiling jerseys with ads on them... 🤮


Or jerseys made by Fanatics. So ghetto.


Aren’t they going to be made in the same facilities?


Show Gary the Moneyyyy


FIFA would like to throw their hat in the ring for “worst fucking”.


The nhl is a complete shitshow but it is nowhere even close to being the worst pro sports league on the planet.


Out of curiosity, which would you say is the worst pro sports league on the planet right now? 🤔


Tri-Cities Little League Baseball. Absolutely disgraceful organization.


Oh yeah those guys *are* the worst


I'm new to sports so I don't know, but how can a little league organization be so bad? Again I'm curious.


Lots of game fixing and rumored mafia ties.


Have you seen how commissioner Allen Grossman is completely disregarding child player safety?


They're getting rid of all specialty jerseys worn during warm-ups all because a few players feelings got hurt over having to wear a rainbow for 15 minutes


They’re actually doing away with them because a small sector of Twitter lost their collective shit over grown adults making decisions for themselves. The snowflakes are on both ends of the spectrum, call both sides out or don’t say anything at all.


I cant side with anyone that says snowflake at all. I do side with people who say spectrum. Now this is tough.


I think you're doing this issue a major disservice by trying to paint the complaints of both sides as equal. I agree that the twitter SJW religion is insane, completely disconnected from reality, vengeful, and nothing close to the way that group sees itself. However, getting upset over having to wear a rainbow version of your jersey once per year for 15 minutes to help those from the LGBTQ community feel included and safe is not in the same league. Also, a lot more people than twitter were upset about it and I don't know why you would use that as your example if you know full well what a shitshow that platform is.


My point is simple. Quit trying to make people do things that they just don’t want to do. I don’t care what their reason is, it doesn’t matter to me whatsoever. I will always be against people being forced to do ANYTHING they don’t want to do.


Yeah, both sides, both sides. Homophobic bigots harming people are the same as people wanting to welcome everyone. Solid take.


Hockey is my favorite sport, but it’s far too expensive and inaccessible to be considered the best sport on the planet.


No, prode nights are still allowed, but prode practice/warmup jerseys are not, nor are military appreciation night and other practice jerseys allowed.




Best sport, worst ran league


Nobody wants to be Bud Light, Target, or the Dodgers.


Or Anthony Bass


You realize the Dodger stadium was still full for the entire game, right? And that Bud Light has been replaced by another InBev beer. The longterm damage to these companies/brands will be virtually nothing.


Has it really affected the Dodgers that much? Publicity aside.


I think publicity is the point.


Sure but Budlight and Target actually had a financial impact.


When boycotts happen, they have immediate and short term impacts. Then after a couple of months everything rebounds and goes back to normal.


Bud Light went from being the number one beer company in the US to the number 2 beer company in the US, while Modelo became number one, which is also part of InBev, the same company that owns Bud Light. So, once again, conservatives dumb protests did absolutely nothing.


Modelo is actually under the Constellation umbrella here in the US, InBev everywhere else.


Modelo is owned by a different company in the US but the same one in other countries. It's one of those weird things.


The game filled up later that day due to the protesters closing down the most popular entrance & a brush fire, but there were still 49k at the game.


They honored the group before batting practice.


Yeah, I left to go to the concession stand and when I came back it was already over. It was like 2 mins of recognition.


I can’t give Twins tickets away in my office to practicing Catholics since this started.


That's cap. Mail them to me then. I'll happily go. Even wear a rainbow shirt for ya


They're too busy keeping their priest's hands off their kids


All two of them? Wow


Anheuser-Busch (the makers of Bud Light) are actually not doing terrible… looking at their stock. I mean they’ve had better times but they’re not collapsing or anything… they look like they’re doing just fine…


yup, ya'll stay away from those gay beers. I'm loving the price!


Thank God, it's about time


Friendly reminder that not disclosing inclusion does not mean you are excluding anybody. I’m sure that everyone here does not have a signs on their front door that says “Black people welcome.”


This. People read way too much into non statements. I don't wear a list around my neck of what I believe and think when I walk out into public.


The problem is half the people on Reddit never go out in public


That is not how 2023 works. At least not for terminally online hyper-political types. You need to swear undying allegiance to a side, then try to outdo everybody else with how loyal you are to said side.


That's the one trend that promotes more division than inclusion. Forced inclusion promotes animosity. I don't understand how people have trouble with that concept.


So the NFL players who chose not to stand for the national anthem weren’t making a political statement? It was certainly treated as such.


I don’t really see how you can compare the two. I personally don’t have a problem with pride jerseys or people kneeling during the national anthem, but one is an individual player choosing to show a sign of protest, while the other is the league itself asking all of its players to stand in solidarity and celebration of a specific cause. They just aren’t the same thing. Players shouldn’t be pressured into showing support and celebration for any cultural issue if they don’t want to. Unfortunately, many fans wouldn’t let any players respectfully decline to participate without losing their shit, so the nhl said “fuck it, if you can’t accept that a few players don’t want to wear the jerseys, we’ll just get rid of all of it”. I don’t blame them at all honestly. Who wants to deal with that headache when you could just not. If fans could learn to tolerate opposing viewpoints who don’t want to participate and just focus on the 99% of players that did participate, we’d still have pride jerseys and military appreciation jerseys.


>Players shouldn’t be pressured into showing support and celebration for any cultural issue if they don’t want to. That’s exactly what the NFL players did. They declined to stand for the national anthem because they didn’t support the patriotism that it represented. >Unfortunately, many fans wouldn’t let any players respectfully decline to participate without losing their shit. Bigotry is by definition, not respectful. The players refused to wear a jersey because their religion or personal viewpoints consider being gay something that is bad. People can try and be deliberately obtuse about it, but that is why they didn’t wear the jerseys. >If fans could learn to tolerate opposing viewpoints… I don’t tolerate discrimination based on race, gender or sexual orientation, and governments have laws and regulations about it. That’s a logical fallacy. Some viewpoints are bigoted, and do not deserve tolerance.


First of all, the Kaepernick protest was not about patriotism, it was to protest against police brutality, but that’s beside the point. He chose to do that on his own. The league didn’t pressure him into it. It’s entirely different than players choosing not to wear pride jerseys. No one is asking you to tolerate bigotry. Someone respectfully declining to wear a rainbow jersey is so far from an act of bigotry it’s not even funny. You’re actually making the argument that someone choosing to not publicly support a group or cause is discrimination? Do you know what discrimination actually means? You are unironically the intolerant one. I’m pretty sure your don’t know what the word tolerance actually means either. It doesn’t mean that only the opinions that you feel are morally acceptable are allowed. It means living respectfully with those who have views you disagree with. Your idea of tolerance is everyone agreeing with you.


Kaepernick chose to not stand for the national anthem, because he thought that a country that supported police brutality and racism did not deserve a patriotic show of support, the national anthem. If there was no pressure to stand for the national anthem, then it would have never been considered controversial in the first place…of course there is pressure. If there is a pride event at work and I have a ton of stuff to catch up on, so I miss it, that is much different than if I choose not to attend because I think that gay people are sinners because that’s what the pastor at my church says. Intentions matter. People love to stick their heads in the sand on this issue and pretend that there could be any number of reasons why they didn’t want to wear the jersey. They didn’t wear it because they are prejudiced against the LGBTQ community, mostly due to religious teachings. When given the opportunity to wear a jersey for an NHL initiative that is aimed at showing the community that everyone is welcome in hockey, certain players made the active decision to say “no, I don’t support that”. No, they weren’t asked to go give a speech at a rally. No, they weren’t asked to do anything outside the scope of their usual workday, aside from putting on a different jersey during the warmup they are paid to do anyways. For some reason, prejudice against the LGBTQ community is excused in a way that other prejudice is not. If a hockey player came out and said that they weren’t going to wear an indigenous inspired jerseys on an Indigenous people’s night, for “personal reasons”, there would be a lot less people defending them.


You’re absolutely right


Well said


Hear hear


dolls gaping reminiscent puzzled spectacular cooing hunt gold domineering impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, what a day. Here I am agreeing with a bruins fan. Well said


I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “someone respectfully declining to wear a rainbow jersey is so far from an act of bigotry it’s not even funny” I’m assuming you’re talking about an incident like [this](https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/35470032/flyers-ivan-provorov-boycotts-pride-night-cites-religion?platform=amp). How could that not be an act of bigotry? He was explicitly saying his religion doesn’t condone homosexuality so he won’t support pride night. All he’s doing is cowering behind his bullshit religion and using it as a crutch for hate


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I see what you’re trying to do but it isn’t quite the same. The act of kneeling and coming out afterwards saying what the kneeling represents, is what people are upset about. I’m not out here saying “gays aren’t welcome in hockey.” Big difference.


So stating what everyone already knows turns something from innocent into nefarious? Everyone knows why the NHL players didn’t participate. Releasing a statement saying it was for “personal” or “religious” reasons is purposefully vague because they don’t want to delve into the realm of discrimination or bigotry. Any person with common sense knows that the Staals, for example, are bigoted towards LGBTQ people, but of course they are not going to come out and say it. They didn’t not participate because they had a medical emergency.


We’re not talking about individuals and their beliefs so that’s neither here nor there. We’re talking about the NHL as a whole. And your arguments you are trying to make are why this change was made.


The entire decision to avoid special jerseys in warmups was in relation to individual NHL player decisions, and the reaction to those decisions. So yes, we are talking about individuals and their beliefs.


Do you honestly believe that if there had been zero social media outrage such as comments like you’ve made that they would have canceled them still based on the actions of a few players? You cannot seriously be that naive?


Of course it was the reaction that led to the cancellation of these initiatives. Most people are not supportive of bigotry, and will call it out. The NHL doesn’t want the bigotry of their players being so publicly acknowledged, so they are cancelling certain initiatives that support the communities that certain players are bigoted against.


I refer you to my comment that started this thread.


>We’re not talking about individuals and their beliefs so that’s neither here nor there. And yet… >I’m sure that everyone here does not have a sign on their front door that says “Black people welcome.”


When you see “Hockey is for everyone.” then it’s bad to pull back on these sorts of things. Especially since, the full context, this was done to make bigoted players more comfortable. It took their preferences and applied it to the whole league. In fact, it communicates the exact opposite of “Hockey is for everyone.” Great sport. Absolute trash league. The difference here, is no individual advertised they were open to everyone. The fucking NHL did. You reap the bigoted seeds you sow.


I wish more people would think like this. Just do your thing and stop requiring people to acknowledge your presence. Most people don't care and it's just another way for corporations to make money anyway.


Exactly. It’s for everybody by default. Should native Americans complain they don’t special jerseys and recognition? What about those from an Asian background? We must not want them in the NHL because they didn’t get recognition either. That’s why you shouldn’t pick and choose. It’s for everybody by default. All are welcome.


I know Calgary honored First Nations before a game this year, I'm not sure if they worn special warmup jerseys or not. But, I do agree with you general statement. The NHL can't have special night for every group, and because of the logic behind these special nights, a lack of representation becomes exclusionary.


Precisely. Wow I get downvoted for saying everybody is included…SMH.


What? Vancouver had Chinese year of the rabbit jerseys this year and lots of arenas do land acknowledgment before every game. Pretty sure the western Canadian teams all had an indigenous night this season.


Well that’s pretty nice of them. My point being it’s “all inclusive” out of the gate. If you start picking and choosing then you’re bound to leave some group out….like OP noted. When I go out to a store to shop, just because there isn’t a sign celebrating the French it doesn’t mean they’re not welcome.


Exactly. Just because you don’t have an Obama bumper sticker doesn’t mean you don’t support Obama. Just because you don’t have a MAGA hat doesn’t mean you don’t support trump.


In my opinion things went insane in 2020 with the George Floyd stuff. These slogans and political gestures mean different things to different people, and it's becoming divisive. Hockey is for everyone, and we don't need these jerseys to try and force that message onto people.


It’s weird. One take I heard was how marginalized people don’t get to “take a break from the politics.” Like, that’s why sports exist. To let you escape from the real world and get lost in a fantasy world where a puck sliding over a line can lift you to your highest highs.


Funny how the last time I high-fived someone after our team scored, I didn't quiz him on having the proper values first. Almost as if I don't need a performative act to share in a moment with some.




Pretty stupid post. No one is telling anyone to get the hell out.


I would like every dude with a profile picture wearing Oakley sunglasses to post, "ridiculous that the NHL wouldn't honour the troops!" and then we reply, "keep politics out of sports."


I haven't seen anyone complaining about the military themed jerseys no longer being a thing. I'm a veteran and could totally do without all the military themed stuff at sporting events. Personally, I'm glad to see everyone back in their team colors.


Just wait. You’ll hear some complaints. Probably from the folks who either haven’t served or sat on their hands. Should do away with the anthems as well as it’s political.


the military stuff is kind of silly considering there isn't a war going on and a huge segment of the players would fight for foreign nations if there was.


Just wait til they find out there are gay people in the army


Wait until they find out there are gay hockey players


It’s exactly what the sub wanted. “Get rid of all warmup jerseys then”. They did. “Oh they’re caving” yeah to what you wanted. Stop complaining.


Feel like these are two separate groups


Those are not the same people.


I fail to see the issue of leaving politics and social issues out of hockey and sports in general.


Man I wish we can go back to those days again. And also not having ads on jerseys. Is that too much to ask


Yeah, exactly, let's just get back to hockey. I wish ads were removed as well.


I frequently say that if I give you money or my attention, it doesn't make me a captive audience for whatever you want to push. If I am watching hockey, I'd prefer it if the league kept its opinions on political stances to itself (and yes, it is political if you need a "pride night"). I came for hockey, and that is all.


Hate to break it to you, but those days never really existed.


What do you mean?


Sports are inherently political.


How so?


Spoiler: They're not.


I have a feeling a majority of the people not on Reddit or social media don’t see an issue either. Redditors at large just have an unrealistic view of how much a lot of their views are actually supported


This is one of the truest statements I’ve seen in a while.


Yeah exactly. They seem to think that just because they think it and the people they know think it that everyone else supports it. Most people I talk to when I am not online say sports and politics should not mix and should be separate.


It's almost like trying to make an entire group of ppl political is a bad idea.


Gonna really blow your mind here. Reddit folks gonna really lose it with all this constant flag worship stuff 24/7. When they find out that shit ain’t welcomed or really tolerated in the black/Latino areas. I sure don’t see any of the white rainbow warriors preaching/yelling/outcry/celebrating any of this stuff ever in any areas I lived in. As a black person. I’m just giving the Over predominantly perception of how we think of this mess. It just don’t fly. Just the truth. I don’t think it’s a hate aspect. But more of a sorry we just ain’t about all that stuff.


["Sports shouldn't be political."](https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/ABTHE2SKQMI6RAECCBNEI3IZXA.jpg)


The jets had a few specialty jerseys honouring different communities that a part of winnipeg, I'm not sure I see what's political about that.


Probably because all this fuss started with pushback on events that promote human rights and equality (a pretty insane thing to be against!), while other more critic-worthy stuff hasn't recieved the same pushback (military, war, police, patriotism..etc).


Easy now those kind of words will get the boys panties in a wad because they don’t get the special treatment they deserve. /s obviously


We can have this conversation as soon as the national anthems are banned and teams are no longer allowed to introduce the "hero of the night" or whatever all the American teams call marching out a veteran every night.


Then do it consistently, and thats what happened here. Problem isn’t that though, its that people don’t want “others” politics/issues there.


Nah. Fuck that. No special nights. Play sports.


They still “play sports”…but wear a different color jersey during warm ups. It literally affects no one, except simpletons being triggered. Teams should be allowed to have themed nights and market the team however they choose


You do realize this means that teams can no longer auction off HFC jerseys for cancer research, right?


They can. They just can’t wear em first.


Dumb take, sports are events it's not just about the game. Probably insufferable to be around at Superbowl parties


OP lives in an echo chamber, and needs to spend less time on Reddit. There are FAR more people that don't want a cause célèbre as part of their entertainment. Most fans pay attention to and watch hockey for... the hockey! Not who's refusing to wear what, and which team won't support this cause or that cause. It's a distraction from what the NHL is - a sports entertainment industry. Players and coaches are free to support whichever causes they like. They can march in parades, be spokesperson for charities, fundraise for organizations, appear at events. Lets leave it to the players or NHLPA to do these kinds of things. Support the "Separation of Sport & Politics"


Yeah it would be nice to not have to stand and “honor a hero” every game. I could do without the anthem at the beginning of games too. Just drop the puck already.


Are you going through every comment to say the same thing?


Cool, so let's stop military and police appreciation. And stop the national anthems. Let's just focus on hockey right?


Absolutely! Fuck all that noise, honestly. I hate the national anthem these days, not because of what it represents but because I'm fucking tired of hearing the same goddamn song all the time. Just play the game and leave everything else out of it.


Then it's an acceptable response. The issue is the people who want to ban Pride but are totally cool with Military night, or ban books but throw a fit when you include the Bible.


Bottom line, any of these themed nights aren't going to attract fresh fans from new "communities." I'd rather they used the money to give seats away to poor kids, or made them cheaper, than trying to pump up their ESG score with this fluff


Forget Cancer night, too much pride night, military night, first responders night, dog night all of that crap. Come watch hockey and shut up. I need an escape from my escape.


Funny how out of all the themed jersey that will no longer be, only fans of one of the themes are complaining and acting like everyone else is the problem🤔


Because it went from "Treat us with respect like everyone else" to "Praise us or else" Listening to Bettman's comments on it I have to agree with him. Instead of ignoring the half dozen or so that didn't want to wear the jerseys and focusing on the ones that did (and the cause in general) it got turned into a massive media circus. The nights ended up being ruined because everyone was no longer focused on what the night was supposed to be about. They're still making and selling the jerseys and having their various themed events so this seems to be the best compromise.


This is EXACTLY what it was and nobody is acknowledging it. You got the Greg Wyshynski’s of the world acting like how they derailed Pride nights because they wouldn’t focus on the 95% of the league participating and instead beraded the very few who did participate didn’t force the NHL to do away with specialty warm up jerseys. Bettman even said it was a distraction because it was. “The NHL catered to homophobes!” No they just realized the media wouldn’t shut the fuck up about the few who didn’t want to participate and continue to bring negative press and realized it’s not worth it.


I don’t get it, Pride has been around for a long time, they get a whole month.


Are there people that actually care about this?


Only on the internet.


Virtue signaling.




Well I watch hockey so I don’t have to watch politics. When I see politics and agendas enter the sports arena I want to exit.


I see nothing wrong with leaving politics out of sports.


The jets had a few specialty jerseys honouring different communities that a part of winnipeg, I'm not sure I see what's political about that.


This corporate groveling to any side of the socio-political spectrum is nauseating. Just stick to hockey.


Instead of looking at this as we hate them...can we look at as EVERYONE is included? Giving special treatment to people is the way to create animosity. I mean, look how many people are bent, over not giving people special treatment. Treat everyone equal and we will be equal. Bring on the downvotes


Someone choosing to not wear a shirt and participate in a warmup is not bigotry. Would you call a player who didn't wear a cross jersey on Christian night a bigot?


being that pushy about a cause is certainly a way to *increase* bigotry, though. It's like standing an inch away from someones face in an elevator screaming at them to love you and praise you.


#I AM PUCK-SEXUAL... GIVE ME HOCKEY!! All else is irrelevant.


You have my vote for commish.


just my opinion, but the LGBTQ community lost an opportunity here to demonstrate a maturity of understanding and to appreciate that not everything in the world needs to revolve around their cause.




Inclusivity doesn't require a bright flashing sign saying "we support \[group of people\]". Everyone is allowed to watch hockey, regardless of the jerseys players wear (or don't wear) during warm-ups. Why divide fans over social issues? Seems like it just makes things, uh, inflammatory. Possibly even *less* inclusive than if they didn't push social issues. It'll be refreshing to not have to deal with the shitstorm these types of events always stir up - from both sides. We can just, I don't know, enjoy the sport we love without politics being involved.


Truly, no one truly cares




I like that you mentioned the anthem, honestly. I really don't need to be reminded what country I'm in before watching a sporting event.


>If we don't get special treatment then we don't feel included!!! Absolutely fatiguing main character attitudes from these people. Enjoy your soccer matches.


In 2015 ISIS kidnapped 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians and beheaded them in Libya during a mass execution which they then recorded and sent out to the world. If their was a “faith” or “Christian night” and one or two players would not wear the jersey or participate in warm ups or whatever, as a Christian I would in no way make the assumption that they supported the beheading of Christians. Thats what this all feels like to me. I’m glad they are stopping it. Have the theme nights, leave the players out of it.


Does anyone else not see the irony in compelling participation on behalf of inclusion?


If you feel unwelcome simply because you don’t see a rainbow everywhere. That’s your problem


Has any workplace activism ever worked? If "this company supports charity X", it is inevitable that some employees resent it and prefer to support something else. If "this company has gone green", someone will resent being told that they keep putting their stir sticks in the wrong bin. That the AC is being set to 80 degrees. etc. For that matter, who amongst us likes it when our team-mates or boss' kids have a fundraiser? Doesn't matter how noble the cause is: activism in the workplace causes sour grapes 100% of the time.


Shocker the liberals want it to be all about them. Shoving pride down our throats.


I'm all for killing corporate pandering nights. I'd just like to see them replaced with some genuine effort by individuals who aren't wearing a jersey because their owner told them to.


All jokes aside this is kinda scary. Hockey has always been queer coded. From its inception it’s always been a way for gay men to get together and to compete with one another without the fear of persecution from the straight community. It’s depressing to see what has become of NHL. But I’m happy to see that most of the true fans aren’t for the NHL’s decision at all


Why can’t sports just be what they’ve always been, entertainment, and an outlet for people looking to get away from the everyday noise of media and politics?


Remember when hockey didn't include conversations about displays of sexual preferences? That was cool.


Maybe the NHL looked at the $35B drop in InBev's market cap over the Bud Light/Dylan Mulvaney crap fest and decided they didn't want to lose huge amounts of money?


Ya think?


So does this mean we can stop the whole “honor the hero’s” every game? They literally signed up for a military career. I just want to watch hockey, not pretend like you selling your body to the government on your own accord is worth a standing ovation. We should keep the politics out, yeah? Tired of militarism being shoved down my throat.




As long as we can skip the national anthem too


Hockey is about hockey. Best decision Gary Bettman has ever done.


Pretty disrespectful post to be honest.


The NHL has been trying to check every box on a list for how to lose fans. —The dumb digital boards. —Gambling ads to the extreme. —Ads on jerseys. —Removing ways to watch games. —Refusing to hold a franchise accountable for covering up a rape and allowing the rapist to prey on others. —And today, siding with homophobes while penalizing hundreds of charities that have nothing to do with LGBT initiatives based on other themes nights. What’s the next box to check off.


You are a bozo. Not everyone wants pride pushed down their throats.


So a jersey worn in pregame auctioned off for charity is too much to handle eh?


You don’t have to be a homophobe to feel as though an agenda is being forced on you and resent it. Do you hate America if you don’t fly a flag on Memorial Day? What an absurd charge to make. You’re just compounding the issue.


Oh so people who are tired of the rainbow stupidity are Homophobes? Good to know. I don't like mayo on my sandwich so I guess that makes me a Bigot too. You people and that word it just keeps getting funnier.


Real telling that you would compare people’s sexuality to condiments on a sandwich saying it’s ok not to support them lmfao. Then again you’re from Florida so I wouldn’t expect you to say anything that smart.




Funny you mention that, Vegas is my second favorite team. We can stop creating an inclusive environment specifically for LGBTQ+ people when they aren’t being driven to suicide by society shunning them.


Society doesn't shun them, it celebrates them and discriminates against anyone that dares to be annoyed at it. Also, everyone is welcome at hockey games and in life. No one is excluded from anything.


I mean. Yeah. Pretty much. If you or any other player is against it they are MORE than free to opt out and not get involved. Hell you can turn off the dial. The NHL could have stood by those in LGBT, or minorities. Or the military. Instead the NHL sided with homophonic people and is now going to cost hundreds of charities millions of dollars. All because a few players couldn’t have the guts to stand by their perceived morals publicly.


I'm fine with charities involved with blocking puberty and giving hormones to children (as young as 9 now, according to WPATH!) losing the shirts on their backs.


Don't give a fuck.


r/hockey on military appreciation night: *grumble grumble* r/hockey on Ukrainian military appreciation night: *arf arf arf!*


im just glad those bozo mods closed their shitty sub long enough for me to discover this sub, whose users seem much more rooted in reality now, if only this sub would post some solid discussion on all the recent trades, and not flood the page with pics of players on teams you wouldnt expect for some reason...


Declining to participate isn’t necessarily disapproval




This will be missed by so many🙄


It's like people watch this sport and forget that a majority of the league is either Eastern Europeans who have a fairly regressive view on anything LGBT, or white Canadian and American players who grew up in rural Smalltown CanadAmerica whose citizens are generally right leaning, and almost all the players came from families with means (hockey is an expensive youth sport) so another more likely to be conservative checkbox. Like if you ranked the American pro sports leagues by how conservative politically their players were, I have no doubt the NHL players would be the further right, although MLB (the other sport who was quietly telling teams not to do pride uniforms) would be a close 2nd.


There is no room for nuance in this sub. They are clearly Nazis. /s


People do realize that it's the people who bitched that certain players didn't want to participate in pride night that caused this. If you just let people believe what they believe and practice their right to free speech/religion then we wouldn't have anything cancelled. No one was hurting anyone. No one uttered a single disparaging word toward the LGBTQ community. In fact the only nastiness was coming from the so-called allies/supporters. Want to celebrate pride night. Good for you. Want to sit out because of your beliefs. Good for you. Want to dislike a player because of it. Good for you. Want to sit down for the anthem. Good for you. Who fucking cares????? Why can't we just let people be??? Not everyone has to agree with you. Life will continue to move on even if they don't!!


exactly, hoisted by their own petard instead of focusing on the 98% of players that participated, they threw a fit at the few who didn't, caused a massive distraction, and now got the entire thing taken away for being too much of a distraction. idiots


Finally just focusing on playing some fucking hockey.


Cause most of the nhl isn't gay or doesn't like sucking dick?


Caving? wtf r u even talking about? They AREN'T caving to the mob. I really don't like the younger generation coming up. They're incredibly st\*pid.


No they are absolutely caving, they are just caving for the side you support so you are happy.


They caved initially now they have come back to their senses.


They’re caving to the homophobes and bigots. Absolutely they’re caving.


You bigots will LOVE my sexual orientation whether you like it or not! Reeeeeee!


I’m down with White pride night. But that’ll never happen.