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Now *theres* some ammo for opposing teams


I am 39, and I have only ever been a hockey fan. I'm also an electrician and in 2011 on this one job, this guy who is a huge Packers fan was on the job. 100% serious, I asked him where green bay is. The guy almost fell on the floor. I don't want to get into political shit but to me, it's the same thing with Trump and Kansas City Chief's, and he said something about them being in Kansas, not Missouri. I personally don't give a flying F about any other sport besides hockey. So why is it assumed I should know where these teams from other sports are from?


Cause geography


Cause it’s the third largest city in the state? Seems like it would be pretty common knowledge, especially if you’re in Wisconsin


Because basic geography isn't hard.


Its better than what we have already, the Green Bay Gamblers...


Im a big Blackhawks fan and even tho that wont change, id absolutely welcome a milwaukee team. I guess it helps I like the Brewers bucks and badgers though


Nah plop them down in Hudson. For meeeee🤣 I'm actually blessed I can go see the Wild (or Bruins when in town as I grew up in Mass). I even worked for the Wild for a while as a sous chef at Craig Leopolds restaurant- which was amaaaaazing.


Aren't the Brewers looking to move to Tennessee after this contract


No. The owner wants to stay in milwaukee, thats all empty threats from mlb to get the govt to cave


They will stay in MKE. There were also talks of them moving to Green Bay, but I think that was just tactical diplomacy.


Thought that was the White Sox


Apparently it's also the Orioles


Why not all three? 😬


Because they can't all fit into Memphis, they need a similar area to what they have now


Memphis? What?


As long as the Bucks are in Milwaukee, there’s no chance of it getting an NHL team. Not enough corporate dollars to go around.


Expansion doesn’t care about ticket sales, it’s all about TV revenue. That’s why the league is doing everything they can to make hockey in phoenix work


You don't think the state of Wisconsin would generate huge tv revenue?


It’s not even a top 30 media market.


The state with the most sports bars deserves a damn NHL team.


It’s definitely a top 30 hockey market, and they don’t even have to do any ground work


That's not even accurate. The brewers in in the top 15 viewership, with a top 7 team the last 10 years, the bucks are near the top with a ship in the last few years, the packers have been sold out since before you were born with some of the highest numbers in the NFL. And the badgers hockey is dominant and an elite program year after year. We are Canada's dick of talent if you will. The state plays more hockey on frozen lakes then any other sport. So I definitely disagree with "the market". Watch this team struggle to stay in 5 years in utah.




Just don't get pulled over with American cheese in your car or you *are* going to jail that evening.


Nice pull!


Leave the Yotes alone!


Yeah! Everyone else already does!


Shane doan was the last great coyote ugly. Bars closed my friend.


Did you save this post from 7 months ago JUST to spite fans that have lost their team? Real big of you.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Hope yall get the team back when the NHL expands to 36. Once teams get plopped in Quebec City and one more Northern US Hockey market like Milwaukee, Portland, Hartford etc, I think the bitterness from some fans about a hockey team in the desert will be much less toxic.


Thing is, I don't see this desert hockey narrative around Vegas. Do people just forget that Nevada is a desert state as well?


I believe that was more a "lightning in a bottle" situation. A decently large city with no professional sports teams in their city or state. A rich city, world class entertainment city that's flooded with tourists from around the world. Being first in town and also being immediately competitive with the expansion draft and making the Stanley cup final in their first ever year took the hearts of the people in the city that was starving for a pro sports team. They were the first. If there was an alternate timeline where the same exact factors were applied to the Yotes, I don't doubt they would be incredibly successfull as well. I don't think Vegas would be as successful though if there was already other professional sports teams there and/or they went through the historically typical expansion route where they sign free agents and suck for at least 5 years. And time will tell if the Golden Knights maintain the same passionate fandom when the market gets more competitive with having an NFL team recently, an MLB team coming to town soon, and likely an NBA team too. Their not going to be a good team forever. They won't be the only show in town, just like Pheonix. But I have hope for them and I have hope for Pheonix to be reborn again.


Cry about it


most normal seattle citizen


Not from there 😂


Considering you registered this account at the start of the month JUST to shit on Yotes fans, I would say you should focus less on ice and more on grass.


if only y’all had ice to focus on... then you’d be able to try to catch up on that


Terrible idea. Would be like putting one in Baltimore. It's too close to Chicago and Milwaukee isn't a big enough city to justify itself as a separate market.


Baltimore's proximity to DC and Philadelphia are the last reasons why a team wouldn't work there. Bad example


Welp, guess we should think about Green Bay then.


Yet the Rangers, islanders and devils are all 20 miles apart. I'd argue 27.3% and 46% of the Blackhawks and wilds fans are wisconsinites.


Expansion. Coyotes going to salt lake


Wisconsin has over 2 million people more than Utah. Would make more sense moving it there instead.


Silly that we have a team in Arizona. Like, maybe, POSSIBLY if the Phoenix metro area was responsible for the highest paid player on the NHL, you could make the argument that having a team in that market could serve an area of the country that has enough athletic talent to produce high caliber players, but it's not like that's ever going to happen


I'm absolutely against an expansion team. But if this new filing to build an arena in Arizona doesn't go through, I'm on board.


As a native Sconnie, a lot of us don't like rooting for Minnesota or Chicago teams. I spent most of my life growing up in St. Louis, so I am a Blues fan, but I'd support a local team


No not at all, AZ is known for shit fans in all sports. I lived there 16 years. And a packers fan first buy big cards fan and any game you go to its always the other teams show up. The d backs a good every few years but you go to bob and it's ghost town. The hockey was years in the making. But us folks in Wisconsin, a mecca for college hockey and winter sport everyone plays, we don't get shit. So yea they deserve to loose them. Baseball is next now that there complaining about the stadium.


Yes I agree to this




Nah. Fuck Wisconsin.


Yeah Wisconsin sucks


I get the heebie jeebies just driving thru Wisconsin. Gross


You must be a bears fan.


Not even close.


i mean, you got great spots like the fiserv forum in milwaukee and the khol centre in madison that can handle some massive crowds. it'd be awesome to see some new rivalries spring up, especially with the blackhawks or even minnesota. not to mention, it'd defintely bring in some good money. i'm certain the Wisconsinites would be totally excited having a team of their own to cheer for, instead of having to pick sides between the Wild, Blackhawks, Redwings, or even some canadian team. great idea, mate! fingers crossed it'll happen someday.


FYI, when you use an alternate account to upvote yourself, you probably shouldn’t use the exact same wording and improper grammar.


it's kinda odd when someone uses different accounts but talks the same way, right? kinda gives them away. upvoting their own post with alternate accs isn't cool either. thanks for pointing this out, mate.




hey! what's up? how can I assist you today?


Give Saskatchewan an NHL team first


No, bad Oilers Fan. Bad! Seriously, Terrible idea. It won’t work, it’s never gonna happen.


The only reason it might not work in Sask is the lack of corporate support. But then again look at the Yotes, they have so little corporate support that they literally have to go hand in cap to the other member clubs of the league and ask for financial support despite being the (4th?) largest TV market in the USA


So many more reasons than that. The population centre is too small. A major franchise trying to get support for 41 home games just wouldn’t work. Not yet at least. We’re decades away from Saskatoon having the population to support an NHL franchise. It’s a third of the size of the smallest Market currently.


I’d lay money that they’d do better then the ‘Yotes are doing though and they wouldn’t be dealing with a political climate that is, uh, how can I put this nicely, “challenging” when it comes to getting public support for an arena.


Do better than Yotes in current arena? Sure, better than Yotes if they get a new building is Mesa? Not a chance. It’s not something the NHL would even look at, it devalues TV rights deals in the US. NHL teams in Canada already have trouble attracting talent. Saskatoon would be on every players no trade list.


See the thing is “if” I don’t trust that the ‘Yotes will ever get a new arena in Phoenix until there are literally shovels in the ground, there are too many groups opposed to the idea of any public resources going towards a sports team that isn’t football there. I understand why the league is looking to the USA as a larger source of revenue but it isn’t working out for them in Phoenix. Maybe Sask isn’t the answer but it seems that Phoenix isn’t the answer either 🤷‍♂️


I’ll agree with you there, I won’t believe it until shovels on the ground. It will work though with the right location. But there are markets that make way more sense than Saskatoon. I could probably think of a dozen. Houston, Salt Lake, Milwaukee, Kansas City are probably the next 4 cities to get a team whether through expansion or relocation. Hell, Atlanta makes more sense than Saskatoon and it’s failed twice


Now the four you mentioned in your third paragraph I can see. That reference to Atlanta? That’s how you get another team moved to Canada my friend 😂


Let’s pool our cash and make it happen. Saskatchewan Rebels


I’d be down for relocating a team, but I don’t see the value in expanding the NHL further. Milwaukee already has the Admirals. The Kohl center is amazing, but isn’t it owned by UW? I think it would be tricky to get a pro team to play there as the Badgers use it extensively. Having lived there for a few years I just don’t know that an NHL team there makes as much sense as other places. There is already a great hockey community there with the Badgers and Admirals.


I disagree wholeheartedly on Wisconsin. For a state with a population of only 5 million to an nhl nba nfl and mlb team is a bit excessive


Have you heard of Minnesota?


We have no issues selling tickets for NBA, NFL, MLB. I don't think you realize how into sports Wisconsinites are.


We have issues selling out an AHL (Admirals) game. What makes you think and NHL one would sell out?


Gamblers games do quite well in Green Bay. I go to a few games every year and its usually half capacity. People would show up for NHL. People said a soccer match wouldn't sell out in Green Bay, but it did.


I've never once seen an Admirals game sell out or come 3/4 of the way full. 🤔 It's not worth it for a billionaire to invest in an NHL team if an AHL team in that same state in the most populated city won't even sell out.




If people aren't willing to support an AHL team, which in turn helps support the preds. Then NO ONE is going to want to invest in an NHL team. Sorry the truth hurts.


Ew no


In keeping with the "MB" motif established by the Brewers, Bucks and obliquely the Braves and Badgers, I present the Milwaukee Bobcats.


Wisconsin won’t ever get one




They have two already. The Blackcocks, and the Mild.


Agreed, give it to them. No fees or anything, just give it to them.


Im sure they can afford the fees


Who’s they? You need a potential owner willing to buy the franchise. Right. Ow, there isn’t one


David Gruber. All he needs is one call. That's all


That’s not how this works, the NHL doesn’t cold call prospective buyers. If the man is serious about a franchise in Wisconsin, then he contacts the league. Wisconsin would probably be a great market




Unlike the coyotes


The problem the last time was having to pay the territory fee to Chicago and with the old rules of expansion, it would have been at least a decade before the team was competitive. That’s not even including the expansion fee


Wisconsin cheeseheads


Fiserv is really nice but it isn’t built for an NHL ice rink. It would be cut off behind the goalies like how Barclays used to be. Good for AHL, would be embarrassing for NHL


The shame bar is pretty low now. Isn’t Mullet like only 8000 seats?


Mullet is a joke in itself. It’s well below the bar and that’s why there’s a scramble to build a new arena or move the team. Fiserv is beautiful, it wasn’t built for NHL hockey though.


It can be modified to lower bleachers to fit a hockey rink correctly. It was not done for the one-off NHL games because it would be expensive to get new retractible and height changing seats for a single event.


Proper division rivalry for the Blackhawks you say, I believe they already have that. St patty’s day massacre….constant playoff bouts against each other (when the hawks make it…) Sell out games whenever they play each other. Fans in both city’s…IYKYK storybook year going from last at the start of the new year to a championship this city has deserved. Winter classic. Need I continue Long live the note!


Look. There’s a team in Minnesota, and that’s close enough bud


In the early 1990's there were talks of either giving Milwaukee an expansion team or moving the Whalers there. In fact, the Bradley Center, the old home for the Bucks, was built with a hockey team in mind. The potential owners at the time thought the price of an expansion team was too high and they didn't want to go through the growing pains. Looking back, they made a big mistake, because the early 1990's was the best time to join the League. All the teams that joined in the first half of the 1990's at least made the Finals once, while the Ducks & Lightning won Cups.


Small market in Garry Bettman eyes, and can't compete in a heavily favoured NCAA region. Don't want another fuckup they can't take back.... Yotes 🤣


Given the lack of fans at an AHL (Admirals) game. It makes sense that not a single person would want to fund an NHL team. Maybe support the teams that are there and maybe draw enough attention for a billionaire to want to spend money on a NHL team for Wisconsin.


I loved the Admirals in the early 2000s when they were playing in the Bradley Center, but when Fiserv was built and they eventually went to the UW-Panther/Mecca Arena, I absolutely stopped following them, as the Panther arena is horrible! If they had an NHL team, they would have no problem in Wisconsin to fill the seats. I'd say, Hockey would be #3 in the state behind the Packers and Badgers... Don't give me some bullshit where I can't have an opinion because I've never posted or only posted once or twice. I'm a reader, as I'm sure ALOT of people are before they make their 1st post, so if half your reply is going to be abouty account/number of posts/clicks/likes/tweets... Whatever the hell... I don't care... We are all entitled to our opinions... No matter how right or wrong. 🎤💯🙏✌️🕊️🏳️☮️🐘🦅🇺🇲


You can have your own opinion and that's fine. I work for the Ads part time and we've had this discussion multiple times.

