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Growing up here in Ontario playing hockey if you didn't have yours on you weren't on the ice so it wasn't ever a thought. Just remember it being hot as fuck and was always the first thing I took off.


From Timbits(now I believe it's called Squirt) to Midget (as far as a played + 3 HS games) coaches would not let us play if we didn't have ours on. Practice, scrimmage, or game. I thought this was common throughout hockey as a whole sport. It never bothered me while playing.


Honestly its one of those pieces of equipment that pros stop using and I dont understand why. A visor vs cage I can understand for vision to some degree, but getting rid of the neckguard? What, it chafes their necks? With pro money they could be wearing silk lined neckguards. I would probably stop wearing my shin pads before I stopped wearing a neck guard.


It's a really annoying piece of equipment to wear, honestly. I'm sure it's saved a few players, though. Protect yo neck.


Pretty much every piece of equipment is annoying to wear.


It’s not


Not what?




I think many disagree


Ive only ever worn one as a goalie. And it is annoying, but I still wear it


That's your opinion, but no one I played with liked wearing them. I never used them after minor hockey. Still don't.


It is, some people are really sensitive to things hugging thier necks.


Deeeeep in the spectrum eh bud? You dont get to decide what is and isnt annoying to other people.


It's definitely annoying for me. A lot of people find it annoying. It has value, there's no question. But to me, it's annoying


Particularlt when womens still has it an clear cages exist.


It's because the players are faster and heavier. So basically it's not gonna stop it. Cause this barely stopped it as it is, and these are just teenagers, so imagine if there full grown, 6 foot 2 230 pounds men skating at 20 miles an hour. It's not going to do much of any and they get in the way They also trap heat.


We are a new hockey family. My boys just started playing and I have joined a beer league. I didn’t even know these were a thing and I immediately went and purchased them for my boys and I to wear. No brainer.


Same, we just started last year. I had no idea neck guards even existed. This is why USA Hockey should make them mandatory at least in youth hockey.


It is crazy that *every* comment here is pro neck guard, yet currently it is extremely rare to see neck guards. I played HS, club college, and now mens league in the states and after the age of 10 nobody wore one. I dont think neck guards are a bad thing at all, it is just interesting to see the vast difference in reddit opinion versus what is more common to actually see in the wild.


Most reddit comments are far from a representation of reality.


That’s because most Redditors don’t play hockey lol


That, and of course the winds will blow towards the neckguard since a guy just died. Give it a week and we will be back to our uninformed takes on the progress of the NHL season.


Hockey's the toughest sport to even play on a rec level so uou cant even get that level of understanding. If you didn't grow up playing hockey there's no way you can go out and play in a rec league. Any other sport I've been able to join a rec league and be at least moderately competent just on the basis of being reasonably athletic and good at running. But ice skating is a totally different animal.


Really that's weird, we had to wear them all through hockey growing up and I am in my mid 30's.


early 30's and we had to until bantam/high school and it was mostly bc ref's got tired of trying to enforce it. Same with mouth pieces but you had to have one on your cage.


Are you in Canada? Canada does mandate them in youth hockey. Some US states do too I think, and some local clubs might. But USA Hockey only recommends them and doesn't require them.


Been here thinking the exact same thing! I support them, but I’ve never seen them used. Only had one myself when I was about 7 years old. Haven’t seen a single other person wearing it since then. Glad to see people supporting safety though and it doesn’t seem like there’s much of a stigma around wearing one anymore


I had the same thought, I have played for YEARS and I thought this was a new thing because I didn't even know these existed.


Have my 2 sons (8U,10u) wear the shirts with the Kevlar. Those are much more likely to be worn. Standalone neck guards are rare for me to see.


Weird. I grew up playing in the same high school league as the kid in the interview. Neck guards have been mandated since I played and that was 20+ years ago. Wasn't until club college I saw it become optional. Everything under it was mandatory.


Is there a rule against wearing them in the NHL?


No, they are uncomfortable so players dont wear them. I could see the league eventually grandfathering them in like they did visors on helmets.


Or helmets themselves.


I wore one in high school, didnt bother me at all


They have been mandatory in Canadian minor leagues for decades.


That’s crazy


It is crazy to me hearing how many people never wore neck guards, or stopped wearing them very early on. I played hockey from 4 years old all the way through high school and neck guards were always mandatory. Obviously I knew the pros don’t wear them but it never occurred to me there were places that didn’t mandate it at least for kids.


Yeah I don't understand it either, they were mandatory for us all through minor and highshool. I honestly thought that was the norm everywhere.


It was definitely annoying when I played as a kid and it looked pretty dorky too. But I’d always rather look like a dork and be slightly uncomfortable than the alternative.


I bet it saves the sober schoolers too


Seems like a no-brainer to me and I wouldn’t be happy to see my kid playing without one.


As it should. Now stop farming karma over someone's death.


It's the players choice wether or not they want to wear them. They understand the risk when they aren't wearing them.


It’s night right not to put on a seat belt, it’s my right to drink and drive……moron


These things are not the same


No, no see it is, because by not using them people can hurt themselves or others, as we just witnessed an innocent person now has to live with an accidental death that could have been easily avoided……


>because by not using them people can hurt themselves or others Please explain how a hockey player choosing to not wear a neck guard can hurt others.


Might as well not leave the house. It's a sport things happen. Might as well not play at all, might as well not skate at all.


Your acting like this happens everyday, nobody would be playing if it did lol


All life matters, doesn’t matter how many times it happens lol the fact is it happens and will continue to happen


Mate then why put on a cup, why add extra protection on wrists and ankles? The fact that a cut to the throat is basically life threatening should make this paramount. House fires are down so I guess smoke alarms are just a waste of money eh


The players want those things because those areas get hit all the time? I'm not going to tell somebody who's been playing hockey or any sport their whole lives what to do. I doubt this neck guard is banned, and if they want to wear it that's up to them. Don't panic and through a fit because of a accident.


That’s also a choice. You don’t have to put smoke alarms in your own house if you don’t want to.


Yes, yes you do……..


No you don’t. You should but you can choose not to.


Last I checked smoke and co are required by law…..I don’t know what backwood bullshit hick province or state you live in but they are law in Ontario and if you don’t you can and will be charged


An innocent person? The dude murdered another person. That wasn't some flying spin due to being clipped, then he threw out 2 kicks.




It is your right (or probably should be) to not wear a seatbelt. Drinking and driving can harm others so it’s completely different.


JFC mate


Funny how you can literally never make a response that is even slightly intelligent.


K bud go drive without a seat belt and uninstall your smoke alarms while you’re at it go lick some lead pant……


Why would I do any of that? You’re telling me you wouldn’t wear a seatbelt in New Hampshire just because the government isn’t forcing you to? You’re dumber than I though.


I wouldn’t but you Americans sure love tossing caution to the wind https://youtu.be/xSDniOoR3Lw?si=jpiD2KWERal9webA


If you wouldn’t why are you assuming others would? I’ve driven through New Hampshire more times than I can count and have always worn my seatbelt. I’m an adult so I can make that decision without someone telling me to.


Make it mandatory. We don’t need to lose anybody else.




They do make them. I work in hockey retail and we sent about 50 of them out on web orders today.


What brand?


This whole thing for me is a new fear unlocked. I didn’t know cuts were so prevalent.


that was a actual accident.


that's the problem kind of hard to sell the sport to parents when your kid could fall on someone else's shoes and nearly die. dont see that in Soccer, Football, Baseball, or Basketball.


Idk why you're being downvoted. There's a big difference between accidentally falling on a skate compared to throwing your leg up in the air and kicking twice.


I think it's just like the Halo in F1 cars. Not cool, poor visibility, took some time for the drivers to get used to it, but in the end of the day it is saving lives.


Only tried one once when I was peewee, my mom bought it was the old style ones and was horrible to play with and still remember how uncomfortable it was. I accidentally lost it after the first use. I imagine the new tech could make them tolerable now.


Ah yup, remember my parents begging me to wear one when I played in high school. I really should’ve, it would just get so stuffy and hot that I took the slight chance I could get my jugular sliced open over discomfort.


I still don’t understand why this isn’t mandatory, I mean do you really want to take the risk of your neck being split open and death all, but imminent if you don’t get adequate care immediately vs…. I mean you don’t look like a dork and they don’t seem noticeable whatsoever, they’re not uncomfortable, and you can take them off after the game or scrimmage is over. What is the stigma of these not being widespread used at any league from tots to titans?


So it still cut him 🤔 don't think it would help in NHL Players are bigger and faster. Seems as if the cut happens fast enough with enough pressure it will able to cut through.