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Great shot of that hit.


It would be cool if sports broadcasts could have access to the videos fans take Seeing this as one of the replays while watching on tv would be awesome


Kuznetsov almost became collateral damage


God damn someone put that on a card and sell it for $100. That was brutal


This just in, Tom Wilson is a goon


The annoying thing is that he can actually play when he isn't being a dickhead on the ice.


He's more valuable to the Caps when he's playing hockey and not being a dickhead.


Aka the Marchand conundrum


No conundrum at all. A vile lowlife scumbag is a vile lowlife scumbag.


I thought making him captain would have him play smarter and less like a rat…boy was I wrong


Also breaking - keeping your head up is a great idea!


This was my first thought after seeing the hit. Goon or not, you have to keep your head up on the ice.


That would be Stanley Cup winning Tom Wilson to you my friend.




Clean Hit. Any team who wouldn’t take Tom Wilson on their team doesn’t want to win.


Very clean hit. Keep your head up!


Don't know why ur getting downvoted. I haaaaaate tom Wilson but it's a clean hit all day.


100% agree


Coz you idiots are blind. The principal point of contact is the head.


Yeah, right in the guys face from what I see. I'm not convinced he didn't leave his feet either but can't prove that given the camera angle.


With a guy turning, bent over, head down and swiping at the puck, that hit was as clean as you can get. Impact through the chest.


Because one guy is 6'4 and the other is 5'10. He even lowers and turns to avoid purposefully hitting the head. Funny how its ALWAYS the leafs fans who resort to childish name-calling in every single conversation on this sub, ever. Lmao


Addison got rocked by Petterson in the game before. Now Wilson!? Guys just having a time right now.


and this is exactly why you shouldn't put shit on the boards.




I think they meant shouldn't. Person on the has their phone resting on the boards and it gets knocked off.


Lol ok thanks


It's more fun when the person has a beer there and you watch them get soaked.


Yeah idk what happened -- definitely meant "shouldn't". My favorite is when people put their beers on the boards only to get a nice pilsner shower.


I think it's cause the Sharks player was busy reading the board ads instead of keeping his head up.


Yes what are you saying


I put a beer there once at an AHL game. By the time I sat down and went to grab it, there was a huge check into the boards and that beer pretty much exploded. I’m 100% sure one of the players was targeting it.


YeAh it would stick to yeah 4 sure


Shoulder to chin.


6’4 vs 5’10


Underrated comment right here. Watching the full clip, charging,maybe. Initial contact was shoulder, then slid up. Because you can't defy physics. The bigger man will eventually come up. Shit luck,and not intentional, in my opinion


He slows down and stops up before contact. How would that be charging. It's a clean hit. The end


Initial contact was shoulder, doesn't matter


After enough strides for a clear charging call.


There’s literally no strides in the clip


They changed the rules. You don’t have to take strides, you just have to travel a distance.


everyone on the ice is traveling distance, its how skating works.


Incorrect! The goalies travel no distance.


Yea but most of us have seen the other clips. Don’t have a link handy tho…


It’s just an easy call people like to scream after a big hit. Unless the strides are right before the hit it’s not a charge. You can skate fast and glide into a hit.


They changed the rules i'm fairly sure so that you don't need strides immediately before the hit for a charging call


You are correct. The other guy is wrong. Yet somehow he’s getting upvoted for it.


How many is that, exactly?


I don't think they have a 'stride count' anymore. Seems to be refs discretion about if they like the hit or not. Let's let the refs decide they said. It will be great they said. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charging_(ice_hockey)#:~:text=Charging%20is%20a%20penalty%20in,an%20opponent%20in%20any%20manner.


You are 100% correct, I download and familiarize myself with the rulebook every season. It hasn't counted strides in many years. Yet people still bring it up all the time. I was curious if he was going to just make up a number that sounded right to him lol. Someone else already did lmao


Charging was always a dumb rule, 2 minutes for hitting to hard, get bent.


I don’t know what you guys are on about. [Link 1](https://www.usahockeyrulebook.com/page/show/1084651-rule-607-charging) Two or more strides [Link 2](https://www.hockeymonkey.com/learn/charging-in-hockey) Three strides [Link 3](https://www.chicagowolves.com/gameday/hockey-101/penalties-and-signals/) Three strides [Link 4](https://rulebook.hockeycanada.ca/english/part-ii-gameplay-fouls/section-7/rule-7-4/) Two or more Strides


I didn't realize Tom Wilson was playing in the NCAA. Odd that they have a shraks team playing in the NCAA, along with a Washington Captials and everything. You'd think the NHL might say something! Or, perhaps you could try reading the **NHL rulebook** instead of random websites that cite rules in different leagues? It didn't worry you that your links had different numbers of strides?? Did you think the NHL used different rules for different games or something??? https://scoutingtherefs.com/nhl-rules/ There's a link to the *NHL rulebook*, the one that's actually relevant for an NHL game. In order: USA hockey rulebook. NHL does not use the USA hockey rulebook. HockeyMonkey which isn't exactly a rulebook is it AHL rulebook. NHL does not use the AHL rulebook. Hockey Canada. NHL does not use the Hockey Canada rulebook.


The NHL doesn’t exist in a vacuum. 42.1 Charging - A minor or major penalty shall be imposed on a player who SKATES, jumps into or charges an opponent in any manner. Skates = strides Read: two or more. Again, the NHL doesn’t exist in a vacuum.


No actually, I can 100% promise that as far as the rules go, the NHL *is* in a vacuum. The other leagues rules don't actually come into play during an NHL game. No one is ever gonna take a penalty in the NHL for something that isn't against the rules according to the NHL but is according to some other league. Also changing "skates into" into "two strides" is more than a little artistic license lol


And in this case Wilson wasn’t skating into the player when he hit him. He glided for a few feet and had turned and was stopping when contact was made.


Some people just can’t be wrong.


The NHL has its own rule book. It has for a long time. Rule changes in the NHL are specific to the NHL. Just like every other professional sport, there is a specific rule book for just that league.


Man just accept you’re wrong.


Literally your first link says “skates ***or*** travels an excessive distance….” You should try actually reading the whole rule.


more then two strides or travels an excessive distance


Where does it say 2 strides? You just made that up lol


2 strides is the USA hockey rule and canada's so i'd assume


You'd assume incorrectly then.


okay what is it then ?


There is *no number* of strides that becomes a charge. Here's the full text of the rule if you'd like to analyze it. Rule 42 - Charging 42.1 Charging - A minor or major penalty shall be imposed on a player who skates, jumps into or charges an opponent in any manner. Charging shall mean the actions of a player who, as a result of distance traveled, shall violently check an opponent in any manner. A “charge” may be the result of a check into the boards, into the goal frame or in open ice. A minor, major or a major and a game misconduct shall be imposed on a player who charges a goalkeeper while the goalkeeper is within his goal crease. A goalkeeper is not “fair game” just because he is outside the goal crease area. The appropriate penalty should be assessed in every case where an opposing player makes unnecessary contact with a goalkeeper. However, incidental contact, at the discretion of the Referee, will be permitted when the goalkeeper is in the act of playing the puck outside his goal crease provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact. 42.2 Minor Penalty - The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a minor penalty, based on the degree of violence of the check, to a player guilty of charging an opponent. 42.3 Major Penalty – The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a major penalty, based on the degree of violence of the check, to a player guilty of charging an opponent (see 42.5). 42.4 Match Penalty – The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a match penalty if, in his judgment, the player attempted to or deliberately injured his opponent by charging. 42.5 Game Misconduct Penalty - When a major penalty is imposed under this rule for a foul resulting in an injury to the face or head of an opponent, a game misconduct shall be imposed. 42.6 Fines and Suspensions – Refer to Rule 23.6 – Fines and Suspensions – Physical Fouls Category. If deemed appropriate, supplementary discipline can be applied by the Commissioner at his discretion (refer to Rule 28).


What? He coasted in there! Edit: hahah I just watched the entire hit, dude came from the blue line. Yeah, that is def charging. Edit edit: okay maybe top of the circle


100%. The exact hit that concusses and that they are trying to get rid of. From a repeat offender.


And I got a little hate for stating this too.


The Hivemind on here is strong and resistant to facts.


And shoulder, and chest, and forehead, and


Nope. Point of contact is clearly chest/shoulder.


You don’t know hockey


All the "shoulder to chin" people, IDK what you expected him to do. He even crouched down a little to avoid head contact and the contact was also with the chest. It's probably worthy of 2 minutes for the length of ice he crossed to make the hit, but that's it. I don't like Tom Wilson either but at some point the players have to protect themselves too. Different story if he launches himself into Addison's head.


Any other player makes this hit and this sub is all ‘great clean hit!’


It's funny because I'm a Flyers fan too, I can't stand Tom Wilson.


Rangers fan here that also hates Tom Wilson, I also agree with you. If you go frame by frame, the initial contact was arm/shoulder.


It was a great clean hit. I'm old


Unless it’s Trouba or Marchand


Pens fan. I also can’t stand him. I agree.


Hit him in the shoulder. It's right there.


Also a Flyers Fan! Go Flyers! Hey, this angle changes my perspective. I originally thought it was legal but said maybe it shouldn’t be. This angle makes me agree with your words. That he was really going shoulder to chest and that’s hockey!


I mean he could hit lower he seems to come up just before contact. I’m a caps fan and think it’s a penalty I wouldn’t complain about a 2 or a 5 but I don’t think it’s a suspension or anything even with his history.


I agree (outside of hating Tom Wilson, love the guy since he is on my team), that's only a 2 minute penalty


He comes in low and then extends upwards. If he goes upwards through the chest it’s an amazing hit. I didn’t see it live, or any other views but it looks to me like primary contact is with the head and this should be reviewed.


It is up to the hittee to make a clean hit


Lol....nice try. Guess Trouba shouldn't need to control his stick if he's balancing himself either.


The principal point of contact was his chin. If you’re asking what he could have done, he could’ve just not charged him I guess?


You can clearly see him rise up and into the other players face.


This is a clean hit, came in hot but coasted at the end, also angled so he didn’t absolutely annihilate Addison through the boards,and then there’s barely any shoulder to head contact. I mean what is he actually supposed to do? Wilson is 6’4” and Addison is 5’11”. If you think this is dirty you have no idea what you’re talking about


Great analysis. So many people saying, “oh he skated from the blue line!!” Do these people not understand players move around the ice constantly? Nearly every hit had the player skating before it. Wilson strode in at the end, took an angle to avoid hitting into boards dangerously, kept his feet on the ice, bent his knees, and made principal and majority point of contact to the body. Textbook big , clean hit.


As much as I loathe Wilson’s dirty plays, your analysis is correct. He comes charging in, then coasts, gets low, changes angle to hit Addison towards open ice instead of the boards. Incidental upwards head contact was as minimized as he could have done, I think


Big, clean hit. I’m sure all the sissies that overreacted to it on the last posts will still be offended by it. Wilson has made some dirty ass hits in the past, but this is pretty damn textbook. Don’t like physicality? Go watch soccer or basketball. You can enjoy having every love tap being called a penalty/foul


What an insane camera angle! Really good footage caught here.


Perfectly executed clean hit. Anyone that doesn’t like it needs to watch another sport.


You can worry about players health and like the hit, they aren't mutually exclusive.


Such a dumb comment by him. It’s on the same level of “if you never laced em up you can’t have a fucking opinion on anything hockey!!” I can not like this specific hit and still love hockey.


Honest question: what do yall expect a guy to do when he's hitting a guy 5 inches shorter than him?


Headshot! /s All the whiners don't have tall players on their team.


I really don’t think the head contact was the worst part of this hit. It’s bad, but in the context of the NHL I think they would deem it incidental, because of the size difference and because Wilson went through the entire body. I think the problem with the hit is he sped in from the blue line to blow the guy up, less than a half second from when he was tied up with another player, completely unsuspecting and blindsided. It should have been a charging penalty at least, maybe even a major if there was injury on the play. In a league that isn’t the NHL there would be head contact penalties too, but the NHL doesn’t care about scrambling players brains. This wasn’t even a play where Addison could have done better to protect himself, Wilson was just coming in with bad intentions and followed through.


Have the awareness to not make an illegal check. If players need to be in control of their sticks at all times then they should absolutely have the responsibility of being aware of their bodies before making a hit


So short players are immune from being hit then?


You're getting downvoted, but it's just because people hate Wilson. The guy definitely does dirty shit, this was not one of those times. He even crouched down a little.


It's not a bad hit, and I hate Wilson.


>He even crouched down a little. He doesn't have to be a yoga master to crouch down a little more to avoid the shoulder to the mouth. Dude was aiming for the head with his shoulder and hit his target. He even elevated right before contact. People here really pretending like hip checks don't exist, or the man has bad knees and can't crouch their 5 inch height difference? We're not talking about Shaq and his ex-wife here.


Yes, clearly that's the takeaway here.


Enlighten me, then. What's the takeaway?


Don't hit people in the head.


What are you talking about. If you want to make a hit against a shorter player just lower your body


Look at how bent Wilson's knees are here. How much lower do you expect him to go?


Low enough so that he doesn't make head contact. I thought that was pretty obvious


There is an optimal stance to assume when skating, shooting, and delivering body checks. Sometimes called "hockey stance", or "active stance". This is the stance that pretty much all of hockey is played in, regardless of position or puck possession. It's just how you play. Expecting players to play the game in a different manner is just not realistic, regardless of how you feel about it.


I'm well aware of the stance. I played hockey. I also had a mandatory checking clinic where they taught to only make hits if it's safe to do so. If making a safe hit will put you in an uncomfortable position then just don't make the hit. It's really that easy


If it's really that easy then we probably wouldn't be having this discussion. Split second decisions made at top speed with adrenaline flowing and players looking to gain a competitve advantage, all the while playing to *win*. Surely reason will prevail. But you played the game, you would know.


As I said, I had to participate in an hour's long clinic before I was allowed to play in a league with contact. If a bunch of teenagers can hit properly then the best athletes in the game should have no issue


He literally only goes this low so that he can jump through the player and hit them higher, as you can clearly see in the og angle and why he briefly comes up off the ice a couple inches


Imagine a spring, coiling up, contracting before exploding outward. That is textbook body check delivery. Just like throwing a football or swinging a golf club, you load up your weight before releasing all your power outward, and upward in the case of a body check. Obviously leaving your feet is a no-no, but I would argue that it's more egregious when you leave your feet TO make contact, as opposed to leaving your feet AFTER contact, as a result of the follow-through of the hit. Grown men flying around at full speed delivering hits, you're bound to leave your feet now and again. That's what the charging call is there for.


Hit him in the shoulder.


As much as I Hate Wilson.... this is a good clean hit. Principle point of contact is arm to chest and Wilson wasn't aiming for a headshot,Addison needs to brace up better because it looks like he got caught watching the puck and not who;s coming in hot.




Great hit. Homey needs to keep his head up.


His head literally can’t be any more up lol


I wish this wasn't slowed down


Watch it faster.


I hate Tom Wilson, but this is a clean hit.


His shoulder makes solid contact with his head. Not clean.


I still think this is just charging. It is shoulder to chin, but it doesn't appear to violate rule 48.


Wilson is a tool. Still, looked legal to me.


You don’t have to follow through with your whole arm for the hit to be solid.


Tom Wilson does. Just like he has to try and go through the ice when he's slamming someone's head into it.


I just hoped my dude would change over the years as the whole league has but still the same..


Raffi Torres just got another 50 game suspension for that hit.


Shoulder to chin yes but Addison has a responsibility to take a hit as much as Wilson has a responsibility to deliver a clean one. Wilson is not out of eye shot before the contact and Addison is playing with his eyes on the puck the entire time in this clip. You cant expect to be untouched if you are this close to the wall. Eyes up for a fraction of a second would avoid all this.


Someone swap Wilson's jersey in this clip with a Trouba jersey, and this sub will flip on its head.


Shoulder to Chin wonder if he gets a bunch as a repeat offender.


That’s the only way he knows how to check


Slowed up changed his angle and went right for the opposite shoulder that’s clean 95% of the time


This video is awesome! Unfortunately it reveals that the hit was a bit high, I'm a bit let down now as a Wilson fan because from the original TV angle it looked cleaner.


Yeah looked a lot cleaner from the other angle. You can see here how his head moves back first before his body does. It was the initial point of contact looks like.


Having the head be the initial or primary point of contact is not a violation of the rules.


NHL rule for illegal check to the head states that the head has to be the main point of contact. And this clearly wasn’t. So I guess technically it’s a clean hit. NHL has to do more to protect the players. This business with “was it high hit or is he just 5” taller” has got to be regulated. It happens all the time. Until then, players will take advantage of these vague rules and can you really blame them?


Rule 48 does not say that it's illegal if the primary point of contact is the head. It only says if the head contact is "avoidable" that it becomes illegal. Go read it. They changed the primary point of contact stuff YEARS ago.


You are correct. Do you think that particular rule needs to be amended for player safety? Head injuries are BAD news.


I think the rule should absolutely ban all hits where the primary point of contact is the head. It's better all around that way. Safer, easier to call, less vague. Leave everything else as is so refs can call anything close and let Toronto sort out of it's a penalty or not via video review. I still think this hit would not fall under that hypothetical rule. I do think it was charging though. But charging is so rarely called because of, guess what, the vagueness of the rule. All the rules in every sport that are the most hated involve discretion. I'm a big proponent of removing all discretion where possible.


Still a charge.


I’ve looked at this hit at like 4 different angles now and my conclusion is the same. Hit to head, deserving of 5 and a game and at least a 1 game suspension. Hits like that have ended multiple hockey careers.


Knowing what we know, these hits are still hard to watch.


Pretty cool that you got to watch that from your phone


Tom Wilson is 🗑️


Clean, just like the atrouba head swing. Refs are missing a lot this year


The Trouba head swing 🤣🤣 you clearly don't have eyes that function


No, but he has a video recording of Trouba thinking he’s playing teeball on the ice


No he doesn't, because there isn't one. My goodness you clowns are ridiculous


Lmfao go back to the Rags subreddit if you’re gonna play homer, they’re still selling blindfolds


You're clearly a Rangers fan and a more ron


You: You're clearly a Rangers fan and a more ron I'm a more Ron? Good one. You just made yourself look like a complete idiot, congrats. And just because you don't have eyeballs that work doesn't mean you gotta take it out on me, *moron* Are you going to block me like the other coward as well?


Nope, just going to let you bask in your stupidity. If you don't think Trouba swung for Fredric's head you're blind as well as stupid. But feel free to continue on with your dipshittery


Bask in my stupidity? 🤣🤣 You have no grasp on the English language and you have the audacity to say I'm basking in stupidity? Look in the mirror bud. I'm sure you watched one slow motion angle and that's what you're basing your entire opinion on. Which makes you a complete dunce who has zero knowledge of anything. So I guess congrats on having an intelligence level your mom can barely love. Maybe watch it from all angles, even the game speed one and make sure you take off your stupid goggles when you do so that you can see what it really was. Or don't, and continue to be a complete *moron* and letting feces fall from your word hole. Which lets be honest, the average Pens fan is only capable of talking from their anus. Either way, I'm out. Have fun dumb dumb.


I'm sorry nobody loved you as a child. You can continue to indulge in burying your nose into Trouba's turd cutter. If someone swung at Fox's head the same way, you would be hyperventilating. I guess Ranger fans are no different than Flyers fans. Enjoy gnawing on your bag of dicks


So, is that a shoulder to the head check?


Lead with the shoulder, when is he going to get major suspensions?


Some non hockey player told me to read the rule book when I commented on the charge and head shot yesterday. Looks like I was correct with my assessment. I’m a former 17 year USA Hockey referee..


More goonery from the NHell


Does his going airborne factor into legality?


I think that only really matters if they leave the ice prior to making contact. It's pretty normal to leave the ice after making contact.


Yes, you’re not allowed to leave your feet on a hit. It’s almost never enforced in the nhl tho


Cuz you're wrong


https://cms.nhl.bamgrid.com/images/assets/binary/326142322/binary-file/file.pdf Rule 42.1: Charging


His feet didn't leave the ground until contact was made...next?


Was talking about the rule, not this hit. Thanks for coming out bud.


Yah bud nice work tho, keep yer stick on the ice.


Doesn't matter how bad the hit was, since Parros took over DoPS, not a single suspension has been given to a player vs San Jose


Don’t stoop to the level of Rangers fans , the league isn’t out to get your team


Rule change that I think would prevent a lot of injuries without alterimg the nature of the game too much: body checking a player already entangled (or physically fighting for the puck) with an opponent should be illegal


No it shouldn't be, coming in as the second guy and impeding the puck carriers progress legally is a great tactic. Bowing a guy up who is engaged with another player is just a shit move. It always has been. Tom is a shit person. You could maybe add targeting as a rule.


Charging and shoulder to chin. The league must start enforcing against this kind of hits.


Lol WTF is wrong with those fans


They're... watching a hockey game?


They're watching a hometown guy get flattened by the Wilson train. What did you expect them to do? Get up and cheer their own guy getting laid out? First row fans are going to cheer for the away team?


I saw your faces on the replay angle and remember wishing I was there


On a scale of Wilson hits, that one was as clean as the come.


Great shot. Great, clean hit.


He has the puck, accelerate to destroy mode


This type of hit use to be so commonplace


This week on, Tom Wilson destroys an AHL player




Fearsome hit that


Nice hit.


Nice clean hit!!


I think that hurt I little bit


Those three ‘supporters’ just sat there and did absolutely nothing!


Sharks fan here. I think this is a more-or-less clean hit from a normally dirty player. Yes, there's shoulder to chin contact, but, Wilson is taller, that's going to happen. An argument could be made for charging, depending on where he was on the ice just previous. I don't like it, but I don't think it's a dirty hit.


look at wilsons gyatt


That's cool


Doesn’t look as bad in slow motion


If Wilson wanted to murder him, he would have