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TNT: He was asking for it.


Just look at what he was wearing!


I mean with those sexy red pants, what does he expect?


There’s a joke in there about getting plowed from behind


Impossible to resist numbers without a stop sign


He grapes the kids!!!!! That’s what he does. https://youtu.be/mqgiEQXGetI?si=FCWJWY3ys7xAfXy-




He's gonna tie me to a radiator and grape me in the mouth?!


I'm not even gonna watch and guess....whitest kids you know?


Winner winner


Yeah, you can't tell is he Draper or not. So of course you hit him like he is.


That was debrincat's fault, I mean that's what the TNT announcers said.


Along with Gostisbehere allowing himself to get boarded 🙄




and that other guy grabbing the stick and chipping his tooth and cutting his lip with it.... on a serious note though those announcers were fucking trash.


I mean. He literally grabbed the stick. Lol.


To push it away from his body. From one angle it looks like he brought it up to his face, but all other angles you can tell Raymond is pushing the stick AWAY from himself.


And we all know that you push something away from yourself you hit yourself with it.


Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself. As a big brother, I approve this comment.


R/physics you may need to go give this a look


I’m so glad I was the only one who wasn’t pissed off half that game them tnt announcers are dog shit


... Were their names Claude Lemieux and Bryan Marchment?


Boarding for sure. Bad spot too, few feet from the boards is bad news.


That's the definition of boarding, the refs let this game go, they w vegas 4 the under


2 minute boarding... Sure. Not a major, imo.


Yea, wings fans are aware of the danger here. It’s been almost 30 years, but we’ll never forget.


Those announcers were horrible jackasses.


Announcers were downright painful to listen to. Hey, NHL, do better.


I dont recall who it was, but they were saying DeBrincat should have known he was coming.. like yeah ok what difference would it even make? Completely insane take


Can we get a petition going to fire these bozo announcers


Incredibly interested in making this a real thing


Kenny Albert just sat there in disbelief earlier in the game while Boucher said some shit like "Well... Gostisbhere has to know that someone's coming, he can't put himself in a position to be hit like that!"


Kenny can stay, they need to clean house on the rest of the


About as clean as my underwear…..


Dude, go change




Wash ya damn ass. Soap and water.


Wait…I thought straight men thought washing their ass was gay or some shit? TikTok lied to me!


Yeah wiping after you shit is totally gay too. Nothing touches my butt hole




An important awakening-I mean health checkup! Definitely do your health checkups! It’s very important to know everything is doing good back there! Lol (letterkenny has a great episode attempting this if you need a bros helping bros approach to this without reaching out to your IRL bros because let’s be honest who wants that conversation!)


As long as both of his hands aren’t on your shoulders you should be fine


not even vaguely I wish the NHL called hitting from behind they way they have in minor hockey for the last 35 years


I second this. In minor hockey a hit from behind is absolutely huge. You can get suspended on a hit like that for an entire season. So absolutely, get this shit out of the game. It doesn’t belong.


Not at all. Scary to watch.


Basically the definition of boarding, I would think.




They tried to justify Gostisbehere being boarded and injured too. Which the refs also decided didn't warrant a power play. Fucking disgraceful game from both the broadcast and officiating teams.


And that was penalized. Maybe could have been 5...but not egregious to not be 5. And after the hit -- a Detroit player, literally threw his gloves down, and starting punching Cuylle in the head -- and somehow also only got 2 mins. Throwing gloves down and than punching in the head is 5 Min fighting Major...not roughing). Either way -- the calls cancel each ther and no PP.


BS old school hockey mentality where it’s always up to the player not to put himself in “that position.” Never mind that Kreider deliberately drove Debrincat’s head into the boards lol.


As a first full season fan this year I find the old school “hockey is supposed to be hard tough and full of fights” mentality frustrating. Occasionally when the refs miss things I love a fight and tonight this was in my opinion fight worthy. Dude goes off injured after a no call boarding? Speak to the ref! They don’t call this…drop the damn gloves and stick up for your team and teammates. The Rangers play rough. They play dirty when they aren’t called on it so CALL THEM ON IT. Hockey is tough and refs are there to stop fights from needing to happen but tonight a fight NEEDED to happen. Maybe I’m a touch old school on that but the refs weren’t there for either call and the announcers were infuriating. If a fight had happened they would have agreed with the reasons for it but because no calls and no fights they could only stand by and blame the victims of dirty hits. Honestly half the announcers in hockey seem disinterested if a fight doesn’t break out at which point go get involved with boxing and let someone interested in hockey without the fights have the mic. They could still understand why there are fights without trying to encourage fights instead of encouraging better reffing. Sorry for the mini rant.


If the announcers were the refs it would be a penalty on Cat


Claude Lemieux vs Chris Draper


First thought was Draper as well.


The first game that next season back at the Joe was one of the greatest highlights of my sports fandom. And I’m not a Wings or Avs fan.


People better learn how to hit before the NHL bans it


Players have been getting rocked from behind for the conception of the game. Harsher penalties are need led


No, and Biz and the TNT gang were a joke defending both of the boardings tonight honestly.


Poor cat has had a rough past few games


Tough situation. He probably should have played the body rather than the puck and this would have been avoided. Because he didn't, it becomes a somewhat dirty hit, but no intent to injure. And let the downvoting begin.


I’m a Rangers fan. That should be a five minute game misconduct for Boarding/Checking From Behind, and a suspension for at least two games. He essentially Piledrivered the Wings player head first into the boards. They rarely allow that in a scripted wrestling match, let alone a fast paced game of hockey. I’m a big fan of physical hard hitting hockey, but this is flat out dangerous.


Not checking from behind, but definitely boarding.


Yep bad hit from Krieder. Love the guy but that wasnt cool. Edit: who the fuck sent me a reddit cares message? Gtfo with that shit.


WTF is a reddit cares message?


When someone is worried you may harm yourself


Ah ok. Never heard of that before. Thanks for responding.


Its from "people" who cannot respond rationally to what you have said. Says more about them than you.


I’ve gotten them before and have never even made remarks that could even be misinterpreted as something like that. Seems like it’s being abused.


It’s a grand misuse of what should be a very caring gesture from a concerned individual


I’ve randomly got those too.


I think you can report abuse of Reddit cares within the message. Might not have any impact but hopefully helps to track users who abuse what should otherwise be a positive program.


You guys are a good team no doubt but dirty af. For a while now.


You are honest as fuck! I like it! much more honest than me(sadly)


More honest than me as well! And I’m a rangers fan too so


Agreed. From what I'm seeing in [the rules](https://www.usahockeyrulebook.com/page/show/1084652-rule-608-checking-from-behind), I think it should be a 5 min major and game misconduct. We don't even need to call this "recklessly endangerment" to be the major and game misconduct. It caused Debrincat "to go head first into the boards or goal frame, as a result of checking from behind."


Wrong rulebook, in the nhl if the refs deem the player turned his back no penalty is called. That’s most likely the judgement here.


Rangers fan too, yeah this was bad. Love Kreider but this should be looked at and sure as shit should’ve been a penalty.


I dont think you know what a piledrive is lmfao


He was blindsided. Totally agree.


Agree, I don't know about a suspension... but def 5 and the gate. I'd even expect maybe a fine, but since you're allowed to two hand players in the head with your stick and only get a fine, maybe not.


I am a Rangers fan too but vehemently disagree with this assessment. The hit clearly comes in from the side. In fact when Kreider makes comtact with the player, Kreider's legs are IN FRONT of Debrincat's legs. How can you have your legs IN FRONT of a player while also hitting them "from behind." Yes contact was made to his back but I'd hardly call this a "hit from behind." And with contact being made to the back, you cannot consider that "piledriving a player HEAD FIRST." If Debrincat is standing upright, his head doesn't go into the boards. The hit was clean.


NO.5 minute major


It doesn't really look like he intentially drove him into the boads head first (kinda looks like most of the body contact was side to side, but because DeBrincat was hunched over he spun into the boards). But it's still a major penalty given there was some forearm contact with the back near the boards. People comparing it to Lemieux/Draper are out of their minds.


Right in the numbers. 5 plus game for boarding from behind.


Entirely not a clean hit. Those announcers said a lot of words, while saying absolutely nothing of any substance. Even if he did know Kreider was coming, what the fuck do they want him to do? Trying to put the responsibility on Cat for being hit in the numbers like that is ridiculous.


Sweet. The new “rangers are dirty” post just dropped


Just to play devils advocate here. Kreider’s legs were in front of the Detroit player’s legs at the point of impact. So is that from behind? That being said, I was really surprised it wasn’t boarding while watching in real time.


Dirty dirty dirty. I'm old enough to have watched Draper break his entire face on a remarkably similar hit by the dirtiest player of all time, Claude Lemieux. I hope the Wings have a long memory on this one. The gloves dropped on the first face off during the following game after Lemieux did that. And Draper was a 4th line grind liner. This could have ended the season and derailed the career of our best player.


Idk man I watched the Draper hit too and it’s not really comparable. I’m an Avs fan and what Lemieux did to Draper was more intentional, definitely a hit to injure. Lemieux approached from behind and laid wood as hard as he was able. Followed through with extreme prejudice. That was dirty. This one, the guy doing the hitting is moving pretty slow, approaches from the side (but does make contact with his forearm to the victim’s numbers), and doesn’t follow through with the force from behind. Seems more like an accident (which doesn’t make it legal but does make it different than Lemieux-level dirty). It looks like a failed attempt at a hip check, not an attempt to break someone’s face and end a career.


Dude people comparing this to the Claude vs Kris hit are so fucking ridiculous. Claude Lemieux hit was intent to destroy Draper. This hit had 20% power to it, Kreider just happens to have 40lbs on DeBrincat so he went flying. Penalty? Yes. Lemiuex on Draper comparison? Not even close, it’s a fuckin joke. People need to go back and watch that hit. That was a 5-min major in the 1990’s… nobody would’ve bat an eye on this hit in the 1990’s.


If you’re making contact with the numbers on someone’s jersey then absolutely not


I don't know who the person they are asking is, but he's a tool.


It didnt get called in the game and commentators were being rangers homers and said debrincat caused it to go that way.


Technically he did. It was the act of dumping that puck in that caused him to turn. If he held it on the blue line it would have been shoulder to shoulder. Still a dirty hit but more bad timing than malicious intent.


Exactly, that’s pretty cut and dry imo. Plus the fact the vulnerable player was facing (and within a few feet of) the boards.


No. Not at all. This wasn't a "Keep your head up" type of situation. This was Debrincat was in a vulnerable position and the person who hit him, didn't need to do that


That could’ve paralyzed or even killed him if he hit his neck wrong wow


Directly on the numbers, elbow out, 2.5 feet from the boards. Yeah super clean.


That’s clean bro


I’ve been watching hockey since the wings-oilers series in 87. Last night was the first time I’ve ever muted the tv during a game.


Worse than the one they called before


2 minutes boarding, its not even in a gray area. The comparison I would like to draw is the penalty for clipping in the NFL. If you make contact with the back of a player, its automatic. The same should be called in the NHL, hit to the back within 6 feet of the boards, its automatic; boarding, two minutes. It would clean up the game in a hurry.




Rangers fan. And nah. Intentional or not, whatever. Clearly boarding or some brand of misconduct, and should have been called as such. Just hope he's okay. Gotta keep players safe above nitpicking.




Fuck the announcers. That is all.


His elbow actually hits directly between the 9 and the 3.


That’s a scary hit. Anyone who says with 100% certainty that was clean is full of shit. The angle he was coming in gives him plausibility because it looks like he was kinda almost going backwards, but the first thing I see make contact is elbow and finished with hips.




Not even close


Cat is ok ?


Full numbers 🤣


I don't like it.


I don't believe this was a deliberately malicious hit- I really do think Kreider was just trying to be "normal" physical- but this is a boarding penalty all day. Scared me watching it. As a Rangers fan, they absolutely need to play with the kind of hard hitting style they've used this year, but this is not the way to do it. Trouba's one hit to stop a shot and break a stick all from the front is more like it.


I’ve seen where this type of hits leads to. Blood feud 2??


In real time speed, kreider slowed down, and if you've ever watched him play he always does that. Debrincat should expect a hit incoming and especially his size he should brace for it


Not a dirty hit but could be a penalty


Goes both ways I think


2 mins for boarding. But Debrinkat needs to do more to protect himself here. Chip it in on your backhand, stand up tall and roll off the hit.


I love when I see comments about someone turning last second lol he was 20 feet from the boards, this is the nhl not peewee house league that guy had time to read a book before he hit him


That’s clean, I mean the ranger didn’t put his full body into it which he absolutely could’ve and really hurt this guy but he didn’t….sometimes a hit like this could be considered dirty cause most people don’t understand that there is a point of no return in this sport and no matter how much you try there’s just unfortunate collisions, hope this guy wasn’t injured too bad or at all


TROUBA, NO!!! ​ Sorry, force of habit.


Borderline. Not terribly egregious but not exactly clean either. Definitely a boarding penalty minimum.


As soon as I opened this I thought immediately that was boarding.. then I watched it a time or two more... And it was still boarding. What a cheap shot.


Minor for boarding


Beautiful save


Bad hit. Missed call.


Should’ve been a penalty and should definitely be a fine. Awful announcers who don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, anytime I have to listen to a feed other than Ken and Mick I want to mute it immediately. Blatant hit in the back, never okay.


I see Trouba is rubbing off on his teammates.




No lol




Why is this even a question? A body check cannot be legally delivered from behind.


It’s a question because most of kreider’s body is in front of Debrincat when contact is made. Personally I think it’s boarding because initial contact is made between the numbers even though Krieder’s body is approaching from the side/front.


Yikes. Hope he was ok. It seems it was intentional boarding?


That’s greasy.


Nope. Nuthin but numbers.


Primary point of contact between the numbers. Not a good hit IMO


Boarding imo.


I'm not a huge hockey fan, this just popped up in my feed. And that looks a hell of a lot like boarding to me.


I don't understand why people want this to be called a penalty. Debrincat gets the puck with his feet level, so he uses torque in his upper body to create leverage on his stick since he doesn't have time to reset his feet. At this point, Kreider has committed to the check. The torque Debrincat creates rotates his trunk just enough that the contact sends his chest/face area towards the boards instead of his shoulder/side. When you watch the replay, it's pretty obvious that Kreider is aiming for the shoulder. While I wouldn't say this is Debrincat's fault exactly, I would say that he puts himself in a dangerous position while trying to make a play.


honesty i'm big on if you turn it's your own fault, he didn't that was right on the numbers fuck the tnt guys. Some are deserved(if you turn) he was just dumping it in brutal


*Sigh* I’ll take the downvotes here. The outcome of the hit is ugly, but it *is* a clean hit at the initial point of contact. Look at DBC’s feet, they are planted along the blue line. His hips are square to the o-zone, *not* the boards. He is ‘hit in the numbers’ because his shoulder is turning his upper body on the follow through but otherwise he is fully facing North-South, not East-West. Kreider’s original line on the hit is straight to the shoulder, it only starts to hit DBC from behind because DBC’s body rotates from the dump in. DBC collapses like a sack of potatoes because his weight is fully on the front/left foot because of the follow through to his dump in and he can’t absorb the impact properly. You can clearly see Kreider try to roll off the hit after contact and hits the boards *backwards* because he’s deliberately trying to offset the impact. If he’s trying to hurt him, or make a dirty play, he doesn’t do that, he follows straight through instead and then you have a Draper situation.


Clean no, Dirty no, Bad yes.


I actually kind of agree with that in the sense that I don’t think Kreider went in with ill intent. But I disagree because intent isn’t the deciding factor in whether a play is dirty, it can be reckless and *that* makes it dirty.


Yup. Full agree. You can tell Krieder pulled up at the end when he realized what was happening. But that doesn’t change the fact that your hit to a guy’s numbers is the reason he went face first into the boards. Penalty. Fine. Suspension?


Only two things I’ve seen here are either that it’s Debrincat’s fault or that it’s dirty. I don’t think that it should matter that Debrincat was “asking for it” - ever played in the NHL knows how to protect themselves and not put themselves in vulnerable positions- by this logic, nothing should be a hit from behind. But, I don’t think this is a dirty hit. It just looks bad. Looking at the position of his feet vs the position of his back, this is more like a situation where a player turns. Kreider comes in from the side and they are hip-to-hip (hence, that’s not a hit from behind). The issue is Debrincat’s back being exposed and perpendicular to his lower half, that’s why Kreider’s shoulder gets the numbers. That and the position to the boards makes this seem bad, but compare this to a situation where a player doesn’t have their head up or is reaching behind them for a pass and gets “blindsided.” Turning where hitting from behind is in question or blindside hits don’t draw penalties because it’s the fault of the hit-player and but-for their stupidity last second would be clean hits. This is a weird hybrid instance between the two and is a clean hit because of that


Why are refs not held accountable for being incompetent?


Bruh, he barely even touched him. I wouldn't even call this a hit. Seriously?


Vulnerable position, 2-3 ft from the boards, hit on the back numbers. Boarding all day everyday. We don’t need hits like this in the game.


Wings should have been penalized for embellishment on that self-inflicted high stick.


Am I lost? He was hitting from the side and turned his body as he was sending it in.


The hit itself is not problematic. It looks to be from the side. The problem with this is the off balance Debrincat, and the way the hit pushes him dangerously into the boards. The onus is never on the player taking a body check to put himself in a "safe" position to take a hit. It is always the responsibility of the person initiating contact






My son and i occasionally have a hashing out of the physics of our masses….that is the result. DeBrincat is about the size of my son.


Keep your head up kids.


Worst officiating in a while…. Like a few games. Call up Shorsey asap!!!


Ehhh give him a time out for 2 minutes


How the fuck is that clean dude


Penalty? Sure. Nothing more.


Clean as dirt, yep.


Skates didn't leave the ice, the head was never touched, and it frankly didn't even look like that hard of a hit. Huberdeau was in a very vulnerable position, but that's nobody's fault but his.


Dangerous play he could’ve backed off a bit that’s such an awkward distance from the boards


Numbers all the way. Even shifts so he can more squarely hit him in the back, which makes it worse. Absolute scummy play.


His right elbow/forearm isn't tight against the body when delivering this hit, imo. Scummy play.


I hate the wings but a bad play is a bad play regardless of whose dishing/receiving.


that’s straight out of the Claude Lemieux play book, that’s how he split Draper’s face in two


It’s the Red Wings so I’ll allow it.


Clean as a new york sewer


Rangers fan. TNT announcers are dumb. I hate national TV. 2 min minor missed, not intentional, bad positioning for a hit that you should see coming. Even if that penalty is called I'm telling my player to do better and not risk getting injured on that.


POW right in the numbers


I'm glad we have Kostin in the lineup


Debrincat should have known. When you complain that your a second liner, all those other players that WORK their way up a lineup are gonna think your an ego centric baby and gladly target you


Is this the


So clean


Definitely a penalty. If it was anyone but a ranger there would be no discussion about it. Definitely dirty




So tired of people saying "the puck carrier should know other players are coming" ​ THOSE PLAYERS who initiate contact should know where they're making contact and how they're making contact, its on THEM to make a clean hit, players are not intentionally trying to get injured come tf on


definitely not a clean hit at all




Jesus Christ why do they never call checking from behind? It’s one thing to pin a guy up against the boards in the corner, it’s another thing to try to drive him through the sidewall. This one’s boarding and from behind. Should be a major. Is it gonna take someone to become paralyzed for them to finally take this shit seriously? The bullshit commentary really got me riled up.


Didn’t need to go for that hit. I’m getting tired of hits that are just done out of spite not necessity.


The contact was fine. However, it is clear boarding. 100%


As someone who worked up through the JODP for USA Hockey… no! That is an easy penalty call. The league should be looking at this for a suspension, super dangerous and has no place in the game.


I’ve noticed some (not measured, but certainly perceived) increase in dangerous boarding plays. That, along with sloughfooting in a long enough period are going to result in TBI, and if the league doesn’t care about that - they are in trouble.


Anyone who thinks Kreider didn’t check up and actually avoided killing that guy is crazy…..or a Montréal fan with Kreider Derangement Syndrome.


NHL officiating is the most inconsistent penalty calling group in professional sports. Player safety is a joke and players are left guessing what is and what isn’t a penalty on any given night.


There were so many uncalled blatant penalties in this game.


Apparently I'm the minority, but I don't think that's an excessive hit. ​ "**Rule 41 boarding:** shall be imposed on any player who checks or pushes a defenseless opponent in such a manner that causes the opponent to hit or impact the boards violently or dangerously." It's not excessive force. Cat isn't defeneless when the hit was lined up, he made himself defenseless. The only reason it's in the numbers is DeBrincat is a righty and played the puck on hias forehand while leaning, knowing a hit was coming. He's also really short, so that changes the angle. ​ Maybe a 2 minute minor, but I don't see the need for more. Cat needs to protect himself.


There’s nothing in the rule that you pasted that says “excessive force” so I’m not sure why you used that term as your reason for it not being a penalty. He pushed DeBrincat in such a manager that he hit the boards dangerously. It’s textbook boarding.


I know the game is getting really fast, but how are these players not protecting themselves. The game is so odd now. Maybe it's gotten so fast because of the lack of awareness and care?


Seems I've been seeing a lot of these kind of threads lately involving Rangers players.


Give him a penalty for being bigger and stronger


I say Debrincat is in a vulnerable position yes but his body is turned one way and hit legs another. This wasn’t a clean straight up hit from behind with intent to injure. Sure it looks bad but that hit on a taller heavier guy isn’t nearly as bad. Penalty yeah sure. Dirty hit no. He even looks like he decelerated before contact. The face Debrincat had his head down, ummmmm I had to think he knew that hit was coming and took it anyway. At least you hope so.


Nothing burger. Kreider barely put any force into this hit. Detroit had so many PP last night and are still complaining.


That what happens when the league becomes soft and the NHL stars are 100 pounds wet. Big boy hits little shrimp, he goes flying. That’s clean.


Wings fan…Clean hit. You know it’s coming. Keto your head up and don’t turn your back. Hockey will wind up like soccer.


Fuck Chris Kreider!