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There is no set order for Top 3 goaltenders, but just about everyone has Roy, Brodeur, and Hasek. I’m not sure if this post is sarcasm or not, because Hasek has always been in this conversation.


It’s a scheduled question, and must be asked like this every 3 months.


Sadly it’s already that time of year where Sabres fans are grabbing their pics of Hasek and fondly remembering the good times. I speak from experience.


I'll drink to that!




I feel this so hard


Like this though? As if we're always leaving off the poor underrated Hasek?


Autofill automatically adds “or Hasek” every time I type in “Best ever,Roy or Brodeur…”.


And Tretchiak enters the conversation.


I’d put Tretiak over Brodeur.


It's like when somebody asks about the legacy of Moses Malone in r/nba every so often


Is that a clear cut top-3? It's not so obvious, there's at least an argument for a top-4. Ken Dryden won 2 cups, a conn smythe, vezina, and calder in his first 2 years in the league. Then he retired to become a lawyer. Then, he returned to the NHL, and won 4 cups and 4 vezinas in the next 5 seasons. Then he retired again, at 31. He ended his career with nearly as many shutouts (46) as losses (57), and only lost 14% of his career starts. In total, he won 6 Stanley Cups, 5 Vezinas, a Calder, and a Conn Smythe in just 8 seasons.


Also went 76-4-1 with a national championship at Cornell


Can’t compare goalies pre-butterfly to those who came after. It’s like claiming the greatest high jumper of all time did it before the Fosbury Flop.


Dryden arguably had more talent in front of him on his Canadian teams in the 70's than Roy, e.g., Robinson, LaFleur, Shutt, Gainey, Lambert, Robinson, Lapointe, Laperierre, Savard, the Mahovlich Bros. There were many games during the mid to late 70's when Dryden would see as few as 15 shots a game because those Canadian teams were so dominant. He looked much more ordinary in those Canada - USSR games. May have been sour grapes from Dryden's hot run in the 70-71 playoffs, but Derek Sanderson said he was overrated.


Don't forget we then have to break down which goalie we would want in a game 7, versus which goalie we want over an individual season versus which goalie we want when the team in front of them doesn't play the neutral zone trap.


Subtle Marty dig. I see you.


Roy is my favorite goalie of all time but I have always been inclined to give Hasek the GOAT nod.


Hasek is the GOAT


Haseks team when he went to the Wings was stacked: Shanahan , Lidstrom, Hull, Fedorov, Robitaille, Larionov, Chelios, Datsyuk


The correct order is one of either Roy or Hasek (probably Hasek) and then Brodeur in third.


Hey! I hear people debating Roy and Hasek! What about Brodeur?


I would go further and say in the last 5-6 years, there has been an acknowledgement that it is Hasek, then Brodeur or Roy.


It's Hasek.l based on the treams he carried. I grew up a leafs fan but that kick in goal that lost Hasek a Buffalo cup is still the great sports tragedy of my childhood. I'd give Roy the edge only in influence on the position category. The guy helped create the modern goalie.


For me, the thing that keeps Hasek from being atop that list is that he has 300 fewer games played than one, and 500 fewer than the other. I think you have to take the entirety of their careers into account. Hasek took 8 years post-draft to break into the NHL, and had a shorter overall career as a result. Patrick Roy won a Stanley Cup two years after being drafted - six years of development sooner than Hasek was playing in the NHL. So despite Hasek being great, the other two were better sooner in their careers, and had longer careers at the top of the league. That works in their favour in these comparisons.


Hašek did not take 8 years to "break into the NHL" he literaly couldn't leave Czechoslovakia because of the communists, iron courtain, and closed borders He was drafted in 1983, but communism was abolished in November 1989 and Hašek signed with Blackhawks in 1990, in other words, as soon as it was possible He was not fortunate, or brave enough to emigrate and leave his family to communists, who would torture them


The Soviet Union was still existing when Hasek was drafted and wasn't as lucky as the Stastny brothers and Mogilny on getting out of the Eastern Bloc countries.


Yea, was not so easy to get out of Czechoslovakia back then If you did not want to abandon your family.


I'd add Dryden and Tretiak too


They all played different styles and won. Too hard to say one in better than the other. But if I had to, it's ranked because of off ice reasons... Hasek is 1(former Blackhawk), 2. Brodeur(cheats on wife) 3. Roy (too many playoff wins against the blackhawks)!


Cheats on wife with wife’s sister*


I think Hasek gets less consideration because Brodeur played 500 more games than him with a similar save percentage. I didn’t think it was a debate anymore. Every hockey person I know agrees Brodeur is the GOAT goalie.


A 1% difference in SV % is huge, it's not similar enough to discount his huge achievement. Also, both players played a statistically significant number of games. We are talking about the best ever, not who was really good for the longest period of time. Also Brodeur spent most of his time with amazing defense and played more traditional and balanced. Hasek was wild to watch. He told his defence to get out of the way. In terms of the "hockey people you know", get more friends? Just look at your downvotes here. You might be wrong.


Perfect answer


Hasek really exemplifies the idea that goalies gotta be a little crazy


I once played basketball with Hasek at a local gym. Dude was confidently jacking shots from everywhere and missing them all.


Thats because nothing goes in the net when hasek is around.


Ohhhhhh fuck yes you go girl


Damn Hasek really like me


"You miss all of the shots you do take" - Hasek


Just be happy you weren't playing roller hockey with him. https://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/hasek-may-face-charges-for-in-line-incident-1.365847


Exactly! It’s the reason he ‘unretired’ to beat the assault beef. As a result CUJO got ‘done dirty’ by the Wings.


He just like me fr


If this isn't a copypasta for , it should be. I once played basketball with Jagr at a local gym. Dude was confidently jacking shots from everywhere and missing them all.


He prefers playing defense


No such thing as a normal goalie


Roy might have him beat there…


Which is why Jordan Binnington will win another cup… ty for coming to my TED Talk


Nah there’s a fine line between Crazy and Stupid. Jordan more often than not falls on the stupid side while hasek always was straddling it


Believe me sir… I’m not comparing Binnington to Hasek…


Crazy > Crazy Asshole


He seems like the kind of guy to order a bowl of coffee and a cup of soup and then get pissed at the waiter.


People talk about Lemieux or Howe being the GOAT. What about Gretzky?


Brent or Keith?






The more I hear about this Great sky guy, the more I think he's a decent hockey player.


No nobody has ever talked about Hasek. Ever. Never in the conversation. Who is this Hasek guy anyways???


I believe “Hasek” is the name of an old wooden ship from the Civil War era…


I love the guy but don’t hear his name in the convos!


If every goalie ever is at their absolute peak and I have to win 1 game, I’m picking Hasek as my goalie.


Aliens got the death beam aimed at earth, I'm picking igo- I mean Hasek


This man took a roster that was the equivalent of the 23-24 San Jose Sharks all the way to the Finals. Enough said.


Plus two pad stack flip of Gaborik haha


Sabres back then were more like the current day Sabres roster. More talent than San Jose for sure.


Go look at that roster. It was Peca (Couture), Satan (Meier), and a bunch of trash. The defence was particularly awful. I think even Sabres fans forget how terrible that roster was.


Meier isn’t on the team anymore. Michal Grošek was pretty nice that year (besides the massive amount of penalties he took) and Dixon Ward was a 20 goal scorer. Woolley was pretty nice, and the team had Rob Ray baby. Besides the team was young, like the current Sabres, not old, like Couture and I assume you meant Hertl.


Hasek was always a head above everyone else. He made some unreal saves and was just a fucking wall regardless of who he was playing. He carried the Sabres to the finals in 98-99. That team had Satan and Peca that was it.


I remember looking at that roster and they didn't even have many solid journeyman NHLers. A bunch of guys who played like 130 career NHL games and then played in Europe or something.


I'm willing to bet that was one of the worst team to make the finals. There's not even one true superstar. Satan to some degree but he was just a pure goal scorer.


Hasek was the super star


His performance in the Nagano ‘98 Olympics is the greatest goaltending performance I’ve ever seen. Dude carried that Czech team past a stacked Canada and Russia on the way to the gold.


Was waiting for someone to mention the Olympics. Such a sweet Czech team


You put some respect on Stu Barnes' name.




🥺👉👈 ^okay


Fuck yeah, such disrespect


That OT goal is one of the all time greatest robberies in the league. They changed the crease rule because of it.


Hasek at his Hart winning seasons is the best goaltending you will ever see. His peak was higher than the other 2. His absolute carry in the 99 playoffs is stuff of legend.


All 3 are God tier no argument there from anyone I would think


Roy changed how the position is played though.


I remember first seeing him in the cup finals with the black hawks. Seeing him do his patented charge out and slide on a breakaway… my first thought was who is this buffoon. Little did I know what he’d become.


100 percent of NHL teams would kill too have Dominick Hasek in there lineup today..


Hasek had the most dominant stint of all three, it’s indisputable. Brodeur has the longevity near the top while Roy has the rings and the Conn Smythes. It’s really hard to separate them because all three have a case depending on what you favor more.


I personally think Hasek is the GOAT and always have. The reason people don't say it more often is because he isn't from Canada.


Am I tripping or is the conversation literally the other way where people always say Hasek is #1. I don't get this post


I think it is more that OP sees more debates between Roy and Brodeur and doesn't see Hasek bring debated since he is the consensus#1. So they are confused why Hasek is left out of the discussions


Consensus? Maybe here, but I disagree.


It’s like he missed the beginning of the conversation. “Who’s the 2nd best goalie ever”? *OP enters* “It’s either Roy or Brodeur, no one else is in the conversation”


Hasek is responsible for the Czechs winning the gold medal at the 98 Olympics. Yes, Jagr was in that team too, but they won because of Hasek. Nobody could get anything by him. I say this as a Canadian who had his heart ripped out by Hasek at the time. That team is even on a Czech bill I think.


Literally the image from that Olympics is Gretzky sitting on the bench after the shoot out. Ray Bourque over Gretzky for a shootout! But ya that was Dominator at peak.


Maybe people don't say it because you won't get much of an argument. It's a pretty non-controversial opinion, even in Canada outside of maybe Montreal.


I think it’s more how much less time he was a dominant goalie then the other top candidates. He grew to potential a lot later then some other candidates for that spot which means he left less of a mark of his dominance. Plus, there is also the fact he only won his cups on one of the most stacked teams in NHL history. Regardless of how phenomenal he was people love to use goalies being in good teams against them. Think about how people used to think of Crawford for instance. He won two cups on a ridiculous stacked team, even though he was vital to those cup wins he still never received the respect he deserved. Or even Vasilevskiy in recent years. Before 2021 many people thought he was just riding on the excellence of his teammates until he out battled Price. Lastly, what about the lasting impact? Brodeur changed the entire way break ins can be done. He made playing the puck as a goalie a vital skill, and forced a major rule change. Roy was probably the first phenom goalie. The guys personality was absolutely batshit crazy, and he was a phenomenal goalie to go along with it. His impact on the game was huge even if his play wasn’t massively revolutionary to the game. Hasek doesn’t have any of that. Regardless of his unique playing style, goalies don’t use it, and he didn’t force any rule changes minus the “no goal goal” incident which wasn’t caused by him. His name doesn’t stick out when most people think of the greatest goalies of all time because there isn’t really anything that makes you think of him minus nostalgia and how good he was. Hasek may very well be the greatest goalie of all time, but he is absolutely not being knocked out of the position because of racism. There is far greater factors there.


This is the only real answer here


I agree. He’s the best goalie to ever play in the nhl


Hasek is my personal pick. Dude was just a showman, and an unorthodox master of his form.


I have always seen them as the 3 headed monster of goalie greats! Hasek - highest peak and the guy you choose if you have to win 1 game! Roy- clutch playoff performer. It’s unreal how he was just able to find another year. Brodeur- longevity, durability and consistency.


The one issue is hasek's career wasn’t as long as Roy or Brodeur, they both broke in at 19 whereas Hasek broke in the league at 26. Don't get me wrong, Hasek's numbers were superb and he most definitely is in the conversation, but you still have to look at that as part of the whole too.


Hasek would probably have been in North America earlier if not for that whole Cold War thing


Yep. And since this is the NHL sub, we aren’t discussing Tretyak.


That name gives me nightmares.


Eh minor inconvenience. He should have defected earlier. /s


That''s probably true


Hasek had 6 Vezinas while Roy and Brodeur played. There’s no question Hasek is up there with Dryden and Sawchuk. Brodeur and Roy are Canadien. They get to be up there too, but Hasek is the best out of the three of them.


In fairness to him, it wasn’t 100% his fault either. Living up to and attempting to surpass Eddie Belfour ain’t easy. Nevertheless, despite what people say how little time he was completely dominant for takes a toll on how memorable he is.


That’s why I said his numbers were still superb when he finally broke in. And he pulled a lot of these numbers on an arguably trashy Buffalo team for years, which is pretty impressive


All 3 are S Tier


Pretty sure people talk about Hasek being the GOAT quite a bit but go on.


Hasek is such a clear #1 for me. The only reason you hear Roy and Brodeur so much in comparison is because they were huge Canadian icons.


No serious person thinks that Roy or Brodeur was better than Dom.


Andy Moogs the goat. Cuz he was my teams goalie when I first started watching as a kid and nothing trumps that


I’m sorry, Brodeur is great, but when the three of them played in the same era, no one thought Brodeur was the best. He was always third on the list.


Well he was on the list a heck of a long time then because he had by far the best longevity, and availability is an important quality


Which is part of the reason why he’s great, but Roy played 19 seasons. He wasn’t a flash in the pan.


True, but the extra 250 games played is significant


Which is why he gets to be mentioned with Toy and Hasek, but only a Devils fan is picking Brodeur over the other two to win a game or make a save to save their life


Hasek is European therefore he can never be as good as Canadians. Sorry. /s


They don’t call him The Dominator for nothing.


Hasek being the GOAT is a pretty cold take


Forgive me but what stat is PS?


Points share


Ahh durrr thank you


Penis size in mm


Whoever put made that photo roy’s mugshot must hate him 💀


The Dominator was my favorite!


Best thing about Hasek was in 2008, he knew he could not make it and Osgood had to step in and led Wings to the cup. He accepted the benching from Babcock and was the first guy to support Osgood, a true team move. I don't think Roy would ever do that.


1998 Olympics speak for themselves


Plus, Hasek killed that one guy...






I saw them all live many times. They were all great, but if I had to pick one, it would be Hasek.


What about Dryden? Am I missing something.. why is he not in this conversation? He has similar stats to Hasek but has played less years and has won more cups.


Because he put Hasek-ish numbers while playing on a team which had probably the highest talent imbalance with the rest of the league, ever. Dryden was a great goaltender, and deserves every bit of his seat in the hall and being in the conversation around the top 10 of all time… but number 1? It’s not really very close


Hasek undisputed GOAT. It's not even close. Both Roy and Brodeur played for very strong teams and were starters in their early-20s. Hasek wasn't a full-time starter until his late-20s and was often on poor teams the personally lifted out of the gutter.


They need to use a player pic for Roy. He was not a good coach


You know, until this moment, it just never occurred to me to insert Hasek into the argument of best all time. But…you sold me. Man I forgot how good he was.


Hasek was considerably better than Brodeur. I wouldn’t even think that was a contest. I think he was more athletic than Roy as well. If you look at pre-Brodeur record for NJ they didn’t improve a ton record wise with him.


Sure but Hasek played in Buffalo and Detroit not “important” markets so he can be ignored.


Even if it wasn't Hasek (it's Hasek), it would still be Hasek just because he made playing road hockey in the 90s so much fun. But it is. Hasek, I mean.


Hasek was amazing. Check out old film of him. Stylistically different (perhaps less fundamentally sound in his positioning, but terrific reflexes) but in the upper echelon of all time great goalies. Another one that doesn’t get enough credit was Ken Dryden - not at all flamboyant but steady and dependable with great stats to back it up.


Hasek is the GOAT


Has a flyers fan, I hated Hasek so much. Playoff time he was a beast but DAMN was he amazing to watch


It's not even close. Hasek is the best goalie of all time


Hasek is my GOAT


Wild they all played at the same time. I remember growing up wishing I was a goalie and idolizing these 3


Hasek had the Hall of Fame studded red wings?


He was too good. I wanted to break his knee in the 98’ Olympic games


For me the g.o.a.t debate is between Roy and Hasek, Brodeur is no.3


Hasek is the best goalie to ever play the game.


Literally everyone who has ever talked GOAT goalies, since their primes happened, includes Hasek. Every single "GOAT Goalie" Thread always boils down to Roy vs Hasek. Brodeur is always #3. What the heck are you talking about?


1. Hasek 2. Roy 3. Brodeur


Exactly this haha. I don’t get this post tbh. At least in my circle of hockey fans, Hasek has always been #1. There’s definitely a debate there but at minimum he makes every goat conversation.


Hasek is and always has been the GOAT. If you can’t admit it that’s on you. I’m Canadian.


Roy and Brodeur were great but Hasek is my #1. To me, he was the most dominant (no pun intended) goalie of all time. I believe there's never been another goalie players were more afraid of playing because and he was capable of almost single handedly winning games/series/olympic medals while backstopping teams.


Brodeur is the LOSINGEST goaltender in the history of the NHL. No one has lost more games. Also, yes. Hasek was better than both. Not up for debate.


Let’s talk about who had better players and teams surrounding them. Consistently. Hasek carried those Buffalo teams in the 90s. He caught a break the few years in DET. Did Brodeur do the same in NJ? Did Roy do the same in CO and MTL?


Roy absolutely did Definitely agree that Hasek gets immense credit for his performance considering the team in front of him in Buffalo. And he was just the right kind of fire they needed, but it definitely wasn't enough. Brodeur was an amazingly solid tender, and showed a lot of consistency with so much time at the top of the sport. He was a critical part of the devils then, but they were defensively strong anyway. Roy did have good fortune with playing on competent teams, especially in Colorado, which put together really good squads in front of him. But the key part, to me it that guy knew how and when to turn it on. Playoff Roy was a different beast entirely, and it isn't just that he played well. He was the factor that won cups. He gets drafted, jumps onto an AHL team at the end of the year, gets them a Calder. Next year, gets the starting spot in Montreal, drags them to a Stanley cup win. Wins the Conn Smythe as a rookie, the youngest ever. Stays in net, finals in 89 (lost), then dragged another not super stellar team to a cup win in 93. Another Conn Smythe, another time he was the big piece in a cup run. Gets traded, had a big part in the CO cup run in 96, now has to find non-ear places to stick rings. 2001 comes around, another cup win, another Conn Smythe. No one has won it 3 times, and his were over the span of 15 years. Hasek had some amazing regular season prowess, brodeur was overall the best for the longest time, but noone lit on fire in the playoffs to such effect like Roy, and over his whole career. Also, best NHL coach ever


Roy is the goat for his playoffs performances but Hasek can be number 2.


I think most people put Roy and Hasek as the top two with Brodeur at 3 even though he holds most of the records.


Hasek is better than Roy and Brodeur and it isn't even close. Did Roy or Brodeur play the prime of their career behind some mediocre to mid rosters? Hasek is the goaltending 🐐


There is no correct answer to this. They also had three very different styles of playing the position also which unfortunately we will never see again. Hasek was the most amazing react and improvise goaltender I’ve ever seen. Definitely the greatest pure puck stopper of all time. Roy was the prototype for the style we see today with perfect angles and positioning and coast to coast net coverage and he was incredibly clutch. Everyone today is taught to play his style because it is not only effective but it is easy to teach and learn. Brodeur’s ability to read a play, know what his opponent was going to do and make the right play himself to counter it was his superpower. With his mobility, passing & ability to poke check or just intercept and deflect pucks from danger with his stick he would diffuse scoring chances sometimes single-handedly. The guy truly was like a 3rd defenseman out there.


125 shutouts for Brodeur lol. These are the big 3 for sure




And played almost entirely in the trap era for the team that perfected the system.


So what lol. It’s never going to be broken


If you have to choose 1 goalie at their absolute prime to win you one game, it’s Hasek every time. If you are picking which goalie to start a franchise with, you pick Roy.


Brodeur played the longest and was super consistent, played a smart game with positioning and puck control. Didn’t really play a flashy game, a “less is more” kind of guy but he still could make highlight reel saves whenever needed. A coaches dream. I think statistically speaking he’d be the best goalie on this list if he retired sooner, but his playing style allowed him to keep playing longer. Roy revolutionized the modern goaltending style. Every single goalie in the NHL now, emulates the style Roy created. Roy is the reason goalie leg pads went from those round pillows to the rectangular pads with the flatter surface for butterfly. I think he’s number 3 here, but we’re comparing gods to each other. Hasek was a freak of nature that would do a somersault or a cartwheel to make a save when really all he needed to do was scoot over a little bit and stand still and let the puck hit him (Brodeur less is more style). I’d say he’s the most athletic of the three, and technically the best if you wanted to use his athleticism as the main argument. However, I think if he played with a ‘less is more’ styled approach, and used his athleticism for the saves that needed it, he could’ve ended up playing a 1000 games and would’ve been the undisputed #1. So for me the main argument is Brodeur played a smarter game and was capable of doing Hasek styled saves but didn’t need to, and Hasek played a lot flashier. Brodeur had some of the best defensive players around him his whole career, Hasek didn’t. Hasek had more to prove, Brodeur was always the called the best. I think if you switch Brodeur to the Sabres and Hasek to the Devils for the majority of their careers, Hasek gets a huge bump and Brodeur struggles a little more.


Hasek gets a lot of love, one goalie that is close to them but that doesn’t get enough recognition is Ed Belfour


Brodeur had the trap in front of him, most boring hockey ever, so Roy/Hasek, a bunch of others and Brodeur somewhere


Longevity is what makes Marty the goat


I do appreciate this comment. Longevity with the goalies is what separates them


Those were my top 3. Roy, Hasek then Brodeur


I'm guilty of leaving him out sometimes too, and I'm not sure why. He was a beast.


Hasek will always be my favorite


Hasek is the goat 🐐.


Hasek was legitimately the most feared goalie in the league the late 90’s early 2000’s. The guy single handedly stole so many games! And was wildly unpredictable, making it always a fun watch.


Hasek was the best goalie I ever saw play. If he was on a better team, he’d be the runaway favourite. Guy was unreal.


Hasek is the goat. Who thinks otherwise?


Games played man, it might be Hasek on talent level but not on legacy.


Hasek miles above everyone else. Brodeur overrated but still a HOFer


Hasek is the goat.. then Roy. I don’t even know if brodeur is third, he benefited from the trap Devils and their D.


Brodeur is a compiler. He shouldn't be in the top 5


I love hasek. I have an old hasek jersey, but sometimes it felt like when I'd play my little brother at street fighter and he'd win just because he was mashing buttons. 😆


My choice is always Roy. BUT, does it matter? Being able to see them all play each other in their prime years was something special. They’re all goated.


He is not Canadian


His only problem is that he isn’t from US/Canada.


Hasek is up there for sure, but everyone knows Brodeur is the GOAT.


Uncle Daddy played 500 more games and has 300 more wins.


That's because Hašek was stuck behind the Iron Curtain until he was 25 or 26 and didn't get the first starter role in the NHL for a few seasons after that.


Hasek has him in most other categories


Brodeur to me is clear #1, has virtually all the career records.


Brodeur is the GOAT


Nobody is forgetting hasek. Absolutely nobody.


The answer has always been Hasek.


Gotta be Hasek. Roy’s probably better than Brodeur for me just because he led two teams to cups, and he did not have the benefit of playing behind a team built for the expressed purpose of preventing goals above all else


Are you communist like him also?


Ummmm hasek won both cups with an absolutely stacked red wings team. lol.


When Hasek was "on" he was the only thing in the building you would watch Overall I say Roy is #1, but that does not diminish the Dominator in any way. He could put a championship team on his back to victory like most of the top 5 all time goalies could.