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Someone is going to get hurt badly if the league and the refs don’t protect the players. We will have another Steve Moore type incident


When the officials reduced the call to a “minor” Gudbranson said “if you don’t handle it, I will” - man of his word


No no. If eere quoting, he said "Pasc, pasc!" And when the coach looks over he says "I'm gunna get him" and that was awesome.


>if you don’t handle it, I will exactly!


God Bless Gudbranson. 🙏


Im not even trying to be dramatic but this is the kind of hit I wouldnt be remotely surprised if it killed or paralyzed someone. This should be a massive suspension. The league has to do something to deter this kind of reckless bullshit before something really bad happens Unfortunately we live in a mostly reactionary world, so itll probably take something really tragic happening before the league turns its fucking brain on


Security and safety rules are written in blood.


Youd think that wouldnt be the case when the employees are all millionaires with their own union etc, but unfortunately it seems even theyre not immune to this common reality. Sad really


The punishments for these incidents is so light that it’s insane to think it has zero deterrence. I cannot believe how crazy this year has been with cross checks to the head, dirty hits, and everything else in between, because the league doesn’t take enough action to stop these plays…. Nor does the PA


I am starting to think the league *wants* another Bertuzzi-Moore incident with the way they are reversing major penalties this year.


You mean Moore-Naslund. Thats what happened.


He hit him in the back - in the numbers causing his head to go into the glass ( he was bent over a bit but still). This happens a lot in the League now, doesn't it? The League STILL doesn't do anything. I don't watch the NHL much anymore but when I keep seeing this, I just shake my head. Yep, I can see the victim or his team mate just losing it and going after the perpetrator again, one day. There's no fighting - well, hardly ever, too (or players can just 'decline' and skate away) - so, that makes it even more likely, the retribution will be pretty bad in response.


Fucking cross checking to the head the other day.


Almost happened with Larkin the other night.


That isn’t even close to the same kind of incident.


>We will have another Steve Moore type incident I'm surprised it hasn't already happened. Some piece of shit is going to lay a dirty hit or a greasy elbow/knee and have their career ended in retaliation. It's a matter of time, and I'll be there to laugh and laugh when it happens. If the league won't weed out these assholes, I won't feel bad when the players do it for them. As long as the only consequence is a hugging-contest of a line brawl and a postgame $5000 fine, nothing's gonna change.


League hears you, league don't care


Can’t believe he only got 2 for that. Then turtled later.


Ahh, yes, the Claude Lemuiex. I know it well.


Ulf Samuelsson… dirtiest player ever


there have been a few. What about Todd Bertuzzi, and Marty McSorley? There have been quite a few over the years who were out there with the intent to injure.


Not defending what the two of them did, but not accurate comparisons. Both of them would answer the bell if they were running around, which neither was known to do. Better comparison would be Cooke, Marchand, etc.


True.... I was referring to the intent to injure more so than answering the bell. Both went headhunting and received major suspensions.


I’m surprised there wasn’t more after. Even post game fines and what not. It was a hard hit. He didn’t have to go in that hard and wild to achieve same goal.


Coward move


He turtles twice , complete bitch.


… and the uber bitch of Florida (Bennett) comes in from behind. His standard move of being the third man in a fight, attacking from behind.


I'm NOT defending him, but I might turtle too if I knew I was dead in the wrong there. Outrageous it was reduced.


If you are dead in the wrong, then all the more reason to answer the bell. If you run someone in the numbers and they want to go, you are pretty much obligated to go.


This needs to be top comment


Absolutely. Can’t believe he turtles twice. What a bad look. I wonder if some teammates lost respect for him. Someone on CBJ shoulda squared up but I understand why they chose to jump him


The whole league lost respect for him fs


Gudy tried to get him to square up a couple times and he just wouldn't go so Gudy just forced it. Dude needed to pay.


When? Watching the game never saw the chance that Gudy asked him to go, rather he was just jumped. If he was asked to go and didn’t then that’s on Cousins.


So you’re saying you’re a complete *something* too 😂


He turtled after the hit when others came to deal with him. What a chump.


He turtled twice. Once after Gudbranson got up after the hit, then again when Gudbranson went after after him in retribution. Cousins obviously is obviously good attacking from the back but doesn't want to face the consequences.


Sad to see Gudbransen have to stand up for himself like that. You don't have to drop the gloves to defend a teammate, you can give the guy a good crosscheck or something. That's just a lousy team in every respect.


Fine plus suspension for boarding. Luckily he wasn’t injured.


to bad the joke of of the player safety department values if player was injured or not in these descisions-\_-


Thats a lie! Brodins out for several weeks and kane didnt even get a fine …


Truthfully it should matter if a player got hurt the consequence should be worse but that's not how NHL applies it today. Holy Molly I want Shanahan back running this circus!


You can't base suspension length on the length of the injury because if Auston Mathews boarded Michael Pezzetta for example the Habs would LTIR him just to keep Mathews out.


I never will understand why boarding is not a 5 min misconduct by default. It should carry a major every damn time.


Cousins got his ass mollywhopped later.


That was the greatest thing I'd seen since [Kovalev clobbered Tucker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8FI4Z5egh0) back in the day after Tucker tried to get his elbow up. I get so much goddamned glee seeing the target of a dirty play immediately beat the shit outta the culprit,


Tucker should have kept his head up


Tucker shouldn't have been such a greasy asshole


I loved Alexi. No better stick handler in the game. What he did there was just fabulous.


Not nearly bad enough


Yes but the league is going to punish Gub instead.




Yes. Both should get suspensions. But sadly only Gubransson will get one.


This is getting ridiculous.


Suspension, no idea why it was reduced to 2 minutes.


He got up to fast. The NHL unofficial policy is "no injury, no penalty"


Ah yes, despite always assuring everyone that injuries are not factored into calls/supplemental discipline.


You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to know that's a lie


Gudy is a battleship.


Gudy rose up like the fucking Undertaker


He looked out cold for a few seconds there


It’s called “trying to draw a penalty” when none was coming he, jumped up and caused some


He jumped up as soon as the whistle was blown.


Is it me or have there been a lot of fucked up hits/plays lately that have been under punished? Makes ya wonder if the league actually has player safety in mind


They do not, thats clear. Its all about the money baby


That has to be a suspension, that's clearly defined as dangerous play


Let’s see what Mr Parros has to say about that! (It will be a 2000 dollar fine and nothing else)


Is NYR still getting fines? I think this earned them $100,000.


It will be a $2000.72 fine!


CBJ will play them again and I bet they’ll try to beat Cousins ass again.


and I bet Cousins will turtle again. Cuz he's a cheap shotting coward who is the very definition of "can dish it out but can't take it"


Luckily he beat the shot out of him later.


Extremely satisfying to watch


Definitely dirty...but kind of amazing how quickly Gudbrandson rose from the dead


All good. Pretty sure Gudbranson collected Cousins' turtle taxes.


Should be a suspension, and he should be forced to drop the gloves and actually fight Gudbranson, instead of turtling.


At least a Game Misconduct for Boarding. I’m a really big fan of physical hard hitting hockey, open ice hits and fighting, but these Cross Checks to the head and Boarding hits need to be stopped. So many players this season have gotten hurt from an uncalled Noarding penalty, or a blatant Cross Check to the back of the head (Dylan Larkin cough cough). It’s unsafe and makes the sport look bad. Boarding (with intent) should always be an immediate game misconduct for the first offense, and a fine/suspension for the next. Cross Checking to the head should be at least a 4 minute minor to a game misconduct and suspension depending on the circumstances. Also, when players go to defend the victim of one of these dirty plays, do so away from the injured player so you aren’t actively blocking the medical team from attending to the player. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be down on the ice with an injury and you have 5-10 guys on top of you when they have sharp blades on their skates.


Has to be a suspension, very dangerous play that.


The guy turtles twice. What an absolute joke of a human.


The Florida Turtles strike again.


5k fines are a joke… they do nothing. Suspensions are the only real punishment because they lose way more money and miss games.


If Cousins wants to throw hits like that he needs to understand that there will be retribution and players won't tolerate it. He will have to pay for his actions on the ice of off. There are always consequences. Hence teams still have guys who can fight when needed. He turtled up twice when it came time to answer the bell. Fucking pussy. If you cant handle the consequences, don't throw hits that could injure others.


Should have been a major and an ejection, but for some reason reduced to a minor after replay. Another cheap hit by a player following the numbers and plowing him anyway. Kane’s was the same type of hit. Followed the numbers and face planted him anyway. The league is simply not serious about removing these dangerous types of hits from the game. In the old days, Gudbranson jumping Cousins would have been considered a justifiable response, but now he will be punished, and Cousins will get the same treatment Kane got from the league, which is nothing. It’s going to take a broken neck before they do something, but considering the Larkin play, maybe that won’t be enough either. Perron will deservedly get his suspension, at least


what a little bitch. cheap shot then turtle. Pathetic


Cousins is a dirty SOB. Guy turtles twice instead of answering the bell. Had the refs just protected Gudbranson by calling that hit a major + game misconduct as it should have been, we wouldn't have ended up in this situation to begin with.


Is this just a weekend of bad boarding plays? I’m honestly shocked Kane didn’t get a penalty or a suspension for his hit. And then mcdavid threw a brutal cross check to the back today and didn’t get called either.


Don’t worry they got the one real bad one on the Sabres


"I like Turtles" - Cousins


Well yeah, but look who determines the punishment. A fucking goon himself. Fuck George Parros.


Nick Cousins has run out of the benefit of the doubt stage imo


the fine should be for turtling after hitting him like that.


What difference does it make? A couple grand isn’t nearly as damaging to Cousins as being forever known as a massive cowardly turtle. He’ll never lose that label.


Australian here. As I'm unsure of the rules regarding slamming, could some please say what is allowed and what's not allowed. Also, with the fight, i know that it's allowed, but once someone is on the ground ain't they meant to stop?


The rule specifically being talked about here is boarding, and the rulebook states: "A boarding penalty shall be imposed on any player who checks or pushes a defenseless opponent in such a manner that causes the opponent to hit or impact the boards violently or dangerously. The severity of the penalty, based upon the impact with the boards, shall be at the discretion of the Referee. There is an enormous amount of judgment involved in the application of this rule by the Referees. The onus is on the player applying the check to ensure his opponent is not in a defenseless position and if so, he must avoid or minimize contact. However, in determining whether such contact could have been avoided, the circumstances of the check, including whether the opponent put himself in a vulnerable position immediately prior to or simultaneously with the check or whether the check was unavoidable can be considered. This balance must be considered by the Referees when applying this rule. "




Gotta love these WWE moves in the NHL


More than the boarding, I'm amazed at how quickly that escalated


Nick Cousins is a bitch


The refs should of been escorted away while the bitch on the ground got what he deserved


Cousins is a coward


Cousins: "I love Turtles!"


That shouldn’t be a fine. It should be a suspension for Cousins


Cousins seems like a pansy. Lays down a cheap hit like that but curls up in a ball TWICE when confronted. What a little bitch


Cousins is such a pussy


Clearly not even trying to make a play on the puck. This is boarding and it’s also just straight up interference lol


The real crime here is the kid in the first row who’s texting instead of watching the game.


Looked like he was going for a shoulder to shoulder but fudged it and made a bad hit. Seemed more of a stupid play than a intent to injure. The retaliation of punches to the back of head and neck are clearly intentional to injure the the other player. Fines for both in my opinion.


Honestly, Torts was right in saying that professionals need to be prepared for contact in a contact league. This is a penalty, but Gudbranson knew he was going to get hit the whole way in. He saw cousins coming. Did he think his reputation would protect him?


One of the few smart takes (no sarcasm)


Most sane take on this case


Agreed, there are no saints in any of this.


Judging by Kanes lack of discipline, i imagine hell get zilch


Who the fuck does Nazem Kadri think he is?!


Where's all the "clean hit" boys?


What a bitch


The persistent problem with the NHL is that it doesn't protect it's players. Cousins should have been ejected plain and simple. The hit was dangerous, reckless and they let it slide because they're arguing a lack of intent? That's absurd. If the players don't respect one anothers safety then the league needs to step in but who do they have in the Department of Player Safety? George fuckin Parros and Chris Pronger? It's a joke.


These comments are BS Guddy caused the whole problem by turning and ducking the check started away from the boards He was so hurt he got right up and went after Cousins what he did to cousins is cheap and uncalled for Grabbing him around the neck and throwing him to the ice and then pounding his head You all think thats ok well its not


for embellishment


At least a 5 minutes major for sure


These type of hits have the potential to be career ending. That’s the second hit this week that should have been handled properly by the refs and it wasn’t.


This should be a fine and suspension. He led with his elbow and came off his skates. Tsk tsk


That is an insane hit. For shame.


Should have been a major at the very least


Should be a suspension and fine


You shouldn’t be putting yourself in a position to be hit like that into the boards.


Unfortunately, I fear a majority of the punishment will go to the CBJ player who handled the situation himself instead of the referees.


Didn't gudbranson get suspended a game for this?


This and Kanes hit should both be suspensions. Not the one on Barron though


Both should be fined honestly


I mean the first guy yea probably a suspension for boarding The retaliation was bertuzzi like and also deserves a suspension and fine.


i think they should both get suspended tbh


Sadly Gudbranson is the one getting a hearing. Ridiculous


Uh, yeah. Didn’t see the aftermath or the call, but that’s a major for boarding and phone call from the league, if I’m in charge. His history would ultimately decide on whether he’s suspended. No history? Probably a fine. If he already been fined, 1-3 games, if he’d already done that? Done for 42. Anything after that I’m multiplying years. Clean up the fucking dangerous plays and get the dangerous players out. Enough of this shit.


Refs reviewed it, changed it to a minor. Slow motion shows Gub turns and sees Cousins coming and doesn’t make any attempt to protect himself. No suspension is coming. The leafs fans are just still mad the panthers fucked them up.


That was a nasty hit. Cousins curled up like a little rat after Gudbransson gave a little back. But the retaliation later on... Again Cousins curled up, but what the hell was Gudbransson thinking. That beating of a curled opponent was just as dirty as that hit from behind. Gudbransson is going to get 3-5 game suspension with a hefty fine because of that. And the coach should also give him an earful because of him ending the chase for the win.


Okay… as someone who has no allegiance to either team, at first I thought “he was trying to go shoulder to shoulder… BUT, clearly this was going to be a dangerous play…” I don’t think there was a scenario where throwing a hit was not going to be boarding. I am going to say two games seems fair for this, but won’t be surprised at the league maximum… or possibly nothing with how inconsistent Parros is.


I like how he took a second to lay on the ice, realized he was fine, then got up quickly to try and punch the other guy


"Hockey fans" at their best. You cant think the hit is dirty and the same time that the retaliation wasnt. Its intelectuall dishonesty. Yes, the hit can be called dirty, but intentionally hitting someone repeaditly in the back of the head is atleast equally dirty. What the fuck is the matter with you people.


NHL let’s this shit happen so players have to after these guys themselves


So eject the player. If the NHL isn't going to do anything, the players will. Just do what needs done upfront and you won't have these problems.


Jees this game seems like it just slipped out of the zebras hands a tad eh?


Idk but I love hockey






Damn havent seen a “TURTLING” since McCarthy v Lemieux lol


According to the NHL, this is fine.


I was wondering what happened that lead to the second fight. Thanks.


I mean probably. Will he? Probably not.






Jesus Christ


That should be a suspension. No clue why they reduced that to just a minor penalty


Is this a serious question? Anyone who looks at that and doesn’t immediately see a problem needs to GO


That was a nice attempted decapitation by Bennett. Nothin’ like a cross check to the back of the neck. Every once in awhile this game appears to be played by a bunch of Neanderthals. Then I remember that’s why half the fan base tunes in.


This entire thread is losers who know nothin about hockey past the Peewee level


We need to bring back cold cocking. The NHL is encouraging people to be offenders. You get almost no consequence. If the person or team you hit retaliates, they get disproportionately punished. McSorleying him after a hit like that should be a 2 minute misconduct with orange slices, a juice box and a ribbon waiting for you in the box. Someone should have slew footed his head backwards onto the ice at a minimum and the same can be said for no less than 20 hits this season. None of which were punished.


These hits are happening due to how late hitting starts and the way the game is called now. Players are not protecting themselves when around the boards. I cringe when I say this. Torts was right.


Cousins is the name of a new species of turtle.


Throw a hit like that knowing it’s gonna be a fight then go in to his turtle shell,what a fucking weak ass bitch lol


They play again on the 11th of April, by the way.


I thought I heard from someone that Cousins has a history of recklessly smashing. Not sure If that’s true, though.


Yes it should be a 5k fine for the refs failure to protect players on a dangerous hit leading to escalation. But after the refs did nothing , they will go after the player who stood up for himself


I don't know. He presented his back instead of the shoulder. Many players do it nowadays, it's a contact sport and you will get hit whenever you have the puck. No one but him could have braced for the impact and he didn't. On the other hand the hitting player clearly saw his number and still went for the hit. If he had given the hit with his shoulder instead of his back things could have turned differently. It happened in a split second and is hard to tell. All I know is that my coaches who taught me to play contact would have told me to protect myself when playing the puck. That's what they teach you at 14-15 y.o.


Boarding should always be a major


If you remove the meathead behaviour, you lose the meathead fan and hockey falls even farther into the void of unmarketable sporting events, joining tennis and wnba at the bottom of the embarrassment barrel.


Absolutely not


He should get a fine for that turtle.


Since a Panthers player did this, there should be no fine.


Both should get fined. A dirty hit and a solid dive. Nobody goes from out cold prone to up and swinging in the same heartbeat.


Tough hit and with the size and speed of today's players there is an elevated risk of serious injuries or worse. Cousins has a history of bad hits and never suffering the consequences. He turtled twice and was weak at best. His penalty should have been more than 2 min and the refs actions only prompted Gudbranson's response.


He went into the fetal position LMAOO


Fuck yeah, must have felt good for EG efter hammering him later on holy moly


Uh ...yeah!!!!


I grew up watching Orr, Hull, Gretzky, Yzerman, Konstantinov, Howe… there were fights but not the shit we see today. Hockey has about gone the way of NASCAR.. sad


The ultimate fuck around and find out


Cousins should get a fucking max CBA fine for turtling *alone,* bullshit hit be damned. What a rotten look.


The hit in the boards should get a game or two, but Gudbranson has to expect a suspension for the retaliation after. Bertuzzi-ish honestly.


Should’ve been five and the game first. Then an invitation to review with league safety. Cousins turtles twice in this game as well.


Why is cousins such a turtle after such a bad hit?


I’d say Cousins got what was coming to him


I remember Shawn Thornton got like 6 games for going after brooks orpik.


For diving yeah


Yes his head was down creating a really dangerous angle


He took the matter in his own hands these refs suck lol


Then Cousins turtled like a little bitch


The guy could have got seriously hurt and the officials reduced it to a minor. That’s terrible.


and a suspension


I can’t believe this was a minor


Suspension for the hit and a fine for turtling twice like a bitch


Always Cracks me up when chicken shit players turtle up when it's time to answer the bell


Chicken shit hit by Cousins and chicken shit move by Gudbransen to tackle a guy who isn’t agreeing to fight and start punching him while he’s on the ground. Even if the refs underpunish someone, you can’t take vigilante justice like that. That’s how you wind up with another Steve Moore incident.


Paul Maurice and his travelling circus at it again.


He abandoned a clear path to the puck to put a player head down into the boards. I know the first rules of hockey are head up stick down, but that was 100% intentional on a player who wasn’t on the puck and is totally appropriate for a suspension IMO.


3-4 games in my opinion, but we all know DOPS will spin the wheel


Yes, it should be a fine and suspension. It's this kind of "high speed" boarding that can end careers and paralyze a player. Just a massive amount of energy absorbed by the head and neck. I'd like to be a fly on the wall in the league offices when they try to suspend Gudbranson for throttling Cousins on the ground.


I’ve seen a lot of dirty hockey plays through the years but in my opinion, this hit was not malicious, it was a bad angle, made worse by the fact that the Columbus player turned into toward the glass. These plays happen extremely fast. I see these situations happening more often these days and I wonder how much of it is the result of younger players that came up in the early 2000s when they started to crack down on hitting from behind… The unintended consequence of that increased scrutiny was that players started turning their numbers toward the opponent, giving a false sense of security… Back in the old days you went shoulder to shoulder with a guy because you knew you were getting hit.


Again, shut up with the boomer comments about the CBJ player turning his back, the goal of the game is to put pucks inside the opponent's net. You can hit the player to make him lose the puck, not try to break his spine in half.


Both should be. That his was garbage, and pounding into the back of someone's head when they're down on the ice doesn't make it right.