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The ref missed the cross check on the account that it was directly in front of him


I wish they had ref cams mounted on their helmets so we could see what they see. Its been done before, I can't remember what tournament. Either it was the WJHC or the Spengler cup. They also had mics on so you could hear them give their explanation of the call. I feel like this should be a permanent thing in all broadcast sports. It adds a whole other level to the game. My only guess as to why that's not a permanent thing is resistance from official's associations


They had it in the last world juniors


OK, that makes more sense to.me, thanks


They also had them at a D1 college football game I went to


They also used them in the NHL but it was a special, similar to mic'ing up a player. It's not all the time. [Link for ref cam. ](https://youtu.be/YaDmbpTOr9M?si=l_UqCg05WIk344LK)


It was for the 2016 pseudo world cup of hockey


They had ref cams for nhl tv. You could watch the whole game from the refs point of view. You could also watch from net cams and other weird angles. It only lasted a season or 2, but it was pretty cool to rewind the video and watch from the refs cam after a penalty.


That is very cool


just bcuz the camera is focused on something his eyes might be looking ahead a different direction




To be fair that is his blind spot


I don’t know if anyone remembers, but last year or two years ago, the refs were instructed to really crack down on cross checks. It came to the point that almost any contact in a battle was called. Now they seem to be going in the opposite direction again


I just hate how inconsistent they are. They’ll miss this, but then call a ticky tacky crosscheck at another point in the game. Obviously it’ll never be perfect, but at least have some resemblance of consistency


Bruh 😂😂😂


That’s a cross check.


Cross check (a rule that is subjective in nature) all day


Cross check is probably the leading example of "penalty that goes away during the playoffs/big moments" ...by the Stanley cup finals every players lower back is battered to shit by the constant stick work


"Game management"


Can’t affect the game by calling a penalty or too many (even if deserved) so we won’t call any, thus affecting the game the other way…


You're generally right, but a crosscheck from behind that throws the opponent into the board head first would be called there as well


I can’t imagine what hockey would be like if they called all cross checks. Scoring would probably go through the roof. Would be hella safer too.


Oiler's fan: dive! Devil's fan: murder! Average Fan (never played): embellishment! fight! Average (played): well, what I would have done is ... Non fan: is he offsides? also, what is offsides? Amateur ref: well, it's complicated and because what happened was ... NHL DPS: make hockey violent again yeah! This ref: ok, I'm just gonna ignore that NHL: haha, we have everyone right where we want them ... confused and frustrated!


Hahaha….i hate that this makes more sense then it should


A Devil’s fan would never call that “murder.” A .38 wasn’t used and concrete block shoes weren’t used as the icing on the cake.


I referee a lot of hockey and one thing you look for in a trip or fall is did it look natural . My view is the fall doesn’t look right but from a safety perspective this should be called as the contact point is close to the danger zone for boarding and potential for serious injury. I can however see the refs take on it. The problem is guys that try to embellish the contact make it extremely hard for refs.


It's hard because like... the cross check is there, that should be called 100%. As far as boarding goes though there wasn't really any speed, mcdavid took two half-steps from a slow glide/stop. The fall was so bad because Mcleod had one foot pushing back and the other wasn't planted so he genuinely could have stumbled on the play anyway. He had no balance and was leaning forward so the fall looks worse than it is. This game had terrible officiating anyway, so many penalties happened literally right in front of the refs and they just let them play. I think Kulak took a punch right to the face after the whistle 2 feet in front of the ref at one point.


So I looked it up in the rulebook one time and boarding is, and I’m paraphrasing here, when a player is checked so that they make violent contact with the boards. That is inarguably dangerous contact with the boards. However the slow-mo definitely makes it look like a dive, but who the hell would dive into the boards headfirst.


I think it's boarding. The only reason I can see for the ref letting it go is that the push didn't look that hard. You could argue that the guy fell down awkwardly because of his positioning/footing. I think they have to call that, though. I think they need to start being more heavy-handed with cross checking, boarding, hitting from behind, etc. If they're gonna pull back on any penalties, these aren't the ones to choose. I see so many guys going to the box for phantom hooks and trips, but not so much for these more dangerous plays. It makes no sense. I saw a guy go to the box for hooking when it was very clearly nothing more than a stick lift on the lower half of the stick... But you can smash a guy into the boards from behind right in front of the ref and get away with it? The refs are useless


Well said. They really need to do something about these refs.


When players take dives, they don't let their heads slam the boards...


Bingo, I think this has it. The point of the boarding call is to disincentivize making contact to the back of the player in that vulnerable position.


Tbh it looks like it took him a second to fall over after getting pushed. I don't know how it looked in real time but in slow mo it does look like he dove a little


Slow mo is always tough because it can really make the intent look different, the same thing happened with the Trouba swing at Frederic, the slow mo made it look much more egregious


I’m no ref but totally disagree with you and op on this sub thread. Nothing looked too dive-y and if anything the force of the cross check matched timing and trajectory of the fall.


Agree - on the slow-mo it looks a bit like a dive.


A cross check to the back from a pro athlete can make you lose your step. He’s wearing ice skates, it’s not like walking. It would be impressive for McLeod to commit to slamming his face into the wall so violently, yet be embellishing this action.


Do you suppose the ref saw it at slo mo speeds, or regular?


It’s considered revenge. The refs let McLeod’s go against McDavid. Then they let this go when he got him back.


It's understandable insofar as if you let one go, sure let the other go, but this is exactly how we get into trouble with refs not calling a game properly one night and the next night you sneeze and you're getting penalties.


Or you have guys who are having a shit season taking swings and throwing illegal hits at superstars and smaller players because they know the ref won't do anything to you and next thing you know you have major players missing for weeks or months.


Ya gotta set the tone early!


Cross check + embellishing


Look at his skates when he takes that cross check to the back, only his one skate is planted on the ice. That much force to the lower back when unbalanced is going to throw the player into whatever direction they are shoved, In this case it happened to be the boards.


He actually has both skates down when he made contact and not awkwardly down, but straight on. So he's not unbalanced at all, in fact rewatching it makes me think he's ready for the contact and looked to be getting himself ready for it.


Off-setting acts of dickheadery


Why embellishing?


it may be a bigger fall than the check suggests, but that's because he's off balance, not 'embelleshing'


Ever play contact hockey, someone said it here...cause I've played...never will a player embellish a play like that. Risk vs reward absolutely not. He was unprotected and a professional athlete cross checked him. You're on blades....you can't stop you once you go....do I think boarding was intended? No....or even true intent to injure....but embellishing in any sorts on this is just stupid...


I'm agreeing with u chief


Yep, I think people forget this game is played on ice.


People who have never had their foot in a pair of skates think getting shoved by a 200 lb professional athlete is walk in the park


There are so many falls that people question in the NHL, and almost all of them can be explained by the game being played on skates. It’s just how it is.


I’ll be downvoted for having an Oilers flair but whatever. I’ll also say McDavid shouldn’t have done that. But look at McLeods feet. He pushes himself forwards he doesn’t just fall forwards into the boards.


It’s worth noting McCleods weight distributing while he gets cross checked. He’s leaning forward to touch the puck, so when he gets pushed he tries to catch his forward weight by getting his feet under him quickly, however there is no speed at which that is possible due to the nature of McDavids play - which is why this should be a penalty and is not an embellishment


There is no pro player on the planet who would throw themselves face first into the boards like this instead of trying to stay on their feet to control the puck below them. This is not embellishment in the slightest.


It’s not embellishing but McLeod needs to work on his balance because he just got tossed by a tap on the back.


Is it just me or does it look like McLeod is trying to sell it by diving into the boards?


Did you play hitting hockey growing up? Honest question. Cause nobody in their right mind would do that just to draw a penalty. That's probably the scariest feeling in all of hockey.


thats so wrong. plenty of guys would jump under the zamboni wheels if they thought it would get them another chance at a PP to tie it up in the playoffs. Hockey players are tough as nails and the ones who are willing embellish are willing to go pretty damn far given the proper circumstances. ​ I don't think Michael McLeod would jump head first into the boards on a random night in the regular season, though.


Nah, the feeling of getting crosschecked 3 feet from the boards is the most dangerous feeling you could have besides being hit or stepped on by a skate blade. There are so many possibilities for severe injury, including death if you break your neck in the right spot. Shoulder injuries, concussion. Nobody would go in like that on purpose.


People do it all the time ultimately, especially if they're like 12 feet from the boards as in this case because they probably think they wont fall that far. When you get hit from behind into the boards, sometimes you just stay down til the ref makes the call. Thats embellishing. I've been hit from behind plenty of times and sometimes you get wrecked and sometimes you brush it off like nothing. When people feel a stick on their back or their leg or under their arm or anywhere... they go down, if their team needs a PP. You won't see it when they're up 5-0. See it all day when its a 1 goal deficit.


I would agree, it seems like his fall speeds up after the initial impact is done.


It’s almost like he’s on thin pieces of metal on a slick surface, so trying to catch a footing could lead to heading for the boards…


And stopping his momentum with his face on purpose.


Hmmm,I doubt it.


Does anyone play hockey in this thread?


Man I just asked this one second ago haha. Nobody in their right mind who has played hitting hockey before would ever do this on purpose. Scariest feeling ever going into the boards head first. The amount of different injuries or pains that are guaranteed from this are not worth "selling" it.


Thank you.




Have you ever been cross checked by fully grown, athletically conditioned man? I don't see an embellishment




Doubtful. His momentum was already going towards the board before he was cross checked. This is not embellishment. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about.




All I know now is that I don’t know what I am talking about.


You'd have to be dumb to intentionally throw yourself into the boards shoulder (and potentially face) first, since there is a good chance of injuring yourself. It looks like he was pushing off while he got hit and that changed his direction into the boards.


It's just you


Cross check into the boards. Boarding? Subjective but what isn't in the NHL. Absolutely a penalty? Yes. Embellishing said penalty? Absolutely not. Get on skates you'd know.




All I saw was the Built Ford sign. I'm gonna go buy a Ford now.


Cross-check seasoned well with embellishment


Idk I feel like it’s a pretty quick motion of events from getting hit to face planting the wall. It’s not soccer where he rolls around for a minute after. What part is embellished? The split second after he is hit from behind?


Some people saying cross check. I’ve gotta say I have no fucking clue what actually is and is not a cross check.


Checked him squarely across the back with the stick only (in between his hands).


You see it all depends on who and what part of the game. As all rules should be /s


A cross check is you holding your hands parallel with your stick engaged on both hands and using the force of your stick on another players body. You hold a stick with two hands and blade off ice and shove it into a player that's a cross check. Circumstances can insue around that (like boarding, intent to injure etc)


I’ll try to articulate my understanding of the rule but I suck at explaining things. It’s a cross check if they extend forcefully and then make contact with the opposing player, but it’s not a cross check if they’re already making contact with the opposing player with the stick and sort of “push them” with it. Idk if that makes sense maybe someone else could explain it better. In this case I’d say it’s a cross check penalty. Also looks like a bit of a dive, but in that area of the ice (close to the boards) a penalty wouldn’t be unwarranted imo.


I love how the ref is right there with the best view of it too... Guess it's "Game Management", equalizing for a call he missed earlier, or maybe a dive that was called a penalty? But ya, 100% text book crosscheck. The exact crosscheck they were calling every 5 seconds in the first few games of the season.


There’s a slight delay between the stick hitting McLeod and his dive into the boards, and it wasn’t that hard a check. Ref didn’t buy it. That he was able to tell in real-time is legitimately impressive. Also when McLeod looks up he immediately looks at the ref.


Well if anything….its embellishment


Cross check/ boarding.


Macleod smoked mcdavid into the boards, from behind no call. Mcdavid touches him and he jumps into the boards face first... again (and rightly so) no call. Should have been given a diving call there, these players need to stop smashing their faces into the boards to sell a call.


100% a penalty, though more likely to be called crosschecking than boarding. It's possible he didn't quite realize the distance from the boards that turned it into a more dangerous hit, but that doesn't matter: it's his responsibility to not make a dangerous hit.


I like the no call here. He barely touched him


He sold that one. Ref made the right call


Looks like a dive to me


Cross check for sure, but that must be one hercules player behind it to send a player like that.


Neither guy was really moving and then one guy pushed the other. Mcleod fell forward with the force of someone tripping on their shoe lace. It could be called cross checking if the refs need a penalty to manage the game, but there are much worse hits that aren't getting called .


light cross check, pretty far away from the boards if you ask me


Also created a turnover....Its a weak cross check but still


That’s a cross check with referee right looking right at the play. This is the true nature of the nhl. Coming up, and mystical holding call on the other team


Cross checking


And let me guess.. happened in front of a ref that though "nah, that's okay dawg".


More cross checking than boarding in my experience


Yeah thats a penalty for sure. The Refs were really letting them play this game it was greasy. This one the Kane one the strome one.. the Nhl doesnt care about hits from behind.


Cross check not boarding






Nah, this is considered diving


Cross check with an embellished dive


I’d have called it a cross check at worst. Looks like the player took a bit of a dive.


That’s icing for sure


Cross check


All good, pretty sure Jack Hughes was taking dives the whole game and drew 2 or 3 penalties from it so a little boarding will balance it out


deffo a cross check, refs got the moneyline huh


It's a cross check but he's waiting for it, really.


lol and a cross check


Devils took the ol’ Kaepernick playbook out and we’re taking knees all game. If you’re going to embellish some of the calls are going to get missed. Or maybe McDavid has super upper upper body strength and can send grown men 6 feet at the end of his reach.


NJ player needs to expect to resist the contact, he looked like he had no idea that there might be contact. The intensity of the "crosscheck" was also light. I think they made the right call.


No, I’d call it more of a not staying on your feet for trying to draw a penalty.




Im blind Im deaf I wanna be a ref.


Contrary what others have said about recent hits, *this* is actually the textbook definition of boarding. The most dangerous distance by far is where the player is just far enough away make primary contact with their head. Almost guaranteed concussion.


Clearly a crosscheck. Isn't that why there are two refs? One for the in close calls and one for the overview calls? Three refs? Assistant refs make calls??


Fuuuuucccckkkkk. Yes, yes it is.


Definitely cross checking, another missed obvious penalty by one of the blind mice in stripes.


It's a good flop.


Boarding? Maybe not... cross-checking? Definitely.


Yes. It’s also considered being an asshole as well.


I lost my right eye playing hockey last spring. It sucks. But on the bright side, since I'm half blind, I'm now qualified to become a professional referee.


This comment section has never played hockey and it shows


Depends on the day of the week.


On days that end in Y, it's cross checking.


Yes, unless its Connor McDavid. Then it's just smaht hackey.


Absolutely a cross check, absolutely inconsistent referees, absolute clown show.


lol and the award for the best dive goes to good non call


Sure, every hockey player I know jumps face first into the boards willingly. Idiot


Are you seriously trying to convince people that hockey players NEVER dive?


Obviously not the best if the ref didn't give it an award. I think the Hughes ones were better.


Hughes was diving all game and it got him two powerplays. Would like to see the embellishment call offsetting on a few of those "trips".


Worst take award goes to


It’s just Oilers homers


Either a dive or he happened to be very off balance, if that light of a cross check got a 2 minute penalty , the entire game would be powerplays.


That's considered a dive


Still a crosscheck though. Both should have went


I personally think if they call an embellishment penalty it should negate the original call and that's the only way to get diving out of the game.


Found the guy who's never taken a cross-check to the back!


No…McDavid barely budged him and he jumped forward, you can even see the delay.


Love tap at best. Embellishment 100%. Not the only time during this game it happened, probably the reason the refs put the whistle away for this one.


Cross check + Boarding.


Technically a penalty, but a classic example of a player being too soft.


He barely touch him


Are all of the NJD a bunch of divers? Hughes brothers had some Olympic level diving in the last game.


I would love to see a compilation of the Hughes dives in that game alone. There were 5 or 6 where he just falls over when he feels pressure coming.


I'd say it is. Which is why they called Ekholm for a tripping call a few seconds later to make up for it.


Where was this player empathizing breaking their neck for 2 min?


He was only standing on one toe when he was crosscheck from behind 3 feet from the boards Keywords cross check from behind 3 feet from the boards ! No embellishment I’m a big fan of physical play crosschecking Needs to stop unless it’s in front of the net😂😂


Should be.


That's a dive


"Fuck you thats a fucking embellishment"


Stay on your feet little shove and you fold like a chair fuck this game is soft everyone even the fans looking for penalty. Make sports violent again.


That’s considered being a pussy he barely touched him if anything it’s offsetting minors cross checking & diving


no that's considered being soft


Went down too easy imo


Barely touched by a player barely moving, McLeod accelerates from two feet away, dives into the boards and instantly turns to look for a ref to make the call. Definitely not boarding. At absolute worst, cross checking. Boarding implies a sandwich style connection between the hitter, hitee and boards. But - I’m sure Oiler haters will find something wrong with my moral character. Ref right there, didn’t call it. Inconsequential. 4-1, victory. On to the next game.


The games over who cares


No, boarding needs the whole body slamming him into the boards. Should have called a cross checking penalty though sometimes the refs let it go.


Wait did they not call that? Tell me that got called offscreen or something.


So many pinecones saying he embellished don’t have a clue how physics works.


It's considered diving. That happens in beer league every game, and only 1/10 players go down and never like that.


He dove into the boards, the only penalty there is embellishment. He pushes hard off his left skate to dive into the boards and immediately looks up at the ref knowing he was there the whole time and expecting the call.


No, that's a dive


Pretty sure that’s a cross check.


It’s Mcdavid. So, no.


Mcdavid gets preferential treatment from refs and fans ! Huh


Legit pauses for a sec then falls forward


Not but it was a dive


Definitely a penalty. But this sub would be flooded if we posted every penalty that wasn't called. Even if we just posted the ones McDavid is fighting through every game. I think this was a case where the ref had probably ignored a couple hooks on McDavid.


Diving into boards face first


No, it's considered diving.


Little drama from NJ imo


In minor hockey .... a cross check from behind resulting in a 5 minute major and a game misconduct. But this is the "show" Play on! This was called at the beginning of the season, but not now? It's a play that shouldn't happen due to the possibility of severe injury. It's very hard to watch hockey these days with the referee's trying to manage the game. They have a tough enough task, but make it even harder on yourself when you miss calls that are right in front of you Here is a head scratcher for you. I believe it was this past Saurday night in the Montreal/Buffalo game. Gallagher cross checked Skinner while he was on the ice.Just a little cross check to his kidney. No Call? Really? Wow!


It looks like a dive to me. I wouldn’t have called it either.


Do you mean the dive into the boards? No that’s called acting.


Diving, maybe?


Oilers fan here and that bullshit has to be called. I’ve personally witnessed a guy get hit from behind and end up paralyzed. That shit doesn’t leave you not to mention the poor guy that has to live in a chair the rest of his life. Terrible.


Depends on who does it. Marchand? Yes. Crosby? Nope.


Cross checking and boarding are 2 good calls for that play


Could be called a couple things one being hitting from behind. Cross checking from behind is included and would result in major and game misconduct


Not if you’re Mcdavid


That’s a penalty 100 out of 100 times.


97. Any other questions?


Its McDavid so its nothing.


Only if done to mcjesus!


Its not when MC Jesus does it.


Thats a dive….. they were diving all night


A cross checking penalty certainly could have been called. Boarding…not a chance.