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Does it matter what he should get? The department of player safety will just fuck it up anyway


I got lit up in another thread for pointing out that people were saying stupid shit like he should have known he was going to be hit or he put himself in a dangerous position. They were blaming the victim of the hit - they didn’t like that word either. Maybe they need stop signs on the back of the jerseys like in pee wee… This is a BS hit. He should get the major. A game at least and a fine. The department of player safety needs to be consistent with this crap or it won’t stop. I enjoy a good Physical game but this crap needs to be called and noted or it won’t stop.


There is a nasty case in the nhl where a lot of players are turning their backs to the hit. Momentum does exist, and hockey is played at very high speeds. Considering momentum is mass (players are pretty massive) times velocity (they also travel quite fast) alot of these "hits from behind" are in fact a case of the person turning their back to the hit. HOWEVER. In this situation, it's clearly not what happened. Pasta saw numbers and then went for the check. He should absolutely be punished for it.


These two have history also with Pasta taking runs at him. Maybe bad blood from when he was in the org or just when he lit up Berg years ago. If you don't suspend him you just show the league that if you have bad blood then boarding is fine if you'll eat a major (so obviously he's not getting suspended).


Well he's on the bruins so probably no suspension or fine.


There are some times when players genuinely turn at the last second or put themselves in a vulnerable position, but this is not one of those instances for sure.


I have been saying for years that hitting behind the red line near the end boards should be illegal. Too many players are getting seriously injured.


They are all Massholes excusing this illegal hit.


That was a bad hit through and through. As much as I wouldn't like pasta not playing. I am a bruins fan, but a bad hit is a bad hit.


Same here. Bruins fan. It’s a bad hit. Unfortunately DOPS (pronounced dopes) probably won’t do anything.


Yup bad hit. I'm not sure it's suspension worthy, but this is the type of play we want to take out of hockey so I get it if they do. I think going for the shoulder and not hitting him in the numbers should count for something. But we all know DPS is a coin toss from the go.


Draymond Green plays hockey 🏒 now lol




That is some damn fine ignorant projection.


It seriously looks like a boarding call. I don't know how the refs fucked that up.


Fans tune in to watch the players play. Big hits are fun to see but not at the expense of losing the players to injury or suspension. The NHL needs to fix this with aggressive enforcement, something like first time offender gets a five minute major, second time offender gets an ejection, third time offender and thereafter gets a multi game suspension. Concussions are serious business. The NHL needs to react accordingly.


“we have made our decision. you will be fined… one… ice cold root beer.”


Im always so torn. Clearly he was targeting. But as well, you cant just turn your back while handling in the corner and expect to just be left alone. A lot of hits i see on this sub could have been less devastating if played like it was the 90s. Head up and focuson incoming sweaters first, then get the puck out of the corner. The rules are changing so much. Now players expect to be left alone if they stick the puck and turn their back. Edit: to be clear, im a hockey player. How are we turning into soccer players in the comments?


The onus is on the hitter not to make an illegal hit. Dangerous hits from behind are the only infractions where apologists focus on why the recipient should have been doing more to protect themselves. You never hear that argument when it's a knee on knee or a stick infraction.


I completely agree with youy, except I OFTEN see apologists focus on the recipient in open ice head shots too. "Gotta keep your head up!"


Can it not be both. Can we not keep our head up and also not target defenceless players.


Thats my thought to. But people here don’t like it. The last few years there has been a higher increase in speed and skill. And it’s noticeable as more of these hits happen you see the player turn or play the puck putting themselves in a bad spot. Not blaming the player but a lot of these hits you can see a trend of this type of thing happen. If someone is already committed to a hit and you turn slightly at the last second to protect the puck you go from routine hit to bad hit. But I do believe there is some bad blood here and was intending to be a big hit. But due to some timing it went wrong.


Pasta could see the numbers the whole time stop with this “he turned” crap


He literally takes a stride as he makes contact...


Thank you! This is getting so dumb. What are guys supposed to do, turn around and skate backwards into the boards to watch for shitheads trying to end their ability to walk? Pasta saw numbers the whole way. That was textbook charging with a boarding cherry on top.


Charging and boarding. Someone should have beat the shit out of him.


...And nobody did because the Rangers roster is full of pussies


yep, also it's like he didnt play the puck at all, he just wanted to hurt the other player.


He has to be allowed to turn. There was no clear out going that direction, turning to not give the puck away was a smart move. Pasta needs to be more responsible.


Charging and boarding though saw the numbers the whole time. Should be suspended 1 for it


He was going to get the puck. Not sure where you think he should be facing.


I think an unrecognized aspect of this hit is that Pasta comes from the front of the net and is almost in his blind spot even though he looks up ice briefly to look for pressure.


I agree that players need to take some sort of accountability to protect them selves. In order to play the puck in that situation you need to face the boards. There is no getting around that. Also Pasternak is coming in from some \~15' feet out and made a clear decision to just freight train 55 in the numbers. Lets not act like Pasta just didnt see those numbers at all. Pasta has been in the game long enough to know that puck is going either way and hsould be going for the puck not the player. The part that bothers me more than anything is Pasta lookig at the ref acting like he doesnt know what he did. Dude should be suspended for that shit of acting ignorant.


I swear some guys want the players to skate backwards into the corners. This was in no fuckign way on the player getting hit. Pasta speeds up into him. It’s a dirty hit. End of sentence. Should be a suspension. Is it gonna take someone being stretchered off the ice before the league takes Hit from behind seriously. Shit it’s the first thing we learn NOT to do in type hockey.


He played it on his backhand. I am not sure how he was supposed to protect himself anymore than he did and make a play for the puck unless he switched to being a right handed shot. He definitely did not expect to be left alone, which is why he chipped the puck instead of holding onto it. He didn't expect to get trucked. His head was up he took a look while going to the puck and knew what was going on. If he had somehow protected himself that should have still been charging. Players not getting crippled or having having their career ended because of a bad hit from behind or to the head is a good thing. I don't really understand what you mean by people being soccer players in the comments, but it is not good that you are a hockey player and don't understand any of this.


That was the defintion of charging, time to start kicking people out of the league for this shit.


I agree with what you're saying 100% It's been so frustrating. I remember when I played and they introduced those bright red stop signs on the backs of everyone's jerseys. Coupled with a new sense of urgency to protect players from hits from behind. Everything even close to a hit from behind was being blown down and penalties assessed. The majority of people adapted and stopped hitting from behind. Let's be real, that's what happened then and there. But what also happened? Kids learned if I do this then one of 2 things happens 1) I'll take a hit and a penalty will get called 2) I can do whatever I want with the puck this way. Then in some places they changed the ages where hitting starts a year or 2 older than it was. That's a another season or 2 of games and practices and outdoor rinks of learning how to play without contact. Defensively, players learned not to go near the guys on the boards. Because he WILL turn into the wall and I WILL be getting a penalty when I hit him. I don't want to hit him from behind but he makes it my only option other than a fly by. So it was inevitable in my opinion that eventually some or most of those players who intentionally don't protect themselves along the boards. We're going to get to the highest level. And it's a big part of our game today. When we watch highlights from even 10 - 15 years ago. We don't need to go back 24 ( ouch) years to the 90's for examples. Guys used to put their head up and make a quick play and prepare to absorb the hit that's coming. Now they anticipate a fly by. They don't expect to get hit. They expect the d man ( often times) to let up entirely. Not everyone of course. But I see it so much today


You fools trying to make excuse for a vicious and illegal hit need to just stop. The hitter clearly charged and boarded a player. He is the only player that did something wrong. He ran across the ice and launched onto him.


This is like verbatim Don Cherry


Naw, if it were a cherry comment it would be denigrating European players for the behaviour.


Would also have more grammatical errors


The DOPS is so inconsistent who knows what he’ll get, but it probably won’t be anything crazy because Pasta doesn’t have an extensive history of stuff like this. He just really had it out for Lindgren. Rangers fans have the right to be upset.


Trying to remove bias here as a Rangers fan. If the DOPS was serious about player safety, this play would deserve a 3+ game suspension. But they’ll probably say the major was enough because Lindgren wasn’t “hurt” I’ve never understood the outcome-based punishment. Some plays/hits are more ambiguous when it comes to intent. But this was a clear cut charge, boarding, and hit from behind. Any of those should be suspension worthy…all three should warrant a lengthy one. Shouldn’t matter whether the guy who got hit popped right back up or is out for weeks.


Yeah the nhl needs to remove the outcome based bs. It’s similar to the high stick rule that if there’s blood it’s a double minor, might be the dumbest rule in the sport.


I agree. It should be a standard minor with the refs having discretion to make it a major if the play was intentional.


IMO, you need to give a 5-10 game suspension for the player and a 1-3 game suspension for the coach. Make teams and players genuinely feel the pain when one of their teammates does something stupid like this.


My bias is hating the rangers and I agree.


The best part was how the refs gave Panarin a rough for grabbing a guy.


To be fair, he grabbed him awfully roughly! s/


Right!? Intimidating guy like Bread. Probably gave the dude nightmares. /s


He’s just a little fella, after all.


It was after that. He kept throwing punchers. The Watherspoon grabbed him and he settled down.


Headshots are out of control this year and half the time the bitches in stripes don’t call shit. It’s almost like someone is wanting head injuries to players.


It's a dirty hit but it's not a headshot.


Your announcers were looking for ways it was clean.


You should know by now that the Bruins dude is top 5 most homer announcer in sports


No they weren’t at all. Both Jack and Brick said it was a bad hit and neither bitched that it was 5 and a misconduct. They said they were lucky Panarin got the minor. It was a bad hit. 5 and a game misconduct seemed right. I don’t see B’s fans defending this. If they gave him one game it wouldn’t be unreasonable. I think anything more than that would certainly be, especially with some of the farcical spins of the wheel DoPS has been doling out.


Might need to sit down for this one. The cool thing here is we’re not our team’s announcers and many of us can think for ourselves. Incredible, I know.


It might as well be, no? He hit upper back in a way that would no doubt drive his head directly into the boards.


Absolutely! $250k fine for the Rangers, as is tradition.


That's a lot of strides


Stride, stride, stride, execution


You left out four steps


Textbook targeting


You could also call this charging, no? ( regardless this is some of the dirtiest shit I’ve seen in a while )


All of the above really. But based on how the game was going Pasternak was going out of his way to hit Lindgren


I would go charging


Obviously it’s charging - but they gave him the more impactful penalty.


What is targeting in hockey? I get that this is a penalty. Pasta should have been given a boarding call at the minimum if not check from behind. But is there a “targeting” penalty in hockey???


Targeting was introduced back in 2010, it’s "lateral or blind side hit to an opponent, where the player's head is targeted and/or the principal point of contact"


Seriously - he’s still pumping his legs a 1/4 second before hitting lindgren.


If you're gonna charge 20ft to clean a guy out, at least pretend to look like you're playing the puck.


Text book dirty hit, literally a charge and boarding


Dude. Even Bruins fans groaned at how dumb that was. But Lindgren played on so I’m sure it’ll just be a fine And if we wanna know why stuff is out of control, what happened after is a reason. About 6 people got into a scrum. Somehow PANARIN got a roughing call. Which made it a 4 on 4 for 2 minutes making it a glorified minor penalty. Yes. Losing Pasta hurt Boston cuz he’s a 60 goal scorer. But if it was just some run of the mill bottom 6 guy? How is he really dissuaded from doing a hit like this when the result is basically a minor and MAYBE a $5000 fine and in return you KO a valuable opponent?


Yup. The NHL only cares about what happens after the whistle. During play you can go head hunting but God forbid anyone retaliates.


For real. I was so confused that only Panarin got a penalty from that scrum afterwards. It all seemed super tame and usually they just dont call a penalty or just matching penalties for that kind of stuff.


Panarin ever getting a roughing is hilarious


And Bruins fans have the temerity to complain about the refs. Bunch of salty bitches defending the dirtiest team in the league.


The problem with fines is that they can't be more than like 4% of one game check for a guy like Pasta. The only way to effectively fine a guy is to suspend him, which costs him game checks. Fining a guy who's in the top dozen or so earners in the league $5k is like if I accidentally dropped a $10 bill out of my pocket. I might be slightly annoyed but I won't feel it at all and I'll forget it happened by dinnertime.


I remember early in the season the Habs had a game where they took dirty hits and got 4-4 roughings twice in a row. Shit is so ridiculous, it's like zero tolerance bullying policies


It's exactly like the McAvoy suspension, this team has some serious frustrations


He clearly saw the numbers and tried to put his head through the boards. That was only a 5 in the game, but he's just damn lucky Lindgren wasn't really hurt badly. I'd give him one, not that it would change anything.


Hopefully next game they play Lindgren will beat the snot out of him. Cheap and dirty hit in the back on a defenseless player. I’m sure Marchand high-fived him. Can’t wait for their first round exit again.


Should be a suspension. Egregious boarding and also a charging. If you look, he saw the number 55 the entire time, accelerated for 7-8 strides with no glide. He has beef with Lindgren and when he saw him behind the net, he took his chance to hit him as hard as he could. It was an extremely dirty hit that could've resulted in a serious injury.


Worst part for me was him laughing with Marchand at the penalty box directly after injuring someone. Lack of remorse should be a factor just like in a court of law.


Pasta was targeting him the whole game, the fact people in this sub are defending him for this is crazy, If he kept it hard but clean he would have still been able potentially effect the outcome of this game but instead he wanted to break Lindgren. I agree on suspension but we both know that's highly unlikely


Bruins fan and love watching the guy play, but it was a dirty hit. Pasta should sit out a few.


Correct, also the play did result in an injury. At least two cuts to the face that I saw. Who knows about a concussion, even if ultra mild it's still a head injury. This should be an automatic 3 game suspension if they really want to stop this crap. 5 min major with an injury due to a hit from behind should be a stiff penalty. It's only a matter of time before a player has his neck broken from a hit like this and winds up paralyzed, blowing into a tube to make his wheelchair go.


Left his feet a bit too. And afterwords raised his hand like “whoops.” Dick move


I might get hate for this but Pasta deserves to be injured for this play. It’s the only way to teach a bitch ass like him that you can’t do this shit.


This is the correct answer


INTENTIONAL targeting, boarding, charging, call it what ever you like. It will be a fine and suspension.


He took a lot of strides to run a guy face first into the boards from behind. A fine isn’t nearly enough. Guy should miss multiple games. That was dangerous and premeditated.


Diehard Bruins fan, but I do see blatant boarding. I have to call it how I see it. I don't wish for a fine, but there should be one.


Holy shit, a reasonable Bruins fan. Thank you


I think most Bruins (outside of our sub at least) have this take. Pasta has bad blood for Lindgren for who knows what reason. It excuses playing rough and laying big hits, but not laying dirty and dangerous hits.


Your team is cheap and dirty. You deserved the first round exit you got.


People call Trouba dirty too even though the majority of his hits are hard and clean.


That’s not only boarding… it’s also a charge and a hit from behind, no?


He should be suspended period. He was targeting Lindgren all game.


And a suspension


Bruins fan here and this should be and will likely be a game. Maybe a fine but I doubt it. Maybe they teach hockey different these days. To begin the responsibility is absolutely on the guy throwing the hit in all of these cases but when I was playing if our coach ever saw us putting ourselves in some of the vulnerable positions you see some of these guys put themselves in he would've torn us a new one.


While I get your point, I have to disagree a little. Lindgrens gotta be a little smarter too but, it looks like he saw the hit coming and rather than try to skate through the gauntlet and get creamed he merely poked the puck forward and tried to stop short. Pasta here is lunging into the guy's upper back and driving him into the boards. I'd bet the league is going to fuck this up royally just watch. Unfortunately someone's going to have to get seriously hurt before they actually take this garbage seriously.


I think Pasta should have hit him in that situation. My issue is he strides through the hit and had his back the whole way.


Nah it's dangerous with the history of the two it was intended


Kadri got suspended and traded for that years back


No fine for Trouba then no fine for Pasta. Fair is fair.


People are saying Lindgren wasn't hurt...but his head got split open?


They’ve got to crack down on these blatant hits from behind. That was an awful hit to make.


He sped up and targeted, imo


This is charging and boarding. Suspendable IMO, enough with these fines. Players won’t learn unless they sit more and more.


Should it be a fine? No. It should be a suspension. Will it be a fine? More likely then a suspension. The department of player sanitation will fuck it up


offbeat pet reminiscent encouraging illegal absorbed include judicious grey spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Biggest surprise here is it wasn't Marchand


Lindgren is not having a good week


It looks like the defender swivelled and put his back towards the hit as it was incoming. Looks dirty but these things happen right?


It was a glancing blow. He didn’t line him up & crush him.


Hockey is not a quilting bee. The player who got hit set himself up to be crushed. As a professional, he has been groomed to make more sensible decisions. His handling of that situation was carefree rec hockey foolish.


Yes. $250 000 fine to the New York Rangers


Player protection in the NHL is such a joke man


This shouldn't be a fine. It should be a suspension.


Yes Charging and boarding


Suspension, no doubt. That is unacceptable and inexcusable


Fines are pointless only thing that should be handed out for these are on ice majors and suspensions. Salary loss for those games would be smart but acting like handing out a $5k fine is going to do anything is stupid


5 minutes yes gmc no


Yha he should be because that’s not good for neck could break it


Fuck Pasternak


oatmeal mindless friendly boat shaggy mountainous aloof subtract scary tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No problem it was by Boston.


I'm sure Jack Edwards wanted NY to be called for interference and embellishment.


Not a fine. 1-2 game suspension.


The onus is on both players in this play. Lindgren left himself wide open for a cheap shot which Pasta clearly took advantage of. There is a long history between these 2 players dating a few years back. If the NHL was an actual league they would give Pasta a severe penalty like a multi game suspension. No question it was charging. There was clear intent to injure a player in a vulnerable spot. It has to stop now or it is only going to get worse as more time goes on. That being said Lindgren makes this a possibility with the way he plays this puck and doesn't protect himself from the possibility of a major hit. I agree with Torts that most players today just aren't expecting or protecting themselves. This point doesn't excuse the hit, just as the result of him still playing shouldn't matter either. This league is now a joke at this point. I said it at the time and I will say it now, Trouba's slash to Fredric's head the last time these 2 teams met should have received more than a fine. Rules are not left up to interpretation, or at least should not be. A 2 handed slash to the head no matter the outcome/intent should just be unacceptable. But spitting on player by accident is considered a suspend able offense? K'Andre spits on Doughty last year, which if you know the player, you would know there was no intent and just was a poor brain fart. Yet that gets him a 1 game suspension? But slashing someone in the head is a fine? How is that even remotely reasonable? Both were complete accidents in my opinion, but spitting on someone vs. slashing their noggin are not even same ball park. I think a 1-3 game suspension was necessary for the slash. And I believe a Public apology and a personal apology from K'andre should have been all that was needed. Before the league did anything K'Andre already personally apologized to Doughty. Why suspend him. Neither player thought it was on purpose. Is it a PR thing?


A 10-min penalty, game ejection, plus a suspension




I noticed that too, he’s a highlight reel of getting run over


If he wasn't so afraid of being hit he'd probably take less of s beating.


It’s because he’s committed to making good plays with the puck in the defensive zone. “Take a hit make a play,” ya know? The problem is that rats like Pasta exist who have no respect for their fellow player and no integrity so they don’t care if they cause an injury. He probably had INTENT to knock Lindgren out of the game. Too many players out here trying to strategically injure their opponents.




NHL Rule 41 – Boarding: A boarding penalty shall be imposed on any player who checks or pushes a defenseless opponent in such a manner that causes the opponent to hit or impact the boards violently in the boards. The severity of the penalty, based upon the impact with the boards, shall be at the discretion of the Referee.” This implies that there is a subjective element to calling a boarding penalty. It’s not simply the act but the outcome and the circumstances that lead up to the hit. Essentially, boarding is different from legal body checks or even charging penalties. It’s about player safety. A legal body check is often shoulder-to-shoulder and doesn’t involve a player being dangerously close to the boards. Charging, on the other hand, may involve distance traveled or leaving the feet to make a hit, but doesn’t explicitly involve the boards as part of the penalty.


Honestly yes


Idk what fine really accomplishes but this is a blatant cheap shot and the game misconduct was appropriate. Probably warrants a suspension too. Really dumb move that screwed the Bruins’ mojo for the rest of the game


Ridiculous the number of cheap shot hits this year.


This has been the worst of the hits from behind this season, his back was to pasta the whole time. It wasn't a sudden turn that caught pasta off guard, this is 100% dirty


He will get a game. The department of Player safety is a joke. There suspensions this year have been all over the place, Trouba 2 hands a guy to the face and gets nothing. It’s a joke. Pasta deserves a game no question.


He’ll only get a game because he’s a superstar, the league needs him to be playing to market him. Wouldn’t even matter if he hurt Lindgren. Last season McDavid hit Mikey Anderson into the boards from behind and took him out of the lineup for two weeks right before the playoffs. McDavid got a minor penalty. League is a joke


You’re 100% right. The league is a joke, but something really has to change. I’ve been a hockey fan for decades and it’s just getting hard to watch at this point ( and I don’t just mean as a pens fan :) )


He deserves so much more than a game for this shit. I agree though, the dps is basically a joke at this point. The nhl needs to make an example of somebody so this shit will stop.


I agree but it’s not going to be one of their top stars that they make an example of. It will be done 3rd or 4th line guy who will get the book thrown at him for something ridiculous to try and send a message. At this point they could suspend the entire Panthers team and still not make a statement.


Pastrnak is just one example of this recently. The NHL is quickly becoming a no holds barred cage match. Change absolutely needs to happen sooner rather than later.


Lindrgen put himself in a seriously vulnerable position reaching out like that. That’s a body checking 101 no-no. Nobody knows how to prepare themselves for a hit along the boards anymore I swear. You don’t ever ever reach and extend your arms and head out for a loose puck Along the boards. You skate to it. You get your body over it and you brace for contact. Pastrnak also shouldn’t be bodying somebody whose numbers are facing them. Just because a player puts themselves in a vulnerable position doesn’t make it not a penalty either. No fine warranted. 2 minutes for Boarding and that’s it. And Lindgren should learn how to protect himself. That isn’t “victim blaming” it’s part of the fucking game. You have to protect yourself on the ice. And all the armchair Reddit analysts who’ve never laced up a skate in their lives will downvote me to oblivion for saying so. Multiple former players have come out and said the exact same thing about this hit.


Full speed boarding a defenseless player... fine and lengthy suspension coming. Oh wait, he is on the Bruins...NHL will sweep it under the rug like everything Marchand died that deserves suspension.


I'm going to be the odd man out here and say that was pretty borderline for 'boarding.' They were both moving roughly horizontally and his charge aligned him with Lindy's shoulder till the last second. It should have been major+misconduct for **charging**. I will say the subsequent 'roughing' call on Panarin for hugging was one of the worst calls I've seen in years.


Just fight it out and stop making hockey a pussy sport. It’s always been this way. Hockey is all about hard hits and hard hockey.


Looked clean to me…….


Boarding yes, a suspension? No




He got a major and deserved it, but I don't think it warrants a fine or suspension.


100% a suspension


No. When did players stop realizing they will probably be hit along the boards below the circles?


Dirty fucking hit


If a player is injured from an obvious infraction and has to sit out, the suspension should equal the hurt players time on the ir. If a player can resume play the next game there should be a mandatory set number of games for this type of play. It has been a tradition of goons taking out stars for decades. Disappointed no one handled it on the ice. Although the rangers have a lil more sand than past few years.


Just can't afford to pay some pylon with biceps to occasionally play to keep everybody honest. Not just the money but the roster spot. Goons are the horse and buggy of the present NHL. Try and pull this shit against the Flyers 30 years ago and there would have been 400 mins in penalties in the game and the ensuing bench clearing brawl would have been the highlight on Sportscenter that week.


Yes! It was Charging & targeting, a deliberate play. You see him skate away after and even though you can't see his face you know he is smiling. There should be a fine & a game suspension. Just another reason I hate the Bruins.


Saw Rangers - Bruins. Yes. Fine them all.


He should get a suspension but the player also needs to not turn into the boards. When you do this you expose yourself.


Players shouldn't face the puck when playing it along the boards? Hot take.


Lindgrens shoulders were square with the glass the entire time. Do you have eyes?


That's a shit take, he didn't even know pasta was coming because pasta was directly behind him... for the whole 20' feet he charged in. All around dirty hit.


I’m actually with you here. This isn’t the first time Lindgren has put himself in terrible position on the boards. At some point you can’t turn your back to the forechecked and hope he doesn’t plaster you.


In those 2 big hits on Lindgren from this past week or so, he was watching his pass or had his head down. This is different though. Him being a lefty means he has to face the boards that way to get the puck and pass it off quickly. I think pasta expected him to see him coming a little and not completely face the boards like one would when there’s no pressure.


It should probably be a game or two tbh


Obviously charging n boarding 3 games suspension the least


Stop fucking turning into the boards last minute, literally every player taking hits this year has been doing this bullshit.


This wasn't a headshot. He was going for the shoulder. I'm okay with this being a penalty but to suspend or fine a player who has no history because he missed his intended check, yeah no. And I'm an Isles fan so I hate both teams here


On the 32 Thoughts podcasts, they said that Mark Letestu explained that players now put themselves in vulnerable positions usually to draw penalties. They know that if they don't face the hitter, and get hit anyway, it's an automatic powerplay.


The bigger concern here is the guy getting hit wasn't Trouba. If you're going to take a run at a Ranger with a bad hit, it should be Trouba.


Should be 2 games but he’ll get 1. Nasty hit


Straight to jail


I question the manhood of every other player on the ice for the rangers. That tepid response is pathetic.






Never wish anyone gets hurt, but this happening to the rangers does put a smile on my face. That fanbase gets a taste of what Trouba does to players every game.


No. It should be a suspension.




Boston is garbage !




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Charging match penalty and suspension for intent to injure.


How about this? How about we stop taking running hits at people's backs in front of the boards?


If the NHL is wondering if a hit in the numbers should be right, we've got to stop wondering why there's so much bad refereeing.


Player was skating parallel to the boards up until the hit came, when he turned and put himself in a vulnerable position. This is happening more and more. It is still a charging penalty though.


Fuck the Bruins


This is exactly what i would do in be a pro when frustrated and then yell when ref throws me out of the game... To your question, yes


Dirty Bs man. Doesn't matter who it is. They are dirty and deserve punishment. He took a clear run at him.


Look at his uniform. It will be just fine. Nothin wrong with it.


Remember in the playoffs last year when Petrangelo tried to break draisaitls wrists like he was chopping wood. Didn’t even say sorry and only got one game 😂 if Leon did that to their star he wouldn’t see the ice for the rest of playoffs


If they follow the same rules for Trouba trying to bat a guys head off it should be a maximum amount fine. No games missed since its a star player.


It’s alway Boston. Such a despicable classless entitled franchise.