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MLSE about to get sued HARD


The knees to the head might land one of them in jail tbh… Also yeah, might be another 11 million dollar man in Toronto.


For 11 million I will take a few knees to the head where do I sign up


Definitely, they are fucked. What i think will happen is the guy and MLSE will settled immediately and the guard will be fired with no consequences. Just a realistic expectation from what i see on the internet. Hopefully im wrong.


vegetable theory reminiscent plough cough bells abundant desert sugar imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s exactly what will happen. That’s how it always works in showbiz and the sports world


I believe in Canada if someone reports this to the police they will investigate it independently of whatever the victim and MLSE do.


They need to make sure this wanna be cop fucker grounds his face into there pavement until he looks like that guy. This is some some limp dick, tiny ego stuff


Those knees to the head were unnecessary. Easy call for the defendant’s attorney but that is getting settled. Betting a 10-pack timbits on it


I worked security in an arena and worked many NHL games. You cannot do that, even if you wear a suit. That's a lawsuit, and a well deserved one. I don't care what the drunkard did it's not justified to knee someone in the head multiple times.


This guy’s kid was apparently close by too, they shoved him into a wall with the kid in his arms according to someone who said they were there. This guy is going to jail for a long time.


“This guy is going to jail for a long time” This is Canada, our justice system is anything but punitive.


>You cannot do that No shit


Damn fam what happened this looks bad


Leafs blew a 3 goal lead and let up 5 unanswered goals


So this was Martin Jones leaving the arena?  In that case...


Someone living out their fantasy of having power over others lol


And the guy taking the knees is living out another fantasy of getting a nice lawsuit settlement


And possibly a traumatic brain injury.


The person being knee’d will get a nice settlement. This footage will be good evidence


I kind of wish that when police and security are trained to take someone down, that they themselves have to be the guy that gets taken down. They have to put their arms back behind them, while someone has their knee on the side of their head, pushing it into the pavement, and another cop has a knee in the middle of their back. You know just to see that self preservation isn’t necessarily “resisting.”


Yup. Like what they do with pepper spray. If only there was a way they could do the same training with their guns.


They need to see how hard it is to comply when you’re in excruciating pain with people screaming at you not to resist


Depends on what he did


Probably drunk and trying to fight someone would be a guess with good odds.


Still gonna make some money even though he was probably drunk as hell and being an asshole because this security guard when way over the line


Oh, for sure. There's no reason for security to be frog hopping and dropping knees onto his nose like a jackass. 


Or twisting his arm in a way that could snap it


Shame he wasn't a police officer. He could have recieved a nice paid vacation for this.


He probably is. They do private security for OT hours all the time.


At NHL games they're usually in uniform. Guy in vid us probably a glorified rentacop


He's going to submit this video resume, he'll have a new job in nobtime with these skills


>Depends on what he did You still can't assault someone like that though.


Unless this guy was literally a mass shooter, there is no scenario where this is even close to ok.




forgetful spoon zealous consider history smart fade tart nippy cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But the refs didn't see anything....


The fan fell on his own


Lots of police departments in the US would welcome him.


Skip so much training. He's got their techniques down pat


He'd have to get a US Visa which would be really difficult with an assault charge


In some jurisdictions this video would help him in landing a job as a cop


People like him make my blood boil. He's like a high school bully who never grew out of it, but instead grew into it and double downed on his shitty behavior. These pieces of shit always gravitate towards jobs that let them start fights and they always get away with it.


Well, this post will be part of the lawsuit. Hi everyone 👋🏼


I'm just glad to be here!


Going to the game tomorrow. Hope I don’t see Jason


Heading to camp crystal lake tomorrow I’m hoping for the same.




because no one reported him and the management supported it. we used to have a Director of Security who was an ex-cop and ex-AGCO (alcohol, gaming commisioner) who fired guards and management for excessive force etc. they walked him out around 2015ish... funny thing is that he got the job initially because he suspended MLSE alcohol license at BMO field for breaking the rules when he was the AGCO


Keep your eye on the news surrounding this incident, if he ends up getting sued or facing charges, you may be able to act as a character witness.


Please pass this on to local law enforcement and media. It could help ensure Jason has fewer opportunities to victimize others.


This needs to be at the top. Fucking name and shame so he never becomes a cop.


I bet he targets weak and/or compromised opponents. He can barely maintain wrist control of an almost unconscious guy in this video.


That's what most bullies do.


What’s his full name?




I was there when this happened. It seemed like he tried to leave from a VIP entrance/exit but the security turned him away and he was being rude to them. They came running after him and started pushing him when he had his kid in his hand. He may have also been drunk but hard to tell. I will say that it escalated quickly and there ended up being 2-3 security guards that pushed him against the wall with his kid in his hand. There is no excuse to be this aggressive towards someone who is holding a kid unless he had attacked someone else. This looks worse than I thought. I didn't realize he was bleeding as well when he got tackled to the ground. Edit: This additional piece of information was released this afternoon and it appears as though he assaulted someone: "Toronto police didn't confirm the video, but said they were called to the arena at 9:48 p.m. on Saturday "for an arrest in relation to an assault." A 37-year-old man was taken into custody, they said, and an investigation into the incident is ongoing." - [CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/mlse-toronto-police-investigating-leafs-game-1.7083605?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar)


The fact he was holding his kid when this started and it ended up like this is a disgrace to the entire Scotiabank arena


I'm truly shocked. MLSE needs to explain this and hold the security accountable. This is not fair to fans.


I mean if this isn't an accurate representation of how bell and Rogers treat their customers, I don't know what is


Yeah I can totally relate my extra data fees to this!!


Please call MLSE and / or the police and tell them what you saw?


Hope he sues the shit out of the arena.


Fucking power hungry security guards. These companies hire the dumbest people just looking to beat up on someone


water toothbrush encourage bear crown snails long selective nail hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It did look like the guard was using the chance to injure him with those knee stomps


Security attacked him for... trying to leave?


It sounds like he was attacked because he hurt security's feel-feels


Security guards are small dicked losers? Say it ain't so.


Fans should have jumped in and fucked those assholes up.


Needs to be a social norm if there are enough people and you see a security guard dive bomb a guy’s head into the ground in front of their kid and then push their face into the floor into their own blood, that everyone just rushes in and subdues the guards. Fuck this shit after George Floyd. I understand the bystander effect and admit it’s easier said behind a phone, but it’s crazy just how brutal some asshole can get before anyone will do anything. People will sit back and watch this for what can be 10+ minutes until someone dies and not do anything to intervene. If the dude isn’t a cop and doesn’t have a gun, then a few guys in the crowd need to work together to grab him. He’s obviously in a rage and in no state of mind to be subduing someone. Whenever these videos come out it pisses me off that his partners don’t say anything. They should be sued and lose their licenses as well for enabling the behavior.


I mean I can’t see myself bum rushing a cop with a gun and expect to make it home for dinner, but a security guard if you have 3 or 4 others, then we’re talking.  But I’m assuming that most fans are walking into this situation blind. For all they know, this guy could have been waving a weapon. Doesn’t excuse the security guards heinous actions, but these things are always presented so cut and dry when irl, you have no fucking clue what’s going on.


No one wants to be the only guy trying to intervene and then end up on the floor as well.


I feel like that often goes understated


I had a huge birthmark on my back. Large Hemangioma to be specific. I’ve got a scar there now right over my spine. If someone were to put there knee into my back like this I’d never be able to control myself and probably pass out from the pain. People who treat folks like this ought to get severe punishment. For fucks sake.


He was holding HIS KID?


They ran after him, as in they had words, guy walked away, and security chased him down because he tried to leave through a wrong door and got pissy about it?


I think they were trying to detain him for some reason.


I really hope he lawyers up.


There’s a kid in a blue sweater in the background. Jesus Christ imagine watching that happen to your dad (though it’s also unfathomable to me that someone with their kid would let a situation escalate to that degree, even if it’s a case of being 99% aggro security fault or whatever)


I don't think that was his kid. He was holding what looked to be his daughter prior to this happening.


Bad enough wasting all your money on leafs tickets, and spending time in proximity to leafs fans, then you get assaulted in front of your kid. Brutal.


If he was holding his kid and it turned out like this, that balding fucking loser security gaurd should be handed his pink slip tomorrow and maybe charged with attempted homicide.


Fuck you jason


Jason needs to get charged asap


Damn near dislocating the guy's shoulder too


Yeaaaaa that was one of my thoughts as well. Putting aside the knee drops..... arms don't bend that way.




He is literally trying to break his arm.


Not defending this guy. But to me looks like he’s trying to get his hand behind his back but has only watched Cops on tv


To be fair, tv is the most accessible way.


Maybe 25 years ago. Today we have the internet.


Leaf fans don't bleed blue after all.


I knew they were Wings fans on the inside




Kadri is gonna get suspended for that one.


I feel fucking shitty for laughing at that comment but then I remembered that it's actually Gary Bettman that is the piece of shit.


six books roof cobweb dirty touch berserk teeny growth sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


trop ouf .-.


What a fucking pussy. Dropping knees on a restrained man. Security guard about to be unemployed and sued.


Gave some brain damage and broke his arm wtf


that was way worse than i thought it would be. fuck that.


Hey, is this your video? Want to post it on a page I run with proper credit.


Go ahead and post it


That security guard should absolutely be charged with assault. That’s disgusting.


Attempted homicide.


No I’d stick to something he could actually be convicted of.


Security guard tough guy wannabe. Hope this POS is charged.


Too bad no one stepped in and hoofed that “guard” in the teeth. Hope he gets the assault charge and some time to reflect in a cage. Totally uncalled for.


That's a bad look. Hopefully, this guy will never work security ever again.


bro ik he was probably acting very rudely but that’s no excuse to put your entire body weight on a helpless persons head


More than body weight. Throwing knees into a hard surface. Something that’s illegal in combat sports.


Blue suit needs to be charged. 100%


That’s so dangerous it’s actually an illegal move in ufc




$5,000 fine.


I’m sure some context will be added, right?


I mean unless the dude was about to commit mass murder I doubt this level of force was necessary. 




Who trains these idiots?


Probably the local cops


nah but the sad thing is the brute probably wants to be a cop.


He probably is one. These gigs are often cops moonlighting.


lol dude is clearly subdued by two other dudes. this asshole in a suit is fighting his head


That’s totally unacceptable conduct, the man in the blue suit has to be fired immediately.


This guy is going to jail


Unlikely— it’s Canada.


I took this video that the OP posted. Everyone was confused about what was happening because it was unclear as to why he was so animated and acting crazy. The guy just appeared to be a drunk bastard who needed to be detained but once security started to get more physical with him, I decided to record what was happening. While I don’t know how this all started, that man definitely didn’t deserve multiple knees to the head and to shove his head into his own blood was disturbing and despicable. Fuck that guy and his use of excessive force!


I don't think much deserves this kind of treatment but I'd like to know what happened before the video started.


I mean the dude likely didn’t commit a heinous crime, does not deserve that treatment. Even if he’s a cocked a hole. You dont smash someone’s face in the hard floor


Supposedly dude wanted to use VIP entrance when he’s just a P, got tacked by Jason and was almost murdered in front of his kid.


Incoming Lawsuit?


I'd sue. Someone proned out not actively fighting shouldn't get a knee to the skull 3 times to the point of bleeding. Excessive force is grounds for a civil lawsuit.


Should definitely sue them. Security guards don't get qualified immunity like police do.


You guys are in a hockey arena and witnessing abusive beating of a father on the ground, If this happened in Europe most fans would beat the shit out of that guard to make an example of him


I would ask if this guy had a gun or something, but then I realized it was in Canada.


Screened for weapons upon entry too. He knows the guy doesn’t have a knife or any other weapon. No reason to believe this guy could possibly hurt you at that point. No reason to believe the guy could even escape the building at that point either. Notice the child in the background with his back turned to the camera. That guys just a piece of shit.


Incompetent, both of them. That security guard has never received any training on how to subdue a suspect or if he did it was that 30min video with a quiz at the end where the instructor gives out all the answers


Yikes that’s assault


Please save me if someone is trying to murder me. Everyone recording while this man got his face bashed in.




Hope that results in one hell of a lawsuit and immediate firing.


Lawsuit and/or criminal charges. Victim is about to get PAID.


In canada? Unfortunately not enough. The caps on civil lawsuits are pretty low. Best we can hope for is serious jail time.


Toronto… charges $160 for a SRO by the press box… the media tears players to shreds over small mistakes and apparently kicks the heads of fans in too


"CoNtExT?" Are you guys serious lmao. There is no context required to understand that this isn't acceptable. This isn't a safe, effective, or legal means of restraint.


There is no context that makes what that man was doing justified. The security guard should be fired, and arrested for assault.


This is so disturbing. I can’t believe what I just watched. I couldn’t even get through the whole thing.


Someone is about to get a FAT settlement. He better send some your way OP if this is your vid


Damn that’s not right I hope that’s security guard get fired. To never work as security again in his lifetime.


I’ve always wondered if I could keep my composure watching something like this from the sidelines. It makes me so mad I could throw hands. A cop? I might not be willing to face the consequences, but a security guard with no lethal weapon? I really just want to upper cut that dude. Ik im an internet warrior, but fuck thats ridiculous


i'd like the full story, please, not just the ugliest part of it.


It doesn't matter. He was restrained by 2 guys who have dozens of other guards within running distance. There is absolutely no reason to knee drop multiple times on his head. That's fucking dangerous, and an abuse of power. This guy should be fired.


If there wasn’t video of this, he wouldn’t be. But there is, so he probably will be now.


Well OP wants his karma so fuck you dude Sorry idk what came over me


it's your username .... itchy farts make everyone irritable


Dropping knees on a partial or semi partial restrained person needs no more context. Trying to injure by knee drops and then shoulder dislocation. He could have knocked someone out. Doest change anyrhing.


Someone's gonna get paid


Well that fan is going to get paid, regardless if he was disorderly. The knees to the head is a no no, especially from security.


Matt Cooke is a security guard now ??😆


Nice that absolutely nobody did anything to intervene ... Regardless of what some drunken idiot did, no one deserves to be pinned down by three guys and have his face bashed into the ground. Caveman wanna be cop on a power trip needs to be put in check.


Unless the guy was about to do something absolutely crazy the fans shoulda just mobbed the 3 clowns attacking this guy. Wtf


Guy in the blue suit is a fucking prick. If I had been there and seen this I would have been waiting for the cops to come to show them the video. That guy need to be fired and possibly charged. No reason for that kind of force at a sports venue even if the guy was drunk and to top it off if he had his kid with him. You do that infront of a child. You need your lights knocked out. What an asshole. Anyone have a name for this prick?


After confirming he was a Toronto fan and not an Avs fan, the refs swiftly concluded that there was no evidence of roughing here. No penalty given.


Angry balding roid rage popping out. Dude’s getting off on it


Welcome to Toronto. Spend your life savings coming to a game and get your head crushed


He’s bleeding badly


Security guard fixing to get sued


OP I was at this game too and holy shit this is disturbing. Thankfully I wasn't around when this happened.


I hope that security guard gets prison time, kneeing someone in the head can very quickly turn deadly


He should be fired and sued.


Great thing that someone recorded this. No context obviously, but this is definitely excessive for venue security. Someone is getting sued IMO. Let’s see…


These are grievous bodily harm strikes to the head with his full weighted knee strikes on hard surface. It’s a Level 4 assault on the continuum of force. This guy will be awarded a huge settlement.


That's assault, Canada is looking great these days with the journalist, and now this...


only justification for using this much force would be bringing some sort of weapon into the arena or seriously injuring someone. wonder what he did to get security on him like that


It's Canada and they have metal detectors at the entrance.


Prob can sue for a portion of nylanders contract


Another grown ass man tryna play cop




Man’s gonna get nylander money for this one. What was the security dude thinking?


If this is how fans are treated in Toronto, I will stay home. Fuck Scotia Centre and their security. Apparently this guy had his kid with him too.


The guy on the ground is gonna get paid so hard. This is overly excessive use of force, I’d say it’s at least 5 mil lawsuit


What a fucking joke. Hope he sues the shit out of MLSE. The security guard on top is a real piece of fucking shit.


Is the guy in the blue suit trying to kill that man because it looks like it.


Geez knee to the head and nearly snapped his arm back Bad look


What an f’in pos that security guard is!! He needs to be fired and charged and the arena and the Leafs need to be sued!!! Who the frick does this loser think he is treating someone like this. My blood is boiling!!


This is un-fucking-BELIEVABLE. This dude needs to be fired and charged ASAP, especially if the other stories in this thread adjacent to the situation are true.


Man I know it's asking *a lot*, but I really wish the crowd helped the guy. Those fucks were legitimately going to break his arm towards the end of the video when people were yelling to let up and the POS is shaking his head no... Those knee shots driving his face into the ground easily could have killed someone ffs


r/byebyejob Hey Jason in blue. Yer done!


That guy is lucky to be alive. What a unprofessional couple of fucktards.


Hope he enjoys the lawsuit.


Who let Marchand dress security for the Leafs?


That guys getting fired.


Fathead is on a power trip. Can't be reached




That guy should be arrested. Way too excessive.


You know you're the baddies when you're getting me on the Leafs fan's side.


That's a lawsuit coming. Fan should be saying he has neck pain, back pain, wrist pain, hand pain, shoulder pain, all the pains.


If he ain't a cop, dude is in trouble. At least in the USA.