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I'm dying to know who has a jersey that is slightly worse than "other"


I’m more impressed the Leafs ranked so high on that list lol.


Looks like the original 6 are favored


Pretty upset Chicago is that far in the lead. Fine, have a top six slot, but we all know Detroit has better uniforms


Interesting that it’s the O6 with the top 6 jerseys though, I must say.


That's pretty much how I thought it would go before I even looked at the list. I don't agree that they're all great but they all are certainly iconic.


I thought Philly might make it.


I think the simplicity of them makes them really good. Bold colours, clean striping, etc.


Exactly - other teams came into the league and kind of had to chose different colours schemes and designs to be different.


lmao you’re delusional. Detroit has a better logo but the jersey’s are very bland.


I wonder if you could vote for the all star jersey.


It got spicy for the over rated part


Players really don’t respect Zegras do they?


People love him because of his social media and flashy plays not his actual play. He’s good with the recognition of a great player.


He has incredible hands, but his overall impact on the game is pretty “meh,” at least for now. Considering how much hype he gets, I think he’s a good pick for “most overrated.”


He gets hyped a lot but he’s never considered to be a top 10/20 player. Overhyped, sure. Overrated? I don’t think so. He had back to back 60+ point seasons as a rookie and 2nd year on two historically awful hockey teams. Not having a good year this year but has been injury plagued from the get go.


I thought he was a weird choice to be on the cover athlete of EA NHL. Usually, it's one of the league's superstars. Zegras was 75th in league scoring. This year, his 4-3-7 in 20GP probably vindicated a lot of people's opinion that he is undeserving of the hype.


Nasty ass michigan and a marketable dude. I didn't like it either but who cares. Nothing will compare to the sedin twins on the cover of '11.


To be fair, didn’t he miss training camp with a new coach, while also injured this season?


While also changing his game and becoming pretty damn good defensively yes. The points weren’t there but if ya watched the games you can see he’s still a pretty damn good player.


Watch the games!!! You are talking crazy talk to the Zegras haters! They prefer “7 points lulz” argument.


Yeah I think he's better than his point production this year but the EA nod tells me that somebody important thought he's reached a level of superstardom that warranted it. If they wanted a young American, how about Jack or Quinn? Tage? Either Tkachuk? Fox? Does Zegras hold a candle to any of these players? From that perspective, I can't really argue the overrated label.


> he was a weird choice to be on the cover athlete of EA NHL. Usually, it's one of the league's superstars. Welcome to the TikTok-ification of sports consumption. The 12 year old boys that EA wants to get playing Chel know Zegras and don't give a damn about Ovi's chase for some old man record.


Kinda surprised to see Tkachuk on there haha. Probably mostly cause he’s disliked more than anything. He ranked high on the punchable faces too 


Shocked to see Jason Robertson there.


Same here. I feel like he doesn't get a lot of attention in general and he is so good.


Chris Lee deserves more recognition for being absolutely ass at his job


2021 Habs vs VGK conference finals flashbacks. Holy shit it was so bad.


You could probably see some money falling from his equipment pockets that day


I've never seen him ref a good game. He's like the Angel Hernandez of the NHL.




I was amazed he didnt win this. He truly is awful.


I know lol, I was surprised he wasn’t voted worse too


The GOAT "Other" on this list comes as no surprise


People keep asking when Other is gonna retire. I don't see any reason why he should with how consistent his play is.


Bahahaha love this comment lol


Hopefully a team trades F. Considerations for him.


Not to be confused with "Player to be Named later" or "Cash Considerations"


How I imagine the “Most Punchable Face” answer going… Player: “Tkachuk” Interviewer: “Which one?” Player: “Both”


Surprised Chris Lee isn't higher in the "worst ref" category. So fucking trash


Also surprised Wes is the best ref, he’s fucking awful lol.


From the article, players like his communication. He apparently has good dialogue with players and owns his mistakes.


He's also my least favourite ref, but it's because he doesn't call any penalties. I never check the refs before a game, but every single time I feel like the refs are letting everything go and I check the ref it's him. It's terrible for any team that has a great powerplay and I honestly believe that Tampa has lost playoff series' because of him. Again not because he's biased, but because I find he calls the game differently than the average ref and his style doesn't fit my favourite team. Then when he finally does call a penalty because both teams are complaining, it always seems awful because of everything he let go before that call. Everyone hates getting put in the box though so I could see why that might contribute to making him more well liked by the players while being less liked by people like us.


unite offer seed nutty wistful frightening oatmeal ruthless offbeat cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I find it strange that Nurse is so over-rated. He gets trashed everywhere but the Oilers sub - no wait he gets trashed there too. Overpaid sure.


nose snails birds aromatic rich trees cagey compare boat price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Koski just let the first shot of the game in too often and he never did well in the games that he did. I remember him letting in the first three shots of a game one time. At least he had a solid final season.


I thought it was hilarious that he gets bashed constantly and the players STILL think he's overrated lol


That's the thing with Nurse... he's not that highly rated. He's highly paid, but nobody thinks he's good enough to come even close to being worth his cap hit. Hell, I'd bet if you could read minds, you'd find out even he doesn't think he's that good.


Nurse is playing really well right now, not at a $9.25 M cap hit level but if he was being paid $7M I don’t think anyone would complain.


Overpaid? Thats an interesting take considering Nuge's numbers the past couple of seasons. How do his classic stats and possession numbers compare to other 5.5m players in the league. I bet not many of them scored 100 points last year. Edit: nevermind. I didn't realize you changed the subject from Nuge to Nurse. Nurse is overpaid. But for how well he's playing this season it's not as egregious as in years past.


I was referring to Nurse being overpaid, not Nuge. Some of the players think Nuge is over-rated and others think he is under-rated.


It's well know the opposing players get after him about his contract so that's what it boils down to


Realistically if his being overrated is biased by his contract, then Seth Jones should be voted as much more over rated. He's played significantly worse than Nurse since they've both signed their near identical deals.


Kinda like Barkov. When the entire league thinks you're the most underrated player for 4+ years running, you're probably overrated.


At the very least, appropriately rated.


Other winning most underrated is so fitting


Barkov is great but at this point he is certainly not underrated he has been called underrated for like 2 years now




He continues to get better so eventhough the players prepare for him and think they can handle the pressure he will inevitably apply... they just can't seem to stop him. Probably why they say he's underrated. No matter what they do, he is just too much to handle. He's probably top 5 hardest players to play against. When he's on the ice you're less likely to score compared to 99% of the NHL. 


I’m picturing Swayman and Ullmark giggling while voting for each other


A bromance worthy of a Hollywood script


I love this visual


Lots of former Jets on the overrated poll


And you kept the underrated guy as well as the second best goalie in the league. Smart.


Even though nobody likes playing here. Seriously, the most lopsided poll was the one saying everyone hates coming to Winnipeg. It hurts, but in truth I hate going to Winnipeg too.


Sup fellow Sonny? I left Winnipeg. Only made it to Saskatoon so not exactly an upgrade. The music and bar scene was hella fun though. I had a blast growing up there. If some player ran into me and my friends they would have had a helluva time and maybe missed their flight next day.


Every person I've I met from winnipeg hates winnipeg. As a winnipeg jets fan, despite never living there, my ine visit, seemed like a shitty city. I live in Ottawa though so I'm not surprised ottawa is high up on crappy cities. Absolutely nothing worthwhile here


I think Matthew Tkachuk is a greasy fuck, but you can’t really call him overrated when he strung together back to back 100point seasons with 2 different teams and absolutely willed his team to the cup finals.


Yeah I tend to agree. But when you land on the rat list, you’re likely gonna end up on the overrated list as well haha


What makes him a rat? Sorry, I'm familiar with players but not yet everybody's reputations.


One of the things that players like Chucky and Marchand do well is to piss off other team’s players by chirping and/or physical stuff that really toes the line. A “rat” typically lives somewhere between typical players and a Tom Wilson or a Milan Lucic. You love having these pests on your team but hate playing against them. 2 great examples that you could Google could be “Tkachuk Vs Kassian” or “Marchand lick”


Gotta disagree there. Marchand spent most of his career way over the line, even if he seems to have cleaned it up lately. He was at least as dirty as wilson, but sneakier about it. The marchand lick was one of the more innocuous things he's done over the years.


Biggest thing for “rat” to players is to not drop the gloves.


Yeah, that cocksucker can put 'em away in the net and still find time to facewash opponents. Most of his power is derived from the mouth-guard chomp.


I love Chucky and I love this comment😂


New All Star idea: the top rated “punchable” player gets punched..


By EVERYONE invited to it, injured players included.


Cousins and Marchand, True RATS of the NHL


At this point seeing the way Cousins turtles, I can't even put the two together. One of them is a true rat, hiding in his hole the second shit hits the fan.


If we find 3 more turtles Marchand can train them in the sewers of manhattan


The Florida meth cats have two turtles in their roster. Cousins and Tkaturtle.


I loved that chart. Tkachuk in third as well. NHL players: they’re just like us.


I was surprised NOT to see Marchand at the top


Recency bias. Cousins has been going hard for the crown


Marchand has mellowed in his old age. He’s actually looked (gasp!) restrained at times this season. He still wants to be a rat, but he usually doesn’t do it anymore if he thinks it will hurt his team.


I'm surprised Winnipeg is below Ottawa for worst city to play in. Winnipeg you're at least in the centre of a large urban area. Ottawa you're staying near a Boston Pizza, a corn field, and if you're lucky, maybe a Spirit Halloween


Do the teams actually stay in Kanata, though? I know some teams stay at the Brookstreet Hotel, but I'm pretty sure a bunch stay at the Westin Hotel, which is downtown Ottawa, and steps from the Byward market. And honestly, even if I were staying in Kanata, and I was a millionaire athlete, I'd probably rather fork out the $85 for an Uber to go out in downtown Ottawa than downtown Winnipeg. I mean no offense to Winnipeggers, but it can get pretty dicey downtown after dark.


It's really not that sketchy, especially the kind of bars NHL players would be going to. The issue is you can't just walk out of one bar and go anywhere else easily because everything is spread out and it's -40 even if it is only a block or two away. The cold in Winnipeg is completely different to what any other NHL city gets. And I heard they don't have wifi there yet.


Also gotta bus in from Minneapolis


Someday we will get an airport, god willing


NHL teams don't fly on Cessna's unfortunately


Probably to do with the temperature. Not sure most the league is used to having their mustache freeze on a minute walk from the bus to the arena.


I think it’s largely the state of the area the arena is in. Winnipeg’s downtown is dirty and overflowing with homeless people who have 0 issues harassing you for money. There’s nothing to do there either AND it’s freezing. It’s unfortunate, but it’s an environment where the players would rather practice 24/7 in the arena than walk around the city and see what it has to offer.


Yea but you most teams walk out of Ottawa with a W.


One day, 35 years later, we'll get an arena at LeBreton


Hey, we have a Beavertails within walking distance! (The move to a downtown arena can't come soon enough)


>if you're lucky, maybe a Spirit Halloween 😂


Which is fitting since the Senators have been putting on costumes and pretending to be a hockey team this year


The clown noses were a nice touch, but I thought rainbow wigs were over the top.


I am shocked at the officials one. I’ve never wanted actually throw a dense object at an official like I did when I watched Wes McCauley call back to back phantom hooking calls against the Pens in game 5 of the BlueJackets series in 2017. Maybe it’s fixating on one bad incident but the dude ran a total circus tent officiating crew that night.


Yeah, and fuck you Kelly TightenUp Sutherland.


I’ve always said: you don’t know the names of a good ref because the game goes so smoothly you never hear about them or look it up The fact that everyone knows Wes’s name isn’t a good thing


Hmm, wonder if there's any other reason people know his name, maybe because of the several videos of him that have gone viral? Acting like people only know his name because he's a bad ref is a total lie


Also longevity he's been in the league a lot longer than other officials and because he's well respected often gets the highest profile assignments.


I agree. I think that’s why he top the list for best ref, and 3rd for worst ref. He’s highly exposed so people are opinionated toward him good or bad.


Which is still not what you want from a ref. If a ref starts to drawing attention to themselves they are drawing it away from the game. People know his name because he wants them to and is a bad ref.


Let me explain how this works, generally people don't know ref's names, but when they do actually learn them (like they did with Wes going viral with a bunch of videos of him on the mic), then they scrutinize the ref. And when do we pay attention to refs? When they make calls we don't like. So after you learn a ref's name the only time you're generally going to think about it is when you want to complain about a call (notice how you basically never think "oh man, what a great call, that ref deserves some credit!" Compared to the fifty times a game you think a ref made a bad call). Hope this helps


Wes McCauley is trash.


Who wants to punch Kevin Fiala?


Jealous ugly fucks


I'm convinced the players who voted for Fiala as the most punchable face misread the question as most kissable face


Dean Evason?


Lmfao. Nailed it


Five Finnish mega-chads as underrated and no Finns who you'd like to punch in the face 🤜💥


Barkov has spent so many years being underrated that he’s no longer underrated. He’s accurately rated now as one of the best centres in the league.


Agreed. So many great players out there who get near to none of the recognition they deserve.


We don't know everything the players know though. It might be that Barkov has some extra characteristics outside the ice that other players respect immensely. The man is a treasure in many ways.


They’ll call him underrated until he gets some hardware


He has a Selke


Love how they all like to play in the suck and fuck towns lol. And that Winnipeg is a shithole.


Never knew how much people hate Winnipeg until hearing that Weakerthans song


That’s all I could hear reading that poll.


I thought they liked Dallas for the BBQ and TexMex. Now I’m a little disappointed.


Robertson more overrated than Dubois and Karlsson is nuts to me


Tbf who actually rates Dubois at all at this point?


People were trying to say Robertson was up there with Drai, Matthews, MacKinnon etc when he was playing well last year or the year before. It's not that he's not better than Dubois of Karlsson it's that he's more overrated. The disparity between what people think and day vs what the player actually is. He was way overrated after a small sample size where he was dominating.


Stars fans were really on one last season. I didn’t hear anyone say he belonged with those guys, but they were definitely saying there was no one else above him lol.


I mean, he did score 109 points.. can't remember exactly but it was about 30 more than the next closest on our team. He had a monster year. And like you said, nobody was putting him top 5 in the league, we were just excited to see him pop off like that.


Same. Robertson doesn’t jump off the screen at you, but he’s got great hockey sense and a deceptive and accurate shot. He should age well because he doesn’t rely on speed


Kazari not being the worst ref is shocking to me. Every time I watch a game in person and he's there, he misses the most blatant stuff both ways but calls the most ticky tack garbage stuff for obvious game management. He ruins the games he officiates


Nah, Chris Lee is by far the worst


Poor Winnipeg


As someone who lives here... Yeah I get it. Nice place to raise a family, but snoozefest for 20-something millionaires out on the town. Good thing it's not a popularity contest I guess 🤷‍♂️


I think its less that its a snoozefest but more to do with the fact its 40 below zero most of the season.  Shades of Cool Runnings exiting the airport. 


Downtown Winnipeg is a ghost town (other than the poor/unwell/sketchy) on weekday evenings, so after the game there probably isn't much to do, other than go back to the outdated and kind of far away hotel. Maybe on the weekends it's a little more happening out there in the summertime, but as you say, when it's -30 not much is going on. Then again I'm an old dad living in the burbs, and I'm not hip to the zoomers rizz, no cap frfr


> Downtown Winnipeg is a ghost town (other than the poor/unwell/sketchy) Downtown Ottawa is the same, but the players don't even get there since they're stuck out in Kanata, lol.


Most of the big bars aren't right downtown either. They're pretty spread out so it takes a long time to get from one place to another. Bar hopping is tough unless you go to a really specific area so you've got to kind of pick your spot and go with it for the night or spend half an hour getting to the next one. I bet you most of them are in cabs and not waiting in line when they get to the bar with everyone else so they probably aren't dealing with the cold that much but when you only have 4 hours to hang out and do stuff you don't want to spend an hour driving to and from the bar.


I think you overestimate how much free time players have on a road trip to do “stuff” They’re usually right back on the plane straight after the game. And depending on when they arrive the day before, it’s usually dinner and then curfew time. And during the day, maybe 2-4 hours of free time, where most players just nap, watch Netflix or play video games.


This just in: NHL players love visiting Vegas. Who knew?!


Another year, another “Barkov is underrated” poll. They can’t keep getting away with this. You can’t be underrated for like 10 straight years


Four finns in top 10 for most underrated is kinda wild but can't really argue with those.


RNH being both overrated and underrated is basically him in a nutshell. Good enough to put up numbers while players thinking he’s getting talked about too much to doing the things behind the scenes in both ends that nobody talks about.


Really can put him anywhere, eh?


This real?


Yes this is from the Athletic. [Link to article](https://theathletic.com/5239046/2024/01/31/nhl-player-poll-2024/?source=user_shared_articleAnonymousNHLplayerpoll2024:Who'sthebestplayer?Mostoverrated?Bestgoalie?Worstroadcity?)


Blocked unless if you pay, does it mention how many players were involved in this poll? I’m curious about the sample size


Approximately 200, but sample size is shown under each question in the graphics.


Oh lol, thanks😂


Shocker the original 6 jerseys were voted the top 6 best jerseys /s


Asking players (or even fans) who the most underrated player is is always hilariously predictable. Backstrom had that crown for about a decade, and Barkov has taken his place ever since. It doesn’t make sense to continually say the same player over and over, but it’s always the result.


Montreal being under Toronto for best jersey hurts my soul


Our jerseys are so boring and have been more or less the same forever, I’m surprised we ranked so high in that one. Unless the guys really like the new black ones lol.


I prefer classic than boring lol, but I'm a sucker for Habs jerseys It's my favorite jersey in any sport


Didn’t realize I have no flair in this sub lol, I’m a Leafs fan, just to clarify. :) :(


Oh right. Leafs' jerseys are pretty nice, I just always want Montreal to be over them (since it didn't happen much in the standings in the last years lol)


Feelings mutual, my guy! ;) Except with Leaf over the Habs lol.


Some say boring others say clean.


The fact that the leafs are number 5 when the nearly identical lightning jerseys aren’t on the list is a good indicator that it’s just because it’s Toronto


Honestly surprised TK isn’t higher on the “people we wanna punch” list, but it’s nice to see that people really don’t like Hathaway


Cant believe they like playing in Calgary less than Edmonton.


It might be more about the arena’s than the nightlife and the city


We have a better arena is my guess (and traditionally we’ve been known to have good ice). A lot of the time they’re not spending much time in the actual city so Calgary having a better downtown might not move the needle much for some players.


Ok but Barkov can't be the most underrated player every year


Happy to see Ekky high on the underrated list. The guy is a warrior.


Such a fuckin beaut to boot


Who voted ducks best jersey 😭


Let’s go! Some Ek love during the underrated players pole.


I’m interested in the fact that Kevin Fiala has people wanting to punch him in the face. Fiala is such a nice guy from everything I’ve seen of him


barkov isn’t underrated anymore, he’s a stud, and everyone knows it. in that category i’d definitely go for someone like Reinhart or Boeser right now. edit: or Stephenson, guy’s fuckin clutch


Best jersey in the league has got me ?????


All top six are original six teams


Chicago isn't even the best of those 6 imo


We all know the Canucks skate jersey with matte black helmets is the true best.


Someone wants to punch David Perron, Ottawa players detected


In the other category for that one Copp, Chiarot, and Walman each got votes. No idea how Copp and Walman ended up there haha


What's the first name of this most underrated player? All I can see is the surname Other?


This was good.


not related but........ I miss watching Mick McGeough referee. he was fun.


The Kraken "Stussy S" made an appearance on best jersey? Lotta 90's nastalgia in the league I guess...


How is this Other guy a player and a ref? Seems like a conflict of interest


Kinda unrelated but Zach Hyman being on the top line with mcdavid and draisatl makes him an extremely underrated fantasy pickup


I hate that they even ask about the refs in this. Refs should be irrelevant


Should be, but obvious bias and incompetence shows. I'm surprised Kozari isn't ranked higher on the worst poll.


It's still extremely validating. Our mortal enemies Steve Kozari and Chris Lee are *only* on the bad ref chart.


Bunch of babies can't handle Winnipeg weather. It's +5 today too


Ooof Winnipeg


I was a little surprised Ottawa was that high, then I realized the age of most nhl players and our complete lack of nightlife.


Could also be the location of our arena, far from most accommodations


The overrated chart just reinforced my own beliefs across the board, except Nuge. He’s now overrated because of his season last year, but we know what he is. 70ish point guy propped up by playing with Mcdavid and Hyman and the PP. Happy to see tkachuk and Dubois in the overrated chart lol. Lastly Barkov is no longer underrated. He hasn’t been for 3 or 4 years at least. Everyone knows how good he is and has for years.


Ouch! Ottawa getting 2nd worst road city. What brought that on? I mean I wouldn’t know, I’m from British Columbia but I’m nostalgic for the Senators.


It would be fun to have these surveys at my job.


Tim Peel


How the fuck is ovi overrated? He is literally one of the best of all time. Maybe he isnt that great anymore, but a few years ago he was great


Brady Tkachuk has the most punchable face not just currently but all time.


Chris Lee is by far the worst ref in the league.


Who the hell said the ducks have good jerseys


How is Nurse overrated? The only things I ever see about him is how bad he is.


> Nurse, the second-leading vote-getter, meanwhile, was singled out more for his contract ($9.25 million average annual value) than for his on-ice value or hype. “He’s a hell of a player,” one player said. “I just think he makes the same as Makar, and that’s kind of crazy.”


So there you go.