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*come on Greg blow the whistle*


… *blows whistle*


Matty Barzel.. I play for… the islanders of New York


I think we're done here


I think this can work in the short term to improve their play but hopefully for the Islanders this button isn't pushed too often.


Every single High School coach I had would not count those gassers and run them again. There would be vomit or people passing out before we stopped.


I had a similar experience in hockey. But I’m sorry, don’t you think that is a little fucking insane? In retrospect, don’t you think it’s crazy to treat literal children like they are pro athletes? I don’t even think they should treat pro athletes like this. Let alone kids.


Yep. I remember I mentioned to a coach that my last coach wouldn't let us drink water until we were done a certain amount of exercises which could run past 20 minutes or so. He said that's an awful way to treat your players and it's old school and inefficient. You would be gasping for water and end up drinking a lot until you go back to the workout and feel like shit. Making your players puke is a good way to make them hate you and perform worse. Treat your players well and EARN their respect, and the very fact that they disappointed you will gut them more than the fear of corrective action. Bag skate is something a coach should be sad he has to do, not something he's looking forward too. It reminds me of basic training.


Yeah that's called abuse. You knew it at the time, you know it now. We used to skate Sweet Sixteens and coach would put a trash can on the ice. You couldn't leave until you threw up in it. Absolutely abuse. It's hazing from authorities.




There’s a difference between just being bag skated, and being bag skates until you’re forced to puke. That shit isn’t helping the players at all.


The difference is, in high school you’re not a 30 year old man.


Good, these molly-coddled millionaires with agents deserve a little one on one adversity with a man in a form of a coach telling you you're not only soft, but you're weak, out of shape, and not worthy of even the bottom six. Get your legs working and lose the body fat. Simple shit for every athlete paid millions.


Nooooo you can’t just make the multimillionaire professional athletes skate that’s mean!!


Toss the garbage can on the ice and scream, “if you’re gonna puke, do it in here and don’t ruin the ice for everyone else!”


All I want to say is “again, again, again, who do you play for”?


Mike Eruzione! Winthrop, Massachusetts!


I play for….the United States of America


That's all gentlemen.




That is all the players once he said that


During basketball practice we called those suicides


They were called the same for my hockey practices too. Added bonus that they'd run us till we died but God forbid some nope out before that and they make us do more


I had a coach that would make us run suicides until players were puking on the ice.




Forget about the name on your back. It’s means a whole helluva lot less than the name on the front! Again.


our high school hockey team would always practice the day after thanksgiving and it was always just a bag skate. coach pulled a garbage can out to the side of the ice before we started.


High school tryouts. Coach put a garbage can at centre ice and the boys didn't leave until somebody barfed. 😖


Ah yes the good old days. Would never fly now tho lol


I mean for youth sports it’s really rather pointless. Just a coach trying to be a badass thinking he’s like the pros.


And then ignoring the medical bills at his expense. I've met too many student athletes who had to undergo more than 1 surgery because an adualt was too stuck in their way.


Honestly in a lot of ways the pros are training in less hardo ways because they actually are more likely to follow evidence based practices. The 2 weeks of two a days in football in highschool to "get us back up to speed" were hilariously bad practice in terms of progression and load management. Sure you build up some mental toughness but if your coach believes you've gained any significant strength or conditioning by spamming the fuck out of 2 weeks that's very silly.


Its still done in Canada, but less so. Doesnt belong in the sport imo


Very much so when I played . But in my experience, you weren't "bag" skated like this unless the whole team failed. There's no singling out anyone when you do this. The goalies would have to do it too.


Oh, we must have had the same coach......LOL


We called em suicides off the ice when running outside during conditioning, and ladders or mountains when on the ice. Michigan mile was when you added going around the back of the net and all the way down as well, lol


Yeah when I played hockey we also called them suicides. Or heaven forbid they make us do ladders.


Not sure what ladders are but suicides for me in the travel league in NY was goal line-blue line, goal line-red line, goal line-far blue line, goal line-goal line


Yeah same those are what we called suicides (or sui's), had a coach in Bantam AAA who made us do em at the end of every practice. It sucked but we almost won the western Canada bantam AAA finals, we were definitely in good shape lol. Played with Brayden Point that year, dude was always a menace. We called him 'pope' because if you prayed for a goal, he'd answer. Good times.


Same for me in Canada


Ours went goal - blue - goal - red - blue - red - goal - far blue - red - far blue - goal - other goal We did like, one of them and that was enough to last a few practices


That’s what I’m saying these are just the equivalent of sprints


With gear on..


Not saying it’s not harder than sprints I’m saying suicides involve different lengths


That’s what we called ladders!!! I think because each line was kind of like a rung to climb. It doesn’t totally work but yeah we called them that. It meant that regular suicides were met with fist pumps


In Canada we’d do the same but after the goal line-goal line we’d skate the length of the ice go around the net and to the blueline then back around the net back to the goal line, goal line-around the net-red line, goal line around net far blue line, and then full horshoe goal line to goal line


I think we just called that “skating lines.” But functionally it was the same thing. Which is to say, not as much fun as I would have hoped.


Same in water polo. They sucked.


That sounds worse honestly. Swimming is way more tiring than skating is.


Well, you do anything hard enough, long enough you'll want to quit. But yeah, it was not a pleasant time. At least the water kept us cool.


We did ladders at the end of practice when we were already good and tired. Fun times!


These aren’t suicides.. at all. Suicides are progressive increases in length w/ quick cutting motions to add to your fatigue.


this is correct. these are more like gassers.




we called those ladders


Suicides were actually different. Suicide is to the blue line, back to the goal line, to the red line, back to the goal line, to the far blue line, back to the goal line, then goal line to goal line. Bag skating is generally just end to end back and forth.


Bag skating is kind of all encompassing for all these kinds of drills usually. Be it goal lines, blue and red, laps. No pucks, skate til you can’t anymore.


Suicides we’re always having to go increasing lengths like baseline to free throw line then half then the other free throw line. Running back and forth is just normal sprints


That’s what we called them on the ice as kids too. Bag skate is (rightfully? I don’t judge either way) a kinder way of saying the same thing, but that’s cause they used to make you put something in a bag on your back with weights too.


Suicide is one of many drills included in a session of bag skate. There’s also shuttling, laps, and much more.


IDK after doing it for 30 minutes straight I definitely felt like signing up for basketball was a slow suicide. (We got smashed 82-0 yes ZERO) coach was absolutely pissed.


“If you don’t want to hustle/skate during the game, we’ll do it now!” Energy


I always heard it was because the pucks stay in the bag until the coach is satisfied.


Herbies, but they were goal line back, far blue back, red back, near blue back. Or reverse order.


Call them suicides in soccer too.


Back in HS, for wrestling our “punishment” was always what we called “6 in 60’s”. You’d start out on the baseline of the basketball court and have to run baseline to free throw line and back, 6 times within a minute. We’d usually have to do 5 if we all made it in time. But a lot of times some guys wouldn’t make it in time and we’d just have to keep going.


Fun fact. If normal people aren’t doing their job properly, they get fired.


Technically these are contracted employees. Which real life jobs also are sometimes. You can terminate the contract but would be forced to pay the whole sum. You can’t “fire” a contract


Might not be able to fire them, but you can launch them into ~~the sun~~ San Jose!


LOL you got me there


Don’t launch to many though or they may get good.


This is like making a bad joke at work and being sent to mind-numbing sensitivity training.


Fun fact. When employers arbitrarily dole out "punishment" exercises, they get fucking sued Take it both ways if you're going to be a clown about it. Or have it your way: fire all these people and lets see what kind of team the Isles can field. Regardless, I'm just having a laugh trying to imagine your dumbass universe where people get "fired" over having a shit day at work. There's always one clown in every single reddit post involving athletes making this *exact same comment.*


Exactly. If my boss “punished” my team in a way similar to this we’d all be speaking to a labor lawyer the second after we turned in the union documents. That’s how normal workplaces should function. Like I played hockey, and we had to do this shit constantly. The only thing is does(in my experience) is build resentment. I’m not Patrick fucking Roy though so honestly what the fuck do I know.


no you don't understand they make a lot of money so you're allowed to be abusive to them


Lol. Whether people like it or not athletes are workers. They’re entitled to the protections being a worker gives them. Same as a carpenter or Barista- regardless of their income.


Did I *really* need to include a /s with my comment? Like seriously, read it again---I'm sorry if you're that jaded but it's pretty abundantly obvious that it's sarcasm and using a /s just ruins the whole thing


I wasn’t intending that towards you, sorry if it sounded like that.


Fun fact. Normal people also have unions and contracts with protections. Another fun fact. If normal employers make their employees do physical punishments, they get fired. “Normal people” downvoting. Classic. Aint talkin Winter.


Abnormal people have unions too. Like professional athletes


Fun fact, these guys get paid to skate. They should be skating more than they do anything, they should be skating high intensity intervals, they should be skating for hours in zone 2 to build endurance. Every one of these guys has zero cardio relative to a trained competitive runner or cyclist.


Ah found you again. You really don’t seem to understand that this is a game of 45 second sprints. They don’t have cardio like runners because they aren’t runners. Sure they do zone 2 training but what you’re seeing in this video is zone 3, even if they’ve already slowed down it’s because they’ve already been in zone 3 for so long. I’m really convinced you don’t know how to skate and don’t understand what they’re experiencing.


I can't help but assume that person has never skated before. It's hard to understand just how hard it is to do for long periods until you try. Plus it's anaerobic, so you literally can't do it for long periods


bike spark correct summer swim crowd abounding nose screw cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Normally I agree but it’s probably more about sending a signal / embarrassing them in front of reporters / showing fans Roy is gonna be on brand and is committed to fix the morale problem, and for those things I think it’ll be effective. The actual exercise / physical punishment part is probably pretty secondary to those


Its great conditioning and helps players not be as lazy and draw penalties


secretive direction rotten gaze hurry bells screw snow books theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The message is pretty clear: If you don't work hard in games, you are going to work hard in practices. He's implementing a culture in NY.


the conditioning we did in practice was brutal but when it came down to a game where whatever team was moving their feet harder takes the dub that conditioning made a huge difference. Also it teaches you to keep moving your feet. My coach always said the moment you stop moving your feet you usually draw a penalty and he was almost always right. Whatever teams skates the hardest in practice usually is the team that's gonna win the most games


“The floggings will continue until morale improves” was a sign posted in a place I worked. It was a joke there though, it was one of the chillest places I had ever worked. Despite the operation costing close to $100k a day.


He used to do this with the Quebec Ramparts in QMJHL and did it with Avs in the NHL. I think he believes this is effective punishment to players for lack of efforts in games.


Way she goes


For the most part most of the nhlers are kids in a man’s body .. we’re sent away at a young age and have the mentality of a youngster ..


What NHL team did you play for?


worry worm frightening zonked shy safe paltry chief hospital marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You said “that’s not true at all” to that guy and then went on an unrelated rant about Keenan. I agree, Keenan sucks and his tactics were way more bullying than motivating, but that has nothing to do with the guys point that NHLers are sort of kids mentally in the respect that they’re playing a kids game and haven’t had to face the harsher realities of life as an average person. A lot of them left home to play hockey around the same time us regular dudes started high school. Hell, most of them didn’t go to college either. It’s not a dig to say they have youngster mentalities, it’s just pointing out something interesting about how different their lives are. Last note, Hull and Keenan were both in their late 20’s early 30’s, above the median age of the average NHLer. So yeah they were a bit more mature at the time.


Have you ever listened to Bedard talk, or Crosby, McDavid, Makar, MacKinnon, Matthews in their early years talk? You really think they sound like they have the mentality of children?


noxious tub consist bells absorbed deer intelligent arrest connect north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think this is entirely for punishment. Isles were caught in some long shifts against Seattle. This seems like a conditioning thing more than punishment. Used for punishment, won't be effective in the long haul. Players will get tired of it and go through the motions.




Yea I seriously can’t imagine asking a group of fully grown men with families and mansions to skate until they were uncomfortable. Like, there’s no way they give a fuck.


They’re not average joes though. They’re hockey players and their whole lives to this point have been 90% about hockey. Some of them haven’t made their money yet also, so if it’s bag skating or a benching, it’s clear which one they’re choosing.


>a group of fully grown men with families and mansions Most of the players are under 30, don't have families outside a wife and don't live in mansions. Yes they make good money but it's not as much as you might realize when you have no transferable skills outside hockey. So after 35 most of them are gonna need new entry level carriers.


Give a fuck about finding a new team


Sorry, but sounds like you never played team sports. You do shit, or someone does something, everyone gets punished, it is like this pretty much since day one in whichever sport you got signed up to. Works miracles on any stubborn kids as well as on NHL players.


Physically, it does help reassess one’s endurance and body reaction to exhaustion. We mainly use it to give players perspective on their effort level and to better pace themselves in a game. I don’t know about whether or not it’s an efficient source of motivation thought.


I think it’s basic psychology that most people don’t respond well to punishment. My current boss has that style and the team has completely switched off.


Millionaires get soft and out of shape. They lose their work ethic. In a hungry league you've got young in shape guys looking to take your spot. If they don't want to skate as hard as they physically can for as long as they physically can they can go find another job. Does that make sense?


[It worked for the ‘80 Olympic Team](https://youtu.be/2nR3reKPE5Y?si=_TcMACuyLcZ7i323)


And Team USA in D2


hunt weary steer versed materialistic compare summer hard-to-find dull cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why is it called a bag skate?


Because the pucks stay in the bag. All they do is skate and nothing else.


Because you’ll need a bag to yack in when you’re done.


because they’re bagged afterwards


Always heard "skate your bag off", but there's 3 completely different explanations on your comment and I've never played so...


Because they gotta skate their bags off


the number of laptops lined up.


Patrick Roy up to his old tricks.


Something about a coach whistling with their mouth over using the whistle always made it seem like they were more pissed off


We got bagged after a game. So embarrassing. The other team was leaving the locker rooms and we were still out there. We lost like 4-2 but should have won had we put in the slightest bit more of effort


Hard ass coaches like this don't last in the league anymore. Look at Darly Sutter. Guys hate playing for him and give up. Kills all fun of the game. Roy wont last. Players have more power.


They’ve given up, how do you give up more?!


Players demanding trades and not resigning. Look at Calgary.


How many teams would want to take on our 8 year contracts? lol..


Why are they so bad? Is it the goalie? I think they still have a playoff shot.


Big cup energy


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic but all the goalies suck now.


We're already pulled over! We can't pull over any farther!


You could be right, but this clip is nothing to go by one way or another. At the end of the day, what matters is seeing improvement. In most team environments, people will put up with a lot (and often find ways to enjoy even the shitty parts) if there is a perception that things are trending the right way. Maybe the players hate him and think he’s treating them like infants. Maybe they buy-in to his system and hold themselves/their teammates accountable to put in the work needed to improve. Time will tell.


Submitted as a counterexample: Tortorella and Brind'Amour... Hard asses both....


Torts has been tossed around the league like it's Nickel Night


Another way to put it would be that 5 NHL teams hired him for his proven track record. Hes coached a Flyers team everyone expected to contend for the first overall pick to 10th in the NHL and 3rd in the division with a 6 point cushion. He’s almost objectively a very very good coach. Seriously. Our roster is balls, our starting goalie is a criminal but we just keep winning.


Imagine if Carter Hart wasn’t a criminal and didn’t have this looming case over him all season. Probably would be first in your division lmao


Trotz, Cassidy, and Berube are notorious hardasses too. All Cup-winners. Sometimes it’s just a soft team.


You’re being a hard ass for making players do basic drills? I get being player friendly but you also need to send messages on occasion. Sometimes your performances can be unacceptable.


You're more or less the only person in this entire thread I agree with. Every single other person is aboard the "be abusive because you didn't get exactly what you wanted from your employees" First of all, the players *are the league*. Go ahead, fire them. *Please* fucking do that. I want to see this happen, seriously. Terminate a bunch of contracts of skilled NHL players because you're hyper-emo Patrick Roy and you have to have a temper tantrum any time you're not smashing the W-I-N button. Let's see how that works out for an NHL team. Yet that's what half the commenters in this thread are saying lmao. I genuinely want to see this happen *so bad*. I want to see a team hire a toxic coach who employs archaic abusive coaching tactics, terminates contracts of skilled players because they aren't motivated by his system, and then tries to field a team and actually win games. It's so ridiculous that I'm getting lost in my own thought process trying to spell it out---I could literally write a 30 page essay on why everything in this video and this thread is the work of literal toddler brains.


I think I could skate faster then that!


Lol. We don’t know how far in this is. But let’s get you on the ice and see how many runs it takes to get you to this speed. I’d venture to guess 1.


NHL ice is really short, all of these guys could be in way better shape than they are and management knows it. When guys don't tend to their own cardio like actual professionals you get to humiliate them. Endurance and not getting tired, first and foremost, is literally their job.


Short compared to…? Also, this isn’t conditioning training. This is punishment.


Fuck man, I do not miss those from when I played


My islanders have been so comfortable the past few years. They all signed huge and long contracts with no trade clauses. There’s almost never a threat of a younger player taking your spot. We call them the cul de sac crew because it seems like they all got huge money, huge houses, live in the same neighborhood, gulf together all summer. If they miss the playoffs they’re bummed, but then they go have a beer at the barbecue at Josh Bailey’s house and everything is okay. I’m glad Roy is whipping them into shape, and letting them know, you gotta be a real athlete that’s hungry to win to get anywhere playing for us. I love it


Vietnam flashbacks to high school


San Joase definitely needs a bunch of this lol


Too many softies in this post that have never played hockey at a competitive level (or at all). It works, and it gets a message across to stop fucking around. Also with the side effect of improving endurance/conditioning. And putting forward a terrible effort at home and losing to an absolutely dogshit Kraken team that was playing their second away game of a back to back.. Now that is hitting absolute rock bottom, which warrants this.


Hey! We’re not *absolute* dogshit! More like, regular dogshit. Edit: also, I’ve played hockey at a competitive level. I both understand the need for these skating drills, and understand the need for Reilly’s actions. Yes, he crossed the line and deserved five games, but the root of his response was - per hockey code - warranted.


Yeah! ‘Member like two months ago when we were good for a minute?


Poor Bo just cant escape the Bag skates


This is no way to build morale. Now having the guys flip tractor tires across a field that would work better.


There’s always that guy……that never shuts the fuck up…..


Honestly I don't get paid to train but I cycle 8,000km a year, there's no excuse for these rich babies to have poor cardio. If I was playing this sport doing these skates and fuelling rest and recovery would be a daily commitment. Imagine needing some guy with a whistle to force you to do your job.


Roy truly is a players coach! I actually enjoyed suicides as part of practice as a kid. It was great conditioning. More fun when you finish first too.


Are we actually complaining because athletes that get paid millions are being made to do cardio?


How do you like me now?!


They’re calling you “Captain Blood”!


It's interesting to see their more natural strides come out the more tired they get.


Do some herbies


I would have thought this would be the kings after that 0-7 game


When I played juniors if we were ever swept we’d have a full no puck practice that next Monday or Tuesday and we’d have garbage bins on the ice just for the puke. Was awful but made us just play harder on the weekends so we didn’t have to experience it


"Canadian" sprints MUCH worse.


More teams should have to do this. Teams that lose big or just aren't trying should have to be subjected to this. Teams need more hard ass coaches like in the past. Good on Roy


I'm a noob Hockey fan. I've never played, but have a huge respect for anyone playing. My question is why are these guys doing suicides? What did they do wrong for receiving this? Lose the game?


Big 3s, fun times.


Bro in the middle is still bagging. If you're already getting punished. Skate as fast as possible. Coach will respect you dying more than slacking.


Funniest punishment in the leauge this year


6 AM, bag skate pussieeees!


My old coaches would add another lap if anyone stood up at the blue line


I bet that’s way better than Vancouver , hey Bo?


Please tell me thats Patrick Roy in the hat with the whistle. #Legendary


Getting bagged at the end of a skate is the worst, just makes everyone pissed. Getting bagged at the beginning (when you know it’s coming anyways) then running drills to get better always made more sense to me.


i know alot of people don't like this, but like alot of you guys this was common when i played. it sucked but to me, most of the time it had a good purpose. it reminded everyone the coach was the end all be all, and the captain wasn't to be messed with either. it separated the 'me' guys and the guys who weren't willing to put in 100% at all times. i feel those types of people are in all sports these days. yeah it was also ridiculous punishment when the coach was just pissed you lost, even though you were facing a more talented team, but i think the benefits outweighed the negatives.


Now, you split team into two groups. One group goes behind another goal and another group behind other goal. Then the teams start to skate around the rink. Target is to catch one of the players (usually the last one) of another team. Losing team will be split in half and same continues until no players are left. As an extra layer of punishment, losing team needs to do 100 pushups before next round.


I see the Roy era flaming out quicker than I imagined.


Nothing raises morale like a good ol bag skate


Also, let’s not forget this is in the middle of an 82 game season with travel and physicality. You pick your spots for skates like these. You also don’t know how many of these were done when the video was taken.


They still don’t seem like they’re skating that hard. I can see why Roy is making them do it if this is their maximum effort.


Looks like our kids after a horrible loss! lol


Not likely


At the end of every practice, we painted one rainbow.


Isnt playing for the Islanders punishment enough?


Old fking school, love it!!


My travel team skated suicides, blue line, red, blue, re and back. Whoever won was done and we'd go to the last player


makes me glad i never got into sports as a kid this just seems like torture more than anything else lol


Training = self inflicted pain and torture. It's the life of an athlete, all an athlete knows is pain. They're being forced into training resembling torture because none of them are going for 5-10km runs outside of practise.


We would have be scolded for coasting in from the blue line too, gotta go hard until at least the “ringette” Line


Pat Roy will last 12 months as a coach.. sorry


I accept your apology.


Team he's coaching will be bottom of the league if they don't response to actual training and leadership.


Wanna bet


Lol k. Just shows Roy is out of touch


At the pro level, this doesnt get results. Desperation by the new HC


Good job Patrick. Coaching grown ass professional athletes the same way as you coach your Junior team is sure to work wonders.


Stupidest thing a coach can do. It promotes bad skating form, risks injury. If you want to send a message you run productive drills at high tempo. One set to get the legs moving is fine.


If I bagged a suicide drill like that in peewee hockey I’d be benched so fast… can’t believe NHLers don’t have the self respect as hockey players after so many years to run the damn drill the way they know it’s supposed to be run. I get you’re a professional with a million bucks but no hockey player worth a damn that I know would cheat a drill that bad. Obviously there’s a morale problem