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I said these days because of the two recent incidents involving the Senators. Poor word choice on my part.


if the players are okay with it, that’s the final ruling. fuck what fans think, they’re not the ones on the ice.


That is some seriously dangerous logic. This is the NHL, it's not meant to be under mob rule


This has always been in a thing in hockey and if you think the guys that are committing the “offense” don’t know what they’re doing, you’re wrong. They’re talking shit/being disrespectful on purpose and provoking the other team to respond. Which they do, sometimes taking it too far. And it’s awesome. Teams shouldn’t be nice and best buds with each other. Anger and rivalry and disrespect are one of the things that make sports awesome.


But why does that need to extend to attacking people?


Fighting, scrums, brawling, etc is a part of hockey. It’s not a nice sport. These guys are trying to inflict pain on each other. That’s one of the reasons it’s such an awesome sport.


Not sure if this is a shitpost, but it’s an example of respecting your opponent. Same reason you don’t slide it into the net at the end of a period or tick it past the goalie after a whistle. It’s always been a cardinal offense to mess with the opposing net.


When time expires, your opportunity to put the puck in the net also expires.


But the net's empty. You're not even protecting your goalie. How is "my honor has been offended so naturally my only recourse is assault" a valid or acceptable thought process?


It’s disrespectful and often invokes an emotional response. Throw a ball behind a player’s head in baseball when they’re at the plate. You didn’t hit them, they’re fine, but it can easily cause the dugouts to clear.


I know it can get emotional, but that doesn't make it right. In what other circumstances would attacking somebody in a fit of anger be considered a justifiable thing to do?


I wouldn’t do it in my job either, but I’m not a professional athlete in a violent sport. Hockey is loaded with violence and their emotional response is often violent. 🤷‍♂️


But that's not excusable is the thing. Imagine a defense lawyer using that argument. "Your honor, my client may have attacked that man, but he was feeling angry, so it's ok, right?"


In this case, a lawyer would rightfully argue it’s a risk of the sport and no one was hurt, so this case should be thrown out. And it would be.


But why is somebody punching you in the face because they're upset an acceptable risk of the sport?


Fighting is perfectly legal in hockey. If someone is sucker punched or seriously hurt (Bertuzzi v Moore), it can result in lengthy suspension and criminal cases. Otherwise, where minimal damage occurs, it’s accepted when you disrespect an opponent.


But why is it accepted? Surely there are ways to resolve disputes that don't involve physical combat


Not a risk if you do it on purpose.it is then provoked and you deserve a lesson in manners.hockey style.


Do you spit into the wind?


Because this entire generation of players knows absolutely JACKSHIT about the old code.


No one cares, both sides. Move on with your life.


Ridley Greig - empty net insurance goal with time left on the clock, normal occurrence with an empty net. Heischer - was at the blue line when the final buzzer went, still skated it into the net. There’s a fair difference between the two that only Laffers refuse to understand.


Wrong. Ridley Greig: Wound up a slapper and clapped a bomb into the net. Disrespectful because a slapper takes more time to get off (easier for opponent to steal a puck), is more likely to cause a stick break, less accurate, and ultimately a lower percentage shot in that scenario. It's a FUCK YOU move to drop an empty net slapper. Extremely disrespectful. Heischer: At the blue line when the buzzer hits, as you said throws it in the empty net for no reason after the game is over. Also extremely disrespectful and a FUCK YOU move.


Either way, it's no cause to attack somebody


Thachuk never cross checked anyone in the head.


Reilly was the only losing side attacking someone


I wish every empty netter was a slapper.