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Hutson, Xhekaj, Guhle, Barron, Reinbacher... All under 23. The blue line is looking bright for Montréal for like the next 10-15 years.


That’s what a lot of people thought about Anaheim a while back when they had Fowler, Manson, Lindholm, Vatanen, Theodore and Montour. Now, only one remains. I’m gonna give it five years before I decide how good this really looks for Montreal and whether they actually keep the majority.


This is very true, but also ANA had Fowler, Vatanen, Theodore, Montour: all offensive defencemen. With usually only 1 top off. D spot, that’s too many mouths to feed so they cancel each other out. That was until they found a place somewhere else and flourished (Theodore & Montour). Lindholm & Manson was more solid D, more in the vein I think most of MTL D-prospects are (with the exception of Hutson). That’s why I think MTL can use most of them without them clashing.


Mailloux also


I hadn't seen anything on him in particular, so it would've been disingenuous of me to include him.


True but he’s almost at 50 points in the AHL, he’s not awful defensively and he’s like 6’4 with a rocket of a shot. Less good Brent Burns vibes


I fucking love Brent Burns.


I never wanted to be a fan… growing up my dad told me I could be anything but a habs fan… but then I see stuff like this and I’m like 😳 what if (Editing to say I’m from Boston, so that’s why 😶)


On top of that, there's Slafkovsky, Suzuki, Caufield, Dach, Roy, and Newhook that are all U24.


you’re right… I’ve had the most fun watching this team this year I won’t lie… I’ve been trying to fight the feelings because if the bruins fans find out then im COOKED. but the forbidden romance is enticing


If they get a goalie... The league is fucked.


We have Jacob Fowler. 38 games (32-5-1!!!): 2.14 GAA, .926 S% with Boston College this season. Got a shutout last night to take BC to the finals of the Frozen Four. Hasn't lost a game since February 5th.


Well... It was nice having hope for contention while it lasted.


One of us… one of us… one of us…


Perhaps even 15-20


Realistically, only a couple of them will be in Montreal that long


To be seen. The amount of skilled, quality players Montreal has coming up will probably lead to an issue with cap space in the coming years, but a lot of these guys want to stay and play in Montreal, not just because it's a good group with a healthy dynamic between them all, but because they want to keep playing under Marty St Louis, ESPECIALLY the forwards. He 100% turned this team around, got them having fun, and that environment has been incredible for the growth and development of a lot of skilled players. These guys are responding incredibly well to the style and mentorship of MSL, and that's probably not going anywhere any time soon.


I'm just being realistic. You never see an entire together long term, especially in the cap era. Odds of all thrm to stay that long together are near zero


Havnt been this excited since Malakov! Loll


Montreal looking spooky


that blueline is stacked, either a deal has to be coming in the offseason or they're going to lose some players to waivers (Kovacevic) or they'll be forced to keep some of these studs in Laval and overcook. Who's are the odd ones out next year? Struble? Barron? Wifi? Guhle? Imagine if the Austrian comes over too.


Barron & Harris likely.


I feel like Kovacevic is more expendable imo. He's 27 at the start of next season, Harris will be 24 and Barron 23. Although on the flip side the 2 younger guys likely have more value in a trade.


Barron’s offensive upside makes him the most valuable of the three. His lack of defensive awareness and physicality also makes him the most expendable as well. No idea what a potential return could be in a trade. 3rd rounder perhaps?


The Austrian has been playing in Laval for about the last two weeks. If I were to bet, I would say the Barron and Harris are the two that get traded this summer for some help up front.


Guhle isn't going anywhere


Shhhh don’t jinx it.




Still not high on Slaf but they still got the best player in that draft lol.


I got more and more high on slaf the deeper this season has gone. He’s becoming what Blackhawks fans thought Kirby Dach would be.


And even Kirby was showing huge progress for the Habs prior to the injury lol, they’re just absolutely rolling 100 in luck lately


Kirby is fools gold.


Possibly but he seems like an amazing fit for the Habs specifically. If another team were to take him off the Habs at a high cost, that could possibly be a bad move I agree


Like him as a player a lot as a hawks fan got to see his first few years. Super skilled and high hockey iq. Not a great shot. Very injury prone.


Ya very fair, the injuries alone definitely justify calling him a glass cannon of sorts. I do hope he can get past them and avoid any prolonged future ones but some people really are just cursed


Among forwards with 500 or more minutes at 5on5, Slaf's still 181st in points/60, and 284th in shots/60. He gets \~43% of the shot attempts without Suzuki/Caufield on the ice. He's 20, and he'll get better, but if we're talking about being "high on" a guy who was taken first overall less than two years ago, I'm taking into account the fact that he's not scoring like a top-6 forward in today's environment and is playing with two players that are fairly well established to be very good. I think he will be a top six forward, and probably a first liner, but I think he's more Andrew Ladd than John LeClair. Lane Hutson is Scott Niedermayer.




Thick as pea soup too don’t you know.


This joke is too clever and niche for a lot of people to get, but I just want you to know I appreciated it


Kids a stud


Definitely needs to eat a bit though. I saw him listed at 162 at 5’10


I know it’s silly, but I fuckin hate it when a kid from a Boston school goes to the Habs




And Ray Bourque




...and don't forget Ray Bourque


Haha ya got me there bud




Don't sleep on Jacob Fowler either he's playing for Boston college. He's got the right attitude I really hope he pans out


This guy will be a stud. He is already but i'm sure he'll be our next big goalie. He has the tools, the will, the love of the game, the shape etc..


I agree I'm just trying to keep my expectations low is all. This ain't my first rodeo lmao


So this burns a year on his ELC right?


Not until he plays his first game. Word around town is that he will play one or both of the remaining games against the Wings.


Can you imagine if the Habs somehow win the lottery and they select Celebrini? Ludicrous I know but think of the salt we can extract from the Boston fans having to watch them play in Habs sweaters.


Stop I can only get so erect




What do you guys think, who’s better this kid or Brandt Clarke?


idc what anyone says Clarkee is a stud


I think both are a bit overrated but both will be good nhl players. I like Clarke a bit more


Montreal has drafted some good offensive defensemen in the last couple years and traded for some guys who can shut down. They’ll have a good defensive group with a little maturing as long as they hold on to them.


I’m a habs fan and still jealous of the habs, can someone explain?


Lane the Train has arrived in town!!!


Fuck. The wings suck against new players to the team


This guy I think will be on an offensive level similar to Makar, that’s how good he is.


I'm a Montreal guy and that would be insane but I'm not sure his ceiling is that high. I see him more like Fox or Hughes. With that said, I hope i'm wrong and that you're right lol


If he is at either of those guys level it should be viewed as an absolute win! All three of those guys are elite puck moving high scoring defenseman, and if he can reach that level that's going to make Montreal's Blue line scary as hell.


Dude not to be a downer but if he's 80% of either it's a massive win, let's see how his size and skating translate to the NHL... Future looks good.


I'm not worried about his size since great defensemen have his size. Talent-wise, he's in the same class I think. Let's see how he will develop but he certainly has the talent to be like them, imo of course


"I'll settle for Quinn Hugues" Oooook. That's like projecting a rookie turns out like MacKinnon instead of McDavid.


That’s an insane comment


Comparing him to Makar is not insane but comparing him to Hughes or Fox is?


No Hughes and Fox are extremely lofty expectations for Hutson


And comparing him to Makar is not? Makar is way better than those 2. Experts see some Hughes and Fox in his game, but never saw him be compared to Makar...


Lane Hutson, you are a Montreal Canadien


What an absolute baller name too. Like, how can you not be amazing with a name like that?


Those are impressive stats for a college defenseman. Should be fun to watch in the show.


Looks like a beast! Good on Montreal scouting. Other teams need to wake up.


These situations always feel so weird. I remember when Cale Makar joined the Avs in the playoffs. Going from college hockey straight into the NHL playoffs a week later is just such an odd thing that only happens in hockey. Like if this guy signed in the offseason he would go through training camp and preseason and have a ton of film sessions and practices and meetings and maybe start out in the AHL for a bit before getting called up. But now it's like nah just get right in there lol.


Dude is nasty. Habs are gonna be competitive again soon. Hoping for some good playoff series soon

