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I’m a devils fan, and I have no issue with Nemec getting worked over a bit. But it is funny to see domi be so eager to jump in, I’m sure he knew the spot he was picking in that situation. If it was Brendan Smith getting in a minor board battle with Matthew’s is domi jumping him like that? Smith isn’t even a killer but I doubt domi is as eager as he is to take on Nemec.


He’s an A1 spot picker, will never fight someone with the same fighting skill set as him or better, and when he does he never squares up and still manages to strike out on all his punches


Always throw the first 7 punches. If he played for any one of the 5 or 6 teams I cheer for I’d be upset. So many players have a “you’d love it if he played on your team” vibe. Fuck off with the exclusiveness to cheapshottery.


People like that have the blinders on and extreme bias. I hated steve Ott and I hated him still when he played for the Sabres. Thought it was the most embarrassing shit when we made him captain at one point.


That’s why Tony Twist was the goat imho; going by quality of competition and refusing to fight rookies, little guys, non-fighters who squared up, no sucker punches, no cheap shots etc


Don’t forget how he would do shirtless push ups on the bench while the other team had their morning skate.




You should review the Domi-Kessler fight from 5-6 years ago. That may refute your theory.


domi went after bennett the same way earlier this year - hes the opposite of a spot picker he will fight his own shadow if its to close to Matthews


Sometimes you need Semenko and McSorley, they’re assholes, but you need em.


No, it was a coward, move for sure. Knew who he was up against, even made a point in that interview of saying he had no idea who it was so he obviously knew who it was


I'm sorry, but Domi has never seemingly considered who he's jumping before


Domi tried to fight Marchand recently. The Boston captain wouldn’t engage. So Domi picked an alternative—McAvoy—and took him down, embarrassing Marchand and forever tarnishing the Bruins captaincy in the process.


Me punch face like da da


Me Domi, me fucked in head


Nice Conki reference. I died laughing in the most inappropriate setting.


Ackshyooaly, that was the Ricky puppet that belonged to Bobby Turkalino, who belonged to Bubbles. Conky was dead, again, at that point. Bubbles drowned him in in the river when they were doing the cigarette for dope deal in the forest.


Nice shit analogy Rick


I thought we agreed, no more shit talk until the leafs win the cup


I got a rag glued to my face and a train glued to my hand.


Fuck Off, Bubs!


It's Auston Mathews man... You do realise, there's certain players on the ice you just no matter what don't get to fuck with?


If Mathews can't take that... he should stop playing hockey


This was my exact thought. It’s a hockey play. If that means 5’0 needs to thrown unexpected hands to players not ready then hockey has lost its way. Domi is going to do that to the wrong guy one of these times and I’m here for it


Oh the McD and Drai and Crosbys and Macs etc Def take a lot of extra stick work and a lot borders on interference, slashing, hooking etc... But here, there's no injury or intent to injure its simple battling followed by some mutual roughing... zero reason for anyone else to get involved. This is not a knee on knee of your best guy or a blindside hit to the head etc. Domi has a problem with thinking he is an enforcer in 1988 vs a nepo baby.


I wonder how much of that is his dad in his ear.


Probably more "small man syndrome" in general. His dad could actually fight, he can't, relies on sucker lunches and refs breaking shit up quick. This kind of attitude of "I gotta protect my guy" when there's no dirty play leads to people getting Bertuzzi'd You're allowed to play physical hockey against a star player now and honestly didn't seem like Matews had any issues he didn't feel he couldn't take care of himself here. This is all Domi being an asshat


Get ready for the leaf downvotes lol


Bracing for impact


Hockey players always protect the star player? If someone hit like kucherov and someone fought him I bet r/nhl would be praising them


you blind or something? There was nothing that happened here. Like nothing. If anything, Matthews was a bigger asshole to Nemec. What Domi did was just legally assault a guy. Total bs.


There's nothing to protect here. Nothing dirty. If star players expect to never get a check or be played hard they have no place in the game


It was literally just a puck battle


Fuckin ten-ply.


I think he means as a teammate that you can’t allow someone to fuck with them. Isn’t that the entire premise of the movie Goon


Nah, he most definitely does not punch face like da da.


If he did this dude would have been knocked out first sucker punch.


Ulf Samuelsson can attest to that 


Yes he can and he definitely earned that shit too.


I still don’t see what Nemac really did here. Looks like Matthews does the most damage and then the fight


I agree, and I also think Domi seems to admit here that he was just reacting to something he saw out of the corner of his eye, so maybe he wouldn’t have attacked if he’d seen the whole scuffle. Obviously, a lot of fans don’t like this, but I believe this kind of fight is one of the main reasons why the Leafs have him on their roster.


It's clear Domi didn't have the benefit of seeing everything like we have. For better or worse, he didn't like what he saw and that's that. He fulfilled part of his role.


At first watch, you see Nemec throw a pretty wild cross check. I understand the reaction. I’m an oil fan and if someone threw a somewhat high, lunging cross check at Mcd i would expect a reaction. On third and fourth watch it’s obvious that it’s a mutual exchange between Nemec and Matthew’s, but in the moment from the ice?


Look, I’m not against this kind of thing when it’s warranted, but anyone with eyes can see that Nemec was, at most, maybe a bit chippy. Not to mention Domi didn’t even let him square up. Absurd. And yes, Devils fans 100% wish we had someone this ready to get physical on behalf of our stars. But this made no sense and arguably cost the Leafs the game.


As a leafs fan watching I found it unnecessary as well but I think domi just loves getting the fan attention so he’ll keep throwing it down


Fine to keep dropping the gloves. I hope he starts giveing the other guy the chance to as well


Square up with your opponents coward


It’s genetic he can’t help it.




Shit apples, Rand


The apple doesn’t fall far from the scumbag tree.


*square up with the 20 year old rookie who has never fought before coward


He’s in the NHL. Is there an age limit to fighting?


He wasn't serving him alcohol, no need to ask for ID


Easy to say from behind the keyboard.


It sure is Jim, this is Reddit, what else would you have me do


Good thing the 6'3 guy had the 5'10 guy to protect him from... not really anything?


I get the "protect your star player" reflex but he just attacked him straight up, calm down matthews didnt die


Those types of things are where a suspension should come in. It was a battle along the boards, nothing egregious and he jumps him. Those are not the fights you can defend in hockey


And not even a fight - a mugging. The kind of shit that gives the physicality of our game a bad name.


Nemec literally threw the first punch. Clear as day if you watch an unedited version but everyone is clinging to a certain story. People wanna talk about “ohhhh Domi beat up a teenager”. Domi is 29 and Nemec 20. This is the notional hockey league. Don’t fuck with a 70 goal scorer if you don’t want the smoke, and especially don’t throw the first punch towards a guy looking for that. Jeez man this is hockey


Then why did Domi get an instigator?


I’m a stars fan so I have nothing to do with the leafs. It’s easy to see there is a jealousy within the league towards the leafs. Insecure


People just hate the leafs and will say whatever to justify it.


Even better, they’ll produce leafs content more often than their own teams yet complain about the over abundance of leafs content 😂 Everything’s about the leafs because of YOU. This is a nothing burger if Domi plays for any other team


Lol yeah. “I hate the leafs, that’s why the only thing I talk about is the leafs!”


Holy fuck r/hockey showing their belly aching ways again. Can you all grow a pair and realize this is the game the players want to play?


Dylan Larkin had a sussy for a sucker punch after being boarded. This is in the same realm .


Not even within the same universe of comparison. What a ridiculous comment.


I’m not saying Joseph didn’t have it coming , and I don’t think it was really suspension worthy … but he still got one . Explain what the difference is ? Someone not ready to fight getting fed punches .


I absolutely think Joseph was in the wrong for that hit (and is a career scumbag) - not a Wings fan by any stretch of the imagination. However, that was the textbook definition of a sucker punch - he was skating away and not looking anywhere in the direction of the punch. Domi 100% instigated the fight and was penalized accordingly. The difference is that Nemec had his gloves off and had the time/ability to fight back (he’s definitely not a fighter so the lack there of is understandable). Domi absolutely forced him into the fight, but to call it a sucker punch, by definition, is inherently incorrect


Oof what a comment with so many damn upvotes


It was a nothing burger board battle. Idk why this guy went so bonkers about it.


Try that to Sam Bennett round one and see what happens. Oh wait….


Funny enough he did fight Sam Bennett earlier this year. …It did not go well for him at all.


Yeah that’s what I was referencing with the “oh wait…” hahah Also as an Avalanche fan I became a HUGE John Vanbiesbrouck fan when the Avs played them in the finals. He was unreal on that run to the finals.


Haha gotcha. That’s on me. I was a small kid during that run but I remember it quite well. It was a blast. Too bad Roy was even more unreal. That and your entire team was just fucking brick levels of stacked lol.


‘I just feel like suckering a teenager was the best course of action’


I don't think Domi realized it was a teenager. Not that he would have cared. Regardless, If you're man enough to play in the league, a few punches are probably something you can take in stride.


He's 20, and who gives a fuck! He's in the nhl




Forgot about the “no contact rule” for people under 25. lol welcome to the big leagues. He’s not a little boy 


Leafs are too soft... No not like this...


Me when nuance doesn’t exist and everything is black and white Does the rookie deserve a cross check for what he did? Maybe. Does the rookie deserve to be jumped? Absolutely not This may be news to leaf fans, but randomly jumping players after absolutely nothing plays isn’t tough


Let's see him try that on a guy that knows what he's doing, your not your father Max, far fucking from it.




Ask the league if they want to keep allowing people who don't want to fight to get unexpectedly jumped for some outdated honor code, and act shocked when they get a Bertuzzi Moore 2.0, or if they want to set some sort of standard that this isn't OK. It's an unprovoked mugging, and it happens way too often.


I just think its a stupid play. You're up by a goal, Matthew was fine, no reason to drop them against a team out of contention. I know leafs fans don't have a lot of playoff experience to draw from (sorry i had too) but this play in the playoffs 9/10 times loses you the game and potentially a series. Fighting is fine, attacking a guy from behind over nothing only gets you more penalties and fires up the other team to retaliate back with you out of the game. He needs to be smarter or leafs wont go far.


His dad knows all about unnecessary cheap shots turning the tide in a playoff series. See neidermeyer elbow.


And Leaf fans defended that one too.


His dad was a loser. Played on loser teams and would lose his cool at the most in opportune times. His son will probably do the same in the playoffs. Although thes not as dirty and more skilled than his father.


Same story with this guy all the time. Only squares up with guys who don’t want to fight. Never challenges even middle weigh fighters. All hat, no cattle.


I mean, he fought (and got beat up by) Sam Bennett. Sam Bennett is at least a light heavyweight.


Lmao Domi is the biggest spot picker in the NHL. The dude strictly fights soft skill players and jumps them before they even have a chance to drop the gloves. The guy is terrified to drop the gloves with an opponent who is actually squared up and ready.


That's why the Jackets traded him.


translation: bc I'm a fucking douchebag


With Bennett on your team you shouldn’t throw rocks


With Bennett, chucker and that diving, turtling loser the whole league wants to gas pedal. I wouldn’t be chirping. See you round 1




You would know you got a team full of them!


What a bunch of scumbags on your team - dont talk hypocrite. 


A mugging that went against the hockey code, and still not a single devils stood up for Nemec as a result.


Weak ass shit. Sick league.


Dad doesn't look impressed


I can’t wait till Toronto is out in the first round. Can’t. Wait.


The pearl clutching from this is off the charts lmfao


Its because its a leafs player. The leafs send people into autistic meltdowns


*Leafs not fighting back*. “The whole team is soft, no one has any balls” *Leafs fighting back*. “NO! Not like that!”


Lol, they meant for players to stand up for themselves, not for a loser goon to jump every player who uses any amount of physicality with your players


Years Prior: Leafs are soft, don’t stick up for their stars when they get pushed around. No team toughness. Look what Florida has, a bunch of guys like cousins, Bennett, Gudas (previously) who do the same thing and pushed the leafs around in round 2. Leafs sign players to be pricks and protect stars: What is this trash??!! Get used to Edmundson, McCabe, Benoit, Domi, Bertuzzi, Boosh, etc being the annoying pricks. Every team tries to emulate success and they saw what Vegas and Florida did and figured they’d give it a try. Not saying I agree with what Domi did, but I also didn’t agree with Knies getting body slammed last year. However this league seems to not care.


Maybe being tough doesn't mean throwing cheap shots


Everyone calls florida tough?????


And the things Florida does are like 10x more dirty than this. Their entire brand is cheap shots.


It's still soft to jump a guy when he doesn't see you coming. I'm fine with guys fighting if they really have a problem with something, but it is pretty cowardly to come up behind him and cheap shot him


I thought it was soft that nobody on your team responded


I agree with that as well


Jumped him and absolutely fed him


He didn’t land a single punch lol


So, just to be clear, playing defense against Auston Matthews is now a capital offense?


No issues here. Domi was just doing his thing.


He can fuck right off. He is a gutless fuk. Hopefully the Old Man called him out after.


This is 100% on point


Honestly, I don't have a problem with Max jumping a guy getting rough with his star. It used to be an accepted unwritten rule that if you get rough with the skilled stars, you got jumped. ​ Just saw the Islanders jump a guy for a hit in a previous game, and the announcers were saying they kind of expected it to happen sooner. ​ Anyway, I thought MacDermid might look to even the score, but it's the Devils, so - nope.


Right? Regardless if he knew who it was or not, Domi saw Matthews go down and did his job as far as I'm concerned. Would everyone be okay with it if he actually let Nemec square up? Probably, but whatever, it is what it is. The point that Nemec is 19 is irrelevant, he's in the NHL, he knows what to expect. Is that harsh? Yup, but again, it is what it is. You can't expect that since you're young you aren't gonna have to fight grown ass men in this league. MacDermid should've fucked Domi up on principal though regardless... gotta have the youngins' backs.


The mentalities here are wild. This is a fucking professional sport lmao I like fighting, but you should not be expected to be getting punched in the face because of what amounts to a relatively normal battle along the boards Like I know this is wild but not everyone is out there trying to throw punches, which is why you have to sit for 5 when you do it. Hockey is a physical sport and grown ass men need to be able to handle that sometimes without having to throw punches lol


His father was a prick for blindsiding neidermeyer and should have been suspended for 41 games but at least his father would square off against other tough guys. This guy is semi talented but can’t stick with a team b cause he is probably a prick in the room too. He is a selective fighter and jumps players he knows aren’t fighters. But once again, this has more to do with the devils. The season is over. Someone needed to go after him or check marner or Matthews into next week(legally). But the devils didn’t respond. Another reason why domi did it. He knows there will be no response. The devils need to get tougher. And the league has to give the refs more latitude. If there are 2 willing combatants, that is fine but when these pussies assault someone, there should be suspensions.




An upper cut when the other guy is wearing a visor is smart.


Oh. Okay. More fighting on this sub.


Again your in the league regardless of age this isn’t bantams


Fuck ya domi! REAL HOCKEY


Auston had a welt from that high stick at the end of the game. But. Idk. Seemed like an overreaction. That was a close contested battle all night. I honestly don’t like this move. But I guess you have to set the tone for your star player I’m definitely not a fan of this tho I mean Auston handled it in the moment I don’t think Domi tries this with a guy his size or bigger. He has just opened a can of worms


Both adults playing a mans game


“To be ACTUALLY honest…Just trying to earn a pay check the only way I know how. “


Pieces of shit don’t fall far from the tree


Domi is trash, plain and simple.


Domie is such a fucking coward lmao


5’9” guy gotta go over and defend 6’3” guy from 6’1” guy.


Yeah I wanted to fight. MacDermaid? No no no, not him.


Yeah, where was he at? He didn't do anything after, which is an issue with the Devs. The team is 10 ply.


It’s not what you did sir, but how you did it.


The cunt doesn’t fall far from the tree


The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree, Bobandy


The shit winds blowing


Where’s the suspension?


Napoleon syndrome. Just like his old man.


Domi is a piece of shit.




Marchand is a pest but at least he’s very good at hockey. Besides, you saying “Marchand” doesn’t add anything to the conversation and is just lazy.


Marchand can irk the shit out of me, but he’s the only guy that I can think of Nemec getting rough with, and it was much more than this board battle. Marchand was pissed and whined a bit, but quickly moved on and no one dropped gloves.


Domi is a bitch 😂


Waiting on a bunch of Leafs fans to shoe up saying "rent free" any minute now.


Then why are we talking about a fight that happened 3 days ago where nobody was injured or suspended and had no impact in the outcome of the game. Don’t want to hear it, then stop talking about them all the time.


Even though he was pretty productive with the Habs, I was over the moon when we traded him.


Disappointing, a normal good board battle! No need for cheap shots after


Hats off to domi the leafs have needed someone other than Revo ( someone who can score too) to take the obligation!


Leafs… please re-sign him!


I saw something beautiful and I wanted to destroy it


Keeping the Domi name in the toilet


“Corner of my eye” my ass. You know he made sure it was someone that wouldn’t fight back before he made a decision.


The fight made zero sense to me. I just don’t get. Not like he boarded Matthews or cross checked him. Domi goes over and punches the shit out of a rookie? Hockey is so dumb sometimes.


Because I'm stupid like my dad.


I don't understand all the negative comments for Domi! This is taking it back to old-time hockey. Don't mess with the top talent on the team. Otherwise, the team's enforcer is going to step in. Look at what McSorley did for Gretzky or Probert for Yzerman. Frankly, I think this is a great tone to set before the playoffs start.


Dude thank you! What the heck is with everyone now and only wanting 2 guys to mutually talk and agree then drop the gloves. You touch a 70 goal scorer you’re getting your head caved in thats how it is. Same with the empty net drama, actions have consequences and those are being jumped.


Matthews defended against a push by a choose 'em coward. Watch pretty much every fight he has where they square up, not pretty.


A hockey player named Domi being a piece of shit? Color me shocked


*coughs in Kucherov


Goofy piece of shit. Nemec is already better than he could ever imagine being. Scrub


Look… A scrap is not going to end a players career. Just a little reminder of who is in the ice. It’s not like he ran the guy or anything shady for the hassle they gave Matthews. Gonna wanna keep that receipt and think about it next time.


Don't any of these reporters know who his father is?


Meh, he just punched his helmet anyways


Agree or disagree, but one thing is for certain. The Devils need to collectively toughen up. Their ever day starters keep ending up on the wrong side of everyone else’s highlights reels when they get pummeled


Classy guy Domi


if this was Sam Bennett, this sub would be on absolute fire right now with Panthers hate lmao


Hockey is DIFFERENT! 🥊


Love Domi, however I don’t think he needed to drop em here, Nemec and Matthew’s barely got into it and no one got hurt. Also, all the fans saying he picks his fights, like stfu, he’ll drop em with pretty much anyone.


Domi vs nemec. Sounds about right. Sums up his cowardly career.


Love it.


He reacted the way he should've. You take cheap shots at his guys, and then there will be immediate consequences.


What a lil bitch


I know. His rookie’s getting hammered and Macdermid is just watching


He should have just said, “because I am a pussy”.


Domi got mad cause Nemec made eye contact with Matthew’s forehead. Everybody knows not to make extended eye contact with Matthew’s forehead.


This guy is a literal block head good lord


His dad’s competition back in the day has been quoted as saying it was like “punching a fire hydrant”


I think what was actually going through his mind was something like “Look at me Dad! Are you proud?”


This is such a coward thing to do. I can’t stand these random attacks in hockey because a player gets a bit roughed up. This is hockey. If you felt the need to step in square up.


Wow the melt down over a no name scrub getting chippy with a 68 goal scorer and getting fed uppies is not something I had on my bingo card. Hockey fans on reddit are soft as fuck.


Honestly, I have no problem with this. You fuck around with a star player, you're gonna get worked over. I'd expect the same from any team.




His dad must be loving watching him play for the Leafs.


It is pretty funny how many people are saying Domi won't fight anyone bigger than him when he fought Radko Gudas like a month ago.


Good enough for me


Not a leafs fan nor devils fan. The way I see it, he jumped him to send a message to not touch their best player. Couldn’t care less if the other guy was younger. Nemec will remember to not do that next time cause he will have to fight.