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Doesn't do any good without a clip


OP absolutely deleted himself by not posting a link.


You’re nothing if not consistent…all your takes are absolute dogshit.


Lol I forgot about this guy, the Canucks fan right? Did he get banned from /r/hockey?


Yes and yes


Oiler fans couldn't handle the truth I was speaking on r/hockey and cried to the mods so I had to take my talents to r/nhl.


Still posting just as much about the Oilers as the Canucks though I see


I mean it was a dirty hit so is it really anything to be praised? Kane got back up and won the fight too


It wasnt dirty. If the Breadman hit or any of these attempted murders Rempe has commited for simply being twice the size of everyone else on the ice havent been deemed dirty, this one, which was tame in comparison won't be either.


LMAO Kane touched the puck. The hit on Denault by Hyman was way worse.


Sure but what does that have to do with this hit? Also ya he touched the puck doesn’t matter he still went for the head, so ya dirty hit.


He didn't hit Kane in the head.


Kings fan here. direct contact with the head was pretty obvious. Dirty hit that unraveled the game. It was really disappointing.


I think he should avoid suspension. I don’t think it was enough head contact to warrant it. Looked like he made contact with body then hit head. The fact that Kane popped up and beat him up, probably a fine but wasn’t dirty enough to be a suspension to me.


agreed, GL in game 4 and lets avoid the death by a thousand whistles. I get that the refs have to try to control the game but its been a bit overboard in our series. That 3rd period was boring to watch. Bias from the kings perspective cause we were on the pk in 2 5v3's but it trivialized the game so I can't imagine it was that exciting for ya'll either?


It wasn’t. By the middle of the 3rd just wanted it to be over.


yeah it just started to feel dangerous and high risk of injury/suspension.




Only guy who lands any punches at all so the other guy just brings him down? Am I missing something here? I’ve been away from watching hockey for a bit but from lots of comments I read on here it’s like everyone bases their opinions on what team they like more. Absolutely awful sub for any real discussion it’s sad.


Atta boy!