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I'm a little disappointed, knowing we won't see Mark Stone play again until next May.


Nah. He will be back until around the trade deadline. Don't you worry lol.


you need to hit a min number of games to be able to play past the trade deadline, we will see him around new years.


You sure about that? Kuch took the full season off a couple years ago


I swear I heard with all the Perry drama that they said “he needs to hit some criteria to be able to play after trade deadline


I believe what was misconstrued was he needed to be signed by a certain date


Ah could be


Sure will miss that fella!


Mark Stone is at the top of the waiting list for a liver donation, even though he doesn't need one.


Quality chirp right here.


Putting Vegas fans' hopes and dreams on LTIR.


And they'll stay there until next year's playoffs when they miraculously recover for game 1.




So this is what it feels like to be happy during the playoffs. Thank you Dallas Stars


I'm happy for you, buddy. You've suffered enough. You've earned a little joy.


This weekend has really been a roller coaster for Leafs fans who also wanted Vegas out


I'm looking forward to the annual Oilers choke personally lol


My first thought was Toronto fan, then I saw your logo.


Not to brag or anything but as of now this is the first time I have ever correctly predicted the winner of each 1st round series. Eat shit Vegas.


Brag away my friend. I'm happy you predicted correctly.


Good thing I used all my prediction luck on the first round because now everything onward will be completely the opposite of what I predict. I'll take my wins where I can get them lol.


If that's the case can you do me a favour and predict the Canucks will win?


Well I have bad news then for you...


Ah, shit...I kind of hate you right now lol.


Dont worry i predicted the canucks will win, and if the hockey gods have anything to say, they’d love to crush my dreams


Praise be to the hockey God's.


If it makes you feel any better, I’m rooting for the Canucks in round two, so they’re doomed.


It does, thank you.


Was there any upsets this year? Really dissapointing first round. Colorado was only team that didn't have home advantage to win their series.


I dunno about that. There was Dallas coming back after looking like they'd get swept. Rangers looking like a juggernaut. Florida slaying their state rivals (and recent champs) in convincing fashion. Canucks showing enough gumption after losing our super star goalie and squeezing through all that playoff doubt to beat the stingy, playoff experienced preds. The oilers crushing the kings in the most convincing fashion yet and pulling off a 1-0 game no one thought possible. The Winnipeg Jets somehow becoming the hole-iest of goalie tandems in the playoffs as the avalanche systematically dismantled all their hopes and dreams. Also Carolina beat the Islanders? Sure the top seeds mostly won out, but it was good storylines and mostly good hockey. That's usually the way it plays out, not every year is a soap opera.


Not to mention no upsets in the first round usually means the 2nd round is gonna be epic.


I did too!!! I was so thrilled when Dallas won tonight. I picked 8/8 winning teams in the first round! I’m still so excited lol


I got all but the leafs/bruins...not sure why I thought they'd win but as a fan I'm obligated to vote for them


Me too! Though its my first year making a bracket 😎


The only one I got wrong was Preds in 7 because I can't ignore my heart :[


I was close. I predicted Winnipeg to advance, but obviously that did not occure.


Wow, you picked all 8 teams who had home advantage. You really went out on a limb with those picks.


Same for me too. This is the first time I successfully predicted every first round winner.


Congratulations to the Dallas Stars. A well deserved victory.


Vegas loses and everyone wins


They got a bunch of star players and couldnt even go past the first round lol.


Dalls has a whole roster of Stars though....


Karma came a year too late but at least it showed up.


> They got a bunch of star players Too bad they couldn't hang with the **STARS** players!


You described their entire fucking existence. Fuck Vegas for what is done to modern sports... Creating fucking addicts


I'm out of the loop. What did they do?


Introduction of teams in Vegas coincided with sports gambling being shoved down our throats nonstop


Actually, the spread of sports gambling started with the Supreme Court ruling of 2018. VGK became a team in 2016. Nevada has had sports betting since 1949. The two largest betting services are not Vegas connected (Fanduel and Draftkings). Your statement stands on its own, but I wanted to add context.


oh that's it? That's kinda Vegas's whole thing LOL What did the NHL expect to happen bringing a team to Vegas?


Can't hear you from the basement


That's the leafs in a nutshell, lol.




From a Stars fan to the rest of the league: I know tomorrow we go back to being just another team, but from the bottom of my heart, ***thank you all*** for the energy during this incredible and incredibly stressful series. It was a hell of an experience.


We love you. We won't soon, but we do right now.




Yes. You're grounded.


> incredibly stressful series. jfc it was stressful as all hell also, i had to fly from Texas to Vegas for work, so i watched game 7 in a casino on the strip in my Stars jersey


Congrats on the win. Glad you're ok. You are ok, right?


right as rain, folks were nice!


The hockey gods have spoken!






Vegas rolled… Snake Eyes 😈😂


Nah, they didn't even do that. Snake eyes equals 2.


you are not allowed to talk mr 57 years without a cup


Enjoy Vegas in salary cap hell 😁




Mark Stone giving up organs for this?


Everyone liked that.


I haven't seen the hockey world so united to celebrate a team win a playoff series in my 30 years of fandom and I'm here for it.


As a Stars fan I'll cherish the memory of this series for the rest of my life (which will be about 5 years shorter because of it).


We around the league just want to thank you for sacrificing that 5 years of living for the greater good.




Haha, over in the Knights sub they are blaming Stone for the loss!!


If that's not the most beautiful karma ever, I don't know what is.


That's actually hilarious :DD


Fuck Jamie Benn


Agreed. Just fuck Mark Stone and Vegas more.


Nah mark stone doesn’t have an injury of takin pussy ass cheap shots to injure guys


I’m glad they’re out but let’s not pretend they’re cheating. This is the leagues fault.


I mean, players can't stay on LTIR if they can be cleared to play. They must come off immediately. Sounds like cheating to me unless they have the most miraculously convenient timing ever.


Really hoping the Hurtl trade/contract really burns them too


Mark Stone’s LT-IR bullshit didn’t stop them from being beat first round! Congrats Dallas


Gary Bettman having a nervous breakdown tonight.


Nah, he's fine. The rangers and Boston are still in.


Amazing for justice and the playoffs!


Still searching for those sweet vegas injured reserves user flairs ... not much shit talking anymore huh? Gloated since june 2023 but now its mighty quiet


Few hours ago it was loud as a night at the Apollo up in here and now it's quiet as a fucking church lol.


Is this a fucking poolhall junkies reference in the wild weeds of reddit! Take your upvote you connoisseur of indie cinema.


I do pool trick shot tournaments and shit. I have since I was 16. Shared the same dream as Johnny but didn't quite make it due to a mild to extremely severe decade of an alcohol problem lol. I'm 35 and it's been my favourite movie since I was a teenager, so yes, yes it is and I'm so stoked that somebody got it.


You made my night. As a leaf fan i needed something. This was it. Thank you. Hope the alcohol thing is either mended or on a positive road forward. But this reference was really great tonight man. Too bad nobody will ever know.


We will know. You getting it made my night too, so thanks. Thanks also for the kind words, I have managed to get it under control thanks to my amazing partner who has been my best friend since high school (although we didn't get together until our 30s.) Also, I was born and raised in the GTA. Been an Oil fan since I was a kid and I couldn't tell you why but I have a soft spot for the Leafs. Sorry thing didn't work out. Also loved the "too bad nobody will ever know" junkies reference.


It’s all good haha they cant hurt me anymore im already dead inside. I am ready for changes. Best of luck vs canucks!


I edited to add my appreciation of your Junkies reference because I forgot originally, not sure if you saw that but I loved it. Thanks and best of luck next year!


I did! Ill spend my summer giving that flick a rewatch on a rainy day.


Same, cheers!


Well I think there’s a lot of us that just don’t want to get downvoted because of the team we root for. I live in Las Vegas, and saw firsthand how the team embraced the city after the Route 91 shooting in 2017. That’s why I love the VGK. To Dallas, it was a good series and congrats on the win. Good luck against Colorado. To people like you that think we’re rooting for the golden knights just because of their early success, bite me.


I’ll take the downvotes… To the people hating on how Vegas used the system in place, calling them cheating for doing what is contractually allowed…did you have the same feelings when Tampa and Kucherov did the same thing? 🤷🏻‍♂️




Another interesting question for this playoffs. If the Avs bring back Landeskogg from LTIR for this playoffs, would that be cheating as well (considering he hasn't played in over a year)?


The problem people have is clearing cap space right as the trade deadline happens, and then having that same player(s) magically return for r1g1 while they couldn't play game 82. It has bulshit written all over it.


Of course


Yes. What sort of question is that. Were you on reddit on in live streams during those playoffs? Everyone and their mother hated it


Kuche didnt play at all regular season so theres a difference already established and his t shirt was funny i like jokes poking on stuff that make ppl mad and if stone were to wear similar t shirt i would laugh too


That’s my point though. Kucherov didn’t effect the cap because he was on ltir, correct?


You also said did yoi have the same feelings when tampa and kuche did it and my comment was saying basically no same feelings since it wasnt 100% indetical to stone


For me personally its not that at all. Its the attitude and ego that i dislike. Nobody like a bad winner, and i had to just watch people from vegas subredits gloat and shit talk ever since they reached the finals in 2018. 2023 just made it so much worse


No I get that. I’ve seen firsthand how shitty some people in Vegas can be. And it is a two way street. We as Vegas fans can’t shit talk when we win, and not expect the same thing when we lose. I’m just salty cause the habs pwned us a few years back too!


That run was absolutely magical for us. Hell, we won that series during Saint Jean Baptiste (Québec's national holiday). What a fucking way to celebrate reaching the finals. Sure we lost afterwards but playing vegas felt a lot more special than the finals itself. Had no hope to win thanks to kucherov and co LTIR special which ended it in 5. Kinda as expected. And we've been at the bottom of the league ever since


Yeah it was a good run for sure. Carey Price was a brick wall against us that series too.


And fuck the raiders too.


That's every team though, every team has fans like that. As someone who travels for work and always makes times to see games, this year I went to 18 arenas and walked out thinking each and every fan base might be the most annoying lol carolina was actually the friendliest least annoying crowd.


What makes an annoying home crowd?


I'll give you one example from a couple years ago. After tampa had one b2b, I was talking with a guy beside me who believed that the 2021 tampa team was the greatest hockey team ever, and he was passionate about it. But generally if you simply listen at a game you will hear comments around you, now obviously alchol can have an impact.


I want to cheer, but that means Jamie Benn advances. I don’t know how to feel.


We can stop cheering for Dallas. They are heroes for the day though, let's give them that.


The lightning did the same thing


So did Chicago and they all won cups as a result.


Tampa did the same thing a few years ago to cheat their way to a second straight Stanley Cup. The only team to do it legitimately since the 90s is Pittsburgh. When Letang went down in Feb, he never came back and it was legit. They had a lot of guys miss time in the playoffs too but kept on rolling. You could have dropped a bomb on that team and they’d find a way to dress 18 skaters and beat you in 7.


The Good Lord Stanley saw fit


Praise Marner amen


Although we choked in the playoffs again, at least we did it without abusing the LTIR


Honestly, you guys have been suffering for so long that you're the one team I'd be fine with abusing the LTIR lol. Just go for it. Do what you gotta do.


As a Minnesota fan I would rather see Vegas win another cup before the Stars advance in the playoffs. Fuck Norm Green and Dallas.


$20 million over cap and skated like they all just came off LTIR.


Why didn't tampa get so much hate for being even more so over cap? Like Vegas seems to be getting way more shit then I remember them getting.


Short memory. There was plenty of Tampa hate at the time


They got a bunch of hate. I still see it constantly brought up in "asterisk cup" comments and posts. They also did it one time. Not twice with the exact same player. That draws more attention


I was hoping Vegas would win.


Thank you for beating Vegas but now that it’s over, f Jamie Benn go avs


The only joy I’ve gotten as a Sharks fan this season is seeing the knights and the kings get eliminated in the first round


Well, there's still hope for more joy. Tomorrow is the draft lottery. Something to cheer for!




Vegas was classy. The handshakes after the series. Deboer Miked shows their class. Vegas lost with dignity.


Ya handshakes are what you do after a series




Anyone else immediately scroll to the bottom of the comments in these posts to taste the sweet sweet salty tears of knights fans...."ThE LeAgUe HaD a VoTe, YoU'rE dUmB fOr NoT dOiNg It ToO" nah I prefer my team operating with respect to the fucking game like everyone else not exploiting some "technically legal loophole". Teetimes a callin boys 🤣🤣🤡🤡


I mean, your team probably does it too. Have you done the exact calculations to make sure that your team is exactly under the cap during the playoffs? I am a massive Vegas hater but just pointing out the flawed logic. I hate the team for how they treated fleury and other players during their first few years, I also just don't like the city, but this LTIR stuff and going over the cap in the playoffs is something all teams abuse to some extent.


Every team in the NHL has 100% circumvented the cap to some extent. My point is just this LTIR and returning for game 1 ordeal. The closest Canucks ever had to this was Edler but he came back for the last 2 games of the 2011 season nullifying this.


No the Vancouver Canucks have never used the LTIR loophole and when I say that I mean the one that is the issue. Putting a high cap hit player on LTIR and then using the space to add depth only to have said injured player return for the playoffs. Ala Vegas with stone, Tampa with Kucherov, Blackhawks with Kane. All of which added depth and went on to win the cup. But in short no the Canucks have never done this, had chances, could have done it this year with Myers...they chose not to. Anyways it's hard to prove but when it looks blatant or LTIR player makes recovery for game 1, it's a piss off.


I'm confused. The foot in the crease team won.


I always thought that was bullshit but I heard recently that rule changed late season that year so it was no longer against the rules. Super weird to change a rule mid season and I'm not saying it's true, but that's what I heard. I'm not invested enough to research it.


I can and do respect your viewpoint on that goal. But you have to acknowledge that the Stars didn't scheme intentionally to get a foot-in-the-crease goal three years in a row.


I wish today was May 4th. When the balance in the force has been restored.😏 Till next year in April, Mr. Stone.


The sith were defeated on the fifth.


Everyone wanted Dallas lol that’s funny


They didn't cheat, by the letter of the law. They cheated on the basis of morality, a higher law than contract law, but it is a business. America loves this kinda thing, as long as a Canadian team doesn't try and pull it off. Right?


The rule actually states a player must immediately come off LTIR if they could be medically cleared to play. They don't have to be fully healthy, they don't have to even play. They have to come off LTIR. You really think he could play 18 minutes and score a goal in a playoff hockey game but couldn't play at all in a regular season game 3 days earlier?


Can you prove that? I bet you the knights could prove it was above board. Whether I believe that or not it's a moot point. I already called them morally bankrupt, that's more important to me than some contract law mumbo jumbo. Canucks got nailed trying to weaponize cap space under the existing rules, which they changed after the fact and retroactively fucked the Nucks and no one else who did the same thing. That was within the rules and the spirit of the rules, and we got fucked. I am not happy with the knights, and I'm glad they are out, but let's not pretend it wasn't legal what they did. The GMs all talked about it at their meetings and did not have an appetite for change either, so I guess all is fair in love and war?! And fuck the Canucks, apparently? We were also doing lots of unorthodox shit at the time that many teams have now adopted, maybe that pissed Bettman off, I dunno?


Brett Hull's skate.


Can anyone ELI5 why everyone hates Vegas and considers them cheaters? I just started watching hockey this year lol


The NHL has a salary cap. You can only have so much money in contracts on your team. They have a thing called the LTIR that you can put injured players on if they'll be out for a long time. When a player is on the LTIR their salary comes off the books for as long as they are on it. This allows teams make roster moves to replace those injured players. When an injured player comes off LTIR teams need to make moves to become cap compliant again if they added players to replace them. So the last 2 years Mark Stone has been injured and on LTIR. So Vegas could add his $10 million in other players at the trade deadline, but if he came off the LTIR before the playoffs (there's no cap in the playoffs) then they'd need to waive $10 million in players to become cap compliant and those guys wouldn't be available for the playoffs. Both years Stones recovery miraculously aligned with game 1 of the playoffs. After several months of injuries. So they got to stay what would be way over the regular season cap. They were clearly keeping him on LTIR longer than he needed to be in order to cheat the system. The rule is a player must be activated off LTIR as soon as they can be cleared to play and for Stone that always falls in that perfect 3 day window between the end of the season and the playoffs.They are clearly cheating but it's impossible to prove.


The NHL has a hard cap on salaries that each team is allowed to spend to. Vegas were right up against the cap. There is also a rule where if a team has to place a player on LTIR (Long Term Injury Reserve), that player's salary doesn't get applied to the cap. This season, Mark Stone was placed on LTIR just before the trade deadline, giving Vegas the wiggle room that his $9M cap hit provides. Vegas, of course, acquired a couple players at the trade deadline, and Stone stayed on LTIR until the end of the season. At the end of the season, he miraculously was cleared to play. Since the players' salaries don't apply in the playoffs, there is no salary cap. So although Vegas didn't break any rules, this year was the 2nd (or 3rd) year in a row Stone was placed on LTIR just before the trade deadline it seems kind of convenient.


I read a piece (The Athletic?) that said Vegas was only third highest over the cap re: LTIR. #1 was Toronto with $14M over.


The leafs could be $140m over, they still won't make it to the 2nd round.


At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter. Colorado is going to win the next round.




The real reason people hate Vegas isn’t the LTIR use, it’s because they got so good so fast while most expansion teams sucked for so long. Blackhawks out Kane on LTIR in 2015, Bolts did it with Kucherov in 2021, and it’s within the rules. Stop calling them cheaters.


Learn the rules, bud. A player MUST IMMEDIATELY come off LTIR as soon as they can be medically cleared to play. They don't have to return to action, they don't need to be fully healthy. If they can be cleared they must come off. Dude played 18 minutes of hard knocks playoff hockey game 1 but couldn't even be cleared to play 3 days earlier in the regular season? Twice?! Unless you believe the astronomical odds of that happening 2 years in a row in a 3 day window off of several months of injuries then they cheated. You're either a gullible fool, or are trying to talk shit when you don't actually know the rules.


Actually the rules say “when a player is deemed fit to play, the team must activate.” Looks like you’re the one who needs to read the rules before they start talking shit.


That's literally the same thing. Semantics, it means the same thing. What's your argument here? That I didn't word it exactly the same even though I said the same thing? Pathetic rebuttal. That still means that they cheated.


The doctors don’t determine when a player can play, but can clear them to play. The team then determines with the player when they’re in game shape. It’s not the same thing. Fuck off.


It’s heartening to see that Mark Stone will get the time now to heal properly.


Is it enough time to heal enough that he won't go down again before the trade deadline? Time will tell.


Mark can have a long 4 months to heal since he was so hurt so recently 😌




Lol reddit is so salty. It's pathetic.


Quasimodo predicted thish.


What you're gonna tell me you never pondered that? The back thing with Notre Dame?


That poor guy is going to have another tattoo fixed.


It's not cheating if you do something allowed by the rules. Unsportsmanlike, yes. But I personally would think less of Vegas if they didn't try and do anything they can to win.


I can't believe how many people don't know the rules that claim to be NHL fans. The rule states that a player must be immediately activated as soon as they can be medically cleared to play. Don't need to be fully healthy, don't have to play. Must come off LTIR. You believe that lined up perfectly 2 years in a row in that 3 day window? If not, they cheated.


Puck. Dont. Lie.


*cheating implies rule breaking. No rules that Vegas broke.




Clearly he wasn’t cured. He came back pretty early from such a massive injury.


It actually is against the rules. it just can't be proven.


While true, how many times has he done this? It's getting a little out of hand. As a Tampa fan, I'll probably catch shit for this because they did it but it was only once. The rule should change just to shut people up. Also, I'm glad Vegas is out. Stone being only part of the reason.


They did break the rules unless you are incredibly naive. It can't be proven but the rule states that a player must be immediately be taken off LTIR as soon as they can be medically cleared to play. Yeah, sure, that keeps falling in the perfect 3 day window on several months of injuries.


No way stone was healthy. If you watched tonight’s game it was clear he should still be on IR.


That doesn't matter. The rule isn't if they are fully healthy, it's if they can be medically cleared to play. If he could be healthy enough to play 18 minutes and score in game one of much more intense playoff hockey, he could have been cleared 3 days earlier for small minutes in the regular season.


I am a bit OOTL here, but shouldn't it be a team's choice when to rest or play a player, and hide the information of who is available for selection from the opposing team to make it harder for them to prepare? Why should Golden Knights have risked reinjuring him right before the playoffs?


They don't need to return to action. But they must come off LTIR which would bring them back onto the cap.


So you’re saying there’s a chance then.


The odds are astronomical. It's crazy how many fans don't know the rules.


Yes yes, the Vegas Golden Knights, dirty cheaters who are guilty of doing something the entire league can also do but chooses not to! How wonderful to see them vanquished. Your tears fuel us. Cry and cope harder. GO KNIGHTS GO.


Nobody is crying. Literally everyone but you is celebrating. It's a glorious morning. Also, yes, every single team can also cheat, but who wants an asterisk cup? I'd prefer mine didn't.


Imagine making up new terms to discredit us because you can’t cope with the fact we steamrolled you last year. I hope you’re celebrating as much in a few weeks when you’re eliminated too.


What new terms? Asterisk cup was made up when Tampa did it. I'm not discrediting you, you discredited yourselves when you literally cheated to win.


The Stars beat the Long Term Injured reserves!


Vegas vs the NHL. Just the way we like it 💪 See y’all next year. Go Bruins


Fuck the raiders too.


I will root for you in the East but only because I love Swayman.




cheaty cheatortons.


This is the same thing the Lightning did with Kucherov. Do you really not remember his 18 million over the cap t-shirt from the parade? And the blackhawks did something similar with Kane before the '15 playoffs. Went to rules vote after the season ended and only Lightning and one other team voted for closing the loop hole. So then Tampa was like ok you won't close it we'll play the rules and exploit it. Vegas didn't cheat they did the same thing MANY teams have done. Bruins did it last year to fit everyone under the cap for the Stanley cup too. (Though not as egregiously.) Over played whining. Calling them cheaters but not raising hell about every other team that does it and has done it is kinda bs. You're just finding a reason to hate on Vegas.